Tag: $JUNO
PreMarket Trading Plan Mon June 5 $LOXO, $DVAX, $TGTX, $LTBR, $JUNO, $GLD, GOLD
Compound Trading Chat Room Stock Trading Plan and Watch list for Monday June 5, 2017; $LOXO, $DVAX, $TGTX, $LTBR, $JUNO – $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $LIGA – Gold $GLD, Gold Miners $GDX, Silver $SLV, Oil $USOIL $WTI, US Dollar Index $USD/JPY $DXY, S&P 500 $SPY, Volatility $VIX… more.
Welcome to the morning Wall Street trading day session at Compound Trading!
Notes in red text below are new comments entered specifically today.
Today’s Live Trading Room Link:
Live Alerts for Oil, Swing Trading and Day Trading are now available only on either email and/or by following alert Twitter feed. If you did not get an email send an email to [email protected] and ask Sartaj to get you info. Most of those I spoke to are opting for email only, but the Twitter alert system is available for those that want it.
Post Market Reports:
Sorry we’re running behind on them – we’ll get them caught up this week. Getting the 24 hour oil room ready took a bit more manpower than we expected. But we’re on for June 12 launch!
Most recent lead trader blog posts:
Trading Set-ups. Video Explains Predictable Winning Process. Part 6 b) “Freedom Traders” Series.
Trading Set-ups. Video Explains Predictable Winning Process. Part 6 b) “Freedom Traders” Series. https://t.co/7XFIQ68CoY
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) May 29, 2017
The Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review P/L. The Algorithms Quarterly Performance Reports will be out soon.
Trading Plan (Buy, Hold, Sell) and Watchlists:
Morning momentum stocks on watch so far: $LOXO, $DVAX, $TGTX
Bias toward / on watch: Watching to possibly close some longer term swings I have done well with such as $GOOGL, $AMZN and others. Watching Gold with a possible chart set up and looking for a bounce in oil (trading at 47.33 7:51 ET).
Markets: $SPY $ES_F $SPX I continue to be cautiously optimistic grinding up, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV continue in indecision but the charts say it could be up soon. $USOIL, $WTI ran up and tanked again overnight so we’re watching for a bounce. $DXY and $VIX no significant news.
OTC on watch: Randoms I am still watching.. $PGPM, $BRNE, $ELED, $PVCT, $LIGA (I hold),$AMLH, $BLDV $UPZS $OPMZ $MMEX $ACOL $BVTK $USRM $ORRV $JAMN $PFSD
Gaps to Watch:
Recent Momentum Stocks to Watch:
Stocks with News: $LOXO, $SRRA, $TGTX, $PBMD
Recent SEC Filings to Watch: $LACDF Lithium Americas Corp Director Acquires C$266,750.00 in Stock
Short Term Trader’s Edge: $LTBR, $JUNO
Some Earnings Today: $ASNA $CASY $COUP $THO
Holds: All holds are small size (less than 5% of day trading account on total) holds in this order according to sizing: $ONTX, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $LIGA, $PVCT
Various Recent Chart Set-ups on Watch: $LTBR, $RCL, $JKS, $CALA, $LITE, $JUNO, $PCRX, $CTSH, $FEYE, $TSLA, $NVO, $FSLR, $AAOI, $HIIQ, $JASO, $VIPS – We are working on these and others in Mid Day Review in trading room. If you can’t be in there you can catch the review on the raw video feed we post to You Tube of each trading day.
Midday Chart and Trade Setup Review June 1, 2017:
Midday Chart and #SwingTrading Setup Review, June 1, 2017: $JUNO $USOIL $WTI $GOOGL $VIPS $AGN $SNAP and more.

Market Outlook :
Watch those large and mega caps – when they stall things could change. And don’t forget our $SPY algo warned about recent highs.
Market News and Social Bits From Around the Internet:
-Productivity/ Costs
-US Consumer Spending
PMI Services Index
-Factory Orders
-Non-Mfg Index
-Market Conditions Index
$LOXO premarket up 40.77 % trading 68.95 on positive cancer drug trial news.
$SRRA Sierra Oncology Reports Encouraging Initial Progress from Ongoing Phase 1 Clinical Trials of Chk1 Inhibitor SRA737
$TGTX Announces Positive Data from Phase 3 GENUINE Trial of TG-1101 in Combination with Ibrutinib
$XAUUSD 100 MA breaching 200 MA on Daily. SQZMOM green and MACD trending up. #GOLD $GLD pic.twitter.com/VThOIKY12j
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) June 5, 2017
If you are new to our trading service you should review recent blog posts, the Compound Trading YouTube Channel and at minimum our algorithm Twitter feeds because they do tell a story in terms of the market and how the inflections of the market determine our day to day trading. You will notice the algorithmic modelling has been undeniably accurate with many time-frames (intra-day, weeks and months out) so I myself have learned to respect their math (they have taken me from a 60% hit rate to 80% in my trading – all publicly posted live trades).
Momentum Stocks (Market Open and Intra-Day):
I do trade morning momo stocks, but I do avoid risk – so often I avoid the first 30 minutes (gap and go) and trade momentum stocks later in the day after the wash-out looking for a snap-back. Just prior to open and shortly after open I post momentum stocks to the trade chat room (and Twitter and Stocktwits if I have time).
Some of my Favorite Intra-day Trading Set-Ups:
(1) Momentum Stock Wash-Outs for Snap Back, (2) Bad News Wash-outs on Stocks with High Institutional Ownership, (3) Getting on the Right Side of a Trend Change and scaling in my position and (4) Our Algorithm Set-Ups.
The momentum stocks (from previous days and morning trade) I continue to watch through the day for indicators that allow a trade.
Morning Stock Watch-Lists for my Favorite Set-Ups:
(1) Pre-Market Gainers Watch-List :$LOXO, $DVAX, $NAKD $CLSN $HMNY $PBYI $TGTX $FOR $GIMO $PERI $RNN $MBVX $HAL $AEHR $MNKD $ARRY $HTGM $P I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(2) Pre-market Decliners Watch-List : $UWT $SPY $XIV $LABD $JDST $DUST $JKS $SNAP $CHK I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(3) Other Watch-List: $LABU $LOXO $DVAX $PBYI $TGTX $HMNY
(4) Regular Algo Charting Watch-List: Gold $GC_F $GLD, Miners $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG), Silver $SLV $SI_F ($USLV, $DSLV), Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT), Natural Gas $NG_F ($UGAZ, $DGAZ), S & P 500 $SPY $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS), US Dollar Index $DXY ($UUP), Volatility $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)
(5) Recent Upgrades: $WEX $LOXO $STT $OUT $EC $OMAM $PB $PBCT $FOE $UFS $RFP $GPS $NAV $STI $IVZ $EBAY $EV $INCR $MDP $CW $SKX $YELP as time allows I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(6) Recent Downgrades: $PRGO $VEEV $AAPL $AMG $FII as time allows I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
Stay tuned in Stock Chat Room for more pre-market stocks on watch.
For new readers, a review of our unlocked posts on our blog would help you get in to the story we are following with the securities listed in this newsletter.
Free scanners to find momentum stocks that you can easily review charts of for indicators that bring probability of your trade being successful up considerably. These are not useful for first 30 minute market open gap and go type plays (you need a good momentum scanner, level 2, and best to have hot-keys for the first 30 mins of gap and go trading)… but are very useful for intra day scalping and swing trading (start with trending stocks and then look at indicators intra for simple set-ups – study scan study scan study scan).
Algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here:$WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index). Our Swing Trading Twitter feed is found here: https://twitter.com/swingtrading_ct. Our lead trader Twitter feed is here @curtmelonopoly and lead tech developer @hundalSHS.
Article Topics: $LOXO, $DVAX, $TGTX, $LTBR, $JUNO – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Stockmarket, Pre-Market, Trading Plan, Wall Street, Stocks, Day-trading, Watchlist, Chatroom, $GLD, $GOLD, $SILVER, $USD/JPY, $USOIL, $WTI, $VIX, $SPY, $NATGASUSD
Swing Trading Fri May 26 $AMBA, $FSLR, $AAOI, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $CALA, $LITE, $JUNO, $HIIQ, $EOG, $COTY, $GREK ….
Good Morning Swing Traders and Welcome to the Compound Trading Weekly Swing Trading Report (3 of 3) for Week of May 22, 2017. $AMBA, $FSLR, $AAOI, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $CALA, $LITE, $JUNO, $HIIQ, $EOG, $COTY, $GREK …………
Email us at [email protected] anytime with any questions about any of the swing trades listed below. Or, if we get bogged down private message Curtis in trade room or direct message him on Twitter. Market hours are tough but we endeavor to get back to everyone after market each day.
Important Service Upgrade Notice: To receive alerts be sure we have your email and you have followed our Twitter alert service at @SwingAlerts_CT. I know many have expressed interest in the email only, but the Twitter option is available going forward for those that prefer that. Please bear with us as we integrate and orientate ourselves to this new function in our daily routines.
This report is part 3 of 3 reports weekly. It is not complete! Will complete it this evening.
We will categorize our coverage soon because we are following more than we expected when we first started the service..
When managing your trades with the weekly reports keep in mind that you will have to invest an hour or two a week to check the indicators mentioned for buy and sell triggers. I was asked recently why we do not usually (although we do sometimes) include precise entry and exit points. The reason is simple, they don’t work – those services have terrible results.
Swing trading success, even with a service, does require “some” maintenance on the part of the user, although the new live alert service will take much of that burden off the user as we know many of our users have busy lives. It is the indicators lining up that signal a trade long entry or an exit. In our case rely heavily on MACD on daily or weekly (or Stoch RSI and Moving averages) but indicators we are basing our trade entry and exits on are listed with each trade so any user that does even moderate trade management will know when the indicator(s) have turn with or against the trade.
Intra-week you can always DM myself on Twitter or email with specific questions regarding trades you are considering for assistance. But it is critical that you attend to the maintenance of your signals at least once a week if not twice and set stops and preferably alarms so that intra-week you can enter or exit. If nothing else you can always book some coaching time and I’ll assist also (although we are at a point of waiting list for the coaching, at minimum you can get on list or for immediate help as I said please DM or email).
IF WE DON’T GET BACK TO YOU RIGHT AWAY it is usually because we are pressured with deadlines or are trading.
A note toward the alerts! Please be aware the sell triggers will regularly not be alerted live because they are triggered as stops. And on days like Wednesday so much happens so quickly there is no way to alert the closing of trades. Every member should have stops on their own trades anyway so it isn’t the closing of a trade that is critically alerted anyway, it is the netry – the stop is your own comfort level of risk.
Also, as live charts are made available below, click on link and open viewer. Then to use chart yourself click on share button at bottom right (near thumbs up) and then click “make it mine”.
Newer updates below in red for ease.
Our Q1 2017 Swing Trading Results are available here:
May 25 – $AMBA Weekly set-up looking really bullish. 50 MA breaches 100 MA with price above. Earnings 12 days caution there. #swingtrading
I just about executed a long position just now in anticipation but didn’t. I’ll wait for the cross up on MA’s.

