Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algorithm Charting Calls and Alerts for Tuesday Dec 13 – $OPGN, $BOSC, $AKAO $MDGS $NVCN $APRI $IDXG $UGAZ $UWT, $SPY, $VIX, $GLD, $GDX, $USDJPY, $DXY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $NG_F and more.
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Notice: There is a new feature blog post at this link, “Why our Stock Algorithms are Different than Most“. If you are using our algorithms or charting it is a must read.
Notice: We are testing fault settings for multiple trading rooms in 2017 (main room, momentum, options, swing, commodities, etc). We can have groups in different rooms all seeing same screen and announcements / broadcast – if you’re moved don’t sweat it – it won’t affect your experience.
Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algos, Trades and Alerts:
$SPY: The S&P 500 Algorithm is starting to fire on all cylinders too (which is good – its 5th in development process so its newer than others).
From my post market report yesterday,
Well, we have Fed talk Wednesday so yes the market may oompff a bit – but I expect it to run again until near Christmas or even closer to Preident Elect Donald Trump’s power transition.
I followed up with a warning in the member’s premarket with specific area of challenge in $SPY chart
227.80 looks fun. Caution overhead guys and gals. S & P 500 $SPY $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS)
Put out a public tweet premarket about the specific area to watch with $SPY,
227.80 looks fun. S & P 500: $SPY $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS)
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 13, 2016
Price action on $SPY struggled with that area all day and remains a challenge in overnight:
Alert to Member Premarket Newsletter here that grey box above 227.80 daliy resistance challenge. S & P 500 $SPY $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS)
From Yesterday Post Market Report:
Still watching $VIX close – there was a small play there today I called to the second but didn’t execute. And Gold and Silver I’m still waiting on a long confirmation from our algos – they called this price target from months ago that we are in now so I’ll trust their math on my long entries. The $USD/JPY chart (and our $DXY algo) still says not broken – at resistance, but not broken so I’m waiting on $GC_F $GLD Gold. And crude oil, our algo was firing off an intra short early in market open but I didn’t take that and waited for long position at support which didn’t hit until market end so I’m watching over night – may get a buy trigger there Tuesday. I will be watching fervently $AKAO and sympathy plays tomorrow ($APRI, $OPGN) and any other momentum stocks.
Pretty much all of that played out… I alerted in our member premarket newsletter that $VIX would rise intra-day Tuesday and it did elevate while $SPY did – I actually alerted members to watch for that exact thing to happen. So our $VIX algorithm (last in line of the six) is firing on every cylinder now too!
Our Gold and Silver algorithms have said wait on a buy because of the 90% chance of Gold going to lower quadrant (you’d have to see our Gold algo Twitter to get the whole story – but the calls have been in place for months while many were bullish on Gold prior to election in Summer and Fall 2016)… anyway so Gold did deflate more as called – so yes, Gold and Silver algos hitting perfect too. These are exact price calls BTW. And the $DXY algo has been nailing it.
So that leaves our inaugural algo EPIC! Epic the Oil Algo calls price and time for every Tuesday at 4:30, Wednesday at 10:30 and Friday at 1:00 (and much more than those calls) the week prior in his newsletter oil reports the week prior so that traders can plan their trades etc. Anyway… the Tuesday at 4:30 price and time target zone was hit yet once again! He’s firing at 93.3% call win rate (all published in advance like all over our algos).
Here’s the target zone hit for EPIC – not a perfect hit like many as it was off by a few cents – but it did hit the target zone and was of course a very tread-able alert from the week prior to members considering his calls are for an exact time and an exact price for the next week. And the oher target hits he nailed this week are on the chart below also. He’s on fire to say the least.

Here’s the live chart on Trading View.
Tues 430PM Target Hit! Predict from last wk! Crude algo intra by curtmelonopoly on
Traded $OPGN for a gain on 3 scalps (one I didn’t post in room – it can be busy at my command desk when you’re in and out trades so I call them out on audio alert broadcast too) and then gave it all back and then some on a stupid trade decision.
Also traded $BOSC for a gain late day – the scanners we I have are getting dialed in real precise – I was in that play real early and got out on the pop and then I think it faded before close.
Mathew has BEEN NAILING his trades and his alerts in the room have been awesome. He’ll be in the broadcasting daily here soon with me alerting his trades too and posting results and a pre market watch list on blog soon also.
Primary Lessons That May Help You With Your Trades:
Really messed up an $OPGN trade – held in a back wash because I thought I’d just hit it 2 or 3x on a bounce – but the bounce didn’t come. This is risky and unless you are using a larger account and you can have these go bad 50 % of the time I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND DOING IT.
My $BOSC trade was entirely enabled from having really tuned in scanners that I can alert the room with.
