Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algorithm Charting Calls and Alerts for Monday Dec 19 – $XGTI, $SGY, $GSAT, $JUNO, $CBMX, $UWT, $SPY, $GLD, $GDX, $USDJPY, $DXY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $SLV, VIX, $NG_F and more.
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Notice: There is a new feature blog post at this link, “Why our Stock Algorithms are Different than Most“. If you are using our algorithms or charting it is a must read.
Notice: We are testing fault settings for multiple trading rooms in 2017 (main room, momentum, options, swing, commodities, etc). We can have groups in different rooms all seeing same screen and announcements / broadcast – if you’re moved don’t sweat it – it won’t affect your experience.
Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:
Mellow day – market calm – nailed a runner in morning $XGTI and still holding deep dive crude related $UWT from last week. $SGY is rocking from my Trading Room Newsletter alerts and Swing Trading set-up newsletters.
My Personal Trades:
Monday for me was mostly $STUDY and watching my Oil related $UWT trade – I am 10,000 shares deep from earlier in the week (1000, 3000, 6000 entries) – so that is setting up to be a great win. I see oil is up big overnight – would have never known:) Other traders in the room have been on winning side and have been regularly so that is great. Still hold $CBMX and $JUNO.
Primary Lessons That May Help You With Your Trades:
The $UWT (crude oil trade) I am in is completely about trusting the proven algorithm @EPICtheAlgo (which took me about 6 months to fully trust). I would be a lot further ahead has I just trusted the math process earlier. But I did this time – and I WENT BIG – REAL BIG FOR ME.

Looking Forward:
The market has a tonne of inflection points now so things should get interesting soon with our algos (Oil, Gold, Silver, US Dollar, VIX, SPY).
Announcements in Trading Room:
08:42 am Curtis M : Momo $TNXP, $GSAT, $XGTI, $ELGT, $APTO.
08:54 am Curtis M : Good Morning! Momo $TNXP, $GSAT, $XGTI, $ELGT, $APTO. At the bell I will focus on momentum stocks and then move over to Oil, Gold, Silver etc…
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter is removed.
09:05 am Curtis M : $JUNO Defeats Kite Pharma’s Challenge to CAR T-Cell Patent. $KITE
09:20 am Curtis M : Pre-Market Gainers Watch-List: $TNXP $GSAT $XGTI $CUR $APHB $BCLI $AWH $RGSE $PLX $PSTI $NVCN $GGB $JNUG $CBIO $OCLR $DRYS
09:31 am Curtis M : Long $XGTI small
09:32 am Curtis M : 3.51 1000 shares
09:33 am Curtis M : Out 3.60
09:41 am Curtis M : In Play: $XGTI, $BCLI, $EVOK, $LOXO, $DRYS, $GOGO, $JNUG, $WR
09:42 am Curtis M : 52wk Highs: $GTT $INN $MASI $ORA $RICK $UVE
09:44 am OILK K : $ACTS Halt – Additional Information Requested by NASDAQ. Halt time: 09:40:22.
09:46 am Mathew Waterfall : Quiet morning for me so far. Letting my positions work. Stalking the weak FANG names but no trigger pull so far
09:47 am MarketMaven M : $SPX spike
09:48 am Dani M : $HMNY vol halt
09:49 am Carol B : Copper serously off
09:51 am Curtis M : HMNY Google Play Shows Availability of Zone Technologies’ RedZone Map[+]
09:53 am Curtis M : 52wk Highs: $NVLN $UMH
10:02 am Curtis M : Looks like morning momos are done for me – gong to run scans and come back and review oil, gold, etc
10:02 am Curtis M : 10 mins
10:17 am Curtis M : Very quiet out there
10:19 am Mathew Waterfall : Yepp. $VIX getting smoked but not much movement to the upside which is kind of odd. Likely we just drift/chop around next 2 weeks
10:50 am Curtis M : Not much to review at all – market just flatenned – oil may move a bit and of course some select stocks – but currency and commodities and indices blah
10:52 am Mathew Waterfall : Sounds like we are both in the same camp. I’m gonna do some scans and grab some coffee. Back in a bit
11:11 am Curtis M : $AKAO pop
11:11 am Curtis M : $CLVS pop
11:12 am Curtis M : $CLVS Halt
11:14 am Curtis M : CLVSClovis Shares to Resume Trade at 11:15:59 a.m. EST
11:24 am Curtis M : Experiencing internet spikes expect service to resume shortly
11:31 am Darnel T : $NKE wth jeez
11:38 am Mathew Waterfall : $NKE seeing some decent call buying here as well
11:48 am OILK K : Curl on $HMY tempting but soft day
11:50 am Mathew Waterfall : Not much doing today. Might be my only open all day: $WYNN Jan20 95/97 call spread at .57. Out if it slips past 90
11:54 am Curtis M : $CLVS 4 mins
12:19 pm Dani M : $OCLR vol
12:35 pm Mathew Waterfall : Any knife catchers out there? Dust looks about ready. High risk options play with some rewards if you get a bounce
12:35 pm Sammy T : Market stall Mat
12:36 pm Sammy T : Pause time or something
12:36 pm Curtis M : $DUST likely gonna pop
12:51 pm Carol B : Man $CLVS when?
