Good evening,

RE: Markets, Round 3 Defi Project, Trade Set-Up Reporting, Webinars, Time Cycles 2022, EPIC Oil Machine Trading White Paper, The Financial Reset Plays and more.

Market View and Trade Positioning:

My market note from early Friday premarket I expected a near term bounce generally in the markets was possible as order flows were widely improving (with significant caution – being in the middle of the time cycle). 

Friday Premarket… “Looks like a bit of a relief bounce is in play broadly in the markets as expected from the recent lows alert for order flow improvement, HOWEVER, end of day / week today and Sunday night early Monday order flows will be key. So we’re still in there deep watching the order flows (with Jeremy and our IDENT software) and I will advise. I suspect the bulls will have some footing for now, although pensively so. Be ready for cracks.”

What happened? Decent order flow in premarket translated to decent price action until the regular cash session opened and the market sold to a double bottom in the 449.40s and bounced a bit to end the week 454s.

Friday Dec 3 2021 Premarket and Cash Session SP500 trade, bounce in premarket and sell to double bottom during main session $SPY

Friday Dec 3 2021 Premarket and Cash Session SP500 trade, bounce in premarket and sell to double bottom during main session $SPY

I’ve been trimming my profits in my short positions in $SPY $NASDAQ $USO $BTC etc and my long dollar has been shaping up well – we’ve definitely had a decent handle on this time cycle turn.

I NOW HAVE STOPS on my primary positions (per above) at the original entry (I’m out between 30-90% profit now).

Below is a public facing note on my Bitcoin short (example of profits being taken):

“Covered 90% of my $BTC short from 55800s in 44300s”

The reports later tonight will cover my trading plans for $SPY $GLD $SLV $BTC $NASDAQ $USO $NATGAS $VIX Treasuries US Dollar and various other cryptos and equities.

Some of the laggard swing trade positions from the last cycle I would like to either close as dead money or time for the bounce and out – more on this in reporting also.

The next 3 time cycles we have slotted for 2022 will be big, so preparation will be key.

100 X Options Challenge: 

Over the next days I’ll send out a note to everyone that has sent me a message, basically we’ll start with those trades early January and run regular podcasts on how we’re doing. I will also share my profit and loss statements so that traders can see how we’re doing.

Per last market note: The 100 x options challenge will be alerted as we go in 2022 to ALL ALERT feeds so there is nothing for you to do unless you wish to participate in communications specifically toward that and become a part of the challenge (we’ll likely interview each person on podcast etc thru the year). Send me a note if you’re going to be involved at that level.

“For first time (in 2022) I’m going to actively trade options. I’ll publish the trades to all our alert feeds as a bonus feature for our traders. My goal… 100 x over 3 time cycle events in 2022. For this challenge I will regularly publish the P&L updates here (verified).”

DeFi Project Round 3 Monday:

I have confirmation the Round 3 of the presale offering will re-start Monday morning at 7 cents. Round 1 sold at 3.5 and Round 2 at 4.5 cents. We hope to see an 11 cent open after Round 4 presale has concluded. If you take a stake in the project be sure to use the URL provided directly from my trading desk so that you are included in communications specifically for our trading team and also be sure to send me a note with your address used at time of purchase so that we can be sure the back end is correlated properly to our team.

Per last market note: “The Defi project status is Round 3 pending the completion of some high level meetings with possible institutional investors, we expect that to conclude soon. One of our key stakeholders left for Europe early week and we expect him back to the island soon and we’ll know much more at that juncture. Fantastic interest developed in the project and Rounds 1 and 2 were a blow out success, so naturally I’m excited for Round 3 and 4 to conclude. More on this soon. We also have other projects coming down the pipeline for 2022.”

Trade Scan $STUDY Webinars Restart Monday and Reporting Flows out Tonight:

Friday I did an end of week market scan (see your email for the video that was sent out) and tonight (Sunday) I intended to start the dive in deep of webinar study sessions (progressively as the week moves forward) for a really solid look at the markets for the time cycle inflection, HOWEVER, I WON’T RESTART WEBINARS UNTIL MONDAY as I’m deep in the reporting now. The reports will be flowing out starting with $SPY $VIX, $BTC, $GLD, $SLV, US DOLLAR, CRUDE OIL, Natural Gas, etc… then crypto and equities as the week moves along.

Market Time Cycles:

As I said in my last market note, we were spot on for this time cycle and the 3 time cycles in 2022 will be in focus because it is likely that by the time we hit the 3rd time cycle in 2022 that the markets will be near or well in the “reset” that “they” have been talking about so it is my intent to culminate my trades in grand style and be prepared for the “other side” of a possible reset. It may not occur, but I wouldn’t be surprised, so everything now is in preparation for that.

The time cycles have been impeccable and a serious help with our trade sizing, timing and planning. I shared some thoughts on Twitter, but I don’t expect many on the public side understand. If you’re interested in our time cycle work, send me a note and I’ll tell you how to get involved with our trading group.

If you’re in our trading group (or not), and you don’t fully understand time cycles and what I’m trying to explain below, simply sign on to 3 hours of trade coaching and I’ll teach you personally over a 3 hour period of time (2 or 3 sessions). After you sign up Jen will contact you and schedule you – it usually takes a month or so to get a time slot arranged. Or another way to learn cycles (in depth so that you can reproduce my work) is to register for the Trader’s Boot Camp Series (see below).

“concerning win rates – i have found symmetrical expressions of time within structured models of trade to be of significant assistance

although, i must say our concept of time isn’t correct, but that’s a different discussion

— all that was, is and will be has always been”

And, as promised for weeks, reporting will start to flow this weekend and through-out the week and the next cycle now. Anything you want me to look at closely send me the tickers. Many of you have sent requests so I am on those requests and comments.

EPIC Crude Oil Machine Trading:

As noted previously, “the white paper for EPIC crude oil machine trading software will be out soon, you will receive an invite to review when it is. Obviously the most recent version of the software did extremely well through Sequence 1 and we expect the next sequence to be considerably better and each to sequence 9 to improve even more. Big big news there, but we’ll wait for the white paper to discuss in detail with stake holders. If you have interest in viewing the private side White Paper (in depth analysis of EPIC’s performance) then simply request such when the paper becomes available.”

