Swing Trading Premium Report: Strategies, Set-Ups, Alerts, Current Trades April 22, 2019.
Covered in this Report: Protected: Stock Swing Trades On-Watch, Trade Alerts & Current Trades | GOOGL, AMD, BABA, TSLA, AAPL, NFLX, BTC, NBEV, TERP, SQ, APC, GOLD, Oil, XOM, ARWR and more. .
We expect this earnings season to be very busy both on the alert / trading side and the reporting side of our platform. Most of the set-ups below deal with a clean-up of existing swing trades or recent trades in advance of the busy earnings season.
The newer set ups will start to come out in force as earnings are released. We expect it to be one of our busiest earnings seasons to date.
If there is no April 22 update for any specific stock listed below that signals that our position is the same as the April 9 reporting notes you will see as you read the report.
Email us at [email protected] anytime with questions about any of the swing trade set ups covered in this report. Market hours can be difficult to respond but we endeavor to get back to everyone after market each day.
Crude Oil (FX USOIL WTI, $CL_F, $WTI) –
April 22 – Below is the swing trade alert for crude oil to start the week from Sunday night futures that moved so quick it ended up being an intra-day trade but may yet return to a swing trade.
Crude oil trade alerts start week off right Long 64.60s .70s to 65.50s $CL_F $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT #OilTradeAlerts #OOTT https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly/status/1120167333862019073

Bitcoin (BTC) –
April 22 – Bitcoin is trading 5282.80 intra-day, up from our entries starting at 3449.50. Holding for now and will likely start charting in more detail as it develops structure and alerting positioning more frequently. For now watching the structure assemble per below (previous report).
April 9, 2019 –
The Jan 30, 2019 trade alert for Bitcoin is now proving out well…
Starting a swing trade BTC Bitcoin on XBTUSD long 3449.50 price target 4200.00. 20% sizing. When it confirms will add to 100% – see Bitcoin report due soon. #swingtrading $BTC $XBTUSD
At this point I am watching and holding only. Will re-assess as trade develops and advise.
Bitcoin trade going well, trade is nearing key resistance soon, if trade gets above the red TL then I will send new charting out.

New Age Beverages (NBEV)
April 22 – At this point I’m not as excited about this swing trade in $NBEV. I may close the position soon. The chart structure is not acting as well as I had hoped. It closed 5.27 on Friday and my starter positioning was 5.40s – .60s.
New Age Beverage Corporation (NBEV) Gains As Market Dips: What You Should Know #swingtrading $NBEV https://finance.yahoo.com/news/age-beverage-corporation-nbev-gains-214509793.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw via @YahooFinance
New Age Beverage Corporation (NBEV) Gains As Market Dips: What You Should Know #swingtrading $NBEV https://t.co/wtO2LCSg0d via @YahooFinance
— Swing Trading (@swingtrading_ct) April 22, 2019
April 9, 2019 – NBEV trade is going well, will watch for more entry adds along way to target.
April 8, 2019 trade alert: Swing started 1/10 $NBEV 5.44 – 5.60 refer to previous charting for targets
Nice trade in $NBEV so far, it closed 6.63 with our entries 5.44 – 6.60 in premarket today. Expecting this one to be a big win. #swingtrading (typo in alert). pic.twitter.com/pt76v5WxwK
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 8, 2019
NBEV swing trade alert doing very well so far.

