Friday Schedule – Machine kills first automated oil trade yesterday (top tick short oil), Next week:


– No premarket report. No mid day.


– I will be in live trading room, but only on mic / active if I trade. If I am trading I will advise in Discord that I am on mic in live trading room.


– I will be available and at trading desk all day working (on conference) with team (coding / reports), if you need anything DM me on Discord. If you’re trading (and a trade coaching student) send me a note before / as you trade if you can (time allows).


– Machine trading api’s are near all complete for oil algorithm so expect alerts to increase in regularity (the last api is expected to be connected Tues at latest). The machine killed its first real trade yesterday, WOW.


– Final reports will be out over next 24 hours.


– Next week will be regular schedule in trading room etc forward as machine trade coding for Oil algorithm will be complete.


– Remember we have a 20 minute platform outage between now and Tuesday at some point to move fiber line.





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