May 18 – $AMBA The 20 MA and price are racing to the 200 MA. And then….
Price will either pop or drop…. watching with keen eyes on this.

May 11 – $AMBA Price above 200MA with 20 MA about to breach 50 MA. Long today likely. There’s a chance I’ll let it retest 200 MA but I doubt it.

May 25 – No change.
May 18 – Watching. The 200 MA is coming down on price soon.
May 11 – $COTY On Watch. MACD SQZMOM Stoch RSI Vol all up. 200 MA at 21.08 as res and 20 MA may breach 50MA. If 20 MA breaches 50 MA ad price is above I will go long. This is a whisper brought to us by TraderGirl.

$FSLR – First Solar
May 25 – $FSLR Set up is playing out perfect. Price over 200 MA with 20 MA breached. Testing natural horizontal resistance.

May 18 – Same thing. 20 MA coming up underside of 200 MA so we will wait for that to see what happens. The 20 did breach the 50 MA per last report but with market downdraft that ruined that quick.
May 10 – $FSLR 20 MA about to breach 50 MA going long there. Also has price above 200 MA extremely bullish. MACD and SQZMOM trending up.
This one comes to us from our daytrading room from a member by the name of Spiegel. Great find.

$AAOI – Applied Opto Electornics Inc
May 25 – Trading 68.40. Waiting on a pull back. Extremely aggressive.
May 18 – Trading 60.01. Possible support at 59.44 – we will watch how it handles that level first.
May 11 – $AAOI Extremely bullish but could be a bit extended. Waiting for 20 MA (light blue) to breach 50 MA and be sure indicators confirm for long.
This one was also referred by Spiegel I do believe.

$HIIQ – Health Ins Innovations
May 26 – Trading 21.20. Indicators are still bullish but we are waiting for this to play out and take a long on pull back.
May 18 – This is moving to positive in premarket and chart is very bullish. May trade this long today.
May 11 – $HIIQ Watching for 20 MA to cross 100 MA for possible long. A tad overbought but will see how indicators look at that time.

May 24 – Trading 116.74. Same as below.
May 18 – Trading 117.69. Just above 200 MA. Going to watch the 200 MA test play out.
May 10 – Trading 120.03. Watching. Same as below (just above 200 MA now)
May 4 – Trading 123.10. Watching. Waiting on indicators to turn up and then assess.
April 25 – Trading 123.15. Earnings in two days. Watching close.
April 20 – Trading 123.01. Testing 50 MA. Watching for MACD, Stoch RSI and SQZMOM to turn up. High watch now.
April 11 – Trading 125.92. MACD pinch and SQZMOM about to turn green – continue on high watch!
Mar 27 – Indicators have now started to cool and waiting for bottom turn. On high watch!
Mar 19 – status remains same as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – The Stoch RSI hasn’t cooled, in fact it has heated since last report. Also below is the MACD, it’s near pinching so it may be best to take a short position soon and flip to long when MACD turns to buy signal.
$CELG MACD Swing Trade Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/KS53j1IE-CELG-MACD-almost-on-sell-Short-at-cross-and-long-at-turn-up/

Mar 7, 2017 – Looking for Stoch RSI to cool to bottom range for swing trade.
$CELG Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/u99gKSpz-CELG-looking-for-Stoch-RSI-to-cool-to-bottom-for-swing-trade/

May 26 – Trading 56.45. Watching a support area around 55.86 ish and whether we can get a strong daily close above that and then consider indicators and possible long.
May 19 – MACD continues up, SQZMOM continues green, Stoch RSI turned down on daily, 20MA about to breach 50 MA with price over. Considering a long today.
May 10 – $LITE MACD turned up after earnings with a pop and off 200 MA, SQZMOM green, vol, waiting for 20 MA breach 50 MA w price above. #swingtrade Great earnings trade there however. I just didn’t trade it.
May 4 – Trading 43.00. Watching for a possible bounce off 200 MA and MACD to turn up – then assess.
$LITE Earnings day. Holding 200 MA, MACD at bottom, SQZMOM trending up, decent vol. #watchlist #premarket
$LITE Live chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/2YbQ7s87-LITE-Earnings-day-Holding-200-MA-MACD-at-bottom-SQZMOM-trend/

April 25 – Trading 47.45. $LITE Earnings 9 days, Daily. MACD turn up? Price needs over 20MA and 50 MA and further confirmation. #earnings #watch #swingtrading

April 30 – Trading 42.61. Testing 100 MA support. Waiting for MACD, SQZMOM, Stoch RSI to turn.
Mar 30 – Closed 700 shares 54.48 as indicators turned negative. Watching now for indicators to turn again for long.
Mar 27 – Mar 22 Entered long position at 50.11 of 700 shares trading 53.65 in premarket, watching test of previous high.
Mar 19 – MACD is pinching and threatening to turn up now! On High watch!
Mar 12, 2017 – 20 MA did not hold and MACD on a sell. Wait for MACD to signal buy and review then.
$LITE MACD Chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/6mOiMa4Z-20-MA-did-not-hold-MACD-on-sell-Wait-for-MACD-to-signal-buy/

Mar 7, 2017 – $LITE I’m looking for 20 MA to hold for entry long swing trade.
$LITE Live Swing Trading Chart : https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/nU0igzAu-LITE-I-m-looking-for-20-MA-to-hold-for-entry-long-swing-trade/

