Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algorithm Charting Calls and Alerts for Thursday Jan 12, 2017 $TBIO, $BVXV, $ZSAN, $TCCO, $URRE – $MYOS, $FFHL, $TCCO, $URRE – $SPY, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV, $USDJPY, $DXY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $VIX, $NG_F…
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Official Launch: Four days down and on to day five! This Monday was our official launch! If you want to watch a thirty year trading veteran in action with a 2 week challenge – to double his trading account in two weeks, come on in and take a look at how its done.
Big week coming🔥 Official Launch @CompoundTrading Monday🎉 All algorithms published for launch🚀 2 week double account challenge live🎥 #stocks
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) January 7, 2017
SMS / Email Alerts: Our system was upgraded so all members will now start receiving them for each trade (morning momo trades may not have time to process alerts outside room fyi).
New Service Option: We now also offer a stand-alone trading room option (vs. bundle w/ trading room, premarket newsletter and alerts) at 59.00 /mth and w/ promo code is 1.22 per day.
New Service Option: EPIC the Oil Algo now has an Oil Report only option (vs. bundle w/ 24 hr trading room launching early 2017) at 199.00 and w/promo code works out to just over 4.00 day.
New Service Option: Entry-Level trader one-on-one trade coaching and entry-level trade academy options now available in addition to intermediate / advanced trading academy and coaching.
Feature Post: There is a feature blog post at this link, “Why our Stock Algorithms are Different than Most“. If you are using our algorithms or charting it is a must read.
Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:
So much happening this week I can’t possibly review every trade. Watch videos as Sartaj releases them for detailed account. I was in $TBIO, $BVXV, $ZSAN, $TCCO, $URRE and more. Wasn’t as good as other days this week but still profitable and worth it. Choppy. Overtraded. Was hoping to increase my sizing as week went on but I’ve had to decrease sizing as week progresses. Hoping Friday is the big day of the week. I’m ready to be aggressive if window opens.
We’re winning.

Momentum / Noteable Stocks Today:
Looking Forward:
Winning. Double account in two weeks.
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Announcements in Trading Room:
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter may be removed.
Sartaj buy / sell alerts below are for Curtis.
08:34 am Sartaj Hundal :
08:36 am Sartaj Hundal :
08:36 am Sartaj Hundal :
09:09 am Sartaj Hundal :
09:10 am Sartaj Hundal :
09:10 am Sartaj Hundal :
09:24 am Mathew Waterfall : Looking at $BIOC for a quick bounce here.
09:24 am Mathew Waterfall : Also $ETRM
09:33 am Sartaj Hundal : OR WAS THAT “OUT”?
09:34 am Sartaj Hundal : OUT $URRE 3.82 500 SHARES
09:39 am Carol B : $CIEN L
09:39 am Sartaj Hundal : Correction: Out 1/2 would be 4500
09:39 am Sartaj Hundal : Scaling in 2000 shares $APOP avg 5.14
09:40 am Sartaj Hundal : LONG 1000 SHARES 5.54 $APOP
09:41 am Sartaj Hundal : Scaling out 5.86, all shares $APOP
09:43 am Mathew Waterfall : out some $jnug at 9.17 for a pullback. into some $USLV at .59
09:45 am Sartaj Hundal : SCALING OUT $URRE 3.90
09:46 am MarketMaven M : Long$APOP
09:48 am John M : Wow $APOP halts again holding 1000
09:50 am darnel p : $AMD a bit off a short
09:51 am OILQ K : Like $XGTI looking for entries
10:00 am Surf T : In som $THST
10:00 am Surf T : Curt u still bullsh $GDX?
