November 13, 2023

RE: EPIC v5.1.0 Protocol Updates –  Hard Stop Pivots & Downside Risk Management

The development team of EPIC Crude Oil $CL_F Machine Learning Software (, $SPY SP500 $MES Machine Learning Software ( and soon to be launched $BTC and $ETH Machine learning software have been at it for near 8 years and see the Version 5 series as a significant milestone. In future, we expect only moderate “tweak” updates to the Oil Trading Software. The others should follow in with EPIC’s Oil architecture in months – not years. 

Please refer to previous white papers and updates for historical context.

In this update we provide important information regarding (1) Hard Stop / Reversal Pivot Protocols and (2) Downside Risk Management.

(1) Hard Stop / Reversal Pivot Protocol.

Prior to the Pivot Protocol challenge, the most significant challenge our team had was the “stability” protocol, it took the longest by far to conquer. Next in complexity was the pivot protocol. At issue with pivots specifically – order fills and the age-old “death by a thousand cuts”. The software executes market orders by design per architecture – again, refer to previous white papers and updates.

The most recent downturn in crude challenged the team to find a way to avoid the pivot execution paper cut challenge. In short, we accomplished an 80% win rate at pivot executions. Previous to this period of draw-down we struggled to find a way for the software to execute in size at key pivots without taking paper cuts that added quick to downside risk. This is now mitigated through order flow tech (see IDENT references in previous papers). In short 8 in 10 executions now manifest positive return executions which is far better than 1 in 10 at pivots it was firing at previously.

For the first time reader, in short, EPIC fires at key pivots often against trend and builds a position creating a low dollar cost average on high frequency trades during a sequence of exections. At issue, was primarly our ability to have the software fire in size and not have paper cut draw downs. This is now resolved. A significant milestone.

(2) Draw-Down Mitigation.

Having the pivot / reversal execution protocol firing at 80% upside rate allows the architecture of the draw down risk component of the software to be very, very “tight”. Observers will find over the near term EPIC to remain aggresive and yet very limited in draw-down size. This was previously not possible due to the “paper-cut” issue discussed above. 

The advancements in architecture described above are considerable game changers for our development team and the holders of tokenization projects (representing returns or losses in trade) and the private side client(s).

We expect ROI consistency and value to increase significantly forward.

Business Inquiries.

For information about our subscription services that include; oil trade alerts, an oil trading room and oil trade newsletter reporting contact Compound Trading Group at [email protected] or

For information about the data behind the trade (results) or utilizing our automated crude oil machine trading platform contact our agent representative Richard Regan:

Email [email protected]
Phone 1-849-861-0697

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Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss. Win 90%. ROI 131.26%. April 1-30, 2020. 200,000-462,520.00 as Alerted to Member Private Feed, Trading Room and/or Newsletter Reporting. #swingtrading #tradealerts

Tickers Alerted on Swing Trade Feeds: $AAPL, $OSTK, $LUV, $BTC, $SPY, $TSLA, $BABA, $VIX, $IBB, $MA, $AXP, $LVS, $INO, $TLRY, $INTC, $APDN, $PD, $KBE, $RCUS, $GC_F, $SI_F, $CL_F, $APO, $CCJ, $CAE, $TECK, $TACO, $VXX, $BIIB, $CLVS, 

Swing Trading Profit Loss – Win 90% . ROI 131.26%. April 1 – 30, 2020. $200,000.00-$454,676.00 #swingtrading #tradealerts

Google Drive Document Link:

