Compound Trading Chat Room Stock Trading Plan and Watch list for Monday June 12, 2017; $TROV, $DCTH, $DXTR, $WTI, $GOLD, $SILVER, Financials – $UUP, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $LIGA – Gold $GLD, Gold Miners $GDX, Silver $SLV, Oil $USOIL $WTI, US Dollar Index $USD/JPY $DXY, S&P 500 $SPY, Volatility $VIX… more.
Welcome to the morning Wall Street trading day session at Compound Trading!
Notes in red text below are new comments entered specifically today.
I will be traveling Monday after market through to late Tuesday and will be back in the main trading room for Wednesday.
The Oil trading room will open Wednesday night.
The regular reporting will be vacant between Monday market close and Tuesday evening. The most important reporting will be done Tuesday night as time allows (do not expect any at all Monday night) and regular newsletter reporting etc will recommence Wednesday evening.
Tuesday regular market Sartaj will open room. Any of our regular traders that can be in the room to keep things moving along and/or help newer traders that would be greatly appreciated.
This will happen from time to time with my travel.
Today’s Live Trading Room Link:
Live Alerts for Oil, Swing Trading and Day Trading are now available only on either email and/or by following alert Twitter feed. If you did not get an email send an email to [email protected] and ask Sartaj to get you info. Most of those I spoke to are opting for email only, but the Twitter alert system is available for those that want it.
Post Market Reports:
Sorry we’re running behind on them – we’ll get them caught up soon. Getting the 24 hour oil room ready took a bit more manpower than we expected. But we’re on for June 15 launch (not the 12th due to my amended travel itinerary).
Stock Trading Results Fri June 9 $UWT, $WTIC, $UUP, $DXY, $LIGA, $DCTH, $DXTR, $NFLX,… …
Most recent lead trader blog posts:
Trading Set-ups. Video Explains Predictable Winning Process. Part 6 b) “Freedom Traders” Series.
Trading Set-ups. Video Explains Predictable Winning Process. Part 6 b) “Freedom Traders” Series.
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) May 29, 2017
The Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review P/L. The Algorithms Quarterly Performance Reports will be out soon.
Trading Plan (Buy, Hold, Sell) and Watch lists:
Morning momentum stocks on watch so far: $TROV, $DCTH, $DXTR
Bias toward / on watch: $GOLD, $SILVER, Financials
Markets: Market sell-off on Friday (Tech focus). $SPY $ES_F $SPX I continue to be cautiously optimistic, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV continue in indecision. $USOIL, $WTI a bit of a morning jump. $DXY and $VIX no significant news. I am long a small test size in US Dollar related $UUP.
OTC on watch: $SWHI, $LIGA
Gaps to Watch:
Recent Momentum Stocks to Watch: $DXTR, $DCTH
Stocks with News: $TROV, $ADHD, $APOP, $CDXC, $CNIT, $EIGR, $GTXI, $FCSC
Recent SEC Filings to Watch:
Short Term Trader’s Edge:
Some Earnings Today:
Holds: $UUP test starter swing. All holds are small size (less than 5% of day trading account on total) holds in this order according to sizing: $ONTX, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $LIGA (not including my swing trading or algorithm charting trades).
Recent Chart Set-ups on Watch: We are working on these and others in Mid Day Review in trading room. If you can’t be in there you can catch the review on the raw video feed we post to You Tube of each trading day.
Market Outlook :
It appears this may be taking place….
Watch those large and mega caps – when they stall things could change. And don’t forget our $SPY algo warned about recent highs.

Market News and Social Bits From Around the Internet:
10-Year Note Auction
Treasury Budget
‘FAANG’ stocks drop premarket as tech selloff continues
$GTXI Announces ‘Positive’ Preliminary Results from Ongoing Phase 2 POC Clinical Trial in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence
$RXII RXi Pharmaceuticals Announces the Initiation of its Consumer Testing Program with RXI-231
Fibrocell Receives Rare Pediatric Disease Designation from FDA for FCX-013 for Treatment of Localized Scleroderma
$CDXC Announces Exclusive Patent License and Research Agreement with The Scripps Research Institute… @benzinga
$PIRS Announces Expiration of HSR Waiting Period for Collaboration With $AZN.