A thread for those interested in EPIC here;

Trading Boot Camp January 15, 16 2022.

Trader’s Boot Camp series webinars will re-start soon also in preparation for the next scheduled January 15, 16 2022. Trader’s Boot Camp Notice – Expansion and Scheduling Changes.



RE: Trader Boot Camp Format, Itinerary and Objectives

Good morning Traders,

Some notes with reference to the format for the training starting today.

The primary objective of this particular training series (beyond bringing your trading up a level) is to consolidate the learning material to a defined Trader Training Curriculum and possibly for the purpose of a formal publication. I have been teaching traders for five years now (after 30 + years of personal trading experience) and it feels like the right time to consolidate my knowledge into a formal offering.

To achieve this objective, I will be sharing my knowledge and experience in the following ways (all of which you will be given access):

– April 17 & 18 Trader Boot Camp 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM each day.
– May 29 & 30 Trader Boot Camp (add-on module to bring it all together)
– Daily mid day chart and trade set up reviews in main trading room (video emailed thereafter)
– Weekly Sunday Study Webinars 8 PM – 11 PM (video emailed thereafter)
– Various Study Materials, Charting Set Ups etc emailed.
– Question and Answer on Whatsapp and or email as you prefer (before, during and between April and May sessions).

Previous Boot Camp Curriculum and formats can be found here (with associated links) “Trade Coaching Boot Camps“.

The format is intentionally casual to encourage questions as that will assist me in developing a consolidated curriculum to meet the objectives. Please send questions direct to me on Whatsapp or email during the meeting events (live) if needed or between sessions.

Class size is limited (in person and online attendees) to allow for ample question and answer.

Attendees are welcome to come and go as you like during the training because you will receive a video after each session.

When this series is complete I will consolidate all the information and formalize the offering and at that time you will be presented with a copy of the print text and videos (included in your cost for the initial training). So you will have the information and videos from this series and the formal series when it is recorded and put in to print at a later date this year.



CONFIRMATION: Trade Coaching Boot Camp April 17 & 18 2021

Good morning traders!

The weekend Trading Boot Camp is confirmed for this Saturday and Sunday. Each day the class will start in the morning at 11:00 AM EST and will run until 6:00 PM EST.

ACCESS: The access link and password will be emailed to each attendee prior to the event starting – if you do not receive the link and password within 2 hours of the event start please email us.

FORMAT: The lead trader will take questions interactively in the meeting room – small group training and questions are encouraged.

THERE WILL BE A SECOND SESSION (a continuation) the last weekend in May 2021. This will be an add-on for expanded content and will provide traders that have not been able to travel due to current restrictions in their countries.

THE EVENT WILL BE RECORDED so if you cannot attend or you miss segments of the event you will receive video recordings after the event is complete.

ITINERARY WILL BE FLEXIBLE – example itineraries are at the link below, however, the lead trader will be open to cover topics that traders request. If you are only interested in specific topics (such as oil trading for example) it is best to wait until after the event and view the videos (you will be able to scroll to your specific content of interest in a timely manner vs. attending live).

My apologies for the late notice but a number of in person attendees were having difficulties with travel plans at the last moment (over the last few days).

Because of the challenges with travel I thought the easiest way to be sure those that would like to attend in person would be given opportunity to do so in a month’s time. If for some reason next month there are travel challenges I will continue booking monthly sessions until all traders have opportunity to attend in person. In person is important because it provides opportunity outside of the event to socialize, work with trading plans one on one, trade together and more.

Traders that missed the first event in April that register for the second event in May will be provided the videos for the April sessions.

For more information, see link below:

<Click for Trade Coaching Boot Camp Information>

Warm regards,


Good afternoon Traders,

As we gear up for another trading week in advance of our larger prep for the fall season I thought it best to provide you a quick update on our plans, scheduling etc. 

We see a significant opportunity (time cycles) from now and in to the late fall 2019 season in Equities, Commodities, Bitcoin etc. The reporting schedule and webinars we are hosting should do well to prepare our members to take full advantage of it.

Reporting Schedule This Week (estimated release dates for premium member reporting, dates are evening of in to next morning).

Aug 18 – VIX (including time cycles)

Aug 18 – SPY (including time cycles)

Aug 18 – Swing Trading (swing trade members will also receive various other time cycle reporting as it comes available).

Aug 18 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article

Aug 19 – Crude Oil (EPIC Algorithm regular report)

Aug 19 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article

Aug 20 – Bitcoin (including time cycles)

Aug 20 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article

Aug 21 – Gold (including time cycles)

Aug 21 – Silver (including time cycles)

Aug 21 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article

Aug 22 – DXY US Dollar (including time cycles)

Aug 22 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article

The week of Aug 18 and in to fall will also bring various other various swing trade and time cycle reporting to the various services.

Upcoming General Public Free Webinars.

Crude Oil Webinar – Machine Trade Informational. Topics Include; YTD Machine Trade Profit and Loss Performance, Development Process and What Is Planned Going Forward. 7:00 – 7:45 PM EST Sunday August 25. Register by emailing [email protected].

Crude Oil Webinar – How to Use Our Platform. Oil Trade Alerts, Live Trading Room, Private Discord Server Oil Trade Set Up Guidance, Algorithm Models & Conventional Charting. 8:00 – 8:45 PM EST Sunday August 25. Register by emailing [email protected].

Upcoming Premium Member Only Webinars.

Crude Oil Trade Strategy Webinar – A Review of Oil Trade Set Ups for The Week. 9:00 – 9:45 PM EST Sunday August 25. Register by emailing [email protected]. No cost to and access only to premium Crude Oil service members.

Swing Trading Set-Ups Webinar – A Review of Swing Trading Setups for The Upcoming Week (including time cycles). 10:00 – 10:45 PM EST Sunday August 25. Register by emailing [email protected]. No cost to and access only to premium Swing Trading service members.

Members that cannot attend live will receive a video copy and featured report of the webinar.

Trading Profit and Loss Updates.