April 22 – Square closed 70.74 Friday, I am looking at an add to this position (longer term swing than most I alert). There is decent support for a range nearing 70.00. Square reports earnings in ten days and I will hold through earnings.
Can Square (SQ) Keep the Earnings Surprise Streak Alive? #swingtrading $SQ #earnings https://finance.yahoo.com/news/square-sq-keep-earnings-surprise-141002545.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw via @YahooFinance
April 9, 2019 –
April 3 trade alert Long $SQ 76.01 1/5 sizing with 87.80 PT in to 6 month duration if needed. Details in swing report due out tonight. #swingtrading $SQ.
At this point I am watching. When the trade needs to be managed I will send out the alerts and provide updated charting.
Anadarko Petroleum (APC) –
April 22 – Anadarko was a great swing trade with the buy out. It certainly transpired faster than expected. We closed the trade at 60.61 from a 47.19 entry long. It closed 64.14 on Friday and looks like it will easily get to our original price target in the 76s. I am not considering an immediate position but with earnings coming up in ten days I am watching very close.
ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP (APC) swing trade went well, 47.19 – 60.61 fast. #swingtrading $APC #premarket pic.twitter.com/c2ErBludWG
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 12, 2019
Chevron Is Getting a Hidden Gem in the Anadarko Deal #swingtrading $APC https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chevron-getting-hidden-gem-anadarko-211700433.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw
April 9, 2019 Swing Trade Alert:
ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP (APC) Has 20 MA now on weekly I will be long starter in premarket 47.19 range #swingtrading $APC

Per March 5 Report “this is a symmetry play (see recent special report and alert that went out), trading 44.35 and watching for the support level on video to hold and we’re looking for the 76.00 area for February of 2020 for a price target”.
ALSO, the is a link to a special report below (at bottom of this post) that explains exactly how to trade Anadarko Petroleum.
ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP (APC) MACD turning up on Weekly Chart, should be ready to go soon. #swingtrade $APC

TerraForm (TERP) –
April 22 – TerraForm closed 13.50 on Friday, watching earnings in ten days for a possible entry long for the swing trade set-up.
April 9, 2019 –
TERRAFORM POWER (TERP) Swing trading set up doing well, considering a position soon. #swingtrading $TERP #earnings

Per March 5 report “trading 12.60 with earnings in days, algorithmic channel outlined in video and on recent report, trade the channel if it gets bullish on the other side of earnings. This is on high watch with recent trade trajectory and 200 MA near above. Price target on the weekly chart for TERP shown in video is 25.17 range May of next year”.
TerraForm Power Caps a Transformational Year With Solid Q4 Results #swingtrading $TERP https://finance.yahoo.com/news/terraform-power-caps-transformational-solid-173600840.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw
TERRAFORM POWER (TERP) This is about to test 200 MA on Weekly Chart, you will want to watch close now. #swingtrade $TERP

Home Depot (HD) –
April 22 – Home Depot closed 205.40 Friday and is right at range resistance. Above this area it could run but I am not chasing it, HD reports earnings in 29 days and I’ll be watching price action in to earnings for possible set up.
April 9 –
HOME DEPOT (HD) great swing trade if you took it, I didn’t get an entry, too extended now #earnings $HD #premarket

Per March 5 Report, “240 minute chart is reviewed in video with time cycle completion Mar 26, 2019. This play is on watch with Maven expecting decent upside return. All the price targets and timing are reviewed in the video”.
Home Depot’s Solid 2018 in 3 Charts https://finance.yahoo.com/news/home-depot-solid-2018-3-210500199.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw #swingtrading $HD
HOME DEPOT (HD) holding top of trading box with indicators turning up, looking for a pop here $HD #swingtrading

Gold (XAUUSD, GLD, GC_F) –
April 22 – At time of writing Gold is trading 1278.10 so we are on the right side of the trade. It is however a slow mover. Anyway, just watching for now.
April 9, 2019
GOLD remains in its structure, still short $XAUUSD #Gold $GLD $GC_F

From Feb 18 2019:
GOLD Swing Trade Chart Adds Short from 1319.78 20%, add 1350.14 10%, 1378.00 10%, 1484.63 60%. Price Target 1119.23 $XAUUSD $GC_F #Gold #SwingTrade
Per March 5 report, “Monthly chart reviewed, sideways action is seen on chart, for traders that do trade it I have it shorted and it is going well, price has come off the first resistance in my trade plan (I was expecting to have to average my trade), support is at the red trend line shown. There’s a potential down side 718.00 if it breaks down, it’s very possible it breaks down. I like this trade so far”.
GOLD remains in structure on monthly chart. Watching. $GC_F $XAUUSD $GLD

