Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algorithm Charting Calls and Alerts for Tuesday Jan 24, 2017 $TRP, $DUST ($GLD, $DUST, $NUGT, $JDST, $JNUG) – $SPY, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV, $USDJPY, $DXY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $VIX, $NG_F…
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
New Member Processing: Because our promo expires at the end of the month we are processing more new members than normal and Sartaj is traveling in Europe so he is processing at each stop on his travels as he gets time – bear with us, we’re getting new members up and running with reports within 72 hours of check-out at this point! Thanks!
Per Yesterday;
Two Week Account Double Challenge: It ended today (Monday) because there was a holiday last week (so ten trading days). I didn’t double, I think I was closer to 41% and our techs will do review vids and publish P&L soon for review. It started out really strong and as inauguration got closer market got less aggressive and has been since. The momo plays lacked follow through the last five or six trading days. Oh well! 41% ish isn’t bad. I’ll be looking to get my double up before the end of the month now and I’ll be targeting a double up per month going forward. Remember – all live in the room, recorded, transcript etc… no calling things after the fact – totally transparent room.
Daily Trading Results. I apologize, I haven’t had time to do last Wed, Thur and Fri yet – I will post them. To be honest they were so uneventful for me that I prioritized other work – but I’ll get them out soon.
Promo Code Discounts are Ending: The 38.2% inaugural opening discounts end Jan 31, 2017 and we won’t be a promo driven type room – so if you’re thinking of jumping do it now. Also, the promo codes are technically all used up (we were only going to offer discount for first 200) so if you get an error message when typing in your promo code that’s on the website then let us know and a tech will sort it for you.
SMS / Email Alerts: Our system was upgraded so all members will now start receiving them for each trade (morning momo trades may not have time to process alerts outside room fyi).
New Service Option: We now also offer a stand-alone trading room option (vs. bundle w/ trading room, premarket newsletter and alerts) at 59.00 /mth and w/ promo code is 1.22 per day.
New Service Option: EPIC the Oil Algo now has an Oil Report only option (vs. bundle w/ 24 hr trading room launching early 2017) at 199.00 and w/promo code works out to just over 4.00 day.
New Service Option: Entry-Level trader one-on-one trade coaching and entry-level trade academy options now available in addition to intermediate / advanced trading academy and coaching.
Feature Post: There is a feature blog post at this link, “Why our Stock Algorithms are Different than Most“. If you are using our algorithms or charting it is a must read.
Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:
I didn’t take any morning momentum trades because the open was really weak for the premarket runners. Trust the indicators! Lots of my friends got chopped up bad at the open Tuesday.
My first trade was in TransCanada Pipeline on the Trump approval of the Keystone Pipeline. I will say that one of our advantages is technology, in that we have a lot of data that passes through our offices and we were on top of this one the second it broke. I brought up the chart right away but there wasn’t action so I thought I’ll just set the alarms and left it. That was a mistake (but I was watching Gold and Silver close at the time). Anyway, the alarms sounded and I took a small entry. Got a moderate win. It also looks like I exited early but Trump had conditions to the pipeline deal so I exited. Many of our members banked – thanks for the thank you notes guys and gals!
$TRP Trans-Canada Pipeline stock trade on Trump play going well. #stocks #daytrading
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) January 24, 2017
Trading Results in Chatroom. $TRP TransCanada Pipeline Stock Trade

My second trade was an add to my swing in $DUST. This was specifically because our algorithm Rosie the Gold Algo the night before and in her morning report was clear about a high probability of failure in Gold on Tuesday – and sure enough it hit. I entered later than I should have but I still got a decent daytrade win. My exit was near perfect – again thanks to Rosie algorithmic modeling.
Algo Quadrant Test in Progress. Rosie the Gold Algorithm Observations 509 AM Jan 24 $GC_F $GLD $XAUUSD $GDX $GDXJ $NUGT $DUST $JNUG $JDST
— Rosie the Gold Algo (@ROSIEtheAlgo) January 24, 2017
— Rosie the Gold Algo (@ROSIEtheAlgo) January 25, 2017
Trading Results in Chatroom. $DUST Stock Trade. $GLD, $NUGT, $JNUG, $JDST, GOLD

Momentum / Noteable Stocks Today:
$DUST, $CBMX, $JUNO, $ROKA, $ESEA, $TRCH – all small 1/5 to 1/10 sizing.