2019 Swing Trading Status: Our swing trading platform has had an exceptional year, we’re running our regular 100%+ annual returns (over last 3 years) varied depending on the type/ category of swing trade, Jen has a full report in the works for members to review. As mentioned above, with the large time cycle peaks coming in to the fall we expect a bang up fall swing trade season.

V3 EPIC Oil Algorithm Machine Trade P&L Status: We couldn’t be more pleased with the v3 oil machine trade software. It has been running for about 5 weeks and it is exceeding our expectations. The most encouraging part is that its code is still in its early stages of real-world testing – the projected ROI trajectory is expected to continue to turn-up with no additional downside risk – v3 is an extremely stable machine trading architecture. As we near the 8 week real-world running time-line the mathematical probability of it having any notable issues are near zero (at 5 weeks we’re near there now). It took some time, grit and investment, but we’re there now.

“For Aug 15, 2019 Profit & Loss: Daily +$355 YTD+$9,185 Projected $85,958 or 86% Per Annum. v3 Oil Machine Trade 100k Test Account (v4 period excluded) #OOTT $CL_F $WTI $USO #machinetrading #oiltradealerts”

Password Access to Trading Rooms, Private Alerts, Discord Servers.

We have been slowly changing / updating passwords and access to various services. If you are a premium member and you are locked out of any service you are subscribed to (trading room, alert feed, private server, etc) or do not receive a report that you see posted to main Compound Trading Twitter feed (that you should be receiving), please let us know so we can rectify.


There is a current promotion running for new member trials, receive 50% off first month of any service list price. Use promo code “TRIAL50” when checking out (if you have issue with the promo code email us and we’ll send you another by email). If you have registered recently at full price and did not take advantage of this email Jen [email protected] and she will invoice your next month renewal at 50% off. This is only available to first time subscribers and cannot be used with other discounts. 

If you need some trade coaching go to our website and register for a minimum 3 hours – it usually books out for the fall so register soon if you’ve been throwing the idea around.

Email me as needed [email protected] and remember, the webinars listed above require you to register in advance by sending us an email of your interest in attending.




Click Here for Subscription Service Price Tables.

Master Trading Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):

Trading Profit & Loss Report | Trade Alerts Nov 2016 – June 26, 2019 Day Trades, Swing Trades, Oil, BTC Etc.

Recent Daily Trading Profit & Loss Reports:

Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) July 10 “MY ANGRY RANT – WHY MOST TRADERS LOSE”, $AMD, $CL_F, $USO, $BTC, $BTC.X, $XBT_F #OOTT

Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 8 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $CL_F, $USO

Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 3 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO

Daily Trading Profit & Loss (Alerts) Report: July 2, 2019 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO

Daily Trading Profit & Loss (Alerts) Report: July 1, 2019 $AMD, $KOOL, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO

Crude Oil Trading Academy: A Selection of Unlocked Oil Trade Strategy Articles from Our Traders:

Learning to Trade Crude Oil Futures Contracts is Like No Other Trading – Having a Rules Based Process Will Help You.

Recent Swing Trade and Day Trading Reports (charts can be brought down to Day Trading time frame):

Protected: $VIX Perfect Price Target Hit (on time), So What’s Next? Trading Volatility (VIX) | Premium #VIX #TradingStrategies #TimeCycles

Protected: How to Trade US Dollar Index (DXY) Large Time Cycle in to Week of August 5 #USD $DXY $UUP #tradealerts #swingtrading

Protected: Swing Trading Strategies (Earnings) Part 4 : Premium | $NOV, $TREX, $CHEGG, $TSLA, $AMD, $USO …

Protected: Swing Trading Strategies (Earnings) Part 3 : Premium | $AMZN, $GOOGL, $TWTR, $FB, $JBLU, $OAK, $INTC, $TSLA, $AMD, $SQ …

Protected: Swing Trading Strategies (Earnings) Part 2 : Premium July 17 | FACEBOOK (FB) VS AMAZON (AMZN) …

Protected: S&P 500 Trading Strategies. Charting, Time Cycles, Price Targets, Algorithmic Model (SPY) | Premium, July 15 $SPY $ES_F $SPXL, $SPXS

Recent Premarket Notes (published as time allows):

Premarket Notes July 31, 2019: FOMC, EIA, #OOTT, $USO, $NOV, $TREX, $CHEGG, $TSLA, $AMD …

Premarket Trade Report July 12 | Notes, Alerts, Watch List, Reporting Etc $SGBX, $AMD, $USO, $GLD, $SLV, $SPY, $BTC.X, $VIX, $DXY, #OOTT

Company News:

Oil Machine Trade Software Development Update – v4 vs v3.

SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release

Free Mailing List(s):

Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.

Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)

Public Chat:

Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.

Article Topics; Compound Trading, Machine Trade, Alerts, Swing Trading, Live Trading Room, Oil, BTC, SPY, VIX, DXY, GOLD, SILVER, Webinars, Promos, Reporting, ROI, Profit & Loss, Time Cycles, Trade Coaching

New Personal Schedule to Accommodate Peak Trading Times:

Jeremy and I have resigned ourselves to perform daily oil machine trade code updates until only weekly updates are needed (weekly wasn’t going to do it).

Until now we have found ourselves doing the code updates early morning between 3 am and 7 am (then I prep for premarket).

This time slot for updates doesn’t work.

It doesn’t work because the machine trading (and my personal trading) needs to be firing during this time. The overnight session after midnight and in to early morning are important as the global regular markets are opening – many of the daily moves start there and if we’re updating code there is no trading. It also interferes with my equity day trades in to open because I am not prepared properly and swing trade positioning as needed in the premarket session.

So we’re moving the oil machine trade code updates to the time-slot between 8 pm to 12 Midnight each night because futures are normally quiet in that time slot.

We will always be in the trading room daily from regular USA open at 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM.

From 2:30 PM – 8:00 PM we will be on our personal time break daily.

Mid day trade set-ups will normally take place in the main trading room from Noon to 1 PM daily.


The mid day review today went over all the swing trades for 2019 this year so far. We have done exceptionally well with our 2019 swing trades considering the funky markets. This will be an important video (mid day from today) to review when we send it out. It will include a written report. We will next be adding more swing trade set-ups we are watching over the next few days to our swing trade portfolio for 2019.