Again, Mathew would have a book full of lessons with his trades lately (lots for folks to learn there) so it will be nice to have him on audio broadcasting in the room and I look forward to his watchlists and blog posts.
Looking Forward:
It’s Fed day – WE HAVE A TONNE OF PLAYS READY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FED MOVE SO I AM PUMPED. The algos have set us up perfect for the inflection point. Pumped.
Announcements in Trading Room:
08:54 am Curtis M : Watching: $AKAO $NVCN $APRI $IDXG $DSLV $VIX $UGAZ $UWT
09:09 am Curtis M : $AKAO $NVCN $APRI $IDXG $DSLV $VIX $UGAZ $UWT
We have groups split in different rooms. – we are fault testing rooms. If you are moved you will see same chart and announcements. We are preparing for official launch Jan 1 for multiple lead traders and media programs that start then.
11:15 am Curtis M : Back at 1145 EST From Lunch for afternoon session
03:41 pm Curtis M : Have a great night peeps!!! I\’m over and out. I\’ll leave room open till 4PM.
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter is removed.
08:54 am manish kant : GM ALL
09:02 am David Z : morning manish!
09:03 am Curtis M : morning!
09:03 am manish kant : Good Morning David
09:03 am manish kant : Good Morning Curtis
09:14 am Curtis M : Active $XOP $AKAO $ARI $ETRM $IDXG $BAC $UCO $SPY $USO $NVCN
09:22 am John M : $AKAO and $NVCN my watches
09:22 am Curtis M : Oil holding up well we’ll see how it handles open
09:24 am Curtis M : At market open I will focus on momentum stocks and then move to OIL, SPY, GOLD, VIX, SILVER, NAT GAS
09:28 am Mathew Waterfall : Actually ended up getting our of my golden boy $APRI after close yesterday at 2.02. Back in this AM at 1.78 for another run with a close eye on it for a pullback
09:32 am Mathew Waterfall : Trimming some $WYNN here. Out of Dec30 100c’s at 1..21 from .7. This has more to run IMO but was heavy and want to take some profits
09:33 am Mathew Waterfall : Als out majority of my JBLU weekly 22’s at .85 from .35 entry yesterday
09:37 am Curtis M : $NVCN could be the big one today over 3.40
09:37 am Mathew Waterfall : Out half $LVS Dec30 60c’s at .66 from .53. I was looking for more here so keeping some but it hit my fib target so I am going to plan and trimming.
09:40 am David Z : I banked $OPGN a few times this morning watching for HOD break now
09:45 am Mathew Waterfall : I have a stop at 1.45 on $APRI while I go about other trades. Agrees that it doesn’t look very condtructive as of yet
09:46 am Curtis M : Long 2.49 3000 shares tight $OPGN
09:48 am Curtis M : Out $OPGN 2.69 3000
09:48 am Mathew Waterfall : Trailer on rest of $JBLU options for the rest of this run up. If anyone followed me into that I would say keep in tight as they are already ITM
09:49 am Curtis M : Long 2.80 $OPGN tight
09:50 am Curtis M : Out $OPGN 2.80 flat
09:56 am Curtis M : Long $OPGN 2.99 300
10:08 am Curtis M : Scaling $OPGN in 3000
10:08 am Mathew Waterfall : Out the rest of my $JBLU calls at 1.05 from .35. Could see more later in the week but I’ll take a 3 bagger any day
10:11 am Mathew Waterfall : Also keeping things a bit small and tight here into the trail end of this rally and the Fed.
