EPIC, Oil, Algo, Chart,

Post-Market Tues Feb 14 $ZAIS, $GALT, $PHMD, $RELV, $CYNO, $LPTH, $UGAZ

Review of Compound Trading Chat Room Stock Trading, Algorithm Stock Charting Calls and Alerts for Tuesday Feb 14,

Review of Compound Trading Chat Room Stock Trading, Algorithm Stock Charting Calls and Alerts for Tuesday Feb 14, 2017; $ZAIS, $GALT, $PHMD, $RELV, $CYNO, $LPTH, $UGAZ  – $DUST, $ASM, $SSH, $VRX, $JUNO, $CBMX, $TRCH, $LGCY etc 


Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.

In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.




Overview Perspective & Review of Markets, Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:

$ZAIS, $GALT, $PHMD, $RELV, $CYNO, $LPTH were the big movers Tuesday. I was in $GALT ended flat but many of the members in premarket and the open hit the momentum stocks (got a lot of DM messages, it was active).

The room was quieter than normal and most members I spoke to were studying and reconciling accounts / looking over trade plans etc.

I spoke to members that were in most of the plays $ZAIS, $GALT, $PHMD, $RELV, $CYNO, $LPTH and most didn’t get chopped up and were on winning side if they were in them, good group of traders in the room and the newer traders continue to share there appreciation for the wisdom found in there. So all good!

Natural gas we were all over in the morning also, I didn’t take a trade but many in our room did catch $UGAZ spike and all I spoke to sold in to the spike and some re-bought this morning or are again.

Momentum / Note-able Stocks Today (via FinViz):

Ticker Last Change Volume Signal
ZAIS 4.32 110.73% 25924021 Top Gainers
GALT 1.80 40.62% 2741000 Top Gainers
PHMD 2.41 32.42% 6737400 Top Gainers
RELV 7.53 29.83% 1401400 Top Gainers
CYNO 65.93 28.02% 13508800 Top Gainers
LPTH 2.20 27.54% 2059121 Top Gainers
CYNO 65.93 28.02% 13508800 New High
CUTR 21.00 7.14% 395500 New High
EGI 0.67 11.08% 548983 New High
NBRV 10.00 5.15% 85771 New High
PLSE 12.11 2.28% 351400 Overbought
WOOF 90.77 -0.02% 1001000 Overbought
ZAIS 4.32 110.73% 25924021 Unusual Volume
RELV 7.53 29.83% 1401400 Unusual Volume
GIG 3.05 12.55% 35887457 Unusual Volume
ESG 55.02 0.97% 45800 Unusual Volume
BKU 40.15 3.37% 1619600 Upgrades
AB 24.50 3.16% 673500 Earnings Before
ICBK 27.93 -0.29% 3798 Insider Buying

Stocks, ETN’s, ETF’s I am Holding:

I am holding (in order of sizing – all moderately small to small sizing) $UWT, $ONTX, $DUST, $VRX, $CBMX, $JUNO, $TRCH, $LGCY, $SSH, $ASM

Looking Forward:

The small and micro momentum stocks continue to pop, however, traders need to be cautious because often its the low floats and thin trade can be difficult to chip out of positions – caution warranted in many ways.

Our standard plays that reflect the six algorithm charting we do are all at decisions at either support or resistance so this should get really interesting soon. Epic our oil algorithm Tuesday 4:30 target area hit (not perfect to the cent and second but trade was in target area).

Our swing trading side continues to outperform all my expectations for 2017 (you can find the most recent unlocked newsletter on our blog) – I had a feeling it was going to do well, just didn’t quite expect a grandslam. We’re in the middle of compiling our next set of stock picks for the swing trading members and will have them out over next few days – hopefully that batch will bring the same type of returns as the new year batch did and continue to in most instances.


$DXY US Dollar is threatening to the trend reversal side, but not confirmed yet.

Gold $GLD $XAUUSD / Gold Miner’s $GDX:

Gold and Miner’s are both at what we consider key resistance.

Silver $SLV:

Silver is at what consider key resistance area also.

Crude Oil $USOIL $WTI:

Crude oil in premarket touched key support – this could get interesting if it loses support. There are a few other supports just under are of trade, but not much. Multi week trade range support for example is just under current area of trade.

The target area that hit on Tuesday is chart below.

