Morning all.
RE: Premarket Note: Swing Updates, New BTC Platform w/Machine Trade, Oil Machine Trade Completion
We’re still in deep with these two reports – BTC and Swing (the BTC report reflects our newer models for the new machine trade development starting in a few weeks and the swing report is a larger than normal consolidation so both are taking longer than expected), they won’t be delivered until later Tuesday night and possibly in to Wednesday.
In the meantime we have the BTC trade in play and you all have that chart / plan.
On the other side of the release of the BTC report my BTC trading will become much more active on various time frames.
We also have the numerous swing trades in play and you all have the charting for those.
If you have any questions about any of the trades send an email and I will help.
Specifically to the new BTC platform (renewed) for the upcoming machine trade development (now that the oil machine trading is mostly compete)…. the new Bitcoin BTC Twitter alert feed, Discord private server and public facing Social channels will be announced with the BTC report coming out later Tuesday night.
As noted, the oil machine trade coding has been complete for a few weeks and this version is doing well. We’re tweaking as it runs through sequences but all in all we’re extremely satisfied.
Previous premarket tells you a little more about our WIP updates (including upcoming Webinars, P&Ls etc):
Thanks again,
Trade Coaching Webinars. This weekend we will announce 3 different How to Trade webinars. All three to be held Sunday July 7. One each for 1:00 PM Oil, 5:00 PM Swing Trading, and 7:00 PM Bitcoin trading. They will be recorded and available for order on website thereafter. Each will have limited attendee availability so that I have time to work with attendee question and answer during the webinar. Existing members get 50% discounted rates: Retail rates Oil 499.99 (4 hrs), Swing Trading 199.00 (2 hrs), Bitcoin 99.00 (1 hr). Legacy members free. If you want to attend or want a copy of the webinar video email Jen [email protected] prior to promo going out this weekend as these particular webinar formats fill up quick.
Master Trade Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):
Recent Daily Trading Profit & Loss Reports Here:
Recent Premarket Notes Here (for more about what we’re up to with our trading):
Company News:
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
Subscribe to Learn and Profit:
Click Here for Subscription Service Price Tables.
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Premarket: Equities, Oil Levels to Watch, Swing Trades, P&Ls, Webinars Oil, Swing, BTC
Morning traders,
Not a day to get bold with geo political events near term.
Equities: We’re looking at new swing entries between now and Tuesday premarket, likely more so closer to Tuesday. Swing Trading reports will reflect the new positions. 2019 has been a banner year so we’re hoping to continue in that direction.
Swing Trading Profit and Loss Statements: Jen is working through consolidation of Swing Trading Alert P&Ls, will take her a few weeks, in the meantime you can view updates as they’re published (on blog), here’s an example of the format she’s using (most recent update).
Protected: Swing Trading Profit & Loss Report | Swing Trade Alerts Nov 2016 – June 26, 2019
Password: 4321
Oil Trading Profit and Loss Statements: Also being consolidated are the oil alert P&L’s. We’ve settled in to the most recent version of machine trading software now and we’re tweaking and slowly removing throttles as sequences run through. It has only had one red day since recent version launch at 0.2% draw down so that’s really encouraging. We’re expecting big things here. BTC is next (about 6 weeks or so from our start on that).
We’re currently alerting to the oil trade private member feed from the machine trading and my personal trading and will soon include our top traders to the feed.
Recent example of oil trade alerts:
Software alerting / selling near tops today after accumulation of longs in to open. Didn’t nail the top exact, but close enough on a tight range day. #OOTT FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $UWT $DWT #MachineTrading #Oil
Software alerting / selling near tops today after accumulation of longs in to open. Didn't nail the top exact, but close enough on a tight range day. #OOTT FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $UWT $DWT #MachineTrading #Oil
— Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) June 28, 2019
Some Oil Levels On Watch Today FX USOIL WTI:
Levels to watch on EPIC 30 Min Model Today; Resistance 60.76, 60.31, 59.89. Support 59.46, 59.13 down trend TL, 58.92, 58.83, 58.67. Trading 59.52 intra. Caution warranted with G20 and OPEC meetings on deck. Range is compressing in to Geo events last few days.