10:00 am Mathew Waterfall : Picked the wrong horse this AM playing $BIOC instead of $ETRM it looks like
10:01 am Mathew Waterfall : hate that
10:01 am Curtis M : ugh
10:01 am Curtis M : yup $GDX till next tues wed
10:02 am Mathew Waterfall : Still like it, expect a fade as has been the usual to buy more on a dip. will be watching both $NUGT and $JNUG. Plan on holding $USLV for a while
10:03 am Mathew Waterfall : Meanwhile $TLT still killing it. Love that
10:03 am Curtis M : yup
10:05 am darnel p : I have a stop on at 2.47 $TCCO – small play I’ll take the loss if need be
10:05 am Curtis M : Darnel – I am gonna follow that lol
10:05 am Curtis M : Mine small too
10:06 am Mathew Waterfall : wow $gdx strong like bull. wondering if we see the daily pullback today or not
10:06 am Curtis M : ya like my alarm huh lol
10:06 am Curtis M : GDX great play should have executed on my conviction bahahaha shite
10:07 am Mathew Waterfall : I’ve learned just to go with my gut on those plays. my gut also said sell my $JNUG for the daily puillback so it’s not always right lol
10:07 am Curtis M : yeah
10:08 am Sartaj Hundal : back
10:15 am Sartaj Hundal : Was in a call, what was the order size and price?
10:15 am Sartaj Hundal : LONG $TBIO 5000 SHARES 0.78
10:17 am Curtis M : I have a stop to sell TBIO at .73 – going to get a coffee back in 20 to take a look at oil gold etc
10:18 am Curtis M : Lol Out TBIO small loss .73
10:18 am Sartaj Hundal : OUT $TBIO SMALL LOSS 0.73 5000 SHARES
10:19 am Mathew Waterfall : looks like a ton of inventory at .8 for $tbio
10:25 am Sartaj Hundal : LONG $ZSAN 3000 SHARES 1.43
10:28 am Carol B : In some $ZSAn w ya
10:32 am John M : $KOS blocks guys
10:32 am John M : $CNHI blocks too
10:33 am Mathew Waterfall : Scanners almost empty here and market internals pointing to the downside. Not much on my board that Im too excited about
10:35 am Mathew Waterfall : GDX Feb 25 Call Buyer +23k for $0.64
10:36 am Mathew Waterfall : here’s the miners fase. will start to pick up some shares here and know that we are likely to see some more downside
10:36 am Mathew Waterfall : *fade
10:36 am Curtis M : On ph w broker re TCCO stop didnt trigger – $ZSAN holding so far
10:41 am Curtis M : So $TCCO stop didnt trigger Darnel and took t off flying with out – also on ZSAN its a hold for me – so both holding – rehit later or sell at loss we’ll see – but I think market will keep taking these for rides
10:41 am Curtis M : Wack a mole
10:44 am Flash G : $AAOI momo
10:57 am Curtis M : Thanks Mat!
10:57 am Rob D : thanks Matt good overview
11:09 am Surf T : market looking very dangerous but it will likely pop again late day
11:10 am Flash G : Curt you holding $ZSAN and $TCCO?
11:10 am Curtis M : Yes small positions hold for aft pop
11:15 am Sartaj Hundal : LONG 200 5.02 $BGXV
11:15 am Sartaj Hundal : 2000*
11:16 am Sartaj Hundal : $BVXV
11:16 am Curtis M : Hopefully I can get on right side of one of these – choppy very choppy
11:18 am Curtis M : Problem is if you’re going to play them you gotta chew around the edges till they take hold or you miss them – so u either play or dont but chew small size
11:19 am Curtis M : Correction: $BVXV 5.05 fill
11:21 am Sartaj Hundal : OUT 5.80 $BVXV
11:22 am Sartaj Hundal : 1000 SHARES
11:27 am Curtis M : looks lke low float mania for a while – dont see me in Oil Gold charts etc for some ime until it slows down
11:31 am Curtis M : On Hold w broker for 17 mins
11:31 am Curtis M : worst ever
11:33 am Sartaj Hundal : LONG 6000 SHARES $BVXV
11:38 am Sartaj Hundal : OUT 6000 SHARES $BVXV 7.17
11:39 am Sartaj Hundal : Very interesting
11:41 am Sartaj Hundal : How many shares of TCCO?
11:43 am Sartaj Hundal : Okay
11:46 am Mathew Waterfall : /GC holding steady over 1200 is a good sign. USD/JPY still on a downtrend. $GDX couldn’t make a higher high but I’m looking for a bounce play
11:50 am Mathew Waterfall : USD/JPY 113’s. Getting smoked
11:54 am Mathew Waterfall : Thought you actually went long spy here lol
11:54 am Mathew Waterfall : Not horrible against 225 but not my play
11:54 am Sartaj Hundal : My mistake
12:03 pm Mathew Waterfall : PLaying $OPXA range today for small scalps. Unloaded some at .94. Reentry around .85. This is one that will have legs sooner or later. Not a Curt play but a mellow grinder
12:04 pm Mathew Waterfall : Final target is 1.05 then 1.15 if it can get going.