May 26 – Trading 15.30 holding 15.55. Coming off a bit now on daily and Stoch RSI possibly trending down. Watching close for an add if we get continuation.
Long $CALA 15.55 This is a break out play high risk 1/5 size 500 shares 1/5 size only to test set up
3:52 PM – 19 May 2017
May 19 – See notes below. Weekly and daily look good. May take a trade today.
$CALA live chart with indicators mentioned
$CALA Earnings surprise. Weekly 50 MA about to breach 100 MA, Stoch RSI crossed up, SQZMOM Green, MACD peaked. I #powertrade #swingtrades

May 10 – Trading 11.30. Indicators are flat though, even on an earnings surprise to the positive. Waiting on MA’s and indicators.
May 4 – Trading 11.05. Earnings in 5 days. Will watch how earnings goes.
April 25 – Trading 11.10. On watch per below.
April 20 – Trading 11.60. Bounce off 50 MA Stoch RSI crossed up, MACD pinch, SQZMOM may turn green, increasing volume. ON HIGH ALERT. May take an entry TODAY.
April 11 – Waiting on SQZMOM and MACD to turn up – getting closer now. Trading 10.75.
Mar 27 – Same
Mar 19 – Good call on Mar 12 MACD turning down.
Mar 12, 2017 – $CALA Declining volume, MACD likely turn down, 9 MA just holding. No resolution. Caution.
$CALA chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CALA/ma6v15V7-CALA-Declining-vol-MACD-likely-turn-down-9-MA-just-holding/

Mar 7, 2017 – $CALA Waiting for Stoch RSI to cool for a swing trade.
$CALA Live trading chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CALA/8q5LxIls-CALA-Waiting-for-Stoch-RSI-to-cool-for-a-swing-trade/

$XRT – SPDR S&P Retail ETF
May 26 – Trading 40.81 Watching.
May 19 – Trading 40.97.Closed 43.30 May 11 when MACD turned down per below. Currently testing support so we are watching for a reversal.
May 10 – $XRT swing trade going well. Trading 43.79 holding from 41.67.April 10. 200 MA test. 20 MA breach 100 MA w price over 200 MA I will add. #swingtrading This is an example of taking the swing trade early. By early I mean before price is confirmed over 200 MA. If you do this you have to typically manage the trade tighter than otherwise. And watch it at each test of ma’s, especially at the 200 MA test.
Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/XRT/up9npBct-XRT-swing-trade-going-well-Holding-from-41-67-April-10-200-MA/

May 4 – $XRT SPDR S&P Retail ETF Trading 43.02. Holding from 41.67 but MACD may turn down any second, and if so I will likely close. #swingtrade

April 25 – Trading 43.15. Holding from 41.67
$XRT Trade going well. Long 41.67 Apr 10. Holding on MACD trend & SQZMOM trend. Short term Stoch RSI may come off. 200 MA test #swingtrading

.April 20 – Trading 42.43. Hold. Indicators still positive.
April 11 – Long 41.67 April 10 for a test. 300 shares. Trading 42.11.
Mar 27 – Double bottom test in progress on high watch now.
Mar 19 – Sames status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – The Stoch RSI is starting to pinch at bottom of range (see Mar 7 chart), MACD is still on sell however. On close watch here.

Mar 7, 2017 – Watching close for a bounce. Stoch RSI on chart is near bottom so on high watch here.
Feb 27, 2017 – Trading at 43.72 this beat up sector seems to be ripe for a bounce. If we execute a trade on Monday it will be to test the waters and watch the market sentiment day to day – this and price action will determine how long we are in it. An interim target however would be 46.80 and would likely change as the trade progresses.
$XRT Retail Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/0oELdpX1/

$EXP Building Materials
May 26 – Closed at MACD turn down per below 98.70 May 23 from 95.90 300 shares.
May 19 – Trading 100.88 post earnings. We missed the add after the small tester long at 95.90. Watching MACD for turn down to complete tester swing.
$EXP Holding from 95.90 trading 100.88 MACD could cross up and boom time. We’ll see. #swingtrading

May 10 – Trading 99.76. Same status. Earnings in eight days.
May 4 – Trading 98.42. $EXP SQZMOM green, MACD turned up good vol, 50 MA support test. #watchlist #swingtrading #premarket
When the MACD turned up recently that was reason enough for an add to our long trade. We did not take the entry and now that we haven’t we are waiting for the price to be above the MA’s (still has to clear 100 MA – blue) and for he 20 MA (light blue) to cross up through the 50 MA (purple – with price above) and then likely a long position.
$EXP live chart link : https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EXP/6SW59pgo-EXP-SQZMOM-green-MACD-turned-up-good-vol-50-MA-support-test/

April 25 – Trading 97.63. $EXP Small test long at MACD turn up 95.90 April 21. Above 200 MA, SQZMOM may turn green 50 and 20 above price. #swingtrading

April 20 – Trading 94.45. Failed 20 MA test. Near 200 MA now. Waiting on indicators to turn up.
April 11 – Trading 96.37. Waiting on MACD and SQZMOM to turn up. Testing 20 MA now.
March 27 – 100 MA failed. Watching.
March 19 – Same status but on high watch for MACD because 100 MA held.
March 12, 2017 – $EXP Eagle Building Materials MACD still on sell, but expanding volume in play with 100 MA test. On watch for bounce.

Mar 7, 2017 – $EXP Building Materials watching close for a bounce.
Feb 27, 2017 – “Eagles Materials Posted Record Revenues, Record Net Earnings and Record Net Earnings per Diluted Share. Its stock grew 60% in 2016 and still looks cheap.”
Eagle Materials is a riskier play than most we will add to our swing portfolio, but our DD on this one has us excited and we likely will take a long position early this week with a target of minimum 10% upside in next 90 days. We will however keep our stop tight.
$EXP Live Trading Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EXP/TpeK4yNK-EXP-Building-Materials-Watching-close-for-bounce-swing-trading/

May 24 – Trading 5.40 same.
May 19 – Trading 5.41 Same.
May 10 – Trading 6.25 Same as below.
May 4 – Trading 6.16 + 8% premarket. We are going to let this firm up a bit and see how it trades.

April 25 – Trading 5.86 premarket. On Watch.
April 20 – Same
April 11 – Same. Trading 5.77.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12. This one may never come back.
Mar 12, 2017 – $FIT FitBit Under 9 MA, MACD pinch, no volume expansion yet. On high watch.

Mar 7, 2017 – It hasn’t got its bounce yet – still watching. Trading at 6.00.
Feb 27, 2017 – We find the $FIT trade interesting. Although we would never otherwise consider it and if we do enter today a long position it will be looked at as short term, we think there may be opportunity to swing trade it because it should be much lower considering its recent quarter… lower in that we expected a panic that did not occur. This seems bullish, or at minimum a likely “bargain” in our opinion.
$FIT Swing Trade Target 6.99. Trading at 6.15.

May 24 – Trading 53.19 MACD may cross up any second. On Watch.
May 19 – $VFC not near ready.
May 10 – $VFC On high watch now. Waiting for price to breach 200 MA and 20 MA to breach 200 MA for long.

May 4 – $VFC This swing trade went well, now we watch. Closed 57.84 April 27 before earnings. 500 shares.from 53.50 entry. Never hold through earnings. #swingtrading

April 25 – Trading 55.92. Testing 200 MA with earnings in 3 days.
April 20 – Trading 55.52. Hold. About to test 200 MA – caution.
April 11 – Hold from long 53.50 500 shares trading 54.70.
Mar 27 – Hold. Trading at 54.06
Mar 19 – Trading at 53.95 holding position long. Next test 100 MA crossing 20 MA. No adds yet.
Mar 12, 2017 – $VFC Holding but trade tentative as MACD pinching and declining volume.

Mar 12, 2017 – $VFC Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 23 53.50 500 Shares. Unrealized loss 785.00. #SwingTrading

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long per Feb 23, 2017.
Feb 23, 2017 – $VFC Swing long 53.50 average with 58.10 as first upside target. More targets in upcoming reports.