Date Entry (EST) Exit (EST) Long, Short, Close, Trim, Add Symbol Size Buying Price Selling Price Profit/Loss Running P/L Alert Link
* Note: there are a series of oil trades that have to yet be moved to this ledger from lead trader.
4/30/2020 12.05 PM Long $LUV 500 30.78 0
4/30/2020 PRE Trim 50%: 25 hold 25 $OSTK 25 8.73 14.83 152.5 462520
4/30/2020 8:05 AM Trim 10% $BTC 70 5900 8878 20846 462368
4/30/2020 POST Trim 25 hold 25 $AAPL 25 268.1 294 647.5 441522
4/29/2020 12:49 PM Trim 90 hold 370 $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) 90 33.7 37.15 310.5 440875
4/29/2020 12:17 PM Trim 90 hold 460 $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) 90 33.7 36.98 295 449565
4/29/2020 Trim 30% 30 of 150 hold 20 $KBE 30 28.23 35.21 209 440270
4/29/2020 10:26 AM Trim 90 hold 550 of 640 $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) 90 33.7 36.8 279 440061
4/29/2020 PRE Trim 10% hold 320 $CAE 80 14.1 17.22 249.6 439782
4/29/2020 PRE Take profit to 90% sell 180 hold 30 $MA 180 247 273.2 4716 438533
4/28/2020 11:23 Add 1/10 size long $TECK 300 7.71 0
4/28/2020 PRE Trim 10% $IBB 30 123 128.7 157 434817
4/28/2020 PRE Trim 10% $TACO 240 4.4 5 144 434660
4/28/2020 7:01 AM Trim 10% $AXP 20 84.5 86.25 35 434516
4/28/2020 6:57 AM Trim 10% 20 of 140 hold 120 $LVS 20 44.5 47.8 66 434481
4/28/2020 6:54 AM Trim 10% 90 of 730 hold 640 $MA 90 247 269.5 2025 434415
4/28/2020 PRE Trim 50% $CAE 400 14.1 17.2 1240 432390
4/28/2020 PRE Trim 50% $KBE $KBE 150 28.23 31.5 490.5 421150
4/28/2020 10:27 AM Trim 270 of 900 hold 730 $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) 270 33.7 36.3 648 430660
4/27/2020 3:00 PM Trim 90 of 300, hold 210 $MA 90 247 264.9 1611 430012
4/27/2020 10:25 AM Trim 30% 60 of 200 hold 140 $LVS 60 44.55 47.7 187 428401
4/27/2020 9:56 AM Close $INO $INO 20 11.03 15.22 88 428214
4/27/2020 9:55 AM Trim 10% 60 of 600 hold 540 $TLRY 60 8.04 9.26 70.8 428126
4/27/2020 PRE Trim 40 hold 50 $AAPL 40 268.1 284.9 672 428055
4/25/2020 POST Close 50 $RCUS 50 15.5 30 725 427383
4/24/2020 3:40 PM Starter long $TLRY 600 8.04 0
4/24/2020 3:03 PM Starter long $LVS 200 44.55 0
4/24/2020 PRE Starter long $CCJ 600 9.83 0
4/24/2020 PRE Long $AXP 200 84.5 0
4/23/2020 PRE Trim to 90%, hold 20 $INO 130 11.03 12.49 189.8 426658
4/22/2020 Trim 25% $INO 50 11.03 11.46 21.5 426469
4/21/2020 11:54 AM Short starter $TSLA 20 694.5
4/21/2020 10:00 Add $APPL 268s per alert hold 90 $APPL 85 268.1 0
4/21/2020 11:00 Trim $VXX 300 hold 100 $VXX 300 43 47.8 1440 426448
4/21/2020 PRE Trim 50% of position $OSTK 50 8.73 11.89 158 425008
4/20/2020 11:18 AM Long Starter $CLVS 300 11.18 0
4/20/2020 12:00 Close $BIIB 30 335 350 450 424850
4/20/2020 10:48 Long starter $ACB 1200 0.71 0
4/17/2020 4:03 PM Sell 25% $MA 100 247 260 1300 424400
4/17/2020 Sell 25% $TACO 600 4.4 4.67 162 423100
4/17/2020 PRE Long $TACO 2400 4.4 0
4/16/2020 PRE Long $CAE 800 14.1 0
4/16/2020 POST Long $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) 900 33.7 0
4/16/2020 1:39 PM Trim profit to 90% 450 of 500 $RCUS 450 15.5 29.2 6165 422938
4/16/2020 16:42 Long in Size $MA 400 247 0
4/16/2020 POST Trim to 90% – 35 of 40 hold 5 $AAPL 35 261.9 296 1193.5 416773
4/15/2020 PRE Trim 100 of 200 $APDN 100 3.01 8.51 550 415580
4/14/2020 PRE Trim profit 25% 75 of 150 $INTC 75 48.42 58.7 771 415030
4/14/2020 PRE Trim 25% profit $PD 150 17.2 19.12 288 414259
4/14/2020 PRE Trim 2 hold 2 $GC_F 2 1516.01 1725.77 41952 413971
4/14/2020 POST Trim 90%, trim 180 old 20 $BABA 180 180.75 205 4365 372019
4/13/2020 4:14 PM Trim 10% Long hold 40% $AAPL 10 261.9 272.9 110 367644