EPIC, Oil, Algo, Chart,

Tuesday 1630 EST Algo Target Zone (Red Circle). Crude algo intra work sheet 326 PM Feb 14 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Volatility $VIX:

Volatility continues its flat line.

$SPY S&P 500:

$SPY continues the break-out. Trade the Fibs and buy the dip until you can’t. Respect stops.

Natural Gas:

It seems to be near a low IMO.

Momentum Trades:

As noted above, the low float micros and small cap issues continue in momo.

Swing Trading:

As noted above, we have literally sent one out of the park after another. Continues to look good forward.


The Charting Algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).

Announcements in Compound Trading Chat Room:

The weekend webinar series went very well! You will find the links to the videos of each 20 minute webinar on our Twitter feed! Such as with this;

Compound Trading Stock Chat-room Transcript:

Miscellaneous chatter may be removed.

08:25 am NewbieHH O : GM
08:26 am John M : hey newb:)
08:26 am OILQ K : mornin
08:26 am NewbieHH O : Hi John
08:27 am cynthia y : news about China steal looks dirty … my steal stocks ugh
08:28 am cynthia y : hey newb – usuallypretty quiet n here until right b4 open fyi welcome:)
08:28 am NewbieHH O : ah..
08:29 am NewbieHH O : Thanks for the heads up cynthia
08:32 am NewbieHH O : oh..saw this ticker yesterday..$cyno
08:32 am OILQ K : $CYNO longs BANK
08:32 am Shafique M : hi newbie welcome aboard
08:33 am NewbieHH O : hi Shafique! Thank you!
08:34 am NewbieHH O : $NVDA
08:36 am Sandra Q : $GEVO bad day glad we stayed out peeps
08:37 am Sandra Q : $UGAZ gotta be ready soon
08:38 am NewbieHH O : $HIBB @$27.. got sum down side
08:38 am Sandra Q : Core PPI up more than forecast in December http://seekingalpha.com/news/3243159-core-ppi-forecast-december?source=feed_f … #premarket
08:39 am Sandra Q : Mornin! Newbie!
08:39 am NewbieHH O : Morning Sandra
08:40 am NewbieHH O : $Z upgrade
08:43 am Sandra Q : $Z looking close
08:44 am Nate A : Wow chart bot nailed that $CGA perfect!
08:44 am Sandra Q : ya target perfect ha
08:47 am Nate A : $SINO might go again today
08:48 am NewbieHH O : keep seeing $CBIO
08:49 am Nate A : $CBIO ya $MRNS some PR too
08:50 am NewbieHH O : ah
08:51 am Sandra Q : EPIC still EPIC nice…. our $UWT hammer down from yesterday in play
08:54 am Nate A : $ZSAN premarket highs
08:54 am Nate A : $$AEZS chart set up bull
08:59 am Nate A : Talking to curt last night he was going to go long right at end of day hard $CBIO and I dont think he did
08:59 am Nate A : price action EOD a tell
08:59 am NewbieHH O : $TAP earnings miss
09:00 am NewbieHH O : $DPS earnings miss
09:00 am NewbieHH O : /cl
09:01 am NewbieHH O : -.- miss the opening..lol
09:01 am Sandra Q : $CBIO chart bot hit it right before market close yesterday shiiit missed that
09:04 am Sandra Q : Curt lol tweet it to rub it in
09:07 am Nate A : Valentines
09:10 am NewbieHH O : $AMAG
09:10 am Nate A : Got the premarket for anyone that doesn’t have it…
09:10 am Nate A : Protected: PreMarket Trading Plan Tues Feb 14 $UGAZ, $MRNS, $AEZS, $ZIAS, $CBIOLINK: https://compoundtrading.com/premarket-trading-plan-tues-feb-14-ugaz-mrns-aezs-zias-cbio/PASSWORD: PREMARKET021417
09:10 am Nate A : not much there this morning – mellow report
09:10 am Nate A : whats going on with $AMAG?
09:11 am NewbieHH O : license agreement
09:11 am NewbieHH O : but shy on revenues
09:12 am Nate A : thx
09:12 am NewbieHH O : watching for bounce maybe
09:12 am NewbieHH O : 22.5 is daily candle low
09:14 am Nate A : bye $UNXL
09:15 am NewbieHH O : /ng
09:17 am Mathew Waterfall : $AUPH set for a gap up. $NAK getting killed on a short sell report. Metals and miners up, everythign else looking pretty flat
09:19 am Nate A : bad luck on $NAK thought setup perfect
09:21 am Mathew Waterfall : One short sell report does not kill a stock. We’ll see what happens