12:05 pm Curtis M : thats awesome – whats a Curt play bahaha? super nova or super crash? in 14 seconds or less? 🙂
12:05 pm Mathew Waterfall : Basically lol. I wasn’t considering super crash, those have been rare
12:06 pm Curtis M : haha ya these low floats i ride em when they’r’e rolling late 2015 early 2016 same story
12:06 pm Curtis M : then market correction lol
12:06 pm Curtis M : last time I was on beach – oh yes right i need to go to the beach
12:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : I will say you have many tools at your disposal so smoke em if you got em
12:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : Playing Costa RIca trip for next winter already lol
12:07 pm Curtis M : lol
12:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : *planning
12:07 pm Curtis M : ya ionly thing holding me back is my adopted Bull dog – trying to sort it
12:08 pm Curtis M : $IBB green boys
12:14 pm Mathew Waterfall : $IWN breaking out of bull flag to the downside. Was leader on the way up
12:14 pm Mathew Waterfall : Will be watching the close closeley here
12:15 pm Mathew Waterfall : Also losing fib support
12:19 pm Curtis M : $IBB action decent
12:23 pm Curtis M : Big volatility coming next 5 market days imo
12:24 pm Mathew Waterfall : There’s gotta be. The closer we get to Trump sitting in the oval office the more nervous people will be
12:24 pm Curtis M : yup
12:25 pm Curtis M : is it wrong for me to look forward to that? ha
12:25 pm Mathew Waterfall : I call that making lemonade
12:26 pm Curtis M : haha
12:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : $DUST scalps against downtrend in $GDX working nicely
12:57 pm Curtis M : After 3 calls to broker… I still own $TCCO yay fark
01:03 pm MarketMaven M : nce call on the bonds guys… still slowly on the move
01:05 pm Curtis M : back in 5 for the ramp
01:05 pm Mathew Waterfall : Thanks. Over todays high is importnant. Stopped just short of the 09 crash high at 123.15
01:05 pm Mathew Waterfall : Need over that for more
01:09 pm Curtis M : $MYCC halt news
01:23 pm Surf T : $HMNY looking good here
01:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : $OPXA. Boom
01:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : Sold some at 1.05. Seen this movie before lol
01:52 pm Curtis M : nice took a bit but u go it
01:53 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yepp. I like the set it and forget it plays every now and then. Buy order for more at .85 if it retraces
01:53 pm Mathew Waterfall : Still scalping $DUST here and htere. Not much else attractice ATM
02:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : $IWM back into support here and over crucial fibs. Impressive market strength, this market still needs a flush here IMO
02:02 pm Mathew Waterfall : Q’s making a bit of a double top set up on the day. put tweezers as they say on the second ascent
02:03 pm Mathew Waterfall : $GDX ugly on the 5′. Guess I was right earlier about the fade today
02:04 pm Curtis M : likely run aain tomorrow or late today
02:04 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yea they are ramping jpy as usual. I expect this pattern to play out over the next week. Gap up/run the miners and flush the market, ramp usd/jpy and reverse
02:06 pm Carol B : some waking up
02:14 pm Mathew Waterfall : I feel like I need to wake up. Today has been a grinder
02:14 pm Curtis M : ya i made that mistake yesterday i think it was then i was late to party
02:18 pm Curtis M : I have a certain type of market person telling me full moon was at noon today thats why it slowed and thats why it will start to wake up again here
02:18 pm Curtis M : interesteing dude actually
02:18 pm Mathew Waterfall : Is that why I am growing hair and turning into a werewolf?
