$NSPR Trade coaching momentum stocks resistance points for trimming long daytrade. 200MA VWAP .
I’m back trading live broadcast on Monday, but in the meantime I was working with a trade coaching student during market open with the $NSPR momentum trade.
She was in $NSPR early, got a great entry, but the task was to know when to trim. So I am showing her how to trim market open momentum stocks using the moving averages, VWAP and other simple indicators (Stochastic RSI , MACD and Squeeze Momentum Indicator).
News catalyst for the daytrade: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/inspiremd-receives-regulatory-approval-both-110000410.html?.tsrc=rss
Notes for this trade are also on this real-time chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/NSPR/OoX6PHMH-NSPR-Technical-Resistance-Momentum-Stock-Trim-See-chart-notes/

How we traded it:
Step 1. If you get on the right side of the momentum, which in this case she did, then simply get your indicators on screen and ready for either adding to the position or trimming the position. In this instance we trimmed on the moving averages and VWAP .
Step 2. When price came off and turned when trade hit the 200 MA on the 30 minute we trimmed over half the position.
Step 3. When price came off and turned at VWAP we closed the long position.
Had the initial entry not worked it would have been best to cut very early. But in this case it went i her favor.
Once trade was in her favor we used the moving averages 20, 50, 100, 200 MA’s on the 1 min, 5, 15, and 30 min charts.
Also VWAP and the other indicators MACD , Stoch RSI and SQZMOM.
Good trade, not easy to execute daytrades without these indicators and important to have them ready and open for execution on the second.
I’ll be live trading next week and this will be one I do a follow-up post on and trade live (momentum stock resistance points).
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