09:23 am NewbieHH O : $RLOG
09:23 am NewbieHH O : again..all these shippers
09:23 am NewbieHH O : meh
09:24 am Mathew Waterfall : Will be looking to exit some of my $JNUG calls I picked up yesterday off of the open. Would like to get out of half today as they expire Friday
09:26 am NewbieHH O : $ko
09:28 am Mathew Waterfall : Natty did this same move in the fall. Looked like it might stabalize in the 2.90’s and did one final flush into 2.7ish. Smoked a ton of people they rocketed up from there
09:30 am NewbieHH O : nvda
09:30 am Nate A : Long $SINO
09:31 am Nate A : stopped hard
09:31 am Maven’sBrother M : Long $UGAZ
09:35 am Sandra Q : Long $ZAIS
09:36 am Sandra Q : Close $TSLA calls
09:37 am Maven’sBrother M : Im a in $ZAIS w Sandy
09:38 am OILK K : IN $UGAZ too hre
09:39 am NewbieHH O : acia
09:40 am OILK K : L $TWTR
09:40 am Flash G : $NVDA in a few mins ago lol
09:47 am Cara R : i hit vwap holding
09:50 am Nate A : LOng $ZAIS on your alert 4.02
09:51 am Nate A : $INCY vertical rocket show
09:53 am Mathew Waterfall : Stopped out of $NAK btw the way. Didn’t want to hold through that garbage. Will keep an eye on it to see how ithandles iteself today
09:53 am Nate A : $BLPH positive mojo
09:54 am Nicholas Winton : $UEC great chart btw
09:55 am Maven’sBrother M : selling zais
09:56 am Maven’sBrother M : $PHMD poppin
09:58 am Maven’sBrother M : Looked at $NVDA but… ugh
10:01 am Mathew Waterfall : I like $UES Nich, has some resistance coming up but up and over 1.8-1.82 and it should get some lift
10:03 am NewbieHH O : done for today. c u guys tomorrow
10:03 am Mathew Waterfall : Yellen coming out talking rate hikes. Gold flushed and bouncing back
10:08 am Curtis M : watching pull backs now – didn’t get one – congrats lotsa winning this morning!
10:13 am Nate A : Mat – whats your guess on gold?
10:16 am Sandra Q : Definately had that delay again on Mats mike
10:16 am Eric L : thats what that was
10:17 am Mathew Waterfall : Did all of that come through just late?
10:17 am Curtis M : pretty hard to avod someimes internet
10:17 am Sandra Q : it came thru
10:17 am Sandra Q : just funky with the delay
10:17 am Mathew Waterfall : OK great. Didn’t want to retype it all lol
10:18 am Eric L : ya it worked – lol – warrior has same platform and it does it in there sometimes too
10:18 am Curtis M : yup
10:19 am OILQ K : long $NUGT starter sizing
10:19 am Mathew Waterfall : I was just looking at $JNUG. Might play as well in tis range here
10:21 am Sandra Q : Closed $BLPH profit thanks guys on you1
10:27 am Sandra Q : $COYN +30% and holding
10:28 am Maven’sBrother M : $LULU active
10:37 am Sandra Q : $COYN past HOD runner
10:39 am Mathew Waterfall : TICKs trending to the downside here and breadth negative and going more so. Could see some fun if we can get a nice flsuh on /es
10:40 am Nate A : $BASI 53%
10:47 am Nate A : $APOP halt
10:48 am Carol B : wow
10:49 am Sandra Q : news?
10:54 am Mathew Waterfall : quick break back in a bit
11:11 am Sandra Q : dollar double top?
11:26 am Mathew Waterfall : Back. Nothing too crazy happening other than some big $JNUG sweepers hitting the tape. I’m looking for the dollar to be building out the right shoulder here of the H&S pattern that I’ve been tlaking about for the last month and a half or so. $DXY >102 invalidates that
11:36 am Mathew Waterfall : In a bit more $ASM right here. I will trade in and out a portion of this on pops and drops.
11:43 am Mathew Waterfall : Shaping up to be a quiet day for me like I assume it is for the rest of you guys. Looking at some nat gas plays as spurred on by Curts chart review this morning. Probably producers rather that /NG itself or something.Will report back if I open anything
11:54 am Nate A : real quiet
11:54 am Maven’sBrother M : scalping $ZAIS lol
11:57 am Nate A : probs nat gas bottom
11:57 am Eric L : not sure about that yet nate