$NE – Noble Corp
May 24 – Trading 4.25 Watching.
May 19 – $NE Bottom bottom bottom bounce?
May 10 – Trading 4.75. Same as below. On watch. Under 20 MA so chart has a way to go before its a long swing trade.
May 4 – Trading 4.60. Earnings today. On close watch.
April 25 – Trading 4.92. Watching for a possible double bottom?
April 20 – Closed 2000 shares 5.52 for loss when it broke recent low.
April 11 – Holding from 6.95 2000 shares. Trading 6.31 and may have to cut at loss if oil resistance on deck holds.
Mar 27 – Hold. Trading 5.38
Mar 19 – It’s a bad trade but the MACD is so close to the bottom that we are holding for a bounce. One of our few bad swings in 2017.
Mar 12, 2017 – $NE Trade has turned against us with a sell signal on MACD. Holding on conviction. We believe it is near over-sold and this sector of the industry is near a turn in profit divergence.
Mar 12, 2017 – $NE Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 22 6.95 2000 Shares. Unrealized loss 1920.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long. Trading at 6.46.
Feb 23, 2017 – $NE Swing long opened 6.95 average for a 9.00 upside target.
Alphabet (Google) $GOOGL, $GOOG
May 26 – Trading 993.00 long since 859.01. Watching for MACD turn up any second for possible add.
May 19 – Trading 955.00 Holding. May add when Stoch RSI crosses back up on daily.
May 10 – Trading 956.71 holding at 859.01. Indicators not saying sell yet.
May 4 – $GOOGL Long since 859.01 Trading 948.45 with SQZMOM green MACD ramped and decent vol. #holding #swingtrade Kings Queens and Castles.
Swing trade members published forecast for $GOOGL “Feb 3 – 1003.17 Price Target in 2017”
$GOOGL Live Chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GOOGL/gGpTTSi7-GOOGL-Long-since-859-01-Trading-948-45-with-SQZMOM-green-MACD-r/

April 25 – $GOOGL 879.00. Long 859.01 when MACD turn up SQZMOM turn green 20 MA punch thru 50 MA w price above? Wow what a champ move. #swingtrading. April 21 200 shares.

April 20 – Trading 857.20. MACD turned up, Stoch RSI turned up. SQZMOM just turned green. Waiting on 20 MA to cross up 50 MA for long.
April 11 – Watching MACD and SQZMOM to turn up for long.
Mar 27 – 863.99 Closed position 200 shares Mar 21 when previous high was lost. On watch for MACD turn.
Mar 19 – Trading at 872.37 holding – looking for dips to possibly add. MACD flat so this is a concern.

Mar 12, 2017 – $GOOGL Swing trade going well. In at 848.91 – holding and adding on dips (will advise). MACD on buy.

Mar 12, 2017 – $GOOGL Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 22 848.91 200 Shares. Unrealized gain 2570.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long per Feb 22, 2017. Trading at 847.27.
Feb 22, 2017 – We entered a long position starter at 848.91 200 shares. Stops will be managed manually and will be held tight until trade is to upside of current range. Pensive about short term market range.
Feb 21, 2017 – Price is to the topside of the break-out and I will likely enter a long position over the next day or two. Bullish on this stock.
Feb 12, 2017 – We still like the $GOOGL stock / chart. Price recently broke to the upside of the triangle and didn’t hold but is threatening to trade above again at Friday close. We’re watching for an upside break that holds for an entry or a visit to the 200 MA (pink line) for an entry.
Feb 7, 2017 Member Update: We expect a signal from the Trump camp soon (late this week), and if positive, this will be a very strong play – watch close! This needs to be high on your radar going forward!
We like this chart. Watch for an upside break out of the triangle. The principles apply the same to $GOOG and $GOOGL charts fyi. Also, watch the MACD close, it looks primed for a move. Earnings are Thursday. If price breaks to downside I will update with levels to watch. Also, the is a chart below that shows upside target.

Link to live $GOOGL chart in TradingView.
1003.17 Price Target in 2017 with upside break-out. Alphabet (Google) $GOOGL
Technically, the price target (should price break to upside) is 1003.17 before Jan 29 2018.

Amazon $AMZN
May 24 – Trading 995.00 long from 822.74.
May 19 – Trading 962.50 may add when Stoch RSI on daily turns back up.
May 10 – $AMZN Swing trade going well. Trading 952.45 in 822.74. May add at next pull back. #swingtrading

April 26 – $AMZN Premarket trading 907.04. Swing trade going well. In at 822.74. Stoch RSI revved, MACD mid flat, SQZMOM green. #swingtrading

April 20 – Trading 900.29. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 909.40 holding 100 shares from 822.72. When MACD and SQZMOM return to bottom and turn up I will likely add 100 long. Missed an execution on last dip.
Mar 27 – Hold trading at 845.39. Mar 21 lost 20 MA and almost sold but did not. Loss of 20 MA is a concern. Watching for 50 MA failure.
Mar 19 – Trading 852.31 holding. MACD pinching to downside so this is a concern.
Mar 12, 2017 – $AMZN Amazon Swing Trade going well. In at 822.72 trading 852.46. MACD on sell will add when MACD bottoms and turns (will advise).

Mar 12, 2017 – $AMZN Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 10 822.72 100 Shares. Unrealized gain 2930.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long and may add on dips now. Trading at 846.46.
Feb 21, 2017 – Trading at 839.48 in premarket we’re on the right side of this swing so far. Depending on price action I will look to add at pull backs. Very bullish this stock.
Feb 12, 2017 – Trade Alert! We entered a trade long at a cost average 822.72 for 100 shares as soon as price was upside the 20 MA. This is an aggressive trade (being that we didn’t wait for a pull-back to 50, 100 or 200). We have a tight stop on the trade at 804.00 (just below its recent low (this would be a broken trade in our opinion at that point). So we are hoping this week is a strong week for Amazon. If not our aggressive move will cost us.
Amazon Swing Trading Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMZN/ZQt7CJMs-AMZN-Amazon-Swing-Trading-Member-Chart/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! We haven’t got a pull back to the 200 day and depending on how tech does with Trump we may or may not, however, in overnight trade (premarket) price is close to the 100 day and I may take a test long position. This is one of our favorite picks so we will be quite aggressive with our attempts to get in at an inflection – so we are thinking sometime in the next few days looks decent.
My fourth priority is Amazon. I don’t want to over simplify this trade – but the bottom line is I’m looking for a pull-back and an entry as close to that 200 day (pink line with green arrow) as possible. I don’t think this stock will stop anytime soon. DD to follow soon.

Juno $JUNO
May 26 – $JUNO On close watch. Daily 20 MA could cross up 200 MA w Stoch RSI trending up, MACD trending and SQZMOM JUST TURNED GREEN

May 19 – Price is above 200 and 20 MA. Waiting for 20 to cross 200 MA with price above. ON WATCH
May 11 – Trading 22.89. Closed 25.04 from 23.22 entry long. on May 6 when MACD crossed down. Now waiting on indicators to turn up – they’re all turned down so it will likely be a while.
April 26 – Trading 25.32 Premarket. Swing trade going well from 23.22 entry. Will be fireworks if price above 20 MA crosses up 200 MA. KAPOW time if that sets up!
Live chart set-up link for that possible follow-through on $JUNO #freedomtrade https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JUNO/zvsFtKho-JUNO-Trade-25-32-Premarket-Swing-trade-going-well-23-22-entry/

April 20 – Trading 24.61. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 24.89. April 6 23.22 Long 500 start as SQZMOM turned green and MACD crossed up. Testing. Tight stop. 200 Day test on deck.
Mar 27 – No Change.
Mar 19 – No change.
Mar 12 – Member Alert! We will look at a re-entry on this when MACD turns back up!
Mar 12 – $JUNO Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 22 18.32. Closed Feb 15 23.88. 1000 Shares. + 5,560.00 P/L 31% gain.

Feb 21, 2017 – On Feb 16 we closed our position at 23.88.
Feb 12, 2017 – We have been long since late December at 18.32 (1000 shares) and it trades at 21.95 now – will be ratcheting up stops soon, the trade has done well but in the short term we don’t see a lot of upside for entries now, unless trade returns to the 50 day MA.
$JUNO Another Swing Trade Winner. Swing Trade Member Stock Pick is up 20%.