12:55 pm Mathew Waterfall : $XOM looking sickly here. Still in the channel I have drawn in, would touch bottom of said cahnnel at 89.8
12:56 pm Mathew Waterfall : And now making lows lol. This should be rallying with oil and the overall market, I guess people are spooked by recent tillerson news or something
12:57 pm Curtis M : I think the market is off in a number of ways – just my opinion thos
12:57 pm Mathew Waterfall : Some weird divergences that don’t make sense to me here. Another reason I’m not in a rush to trade today
01:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : $MNKD gettin frisky
01:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : Trimming some of my position
01:10 pm Curtis M : $CLVS PT Stifel raise to 52
01:14 pm Curtis M : $CLVS 1:20 EST estimate for open
01:23 pm Dani M : $TAC halted news
01:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : $IWM trying. Higher high would confirm. Failure of that not pretty IMO
01:37 pm Carol B : Looking at $CLVS here
01:43 pm Mathew Waterfall : $IWM loses 136.81 and I’m out small call position. It will be for a small loss but price action isn’t great. Will come back to it later
01:48 pm Carol B : Long $DUST for a start
01:51 pm Slav O : $MNKD HOD
01:52 pm Mathew Waterfall : $CLF eyes on long term fib at 8.61. Liking jan calls there if it gets there. Currently showing some small signs of life
01:55 pm Mathew Waterfall : Legging in. First rounf $CLF jan13 10c’s @.24. These are buy and forget just like 11’s I am already holding
02:00 pm Curtis M : Grabbing coffee back in 10
02:18 pm John M : I think i fell asleep
02:18 pm Curtis M : $STUDY
02:21 pm Curtis M : Buy Christmas presents 🙂
02:28 pm Mathew Waterfall : Thanks for reminding me. I’m now scanning amazon for something last minute for the lady lol
02:29 pm Curtis M : ha
02:29 pm Drew M : Terrorist attacks seem to be up.
02:30 pm Curtis M : oh my ya true
02:44 pm Mathew Waterfall : Only thing I’m really watching now is $CLF for another possible add at 8.65-8.61. Would like to see how it handles the close so not in a big hurry.
02:45 pm Dani M : $ENPH alive
02:58 pm Darnel T : $MNKD strong afternoon
03:02 pm Drew M : Done for day!
03:13 pm Mathew Waterfall : Quiet day for me as well. Don’t expect any more trades into the close, and realy don’t feel rushed to put many trades on before the end of the year. Hoping to keep melting up a bit here but I’m pretty small overall
03:13 pm Mathew Waterfall : It’s easy to get chopped up in sideways markets especially trading options
03:14 pm Curtis M : Yep I’m just doing paperwork
03:14 pm Michael P : Cya guys!
03:24 pm Mathew Waterfall : $SPY bounce into the close? Any guesses?
03:25 pm Mathew Waterfall : 225.45 is my no position guess
03:39 pm Mathew Waterfall : Damn $SGY! Didn’t they go BK a while back? Just noticed that one on the watch list
03:39 pm Curtis M : lol i think so
03:49 pm MarketMaven M : See ya all tomorrow!!!
03:49 pm Jack D : catcha
04:00 pm Curtis M : Well have a great night folks I’m gonna shut er down and go decorate a tree lol – best!
You can follow along with public calls our algorithms post on Twitter here:
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Article Topics: $TNXP, $XGTI, $SGY, $GSAT, Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $CBMX, $JUNO, $UWT, $GLD $GDX $USOIL $WTIC $SPY $DXY $VIX $GDXJ $NUGT $DUST $JNUG $JDST $GC_F $USO $UCO $SCO $CL_F $UWT $DWT $ERX $ERY $GUSH $DRIP $SPY S&P 500