Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades / Alerts for Friday Nov 18, 2016. $ANF Abercrombie wash-out, $TRCH and more.
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive (we start sharing videos soon – just one more thing on the to-do list).
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Overview Perspective of Chart Room, Trades and Alerts:
Friday was a really mellow day for me. Took two trades, one for a smal intra-day scalp and a swing on the downdraft in Abercrombie $ANF that is at time of writing three market days later going well. A favorite set-up of mine.
Primary lessons I learned that may help your trades…
$TRCH was a momo stock that I took a scalp on that didn’t do much. And Abercrombie $ANF set-up is a simple one that I take over and over again in my swing account – morning wash-out on news with an institutional owned scenario and wham! The shippers I could have played and in hindsight didn’t – that’s the main lesson.
Announcements in Trading Room:
07:50 am Curtis Melonopoly : $DRYS 23%25, $SYUT 23%25, $DCIX 18%25, $OGXI 16%25, $SINO 15%25, $CBMX $ESEA $MRVL $URRE $PIP $FCEL $CRM $SCON $GLBS $ULTI
07:52 am Curtis Melonopoly : Friday Premarket Newsletter Updated
07:53 am Curtis Melonopoly : $DRYS 23%25, $SYUT 23%25, $DCIX 18%25, $OGXI 16%25, $SINO 15%25, $CBMX $ESEA $MRVL $URRE $PIP $FCEL $CRM $SCON $GLBS $ULTI
Stock Chatroom Trading Transcript
09:01 am Curtis Melonopoly : Decliners $SYUT 23%, $SMRT 16%, $DCIX 14%, $URRE 12%, $MRVL 11%, $DRYS $PIP $SHIP $FCEL $ESEA $SINO $GLBS $CRM $CBMX $UGAZ
09:02 am Curtis Melonopoly : oops gainers lol
09:03 am Curtis M : Decliners $HIBB, $KTOS, $GOLD, $FSLR, $AMAT, $PAAS, $SSRI, $RYAAY, $MU, $UGLD
09:23 am Curtis M : Watching $NATGAS $SILVER Near algo price target $GOLD Near algo price target $USOIL
09:24 am Curtis M : I think i will stay out of morning momos we will see
09:26 am Curtis M : Gainers: EYEG +28%. SYUT +22%. DCIX +13%. DRYS +13%. SINO +11%. SHIP +9%. MRVL +8%. NUAN +7%. URRE +7%. PIP +8%. CRM +6%. ESEA +5%. GLBS +5%. FCEL +5%.
09:26 am Curtis M : APRI -25%. ANF -12%. SCON -9%. KTOS -8%. RLOG -8%. GPS -8%. NEWM -7%. EMES -5%. VRTV -5%. RGC -6%. ON -4%.
09:28 am Mathew Waterfall : What do you think about the UWTI delisting? Makes trading oil a bit tougher if you don’t do futures
09:29 am Curtis M : morning newsletter
09:29 am Curtis M : lots of ways to trade oil
09:34 am Curtis M : $SGNL halt
09:35 am Curtis M : Hey Mathew as far as oil Ill update before Monday
09:36 am Mathew Waterfall : I was just curious to your thoughts on that. No rush
09:44 am Mathew Waterfall : games games games
09:44 am Curtis M : no prob mathew
09:45 am GSCT . : UWTI delisting? Had not heard.
09:46 am GSCT . : Sounds good.
