Review of Compound Trading Chat Room Stock Trading, Algorithm Charting Calls and Live Stock Alerts for Friday March 10, 2017; $CERU $DVAX $HTBX $EUC $JNUG – $NE, $XOM, $BSTG, $ONTX, $DUST, $MGTI, $TRCH, $LGCY, $DRYS, $SSH, $ASM etc …
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Trading Room Open House: We continue running open house – which will end soon (we just want to get this new platform settled first).
Trading Room Attendance: With our commercial multi-user algorithm chart modeling client platform launch, upcoming 24 hour oil trading room and coding for our algorithm models for our trader’s cockpit (you’d have to read our story on our website to understand our build-out plans)… I won’t be in the trading room as much starting Tuesday March 14, 2017. I expect to be in the room most days the first hour or two and then I have to turn my attention to the platform development daily and assistance our software developers require of me. I will still have my monitors on and will likely comment and/or run intra-day review broadcasts etc – I just won’t be in the room minute by minute.
Trading Room Chart Review: At 3:20 in the afternoon (if you are scrolling the trading room video below) I did a quick review of $DXY, $WTI, $VIX, $SPY, Silver and Gold FYI.
Per previous:
We’re in middle of creating and editing a swath of educational videos – out soon.
The ability for members to access transcripts on demand we are working on – should have that done soon.
The Compound Trading YouTube Channel now has the daily trading chat room full length video uploaded daily with all stock trades for the day.
Members are reporting that they like the mobile service ability of YouTube Live better than Webinato but members need to know that they need to have a Google+ / Gmail account and sign in to YouTube and activate a channel to use the service. We have had many not understand that so if you aren’t sure about procedure let us know and we will assist.
And lastly, the live charts we share, to make them live you need to open the chart and click on the share button at bottom right of any of the charts and then click “make it mine”. This will enable the live chart in your browser in TradingView whether a member or or not of TradingView.
Overview Perspective & Review of Markets, Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:
In play today in chat room; $CERU $DVAX $HTBX $EUC $JNUG
Some of the members caught $CERU and $DVAX momentums in morning for great trades and gains – serious skill there. And Mathew was in $EUC and $CAT moves. Four seasoned traders at work in the room there today with some decent education for the learning trader.
The premarket trading plan from Monday;
Member PreMarket Trading Plan Mon Mar 13 $HTBX $MBLY $CERU $VCEL $SDRL $SRRA $MYSZ $MTL $IT
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 13, 2017
Premarket was all about watching $CERU, $DVAX, $MBLY and $HTBX.
Twitter post that included some of the daily trading action (click on);
Open House Today – Live Broadcast Trading Room $HTBX $MBLY $CERU $VCEL $SDRL $SRRA $MYSZ $MTL $IT #premarket #stocks
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 13, 2017

Momentum Trade Details:
Per above.