April 22 – XOM is trading 81.50 in premarket, the set up for this swing trade is so structured (very clear support and resistance) that there is no need for me to alert this trade in more detail until there is significant change. The trajectory to the price target is near perfect at this point. Really good swing trade.
April 9, 2019 –
EXXON (XOM) nearing price target for swing trade, take profits in to 85s add above 85.69 $XOM #swingtrading #earnings #energy

Per March 5 report, “this trade has been going very well, we gt in 73s with 77.13 Feb that hit early, over 200 MA on daily, we have a price target in the 85’s. Details of this trade set up are on the chart in the video and explained by voice. Really really successful trade and it has been going exceptionally well. What a swing trade.
I also explain my sizing and trims and adds to my swing positions in this part of the video (during XOM)”.
EXXON (XOM) This swing trade just keeps giving $XOM #swingtrade #energy
I will be trimming this position in to the red trading box (underside) resistance tomorrow and considering re-entering above the blue line when price is in trading box.

Nike (NKE) –
April 22 – NIKE swing trade set up just keeps moving in a bullish structure trading 89.10 in premarket with the next significant resistance in the 93.31 area of the chart. I’m out per previous alerts but I am starting to think I may re-enter. On Watch.
Is Nike Stock A Buy Right Now? Here’s What Earnings, Charts Show https://www.investors.com/research/nike-stock-buy-now/ #swingtrading $NKE
April 9 –
Per March 19 swing trade alert we closed position long in NIKE;
NIKE (NKE) Will be closing in morning in to earnings, this swing long from 84.84 went well. #swingtrade #earnings $NKE
NIKE (NKE) this trade went well and did in fact break down after we alerted to close for profit #swingtrading $NKE

Per March 5 Report, “this is a break out trade that I alerted as a cautionary set up, the levels and signals for the trade are reviewed in the video. As I’ve said before hold this one tight”.
Breaking Down Nike’s Q3 Earnings Outlook Ahead of March Madness https://finance.yahoo.com/news/breaking-down-nikes-q3-earnings-192407481.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw #swingtrading $NKE #earnings
NIKE (NKE) Will be closing in morning in to earnings, this swing long from 84.84 went well. #swingtrade #earnings $NKE

Alphabet / Google (GOOGL) –
April 22 – Alphabet reports earnings in seven days, trading 1241.10 up from 1135.56 entry now seems like a good time to close in advance of earnings, will watch earnings price action for other positions near term. $GOOGL

Will Alphabet Earnings Beat Expectations Again? #swingtrading $GOOGL #earnings https://finance.yahoo.com/news/alphabet-earnings-beat-expectations-again-203000924.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw
Swing trade in Alphabet (GOOGL) went well, closed 1241.10 up from 1135.56 entry. #swingtrading $GOOGL

April 9, 2019
The one highest price target from the original alert Feb 13, 2019 has not been met, but the rest have, caution forward.
Feb 13 swing trade alert “Google ( GOOGL ) swing long starter 1135.56 PT 1158 1210 1266 1319. Will add as trade improves. #swingtrading $GOOGL”
Google ( GOOGL ) swing trade went well with most price targets met, profits should be considered, adds over 1225.00 possible #swingtrading $GOOGL

Per March 5 Report, “algorithmic calculated channel is reviewed and price has hit the price target and the trajectory has been very bullish since our alert on GOOGL. The price targets for this swing trade are reviewed in detail on the video”.
Tech giants will have to be regulated in future – EU’s Timmermans https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tech-giants-regulated-future-eus-145838975.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw #swingtrading $GOOGL
Google (GOOGL) Exceptional trajectory (upper scenario) on this swing trade, no reason to liquidate any time soon. $GOOGL
This is another fantastic swing trade. If anything just remember to take profit along the way.

