Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algorithm Charting Calls and Alerts for Thursday Jan 26, 2017 $GOOGL, $MSFT, $DUST, $INTC, $JUNO, $CBMX, $ROKA, $TRCH, $LGCY – $SPY, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV, $USDJPY, $DXY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $VIX, $NG_F…
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Per Yesterday;
New Member Processing: Because our promo expires at the end of the month we are processing more new members than normal and Sartaj is traveling in Europe so he is processing at each stop on his travels as he gets time – bear with us, we’re getting new members up and running with reports within 72 hours of check-out at this point! Thanks!
Two Week Account Double Challenge: It ended today (Monday) because there was a holiday last week (so ten trading days). I didn’t double, I think I was closer to 41% and our techs will do review vids and publish P&L soon for review. It started out really strong and as inauguration got closer market got less aggressive and has been since. The momo plays lacked follow through the last five or six trading days. Oh well! 41% ish isn’t bad. I’ll be looking to get my double up before the end of the month now and I’ll be targeting a double up per month going forward. Remember – all live in the room, recorded, transcript etc… no calling things after the fact – totally transparent room.
Daily Trading Results: I apologize, I haven’t had time to do last Wed, Thur and Fri yet – I will post them. To be honest they were so uneventful for me that I prioritized other work – but I’ll get them out soon.
Promo Code Discounts are Ending: The 38.2% inaugural opening discounts end Jan 31, 2017 and we won’t be a promo driven type room – so if you’re thinking of jumping do it now. Also, the promo codes are technically all used up (we were only going to offer discount for first 200) so if you get an error message when typing in your promo code that’s on the website then let us know and a tech will sort it for you.
SMS / Email Alerts: Our system was upgraded so all members will now start receiving them for each trade (morning momo trades may not have time to process alerts outside room fyi).
New Service Option: We now also offer a stand-alone trading room option (vs. bundle w/ trading room, premarket newsletter and alerts) at 59.00 /mth and w/ promo code is 1.22 per day.
New Service Option: EPIC the Oil Algo now has an Oil Report only option (vs. bundle w/ 24 hr trading room launching early 2017) at 199.00 and w/promo code works out to just over 4.00 day.
New Service Option: Entry-Level trader one-on-one trade coaching and entry-level trade academy options now available in addition to intermediate / advanced trading academy and coaching.
Feature Post: There is a feature blog post at this link, “Why our Stock Algorithms are Different than Most“. If you are using our algorithms or charting it is a must read.
Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:
Google I entered with some of our swing service members after market trading (large entry), $MSFT and $INTC I scalped after market. $TRCH I entered doing regular trade as an add and $LGCY – holding both. Still hold $DUST, $JUNO, $ROKA, $CBMX and I’m bullish on all (have a plan and reasons for all that I won’t get in to here). Had a small papercut moomo trade for a 5 cent loss first thing in morning.

