Platform Overview

We provide weekly swing trading picks for small cap/low-float stocks and other major equities including: currencies, volatility, commodities, metals, IT, finance, and many more.

Our technicals-based and algorithmic approach back-tests against all available historical data for each equity, applying disciplines such as Fibonacci, symmetry analysis, squeeze momentum, and up to fifty others at any given time. Combined with news and geopolitical indicators, we are able to assure our clients that each selection was picked based on a tightly-controlled, and predictable, methodology.

The platform is designed for individuals not able to sit in front of a computer all day, or hold down day jobs and cannot fully commit to day trading. While we do cover a range including larger cap stocks, we have clients who trade using small accounts, too.

Read our Latest Swing Trading Article here:

How to Swing Trade Like the Pros and Win Over 90% of Trades. #swingtrading #freedomtraders


There are several offerings that are currently provided in an à la carte capacity, providing our clients with the flexibility to design their subscription on an “as-needed” basis. The following sections below outline the constituent components that are used as part of our subscription services.

  • The weekly newsletter contains a watch-list for the week, containing hand-picked market gainers. Updates are also pushed out during the working week specific to each equity (depending on its movement). Technical disciplines are discussed, and provided as a basis for validating each position that our lead trader enters into.
  • Live alerts are provided over Twitter and email when our lead trader enters and exits his swing trades. Only trades which are postulated to run the entire course of risk and reward are signaled to our members.


Swing Trading Bundle: This package combines the newsletter and live alerts.

Swing Trading Newsletter: Contains the weekly newsletter and updates as required over email.

Live Swing Trading Alerts: Live alerts over Twitter and email only. Does not contain the newsletter.


Visit our subscriber testimonials page here.