Trade Coaching Webinars: This weekend we will announce 3 different How to Trade webinars. All three to be held Sunday July 7. One each for 1:00 PM Oil, 5:00 PM Swing Trading, and 7:00 PM Bitcoin trading. They will be recorded and available for order on website thereafter. Each will have limited attendee availability so that I have time to work with attendee question and answer during the webinar. Existing members get 50% discounted rates: Retail rates Oil 499.99 (4 hrs), Swing Trading 199.00 (2 hrs), Bitcoin 99.00 (1 hr). Legacy members free. If you want to attend or want a copy of the webinar video email Jen [email protected] prior to promo going out this weekend as these particular webinar formats fill up quick.
Additional Info:
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
Join Our Mailing List for Free Trading Periodicals
Premarket Note
In trading room at open, mid day, during active trade and in evening session.
Swing Members: If you haven’t reviewed the swing trade report from last night (or at all this quarter) you missed out because near if not all the trade alerts were winners (Q1 2019). Next round in the works now.
Have a great day.
Premarket Note and Important Client Updates March 8, 2019.
Good morning traders!
Our Schedule.
Last night we were in coding / trade protocol publication conference all night so there was no live trading for me in the overnight session.
I am scheduled in main live trading room (voice / chart broadcast room) at US regular market open (9:30 EST) and during active trade today. Mid day trade setups review in live trading room will be set off until Monday as we are working on completion of the oil trade protocols (yes, still grinding through it).
Sunday we will return to active trade attendance in overnight trade (12:00 midnight EST).
For those unaware, our trading team is on a daily scheduled break from 2:30 PM to 12:00 midnight EST. We are in attendance from 12:00 midnight to 2:30 PM EST. I am typically in the main live broadcast trading room at regular US market open (9:30 AM EST), mid day review (12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST), during any active trading and for special events (weekly EIA, webinars, etc).
Link to live broadcast trading room:
The team will also be in the Discord chat rooms today as usual. If you need a link to access Discord please email us.
Current Work In Progress.
Crude Oil Machine Trade Protocol Document Set:
For those unaware (and for the sake of updating everyone), as noted above we were at it again last night working through the code detail and oil trade protocol publications.
Again, my apologies for being behind on our schedule with this task, unfortunately it happens. The coding work and associated protocols are VERY detailed. With over 8000 instructions in the code it is taking some time to condense those instructions to an easy to reference set of protocol documents for our clients.
We’re close now, while I write this Jeremy has advised me that his final edits are done so I’ll do my last review and send the protocols out to clients this weekend.
The written protocols (rule-set) are a document series intended to assist our clients with being able to reference the trading rule-set (instructions / protocol) our machine trading software is executing trades to.
In other words, when oil trade alerts are sent to alert feeds (private client Twitter feed & client private Discord server chat) marked with an “M” for machine trade, our member will then be able to reference the trade rule-set / set-up specific to that alert. The goal is for our member to know what the trading plan is for each type of alert.
One protocol document (rule-set) for each type of trade set-up alerted to the feeds.
This is another step toward our goal of an intelligent assisted trading platform for our traders / clients. The broadcast trading rooms, Discord chat, newsletter publications, live alerts etc are a start toward that and the protocol documents are the next step. Moving forward near future our developers will be automating the machine trade alerts to the alert feeds, trading rooms etc.
Current Trades.
Oil Trading:
In January we posted over 60% account gains in crude oil trade, February profit and loss statement is above 30% (depending on the account – some less some more, yet to be released – Jen has that on her WIP) and we’re shooting for 100% in March. To get 100% in this environment (see below) is a challenge, but we’re in it to win it. Read on.
Personal Oil Trades – Choppy week for me (personal oil trades) and the machine trading. Yesterday was my first red day in a while.
I AM RETURNING to ONLY THE HIGHEST PROBABLE TRADE SET-UPS after the chop I was in yesterday. You will see less trades from me over the coming days, but the oil trades I do alert will be the highest probable wins and they will be trades I will want to be able to execute in SIZE.
The smaller the account the more chop I experienced yesterday. The larger the account the easier it was to navigate the chop.
Crude Oil Machine Trading – Specific to the machine trading, the protocol document flow due out soon will help our clients understand this better, but for now I will say that the machine trade liquidity in the markets has become extremely advanced, very quickly. And I wouldn’t doubt sophisticated AI manifesting near term.