4/9/2020 Settlement Close stop at entry $CL_F 1 24.07 24.07 0
4/9/2020 9:31 AM Cover short $TSLA 20 544,33 558.2 -277.4 367544
4/9/2020 7:14 AM Trim 45% oil swing profit hold 5% $CL_F 5 24.07 27.3 16150 367822
4/9/2020 PRE $VIX wknd ins adds to 30% $VXX $VXX 300 43 0
4/9/2020 9:15 AM Trim 50% Long hold 50% $AAPL 50 261.9 270 405 351672
4/8/2020 11:34 Long $KBE 300 28.23 0
4/8/2020 10:04 Short (small) $TSLA 20 544.33 0
4/8/2020 PRE Long $AAPL 100 261.9 0
4/7/2020 8:07 AM Trim oil 50% swing profit $CL_F 6 24.07 24.97 5400 351267
4/7/2020 15:06 Long swing trade oil $CL_F 12 24.07 0
4/6/2020 1:14 PM Trim profit on swaps 25% $BTC 75 5900 7147 1247 345867
4/6/2020 1:14 PM Trim Gold Long (2 @ 100) hold 4 $GC_F 2 1516.01 1654 27598 344620
4/6/2020 1:14 PM Trim Silver Long (2 @ 5000) hold 1 $SI_F 2 12.7 14.82 21200 317022
4/6/2020 PRE Long $ZM 100 128.2 0
4/6/2020 PRE Long $TWTR 500 23.09 0
4/6/2020 PRE Long adds 100 hold 200 $BABA 100 187.11 0
4/6/2020 PRE Long adds $STNE 200 16 0
4/3/2020 2:23 PM Close $CL_F 1 20.44 27.99 7550 295822
4/3/2020 4:00 AM Trim oil $CL_F 1 20.44 25.63 5190 288272
4/2/2020 10:45 AM Trim oil $CL_F 2 20.44 26.6 12320 283082
4/2/2020 10:40 AM Trim oil 50% of 50% approx $CL_F 4 20.44 26.4 23840 270762
4/2/2020 1:43 AM Trim oil trade 50% of total $CL_F 8 20.44 21.81 10960 246922
4/2/2020 10:29 AM Trim Silver Long (2 @ 5000) $SI_F 2 12.7 14.41 17100 235962
4/2/2020 10:29 AM Trim Gold Long (2 @ 100) hold 6 $GC_F 2 1516.01 1609 18598 218862
4/2/2020 4:27 AM Cover 25% $APO 75 34.4 30.87 264.75 200264
3/31/2020 12:10 Long oil swing in size $CL_F 16 20.44 200000
*The goal has been to keep the alert feed simple to allow traders (subs) to structure their own trades, sizing, instruments etc, however, we will be transitioning to a more specific detailed alerting process in 2020 (digital auto platform).
*Run the trades, win rate avg return range you see alerted on the spreadsheet with your preferred sizing, risk tolerance, instrument type and see what your returns would be based on the swing alerts of our platform.
*The trade alert links in spreadsheet will only open for premium subscribers (for use of reference) if you would like a tour of the feed to view the time stamped alerts contact us – the P&L represents alert feed as it was alerted.
*Subscribers can click on alert link for details of alert and also see charting and links to live Trading View charting, structured models, etc for each set up.
*See addendum documentation for; Volatility derivative options trading structures/strategies used for $OVX $VIX $USO $SPY $SPX Gold Silver Crude Oil Bitcoin.
*Many trades in Volatility, Indices, Commodities, Crypto etc are structured as futures or ETF options or lev swaps that take time to detail at intraday alert level – soon trade alerts will include more detail with digital traders platform launch.
*For these P&Ls (until strategy structures include more detail n alerts) we have kept the entries as simple as possible so traders can execute on the actionable set-up.
*Crude oil: lead trader primarily uses a 10 bet position trading strategy on day trades and a 30+ bet system on swings (max size can vary) and EPIC V3.1.1 machine trading a fixed 30 bet system on either.
*Swing clients know in 9/10 trade set ups when lead trade executes a position a profit trim is taken if on right side of trade and then if price returns to buy lead trader has stops there (unless otherwise noted).
*For specific or itemized trade set-up strategies or instrument stuctures as needed for any of the trades in progress email Jen & Curt at [email protected] or clients can Whatsapp Curt direct.


