Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades and Alerts for Tuesday Dec 6 $NVCN, $DRYS, $JDST, $JUNO, $CBMX, $UCO, $ATW, $GOLD, $USDJPY, $USOIL, $WTIC and more.
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Overview Perspective & Review of Chart Room, Trades and Alerts:
I got an exit on my $JDST swing from Monday.
From Monday:
I took a late day $JDST long entry (which is tough because they’re buying the dips in $GOLD now but I see $USD/JPY not quite done – we’ll see – likely overtrading).

I am still holding $JUNO and $CBMX. $JUNO I’ll likely re-hit. When I trade a wash-out as a swing I’m prepared for a 1000 then 3000 then 5000 ish entry as pull backs occur (you” see this if you follow my trades). My video series on our You Tube channel of the $SKLN trade covers it in detail (really raw). Which by the way I have $SKLN on watch again here too.

Primary Lessons That May Help Your Trades:
$JDST I sold a tad early (a habit I need to break and refine)… but a profit is just that (same story as $SGY on Monday). My original entries did not give me a 4 to 1 minimum risk reward. They are starting to buy the $GOLD dips instead of selling the rips so my $JDST risk-reward potential WAS NOT 4 to 1 (in a high probability way) which (as noted yesterday) breaks a primary trading rule.
$CBMX swing go a nice 10% pop today and $JUNO had some down draft but you’ll see the instutional guys hammer down.
My $UCO trade was tight – didn’t see the pop in Oil I though we’d see. And as was my $DRYS and $ATW entries.
Today was a day I should have caught the momos… ESPECIALLY $NVCN IT WAS ON MY PREMARKET WATCHLIST!!!

Looking Forward:
There are a tonne of set-ups in the market right now. Still on my watch are; emerging markets, $EEM, $LPCN, $DVAX, $DNAI and my buddy’s $SRPT and others are setting up. Dips on $GOLD are being bought vs.selling the rips (so this by default plays in to $SILVER) $NATGAS hit resistance and it showed so watching $DGAZ and $UGAZ on the break-out side. $USOIL $WTI is dialed in with EPIC the Oil Algo perfect so machines have been on since Nov 30 break-out (so this makes trading oil related easier for me) and I’m not sure what $SPY will do.
Announcements in Trading Room:
08:48 am Curtis M : Gainers: $TXMD 31%, $HTBX 23%, $IL 15%, $PPHM 10%, $MEMP $VKTX $NVCN $SAGE $UGAZ $IPDN $DEPO $BOIL $ENPH $NVLS $IMMU $COUP
10:06 am Curtis M : Sartaj is moving people between rooms so don’t sweat it if you\’re moved. All looks the same anyway. Were getting ready for multiple rooms.
11:59 am Curtis M : On lunch – back at 12:45 EST. Sartaj is moving blocks of people between rooms so don’t sweat it if you\’re moved. All looks the same anyway. Were getting ready for multiple rooms.
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
09:03 am Curtis M : Active momo $TXMD $IL $DRYS $SAGE $IPDN $DEPO $COUP $CLNE $DB $IMMU $CLLS $CONE $GOGL
09:25 am Curtis M : Not excited about premarket momos fyi I may focus on oil gold natgas spy etc at open
09:39 am Curtis M : running scans
09:49 am Mathew Waterfall : Out of my JNUG calls. small win but would rather take risk off there
09:52 am Curtis M : Long $UCO 10.79 starter 1000 shares swing
09:53 am Curtis M : I’ll scales in at 3000 then 6000 if trend is on my side $UCO
09:55 am Mathew Waterfall : Hitting next week MGM 30’s Breaking upside resistance
09:55 am Curtis M : Sartaj is moving people between rooms so don’t sweat it if you’re moved. All looks the same anyway. Were getting ready for multiple rooms.
10:00 am Mathew Waterfall : Also reloading a small position in CLF on daily weakness. Jan17 12c’s
10:25 am Curtis M : Sartaj is moving people between rooms so don’t sweat it if you’re moved. All looks the same anyway. Were getting ready for multiple rooms.
10:25 am Curtis M : I had a cuple people moved to another room DM me so thats why I will repost notice as the day goes on FYI
10:40 am Curtis M : New 52wk Highs: $KLIC $MAR $PJT
10:40 am Curtis M : New 52wk Lows: $GALE
10:46 am Curtis M : JUST IN: European Union clears Microsoft’s $26B buyout of LinkedIn with conditions. $LNKD $MSFT
10:56 am Curtis M : Scaling in another 5000 $UCO off the $USOIL $WTIC intra OIL bottom – add to 1000 intra
11:00 am garreed e : .
11:00 am Curtis M : Looks like a back test
11:02 am Curtis M : Long $UCO 10.79 starter 1000 shares swing from earlier entry and looking to scale in another 5000 here soon
11:37 am Curtis M : $DRYS
11:37 am Curtis M : $DRYS 13%
11:48 am Mathew Waterfall : Pretty quiet day overall. I think between now and year end things will remain fairly calm barring some actionable event. Hopefully we can mix that with some year end window dressing and get a melt up going
11:49 am Curtis M : $DRYS HOD + 2.13%
11:51 am Curtis M : $SHP sorry
11:51 am Curtis M : $SHIP HOD
11:59 am Curtis M : Sartaj is moving people between rooms so don’t sweat it if you’re moved. All looks the same anyway. Were getting ready for multiple rooms.
12:57 pm Curtis M : back for afternon session
01:01 pm Curtis M : $JDST out 34.36 ish
01:03 pm Mathew Waterfall : MNKD Crushing it today. Picked up a few common’s to play against yearly low. A couple points of resistance between here and $1 but it should move
01:04 pm Mathew Waterfall : The yearly chart is nuts
01:08 pm Curtis M : Long $DRYS 5.026 1000 shares scale at 5k then 10k if it goes my way tight leash pray
01:12 pm Curtis M : Out 5.50 gonna re-enter $DRYS
01:13 pm Curtis M : 5.05 sorry
01:28 pm Mathew Waterfall : DNAI longer term hold IMO. I have a couple shares but looking for 2+ in the coming weeks
01:29 pm Mathew Waterfall : NFLX crushing
01:29 pm Mathew Waterfall : CLF also acting better along with XOM went red/green
01:52 pm Mathew Waterfall : MGM HOD. Calls working there nicely.
01:52 pm Mathew Waterfall : hahaha I’ve been told that I have a face for radio…
01:59 pm Curtis M : 133% $NVCN
02:14 pm Curtis M : Long $ATW 2000 at 11.339 – out flat
02:27 pm Curtis M : $NFLX
02:28 pm Mathew Waterfall : Looking for some rotation into tech and possibly let fins cool off a bit. Running hard into the rate hike might not leave much on the table for afterwards
02:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : Gotta run early again today. See ya tomorrow AM. Make some $$$
02:31 pm Curtis M : cya
02:31 pm Curtis M : thanks
02:32 pm HighTimes Now : bye Mathew
02:50 pm Curtis M : Leaderboard $NVCN +96% $RXII +53% $CRDS + 25% $FRBK 24% $IPI + 19%
03:25 pm Curtis M : Out $UCO small gain
03:25 pm Curtis M : Im done for day – se ya tomorrow – I’ll leave room open till market close at 4 EST
Article Topics: Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Chat Room, Trading Results, $SKLN, $CBMX, $JUNO, $DRYS, $JDST, $ATW, $UCO, $GOLD, $USDJPY, $USOIL, $WTIC