02:19 pm Curtis M : he said we are mostly water and like the tide it affects us
02:20 pm Curtis M : he’s oddly rght very often … interesting but not my thing – but find it curious how right this guy is
02:20 pm Curtis M : mssed my buy trigger on KALV
02:20 pm Curtis M : talking about tides and moons instead haha
02:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : lol I missed mine on $DUST as well. o well just wait for another opp
02:23 pm Curtis M : $TBIO got its pop
02:23 pm Curtis M : so were poppin
02:26 pm Curtis M : its like fishing when they just nibble
02:29 pm Curtis M : $ROSG may go after $TBIO fyi
02:34 pm Curtis M : wake up
02:34 pm Mathew Waterfall : Market waking up to the upside. TICKS trending up no 1000+ but going positive
02:36 pm Curtis M : $TROV and $ROSG high watch
02:49 pm Curtis M : This market is gong to rip after inauguration
02:49 pm Curtis M : or b4 but def after
02:50 pm Curtis M : just my humble opinion lol
02:51 pm Curtis M : $TBIO could get snaky
02:56 pm Mathew Waterfall : I still think we’re in for a dump sooner or later. I don’t see this keeping up through the next month or so. Last coupl days seems like cracks starting to show to me
02:56 pm Curtis M : ya dump then rip then dump then rip plz
02:56 pm Mathew Waterfall : That would be great
02:57 pm Mathew Waterfall : Gold getting smashed here and I exited $DUST way too early. NEaring buy zone for a $GDX bounce
02:59 pm Curtis M : other side of the moon baby
02:59 pm Curtis M : lol
03:00 pm Surf T : money time guys coming up
03:01 pm Curtis M : $MRNS perky
03:01 pm Mathew Waterfall : $NUGT for a bounce
03:01 pm Mathew Waterfall : wrong under .5 on $GDX
03:02 pm Curtis M : Chart bot likes $TROV here
03:06 pm Curtis M : $TBIO leg in 500 shares 1.217
03:09 pm Curtis M : $TBIO could rip 50 – 70 cents
03:09 pm Curtis M : or not
03:10 pm Curtis M : risking 5 cents
03:12 pm Curtis M : I guess Im risking 7 cents
03:21 pm Curtis M : Sorry Sartaj that was 5000 not 500 $TBIO
03:26 pm Tyler H : $TBO on its way to 4 times float traded today
03:26 pm Mathew Waterfall : Miners moving like junk. Im done for the day I think. Tried a couple scalps in NUGT. NO nounce so a couple scratches
03:26 pm Tyler H : $MRNS is my pick
03:26 pm Curtis M : enjoy your evening
03:26 pm Sammy T : bye Mathew!
03:27 pm Mathew Waterfall : I’ll hang around until close but sitting on my hands basically
03:27 pm Jack D : $MRNS great candidate for tomorrow
03:29 pm darnel p : $ROKA flow here
03:30 pm Curtis M : Out at 1.182 small loss
03:30 pm Curtis M : $TBIO
03:30 pm Curtis M : Sartaj corrction 1.181
03:31 pm Curtis M : choppy day fo me but still up lol
03:31 pm Curtis M : but chop chop
03:35 pm Mathew Waterfall : Seriously same here
03:35 pm Mathew Waterfall : So choppy
03:35 pm Curtis M : It was worth it – but barely
03:36 pm Mathew Waterfall : OPXA flying 1.30. OUt of everything. Will buy more on a pullback if and when that happens
03:36 pm Curtis M : I hate to be that way – but I dont just lke to get by – just not my thing
03:36 pm Curtis M : some people take offence to that is what Im saying
03:36 pm John M : NOT ME
03:37 pm darnel p : Meee either haha
03:37 pm Mathew Waterfall : This isn’t a good game for people who accept average.
03:37 pm darnel p : good one!
03:38 pm Curtis M : If $TBIO goes I am going to hammer down so hard – sad but true even if theres 10 mins
03:52 pm Curtis M : Holding $ZSAN $TCCO on
03:52 pm Carol B : my only hold $NUGT
03:53 pm Sammy T : nght
03:54 pm Curtis M : Cya Sammy
03:54 pm Curtis M : I should prbs hold $NUGT too but just but
03:54 pm Mathew Waterfall : Have a good night all. I’m going to practice my axe skills to make it through this chop tomorrow
03:55 pm Sandy S : Buy guys – still learning everyday with you guys.
03:55 pm Curtis M : Nice catch Mathew
03:56 pm Curtis M : Gonna shut er down 4 mins early. Over and out.
Article Topics: $TBIO, $BVXV, $ZSAN, $TCCO, $URRE – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD, $GDX, $USOIL, $WTIC, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $DXY, $VIX, $GC_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, S&P 500