Advanced Micro (AMD) –
April 22 – ADVANCED MICRO (AMD) has not regained momo since alert went out to trim in to 30..00, watching #swingtrade #earnings $AMD
We are not holding any shares at this point and with earnings coming up in a week I will only watch at this point. I’ll watch post earnings price action closely for another position.
April 3 this alert went out: Trim $AMD in to 30.00 add above #swingtrading $AMD https://twitter.com/SwingAlerts_CT/status/1113469559229558790
5 Semiconductor Stocks to Buy for a Spring Charge #swingtrading $AMD $NXPI $MU $INTC $QCOM https://finance.yahoo.com/news/5-semiconductor-stocks-buy-spring-152914795.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw
April 9, 2019;
This trade keeps giving, the most recent trade alert for AMD is going well along with trim alerts to position etc.
At this point adds at each pull back make sense on the way to upper target.
Long $AMD 27.99 for 33.66 target 1/3 size add above 30.19. #swingtrading $AMD https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMD/bUazvZHj-Long-AMD-27-99-for-33-66-target-1-3-size-add-above-30-19-swin/ …
ADVANCED MICRO (AMD) This swing trade keeps giving. Nice chart structure now. #swingtrading #traadealerts

Per March 5 Report, “when I alerted this I knew it was going to be a great ROI trade, I don’t like how it trades but I was confident in the price target. It hit the price target early. Resistance and support are reviewed on the video along with future price targets with time cycle completion dates. Another really strong alerted swing trade for 2019”.
AI Stocks to Watch, Including One Under-The-Radar Gem https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ai-stocks-watch-including-one-120000581.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw Gopher Protocol Inc. (GOPH), Five9, Inc. (FIVN), Fortinet, Inc. (FTNT), Advanced Micro Systems (AMD), and Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) #swingtrading #AI
ADVANCED MICRO (AMD) does have symmetry in price targets hit with a channel, upper target may hit #swingtrade $AMD
I don’t like the way this stock trades, however, it has held the channel structure and the price targets are hitting on the model. The upper price target on the chart below could be in play.

Twitter (TWTR) –
April 22 – Twitter trading 34.72 with earnings around the corner leaves me in a watch and see pattern. Not an easy stock to trade. But lets see how earnings price action looks.
Twitter’s Q1 Report Could Show Growth Amid Ongoing Transparency Effort #swingtrading $TWTR #earnings https://invst.ly/aldjw
April 9, 2019 –
As of now I am not looking at trading Twitter, I may revisit on the next round.
Per March 5 Report, “didn’t like this one when I put the alert out. I don’t like the way it trades, its crazy. But there is a chart model reviewed on the video. If it functions like a normal equity your price targets are on the video for your review”.
TWITTER (TWTR) continues to struggle in the cluster of support and resistance areas, no trade for me. #swingtrade $TWTR

Facebook (FB) –
April 22 – Facebook reports earnings in two days, I will wait for price action post earnings. We have always done well swing trading Facebook and the model we use is quite predictable, so I expect a position after they report.
Investors Shouldn’t Get Their Hopes Up When Facebook Reports Earnings #swingtrading $FB #earnings https://finance.yahoo.com/news/investors-shouldn-apos-t-hopes-130900069.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw
April 9, 2019 –
Same as Twitter, I am not considering a trade in Facebook but may do so on the next reporting round.
Per March 5 Report, “the model has done really well, we will be updating the model soon, 175.66 price target March 7 is in play on the 4 hour chart, Maven is in this swing trade and doing well with it. It has been a very successful swing trading structure for us many times in past”.
For now I will leave this one alone considering the mosque attacks. A structured trade just isn’t possible at this point, I will re-look at it the near future.
BP –
April 22 – BP reports in eight days. Will watch price action post earnings for possible position.
April 9, 2019 –
At this point I am not looking at trading BP but I will revisit it on the next report. If you took the original alert it has done moderately well.
Per March 5 Report, “bullish over 43.31 price target 47.99 in to October 2019, we haven’t triggered a swing trade position yet, it may be a decent trade but not the best”.
BP I didn’t execute on this but it does look like a decent trade setting up. #swingtrading $BP #chart

FireEye (FEYE) –
April 9, 2019 –
FIREEYE (FEYE) has gone flat and until there is some sense of direction it is on watch #swingtrade $FEYE