Feb 7, 2017 Member Update: $JUNO since my first entry mid December 2016 has consistently moved in an upward trend, and from that perspective has been a good stock pick. But it hasn’t been excellent like many of my other picks. It does have a gap fill coming soon so if you are long I would ratchet up your stops as you near 22.70 area.
$JUNO Live Chart Link: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JUNO/W0WEYDQJ-JUNO-Swing-Trade-Member-Stock-Pick/

CombiMatrix Corp $CBMX
May 26 – Trading 5.45 holding and stop is set at entry.
May 11 – $CBMX Swing trade going well. Trading 6.05. Long 5.20 3000 May 5 when MACD crossed up. Will add after Stoch RSI comes down and curls back up as long as MA’s stay on rights side. Will close if MACD crosses down. New live alert service this weekend will be soon enough for members to catch this add.

April 26 – Watching. Trading 5.05. Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Perfect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups
Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Pefect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups pic.twitter.com/WnOhLiG336
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
April 20 – Trading 4.90. Waiting on SQZMOM to turn green and MACD to turn up.
April 11 – Trading 5.30. There was a trade there when MACD and SQZMOM recently turned up. We didn’t take it. Watching.
Mar 27 – No Change
Mar 19 – No Change
Mar 12 – Member Alert! We will look at a re-entry on this when MACD turns back up!
Mar 12, 2017 – $CBMX Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 6 2.59. Closed Feb 22 5.01. 10000 Shares. + 24,200.00 P/L 93% gain.

Feb 22, 2017 – We closed our long positions in late trade and extended hours at 5.01 average.
Feb 21, 2017 – It is trading at 3.90 in premarket and recently as high as 4.23. Holding.
Feb 12, 2017 – This stock hasn’t slowed down since our entry at 2.59 (10000 shares) and doesn’t seem to want to return to the trendline support so our swing trade members can get in. It is trading perfectly in our prescribed range (albeit at the top) and closed at 3.90 on Friday – we have a 5.57 PT on it so I don’t if it is best to enter now – I wouldn’t unless it returns to the support line but some of the more aggressive swing trading members may want to consider it. Also, we will be ratcheting stops before earnings and even though earnings are expected to be strong we likely will not hold through earnings (or if we do it will be with tight stops).
$CBMX news – http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cbmx-expect-record-revenue-profit-140000918.html
$CBMX Swing Trade Stock Pick Doing Well up 50% Now.

My second priority is $CBMX. I am already in this swing and plan to enter in dips at the diagonal trend line (blue). Initial target area is around 5.57 with much greater potential upside. The Trump factor may cause this to come off a bit so my bias is toward late spring for first price target.

OakTree Capital $OAK
May 11 – Trading 44.95. All indicators trending down. Watching for turn.
April 26 – Trading 46.55. Closed position yesterday 47.34 200 shares for small win. Earnings on deck and will watch.
April 20 – Trading 46.70. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 46.35. 45.59 Long small starter 200 shares when SQZMOM and MACD turned up – not really crazy positive about this trade so we have a tight stop on it. Earnings conference call on April 27th.
Mar 27 – No change.
Mar 19 – On high watch for MACD to turn up again.
Mar 12, 2017 – $OAK on swing trade high watch now. 200 MA may cross 50 MA. Watch MACD for turn up.

Mar 12, 2017 – $OAK Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Jan 3 37.80. Closed Feb 15 46.04. 1000 Shares. + 8240.00 P/L 21.8% gain. #swingtrading

Feb 21, 2017 – We closed our position last week at 46.04 because sentiment in this sector started to turn. We may look at a re-entry, however, we are waiting for the crude oil resistance test to play out and would like to monitor sentiment.
Feb 12, 2017 – This has been a fantastic swing trade and many of our members have profited from it. We are holding and have moved up stops to a 5% drop.
It is currently trading at 45.70 and is up considerably for our members – our 2017 price target was 49.58 and our short term price targets were easily met.
It is also currently trading just above its 200 MA so we are watching close – if it loses the 200 MA we will exit likely. So if you are thinking of adding or a long trade here you want to watch the 200 MA.
$OAK OakTree Capital Group Swing Trading Alert for Members has done well with 25% gains in 2017

Oaktree Capital Group, LLC (OAK) today announced that it will report fourth quarter and full year 2016 financial results prior to the opening of the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, February 7, 2017.
Was trading at 37.57 – 38.00 when we originally started to look at it, currently trades at 41.65.
42.71 – 43.50 is our short term swing target (less than 3 months).
Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! $OAK has met this swing trade target for our members – caution forward please!
49.58 is our 2017 target. No target date.
Our traders will be watching earnings (much like we did with Google last week and we will be doing with Amazon this week). Pending earnings and price action this will be when we enter a trade. Some of our swing traders have obviously seen decent gains since we first put this on our swing trading list a number of weeks back (good timing actually), but our traders have not taken a position yet.

Oaktree Capital Trading View Live Charting:
VanEck Vectors Russia ETF $RSX
May 11 – Very, very slowly trending up on the 200 MA – watching for indicators to turn up (they are all mid flat no action).
April 26 – Trading 20.80. Watching. SQZMOM still red but almost ready and MACD just turning up now.
April 20 – Trading 19.79. Watching.
April 11 – Closed April 7 20.76. Syria issues more than anything caused us to close it. Will watch.
March 27 – Hold. Trading 20.95. Watching for 50 MA test. SQZMOM green. MACD turned up.
March 19 – The MACD did turn up and we opened a starter position long 19.94 1000 shares March 15, 2017.
March 12, 2017 – $RSX On high watch now. Price testing 200 MA, increasing volume, MACD may turn, 20 MA to cross 200 MA.

Feb 21, 2017 – Still monitoring – no position.
Feb 12, 2017 – Decided considering geo political sentiment that I will consider a long at 50 MA or a break to upside now.
Feb 7, 2017 Alert! Although this has done exceptionally well since my first entry late 2016 I am now out of my position and am awaiting a pull back to 100 day at minimum.
$RSX Swing Trade Stock Pick – Waiting for Test of 50 MA or break to upside.
$RSX Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/RSX/rjR7GATQ-RSX-Swing-Trade-Stock-Pick-Waiting-for-Test-of-50-MA-or-break/

BOFI Holdings $BOFI
May 11 – Trading 23.79. Under 200 MA and all indicators are indecisive / bearish. Watching.
April 26 – Trading 26.35. Watching close now.
April 20 – Trading 25.03. Bounced off 200 MA, about to test 20 MA. Waiting for SQZMOM to turn green. Earnings on deck also so likely wait for that to pass first.
April 11 – Trading 24.12. TESTING 200 Day! On high watch here for MACD and SQZMOM to turn up.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – $BOFI Waiting for MACD to turn up for another long entry.

Mar 12, 2017 – $BOFI Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 19 27.84. Closed Mar 10 29.90. 1000 Shares. + 2060.00 PL 7.4% gain.

Feb 21, 2017 – Watching.
Feb 12, 2017 – $BOFI Swing Trading Stock Pick After Dec Entry – Now Waiting for 200 MA PB test on 60 minute chart below or break out.
$BOFI Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BOFI/krBzI22u-BOFI-Swing-Trading-Stock-Pick-After-26-18-Dec-Entry-Waiting-for/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Update! Here is another I have done well since my first entry late 2016 and I am now waiting for another pullback to at least the 50 day if not 100 day to add. Holding full position and expect a return of 6% approximately (from today’s price) in 2017. If I can get a pullback I will be very happy.

