Swing Trading Report and Video for May 15 / 16, 2018.
In this Edition: $WTI, #OIL, $BTC, Bitcoin, $AMBA, $AMD, $BLNK, $ITCI,, $SPY, $DIS, $LAC, $BOX, $AAOI more.
What’s New!
- Interested in free swing trading setups? Click here to sign up for the Complimentary Swing Trading Report Mailing List.
- Now available for serious traders – Legacy All Access Membership.
- Price increase platform wide May 15, 2018. Detailed announcement to follow. Current members unaffected.
- 24 Hour Crypto Trading Desk opens May 15, 2018 along with our Coding Algorithm Models for Machine Trading. Formal announcements to follow.
The Mid Day Trade Set-Ups Video:
Trade set-ups on this video; $WTI, #OIL, $BTC, Bitcoin, $AMBA, $AMD, $BLNK, $ITCI, $SPY, $DIS, $LAC, $BOX, $AAOI more.
Mid Day Chart Swing Trading Set-ups May 16 Summary:
Swing Trade Set-Ups in this Video; $WTI, #OIL, $USOIL, $AMBA, $BTC, $XBTUSD, Bitcoin, $AMD, $BLNK, $ITCI,, $DIS, $LAC, $BOX, $AAOI, $SPY more.
A must watch. Our plays the last two months have been the best trading I’ve seen in my 29 years. These algorithm chart models are getting dialed in in a various serious way.
Over 30 plays last two months and very few are under water. Massive returns. Check our calls and verify yourself.
Swing Trade and Day Trade Set-ups May 16 Mid Day Chart Review;
Oil $WTI $USOIL – Oil algorithm reviewed. We’re over pivot. Details on video.
$BTC Bitcoin $XBTUSD – Algorithm charting reviewed 7990 support should bounce to next upside 8878.00 target on model in bullish turn or 7863.00 bearish price target in trend if it doesn’t bounce is support.
$SPY SP500 – 273.22 price target resistance 274.55 then 278.55 May 30. Trim in to and add above. Support 270.48 270.29 267.94 in bearish scenario. $SPXL $SPXS $ES_F 60 Min $SPY Algorithm Model Reviewed.
$BLNK Momentum Stock – 8.339 resistance on daily 200 MA is in play. Didn’t trade it. How to short it if borrows are available.
$AMD – triggered a buy 12.80 price targeting 14.60 May 29, support 12.80 then mid quad 12.25 then 200 MA 11.80 and 11.71 9.83 in a wash-out.
$ITCI – Alerted on way down to swing trade members, caught the wash-out for a snap-back trade, excellent trade in ITIC so far, hit it in the wash-out 200 MA support, since then we’ve hit it for adds, Support is at moving averages 20 50 100 200 MA. Members have upside price targets and resistance points on charting sent out.
$DIS Disney – swing trade has been perfect, hit our price target early, Cramer was pumping it on CNBC, 103.72 was the price target for May 31. Upside 100 MA 104.55 and quad wall 104.81 and 105.37 resistance points. Trim in to resistance and add above. Gap 105.37 gap in model to 107.29 upside possible.
$AMBA this is one I was screaming telling the world DO NOT IGNORE THIS TRADE when it was dumping, alerting a 40% upside return was imminent, and it has now hit its price targets early. There is a special swing trade report for $AMBA on our website public and member versions. Expecting mid 53’s 58.63 is mid quad price target June 19, 51.51 support 48.43 support. Resistance 54.23 54.71 quad wall and then 58.63 mid quad price target.
$BOX – Sean alerted it looks strong, I revised a daytrading model and sent to members, resistance 28.34 price target in December so we’re ahead of schedule, watch the symmetry on this vary close. Res 30.35 30.48 31.74 32.96 is personal bias price target for $BOX end of MAY. Algorithmic chart model channel reviewed. Trade plan reviewed on video.
$LAC – upside bullish 6.50 resistance and then 50 MA 6.83, in a cluster, Jan 7.97 price target and 12.56 same day in January for $LAC in most bullish scenario.
$AAOI – nemesis from last year showing bullish signals, holding support at mid quad 49.87 best scenario July 4 not likely test above near 200 MA and 39.32 40.30 and 38.75 and support 27.70 24.34 22.66 and if that dumps its time to say good bye.
Gold and Silver – in starters with them and they’re soft and I’m under water a bit. Holding, hedge, various reasons. Holding my starters. $GLD $SLV
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Some featured swing trade charting;
$AAOI hit HOD 33.12 at resistance above targets 37.27 38.69 40.11 200 MA 49.56 July 4 unlikely #swingtrading

$LAC Lithium trading 6.30 power bounce off mid quad 5.40 targeting 6.43 6.54 200 MA res, Jan 1 price targets 7.81 12.60

$AMD triggering long side add over 12.80 targeting 13.47 13.60 with significant resistance 14.62 #swingtrading

Disney over 200 MA over 103.76 resistance trading 103.96 targets 105.28 next resistance #swingtrading $DIS

Intra Cellular over 21.24 resistance trading 21.36 next target 22.28 and main price target resistance 23.80. #swingtrading

Intra day chart model update for $BOX swing trade #swingtrading #daytrading

$AMBA over 51.60 mid quad res over 200 MA trading 52.19 HOD targeting 54.25 54.75 58.66 #swingtrading

Recent Trading Set-Up Review Webinars / Posts:
Password: AI Protected: How to Trade Pure Storage Earnings in Six Days (Member Edition) $PSTG
Password: WOW Protected: How to Trade Box Earnings Move (Swing Trade Member Exclusive)
Trading Set-ups $FB, $AMBA, $SDTY, $TSLA, $GDX, $SLV, $BTC, $JD, $VIX, $LITE, $CELG, $FSLR more.
Do Not Ignore This Trade Set-Up | $AMBA Swing Trade | 40% ROE 3 Mos (Part 1 of 2)
Password: ELON Protected: How to Trade the Tesla Move | Price Targets | Buy Sell Triggers | Time Cycles $TSLA #swingtrading #daytrading
Password: LONG Protected: Overnight Oil Trade | Trading Plan in Detail | EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL $USO #Alerts
Trade Set-ups $SPY, $NFLX, OIL, $WTI, $ESPR, $GOOGL, Bitcoin, $BTC, $FEYE, $AAPL and more.
Trading Set-Ups $SPY, Gold, $GC_F, $GDX, Bitcoin, $GOOGL, $EVLV, $HEAR, $CHEK, $MARA, $PRTA, $ZDGE
Trading Set-Ups $NETE, $TSG, $ETH Ethereum, $BTC Bitcoin, $TAN, $HEAR, $AMMJ, $SNAP, $VLRX
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Compound Trading Platform: Algorithm model charting for $SPY, $VIX, #OIL, #GOLD, #SILVER, #Crypto ($BTC Bitcoin, $ETH, $LTC, $XRP,) $DXY US Dollar and Swing Trading Newsletter. Live trading rooms for daytrading and oil traders. Private coaching and live alerts.