Machine trade in crude oil liquidity is becoming more advanced literally by the day (we have noticed a substantial recent increase in change). Our timing in this endeavor is really interesting in my opinion.
What am I saying? Well, for example most recently we have noticed the machine traded liquidity in the markets has moved down one and sometimes two time-frames. This means that the machine driven liquidity in crude oil trade is executing trade on half or a quarter minute charting time-frames. Imagine that.
If you can imagine having coded the software (with over 8000 instructions) and written the protocol document rule – sets for over forty set-ups only to find that in sideways consolidated oil trade action that the machine liquidity is now moving from a one minute time-frame in executions to a half or even a quarter minute time-frame. Human traders don’t even have charting for that!
Anyway, that’s what we have found the last ten days in the sideways trade in crude oil (look at a daily crude oil chart).
This has caused us to re-code appropriately, trim our throttle down and down and down again the time-frame that our software will fire trades at and re-do and re-do and re-do the trading protocol documents that our clients will use to reference the trade set-up at each oil trade alert.
I have spoken to our most experienced oil traders (we have some serious veterans in our midst) and all of them had a tough week – and these folks rarely are challenged with trading green.
It was a tough week, but we responded and re-coded, and we’re throttling down the software appropriately so it fires on lower time frames and I am personally adjusting my personal trades to only take the best set-ups with a preference to those that I will be able to size in to.
Swing / Day Trading:
Review all current / swing trades thus far in 2019 and current here (if you need an access code email us):
In addition to the trades in the document above I am also now in a starter swing trade position in $HIIQ (per yesterday’s alert).
2019 has been really positive in our swing trading platform, the returns have been great and I expect the next time cycle to continue as such. We should see near 100% return on the year if things continue as they are. The first quarter P/L will be out end of month for review.
Just remember to take profits along the way with the winning swing trades and use stops to protect your account equity.
We expect to start the next round of swing trades between now and Tuesday morning of next week.
New Client On-boarding.
Legacy Members:
The only outstanding new client on-boarding are our newest Legacy Members. All new Legacy All Access Members should have received a conference time with myself for this Sunday afternoon or evening. Look forward to connecting with each of you.
New Members:
Before you start executing trades as a client of Compound Trading Group I highly recommend you study and even take a few hours of private trade coaching to be sure you are best set for success in your trading. Too many newer clients to our group start trading way to early in the process.
Study the historical blog posts specific to your trading focus. Examples are the oil algorithm historical posts on the blog, the crude oil trading special articles listed on the Oil Trading Academy page on our website or the Swing Trading historical posts on the blog. Many posts are unlocked over time for public view and if you are a member that needs an access code to a specific post please email us.
You can also study the videos on our YouTube channel. They are raw video feed (so they aren’t packaged for quick consumption sound bites) but if you’re willing to put in the time they will be of great benefit to your trading.
Also of great benefit are the private Discord servers, especially the crude oil server. You can review historical chat and trade set-ups – many new clients have told me this has been of great benefit.
Attendance to the live trading room when I am broadcasting my live trades (or reviewing historical raw video on You Tube) also helps.
And lastly, if you want to take your technical analysis / charting etc to the next level, there is a 20 hour video series available (the Master Class Series recorded last year) for 1499.00. Email Jen at [email protected] if interested. We cover much of the content at each trading boot camp, but only about 20% of the Master Class Series for Technical Analysis, Charting and Trade Set-Ups.
Upcoming Events.
Special Trade Coaching Webinar Series:
Oil Traders Special Webinar Everything I Know About Trading Crude Oil | Special Webinar Event Series | March 24: 10 AM – 6 PM.
Swing Traders Special Webinar: Stay tuned, to be announced. It will be held in April 2019.
Trade Coaching Boot Camp (in-person or online):
Take your trading to the next level with our lead trader at our next Trade Coaching Boot Camp at Cabarete Beach, Dominican Republic April 19 – 21, 2019.
- If you can’t attend in person you can attend the class online virtually and take part in question and answer as if you were in the boot camp live.
- Register Here: Trade Coaching Boot Camp April 19, 20, 21 2019.
Recent Press:
News Release: SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release.
Be sure to reach out if you need any help with your trading.
Have a great day!
Premarket Note
Good morning traders,
I will be in main trading room at open, for EIA, mid day review, during active trade and then overnight at midnight.
