Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algo Calls and Alerts for Thursday Dec 8 $COOL, $IDXG, $XIV, $GOLD, $USDJPY, $USOIL, $SPY, $WTIC, $NATGAS, $VIX, $SILVER, and more.
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algos, Trades and Alerts:
We’re going to publish the remaining between now and next week in preparaton for all their whte papers before the meda programs air. So this of course helps my trading and the set-ups in my opinion (some continued trends and some are trend changes) – so on the other side of the inflection with some of the algos it should be a decent opportunity to scalle in on mid term trades early 2017 and with the other algos like $SPY and $USOIL we’re able to snip intra etc.
Also, generally in the market it was the Trump Train / reflation trade continued and the small cap super novas were firing on all cylinders.
Good wow reflation trade morning! 🚀 China producer prices, GOLD, Nikkei, the train is full steam ahead. 🤓 #stockmarket #wallstreet #trading
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 9, 2016
Primary Lessons That May Help Your Trades:
For those that do follow my trades…. I would the main point right now is that continued patience with the reflective trade portion will pay huge dividends (such as with the US Dollar, Gold, and Silver). I took a lot of heat back in summer and early fall with our calls from folks like Gold bugs when we called the down and they were calling the uptrend. So now it’s a matter of just waiting for that turn…. and it may take a while but scaling in to the turn properly can return huge dividends.
$COOL I got out a bit early and $XIV I may have also executed my exit too early. I was thinking maybe a downdraft in $SPY between Friday and Tuesday morning sometime so I was trying to avoid a continued press on volatility.
 Looking Forward:
There are a tonne of set-ups in the market right now. Still on my watch are emerging markets and Friday / Monday could be smoking hot trading with small cap oil considering the upcoming meetings. Dips on $GOLD are not now being bought vs.selling the rips (so this by default plays in to $SILVER) $NATGAS hit resistance and it showed so watching $DGAZ and $UGAZ on the break-out side. $USOIL $WTI is dialed in with EPIC the Oil Algo perfect so machines have been on since mid November break-out. Looks like there is a replacement for $UWTI and $DWTI on deck $UWT and $DWT so I’m pumped for that – of course with having EPIC around lol.
$UWTI $DWTI $UWT $DWT VelocityShares launching oil ETNs to replace delisted notes via @ReutersUK
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 9, 2016

Announcements in Trading Room:
08:41 am Curtis Melonopoly : Hey guys and gals… if you aren’t signed on as a member we have to hit the switch if you\’ve already been in our room previous for trial. 🙂 Thank you.
08:43 am Curtis Melonopoly : Room member newsletter passwords and links sent. Algo live charting and newsletters with password and link sent. If you don\’t have it in your email inbox let us know.
09:20 am Curtis M : Gainers: VYGR +38%25. TLRD +25%25. LULU +17%25. CTRV +13%25. AVXL +10%25.
Losers: SHIP -43%25. OHRP -27%25. HTBX -18%25. HZNP -18%25. IPI -12%25. PBYI -11%25. VRNT -11%25. NVCN -9%25. JCAP -7%25. ANTH -6%25. CODI -6%25.
09:53 am Curtis M : MEMBER NOTICE: Thursday Trade Room – lead trader and moderator will be intermittently unavailable due to media interviews.
11:37 am Curtis M : Back after lunch 12:45 EST
MEMBER NOTICE: Thursday Trade Room – lead trader and moderator will be intermittently unavailable due to media interviews.
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter is removed.
09:18 am Curtis M : S&P +0.12%.10-yr -0.28%.Euro -0.76% vs. dollar.Crude +0.92% to $50.22.Gold -0.24% to $1,174.75.
09:19 am Curtis M : Gainers: VYGR +38%. TLRD +25%. LULU +17%. CTRV +13%. AVXL +10%.Losers: SHIP -43%. OHRP -27%. HTBX -18%. HZNP -18%. IPI -12%. PBYI -11%. VRNT -11%. NVCN -9%. JCAP -7%. ANTH -6%. CODI -6%.
09:35 am Curtis M : $IDXG 76%
09:36 am Curtis M : $COOL 57%
09:37 am Curtis M : $COOL Long 5.08 1000 shares for fun
09:39 am Curtis M : $COOL out 5.44
09:42 am Idiyah G : I held out $COOL 5.72
09:43 am Curtis M : nice
09:49 am Curtis M : $COOL May washout snap back here
09:54 am carol b : super cool
10:12 am Curtis M : 196% Halt $IDXG
10:22 am Curtis M : $IDXG 157%, $COOL 57%, $TLRD 39%, $MJPI 28%, $DRAM 25%, $VYGR 20%, $LULU 17%, $PHMD 16%, $CIEN $FGP $CVI $BPMC $VNR $LITE $EW
10:36 am Curtis M : $IDXG 227% wow
10:37 am Rocky D : I played it for profit – looking at VIX
10:47 am Sandy S : $NVAX strong action
11:26 am Curtis M : $PTIE 8% jiggy
11:36 am Curtis M : $RNVA
11:36 am Curtis M : Taking lunch back at 12:45 EST
02:15 pm Curtis M : sBack from lunch and media interviews sorry guys and gals
02:22 pm Curtis M : $WYNN -7.3%, $MPEL -6.1%, $LVS -5.5%
02:26 pm Mathew Waterfall : Friendly reminder to use stops. Out the rest of my MGM Dec16 30c’s at .77. Currently trading .205
02:26 pm Mathew Waterfall : Had a trailing stop set and got hit on the way down with that massive flush
02:33 pm Mathew Waterfall : SDLP great strength today. Picked up a bit at 3.76. Wish I had more
02:36 pm Mathew Waterfall : You will appreciate this. Copied from another group
02:36 pm Mathew Waterfall : basically “new rules could open the gold market to 1.6 billion muslims”apparently they can’t buy gold
02:56 pm Curtis M : long $XIV 45.56 2000
02:56 pm Curtis M : thx mathew
03:44 pm Curtis M : 46.048 out $XIV 2000 prob early
03:58 pm Curtis M : thanks guys and gals!!! talk tomorow
03:58 pm Sandy S : cya!
03:59 pm Sammy T : peace! out tomorrow all
04:00 pm Curtis M : they bought that dip lol
Article Topics: Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Chat Room, Trading Results, $COOL, $IDXG, $XIV, $GOLD, $USDJPY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $NATGAS, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $VIX, $IMNP, $ANTH