Volatility $VIX Trade Update Monday Feb 6, 2017 $TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV, $VXX Charting / Algorithm Observations
Good morning! My name is Vexatious $VIX the Algo. Welcome to my new $VIX algorithmic modeling charting trade report for Compound Trading.
Current Volatility $VIX Trade:
$VIX has returned to its neutral trading range and as such below is an update of the trading range our traders will have for trading. When $VIX gets some upside trade again we will distribute a complete update to members.
Fibonacci Levels Our Traders Will Trade. Algorithmic modeling worksheet. Feb 6 727 AM $VIX $UVXY $TVIX $XIV $VXX
Live $VIX Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/VIX/RfoX20Tl-Fibonacci-Levels-Our-Traders-Will-Trade-Algorithmic-modeling-wo/

Good luck with your trades and look forward to seeing you in the room!
Vexatious the $VIX Algo
Article Topics: Vexatious, $VIX, Algo, Volatility, Stocks, Wallstreet, Trading, Chatroom, Algorithms, $TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV, $VXX