Daily Profit and Loss Summary for Personal Day and Swing Trades, Oil and Bitcoin Trades, Machine Trades and Alerts. Includes Live Trading Room Video and Alert Feed Screen Shots.
I recently posted to my Twitter feed that I would start providing daily trade profit and loss summaries and also posted some info on our goals for our machine trading / alert compound gains.
I am just getting back in to the routine of posting daily trade profit and loss reports. For now they will be basic and over time we’ll get more study / trading plan info included and more formal P&L spreadsheets included. Below is what time allows for today.
Tuesday July 2, 2019 Trade Summary.
Overall, a non eventful day.
Equities: On the stock (equity) trading front it was quiet for Day Trades and Swing Trades (July 4 holiday near) so that is expected. Watching $AMD close as I am in 3/10 size, the other swing trades / updates will be on the report we’re near completing now (I have a number of open trades).
Crude Oil: Our machine software didn’t trigger as oil slumped through out the day (mostly institutional risk on selling) and at the current software throttle it won’t trade directional trades like that (we’re about a week away with throttle control for those type of trades to trigger the software). I was triggering longs at each bottom support and end up just green on the day – I was looking for a great bounce but didn’t get one. I was lucky to be green.
The video below is a great lesson for newer traders if they ever get in to a situation with oil trading underwater on their day trades, technical skills can get you green. Oil sold off all day and I only executed longs and I was just green.
The mistake, I should have obviously been short, but a sell off of that magnitude was unusual to say the least. Odds were that I was going to get a decent bounce and there just wasn’t one. The trade sequence at end of day was green (as I said), but it was close.
The raw trading room video with live charting and me broadcasting trades in the sequence at every step will help struggling traders, but the video is raw so you have to reference the time of the alerts to the time on the video.
Bitcoin: I covered another 25% of the short (for 3/4 covered now) literally two cents from the bottom of the day, that was an exceptional trade. We do well with Bitcoin, its an easy trader for us, really clean. Hold 25% still short and looking to re short at resistance. If it blows through resistance I’ll cover and be up on the trade sequence.
Oil Machine Trades / Alerts
As above in the summary, there were no machine trade alerts (unusual, I think that was the first day).
Personal Oil Trades.
There was one trade sequence that lasted all day. Just green on the sequence.
Machine Bitcoin Trades.
N/A in development.
Personal Bitcoin Trades.
As mentioned I covered 25% (for 75% total on short position) at 9652.00 (low of day was 9650.00 haha, great timing on that one).
Personal Swing Trades.
No new positions, adds or trims (other than Bitcoin). This will get very active as soon as the new swing trade report is released and we are past the July 4 holiday.
Personal Day Trades.
None on day.
Trading Room Raw Video Footage on Day:
#OilTrading #BitcoinTrading #DayTrading #SwingTrading #MachineTrading #TradeAlerts
The video below is raw feed only, to find live trading and trade alerts voice broadcast when lead trader is trading in the room reference the time of day on the alerts.
Live Trading Room Raw Feed
Supporting Trade Alerts and Charting on Day:
If you cannot see a chart below, a link is not available or not showing to the alert and/or chart or parts of the data is blocked with ******, this is because it is a premium member chart or alert.
Crude Oil Trade Alerts.
There were numerous crude oil trade alerts in one trade sequence on my personal trading for the day (there were no machine trades), see screen capture below from oil trade alert feed. Traders with access to the alert feed (members) can see time stamp on each alert when you click the alert and you can cross reference the alert time with the raw video feed from the live trading room to hear my decisions (voice broadcast) at each trade.

Bitcoin Alerts.
Covered 25% hold 25% of BTC swing short 9652.00 see support on chart
7:34 AM – 2 Jul 2019
DayTrade & Swing Trade Alerts.
I can’t stress enough that for new traders or traders that are fighting to get green if you take the time to scroll through those live raw video feeds and see the live trades as they’re happening there’s Gold in there, but you have to invest the time. I’ll try and segment out lessons as I have time, but we’re busy and its tough to get the time to do that. I’ll do it as I can though.
And for members, not enough members take advantage of all the charting on the various reports and in the Discord private member rooms, we unload all kinds of learning information in the Discord servers for traders that need to learn how to trade.
If you have any questions about my trading or need help with yours send me an email anytime [email protected] and I’ll do my best to help.
Trade Coaching Webinars. This weekend we will announce 3 different How to Trade webinars. All three to be held Sunday July 7. One each for 1:00 PM Oil, 5:00 PM Swing Trading, and 7:00 PM Bitcoin trading. They will be recorded and available for order on website thereafter. Each will have limited attendee availability so that I have time to work with attendee question and answer during the webinar. Existing members get 50% discounted rates: Retail rates Oil 499.99 (4 hrs), Swing Trading 199.00 (2 hrs), Bitcoin 99.00 (1 hr). Legacy members free. If you want to attend or want a copy of the webinar video email Jen [email protected] prior to promo going out this weekend as these particular webinar formats fill up quick.
Master Trade Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):
Recent Daily Trading Profit & Loss Reports Here:
Recent Premarket Notes Here (for more about what we’re up to with our trading):
Company News:
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
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