Swing Trading:
Here’s the latest public edition of keep it simple swing charting;
The Swing Trading Twitter feed can be found here:
Algorithmic Chart Models:
The Charting Algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Stocks, ETN’s, ETF’s I am Holding:
I am holding (in order of sizing – all moderate small size to micro sizing) – $DUST, $ONTX, $XOM, $NE, $BLKG, $DRYS, $USRM, $ASM, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI (this is the daytrading portfolio and does not represent swing trading service portfolio):
Note-able Stocks Today (via FinViz):
Ticker | Last | Change | Volume | ![]() |
Signal |
ICLD | 0.09 | 91.11% | 159528100 | Top Gainers | |
CERU | 2.49 | 63.82% | 31691016 | Top Gainers | |
AEMD | 4.40 | 31.74% | 236886 | Top Gainers | |
LCUT | 18.90 | 30.80% | 333500 | Top Gainers | |
MBLY | 60.62 | 28.24% | 88334800 | Top Gainers | |
VSTM | 1.54 | 24.19% | 2477000 | Top Gainers | |
ICLD | 0.09 | 91.11% | 159528100 | New High | |
AUPH | 10.54 | 24.00% | 36538321 | New High | |
PLSE | 20.63 | 13.29% | 990800 | New High | |
MBLY | 60.62 | 28.24% | 88334800 | New High | |
AUPH | 10.54 | 24.00% | 36538321 | Overbought | |
FCSC | 2.28 | 181.34% | 102775 | Overbought | |
SCIJ | 27.83 | 0.36% | 56800 | Unusual Volume | |
TLF | 7.15 | -2.72% | 547377 | Unusual Volume | |
GMAN | 0.08 | -33.33% | 6124300 | Unusual Volume | |
INNL | 1.66 | 108.31% | 13700633 | Unusual Volume | |
WTR | 31.26 | 1.30% | 697300 | Upgrades | |
ADAP | 4.89 | 6.07% | 1096300 | Earnings Before | |
CVGW | 56.60 | -0.88% | 397700 | Insider Buying |
The Markets Looking Forward:
Per previous;
The markets are looking a little toppy – we’ll see. As you will see below, with our new Swing Trading KISS post – I am paying close attention to the MACD on main charting I follow – at time of possible turn I find it simple.
Per recent, “Our swing trading side continues to outperform all my expectations for 2017 (you can find the most recent unlocked swing trading newsletter on our blog) – I had a feeling it was going to do well, just didn’t quite expect a grandslam. We’re in the middle of compiling our next set of stock picks for the swing trading members and will have them out over next few days – hopefully that batch will bring the same type of returns as the new year batch did and continue to in most instances.
Results are in for Gold trading vote:
Will the next leg in #Gold trading be up or down? Round 3. Tie breaker! $GC_F $GLD $XAUUSD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JUNG
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 13, 2017
Volatility $VIX:
Pre previous’ $VIX has been flat for some time, however, our algorithmic modeling suggests a possible time / price cycle coming due soon. It is possible the oil sell off was the time-price cycle of note. Here again will await weekend algo charting updates before I do much.
Natural Gas:
Live Trading Chat Room Transcript: (on YouTube Live):
Compound Trading Stock Chat-room Transcript:
Please note: Miscellaneous chatter removed from transcript and some discussions I will add notes with information I’ve gleaned in discussions online with traders on DM etc also for further explanation (noted with *). Also, times are Central Mountain below (we’re working on the fix now), so for New York ET time add two hours to all times. Also, most days at 9:30 ET market open there is moderator live broadcast explaining trades and at times during the day there is also live broadcast market updates and trade set-up explanations (so you have to scroll through video feed to market open etc to catch live broadcast portions – in future we will note in in transcript when we are on the mic so viewers can correlate time with transcript with video feed when reviewing trades).
5:52 AM
Compound Trading 9:30 Market Open Start for Live Voice Broadcast with Charts
7:05 AM
Compound Trading PreMarket Trading Plan Mar 13 $HTBX $MBLY $CERU $VCEL $SDRL Link:… PREMARKET031317PRE
7:08 AM MarketMaven M Upgrades $SALT $BPMC $MRVL $CDR $KRG $KIM $EQT $EQIX $FRT
7:10 AM MarketMaven M Finisar upgraded to Strong Buy at Raymond James $FNSR
7:12 AM Flash G Watching $X and $GDX simple
7:13 AM Flash G morning btw ?
7:13 AM MarketMaven M mornin flash man
7:14 AM MarketMaven M Citron in deep now on $MBLY wow
7:15 AM Curtis Melonopoly $CBR penny 78%
7:16 AM MarketMaven M $SPY flat
7:18 AM Curtis Melonopoly Open momo watch $HTBX $CERU $CBR $MBLY $FATE
7:20 AM MarketMaven M Dougherty calls out 93% upside on restaurant stock $SAUC
7:24 AM MarketMaven M $SPY near green now
7:25 AM MarketMaven M $DVAX jiggy earnings coming tom?
