Large Account Crude Oil Trading Alerts Profit Loss for January 2019.
January Oil Trade Profit / Loss Summary. The profit on our oil trading alerted trades is achieving excellent return for us and our alert clients.
After months of back testing on all time frames and our trading process is now getting locked in for machine trading and manually executed trading for both day trading and swing trading crude oil futures contracts. As such, we will start publishing profit loss reporting for the near term. This will be a series of documents from here forward.
About. We trade many accounts for many different reasons. We are coding software to machine trade on various rule-sets on various time-frames. We are also developing rule-sets (process driven trading) for our traders that have no intention of using our software, that prefer to execute trades manually.
Account Size, Trade Size. Below is the large account profit/loss and the follow up document to this is the small account for the same time period. The large account trades 10 contract size and the small account trades 1 contract size.
It is much more difficult to build a small crude oil futures trading account at 1 contract size than it is to trade and build on a larger 10 contract size account. The returns are significantly different. Studying the two profit/loss statements will help you understand why (small account statement will be released soon). Small accounts have to be traded differently.
Win Rate. Our win side percentage is now consistently well over 90%. Live alerted, recorded in the trading room and permanently logged in our library for members to learn our process of trade and verify, executed live in oil trading room with live voice broadcast and screen sharing with charting, and guidance discussion in the oil trading chat room server on Discord.
Returns. Is it possible to double accounts every 30 days? Review the trade alerts below and decide for yourself.
The Goal is to Provide a Winning Oil Trade Process Specific to Your Risk Threshold and Style. Currently, our focus is assisting our client members with an oil day-trading process and a swing trading process that is easy to learn, reproduce, executed manually that provides a high probability of success.
The day-trading method being used currently is on a one minute time frame chart model that also references the primary EPIC Oil Algorithm model that is a 30 minute chart model and also other time-frame models are used (such as 4 hour, daily, weekly, monthly etc) for consideration to trade size as it applies to key resistance and support areas in the trade of crude oil. Refer to our rule-set (to be published soon) and/or client reports for more detail.
The alerts below can be cross-referenced to the time of day in our oil trading discord chart server and much more learning / data gleaned. There is significant charting of models and guidance to the trades in that server. The learning trader has a massive resource to draw on by methodically studying and cross referencing the data from the alert feed, the server, videos and regular reporting circulars (that will now include rule-set modules).
Our Trade Alerts and Development of The Process is Transparent, Recorded, Time Stamped. The development of the rule-set(s), charting and guidance we provide our trading clients is transparently shared by our staff in our client private Discord oil chart server (the oil trading chat server is included in our oil trading bundle).
The trade alerts below are the whole of the alerts for the month. None have been removed. Various guidance is not included to keep the document as short as possible.
The actual trades are executed by our lead trader and/or software development staff live in our live trading room with live voice broadcast and screen share charting etc.
The oil trade alerts are deployed on a private member oil trade alert Twitter feed (the alerts are provided as a stand-alone service or as a part of the trading bundle with oil chat and weekly reporting).
The various oil trading services are detailed here (click).
Simple Risk Threshold Tool. The intent of producing a profit / loss over view (as you see below) is specifically for our clients to easily determine which method of trade (day trading, short term swing trades (intra day), swing trading, trend trading etc) best suits their trading style and goals.
As such, the profit / loss summary below uses rounded figures (derived with simplicity in mind) for each entry for ease of calculation for trading plan development. Our actual accounts include many more trades, below we only represent the trades we have alerted to our member base – we include below only that which affects the profit / loss of our member clients. Our accounts are private.
Our lead trader (our associate traders) will, at any given time, operate a variety of accounts representing compound trading, swing trading, momentum trading and testing for algorithms and more. This may or may not include cash / leverage accounts, commodity accounts, crypto exchange accounts, paper trade accounts and various algorithmic back testing and simulation accounts and shares the P&L and trade entries and exits in a transparent manner to ensure success (or lack therein) of the algorithms or trade accounts is for the purpose of trader and program development initiatives.
Instruments of Trade. All quotes on our trade alerts are referencing price on FX USOIL WTI and traded on continuous CL futures contracts unless otherwise noted. This is to provide our clients one charting source to refer to as there are many instruments available to trade crude oil. Our algorithm models are developed on and charted on FX USOIL WTI on Trading View (the working models).