Sunoco Logistics Partners $SXL
May 11 – Chart is down for maintenance on Trading View.
April 26 – Trading 24.09. MACD looks to almost be there. Watching very close now.
April 20 – Trading 23.53. Watching.
April 11 – Trading 24.12. SQZMOM and MACD just turned up. 20 MA just below. Waiting – on on high watch here now!
Mar 27 – MACD starting to pinch. On watch for regaining 20 MA etc. Trading 24.10.
Mar 12, 2017 – $SXL Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 16 23.25. Closed Mar 8 25.10. 1000 Shares. + 1850.00 P/L 7.95% gain.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding Long.
Feb 21, 2017 – Watching the 200 MA – may add pending crude oil price action.
Feb 12, 2017 – $SXL Sunoco Swing Trading Stock Pick is Performing Excellent Since Late Dec Long Position and Jan addition to this list. We are currently waiting for a test of the 200 MA on the 60 day for an add to 1000 shares or a sell. Excellent trade so far.
$SXL Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SXL/Zxq4BCtJ-SXL-Sunoco-Swing-Trading-Stock-Pick-is-Performing-Excellent-Sin/
$SXL Sunoco Swing Trading Stock Pick is Performing Excellent Since Late Dec Long Position

US Silica Holdings $SLCA
May 11 – Trading 39.08. Well below 200 MA but MACD is about to cross up. May take a trade through the MAs clutter above if MACD turns up.
April 26 – Trading 43.00 premarket. Watching for indicators and MA’s to start to line up.
April 20 – Trading 42.76. Closed flat 47.38 April 13. Watching. 200 MA lost.
April 11 – 47.38 Long April 6 200 share tester when MACD and SQZMOM turned up and it bounced off 200 MA. Always take a bounce off 200 MA with indicators that turn up unless there is some very compelling reason not to! Trading 50.07.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – $SLCA On long position high alert watchlist for 200 MA to hold and MACD to turn up (will advise).

Mar 12, 2017 – $SLCA Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 8 55.77. Closed Feb 23 55.77. 500 Shares. +0.00 P/L 0% gain.

Mar 7, 2017 – We stopped out flat and are keeping it on watch list for now.
Feb 21, 2017 – Hold, managing stop. We like it, but it may stop out flat.
Feb 12, 2017 – We have our first entry in $SLCA at the 50 day 55.77 500 shares. We are going to watch how it handles the 20 MA. If it returns to our buy at 55.77 area we may cut bait.
$SCLA Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SLCA/kYwi9RAO-SLCA-Swing-Trade-Member-Stock-Pick-Entry-at-50-MA-long-for-a-t/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! We never did get that pull back, and I appreciate the notes from members that have done well with this swing nonetheless! However, caution is warranted entering this play with-out a pull-back.
My fifth priority is $SLCA. Again, another simple chart and it will require some patience. I see a pull-back coming and huge upside under the Trump inertia in to summer. I am looking for a pull-back to the 50 day (yellow arrow) or the 100 day preferably (blue arrow). If it gets away on me I’ll likely chase it and scale in 1/5th at a time.

$EOG EOG Resources
May 11 – ON WATCH. $EOG Testing 200 MA resistance. If price gets above 200 MA when 20 MA breaches 50 MA I will be long if MACD curled up.

April 26 – Trading 95.27. Watching.
April 20 – Trading 93.29. Watching.
April 11 – Trading 98.22. March 29 had solid bounce off 200 MA and MACD and SQZMOM turned up. We didn’t take trade but it was a solid set-up.
Mar 27 – Regained 200 MA )per previous) waiting for MACD, Stoch RSI, SQZMOM to turn up. High alert!
Mar 19 – MACD is pinching at bottom and about to turn up! On high alert!
Mar 12, 2017 – $EOG On high alert watchlist for swing trade. 200 MA test has held. Waiting for MACD to turn up.

Mar 12, 2017 – $EOG Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 12 98.77. Closed Feb 17 98.77. 300 Shares. +0.00 P/L 0% gain. #swingtrading

Feb 21, 2017 – Stopped flat. Keeping on watch.
Feb 12, 2017 – New Entry! $EOG Resources Long entry 98.77 at 100 MA 300 shares starter. Swing Trade Stock Pick. If it fails at our entry price we will exit and re-evaluate.
$EOG Resources Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EOG/5pnQP44r-EOG-Resources-Long-entry-98-77-at-100-MA-Swing-Trade-Stock-Pic/

$GREK Global Greece ETF
May 11 – Per below, it did break out and we did not take a piece of it. Now waiting for indicators to cool and then turn back up for a long. What a great break out.
April 26 – Trading 8.47. All indicators up and ready and price got a pop. But I want to wait on confirmation. Maybe some back tests to MA’s. Unless a true break out continues here.
April 20 – Trading 7.98. Closed 8.14 1500 shares April 12 when Stoch RSI turned down. Waiting on indicators MACD and Stoch RSI now.
April 11 – March 27 Long 7.91 1500 share long when MACD turned up. Trading 8.15 and tight stop. Watching close. May close on next downturn and re-enter. Interesting.
March 27 – Same. Watching.
March 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
March 12, 2017 – On high alert watchlist now – MACD about to pinch. Watching for MACD turn up.
Feb 21, 2017 – Watching.
$TRCH Torchlight Energy
May 11 – Trading 1.36 still holding from 1.50 2000 shares. MACD looks like it may turn up here and it is holding 200 MA.
April 26 – Trading 1.53 Holding.
April 20 – Trading 1.54 Holding.
April 11 – $TRCH Interesting premarket here also. Holding from 1.50 so not underwater now but #oil is getting really close to a YUGE wall Setting stop at entry likely.
March 27 – Same. Hold. Will add at bottom of MACD turn and other indicators turn.
March 19 – Trading 1.41 holding.
Mar 12, 2017 – Holding position. MACD turned down and will add when MACD turns up. Holding 2000 at 1.50 trading at 1.36. Near the stop loss area but for myself this is a conviction trade based on Trump and this specific company. It is also a relatively small position.

Mar 7 2017 – Holding.
Feb 21, 2017 – Holding, watching for possible add.

$NG Nova Gold
May 11 – Trading 4.10 MACD just crossed up and considering a trade with MAs above.
April 20 – Same.
April 11 – Trading 4.88 watching indicators for life.
March 12, 2017 – $NG Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Jan 12 5.14. Closed Feb 27 5.81. 2000 Shares. +1340.00 PL 13% gain.

March 7, 2017 – We figured in our last report we may close. Feb 27, 2017 we closed for 5.81.
Feb 21, 2017 – Hold, watching, may close position.
Feb 7, 2017 – $NG Nova Gold Swing trade members are pleased with stock pick 5.14 buy alert trade up to 6.21 (22% gain) at 5.98 now.
$NG NovaGold Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/NG/7sroM8Ai-NG-Nova-Gold-Swing-trade-members-are-pleased-with-stock-pick-5/

The first swing of 2017 I will be entering (likely today) is NovaGold. First target is 6.46 area and second target is 7.30 area. It is currently trading at 5.10. It’s full extension is over 8.50.

Email or DM me on Twitter anytime with thoughts or questions!
Article Topics; Compound Trading, Swing, Trading, Stock, Picks, $AMBA, $EOG, $COTY, $FSLR, $AAOI, $HIIQ, $CELG, $LITE, $CALA, $SBUX, $XRT, $EXP, $FIT, $NE, $VFC, $ASM, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $JUNO, $CBMX, $OAK, $RSX, $BOFI, $SXL, $SLCS, $EOG, $NG, $TRCH, $GREK
Swing Trading Thurs May 25 $AMBA, $FSLR, $AAOI, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $CALA, $LITE, $JUNO, $HIIQ, $EOG, $COTY, $GREK ….
Good Morning Swing Traders and Welcome to the Compound Trading Weekly Swing Trading Report (3 of 3) for Week of May 22, 2017. $AMBA, $FSLR, $AAOI, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $CALA, $LITE, $JUNO, $HIIQ, $EOG, $COTY, $GREK …………
Email us at [email protected] anytime with any questions about any of the swing trades listed below. Or, if we get bogged down private message Curtis in trade room or direct message him on Twitter. Market hours are tough but we endeavor to get back to everyone after market each day.
Important Service Upgrade Notice: To receive alerts be sure we have your email and you have followed our Twitter alert service at @SwingAlerts_CT. I know many have expressed interest in the email only, but the Twitter option is available going forward for those that prefer that. Please bear with us as we integrate and orientate ourselves to this new function in our daily routines.
This report is part 3 of 3 reports weekly. It is not complete! Will complete it this evening.
We will categorize our coverage soon because we are following more than we expected when we first started the service..
When managing your trades with the weekly reports keep in mind that you will have to invest an hour or two a week to check the indicators mentioned for buy and sell triggers. I was asked recently why we do not usually (although we do sometimes) include precise entry and exit points. The reason is simple, they don’t work – those services have terrible results.
Swing trading success, even with a service, does require “some” maintenance on the part of the user, although the new live alert service will take much of that burden off the user as we know many of our users have busy lives. It is the indicators lining up that signal a trade long entry or an exit. In our case rely heavily on MACD on daily or weekly (or Stoch RSI and Moving averages) but indicators we are basing our trade entry and exits on are listed with each trade so any user that does even moderate trade management will know when the indicator(s) have turn with or against the trade.
Intra-week you can always DM myself on Twitter or email with specific questions regarding trades you are considering for assistance. But it is critical that you attend to the maintenance of your signals at least once a week if not twice and set stops and preferably alarms so that intra-week you can enter or exit. If nothing else you can always book some coaching time and I’ll assist also (although we are at a point of waiting list for the coaching, at minimum you can get on list or for immediate help as I said please DM or email).
IF WE DON’T GET BACK TO YOU RIGHT AWAY it is usually because we are pressured with deadlines or are trading.
A note toward the alerts! Please be aware the sell triggers will regularly not be alerted live because they are triggered as stops. And on days like Wednesday so much happens so quickly there is no way to alert the closing of trades. Every member should have stops on their own trades anyway so it isn’t the closing of a trade that is critically alerted anyway, it is the netry – the stop is your own comfort level of risk.
Also, as live charts are made available below, click on link and open viewer. Then to use chart yourself click on share button at bottom right (near thumbs up) and then click “make it mine”.
Newer updates below in red for ease.
May 25 – $AMBA Weekly set-up looking really bullish. 50 MA breaches 100 MA with price above. Earnings 12 days caution there. #swingtrading
I just about executed a long position just now in anticipation but didn’t. I’ll wait for the cross up on MA’s.