11:59 am Mathew Waterfall : Calling a bottom in natty will make you lose your mind as far as I’m concerned. It very well may be, but that thing trades all over
12:01 pm Mathew Waterfall : Thinking about cutting this $UAA trade. Up about a buck a share but it’s just chopping around and I have no patience for that. Stop still right under todays LOD as mentioned yesterday as LOD is abot the same. If it can’t get into the gap in a hurry Im out and on to other things
12:10 pm Curtis M : sorry was on a call
12:10 pm Nate A : we’re good l
12:11 pm Curtis M : theres what i was worried about with nat gas
12:11 pm Maven’sBrother M : whats your target curt?
12:12 pm Curtis M : 2.70 sh
12:13 pm Eric L : $BLPH 49% great call
12:29 pm Nate A : $ZAIS that 50 ma on that 1 nice
12:29 pm Nate A : 150% prob
12:50 pm Maven’sBrother M : suuuppper boring out there
12:51 pm Curtis M : yellen
12:51 pm Curtis M : messes with markets
12:54 pm Mathew Waterfall : I hate granny Yellen with a passion
12:55 pm Sandra Q : $TVIX -7% would have guessed the opposite
12:56 pm Sandra Q : but no vol
01:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : We have run out of sellers lol. F it, I’m calling this a toppy market. The fundementals are garbage IMO right here. Don’t trade off of this, but I’m likely starting short before too long. This no volitility is driving me crazy
01:17 pm Sandra Q : $NAK halt
01:28 pm Mathew Waterfall : Slow day on the options flow outside of a few names. Just checked the metals/miners and still most of the flow coming in bullish
01:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : $SWN making some progress on natty strength as is $CHK. That’s where I’ll be looking most likely
01:48 pm John M : i get the idea curt aint sold on metal run or dxy dropping
01:48 pm Curtis M : agnostic
01:49 pm Mathew Waterfall : I’m not sold on it either until it breaks this range
01:49 pm Sandra Q : 🙂
01:49 pm Mathew Waterfall : At this point espeically on this dump today it offered another opp to play the bottom of said range for a move higher
01:49 pm Mathew Waterfall : We’ll see if the metals can get up and over the resistance
01:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : From the twit stream for you natty players: #natgas…..individual 2017 contracts have another $.05-$.12 cents lower to go to fill the Nov. gap. Would be ‘nice and tidy’ if they did..
01:52 pm Sandra Q : nice
01:52 pm Curtis M : 12 c gives it 2.76 sh close to my 2.70 ish
01:53 pm Curtis M : Mine soft target tho – we don’t have the math locked at all
01:53 pm Mathew Waterfall : Which is close ish to that “double bottom” in the 2.50’s. Lots of levels down there
01:54 pm Mathew Waterfall : With something like natty that weather plays such a large role in, I would be surprised if the math was as accurate as oil or gold etc
01:54 pm Curtis M : can’t find math that works
01:55 pm Curtis M : natty looked so god this morning lol
01:56 pm Mathew Waterfall : It’s a widowmaker trade for sure. I’ve called in the ultimate pain trade before and I don’t think that’s wrong. Why I would rather trade the companies tied to its production
01:57 pm Curtis M : ya
02:06 pm Curtis M : $NAK off halt
02:06 pm cynthia y : 48 MM traded $NAK
02:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : $NAK not looking so hot here. Their PR was basically useless from what I was as well
02:07 pm John M : yup
02:07 pm John M : give us till fri
02:10 pm Mathew Waterfall : lol. It was more like “Hey, we just wanted an excuse to halt to stop the bleeding but yea, we got nothin here”
02:11 pm John M : lol
02:16 pm Curtis M : long some $GALT bored
02:19 pm Mathew Waterfall : Gold vertical. Close eyes and mash the button. This market just feels like people chasing non stop. Crazy
02:20 pm Nate A : Curts email alert not much confidence in that trade lol “bored”
02:20 pm Nate A : Long $GALT daytrade tight small high risk 1.77
02:20 pm Nate A : 🙂