Per March 5 Report, “tagging the down side scenario from our swing report, we haven’t triggered on the trade, 14.80 is in play for April 2019. It’s a good trader when it’s trading well and we’ve done well many time with it”.
FIREEYE (FEYE) Fireeye stuck in a range, watching for now. #swingtrade $FEYE

Arrowhead Pharma ARWR –
April 22 – Trading 18.17 with earnings in eighteen days there is no reason to add to this swing at this time. If it comes off enough prior to earnings I may add, otherwise I will continue to look for adds to the position on the other side of earnings near the support line on the chart below.
Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals Receives FDA Clearance to Begin Phase 2/3 Study of ARO-AAT for Treatmen… #swingtrading $ARWR https://finance.yahoo.com/news/arrowhead-pharmaceuticals-receives-fda-clearance-113000589.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw
April 9, 2019 –
ARROWHEAD PHARMA (ARWR) has been a great trade and we’re holding in the trajectory for now $ARWR #swingtrading

Per March 5 Report, “This has been a fantastic long term swing trade, the returns are very high and we are looking for much more in this trade. The trading channel is reviewed on the video”.
ARROWHEAD PHARMA (ARWR) Looking for top of trading box resistance to break for a move to next, great swing trade. $ARWR

April 22 – Trading 266.60 with earnings in two days has not completed the downside price target objectives I called some time back. I am eager to go long because I think the Tesla stock will get a good bounce other side of earnings, however, discipline is key so I will await price action post earnings and advise.
Tesla earnings: The big question is how big is the quarterly loss #swingtrading $TSLA #earnings https://on.mktw.net/2VPMG2N
April 9 – TESLA (TSLA) Although I was right about the down trend next and it is near a buy zone I am just watching for now $TSLA #daytrading #swingtrading

Per March 5 Report, “I have been bearish on it since the recent report and it has come off on the chart significantly since, 281.47 is the main pivot and anything over is bullish and under bearish. The trade scenarios are reviewed on video”.
TESLA (TSLA) hasn’t hit my 231.00 price target yet but it has come off really hard so far. $TSLA #stock

Alibaba (BABA) –
April 22 – Trading 186.94 with top of trading box on chart 194s and earnings in 23 days it seems time to trim is prudent.
Alibaba Stock Has Several Catalysts to Drive Its Growth Story Further #swingtrading $BABA #earnings https://finance.yahoo.com/news/alibaba-stock-several-catalysts-drive-141032429.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw
April 9 – ALIBABA (BABA) Nearing resistance in to 194s, trims or profit taking should be considered soon. $BABA #swingtrade #tradealert

Per recent;
The bullish thesis I laid out has transpired but not complete, watch the video for all the signals on this swing trade. This is a great set-up.
ALIBABA (BABA) This couldn’t be a better swing trade, hasn’t hit 206.00 price target yet but it is in play $BABA #swingtrade

Microsoft (MSFT) –
April 22 – With earnings in two days I will re look at the chart structure post earnings.
April 9, 2019 – I didn’t take the trade and am not looking at a trade in MSFT this round. Will revisit the charting next cycle.
Per March 5 Report, “per my previous guidance I am not really exited about it but I am watching for a potential break out trade in Microsoft so at this point it is only on watch”.
This stock has done really well, but I missed taking the trade, so I won’t review the chart at this time.
Eagle Materials (EXP) –
April 22 – Trading 89.90 near key resistance with earnings in 3 weeks I will watch price action post earnings.
April 9, 2019 – Here also I didn’t take the trade and am not looking at a trade in EXP this round. Will revisit the charting next cycle.
Per March 5 Report, “was looking for a trade entry long trigger in the support line reviewed on the video, price got away on me before I took the trade, I was trying to get a too perfect entry. Support and resistance reviewed on the video.
I missed my execution on this one so I won’t review the chart set-up at this time.
April 22 – I’m not really excited about Apple’s stock at this point, however, I will watch price action very close post earnings for a possible short term swing trade considering how structured this simple model has been to price movement.
APPLE (AAPL) Reports earnings in eight days, key signals are noted on the chart. $AAPL #swingtrading #earnings

