Good morning swing traders and welcome to the Compound Trading Swing Trading Keep It Simple K.I.S.S. MACD Charting Review (Public Edition) for the week of March 12, 2017!
Email us at [email protected] anytime with any questions about any of the swing trades listed below. Or, if we get bogged down private message Curtis in trade room or direct message him on Twitter. Market hours are tough but we endeavor to get back to everyone after market each day.
Members to our Swing Trading please refer to the member publications for more detail.
MACD Charting Annual ROI – US Dollar, Volatility, Gold, Miner’s, Silver, Crude Oil and the S&P 500.
$SPY S&P 500 KISS Keep it Simple MACD Cross Provides Winning Swing Trading Strategy $SPXL $SPXS $ES_F

$SPY S&P 500 KISS Keep it Simple MACD Cross Provides Winning Swing Trading Strategy $SPXL $SPXS $ES_F #swingtrading
— Freedom $SPY Algo (@FREEDOMtheAlgo) March 12, 2017
Crude Oil Swing Trading KISS Keep it Simple MACD Wins FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT
Swing Trading $VIX KISS Keep it Simple MACD Provides Moderate Success $UVXY $TVIX $XIV $VXX

Swing Trading $VIX KISS Keep it Simple MACD Provides Only Moderate Success $UVXY $TVIX $XIV $VXX #swingtrading
— Vexatious $VIX Algo (@VexatiousVIX) March 12, 2017
Swing Trading #Gold KISS Keep it Simple MACD Nets Decent Annual ROI $GLD $GC_F $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG

Swing Trading #Gold KISS Keep it Simple MACD Nets Decent Annual ROI $GLD $GC_F $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG #SwingTrading
— Rosie the Gold Algo (@ROSIEtheAlgo) March 12, 2017
Swing Trading $GDX #Gold Miners KISS Keep it Simple MACD Nets Decent Annual ROI. $GDXJ $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG

Swing Trading $GDX #Gold Miners KISS MACD Nets Decent Annual ROI. $GDXJ $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG #SwingTrading
— Rosie the Gold Algo (@ROSIEtheAlgo) March 12, 2017
Swing Trading #Silver KISS Keep it Simple MACD Nets Decent Annual ROI $SLV $USLV $DSLV

Swing Trading #Silver KISS Keep it Simple MACD Nets Decent Annual ROI $SLV $USLV $DSLV #SwingTrading
— Supernova Silver (@SuperNovaAlgo) March 12, 2017
Swing Trading $DXY #USD #Dollar KISS Keep it Simple MACD Nets Decent Annual ROI – Note current status. $UUP

Swing Trading $DXY #USD #Dollar Keep it Simple MACD Nets Decent Annual ROI – Note current status. $UUP #SwingTrading
— $DXY US Dollar Algo (@dxyusd_index) March 12, 2017
All in all the MACD used for swing trading is profitable – more or less so depending what you are trading. Your ROI will also obviously be affected by your ability to trade with conviction and discipline.
Email or DM me on Twitter anytime with thoughts or questions!
Article Topics; Compound Trading, Swing, Trading, Stock, Picks, $SPY, $VIX, $USOIL $WTI, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV, $DXY, MACD, Charting, ROI, USD, Dollar, Volatility, Gold, Miner’s, Silver, Crude, Oil, S&P 500