The crude oil machine trading protocols will be emailed this evening. Early morning today we completed the code updates for all the protocols and now staff are completing the client documents for review of the protocols.

Machine Trade in Oil Alerts Profit / Loss:

The February P&L will be out soon for those that have asked.

January Oil Trade Profit and Loss is here:

Oil Trading Profit/Loss Jan 2019 | +63.05% +63,049.00 41 Wins 3 Losses 93% Win Rate Large Account | Crude Oil Trade Alerts

Trade Alerts:

As of the next session (midnight tonight) you can expect the frequency to increase (up to 200 per month) for the oil trade alerts. The last few days have been riddled with updates (including today) specifically because we’re tying the actual code to the public side protocol documents – they have to match so that when you the trader see an oil alert you can the reference the trade set-up protocol that the machine or myself are trading with. This will help our clients plan their own trade. Anyway, it was a large undertaking (like most others) than we expected. We’re wrapping it all up right now and the trade alerts will reflect completion and higher frequency in to this evening’s session forward. Thanks for your patience.

Onboarding New Clients:

Most commercial and private new clients have been onboarded as I am writing this. However, specific to the newest Legacy Member Clients we have not done the onboarding. I am working on my schedule two weeks out right now and will contact each of you over the next few days to get you scheduled for the onboarding conference call I need to do with each of you. Because it is a 24 access to my trading station it requires more instruction / preparation than most onboarding scenarios. Your fees will not start until after you are successfully onboarded.

Events: Special Webinar Series and Trade Coaching Boot Camp

We have a Special Webinar Event Series starting March 24 running in to April and May of 2019.

The first webinar up is for crude oil traders, the next will be Swing Trading and then so on. Don’t miss out, it may be the only webinar series we do of this kind.

Everything I Know About Trading Crude Oil | Special Webinar Event Series | March 24: 10 AM – 6 PM

Intensive Crude Oil Trade Training Webinar.

Spend a Day With Me March 24, 2019 – I will be hosting a crude oil trading webinar. I will cover everything I know about crude oil trade in a one-time 8 hour special webinar event.

The webinar will cover my strategies for conventional and algorithmic oil trade and charting, intra-day trading, short term swing trading, longer term swing trading, trade sizing, time cycles, key set-ups and much more.

I will explain in detail how I maintain a win rate of better than 90% in crude oil trade (live recorded in our oil trading room and live alerted to our members).

Limited attendance of 25 persons to allow me to take questions and converse as needed to be sure we cover the trading concepts in detail.

Current member clients of Compound Trading Group receive 50% off. Use promo code: member

Early bird registrants prior to March 11, 2019 receive 30% off (cannot be used in conjunction with other offers). Use promo code: early.

To Register for the Crude Oil Trading Webinar Click Here.

Trade Coaching Boot Camp: 

Take your trading to the next level with our lead trader at our next trade coaching boot camp at Cabarete Beach, Dominican Republic April 19 – 21, 2019.

If you can’t attend in person you can attend the class online virtually and take part in question and answer as if you were in the boot camp live.

Register Here: Trade Coaching Boot Camp April 19, 20, 21 2019.







Good morning traders,

FOMC Trade:

Caution, caution, caution this week. I’ll be trading around FOMC – but caution warranted considering the recent snap-back in markets and critical areas of resistance being tested. I am likely to adjust current swing trade positions also (see below).

Key Quotes (Barclays):

“Look to the minutes for insights as to whether FOMC participants see the rate hike cycle as essentially complete or members still expect further rate hikes as part of the baseline outlook.

We expect the minutes to signal that the committee is prepared to release its plan for the end of the runoff of its balance sheet “soon”, which we believe will come at the March meeting.”


Oil trading range on the holiday Monday was limited, the machine trade did execute on one trade (for a win) but I myself didn’t take any. The trade was the best range trade of the day by far.

oil, trade, alert

Oil trade alert feed continuing to compound gains for our oil traders today. #Oil #tradealerts #OOTT

oil, trading , alert, charting

How the crude oil trade alert looked on the 1 min chart. Nice timing by the machine trading software intra-day.

Overnight oil futures trade was in a tight range and not executable on intra-day basis.

If you missed it, be sure to read up on the oil trading rule-set for your oil trading Protected: Strategies for Day Trading and Swing Trading Crude Oil | Premium Member Newsletter.

EIA Report is not Wednesday at 10:30 this Week Due to Holiday:

EIA Data for week of February 15, 2019 alternate release date February 21, 2019 Thursday 11:00 a.m. due to Monday holiday. #EIA

Stocks to Watch:

Be sure to check in on my current positioning for swing trading per last member report Protected: Swing Trade | Current Positions $GOOGL, $NKE, $ARWR, $XOM, Oil, Gold, Bitcoin, NatGas …

I expect to be adjusting positions this week considering FOMC and various technical levels being tested on the charts.

New to my watch list are EEM possible long, dollar possible short and IBB possible long. These will be on next swing trading report.

25 Stocks Moving In Tuesday’s Pre-Market Session $ICPT $EHIC $WMT $RIOT $UNIT $WIN $MTFB $WTW $CNSL $HSBC $ALLE $WLK

Next Trade Coaching Event:

We are releasing details tonight for the next trade coaching event in Cabarete to be held April 2019. This will include a machine trading component not previously included.

Online Trade Coaching Webinars:

We are also releasing details tonight for mini trade coaching events for each algorithm model trade, swing trading and day-trading.


If you did not receive an email, here is the news release link: SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release.

SOVORON™ offers a unique trading service providing clients with technology application based Machine Trade of personal investment accounts. To explore their unique client service structure click here or call 1-849-861-0697.

My Schedule Today:

I am in the live trading room for open, mid day, during active trade and futures this evening.

I will be available in Discord this evening for any questions about the upcoming events – the trade coaching event (in person) in Cabarete and the mini trade coaching events (online).

Have a great day!




It’s Friday so we thought in lieu of a regular premarket report we would use the slower day to provide important updates to our members (and mailing list) to be sure everyone is in the loop about our development of trade alerts, algorithm updates, algorithm development process, swing trading reports, special reporting, upcoming trade coaching, the trading rooms (chat rooms) and more.