May 18 – $AMBA The 20 MA and price are racing to the 200 MA. And then….
Price will either pop or drop…. watching with keen eyes on this.

May 11 – $AMBA Price above 200MA with 20 MA about to breach 50 MA. Long today likely. There’s a chance I’ll let it retest 200 MA but I doubt it.

May 25 – No change.
May 18 – Watching. The 200 MA is coming down on price soon.
May 11 – $COTY On Watch. MACD SQZMOM Stoch RSI Vol all up. 200 MA at 21.08 as res and 20 MA may breach 50MA. If 20 MA breaches 50 MA ad price is above I will go long. This is a whisper brought to us by TraderGirl.

$FSLR – First Solar
May 25 – $FSLR Set up is playing out perfect. Price over 200 MA with 20 MA breached. Testing natural horizontal resistance.

May 18 – Same thing. 20 MA coming up underside of 200 MA so we will wait for that to see what happens. The 20 did breach the 50 MA per last report but with market downdraft that ruined that quick.
May 10 – $FSLR 20 MA about to breach 50 MA going long there. Also has price above 200 MA extremely bullish. MACD and SQZMOM trending up.
This one comes to us from our daytrading room from a member by the name of Spiegel. Great find.

$AAOI – Applied Opto Electornics Inc
May 25 – Trading 68.40. Waiting on a pull back. Extremely aggressive.
May 18 – Trading 60.01. Possible support at 59.44 – we will watch how it handles that level first.
May 11 – $AAOI Extremely bullish but could be a bit extended. Waiting for 20 MA (light blue) to breach 50 MA and be sure indicators confirm for long.
This one was also referred by Spiegel I do believe.

$HIIQ – Health Ins Innovations
May 18 – This is moving to positive in premarket and chart is very bullish. May trade this long today.
May 11 – $HIIQ Watching for 20 MA to cross 100 MA for possible long. A tad overbought but will see how indicators look at that time.

May 18 – Trading 117.69. Just above 200 MA. Going to watch the 200 MA test play out.
May 10 – Trading 120.03. Watching. Same as below (just above 200 MA now)
May 4 – Trading 123.10. Watching. Waiting on indicators to turn up and then assess.
April 25 – Trading 123.15. Earnings in two days. Watching close.
April 20 – Trading 123.01. Testing 50 MA. Watching for MACD, Stoch RSI and SQZMOM to turn up. High watch now.
April 11 – Trading 125.92. MACD pinch and SQZMOM about to turn green – continue on high watch!
Mar 27 – Indicators have now started to cool and waiting for bottom turn. On high watch!
Mar 19 – status remains same as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – The Stoch RSI hasn’t cooled, in fact it has heated since last report. Also below is the MACD, it’s near pinching so it may be best to take a short position soon and flip to long when MACD turns to buy signal.
$CELG MACD Swing Trade Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/KS53j1IE-CELG-MACD-almost-on-sell-Short-at-cross-and-long-at-turn-up/

Mar 7, 2017 – Looking for Stoch RSI to cool to bottom range for swing trade.
$CELG Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/u99gKSpz-CELG-looking-for-Stoch-RSI-to-cool-to-bottom-for-swing-trade/

May 19 – MACD continues up, SQZMOM continues green, Stoch RSI turned down on daily, 20MA about to breach 50 MA with price over. Considering a long today.
May 10 – $LITE MACD turned up after earnings with a pop and off 200 MA, SQZMOM green, vol, waiting for 20 MA breach 50 MA w price above. #swingtrade Great earnings trade there however. I just didn’t trade it.
May 4 – Trading 43.00. Watching for a possible bounce off 200 MA and MACD to turn up – then assess.
$LITE Earnings day. Holding 200 MA, MACD at bottom, SQZMOM trending up, decent vol. #watchlist #premarket
$LITE Live chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/2YbQ7s87-LITE-Earnings-day-Holding-200-MA-MACD-at-bottom-SQZMOM-trend/

April 25 – Trading 47.45. $LITE Earnings 9 days, Daily. MACD turn up? Price needs over 20MA and 50 MA and further confirmation. #earnings #watch #swingtrading

April 30 – Trading 42.61. Testing 100 MA support. Waiting for MACD, SQZMOM, Stoch RSI to turn.
Mar 30 – Closed 700 shares 54.48 as indicators turned negative. Watching now for indicators to turn again for long.
Mar 27 – Mar 22 Entered long position at 50.11 of 700 shares trading 53.65 in premarket, watching test of previous high.
Mar 19 – MACD is pinching and threatening to turn up now! On High watch!
Mar 12, 2017 – 20 MA did not hold and MACD on a sell. Wait for MACD to signal buy and review then.
$LITE MACD Chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/6mOiMa4Z-20-MA-did-not-hold-MACD-on-sell-Wait-for-MACD-to-signal-buy/

Mar 7, 2017 – $LITE I’m looking for 20 MA to hold for entry long swing trade.
$LITE Live Swing Trading Chart : https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/nU0igzAu-LITE-I-m-looking-for-20-MA-to-hold-for-entry-long-swing-trade/

May 19 – See notes below. Weekly and daily look good. May take a trade today.
$CALA live chart with indicators mentioned
$CALA Earnings surprise. Weekly 50 MA about to breach 100 MA, Stoch RSI crossed up, SQZMOM Green, MACD peaked. I #powertrade #swingtrades

May 10 – Trading 11.30. Indicators are flat though, even on an earnings surprise to the positive. Waiting on MA’s and indicators.
May 4 – Trading 11.05. Earnings in 5 days. Will watch how earnings goes.
April 25 – Trading 11.10. On watch per below.
April 20 – Trading 11.60. Bounce off 50 MA Stoch RSI crossed up, MACD pinch, SQZMOM may turn green, increasing volume. ON HIGH ALERT. May take an entry TODAY.
April 11 – Waiting on SQZMOM and MACD to turn up – getting closer now. Trading 10.75.
Mar 27 – Same
Mar 19 – Good call on Mar 12 MACD turning down.
Mar 12, 2017 – $CALA Declining volume, MACD likely turn down, 9 MA just holding. No resolution. Caution.
$CALA chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CALA/ma6v15V7-CALA-Declining-vol-MACD-likely-turn-down-9-MA-just-holding/

Mar 7, 2017 – $CALA Waiting for Stoch RSI to cool for a swing trade.
$CALA Live trading chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CALA/8q5LxIls-CALA-Waiting-for-Stoch-RSI-to-cool-for-a-swing-trade/