7:26 AM Curtis Melonopoly think so
7:31 AM MarketMaven M Watching $HLTH
7:33 AM Mathew w Morning all. Keeping an eye on natty here. Thinking market will be sideways until FOMC this week so letting that play out
7:33 AM Flash G Long $DVAX 6.07
7:33 AM Flash G Morning Mat
7:33 AM MarketMaven M Long $CERU 2.10 2000
7:34 AMMarketMaven MI think your voice delayed big time curt
7:34 AM Curtis Melonopoly hmm
7:34 AM Curtis Melonopol ywill get sir sartaj on it
7:35 AM Flash G $DVAX 6.30 now
7:37 AM Flash G $DVAX 6.55
7:37 AM Curtis Melonopoly nice play
7:38 AM MarketMaven M Add $CERU 2.31 1000
7:40 AM Mathew wIn small $EUC against the bottom here tight stop
7:40 AM MarketMaven M Sold $CERU 2.39 3000 and out for my morning win
7:41 AM Flash G $DVAX out 6.36 700 shares for a win
7:41 AM Flash G wow $CERU rocket ship blasters
7:42 AM Curtis Melonopoly ya picked the right one
7:43 AM MarketMaven M yes but trim i need to trim
7:43 AM Curtis Melonopoly ya
7:44 AM Curtis Melonopoly yup
7:46 AM Curtis Melonopoly Still holding 25% $DRYS from last Fri
7:48 AM MarketMaven M $INNL moving
7:48 AM MarketMaven M $DVAX back to 6 bucks Flash – good call on the exit
7:48 AM Flash G?
7:49 AM Flash G?
7:50 AM Curtis Melonopoly $CERU may run to near 100% today
7:50 AM Curtis Melonopoly seems to be the standard and then decision there
7:51 AM Flash G seems like the chosen one
7:52 AM Flash G might add to $JNUG soon
7:54 AM Flash G Watching the $TSLA short set up also
7:54 AM MarketMaven M $FB lol ok then I guess
7:54 AM MarketMaven M I think Mats short $TSLA btw
7:56 AM Curtis Melonopoly watching $CERU wash out now
7:57 AM Flash G $GDXJ $JNUG $USLV all very interesting
7:58 AM MarketMaven M $INNL poppin
8:00 AM MarketMaven M $CALA time
8:03 AM Flash G adding $JNUG
8:03 AMMarketMaven M $AUPH ripper!
8:05 AM Flash G Shorting $INNL
8:05 AM MarketMaven M really hmm
8:05 AM MarketMaven M $SPY flat
8:07 AM MarketMaven M $KOPN on pull back I am long – earnings machine looks strong nice chart everything right
8:09 AM Flash G Its pharma day
8:11 AM MarketMaven M $INNL tanked
8:15 AM MarketMaven M $VSTM, $MYOS watching
8:20 AM Flash G No $TSLA short for me yet – wow stupid
8:23 AM MarketMaven M I’ll take a long $CERU here 2.19 1000
8:23 AM MarketMaven M see how it jams the washout
8:29 AM MarketMaven M Come on $CERU giddy up
8:29 AM MarketMaven M Wacthing Nicholas’ $NAK
8:31 AM MarketMaven M $CERU shoulg go now!
8:31 AMwintonresearch morning
8:31 AM MarketMaven M Wonder why $BCEI is on scanner
8:31 AM MarketMaven M morning!!
8:31 AM wintonresearch $ASM and miners moving
8:31 AM MarketMaven M $NAK looks good
8:31 AM MarketMaven M yepp
8:32 AM Flash G aded to $JNUG earlier
8:33 AM Curtis Melonopoly hey Nicholas… Ides if March on deck ???
8:34 AM wintonresearch indeed!
8:36 AM MarketMaven M Curt $CALA off your Swing Trade list side is rocking hard!