Members that have been with us some time have a good understanding of the development and roll-out process (so this is not new but  provides our current status nonetheless) and newer members will be kept aware of our process.

In short, our firm is a science driven process that is developing algorithms from charting phase to software and eventually a digital intelligent assisted traders dashboard that may eventually be AI and big data equipped.

As we develop the algorithmic charting (that our members use along with conventional charting) we real world test the charting models with our team (various members of our team trade the market action for the instrument using the algorithmic chart model) and our members also test drive the models and report back to us. In short, we model (chart) the natural trading range of the instrument on 12 or more time frames (1 min, 5 min etc), we back test the predictability of the model up to 60 months and find out which time frames under which circumstances test the best – providing a trading edge in specific time frames, in specific areas of the models, under the right conditions.

See the Algorithm Development Process here.

At times the markets provide opportunity for laser focused team development, such as when the swing trading environment was most clear to the modeling post election and early 2018 (the machine liquidity in the markets provides for development clarity because trade is very precise to the charting models). Anyway, this week this occurred in oil trade. The surprise EIA crude stock pile report Wednesday at 10:30 AM (large draw) had machine liquidity kick in to gear and we haven’t stopped processing data since (it’s now Friday morning). So this week (after I took a few short days Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with my daughters visiting) when the Wednesday EIA crude oil report was released that took our team focus for the week and now here we are on Friday.

Point being, in specific market inflection moments it becomes all hands on deck because in those moments there are specific machine liquidity “tells” that change everything we do. It provides us further edge (critically important trader edge data) because we witness the trading action live. This live trading action when the machine liquidity is engaged in the movement of the instrument (in this case this week it was crude oil trade) is key to our profit side trading (it has a lot to do with why I have alerted 100% wins to the oil trade alert feed for many months). Trading “in the pocket” of the machine engaged liquidity provides us at least 90% of our total returns (team wide).

For those that haven’t reviewed our disclosure and member agreement now would be a good time. Our team trades many scenarios from model accounts for testing our algorithm models to real cash accounts to derivatives, regular equities, currencies, futures and much more and in many different scenarios and platforms. It is a science based process constantly testing.

Specific to this week’s reporting, the regular weekly reporting did not get distributed to members and this will happen in these scenarios at various junctures of our growth. Our oil trading room members can reflect that the amount of reporting live in the room this week was likely more than we’ve reported all year – but a weekly report didn’t get out. Just as with our swing trading members they will know that when the swing trading machine trading liquidity is strong there are many reports (recently in earnings we processed five weeks of reports for our swing trading members in ten days as example).

When the market inflections occur and reporting is delayed we also do our best to update any chart models during the week that are possibly expiring with a refresh.

As our weekly reporting is concerned, we see that normalizing this week starting Sunday running through the week. Going forward members can expect the weekly reporting to flow from Sunday to Saturday on weekly rotation instead of the majority being on Sunday’s. It will easier on our staff.

Also of note toward our regular algorithmic chart reporting is the topic of new updates – specifically toward the machine trading overlays / time frames we are testing. We have started to roll out the oil trading machine time frames (this will become much more specific in reports over the coming weeks and has more recently in the Discord private oil trading room). Soon we will roll out the Bitcoin and the SPY models and then the others in Gold, Silver, VIX, the US Dollar etc. We are also rolling out machine trading time frames for our Swing Trading platform. We had originally wanted the key / most important machine trading models out early Aug but at this point we a doing our best to get the key / most important models out before our Trade Coaching event in Cabarete Dominican Republic mid September 2018.

The Cabarete event (that you can attend online vs. in person) will be key to our members in that we will be using this trade coaching event to document on video and teach our members how to use the machine trading time line charting. Of course we will also be using much of the coaching time for conventional trading methods and charting.

Specific to special reporting, this last week has provided a significant opportunity to refine our trading models. We did a large amount of oil trading of which some was done without alerting, some was on our model accounts and much real world tested and alerted to our oil trade alerts feed on Twitter and in our private oil trading chat room in Discord. I even did a special session on Wednesday during EIA and in to the afternoon that I recorded in the main trading room, we traded a number of times while oil was spiking, tested some new oil charting models and since then we have been alerting winning trades and posting to the private chat room. All of that activity is being reconciled now and special reports will start flowing to members between now and Saturday.

And I will state for those that don’t know, when we are testing trades and models for one instrument (such as oil this week), this isn’t lost time to our members in other areas such as Gold, Silver or Swing Trading members (for example). The knowledge we gain is transferred to all of our member services. Much of what we learned and developed this week in oil trade will be used for the other areas of our platform.

In closing I am confident that you will see the regular reporting flow this coming week, you will also see some very important special reporting that you do not want to miss because we are winning a very high percentage of trades now (my personally alerted oil trades have not lost in many months, our lead tech has had 2 or 3 losses and I have had a couple of personal non alerted losses – that’s over many months). These trade alerts are all live alerted, time-stamped, on the trade alert feed and recorded.

Do your best to get out to our trade coaching event or at minimum register for the online version of it (I think there’s 3 spots left). And if you can’t get to it or be online with us live then consider getting the material by online download at a later date. The 30 hours of training will shorten your learning curve months to years as it is a condensed version of what took us decades to learn.

Anything we can do for you please let us know. Jen email [email protected], our main is [email protected] or message us in the Discord trading room (there are free public areas and private member areas). Also please remember that if you message us during market hours (including premarket) there is a good chance you won’t receive a reply until after market.

If you’re not a member you can find our services grid and pricing tables here.

Peace and best.


Register to free email list for trade set-ups, webinars, special events:


Free chat room:



Lead Trader:




Email: https://[email protected]

Compound Trading Platform: Algorithm model charting for $SPY, $VIX, #OIL, #GOLD, #SILVER, #Crypto ($BTC Bitcoin, $ETH, $LTC, $XRP,) $DXY US Dollar and Swing Trading Newsletter. Live trading rooms for daytrading and oil traders. Private coaching and live alerts.