Jeremy and Kate completed the oil alert trade protocols last evening and I will review and distribute them today. Thanks for your patience.
For those not aware, the protocols include the specific crude oil trade signals (set-up) for each type of alert members receive on the alert feed so that you can understand the trade structure (support, resistance etc).
Overnight session crude oil was very quiet in advance of EIA (price had very little movement overnight) and likely to be so until the report is released at 10:30 AM today. The oil trade alert feed has been quiet as a result, but that will change post EIA also.
Extended until midnight tonight for last minute parties that have asked:
“Price Increase Mar 4: Oil Trade Services (Bundle, Newsletter, Alerts, Trading Room) w/ Promo Codes”
Be sure to catch the review of all swing trades thus far in 2019 here:
We expect to start the next round of swing trades between post EIA and Tuesday morning of next week.
Be sure to reach out if you need any help with your trading.
Have a great day!
Premarket Notes
Good morning traders!
In trading room for open, EIA, mid day review, and during active trades. Back later for futures.
Still watching Home Depot for snap back trade or continued sell-off (per yesterday’s premarket watchlist)
Protected: The Home Depot Stock Trade | Earnings Sell-Off | Trade Set-Up Alert
Also watching close existing swing trades and swing trade watch list from recent reports.
Protected: Swing Trade | Current Positions $GOOGL, $NKE, $ARWR, $XOM, Oil, Gold, Bitcoin, NatGas …
Watch out for Trump – China as always. And his tweets haha.
Stocks making the biggest moves premarket: Lowe’s, Best Buy, Weight Watchers, Office Depot & more –
Oil trade going well (alerted / public chat room trading room trades):
Monday: 9 trades 88 ticks up various size all on video and/or alert feed, chat room – time stamped. Some chop in there, wasn’t all easy.
Tuesday: 1 win for the machine, none for me personally.
Wednesday: Today is EIA, big day. API last night large draw.
Team WIP is moving along, updates soon on that. Master Class from Tuesday’s oil session should be out soon here today, it was many hours so the transcription and charting is taking time. All other regular reports on deck. We’re in technical deep end right now with transition to private and significant increase in machine trade coming soon.
Stay in the Know – Important Updates:
Compound Trading Group Goes Private April 30, 2019.
Price Increase Mar 4: Oil Trade Services (Bundle, Newsletter, Alerts, Trading Room) w/ Promo Codes.
Machine Learning Trade Software Advisory | Crude Oil: (1) Frequency Protocol (2) IDENT Program.
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release.
Premarket Notes, Current Trades, Watch List and More.
In trading room for open, mid day review, and during active trades. Back later for futures also.
Watching Home Depot sell off at open today. This may really sell off for some time but we will see.
Protected: The Home Depot Stock Trade | Earnings Sell-Off | Trade Set-Up Alert
Also watching close existing swing trades and swing trade watch list from report last night.
Oil trading going well, yesterday was choppy but the machine software and I carved out a day of wins.
9 trades 88 ticks up various size all on video and/or alert feed, chat room – time stamped. Some chop in there, wasn’t all easy.
Had one trade on a small account that wasn’t great because of an internet outage at a bad time but other than that it was a good day.
9 trades 88 ticks up various size all on video and/or alert feed, chat room – time stamped. Some chop in there, wasn't all easy.
— Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) February 25, 2019
We’re trading oil this morning and looking to manage swing trades, may even get a few snap back daytrades today in equity markets.
Trump decided to shake things up this morning:
Oil prices getting too high. OPEC, please relax and take it easy. World cannot take a price hike – fragile!
Oil prices getting too high. OPEC, please relax and take it easy. World cannot take a price hike – fragile!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2019
Oil trades going well so far in premarket:
5 trades – 73 ticks $CL_F $USOIL $WTI $USOIL $UWT $DWT #OOTT #oiltrading
5 trades – 73 ticks $CL_F $USOIL $WTI $USOIL $UWT $DWT #OOTT #oiltrading
— Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) February 25, 2019
In trading room and on mic at market open, during active trade, mid day review and scheduled for futures tonight.
No premarket report, all other reporting in progress.
Be sure to review these posts published over the weekend:
Compound Trading Group Goes Private April 30, 2019.
Price Increase Mar 4: Oil Trade Services (Bundle, Newsletter, Alerts, Trading Room) w/ Promo Codes.