09:47 am Mathew Waterfall : options contracts get you a ton of leverage anyway. Each contract is $10 per cent move in the /cl price
09:47 am Mathew Waterfall : that sounds right
09:48 am GSCT . : GUSH and DRIP
09:54 am Curtis M : mathew what are you in today
09:55 am Mathew Waterfall : I’m just kind of sitting on my hands. Opened a new position in X with calls. Trimmed a large amount of the FH I picked up yesterday
09:55 am Mathew Waterfall : Watching and waiting on most everything else
09:56 am Mathew Waterfall : May add to XOP and XOM positions
09:56 am Mathew Waterfall : Waiting to see what oil and silver do. I like silver over gold right here as I think it will play catch up if gold heads north
09:56 am Curtis M : inflection everywhere except specific equities
09:58 am Mathew Waterfall : yea. It really seems like people have been buyig just to buy and are now set to take a small breather
09:58 am Mathew Waterfall : Also watching AMD with small pos, PYPL, MU, CLF
09:58 am Mathew Waterfall : those are all longer term swings that I’m alredy in
10:03 am Mathew Waterfall : Ive been saying that all week that the USD would pull back a bit soon lol it’s in crazy mode right now
10:07 am Mathew Waterfall : CRMD getting some chatter to
10:07 am Mathew Waterfall : Some of those low float bios went straight up yesterday
10:08 am Mathew Waterfall : IE CYCC yesterday. crazy
10:28 am Curtis M : long 3000 $ANF swing
Because I am publishing this now… I can post how this is going 3 market days later…

10:28 am Curtis M : 14.96 avg
So this $ANF swing is one of my favorite set-ups – give me a morning wash-out on earnings or whatever the reason (the less valid the better – like the recent $HTZ trade we did in the room) that institutional investors own and I’ll scoop the bottom every-time!
10:32 am Curtis M :
10:51 am Curtis M : I have an early luncheon here in Panama to prep folks before i Leave for a few weeks so I am going to go do that and be back inside and hour – not a lot happening so may as well set up for afternoon
10:51 am Curtis M : catch ya in less than 1 hr back here
12:01 pm Curtis M : Watching $TRCH and $USDJPY to back off and $NATGAS
12:06 pm Curtis M : $TRCH scaling in 1000 shares at a time here to see if I can get an afternoon pop
12:06 pm Curtis M : $TRCH is in my swing account
12:22 pm Mathew Waterfall : Picked up a couple shares to join ya in the fun. The oil trade was slow so this will due to keep me busy
12:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : oil getting some nice lift
12:33 pm Mathew Waterfall : 1.35 or TRCH and I’m probably out
12:47 pm susan woo : How do gold/silver look to you, Curtis?
12:48 pm Curtis M : gold and silver close to our buy trigger
12:48 pm Curtis M : newsletter kinda explains but ya getting close
12:48 pm susan woo : yeah, tempting:)
12:48 pm Curtis M : the USDJPY move should be almost over IMO
12:48 pm susan woo : Maybe by next week so that they can have the fun of crashing silver/gold Sunday evening first?
12:49 pm Curtis M : Getting really really close we had those buy triggers since end of july so I expect them to hit or get close, we had dxy nailed and the others os well see
12:49 pm Curtis M : ya
12:49 pm susan woo : ok thanks
12:49 pm Curtis M : very close so close the inflection point is near
12:50 pm Curtis M : back in a bit running scans make a few calls to other traders
12:53 pm Curtis M : If I loose ya ill sign back in im moving to pool deck nice day here
01:00 pm Curtis Melonopoly : going back to my desk lol that didn’t work
01:09 pm Curtis Melonopoly : be right back resigning in
01:12 pm Curtis M : so im accumullating a bit more here and going to cut here if it doesn´t hold
01:16 pm Curtis M : tough time in the market… likely no fireworks until monday morning ‘ but well see here shortly if anything good for afternoon
01:23 pm Curtis M : This could be where USDJPY lets out some air…. but…
01:39 pm Curtis M : $TRCH I am selling for tiny gains
01:40 pm Curtis M : Gonna call it a day market gonna be quiet till Monday
01:40 pm Curtis M : Room will stay open till 4
01:40 pm Curtis M : Have a great weekend!!!
01:40 pm Mathew Waterfall : Have a good weekend
01:41 pm Curtis M : thanks Mathew
Topics: Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Chat Room, Trading Results, $TRCH, $ANF, Abercrombie