If you need some trade coaching go to our website and register for a minimum 3 hours.

Email me as needed [email protected].



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Swing Trading Study Guide Newsletters (After Trade In-Depth Reviews Including Set-Up Identification, Trading Plan, Sizing, Risk Management, ROI and more).

Weekly Sunday Swing Trading $STUDY Webinars 7-11 PM (10 Week block 100.00, if you can’t make it to webinar videos sent to you before market open Monday).

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Article Topics; Swing Trading, Profit Loss, Trade, Alerts, Newsletter, Stocks, Commodities, Crypto, .$AAPL, $OSTK, $LUV, $BTC, $SPY, $TSLA, $BABA, $VIX, $IBB, $MA, $AXP, $LVS, $INO, $TLRY, $INTC, $APDN, $PD, $KBE, $RCUS, $GC_F, $SI_F, $CL_F, $APO, $CCJ, $CAE, $TECK, $TACO, $VXX, $BIIB, $CLVS

Market Update: Premarket Trading

Morning traders,

Monday was quiet for us, most of the portfolio rising, some trimming of profits of course, best swing run in our history.

The Boeing $BA trade below is an example of the time cycle we’ve had on the swing trading platform:

What a great trade, more than a double in Boeing $BA from 107s to 231s, holding some profit runner 🎯🏹🔥


Still have many profit runners and new positions start over the next 7 or 8 trading days for the cycle in to end of August – watch the swing trade alerts feed for new positions as we come out of this time cycle inflection.

$AAPL $INTC – Apple announcing Mac chips at WWDC – Bloomberg #swingtrading

Today is soft so far, except some highly speculative day trader stocks $IDEX $IZEA $EYES $AQMS etc wow. Watching close.

Going to short TESLA $TSLA to the moon and back when the time is right

“I would like to be able to get more money to buy more
actually,” says legendary investor Ron Baron. $TSLA

We’re in live trading room, EPIC oil trading software active so the live oil trading alerts are also, likely some day trades firing in to open and swing trading reporting coming today with a number of set-ups, time cycle inflection last week this week so we’ll see how that goes.

Active morning for EPIC V3.1.1 crude oil trading alerts, went deep diving 37.25 trading 38.22 inta day #OOTT $CL_F $USO $UCO $SCO $XLE

oil trading alerts, trading room, crude oil

Active morning for EPIC V3.1.1 crude oil trading alerts, went deep diving 37.25 trading 38.22 inta day #OOTT $CL_F $USO $UCO $SCO $XLE

Oil down on stronger dollar, oversupply concerns #OOTT $CL_F $USO $USOIL Thread

Some on schedule:


FOMC decision: What to know in the week ahead


Wholesale Trade

API Crude Oil Data with EIA 10:30 Wed

LIVE: President
holds a news conference




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