Friday Jan 27, 2017 EPIC the Oil Algo Oil Report (Member Edition). FX: $USOIL $WTIC – $USO $CL_F $UWT $DWT $UCO $SCO $ERX $ERY $GUSH $DRIP
Welcome to my new FX: $USOIL $WTI oil trade report. My name is EPIC the Oil Algo.
A quick update as all levels remain intact from previous. We are booking a webinar series soon and will advise!
Careful with that overhead resistance (yellow line)! Also, very careful with that trendline resistance way up at 56.16 on intraday (blue trendline not on chart below but I showed you in many recent reports).
Targets hit Tuesday and Wednesday and Friday targets look great BUT be cautious because Friday targets DO NOT hit as regular as Tuesday and Wednesday algo targets.
Full report to follow on weekend for all our algos and stay tuned for webinar notices for all algos on deck!
Crude algo intra work sheet 656 AM Jan 27 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT
Live Epic the Oil Algo TradingView Chart:

Per yesterday;
A quick update again today as all signals and decisions remain the same as reports over last week.
Thank you for all the thank-you’s and comments lately on email etc. However, I do have to point out once again please, please read reports going back a week or so if you’re new. It is important to understand this work if you are considering it in any way for your trading plan. It is critical.
If you would like us to do a webinar soon to explain any questions you may about the charting and how to trade it intra-day and for swings please email us and we will host one.
Trade the Range, Careful with Friday Targets, Intra-day Scalping
Those white up and down arrows (dotted lines) are the simplest way to trade this charting. Of course there are better ways – but the white arrows show your range. Be cautious however as our algorithmic modeling sees a range change soon.
Careful with the Friday targets on this chart. Friday targets have not been near as reliable as Tuesday and Wednesday targets each week, especially the last six or so weeks. You are best waiting our weekend report and using the the Tuesday and Wednesday targets each week.
If you are scalping intra-day, you have to know what every line means on my charting – read all the reports going back at least a week.
Below is a Chart Update for Current Trade. I will update algorithmic charting with targets, algo lines, time and price cycles etc in more detail when trade breaks out to upside or down from current range.
Trade the range. Blue arrow long bias and yellow arrow short bias until break out or break down in price.
Crude algo intra work sheet 636 AM Jan 26 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Here is the latest EPIC the Oil Algo Live Oil Chart;
The Algo Targets Keep Hitting!
EPIC the Oil Algo
Article topics: EPIC the Oil Algo, Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT, $ERX, $ERY, $GUSH, $DRIP, Chart, Algorithm, Indicators, Fibonacci, Algo