Article topics; trade alerts, algorithm updates, algorithm development process, swing trading, oil trading, reports, special reporting, trade coaching, trading rooms, chat rooms.


Good morning all,

We have been in a hole over the last 5 days onboarding our Gen 1 machine trading models to our trading platforms and over that period there have been a number of questions emailed / messaged to me, I’ve consolidated the questions and answer to them is below.

Detail for those booked to our next bootcamp;

The next trade coaching bootcamp is in Cabarete Dominican Republic Sept 14, 15, 16.


Starting today, as reports are released weekly, registrants to the boot camp will receive the following reporting free in advance of and for the purpose of study / preparation for the training (with a retail value therein obviously greater than the cost of the bootcamp training itself – this is a bonus value add that most registrants do not know about);








Swing Trading

Premarket report

Various other member reporting and video as it is released weekly.

The only regular report released so far this week is oil per below (the others are in process for the week and will be rolling out later today);


Password: OILTRADE

The swing trading platform reports will be considerable over the next 10 days as all equities we follow are being reviewed at mid day and a video and report sent to members and trade coaching registrants daily (a special reporting event with earnings season here) – these will be very important to review for preparation in advance of the boot camp and will obviously assist your personal trading greatly. The first in this series of video reports for swing trading members and booked attendees to the trading bootcamp will be sent out later today.

The next generation algorithm models (Gen 1 machine models) will be released / rolled out to members and trade coaching boot camp registrants between the end of July and Aug 14, 2018 (we are testing them in house starting today for a week or so prior to roll-out).

Bootcamp attendees can follow these Twitter handles for live trading alerts (return an email to me with your Twitter handle if you have not already done so, we will open the feed to you within 48 hours of receipt);


Note: The alerts have been slower the last few weeks with the roll over of models and automated trading platform integration but will be considerably more active commencing within 48 hours now that this has been accomplished internally.

Prior to the training you will receive instructions detailing the specific itinerary for training, log in credentials and any other study material the lead trader deems important for your review prior to training.

In person attendees that require travel planning assistance, I will be reaching out this weekend to assist as you need (email me if you need any help arranging travel or lodging).

For members in general, if you are wondering about reporting and alerts, regular reporting will recommence this evening and be complete within 48 hours. Trade alerts will recommence now as our new automated trading platform has been integrated to the new models for our team. And for those asking about invoicing, they will be out to members over the next few days now that our schedules are less constrictive. Onboarding the gen 1 machine trading models took us a few more days than expected (software dev can often be boggy at best) – but it is complete as of 5 AM EST today.

In summary, we’ve completed the next gen model integration and all reporting and alerting recommences today.

Any other questions please let me know. [email protected]

Warm regards,


Scheduled Events:

  • Monday July 23 – Lead trader (and/or other team members) will be active in live trading room as follows and as available (as things can change fast in the markets);
    • 9:25 Market Open – access limited to live trading room members
    • 12:00 Mid Day Trade Review – access limited to live trading room members
  • July 23 – July 27 – Swing trading reports to include video chart analysis recaps for the 100 equities we cover (from mid day reviews) and sent to our subscribers in lieu of the weekly swing trading report.
  • End of July – Next generation algorithm models roll out in to August 2018 (machine trading Gen 1).
  • July 28 – 29, Santo Domingo – #IA Intelligent Assisted Platform (private, internship & staff training / development).
  • Aug 25 – 26, Santo Domingo – Oil Algorithm (EPIC) Multi-User License Trade Execution & Integration (private invitational, institutional).
  • Sept 14 – 16, Cabarete – Trade Coaching Event – Learn How to Trade or Take Your Trading to the Next Level (public, retail).

Any questions email me [email protected].

Warm regards,



Article topics; Scheduled Events at Compound Trading: Swing Trading, New Gen Algorithms, Machine Trading, Trade Coaching and more.

Compound Trading Tuesday May 1, 2018 Post Market Trade Review.

Stocks, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies | News, Top Movers, Day Trades, Swing Trades, Algorithms, Videos, Live Alerts.

In This Issue: $HTBX, $SNAP, $AAPL, $GILD, $APVO, $EOG, $ATHM, $CHECK, $DXY more …

Day Trading • Swing Trades • Investing • Algorithm Models • Blog • Trading Room(s) Broadcast & Charts • Newsletters • Coaching • Alerts.

Introduction / About:

In this free public newsletter you will find important notices, updates, daily momentum stocks, trading room transcripts and videos, live alert trade set-ups, charting set-ups and note-able algorithm performance.

Compound Trading is a trading group active in conventional day trading, swing trading, trade coaching and algorithmic model charting (for the purpose of building intelligent assisted trader #IA platforms and machine learning #AI trading near future). We are involved in conventional markets, commodities and cryptocurrencies.

Archives, Transcripts and Videos. Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog are live chat transcript snippets copied from one of the chat trade room(s) or alert feeds as they occurred. As time allows we make our best effort to remove random non-applicable chat in logs below to keep this information as actionable as possible. Raw video footage is as it occurred – uncut). The trading rooms are recorded daily for permanent archive (highlights of which are embedded below and available on the Compound Trading YouTube Channel).

In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators we are looking for in and out off each trade and other detailed technical analysis).

Typically our lead trader is on mic and sharing live voice broadcast chart set-ups pre-market right before open (around 9:20 AM ET), at market open (9:30 AM ET), for chart trade set-up and swing trading reviews during lunch hour (12:00 ET – 12:30 ET), during webinars (EIA Wed 10:15 AM and other regular webinars for Crypto, SPY, Gold, Silver, VIX, and USD representing our algorithm models).

The trading room is equipped for live chart screen sharing right from our monitors to yours. At times guest traders and associate traders will screen share charting and/or voice broadcast.

Our alternate free trading chat room is at this link Our traders at times will share with the free chat room trading set-ups and also even run live broadcasts in the voice channels on the platform.


If you are interested in our services, an itemized list of our trader services and associated costs can be found here:


Free Swing Trading Set-ups.

Interested in free swing trading setups? Sign up here Complimentary Swing Trading Report Mailing List.

Free Trading Chat Room.