To Receive Upfront, Near-Term Milestone Payments of $57.5M
$ADHD no merger, but cooperation agreement with Brosh Group, adding 2 directors to board
Early movers: AAPL, BABA, ADBE, AMZN, TWX & more –
Early movers: AAPL, BABA, ADBE, AMZN, TWX & more –
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) June 12, 2017
If you are new to our trading service you should review recent blog posts, the Compound Trading YouTube Channel and at minimum our algorithm Twitter feeds because they do tell a story in terms of the market and how the inflections of the market determine our day to day trading. You will notice the algorithmic modelling has been undeniably accurate with many time-frames (intra-day, weeks and months out) so I myself have learned to respect their math (they have taken me from a 60% hit rate to 80% in my trading – all publicly posted live trades).
Momentum Stocks (Market Open and Intra-Day):
I do trade morning momo stocks, but I do avoid risk – so often I avoid the first 30 minutes (gap and go) and trade momentum stocks later in the day after the wash-out looking for a snap-back. Just prior to open and shortly after open I post momentum stocks to the trade chat room (and Twitter and Stocktwits if I have time).
Some of my Favorite Intra-day Trading Set-Ups:
(1) Momentum Stock Wash-Outs for Snap Back, (2) Bad News Wash-outs on Stocks with High Institutional Ownership, (3) Getting on the Right Side of a Trend Change and scaling in my position and (4) Our Algorithm Set-Ups.
The momentum stocks (from previous days and morning trade) I continue to watch through the day for indicators that allow a trade.
Morning Stock Watch-Lists for my Favorite Set-Ups:
(1) Pre-Market Gainers Watch-List : I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(2) Pre-market Decliners Watch-List : $CHRS, $RGLS, $EBIO, $DWT, $DGAZ $STM $AMD $DRYS $SOXL $AAOI $SCO $ICHR $OCLR $PLX $USLV $NVDA I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(3) Other Watch-List:
(4) Regular Algo Charting Watch-List: Gold $GC_F $GLD, Miners $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG), Silver $SLV $SI_F ($USLV, $DSLV), Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT), Natural Gas $NG_F ($UGAZ, $DGAZ), S & P 500 $SPY $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS), US Dollar Index $DXY ($UUP), Volatility $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)
(5) Recent Upgrades: $UPL $SWFT $KNX as time allows I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(6) Recent Downgrades: $AAPL $VNTV $SAFM $AMRI $RPT $ESS $UDR $FPO $WPC $AMT $CCI $SBAC $DFT $ADBE as time allows I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
Stay tuned in Stock Chat Room for more pre-market stocks on watch.
For new readers, a review of our unlocked posts on our blog would help you get in to the story we are following with the securities listed in this newsletter.
Free scanners to find momentum stocks that you can easily review charts of for indicators that bring probability of your trade being successful up considerably. These are not useful for first 30 minute market open gap and go type plays (you need a good momentum scanner, level 2, and best to have hot-keys for the first 30 mins of gap and go trading)… but are very useful for intra day scalping and swing trading (start with trending stocks and then look at indicators intra for simple set-ups – study scan study scan study scan).
Algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here:$WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index). Our Swing Trading Twitter feed is found here: Our lead trader Twitter feed is here @curtmelonopoly and lead tech developer @hundalSHS.
Article Topics: – $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Stockmarket, Pre-Market, Trading Plan, Wall Street, Stocks, Day-trading, Watchlist, Chatroom, $GLD, $GOLD, $SILVER, $USD/JPY, $USOIL, $WTI, $VIX, $SPY, $NATGASUSD