02:20 pm Curtis M : 🙂
02:21 pm Curtis M : I hit it again lol
02:22 pm Curtis M : $NAK got a bounce!
02:23 pm Eric L : $NAK covering
02:27 pm Curtis M : rased my stop o $GALT to 2 cent loss cause it didnt do what i hoped (out flat)
02:27 pm Curtis M : yes hope
02:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : Trailing stop on some of the $JNUG day trade entered earlier. Up about 35 cents a share. Nothing razy entry wasn’t great on it
02:45 pm Nate A : a win a win
02:45 pm Maven’sBrother M : yeh
02:45 pm Mathew Waterfall : True that, not hating taking profits on a slow day like today
02:45 pm Curtis M : $C halt
02:45 pm Curtis M : $CI
03:06 pm Flash G : $IMUC on the move EOD
03:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : Just heard the craziest rumor. Huge prop fund shorting 5k /ES mini’s for every tick higher. That’s crazy
03:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : Doesn’t make sense to me
03:30 pm Nate A : stupid
03:30 pm Maven’sBrother M : sfffff
03:30 pm NewbieHH O : hi
03:30 pm Maven’sBrother M : hey newbie
03:31 pm NewbieHH O : Hi..I’m back..from a nap..lol
03:31 pm Mathew Waterfall : If you guys don’t understand why that’s crazyI can break it down but man that blows my mind
03:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : The backstop from any negative action. That’s what I’m after and totally makes sense
03:33 pm Nate A : hope nap was great
03:33 pm NewbieHH O : haha..it was ok
03:34 pm NewbieHH O : $LPTH
03:35 pm Eric L : tough day
03:35 pm Eric L : money made in here but tougher than most days
03:35 pm NewbieHH O : yeah
03:36 pm NewbieHH O : $artx
03:36 pm NewbieHH O : $4.3 is weekly candle high
03:38 pm Carol B : $IMUC sold it all – I smalal offering territory not holding
03:39 pm NewbieHH O : nice
03:39 pm Carol B : smell
03:39 pm Curtis M : $HE Halt
03:41 pm cynthia y : ee u guys tomorrow!
03:42 pm NewbieHH O : bye
03:42 pm NewbieHH O : long he 33
03:43 pm NewbieHH O : stop 32.9
03:43 pm NewbieHH O : tape slow..:(
03:44 pm NewbieHH O : stop mived 32.95
03:44 pm NewbieHH O : lpth over $2
03:45 pm NewbieHH O : $MRAM @8.5
03:45 pm NewbieHH O : OUT HE
03:45 pm Greg L : My $CLVS swing popped – one bit of action
03:46 pm Greg L : $LPTH earnings PR positive
03:46 pm NewbieHH O : $fncx pop
03:46 pm NewbieHH O : thx greg
03:47 pm John M : outta here!!! nite tight tomorrow sell off ha never know peace
03:47 pm NewbieHH O : $FNCX pop over weekly high 2.62
03:49 pm Jack D : YUGE $AAPL block flow
03:50 pm MarketMaven M : Rolling out 1/4 $DIS – nice swing so far …. weeks in though now
03:50 pm Mathew Waterfall : Hope you guys did well today with some slow flow for the most part. Im out of here before too long
03:50 pm NewbieHH O : take care
03:50 pm NewbieHH O : Im out too
03:51 pm NewbieHH O : c u guys
03:51 pm MarketMaven M : bye Mat attack
03:51 pm MarketMaven M : bye newbs
03:51 pm NewbieHH O : bye
03:52 pm Sandra Q : i slept on my keyboard 🙂 gotta go now I think
03:52 pm Sandra Q : nite
03:55 pm Curtis M : natty interesting action hopefully I dont miss a bottom
03:55 pm Curtis M : bu i wont hold it yet
03:55 pm Curtis M : cya mat cya newbe
03:56 pm Nate A : later yall
03:57 pm Eric L : ya thats it – over and out
03:58 pm Maven’sBrother M : I’m going to trade after close so I’ll stay till room kicks me out:)
03:58 pm Maven’sBrother M : $GALT rockin it
04:00 pm Curtis M : Have a great night! Big movers today: $ZAIS, $GALT, $PHMD, $RELV, $CYNO, $LPTH

Be safe out there!

Follow our lead trader on Twitter:

Article Topics: $ZAIS, $GALT, $PHMD, $RELV, $CYNO, $LPTH, $UGAZ – $DUST, $ASM, $SSH, $VRX, $JUNO, $CBMX, $TRCH, $LGCY  – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD, $GDX, $USOIL, $WTIC, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $DXY, $VIX, $GC_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, S&P 500

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