Talk with pro traders, trade setups, select live trades w voice & more. #trading #chat

Wednesday 10:00 AM ET #EIA Report Webinar in Main Trading Room (Weekly).

Oil Trade Charting Review hosted by Epic Oil Algo. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL #OOTT. This may or may not be made available to the public – check Twitter feed prior.

Important “How To”:

#BitcoinTrading 101.

A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Started $BTCUSD $XBTUSD $BTC

How to Use EPIC Oil Algorithm: $USOIL, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $UWT, $DWT, #OIL, #OOTT via @YouTube.

How to Use ROSIE Gold Algorithm: #GOLD, $GLD, $XAUUSD, $GDX, $GDXJ, $NUGT, $DUST, $JNUG, $JDST.

Recent Charting Trade Set-Up Videos / Publications: 

See You Tube for other recent video posts. 

Trading Set-ups $FB, $AMBA, $SDTY, $TSLA, $GDX, $SLV, $BTC, $JD, $VIX, $LITE, $CELG, $FSLR more.

Do Not Ignore This Trade Set-Up | $AMBA Swing Trade | 40% ROE 3 Mos (Part 1 of 2)

Password: ELON Protected: How to Trade the Tesla Move | Price Targets | Buy Sell Triggers | Time Cycles $TSLA #swingtrading #daytrading

Password: LONG Protected: Overnight Oil Trade | Trading Plan in Detail | EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL $USO #Alerts

Trade Set-ups $SPY, $NFLX, OIL, $WTI, $ESPR, $GOOGL, Bitcoin, $BTC, $FEYE, $AAPL and more.

Trading Set-Ups $SPY, Gold, $GC_F, $GDX, Bitcoin, $GOOGL, $EVLV, $HEAR, $CHEK, $MARA, $PRTA, $ZDGE

Trading Set-Ups $NETE, $TSG, $ETH Ethereum, $BTC Bitcoin, $TAN, $HEAR, $AMMJ, $SNAP, $VLRX


Great Trading Last Few Wks – Lets Keep Going! $RIG, #OIL, $SPY, $ETH, $BTC, $FB, $GOOGL, $BWA, $GDX more.

Swing Trade Set-Ups Abound $SPY, $NFLX, $DIS, $EOG, $WTIC, $USOIL, $BTC, $FB, $MARA, $LITE, $IOTS and more.

Special Swing Trade Report: #OIL, #GOLD, $NFLX, $SPY, $DIS, $GDX, $TSLA, $AAOI, $ESPR, $ITCI, $TAN, $CELG, $C and more.

Note-able Momentum Stocks (via FinViz): 

Ticker Last Change Volume Signal
HTBX 4.17 94.86% 22053937 Top Gainers
I 13.03 33.37% 14177911 Top Gainers
EPIX 4.74 29.16% 128946 Top Gainers
AVGR 1.46 25.32% 3933200 Top Gainers
INGN 173.17 23.18% 1111114 Top Gainers
QTNA 15.13 19.42% 1309938 Top Gainers
I 13.03 33.37% 14177911 New High
INGN 173.17 23.18% 1111114 New High
THC 28.52 19.13% 11326196 New High
APTI 30.83 4.47% 2059416 New High
TZOO 12.45 8.73% 347504 Overbought
CHUBK 22.67 0.00% 216509 Overbought
CBND 30.97 -0.36% 128748 Unusual Volume
FCRE 1.27 34.52% 5627473 Unusual Volume
HTBX 4.17 94.86% 22053937 Unusual Volume
VFVA 76.65 -0.25% 124484 Unusual Volume
APPN 27.80 2.55% 547680 Upgrades
ACCO 11.60 -3.73% 864345 Earnings Before

After-hours buzz: SNAP, AAPL, GILD & more

Chart Set-Ups:

Note-able trade set-ups from chat rooms, member reports, live alert feeds, social and more.

$AAPL over 176.68 close on a day is a long side with price target 188.61.

$AAPL, resistance, long over

Apple hit resistance buy sell trigger (white arrows) after hours. Trim in there add above to next resistance. $AAPL

$IOTS signalling long side bias on break-out trade if it closes over 9.00 today. Scale if close over 9.00 3 consecutive days.

$IOTS signalling long side bias on break-out trade if it closes over 9.00 today. Scale if close over 9.00 3 consequtive days.

$IOTS signalling long side bias on break-out trade if it closes over 9.00 today. Scale if close over 9.00 3 consecutive days.

$PG compliments of Sean in the trading room – on watch for a wash-out snap-back trade #swingtrading

$PG, washout, snapback, setup, trade

$PG compliments of Sean in the trading room – on watch for a wash-out snap-back trade #swingtrading

$AGN. You want to keep your eyes on this one…. $AGN chart. That’s a massive time cycle completion on deck around June 4. Very structural time cycle completion (time frame is huge). In other words, this should start to move north as the time cycle concludes and should continue thereafter. If it happens to break down…. then it’s a big down also. Either way it should be a big move.

Allergan to Present New Data at the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology 67th Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting 2018

$AGN, chart, swingtrading

$AGN time cycle expires June 4 and they present soon. And it’s a massive time-cycle completion. Notes on chart. #swingtrading

Real-Time Trade Alerts:

Recent note-able alerts and/ or trades from chat rooms, member reports, live alert feeds, social and more.

Note: A full report on last few months PL Performance is due out with-in a week. It details every trade, call, alert on all platforms for all instruments for the last few months. This is being prepared in advance of our coding team starting May 13, 2018 (they are convinced they can outperform our lead trader).

Apple hit resistance buy sell trigger (white arrows) after hours. Trim in there add above to next resistance. $AAPL (see Apple chart above)


Apple hit resistance buy sell trigger (white arrows) after hours. Trim in there add above to next resistance. $AAPL.