8:36 AM Curtis Melonopoly yes mam
8:37 AM MarketMaven M Sold flat $CERU
8:43 AM MarketMaven M $ADAP escalated to new high of day
8:43 AM MarketMaven M missed that one
8:44 AM MarketMaven M $RXII break out but I’m not taking it
8:44 AM Flash G saw that agree
8:45 AM Curtis Melonopoly crude oil found its support…. at leat at minimum intra
8:58 AM MarketMaven M good time for an early lunch it seems to me
8:58 AM Flash G ya breakfast for me great idea i slept in
9:00 AM Flash G ⏲ back in an hour
9:02 AM
Compound Trading Will the next leg in #Gold trading be up or down? Round 3. Tie breaker! $GC_F $GLD $XAUUSD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JUNG…
9:07 AM wintonresearch keep eyes on wee $LTBR
9:08 AM wintonresearch broke up above 50 dma and bounced off again
9:09 AM Curtis Melonopoly put it on my watch
9:12 AM wintonresearch though vol is low- but i just have a feeling
9:36 AM Curtis Melonopoly Leader board $CBR, $CERU, $MBLY, $QUMU, $INNL $TELL $PLSE $AUPH $ADAP
10:06 AM wintonresearch i still think if miners go into heavy rally mode we’ll see shippers awaken more
10:08 AM wintonresearch in fact shipper $NM had a big morning spike
10:08 AM wintonresearch it’s been one of the stronger ones
10:17 AM Mathew w Hearing some talk on $GLA. Low float, high short bottoming play
10:18 AM Mathew w $13/share and no cash trading at ~6 currently. Picked up a few shares to see if it gets any action
10:41 AM wintonresearc hnice find Mat
10:43 AM Mathew w Gonna be a slow burn on that one but I like it longer term
10:45 AM wintonresearch yeah, if that cash is there for sure
10:50 AM wintonresearc hsorry if you discussed this earlier- any of you holding natty gas
10:51 AM wintonresearch it’s strong
10:51 AM wintonresearch major snowstorm hitting Toronto tonight
10:51 AM Mathew wIm in Natty, SWN, and CRK
10:52 AM Mathew w Got long at 2.8 and large adds in 2.5s
10:52 AM Mathew w Just took $CAT puts. Arp21 85’s. Large gap below, taxation fraud issues, and grow won’t be picking up as soon as hoped
10:59 AM Curtis Melonopoly looks like a nasty one
11:03 AM Mathew w All the right ingredients to go wrong for $CAT IMO
11:03 AM Flash G new york to
11:24 AM MarketMaven M a lot of babies be made tonight in NY
11:24 AM Flash G wowza?
11:25 AM MarketMaven M they’re running every micro piece of crap pharma bio
11:26 AM Curtis Melonopoly going in to meeting
11:30 AM wintonresearch haha MarketMaven
11:42 AM wintonresearch btw my signals suggest $CCJ is due to turn up mid-March – so worth watching oil as i think we’ll see energy turn soon
11:43 AM Curtis Melonopoly hope so lol
11:43 AM wintonresearch yeah- i mean everything looks so dire
11:43 AM wintonresearch from sentiment pov
11:44 AM wintonresearch platinum, oil, silver, gold, copper hit major multi-month oversold conditions around the same time last week
11:44 AM wintonresearch when you see a cluster like that, it’s usually a good idea to look at buying
11:44 AM wintonresearch IMHO anyway ?