10:21 am Curtis M : Out $OPGEN for loss –
10:23 am Curtis M : Out 2.16 fill
10:38 am Mathew Waterfall : Oxymoron if I have ever heard one right there lol
10:38 am Mathew Waterfall : But hey we all do it
10:39 am Curtis M : Disciplined Revenge Trader is my new handle lol
10:39 am Mathew Waterfall : lol
10:40 am Mathew Waterfall : Watching $CTXS for possible swing short. Name has continued to make incremental highs only to break down. I like it short here vs. 91 or so. Will watchand post if I enter
10:43 am Curtis M : So I’m going long oil at bottom near target if support holds because my other weekly targets are north of that price
10:43 am Curtis M : I am also going long $UGAZ sometime between now and Thur if it plays out right
10:44 am Mathew Waterfall : Short $CTXS 90.50 with 91 stop. Will add if it pick up speed to the downside here. This is a common stock swing play for me
10:44 am David Z : $UGAZ will run soon
10:45 am Curtis M : I am also looking for a long Gold play closer to 1133
10:45 am Curtis M : All 3 plays if they break its a 4 to 1 RR
10:47 am Mathew Waterfall : Rolled my $MGM Dec30 30c’s to 31’s for a .4 credit. Wanted to take some gains and get a higher strike as I was already ITM on those meaning they won’t have much of a delta and thus won’t accelerate as quickly as a higher strike should it keep moving north
10:56 am OilQ K : I’m in $TSLA its just sector rotation
10:56 am OilQ K : Looked at $MSFT but didn’t go
10:57 am Drew M : Curt Im surprised u didnt go tech you had it on watch
10:57 am Mathew Waterfall : Stop hit in $CTXS. Small loss will keep an eye on it for a future play. Market is way to strong to try to force a short
10:58 am Curtis M : At least it was small lol unlike someone else today – mind yo uit was a small position for my swing account
10:58 am Mathew Waterfall : In this game they can’t all be winners
10:59 am David Z : I never thought Curt lost serious watch him slice for a yr
11:00 am Curtis M : Scanning
11:00 am Curtis M : Oh I lose but not often do I let losses go
11:09 am Curtis M : Going to take an early lunch and then come back and be revenge trader
11:10 am Curtis M : Back at 1145 EST
11:10 am John M : good plan me 2
11:12 am OILK K : I like Gold here
11:27 am Curtis M : If I remember right last year this time the Fed raised $BAC tanked
11:31 am Sonny H : Long $INVE 1/3 here
11:31 am Sonny H : Looking at $IDN
11:33 am Curtis M : Theres that divergence in the $VIX I wrote about in the premarket newsletters last few days
11:33 am Curtis M : Back in 10
11:35 am Mathew Waterfall : Mostly babysitting and taking some gains today before the fed tomorrow. Market feels like it just wants to keep on keeping on here so it’s tough to try to take a contrarian view. Most size sweepers I am seeing are still bullish with some puts coming in materials AKS and X. NUGT also seeing some bearish flow looking for some more gold weakness
11:36 am Curtis M : Agree
11:42 am Jack D : I am taking profits on $MSFT I dont trust Fed talk
11:43 am Curtis M : Back
11:43 am Mathew Waterfall : $WYNN chewing through 94 would be great. I’m aiming for 61.8 fib at 96.35 if anyone is along for the ride and wants levels
11:48 am Curtis M : 98.20 would be PT on $WYNN
11:48 am Curtis M : Might take a while – u may need the 200 MA under it for that
11:49 am Mathew Waterfall : Agrred. I think it gets there, but I’m holding dec 23 100’s so I need it to move this week and get out.
11:50 am Mathew Waterfall : $MSFT also seeing more flow ehre out into the spring strikes.
11:52 am Curtis M : Possible
12:02 pm Curtis M : Casinos coming here I think
12:06 pm Curtis M : $WYNN looks good
12:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : Sold some $WYNN Dec23 102c’s against my 100’s that I have left. This is a good way to lock in some gains. Either they both keep going up, or if $WYNN pulls back i cover the short calls for a gain
12:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yes it does limit your gains to the upside should WYNN go to 102+ by expiration, but it also limits potential losses
12:08 pm Curtis M : Makes sense
12:08 pm Mathew Waterfall : I had my eye on this move earlier and was waiting on the 102’s to juice a bit before I sold them
12:14 pm Curtis M : $INVE looks like its working
12:16 pm Curtis M : History
12:17 pm Curtis M : $VIX is holding too
12:20 pm Curtis M : $TKAI on scanner for anyone interested
12:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : That stock has been on my watchlist ever sense I played it from the mid .80’s. It seems to run up into the 1.10-1.20 level then sell off every week or two
12:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : $TKAI that is
12:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : Watching $AQXP for a swing as well
12:27 pm Mathew Waterfall : $CLF Jan20 12c’s. This had a huge run, now pulling back a bit. X is seeing some nice in flows late in the day. $CLF could see a bit more downside to the 78.6 at 8.82 but this is a buy and forget play for me
12:27 pm Mathew Waterfall : Bought those $CLF Jan20 12c’s @.2
12:27 pm Mathew Waterfall : Starter and will add against 8.82 if it gets there
12:28 pm MarketMaven M : $X bottomed imo
12:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : We’ll see with $X. I threw an extension from the yearly low to previous yearly high at 27.64 and the 161.8 gets us to 40.92 which wouldn’t be out of the question by the end of the year. It has more than double though in the last 45 days so it’s come a long way
12:37 pm Curtis M : quiet scanners
12:39 pm Mathew Waterfall : I am most likely going to sit on my hands for the rst of the day. Most set ups I see feel like I’m forcing trades, and I tend to lose money when I do that
12:39 pm Curtis M : I need 1 revenge trade just 1
12:42 pm Curtis M : Oil on the move
12:43 pm Mathew Waterfall : Some of those small caps could squeezse if oil cooperates. $ORIG and $SDRL both pulling back. $ATW, $TDW, $EPE etc all strong
01:05 pm Curtis M : Crude pushing
01:16 pm Mathew Waterfall : Hate chasing but like the look of $AKS here. Got over the 10 day on the daily. In some Dec23 11c’s @.23. Starting small here like CLF will add more if it gets going. Short timeline so if it doesn’t accelerate these go south
01:20 pm Mathew Waterfall : Jesus $SPY! Can’t spot won’t stop
01:22 pm Curtis M : Implied volatllty hanging in there
01:23 pm Curtis M : I had a feeling that was going to happen here
01:24 pm Greg L : I profited off that call curt!!! u should have come
01:24 pm Mathew Waterfall : I think the $VIX goes up a bit or at least hangs around 13. There should be a lot of protection being bought into the end of the year and early 2017 which would keep that high
01:24 pm Curtis M : Good stuff Greg!
