Trade Alerts. #tradealerts #daytrading #swingtrading
Swing Trading and Day Trading Alerts with raw video footage from our Live Trading Room premarket and market open on Sept 26, 2018.
Stocks Alerted for Trade: $SQ, $DIS, $NFLX, $AMD, OIL, $FB, $GOOGL and more.
At 1:20 in the video the Square $SQ trade alert is discussed and the chart set-up, specifically the sidewinder trade set-up with the 20 MA under 50 MA with price above and reason for Square to run on the upgrade in premarket. The video explains the Square trading set-up in detail.
Why Instinet Analyst Dan Dolev Is So Bullish on Square $SQ (video)
Square CFO Friar Says Financial System Not Serving Consumers Properly $SQ (video)
Square Belongs in the Same Class as Apple and Facebook, Analyst Says $SQ
Then in pre-market I review the Disney $DIS chart and swing trade we are in, Advanced Micro $AMD trade set-up, Oil trading strategy for the week and in to the EIA report, Netflix $NFLX looking for ads to position, Facebook $FB and Google $GOOGL looking for a short position, Ballard Power $BLDP trade set-up in to time cycle, Bitcoin $BTC on high watch, and Volatility $VIX on watch.
After a quick break I reviewed the massive opportunities we are seeing in the markets over the next two quarters.
At 6:30 I move $SQ to 5 min chart and consider an entry before open. Reviewed stochastic RSI, MACD and squeeze momentum indicators on the Square chart for members.
At 9:30 in video is near the market open and I review my trading plan for it and move to 1 minute chart.
At 10:40 I discuss the next market inflection we see.
At 11:00 the buy side trade starts coming in to Square and I take my first entry in Square at 89.00 for a 1/10 size with a stop at 89.00.
I explain that I’m looking for a base entry that holds in the Square trade and that I will leg in once I get a base trade in.
A copy of the swing trading alert on our private member’s Twitter feed is here;
$SQ opened strong today on upgrade, long 89.00 and we’ll be looking for more size / legs in this one. Closed the day at 95.95. #swingtrading #daytrading #tradealerts
$SQ opened strong today on upgrade, long 89.00 and we'll be looking for more size / legs in this one. Closed the day at 95.95. #swingtrading #daytrading #tradealerts
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) September 26, 2018
At 14:40 on the video I start explaining the 5 min candle positioning I am looking for and the times through the week that I will look at adds to the swing trade as “pockets” for optimum timing on adds to the $SQ trade (lunch time, end of day, early in premarket and end of day Friday).
On the swing trading alerts private member feed the trading plan for adds for sizing in to this trade is explained per below;
General idea for legging in to $SQ – when 5 min held previous top of 5 i hit a 1/10 entry long 89 again, i’ll keep chewing till an area holds – for first leg
the next $SQ leg entry long will be on 30 min body holding the previous 30 min but i won’t do that until lunch, late day, premarket (early) or end of day Friday, then next 1 hour same process then 4 hour same process.
Swing trade alert at 89.00 on Square $SQ today at market open. Chart shows the incredible trading in Square today. #swingtrade #tradealerts

At around 53:00 in the video I am explaining my entry, sizing opportunities, retrace support areas, how to trade 5 min candles and how to trade other time-frames for sizing in to the trade.
TRADE ALERTS VIDEO – TRADING ROOM: #daytrading #swingtrading
Trade Alerts | Day Trade & Swing Trades. Square $SQ, $DIS, $NFLX, $AMD, OIL, $FB, $GOOGL and more.
Below are chat entries specific to actionable alerts from the trading room today. Add 2 hours to the chat log times shown for Eastern Standard Time.
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 06:55:06 AM
Protected: PreMarket Trading Plan Tues Sept 25: Market Screams Epic Opportunity Near, $DIS, $APDN, $CLRB, $KORS, $NFLX, $BLDP, OIL, Bitcoin, more.rrrrPassword: CLRBrrrrLink:
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 06:55:09 AM
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 06:55:27 AM
Running scans and chart set ups now. We may get some opportunity here at open today.
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 06:55:30 AM
OILK September 25, 2018 07:00:33 AM
AMD held key support pivot on chart yesterday, trading up near 2% this morning. I’m long here.
SANDEEP September 25, 2018 07:01:47 AM
Caught that, seems upside target(s) in play if 32.47 is used as support
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:04:15 AM
Mobile Mini $MINI PT Raised to $61 at Sidoti
SHAF September 25, 2018 07:06:18 AM
GOOGl short in play per curt – today best IMO
LENNY September 25, 2018 07:07:15 AM
LENNY September 25, 2018 07:07:44 AM
Short term only – all charts on momo watch are broken garbage.
LENNY September 25, 2018 07:08:11 AM
SQ interesting also on the UG
LENNY September 25, 2018 07:08:28 AM
the GOOGL TWTR FB money could rool some in there
PAUL M September 25, 2018 07:08:39 AM
seems logical len
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:09:04 AM
Advanced Micro Devices $AMD Seen As A Near Term Semi Trend Beneficiary At Northland
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:09:42 AM
Canopy Growth initiated with a Buy at Benchmark $CGC $STZ $STZ.B
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:11:03 AM
BREAKING: Qualcomm unveils explosive charges against Apple for stealing “vast swaths” of its confidential information and trade secrets for the purpose of improving the performance of chip sets provided by Qualcomm’s competitor Intel
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:11:21 AM
OILK September 25, 2018 07:12:31 AM
They will run oil after EIA
OILK September 25, 2018 07:12:47 AM
significant run imo then
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:14:58 AM
thats a swidewinder setting up on 240 $SQ
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:17:13 AM
On Watch: Oil long (likely not until post EIA or maybe an intr day prior), SQ long on sidewinder set-up, short GOOGL FB, DIS, NFLX adds long, BTC set up nearing, BLDP short is nearing time frame, and VIX near.
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:17:35 AM
I may take an entry in SQ at open.
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:17:37 AM
will see
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:20:32 AM
on mic in 1
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:56:49 AM
when the 5 min held the previous top of 5 i hit a 1/10 entry long SQ 89 again, i’ll keep chewing till an area holds – for the first leg
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:57:00 AM
looks like this may hold
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 07:58:13 AM
the next leg entry long will be on 30 min body holding the previous 30 min but i won’t do that until lunch, late day, premarket (early) or end of day Friday, then next 1 hour same process then 4 hour same process.
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 08:03:00 AM
on mic 10:10 ish re: SQ trade
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 08:10:05 AM
i will be a few mins here
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 08:12:55 AM
on mic 9:13
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 08:12:59 AM
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 09:05:09 AM
it seems pressure in to weekly reporting has started looking for bottom of EPIC uptrend channel on chart for long positioning other side of reporting EIA
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 09:58:28 AM
on mic 12:05
CURT M_1 September 25, 2018 11:07:08 AM
$NKE earnings on high watch for me later today (when I return from some exercise). Cya later, GL! #freedivetime 9 videos scheduled for members to do tonight, we’ll see if I can get em all done. peace
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#tradealerts #swingtrading #daytrading
Article Topics; Trade Alerts, Swing Trading Alerts, Day Trading Alerts, Trading Room, $SQ, $DIS, $NFLX, $AMD, OIL, $FB, $GOOGL