Trade Alert Language. The letter “M” denotes a machine trade, otherwise the trade is by our lead trader manually executed. If HFT is noted in the alert, this type of trade (machine executed) can have many high frequency trades in and out of the position. We note this for clients so they are aware but we do not alert every high frequency trade as this would not help our clients on this type of platform. In the near future we will have a manner in which our clients will be able to view the machine trade high frequency trade on a digital platform live.
Trading Style of Lead Trader / Risk Threshold / Goals and Associated Returns. It is important for viewers to know that the lead trader is executing trades with the highest possible probability of win side trade with the lowest amount of risk. A review of the private oil member server discussion will quickly bring to light for any trader that anyone with a slightly higher risk threshold than our lead trader will see returns much higher. Review our feed and determine for yourself, but it is readily transparent that if a trader can accept a 10% loss for significantly higher return trades that much greater return than what you will review below is not just possible but probable – as long as you cut fast when a trade has broken down.
We are a Data Provider Primarily to Serious Retail traders and Private Trading Firms (Commercial Enterprise). We provide service to retail, commercial enterprise (private trading firms) and institutional members. The institutional and commercial enterprise clients primarily utilize our live trading room for their trade alerts. We also provide a direct alert feed for each member client at the commercial / institutional level that also includes per user licensing, training, modified charting structures, support services and more. Our retail clients use our Twitter feed, some use our Discord chat and some the live trading room. Most are subscribed to the bundle service (weekly reporting, oil trading room, Twitter feed as a bundle).
Our Trading Firm Structure. We sell data and we trade our own accounts, we do not trade a fund account of any type or manner or on behalf of anyone or any firm. We are not investment advisers, we are data providers. Many of our commercial enterprise clients do however trade on behalf of their clients or as a part of a fund arrangement. In short, they use our data (charting, alerts and soon machine learning software) to execute trades. We can refer you to any of these enterprises if you are sourcing this type of service.
Proprietary Data. Below we leave out critical direction, methods and process driven explanation as we are entering a new phase in our development. Soon (prior to end of February) we will be contracting our clients to non disclosure, non compete and other forms of contract relations to protect our membership and stake holders on whole.
Price Increases (non existing clients). Price increases will be announced before the end of February 2019. Existing member / client fees do not escalate as we develop our platform as long as the subscription does not lapse. It is our early adopter promise.
Time Zones. The time stamp on Twitter, in Discord, in Trading Room and / or on various screen shots will either be Eastern New York or one hour later (as our lead trader is currently in the Dominican Republic).
Is it possible to double accounts every 30 days – 60 days? Review the trade alerts below and decide for yourself.
Oil Trade Alert #1. High Frequency Machine Trading Alert.
Context for this trade is also on alert feed (not shown here to keep this document from being the size of a book), in the private discord oil chat room server, documented on the live trading room video (that provides more specific detail to each execution than the alert feed below that is missing execution data) and combined with lead trader alerts in alert # 2 below. The coding team advises the clients that HFT alerts are primarily for guidance because there are many trades that cannot be alerted because of the frequency (however, we are coding a digital platform for our clients to view these HFT machine executions live). So in short, until such a platform is developed and deployed the clients can use the guidance to get their trade entry and resistance / supports but not follow the frequency and exact trades. The guidance on the alert feed has been getting better as the month went on (January) and will get more specific as we move forward in time, but it will never be precise (the Twitter platform isn’t built for HFT alerting, the live trading room does work much better however). SO in short, our clients need to use HFT alerts as a guide for their own strategy. The lead trader alerts are easier for the Twitter feed alert subscriber to follow than the machine trades.
Also important to note below, the executions compiled below I have derived directly from the trade account (Jen), so there will be times that the actual execution will be a few ticks different than the alerted price on various media sources of our platform (Twitter, live trading room coverage, oil chat room server, etc). And finally, you will find in some instance data missing from the alert feed simply because the lead trader is busy, but any missing data can be verified on live video log and/or in discord chat record.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
49.41 L trim 49.76 30% = 1050.00
49.41 L trim 49.73 30% = 990.00
49.41 L trim 49.71 30% = 900.00
49.41 L stopped 49.42 10 % = 10.00
Profit / Loss = 2,950.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.
49.41 long high frequency program – machine crude oil trade alert for a high frequency program.