01:24 pm Mathew Waterfall : I don’t like playing the $VIX directly though more as a tool to tell me how to play other things
01:26 pm Curtis M : Pit close 1 hour
01:26 pm Curtis M : Rising wedge in crude
01:34 pm Curtis M : My scanners havent been this quiet in months
01:36 pm Carol B : Man you called that one clean Curtis $VIX and $SPY
01:44 pm Curtis M : $GALE on the move
01:48 pm Cara R : Going long som3 $XLV starter
01:48 pm Mathew Waterfall : $FRO popped up on my scanns. Cup/handle look on 20 day. Swing against LOD looks decent. Again it feels like I’m reaching here just looking for something to trade
01:49 pm Curtis M : One good kill for me pls
01:58 pm Curtis M : Long $BOSC starter scaling 3000
01:59 pm Curtis M : 2.164 avg
02:00 pm Curtis M : Scaling 3000 more
02:04 pm Curtis M : Sorry a little internet spike or something there
02:04 pm Curtis M : We might squeeze em here
02:07 pm Curtis M : I feel there pain I really do
02:13 pm Curtis M : Chipping out small profit
02:13 pm Curtis M : Likely renter
02:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : $AKAO is just crazy. Even after their offering news post market, this thing is still running. Went right by my 14 target and looks like it might se 16’s today
02:26 pm Curtis M : If CL sell off here we may get a good buy down at support
02:36 pm John M : Odd. $AKAO
02:39 pm Curtis M : Anybody that went long $AKAO on the 20 has won so far
02:43 pm Mathew Waterfall : $CRBP jiggy. Hit for a small starter against 7.75 or so. Plan to add more on retest if we see a pullback
02:44 pm Drew M : $AKAO may never stop.
02:51 pm Curtis M : This is resistance on $SPY 227.80 227.96 – it pops and it could be gone for a while.
02:57 pm Mathew Waterfall : Small add $CRBP at 8.07. Tight stop on this at 8.75. Risky play as these things will gap overnight so keeping it small for a swing
03:07 pm Curtis M : Leaderboard $USEG 69% $GLF 25% $AKAO 21% $INVE 16% $DTRM 14%
03:11 pm Greg L : Laughing my ass off from your post this morning about 227.80 area being interesting on Twitter and guess where weve stalled. Spooky.
03:11 pm Curtis M : lol
03:18 pm Mathew Waterfall : Well I guess it’s an early day today. Holding into the fed as tomorrow morning should also be fairly calm. Will hang out but unlikely to do much. Have a good night all
03:19 pm Curtis M : yup
03:20 pm Curtis M : Thanks for the calls Mathew!
03:20 pm OilQ K : Ya Mat!
03:20 pm Mathew Waterfall : Hope some people followed along on the casinos and $JBLU which killed it. If not, there will be more that’s for sure
03:21 pm Curtis M : I know for sure 3 did cause they DM’s me:)
03:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : Perfect. Love helping other people make $$$
03:21 pm Jack D : Thanks Mathew!
03:28 pm Cara R : Yes Thank you guys
03:48 pm Mathew Waterfall : $ADMP squeeze into the close.
03:50 pm Mathew Waterfall : Nice volume there as well. Somehow I’m holding a few shares here
03:51 pm John M : good action
03:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : I got lucky. Bought when it looked liek a breakout over $3 about amonth ago and never hit my stop. Small position but nice to finally get in the black lol. Better to be lucky than good sometimes
03:51 pm Curtis M : lol
04:00 pm Curtis M : Good night all.
You can follow along with public calls our algorithms post on Twitter here:
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Article Topics: Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $OPGN, $BOSC, $AKAO $MDGS $NVCN $APRI $IDXG $UGAZ $UWT, $SPY, $VIX, $GLD, $GDX, $USDJPY, $DXY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $NG_F