Looking Forward:
I’m excited for trade now. Yesterday I pointed out that I was looking at a trade in inverse Gold and that worked out and that it looked like commodities were going to cool some. Also noted yesterday that the market would likely pop and $SPY got some lift. So no surprises at all – going per plan. Epic the Oil algo, Rosie the Gold Algo, SuperNova Silver Algo and the rest of them are all dialed in and hitting well.
I can’t complain – I’ve had a good run, Mathew is hitting it regularly and the members are having a great year so far so it’s all systems a go!
Per yesterday;
In overnight trade it looks like commodities are cooling a bit so I may look at inverse Gold or Miner’s ETN’s ETF’s Tuesday, also market has been calm since inauguration so I would expect a bit of a pop or drop here soon and I’m thinking a pop. So I’m looking forward to the last six days of trading in January.
Also looking at the Trump “wall” trade 🙂
BREAKING: President Trump to order construction of a border wall between the US and Mexico on Wednesday, senior admin. official says.
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) January 25, 2017
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Announcements in Trading Room:
09:03 am Curtis M : Gainers: $MPSX, $IDXG, $NAK, $REXX, $TNXP, $RMD $GPRO, $PLX $PLUG $CTIC $FCAU $UGAZ $BABA $GLBS
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter may be removed.
09:03 am Curtis M : $GNVC Buy Out 7$
09:18 am OILQ K : $VZ not a good morning on guidance ugh
09:31 am Caide X : L $CLRB
09:36 am Gunnar T : Long $JDST for daytrade with tight stops
09:37 am Mathew Waterfall : Out a few moe $NUGT 11 calls for this friday. .66 from .33 entry. Still in very small porrtion for a moon shot but will stop out flat if we get that far south. Good trade and looking to reload on a pullback for farther out strikes
09:40 am Mathew Waterfall : eyes on $TVIX for a quickie here against the lows
09:45 am Mathew Waterfall : Out of $NG for small gain. Don’t like how it acted yesterday with all of the miners being way up and it was lagging hard. Will stick with $AUY and $IAG as main gold miners outside of etf’s
09:48 am Mathew Waterfall : Big $TLT call block just went through. Like the strength there today after the 30 year sold off ON
09:49 am gary y : How about $GV? At all time high now and you where in earlier.
09:50 am Mathew Waterfall : Out at this point. Not my favorite gold related. Move looks a bit tired on that one but that’s not to say it can
09:50 am Mathew Waterfall : *can’t keep going
09:51 am Mathew Waterfall : Not my favorite set up though buying at ATH’s when there’s other stocks in the sector that aren’t as extended
09:51 am John E : Long $GENE some
09:51 am gary y : Thanks.
09:52 am Moob B : ss $BGI
09:57 am Mathew Waterfall : Ugly chart of the day thus far goes to $IBB. I wouldn’t want to be long that sucker
09:57 am Curtis M : ll
09:58 am Mathew Waterfall : $NUGT calls ripping but Im going to let this play out until at least tomorrow on my remaining portion there
10:02 am Curtis M : aggressive
10:07 am Mathew Waterfall : Just BTO $AG Mar17 12’s at .34
10:07 am Mathew Waterfall : Little risky at this point in the move but have enough time to pay
10:11 am Curtis M : Long $TRP 48.07
10:11 am Curtis M : Scaling 1000 shares
10:11 am Curtis M : Look at more later
10:27 am Curtis M : Looking at another $TRP entry add
10:30 am Mathew Waterfall : On the mic in a sec
10:30 am Caide X : Long $FH
10:31 am Gunnar T : Like $TRP play but what if Trump doesn’t sign?
10:35 am Curtis M : Thx Mathew’
10:37 am steve s : Long $CENX lets do this peeps
10:37 am Moob B : good call steve
10:40 am Gurpreet S : Thinking $XLF
10:43 am Caide X : Starter size in $URRE long here and add more on dips
10:50 am Mathew Waterfall : Quick break for coffee and scans. Back in a bit for some afternoon plays
10:52 am Curtis M : k
10:53 am Curtis M : Hope some of you are making money on this one.
