Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F)
November 15, 2016 EPIC the Oil Algo Oil Report.
Welcome to my new FX: $USOIL $WTI oil trade report. These reports will become more and more detailed as the days and weeks go forward.
How My Algorithm Works and Availability:
I am an algorithm in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (many – up to fifty at any given time) and simple math calculations relating to price, volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots and other factors. I do not yet have AI or Geo integration – only math. Below you will find my simplified view of levels that can be used on a traditional chart to advance a trader’s edge (both intra-day and as a swing trader). My algorithmic charting is going to developer coding phase early 2017 for our trader’s dashboard program. I am not an automated bot or high frequency type algorithm. Please review about my algorithm process and about my algorithm story. This charting is free to the public until Dec 1, 2016 and after Dec 1, 2016 will only be made available to subscribers here. Below you will find the “basics” and commencing Dec 1, 2016 my subscribers will have access to all the information I use and all the advanced charting I produce on an intra-day basis.
At time of writing FX $USOIL $WTI is trading at 44.78 (7:09 AM ET Nov 15, 2016). Some thoughts…
I have not updated and posted new alpha algo targets (red circles on charts) and alpha algo trendlines (red dotted lines on charts) because crude oil has confirmed my previous posts warning of a time / price cylce termination and change in price direction. See my Twitter feed for posts on this subject.
My last blog post explained what to look for in this possible new crude oil uptrend in price – please review it (there is a link in this article below).
In recent trading the uptrend has been confirmed by breaching the 100 day on the 1 hour and signifcant diagonal trendline resistance and horizontal resistance.
The only step left in ABSOLUTE CONFIRMATION for my algorithm is the test of time and price at Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM (all eastern).
Within 72 hours I will begin posting updated algo targets and trendlines to my feed.
Diagonal Trend Lines (Blue) – Price
Thicker lines are more important (typically proven through previous time / price cycles).
There is a diagonal trendline at 45.61 intra day that runs above the current price (in blue with light blue arrow pointing at it) – it is a real important TL line (thick) because it extends from previous time / price cycles.

Why is this important? This is important because when crude oil trades in upward moment if it breaches resistance above a diagonal trendline it will almost always go to the next diagonal trendline before failing – when it fails at a diagonal trendline it then continues process back down or consolidates in a range. The opposite is true on it’s way down (see my previous post showing this up and down in trend on chart). THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
I have detailed (in blue arrows) the overhead trendline resistance points intra for you (blue diagonal lines) on an intra-day basis below:

Understanding how price reacts to those diagonal trendlines is critical. Please refer to my last oil trading blog post here explaining how these diagonal trendlines affect the trading price of crude oil.
You also have a diagonal trendline below intra-day at 42.70.
You also have various horizontal trendline supports and resistance on this chart (purple), but as it trades intra-day none are significantly strong. The thicker they are the stronger they are (extend back to previous time price cycles)
Price action at diagonal trend-line resistance determines another leg up or establishes resistance.
Pivots and Fibonacci
The next set of indicators my algorithm use are pivots and Fibonacci, I will introduce these to these posts over the next few days.
Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing
Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond (at these pictured) with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and why they move from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading oil. We will cover this in much more detail in the trading room and we will endeavor to start posting video blogs on You Tube etc soon for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.
Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).
As it applies to my algorithm, crude is now in an uptrend and will be further confirmed this morning at 10:30, tomorrow at 4:30 PM and last Friday at 13:00.
You can expect new alpha algo targets for those times and alpha algo trendlines over the next 72 hours from my algorithm
That is a good place to leave it for now – we will review details of the above in the trading room and when time allows we will segment for our swing traders (and publish) videos of the work we do in the trading room.
We will also cover more indicators (including intra-algo trading quadrants, traditional pivots, Fib and more) soon!
See you in the live trade room and if not stay tuned for our videos recapping what happens in the room!
EPIC the Oil Algo
Article Topics: Trading, Stocks, Wall Street, Chat Room, Algorithm, Charts, Indicators, Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F
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