M – Machine program will trim 49.79 to 49.86 stops for close 49.42.

Oil Trade Alert #2. Lead Trader Alerted Long Trade. Manually Executed Trades.
Lead trader was looking for a break of resistance and a squeeze in intra-day trade as described in alert.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
49.40 L trim 49.59 50% = 950.00
49.40 L trim 49.73 40% = 1320.00
49.40 L stop 49.49 10% = 90.00
Profit / Loss = 2,360.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.
Long 49.40 for break and squeeze RR high — CURT, lead trader crude oil trade alert.

Trim 49.59 50% – CURT, lead trader oil trading alert to trim trade.

The remaining executions were alerted in the Discord chat room and live traded in trading room and recorded and available on YouTube for members.
Oil Trade Alert #3. Lead Trader Alerted Short Trade with Possible Reversal.
This short side trade alert came with an advisory that if it failed and reversed the lead trader would reverse at a certain price.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
51.21 Short to 51.27 at reversal = – 600.00
51.27 Long to 51.60 = 3300.00
Profit / Loss = 2,700.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #4. Lead Trader Long Trade With Price Targets.
Trade # 4 on the month was a long alert with specific price targets at 51.87 then 52.07 from an entry at 51.67.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
51.67 Long to 51.87 = 1000.00
51.67 Long to 52.06 = 1950.00
Profit / Loss = 2,950.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #5. Short Crude Oil Day Trade Alert.
Trade # 5 was a simple 20 point day trade scalp.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
52.45 Short to 52.21 = 2400.00
Profit / Loss = 2,400.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #6. Short Crude Oil Day Trade Alert with Caution.
Trade # 6 was a day trade two point entry alert with a caution to be careful.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size (five each entry)
51.98 Short to 51.87 = 550.00
52.05 Short to 51.87 = 900.00
Profit / Loss = 1,450.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #7. Long trade with poor action, closed small profit.
Trade # 7 was quick, trade action was poor.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
51.97 Long to 52.01 = 400.00
Profit / Loss = 400.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #8. Long machine driven trade alert with 50% trim and close.
Trade # 8 was a simple and clean machine traded oil alert.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
51.75 Long to 52.04 = 1450.00
51.75 Long to 51.94 = 950.00
Profit / Loss = 2400.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #9, 10 and 11 on one screen capture from feed – small quick trades.
Trades on the month # 9, 10, and 11 were quick scalps intra-day while the lead trader was trying to get a direction of trade going on the day so we have included them in one screen capture below from the live Twitter oil alert feed.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
52.14 Long to 52.25 =
Profit / Loss = 1100.00
51.85 Long to 51.94 =
Profit / Loss = 900.00
52.91 Long to 52.92 =
Profit / Loss = 100.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #12 was a long side trade by the lead trader.
The open long on the trade, the trim, and the closing for a winning trade is on one screen shot below.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
51.25 Long to 51.43 = 850.00
51.25 Long to 51.65 = 2000.00
Profit / Loss = 2850.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #13 Short Trade in Overnight Trading.
Alert # 13 on the month was an overnight futures session trade by our lead trader to the short side. It took some time but it paid off.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
51.07 Short to 50.74 = 3300.00
Profit / Loss = 3300.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #14, 15, 16. Scalp Trades.
Alert # 14, 15, 16 on the month are three trade alerts on one screen image because they were small scalp trades as lad trade was trying to find direction in oil trade intra-day.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
51.15 Short to 51.13 = 200.00
51.18 Short to 51.11 = 700.00
51.90 Long to 51.93 = 300.00
Profit / Loss = 1200.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #17 and 18. Lead Trader and Machine Trading Software Reversal Trade Win.
Alert # 17 and 18 are a flurry of oil trade alerts that include a reversal for a win with lead trader and the machine trading software alerting executions also.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
51.20 Short to 51.03 = 519.00
51.20 Short to 51.30 = – 700.00
51.30 Long to 51.53 = 690.00
51.30 Long to 51.63 = 990.00
51.30 Long to 51.66 = 1800.00
Profit / Loss = 3299.00
Machine Software Trades Executed.
51.36 Long to 51.53 = 510.00
51.36 Long to 51.56 = 600.00
51.36 Long to 51.47 = 440.00
Profit / Loss = 1550.00
Live Twitter Oil Trade Alert Feed Screen Captures.