11:47 AM wintonresearch because you’re typically looking at a major commodities bottom
11:47 AM wintonresearch and weeks from now you’ll be glad you bought
11:50 AM wintonresearch folks anyone following me on twitter posting about ILC.V – it just shot up to 17c
11:50 AM wintonresearch and huge volume
11:53 AM Mathew w I agree. I like the juniors here and think the trend is turning up. The dollar is the only thing making me nervous
11:53 AM Flash G betcha Trump aint dissapointed with delayed meeting wth that old hag
11:53 AM Mathew w That should see some selling pressure as well here before long
11:56 AM MarketMaven M oh merkel lololol
11:56 AM MarketMaven M @Flash G that took a while
12:02 PM MarketMaven M natty not looking great
12:05 PM MarketMaven M and off they go with $AMDA haha
12:13 PM Curtis Melonopoly wow that’s a big storm coming
12:19 PM Curtis Melonopoly looking at $SPXS for a swing long but not ready yet
12:29 PM Mathew w $CAT making new lows
12:43 PM MarketMaven M $PHMD got the jig
12:44 PM Curtis Melonopoly I should have shorted $SBUX when I made the call… hit target pretty much?
1:00 PM Curtis Melonopoly $DXY MACD near pinch fyi
1:01 PM Curtis Melonopoly in channel between 20 and 50
1:01 PMwintonresearchamong shippers SINO worth watching
1:01 PM wintonresearch had some energy this am
1:03 PM Curtis Melonopoly very close to losing 50 and 100 $DXY …. on the edge of down down down
1:08 PM Curtis Melonopoly going to review charts at 3:20 for EOD cause markets are quiet fyi
1:08 PM MarketMaven M kk
1:08 PM MarketMaven M thanks
1:22 PM MarketMaven M calm before the storm?
1:23 PM Curtis Melonopoly on mic
1:37 PM Mathew w inflation and dollar pressure IMO. That’s what I’m looking at
1:37 PM Mathew w but no where near as bullish as those guys
1:42 PM wintonresearch NAK hanging around
1:42 PM Mathew w Whole market is on a knife’s edge. Sketchy ground here
1:42 PM wintonresearch 200 dma
1:44 PM MarketMaven M thanks curt:)
1:44 PM Curtis Melonopoly sorry I couldn’t be more help
1:44 PM Curtis Melonopoly those charts are at inflection no decisions yet imo
1:46 PM Curtis Melonopol ya deeper look may uncover a turn but I don’t see it…. $DXY slightly bearish $GDX slightly bullish everything else indecision… oh $WTI slightly bearish
1:46 PM Curtis Melonopoly wide time frames though too
1:46 PM Flash G I see it similar. Indecision.
1:47 PM Flash G inflation i agree with
1:47 PM Curtis Melonopoly for sure … Mats got an important point there
1:48 PM Curtis Melonopoly inflation and property imo are the possible swans near term
1:50 PM MarketMaven M♿ ramp time
1:52 PM MarketMaven M $ICLD I watched all day go up to 80% and didn’t act:(
1:52 PM MarketMaven M I hate the tiny tiny tiny tiny ones
1:52 PM Flash G lol really?
1:53 PM wintonresearch that chart was set up nicely ICLD at 2c
1:53 PM MarketMaven M ugh
1:55 PM wintonresearch guys look at $GREK
1:56 PM wintonresearch as a short-medium term play
1:56 PM wintonresearch it was in a 4-5 year bear
1:56 PM wintonresearch then one year consolidation
1:56 PM wintonresearch now back in bull mode
1:56 PMC urtis Melonopoly auditing day trading quarter omg what a roller coaster compared to swings lol
1:56 PM wintonresearch fantastic long-term holding here
1:56 PM Curtis Melonopoly great gains nich
1:57 PM wintonresearch emerging mkts often move with miners and i think all will move up together
1:57 PM Curtis Melonopoly there’s one for ya maven…. $CVM
2:01 PM MarketMaven M cya guys
2:01 PM Curtis Melonopoly bye bye all
2:02 PM Flash G peace
Be safe out there!
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Article Topics: $CERU, $DVAX, $HTBX, $EUC, $JNUG – $XOM, $NE, $ONTX, $DUST, $TRCH, $LGCY, $SSH, $ASM, $DRYS – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD, $GDX, $USOIL, $WTIC, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $DXY, $VIX, $GC_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, S&P 500