Momentum / Noteable Stocks Today:
Ticker | Last | Change | Volume | ![]() |
Signal |
FFHL | 3.42 | 48.05% | 3732398 | Top Gainers | |
GLF | 2.10 | 44.83% | 2029400 | Top Gainers | |
MSDI | 2.16 | 35.85% | 2722800 | Top Gainers | |
PULM | 2.22 | 35.37% | 20261451 | Top Gainers | |
AVGR | 3.10 | 34.78% | 9900900 | Top Gainers | |
BDMS | 12.75 | 34.21% | 14600 | Top Gainers | |
GMO | 0.56 | 23.33% | 1387439 | New High | |
LUNA | 2.27 | 14.07% | 1515973 | New High | |
MGCD | 8.70 | 13.55% | 85867 | New High | |
CFBK | 2.04 | 8.05% | 70259 | New High | |
WOOF | 90.80 | 0.01% | 2005000 | Overbought | |
UPLD | 11.62 | 1.93% | 15833 | Overbought | |
FFHL | 3.42 | 48.05% | 3732398 | Unusual Volume | |
MGI | 12.92 | 8.75% | 12625500 | Unusual Volume | |
ENTL | 16.69 | -13.92% | 1891400 | Unusual Volume | |
MGCD | 8.70 | 13.55% | 85867 | Unusual Volume | |
ABB | 23.80 | 1.28% | 5779600 | Upgrades | |
ABMD | 106.09 | -7.60% | 1243213 | Earnings Before | |
COGT | 3.85 | -2.53% | 78400 | Insider Buying |
New Swing Account Entry $GOOGL Scalped – $MSFT, $INTC Small size – $DUST, $JUNO, $CBMX, $ROKA, $TRCH, $LGCY, $ESEA
Looking Forward:
I’m still bullish. We were right about Brexit, Trump winning, all time highs in markets, our algos have obviously been nailing it and I have no reason to stop. We are publishing my and the algo and swing trading P&L’s over next few days with obvious massive percentage gains over many hundreds of calls now dating back to last July. We’re also doing some webinars soon to help the market about our algos and to show members how to use them. And finally we have a series of documents and videos coming out that take a scientific approach to all our calls and the verdict on our success – fortunately we tracked the whole launch process. It has been upward and onward since we started developing the algos and I am very very pumped forward.
Judge me on my results not what I think.
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) January 27, 2017
Price action since my alert. Algo modeling worksheet Jan 27 438 AM $GC_F $GLD $XAUUSD $GDX $GDXJ $NUGT $DUST $JNUG $JDST
— Rosie the Gold Algo (@ROSIEtheAlgo) January 27, 2017
Per last report on Tuesday;
I’m excited for trade now. Yesterday I pointed out that I was looking at a trade in inverse Gold and that worked out and that it looked like commodities were going to cool some. Also noted yesterday that the market would likely pop and $SPY got some lift. So no surprises at all – going per plan. Epic the Oil algo, Rosie the Gold Algo, SuperNova Silver Algo and the rest of them are all dialed in and hitting well.
I can’t complain – I’ve had a good run, Mathew is hitting it regularly and the members are having a great year so far so it’s all systems a go!
In overnight trade it looks like commodities are cooling a bit so I may look at inverse Gold or Miner’s ETN’s ETF’s Tuesday, also market has been calm since inauguration so I would expect a bit of a pop or drop here soon and I’m thinking a pop. So I’m looking forward to the last six days of trading in January.
Also looking at the Trump “wall” trade 🙂
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Announcements in Trading Room:
09:00 am Curtis M : Premarket Momo: $AVGR, $MGI, $FFHL, $FNCX, $RLMD – also Gold and Natural Gas lots of range.
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter may be removed.
08:57 am Curtis M : .
09:01 am OILK K : Gold looks awful
09:21 am OILQ K : $FNCX looks good for open
09:22 am Mathew Waterfall : looks like usd/jpy wante to test the top of the channel which is right about 114.4 and also lined up with previous support/res. I expect it to back off from there but watching closely
09:31 am Elyse N : Watchin $RADA here
09:31 am Elyse N : $FFHL long
09:35 am Roger S : $FFHL rocket power wow
09:35 am Mathew Waterfall : $AAPL call spread almost a double. Im out at 3 bags
09:36 am OILQ K : Crude is really close to break out territory
09:36 am Curtis M : Ya watching close
09:40 am Kari S : Short $FFHL
09:40 am Jon E : $PCLN momo
09:42 am Steve S : Good short Kari
09:53 am Mathew Waterfall : Seeing some messy options flow. Puts buying in a few names and on $SPY. Some large $TVIX darkpool prints as well
09:56 am Clive B : $GLBS on steriods
10:02 am Gurpreet S : $RGSE lol
10:06 am Steve S : $PULM popping a bit
10:18 am Kari S : Taking some $SEAX here for a start
10:18 am Kari S : $SAEX
10:19 am Kari S : Rails looking awesome too guys
10:19 am Elyse N : Yes to rails
10:26 am Curtis M : I was on top of $LGCY 2 days ago ugh and forgot
10:35 am Curtis M : Thanks Mat
10:36 am Curtis M : Starter in $PULM
10:39 am Kari S : $TRCH up 5% Curt
10:46 am Curtis M : Stopped out $PULM .5 cent loss
10:46 am Mathew Waterfall : $egle POPPIN
10:54 am Curtis M : Long $LGCY small for break out
10:54 am Curtis M : Still hunting break outs lol
10:55 am Mathew Waterfall : Scanners are empty. Im gonna take a break and do some deeper scanning to see if I can find anything positive out there. Be back in a bit
10:55 am Curtis M : kk
11:08 am Roger S : Covered $NAK short from open
11:09 am Clive B : What r u thinking with crude curt?