$APVO 3.84 long side alert hit 4.46 now on other side of time cycle peak, caution to longs here. Quad wall test near. #swingtrade

$APVO 3.84 long side alert hit 4.46 now on other side of time cycle peak, caution to longs here. Quad wall test near. #swingtrade

$EOG long side trim alert from 108.88 long alert trading 117.56 hit 117.95 resistance with ER on deck

$EOG, swing, trade

$EOG long side trim alert from 108.88 long alert trading 117.56 hit 117.95 resistance with ER on deck

$ATHM trading 97.50 from 93.00 long side alert with ER 7 days on watch tight stops now for trims. #swingtrading

$ATHM, swing, trading

$ATHM trading 97.50 from 93.00 long side alert with ER 7 days on watch tight stops now for trims. #swingtrading

$CHECK from 3.34 trade alert trading 13.24 struggling with 200 MA, trim longs secure profit and add over. #tradealerts

$CHECK, trade, alerts

$CHECK from 3.34 trade alert trading 13.24 struggliing with 200 MA, trim longs secure profit and add over. #tradealerts

$DXY from 90.40 long side trade alert trading 92.46 HOD 92.57 with range resistance here. Trim longs add above 93 down-sloping to next res 94.59 area intra (see model) #tradealert

$DXY, trade alert

DXY from 90.40 long side trade alert trading 92.46 HOD 92.57 with range resistance here. Trim longs add above 93 downlsloping to next res 94.59 area intra (see model) #tradealert

Silver alert: bias to long side test on recent historical lows $SLV $USLV 16.186 1/ 10 sizing

Silver, Trade Alert

9:50 AM – 30 Apr 2018

Silver nice bounce off that support, historical long bias alert, trim in to res and add above each.

Silver nice bounce off that support, historical long bias alert, trim in to res and add above each.

Silver, nice play intra in to 3rd target, backed off, all targets red arrows, trim in advance add above.

Silver, nice play intra in to 3rd target, backed off, all targets red arrows, trim in advance add above.

$FB trading 174.70 HOD over resistance next target 178.30 trim in advance getting thin up there on intra

Facebook, trade, alert

$FB trading 174.70 HOD over resistance next target 178.30 trim in advance getting thin up there on intra

Buy side of $FB has started again in 164 range now… in a snap back long watch 167.50 mid quad resistance very closely. #tradealerts

$FB, buyside, trade, alert

Buy side of $FB has started again in 164 range now… in a snap back long watch 167.50 mid quad resistance very closely. #tradealerts

$TSLA in to first resistance 299 area (historical res) with 304.25 Fib resistance next, then 50MA (purple)

$TSLA, realtime, trade alert

$TSLA in to first resistance 299 area (historical res) with 304.25 Fib resistance next, then 50MA (purple)

$TSLA near resistance intra, trim longs in advance and add over. #swingtrading #daytrading

$TSLA, tradealert

$TSLA near resistance intra, trim longs in advance and add over. #swingtrading #daytrading

$SPY near mid quad major intra pivot resistance. Trim in to res and add above. #swingtrading #daytrading

$SPY, trade alert

$SPY near mid quad major intra pivot resistance. Trim in to res and add above. #swingtrading #daytrading #tradealert

$SPY under 200 MA on 60 Min Model is down and above 200 MA is up. Decision time on $SPY simple 60 min Algorithm Chart Model.

$SPY, trade, alerts

$SPY under 200 MA on 60 Min Model is down and above 200 MA is up. Decision time on $SPY simple 60 min Algorithm Chart Model. #tradealerts

The resistance dump after the alert and the 50 MA support may become your buy area Mon morning. $SPY #swingtrading

$SPY, trade, alert, live, resistance

The resistance dump after the alert and the 50 MA support may become your buy area Mon morning. $SPY #swingtrading

$SPY long side trade cleared mid quad and quad wall. Closed 270.19, next res trims 270.22, 270.45, 271.99, 273.25

$SPY, trade alerts, swingtrading

$SPY long side trade cleared mid quad and quad wall. Closed 270.19, next res trims 270.22, 270.45, 271.99, 273.25 #tradealerts

$SPY building structure near the buy trigger and channel bottom we expected. It’s long while it holds area. Trading 261.23 intra day. #tradealerts

$SPY, swing trading, alerts

$SPY building structure near the buy trigger and channel bottom we expected. It’s long while it holds area. Trading 261.23 intra day. #tradealerts

$SSW trade going really well. Target in play 8.82. #swingtrading #tradealert

$SSW, trade, alert

$SSW trade going really well. Target in play 8.82. #swingtrading #tradealert

Mar 18 – $SSW keeps failing at 7.73 w/Fib just regained 200 MA targeting 8.60s June 4 #swingtrading

Trading 6.86 this is a high probability trade to the 7.73 area and if it clears that 8.60’s are highly probable going in to early June.

This is a strong long signal.

Trade, alerts, $SSW, swing, trading

March 18 Swing Trading Report $SSW Set-Up to June 4 target. #swingtrading

$NFLX coming in to next target 338.00 range, long trim and add above for next target.

$NFLX, Trim, alert

$NFLX coming in to next target 338.00 range, long trim and add above for next target.

Trading Room Videos:

Note-able videos from chat rooms, member reports, live alert feeds, social and more.


Trade Chat-room Transcript Snippets:

Visit our You Tube channel for raw trading room video footage. Videos include premarket, market open, mid day chart reviews, how to use various algorithm charts, weekly EIA and many more.

Please note: As time allows we make our best effort to remove miscellaneous no actionable chatter from transcript below. 

Most days at 9:30 ET market open there is moderator live broadcast explaining trades, at noon the trade chart set-up reviews, at times during the day there is also live broadcast market updates and trade set-up explanations and special event live broadcasts regularly such as with 10:30 EIA report on Wednesday (pending lead trader travel, meeting and holiday schedule.)


<End of Report>

Follow our Algorithm and Swing Trading Twitter Feeds:

$BTC (@CryptotheAlgo) $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index), Swing Trading (@swingtrading_ct), Compound Trading (@CompoundTrading), Lead Trader (@CurtMelonopoly).

Interested in free swing trading setups? Sign up here Complimentary Swing Trading Report Mailing List.

Follow our Lead Trader on Twitter:

Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form

Article Topics: Compound Trading, Day Trading, Swing Trades, Investing, Algorithm, Blog, Trading Room, Charts, Newsletters, Trade Coaching, Alerts, $HTBX, $SNAP, $AAPL, $GILD, $APVO, $EOG, $ATHM, $CHECK, $DXY