A Career Trade In Crude Oil Is Setting Up. My Personal Oil Trading Strategy Near Term.
This article reviews the oil trade technical set-ups reviewed Monday in the Oil Trading Room for the near term, intra-day (daytrading), swing trading and my thesis (strategy) for a career trade setting up.
With mid-term elections near, President Trump wanting the price of oil lower (economy related), the recent Saudi geopolitical problems and other geopolitical pressure it seems a perfect storm for oil shorts is brewing.
It is my thesis that there is a very real possibility that shorts will get caught (as mid term elections near or shortly thereafter) and the price of crude oil could rebound out of the pressure and run in to early 2019 in a bullish fashion.
If that doesn’t happen I’ll follow the trend down and provide our members with the technical analysis for the scenario, but I think shorts are going to get caught on wrong side of the trade in to 2019.
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Oil Trading Room Video – Technical Analysis of Oil Trade Strategies Near Term and in to Next Six Months.
Voice broadcast starts at 2:30 on video.
Summary of Video Transcript – Lead Trader Technical Analysis for Strategy:
The video is very detailed, the summary below doesn’t cover a lot of what was discussed on the video so if you are trading oil be sure to watch the video as it is a very in depth look at the charting and more.
Oil trading 69.05 at noon Monday during review.
Review of our crude oil trade and trade alerts in to the regular market open:
We were short crude oil 68.85 in to open. We covered 68.58 75% of the position and then the final 25% we covered the trade at 68.50.
Below are the screen shots of the Oil Trade Alerts from private member Oil Twitter Alert Feed.

Below is a screen shot of EPIC Oil Algorithm charting that shows the short oil trade entry (green arrow) and the areas of the chart where we covered the trade.

Below the chart from the oil trading room shows the obvious short and long positions that could be traded on the algorithm model (also what the machine trading is programmed to execute oil trades with).

At 4:00 on video I discuss the machine coding progress and the obvious trades on the oil algorithm charting and how clean that trading has been in the trading range on the model.
At 4:45 in the the Oil Trading Room there was a member comment pointed out that is very true for trading the model with success.
“Trade the model until it breaks, take you lumps when it does.”
I have been looking for an area to re-short in to the week and I just haven’t executed but there was an excellent area of the charting to do that.
At 6:00 on the video a question in the private oil trading room on Discord is answered with reference to the wide swing trading ranges on the model.
ifitworksYesterday at 10:29 AM
@Curt Melonopoly do you are you able to back test any data for how the market reacts(probability) stays around the grey line before it makes a decision to change trend. if that makes any sense?
At that point in the video I explain how we are coding the oil algorithm for machine trading and more specifically the swing trading range at the grey horizontal main pivots on the charting.
At 8:00 areas to short oil and the down channel in oil trade is reviewed on the algorithmic model and charting.
A member call for intra-day oil trade from the oil trading room is also discussed;
RichYesterday at 12:12 PM
If it holds here at 68.95 should be a good opportunity to go long to 69.30
At 10:44 hidden pivots on the charting are discussed and trend lines for trade.
At 11:00 the Trend Line charting is discussed. A very good chart to watch. Support and resistance is strong.
At 11:20 the Symmetry charting is reviewed. It looks like oil trade is going to return to its natural order. What to expect going forward in trade is reviewed and historical advantages.
At 12:30 the trading box on the daily oil charting is reviewed. Down trend waves are reviewed. 70.85 is very likely intra-day on the chart. The 200 MA test is likely.
At 13:00 on the video is the weekly wedge charting reviewed and how trade in oil is playing out almost perfect to the time cycle and price. 68.38 (approximate) is the area near the bottom of the quad to watch. The upside thesis is reviewed here for trade between now and early 2019. AND YES I know they aren’t the “primaries” haha – lots going on in the brain while in a trading day.
At 15:00 200 MA 67.05 on monthly chart is reviewed. This is in large part why I don’t think we will sell off heavy.
Either way I want a big move in crude oil trade in to Christmas, I want a career trade and that is what I will be watching for.
In to the end of the video the 4 hour chart for crude oil is reviewed showing the trend line support areas of the charting and I review some possible “tells” on the oil chart.
It’s important to watch the video to get the support areas in a sell-off – if 68.50 is lost in trade it’s 67.00’s and so on.
Trading Strategy in Summary
This is how I think the shorts are going to get caught. The decision area (support in trade) is similar on all the charts. The technical set-up and thesis that shorts will get caught off-side is reviewed here. I think there is going to be a sell-ff that will freak out the long positions and the shorts will be caught in a compressed situation after mid terms.
Increase Your Crude Oil Trading With These Tools.
- There is a link below to our oil trading academy page that has a number of links to articles on our site,.
- You can book private online trade coaching via Skype.
- Join our live trading room.
- Sign on to our oil trading alert feed subscription, (alerts are on a private member Twitter feed).
- Sign on to our weekly algorithm reporting that provides the algorithm model, conventional charting, guidance for the week etc.
- Attend a trading boot camp (in person or online).
- Request via email the videos of our most recent trading boot camp or the master class series videos (both sets are approximately 20 hours each). They are available only by email request at this time by emailing [email protected]. Soon they will be posted to our shop on website.
Any questions let me know!
Further Reading to Help You Trade Oil:
Find more posts like this one on our Oil Trading Academy Page – links to numerous oil trade strategy reports.
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Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States
Article Topics: Crude, Oil, Trading, Trading Room, Strategy, Technical, Analysis, Alerts, USOIL, WTI, CL_F, USO