11:09 am Curtis M : Thinking theres a possible squeez coming above that yellow line if it gets there
11:10 am Clive B : ya thats what I figured
11:10 am Curtis M : It may get there if so I’ll hammer down on small small cap oil and UWT
11:10 am Curtis M : But it has to get there
11:12 am Curtis M : Long another 100 shares $LGCY 2.61 avg
11:18 am Kari S : $TRCH looks like its going to go soon Curt
11:19 am Kari S : $LGCY and $TRCH could be good so I am going to start small entries
11:29 am Jon E : $TRCH popping nice volume
11:31 am Mathew Waterfall : Interesting to me that $IWM is remaining weak against the other indexes. Watching this to see if it leads to the downside. It lead higher after the election so it should provide some direction
11:33 am Curtis M : If oil gets up over that white dotted algo line t will test the upside resistance break out area
11:35 am Mathew Waterfall : Small $JNUG tester against LODish
11:35 am Mathew Waterfall : USD/JPY chart looks like it wants to roll over a bit otherwise I wouldn’t take this trade
11:35 am Mathew Waterfall : $GDX chart looks UGLY so tight leash
11:35 am Mathew Waterfall : 7.93 entry
11:39 am Mathew Waterfall : Huge buy $GDX 22.83
11:40 am Roger S : Nice bottom $SCON bouncer
11:40 am Mathew Waterfall : Gonna set my stop to flat and move on for a bit. Will let it play out here
11:49 am Mathew Waterfall : No mojo for me today. Stopped flat on that $JNUG attempt. Not looking to take losses so I may just sit on my hands and see where this market goes
11:57 am Mathew Waterfall : Bought a bit of $SLW to add to the amount I bought yesterday averaging down. About half position here. and $JNUG is now moving north lol
11:57 am Mathew Waterfall : $SLW is a swing and I will hold for a while
12:03 pm Elyse N : Curt – when is that webinar?
12:04 pm Curtis M : We have one for Rosie the Gold algo coming – haven’t set on for Oil yet – soon
12:04 pm Elyse N : ok would like that
12:05 pm Curtis M : This weekend we’re announcing times for webinars for all algos
12:06 pm Curtis M : Machines pushing the edge of that algo line hard in crude
12:06 pm Curtis M : real aggressive
12:06 pm Curtis M : here it is
12:07 pm Curtis M : wouldnt want to be short but it could fail still but short is not good here
12:11 pm Mathew Waterfall : Rollover continuing in USD. $TLT also flashing green
12:15 pm Roger S : Long $UWT small and will add if we see a break out – short leash as Mathew says
12:16 pm Caide X : Good risk reward Roger – break out oil gets to 54.30 before res makes sense
12:17 pm Caide X : Looking at miners and not sure what to do
12:19 pm Mathew Waterfall : Have a coin to flip Caide? lol j/k
12:19 pm Mathew Waterfall : give me a second I’ll hop oin the mic and give my view
12:26 pm Curtis M : $BCEI halt
12:28 pm Mathew Waterfall : Hope between the mini tangets some of that made sense lol
12:42 pm Dean S : In $CLVS some
12:47 pm Steve S : $SSH jiggy
12:49 pm Elyse N : $AWH alive now
12:57 pm Steve S : $BCEI short cover pop and drop action?
01:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : Halt was for news but I can’t find out what the news was so not trading it
01:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : the 5′ bar it put in is crazy thought
01:01 pm Steve S : No news out there on $BCEI at all
01:02 pm Mathew Waterfall : The only news I could find was that it was halted for news lol so that’s great
01:02 pm Steve S : lol
01:02 pm Mathew Waterfall : Likely a bunch of people guessing at this point
01:04 pm Mathew Waterfall : Dollar getting smoked finally. $GDX running into a trendline over 22.96 will have legs if dollar keeps falling
01:04 pm Gurpreet S : $MYOS high of day
01:05 pm Mathew Waterfall : Problem with $MYOS is that it already had a large ramp to squeeze the shorts
01:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : Now inventory may be looking to exit if they bought up near those highs
01:08 pm Jon E : Low floats aren’t easy playz imho
01:12 pm Mathew Waterfall : You got that right Jon.
01:13 pm Jon E : pumpers there too
01:14 pm Curtis M : crude support test
01:15 pm Curtis M : blue line
01:16 pm Curtis M : Gold coming up to res at blue line
01:21 pm Steve S : $EGY dump
01:25 pm Mathew Waterfall : $gld call buying coming across here
02:15 pm Mathew Waterfall : still sitting on my hands over here. Gold so far with the 23.6 on the downside and bounced holding above it so far. Close over that at 1184.1 is constructive for a test to upsie at 1221 which is the 38.2 and basically the last swing high
02:26 pm Steve S : Watching your Twitter feed Curt 🙂 Just poking the nerves of bears over there
02:26 pm Steve S : $TRCH does look good though
02:27 pm Curtis M : ya
02:28 pm Curtis M : just havin fun
02:37 pm Curtis M : Here comes the test on $SPY
02:41 pm Steve S : Adding to $NVDA swing
02:43 pm Gurpreet S : Decent spot Steve
02:44 pm Gurpreet S : I was looking at it on its pullback but didn’t enter
02:46 pm Caide X : Wow $DELT action here
02:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : $DELT is flying. Sliced right through VWAP. Might take some on a pullback to that area
03:05 pm Mathew Waterfall : Vicious green bar the dollar just put in and basically got swatted as resistance.
03:26 pm Dean S : Adding to $LGCY swing in to close
03:29 pm Mathew Waterfall : What a do nothing day. I will spare you guys the useless ramblings into the close here sense we havne’t really moved all all sense my last check in. Looking for dollar back in the 99’s over the next day or two and gold abck north or 1200. Other than that nothing changed on my radar
03:30 pm Jon E : ya boring
03:31 pm Mathew Waterfall : Even as daytraders we don’t have to trade heavily every day. Over trading can be a good way to donate money, something I hate doing
03:32 pm Gurpreet S : 10 4
03:44 pm Steve S : $KerX lozer
03:50 pm Mathew Waterfall : $TLT wants HOD into the close. 119.29 and I will think of taking some calls
03:57 pm Kari S : $GOOGL , $MSFT, $SBUX , $INTC , $WYNN , $PYPL here we come
03:59 pm Mathew Waterfall : Big night for earnings. I don’t play earnings so I’ll be watching from the sidelines. Have a good night all, slight down day for me with my miners and metals plays, but looking for upside after some consolidation. See ya in the am
04:00 pm Curtis M : cya Mat
04:00 pm Curtis M : cya crew
Be safe out there!
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Article Topics: $GOOGL, $MSFT, $DUST, $INTC, $JUNO, $CBMX, $ROKA, $TRCH, $LGCY, $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD, $GDX, $USOIL, $WTIC, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $DXY, $VIX, $GC_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, S&P 500