10:53 am Kari S : Why of course!
10:54 am Kari S : It’s my homeland. haha
10:54 am Curtis M : nice
10:54 am Kari S : I beat you in tho Curt, when you first brought up chart and set alarm
10:54 am Curtis M : ha good one
10:55 am Curtis M : just be careful if bad news it will tank 3 bucks
10:55 am Kari S : yup
10:56 am Curtis M : Should be good for 50.00 without deal though but no deal would give it a challenge short term
10:57 am Jon R : on it
10:57 am Jon R : Just after you Curtis
10:57 am Curtis M : awesome
10:58 am Jon R : Really appreciate the work you guys do btw – really solid
10:58 am Curtis M : np
11:19 am Jon R : Long $LEU here 1/3 sizing it
11:19 am Kari S : That’s funny I was stalking it Jon
11:20 am Curtis M : Careful with the uptrend support on that one guys
11:20 am Curtis M : Looks good but respect that support
11:23 am Mathew Waterfall : $TVIX for a pop against LOD. /ES looks like it put in a bit of a tip
11:24 am Curtis M : Trump to renegotiate pipleline? Unconfirmed $TRP
11:25 am Mathew Waterfall : Added small $SLW on this pull as well
11:28 am Curtis M : pop or drop
11:32 am Curtis M : Sold 48.28 $TRP and then it bounces lol fark
11:32 am Curtis M : Small gain
11:35 am Mathew Waterfall : Out $TVIX for 2 cent/share loss. Not getting the response I was looking for
11:51 am Mathew Waterfall : $SLW back green with $SSRI holding solid all day. Lots of buying in the silder names
11:55 am Kari S : I actually understand what you just did 🙂 learning!
11:55 am Kari S : Bad ass charting
11:57 am Curtis M : lol
11:59 am Mathew Waterfall : I think Curt might know a thing or two lol
12:00 pm wei w : yuppp
12:00 pm wei w : both of u gurus hahaha awesome room
12:01 pm Kari S : skill 4 sure very happy foubf u guys
12:01 pm Mathew Waterfall : Thanks. Always way more to learn and ways to better yourself every day. What I love about this game and what frustrates me at times to
12:01 pm Curtis M : blush
12:02 pm Curtis M : Wow what a battle
12:02 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yepp dollar yen is up YUGE today .82% currently so putting the gold bugs to the test here
12:03 pm Curtis M : That blue line at 1211.34 is the top of the algo quad. Very important. $GOLD $XAUUSD
12:04 pm Mathew Waterfall : $AUPH just popped up for me. Slow grinder all day. No trigger for me unless there’s a bit of a washout
12:09 pm Mathew Waterfall : Dollar looks like it wants sub 100 again here
12:38 pm wei w : I know that your charts are crazy good but how did you know there would be a triangle there lol before it traded in a triangle? Unreal.
12:38 pm Curtis M : pop or drop soon wei 🙂
12:39 pm Mathew Waterfall : $GDX 61.8 at 24.38 as well could be resistance there
12:40 pm Curtis M : I’m watching 24.24 for break out or resistance $GDX
12:40 pm Curtis M : Waiting for Gold to confirm to upside of resistance too and then wham $NUGT
12:41 pm Curtis M : Need Gold over 1214.22
12:43 pm Curtis M : Prob is algos see 1213.05 as decision pivotin Gold so market has to decide
12:45 pm Mathew Waterfall : Out some $AUY here at HOD. Will add on pulbacks
12:46 pm Mathew Waterfall : Taking some gains as that was up north of 10% for me
01:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : /ES top of range. Breakout of break down?
01:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : *or. $SPY also over fridays high
01:12 pm Curtis M : Looking for entry in $GLDD over 5.04
01:25 pm Mathew Waterfall : Not much continuation thus far in /ES. No huge TICKs either. Still no confidence in these moves
02:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : Another leg into $AG common right here. Got the pull I was talking about yesterday and this morning
02:07 pm Curtis M : Add to $DUST swing at 31.12 avg 1000
02:08 pm Mathew Waterfall : IMO miners just playing catch up here to weakness all day in gold
02:16 pm Curtis M : Looking for that breach of 100 day (blue) n 2 hour chart will sell if not
02:22 pm Gurpreet S : Trying $ASYS long
02:27 pm John E : Why’d you wait so long to add Curt?
02:27 pm Curtis M : Just playing the add for a break of 100 day on that chart thats it
02:28 pm John E : Any thoughts on $EEM?
02:28 pm Curtis M : Mathew would lkely know better
02:29 pm Mathew Waterfall : I like $EEM. Think it will outperform $SPX in 2017
02:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : Played it last year but haven’t had my eye on the international ETFs much this year thus far though I do have some money there in my way long term account
02:30 pm John E : Thanks
02:31 pm Mathew Waterfall : I haven’t broken down a chart lately though so I don’t know exactly what’s going on. From pulling it up rightnow it still ooks constructive and has room to go
02:31 pm Caide X : I like $EEM here too
02:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : I was aiming for the 45 swing high expecting that 8-12 months out
02:33 pm Caide X : good idea
02:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : Choppy option flow all day today. Seeing some puts in the steel names. $AKS getting no love after its big move and seeing puts all day which thus far have been right. Still not buying a break out in the indexes here
02:55 pm Mathew Waterfall : Sold some $OPXA on this bounce. Too bad I had a limit order for .9 the last couple days that never got filled
02:55 pm Mathew Waterfall : Will leave it there for the pullback that should happen sooner or later
03:10 pm Gunnar T : Long $NE I like the chart tiny starter
03:12 pm Shafique M : My $TSLA looking really good for 2017
03:13 pm Tyler H : I hold$TSLA too
03:14 pm Jon R : $OPXA in for EOD spike hopefully
03:16 pm Mathew Waterfall : Knife catching some $SSRI down here. metals plays will have a tightish stop for my new entries
03:17 pm Mathew Waterfall : $TSLA has been a rocket this year. Shorts getting burned so far it that one
03:24 pm Kari S : $TSLA love it in it to win it and $AMZN $GOOGL
03:33 pm Curtis M : Out $DUST 31.60
03:34 pm Curtis M : Daytrade portion only
03:34 pm Mathew Waterfall : Nice play. I scalped a few in/outs on that weakness and wouldn’t be surprised to see a bit more weakness in the moners but for now I’m following the trend and that’s up IMO
03:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : Damn and great timing on that exit lol $GDX turning up into the close
03:39 pm Curtis M : Was just tweeting about the Gold and Miners should be fun on both sides for a while here – back and forth is my plan
03:41 pm Mathew Waterfall : yepp great price aciton all around
03:41 pm Caide X : I would like to learn that art
03:42 pm Curtis M : Get t oknow your chartng Caide – we’ll show ya
03:43 pm Curtis M : We know where the ranges are now so it gets good
03:46 pm Gunnar T : Jacked for that – I’m in
03:47 pm Curtis M : Great
03:49 pm Curtis M : Wow remember I said break out $GLDD 5.04 jeez EOD
03:50 pm John E : See you guys again tomorrow
03:50 pm Curtis M : Catcha John
03:54 pm Moob B : later
03:54 pm Mathew Waterfall : Frontrunning going on in $NUGT. Tell’s ya something right there
03:54 pm Mathew Waterfall : Been going on all day. Lots of buying
03:54 pm Curtis M : Gold test here
03:56 pm Caide X : Thanks see ya all tmrw
03:59 pm Mathew Waterfall : $GDX green. Close the market lol
03:59 pm Curtis M : Have a great night – tomorrow gonna be good
03:59 pm Mathew Waterfall : Night all. See ya in the AM
Be safe out there!
So much bias out there, even well respected traders and chartists. Learning to respect the math of the algos, beats me/them every time.
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) January 25, 2017
Follow our lead trader on Twitter:
Article Topics: $TRP, $DUST – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD, $GDX, $USOIL, $WTIC, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $DXY, $VIX, $GC_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, S&P 500