April 9, 2019 –
APPLE (AAPL) If you’re long on this multi leg swing now is the time to trim in to resistance and add above $AAPL #swingtrading

Per March 5 Report, “direction of trade per alert has been near perfect, it has the full range of the price extension and is at the test area, if it gets above resistance noted you can go long again, price targets reviewed on the video”.
APPLE (AAPL) The gift that keeps giving, take profit at each gray and green and add above. Simple. $AAPL #swingtrading

Allergan (AGN) –
April 9, 2019 – only watching AGN at this point.
Per March 5 Report, “has not done as well as I wanted, made money on the trade but had to trim out in its down turn, I still like it to a point but its a tough set up now”.
ALLERGAN (AGN) Bounce off key support after sell-off, working its way up channel. $AGN #swingtrade #chart

Netflix (NFLX) –
April 22 – Trading 358.57 in premarket and not really excited about an entry here in Netflix, I will continue to watch the chart set up as earnings rolls on but I don’t expect an entry here anytime soon now.
April 9, 2019 – chart structure and price almost identical to last report with chart below.
March 5 Report, “very structured model, hitting price targets no problem, but right now on daily chart in support area. Price targets reviewed with trajectory of swing trade reviewed on video”.
NETFLIX (NFLX) Continues to trend toward price target for late May. Take profit along the way. $NFLX #stock #chart

American Express (AXP) –
April 9, 2019 – only watching AXP at this point.
Per March 5 Report, “great trade alert set up from swing trade service, hit price targets early, really strong trade structure”,
AMERICAN EXPRESS (AXP) great trade set-up and above current resistance it has lots of room to run $AXP

The 3 below I am not interested in trading any time soon.
Morgan Stanley (MS) –
April 9, 2019 – on watch only.
Per previous;
Trading at support channel and if you like the set-up now is the time to trigger long in this trade, it has a 75.00 range price target in 2021.
Delta Airlines
April 9, 2019 – On watch only.
Per previous;
Hasn’t been a great trade set-up. Early on in the trade it provided an excellent return for our clients but it fell apart later.
Bank of America (BAC)
April 9, 2019 – On watch only.
Really took off at our trigger point from the special report, but its in to resistance and not trading the best but a swing trade thesis is outlined in the video.
Email or DM me on Twitter anytime with thoughts or questions!
Recent Highlight Reports:
If you are a current swing trade bundle (or newsletter) member and you need an access code for any of the below reports (that may be locked) please email us at [email protected] for the password(s).
Feb 26 – Protected: The Home Depot Stock Trade | Earnings Sell-Off | Trade Set-Up Alert
Feb 14 – Protected: Swing Trade | Current Positions $GOOGL, $NKE, $ARWR, $XOM, Oil, Gold, Bitcoin, NatGas …
Jan 29 – Protected: Swing Trading. Earnings. Video. $AMZN, $AMD, $TSLA, $FB, $NFLX, $MSFT, $AAPL, $DAL, $BAC, $C…
Jan 28 – Protected: Swing Trading: Earnings Special Report | $AMZN, $MSFT, $FB, $BABA, $TSLA
Jan 24 – Protected: Swing Trading: Earnings Special Report | $AAPL, $AKS, $AMD, $AGN, $EXP
Jan 17 – Protected: Swing Trading Earnings | Video: Trade Set-Ups | $MS, $AXP, $C, $SJR, $BAC, $DAL, $NFLX, $SPY, $VIX
Jan 16 – Protected: Swing Trading Earnings | Feature Report | $MS, $AXP, $C, $SJR, $BAC, $DAL, $NFLX
Jan 14 – Protected: Swing Trading Earnings | Feature Report | $C, $SJR, $BAC, $DAL, NFLX
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Article Topics; Swing, Trading, Stocks, GOOGL, AMD, BABA, AAPL, NFLX, BTC, NBEV, SQ, APC, GOLD, XOM, ARWR, OIL, TERP