Oil Trade Alert #19. Lead Trader Pre-market in to Regular Market Open.
Alert # 19 is a series of trade alerts for crude oil in pre-market in to regular market open.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 52.67 to 52.93 = 1300.00
Long 52.67 to 53.08 = 1200.00
Long 52.67 to 53.03 = 1080.00
Profit / Loss = 3580.00

Oil Trade Alert #20, 21, 22. Daytrading Crude Oil Alerts.
Alerts # 20, 21, 22 is a screen shot of live trade alert feed lead trader trading crude oil day trading snipes to get trend for day.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 54.02 to 54.07 = 500.00
Long 53.76 to 53.85 = 900.00
Long 53.77 to 53.87 = 1000.00
Profit / Loss = 2400.00

Oil Trade Alert #23 and 24. A Small Loss and a Day-trade Win.
Alerts # 23 and 24 The first loss on trade alerts is shown here and a small winning oil trade alert.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 53.85 to 54.00 = 1500.00
Sold 53.91 to 53.93 = – 200.00
Profit / Loss = 1300.00

Oil Trade Alert #25 and 26. Another Small Gain (flat) and a Day-trade Win.
Alerts # 25 and 26 Next on oil trade alert feed a small gain (basically flat) and a short trade winning day trade.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 54.20 to 54.21 = 100.00
Sold 52.75 to 52.66 = 270.00
Sold 52.75 to 52.60 = 600.00
Sold 52.75 to 52.59 = 480.00
Profit / Loss = 1450.00

Oil Trade Alert #27. Clean Win on this Day Trade Oil Alert.
Alert # 27 on the oil trading alert feed a lead trader clean win on a long trade.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 52.05 to 52.24 = 950.00
Long 52.05 to 52.27 = 670.00
Long 52.05 to 52.29 = 690.00
Profit / Loss = 2410.00

Oil Trade Alert #28. Clean Day Trade Win on this Alert.
# 28 trade alert is a long side upside break on 1 minute oil model our traders use.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 53.06 to 53.31 = 2500.00
Profit / Loss = 2500.00

Oil Trade Alert #29. Sniping Long Day Trade.
# 29 is a small daytrade snipe long by our lead trader on crude oil trading alert feed.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 53.13 to 53.22 = 900.00
Profit / Loss = 900.00

Oil Trade Alerts #30 and 31. Flat trades with a special report coming for the one.
# 30 and 31 – Next two alerts on the oil feed are flats and the one became high frequency (manually traded high frequency) that a special report is due out on. When the report comes out (it is an intensive video of many trades) I will link that report to this here.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Profit / Loss = 0

Oil Trade Alerts #32, 33, 34.
# 32, 33, 34 – Next 3 oil trades are post EIA and one is good the others are tight tests on the alert feed.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 52.96 to 52.70 = 2600.00
Long 52.71 to 52.68 = 300.00
Long 52.77 to 52.77 = 00.00
Profit / Loss = 2900.00

Oil Trade Alerts #35. Small loss on a day trade.
# 35 – This oil trade alert is for a small loss intra day.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 53.32 to 53.24 = – 800.00
Profit / Loss = – 800.00

Oil Trade Alerts #36, 37. One loss one win.
# 36 and #37 – More day trading crude oil alerts with one loss and one winning trade.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 52.12 to 52.00 = – 1200.00
Long 52.47 to 52.62 = 1500.00
Profit / Loss = 300.00

Oil Trade Alert #38. Two daytrade wins.
# 38 Next are two long daytrade oil alerts both winning trades for snipe trades.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 52.72 to 52.84 = 600.00
Long 52.72 to 52.88 = 900.00
Long 52.88 to 53 = 1200.00
Profit / Loss = 2700.00

Oil Trade Alert #39. Nice win.
# 39 This was an excellent crude oil day trade alert for a nice win. Screen shot.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 53.32 to 53.41 = 270.00
Long 53.32 to 53.50 = 1260.00
Profit / Loss = 1530.00

Oil Trade Alert #40. Clean Day Trade on the Model.
# 40 Another winning oil trade alert. Nice simple gains on intra day trading of the model.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 53.59 to 53.75 = 800.00
Long 53.59 to 53.91 = 1600.00
Profit / Loss = 2400.00

Oil Trade Alert #41. Small win.
# 41 Next trade on alert feed is a small snipe intra day.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 54.24 to 54.29 = 500.00
Profit / Loss = 500.00

Oil Trade Alert #42, 43, 44. $XOM Earnings Win, DWT Short Swing Trade Win, Daytrade Win.
# 42, 43, 44 – The next 3 alerts are $XOM long in to earnings that went exceptionally well, DWT close short swing (nearly doubled), long day trade crude oil.
Profit / Loss Summary:
10 Contract Size
Lead Trader Trades Executed.
Long 55.00 to 55.23 = 1150.00
Long 55.00 to 55.22 = 1100.00
Profit / Loss = 2250.00
Short DWT 13.55 to 8.73 @ 1000 = 4820.00
Profit / Loss = 4820.00
Short DWT 13.55 to 8.73 closed, nice trade and it followed the plan for the price target. #swingtrading #crudeoil #OOTT $CL_F $USO $WTI $UWT $DWT
Short DWT 13.55 to 8.73 closed, nice trade and it followed the plan for the price target. #swingtrading #crudeoil #OOTT $CL_F $USO $WTI $UWT $DWT
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) January 31, 2019
$XOM long 72.60 Thurs in to earnings, Fri HOD 76.49, Closed Session Fri 75.92. #swingtrading #earnings #OOTT #Oil #Gas #TradeAlerts
$XOM long 72.60 Thurs in to earnings, Fri HOD 76.49, Closed Session Fri 75.92. #swingtrading #earnings #OOTT #Oil #Gas #TradeAlerts
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) February 2, 2019

Remember, for each of these trade there is a process. This process can be learned, reproduced and executed at will. We have a video library on YouTube, private oil chat room on Discord, live trading room, live alert feeds and numerous reports that come out regularly.
There is no fluke in this winning process. It is very systematic and predictable. All you have to do is put the time in to it to study it and practice it and reap the reward. We have done the heavy lifting in advance for you.
One Month Statistics:
Trade Account Increase = +63.05%
Trade Account Profit = $63,049.00
Wins = 41
Losses = 3
Win rate = 93%
Subscribe to Oil Trading Platform:
Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (member charting sent out weekly).
Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed).
Oil Trading Room / Algorithm Newsletter / Alert Bundle (includes weekly newsletter, trading room, charting and real-time trading alerts on Twitter).
Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).
One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).
Click here to find all information and pricing on Oil Newsletter, Trading Chat Room, Oil Alerts and more.
Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States
Article Topics: Crude, Oil, Trade, Trading, Alerts, Profit, Loss, Futures, USOIL, WTI, CL_F, USO