$XRT – SPDR S&P Retail ETF
May 19 – Trading 40.97.Closed 43.30 May 11 when MACD turned down per below. Currently testing support so we are watching for a reversal.
May 10 – $XRT swing trade going well. Trading 43.79 holding from 41.67.April 10. 200 MA test. 20 MA breach 100 MA w price over 200 MA I will add. #swingtrading This is an example of taking the swing trade early. By early I mean before price is confirmed over 200 MA. If you do this you have to typically manage the trade tighter than otherwise. And watch it at each test of ma’s, especially at the 200 MA test.
Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/XRT/up9npBct-XRT-swing-trade-going-well-Holding-from-41-67-April-10-200-MA/

May 4 – $XRT SPDR S&P Retail ETF Trading 43.02. Holding from 41.67 but MACD may turn down any second, and if so I will likely close. #swingtrade

April 25 – Trading 43.15. Holding from 41.67
$XRT Trade going well. Long 41.67 Apr 10. Holding on MACD trend & SQZMOM trend. Short term Stoch RSI may come off. 200 MA test #swingtrading

.April 20 – Trading 42.43. Hold. Indicators still positive.
April 11 – Long 41.67 April 10 for a test. 300 shares. Trading 42.11.
Mar 27 – Double bottom test in progress on high watch now.
Mar 19 – Sames status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – The Stoch RSI is starting to pinch at bottom of range (see Mar 7 chart), MACD is still on sell however. On close watch here.

Mar 7, 2017 – Watching close for a bounce. Stoch RSI on chart is near bottom so on high watch here.
Feb 27, 2017 – Trading at 43.72 this beat up sector seems to be ripe for a bounce. If we execute a trade on Monday it will be to test the waters and watch the market sentiment day to day – this and price action will determine how long we are in it. An interim target however would be 46.80 and would likely change as the trade progresses.
$XRT Retail Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/0oELdpX1/

$EXP Building Materials
May 19 – Trading 100.88 post earnings. We missed the add after the small tester long at 95.90. Watching MACD for turn down to complete tester swing.
$EXP Holding from 95.90 trading 100.88 MACD could cross up and boom time. We’ll see. #swingtrading

May 10 – Trading 99.76. Same status. Earnings in eight days.
May 4 – Trading 98.42. $EXP SQZMOM green, MACD turned up good vol, 50 MA support test. #watchlist #swingtrading #premarket
When the MACD turned up recently that was reason enough for an add to our long trade. We did not take the entry and now that we haven’t we are waiting for the price to be above the MA’s (still has to clear 100 MA – blue) and for he 20 MA (light blue) to cross up through the 50 MA (purple – with price above) and then likely a long position.
$EXP live chart link : https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EXP/6SW59pgo-EXP-SQZMOM-green-MACD-turned-up-good-vol-50-MA-support-test/

April 25 – Trading 97.63. $EXP Small test long at MACD turn up 95.90 April 21. Above 200 MA, SQZMOM may turn green 50 and 20 above price. #swingtrading

April 20 – Trading 94.45. Failed 20 MA test. Near 200 MA now. Waiting on indicators to turn up.
April 11 – Trading 96.37. Waiting on MACD and SQZMOM to turn up. Testing 20 MA now.
March 27 – 100 MA failed. Watching.
March 19 – Same status but on high watch for MACD because 100 MA held.
March 12, 2017 – $EXP Eagle Building Materials MACD still on sell, but expanding volume in play with 100 MA test. On watch for bounce.

Mar 7, 2017 – $EXP Building Materials watching close for a bounce.
Feb 27, 2017 – “Eagles Materials Posted Record Revenues, Record Net Earnings and Record Net Earnings per Diluted Share. Its stock grew 60% in 2016 and still looks cheap.”
Eagle Materials is a riskier play than most we will add to our swing portfolio, but our DD on this one has us excited and we likely will take a long position early this week with a target of minimum 10% upside in next 90 days. We will however keep our stop tight.
$EXP Live Trading Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EXP/TpeK4yNK-EXP-Building-Materials-Watching-close-for-bounce-swing-trading/

May 19 – Trading 5.41 Same.
May 10 – Trading 6.25 Same as below.
May 4 – Trading 6.16 + 8% premarket. We are going to let this firm up a bit and see how it trades.

April 25 – Trading 5.86 premarket. On Watch.
April 20 – Same
April 11 – Same. Trading 5.77.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12. This one may never come back.
Mar 12, 2017 – $FIT FitBit Under 9 MA, MACD pinch, no volume expansion yet. On high watch.

Mar 7, 2017 – It hasn’t got its bounce yet – still watching. Trading at 6.00.
Feb 27, 2017 – We find the $FIT trade interesting. Although we would never otherwise consider it and if we do enter today a long position it will be looked at as short term, we think there may be opportunity to swing trade it because it should be much lower considering its recent quarter… lower in that we expected a panic that did not occur. This seems bullish, or at minimum a likely “bargain” in our opinion.
$FIT Swing Trade Target 6.99. Trading at 6.15.

May 19 – $VFC not near ready.
May 10 – $VFC On high watch now. Waiting for price to breach 200 MA and 20 MA to breach 200 MA for long.

May 4 – $VFC This swing trade went well, now we watch. Closed 57.84 April 27 before earnings. 500 shares.from 53.50 entry. Never hold through earnings. #swingtrading

April 25 – Trading 55.92. Testing 200 MA with earnings in 3 days.
April 20 – Trading 55.52. Hold. About to test 200 MA – caution.
April 11 – Hold from long 53.50 500 shares trading 54.70.
Mar 27 – Hold. Trading at 54.06
Mar 19 – Trading at 53.95 holding position long. Next test 100 MA crossing 20 MA. No adds yet.
Mar 12, 2017 – $VFC Holding but trade tentative as MACD pinching and declining volume.

Mar 12, 2017 – $VFC Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 23 53.50 500 Shares. Unrealized loss 785.00. #SwingTrading

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long per Feb 23, 2017.
Feb 23, 2017 – $VFC Swing long 53.50 average with 58.10 as first upside target. More targets in upcoming reports.

$NE – Noble Corp
May 19 – $NE Bottom bottom bottom bounce?
May 10 – Trading 4.75. Same as below. On watch. Under 20 MA so chart has a way to go before its a long swing trade.
May 4 – Trading 4.60. Earnings today. On close watch.
April 25 – Trading 4.92. Watching for a possible double bottom?
April 20 – Closed 2000 shares 5.52 for loss when it broke recent low.
April 11 – Holding from 6.95 2000 shares. Trading 6.31 and may have to cut at loss if oil resistance on deck holds.
Mar 27 – Hold. Trading 5.38
Mar 19 – It’s a bad trade but the MACD is so close to the bottom that we are holding for a bounce. One of our few bad swings in 2017.
Mar 12, 2017 – $NE Trade has turned against us with a sell signal on MACD. Holding on conviction. We believe it is near over-sold and this sector of the industry is near a turn in profit divergence.
Mar 12, 2017 – $NE Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 22 6.95 2000 Shares. Unrealized loss 1920.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long. Trading at 6.46.
Feb 23, 2017 – $NE Swing long opened 6.95 average for a 9.00 upside target.

Alphabet (Google) $GOOGL, $GOOG
May 19 – Trading 955.00 Holding. May add when Stoch RSI crosses back up on daily.
May 10 – Trading 956.71 holding at 859.01. Indicators not saying sell yet.
May 4 – $GOOGL Long since 859.01 Trading 948.45 with SQZMOM green MACD ramped and decent vol. #holding #swingtrade Kings Queens and Castles.
Swing trade members published forecast for $GOOGL “Feb 3 – 1003.17 Price Target in 2017”
$GOOGL Live Chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GOOGL/gGpTTSi7-GOOGL-Long-since-859-01-Trading-948-45-with-SQZMOM-green-MACD-r/

April 25 – $GOOGL 879.00. Long 859.01 when MACD turn up SQZMOM turn green 20 MA punch thru 50 MA w price above? Wow what a champ move. #swingtrading. April 21 200 shares.

April 20 – Trading 857.20. MACD turned up, Stoch RSI turned up. SQZMOM just turned green. Waiting on 20 MA to cross up 50 MA for long.
April 11 – Watching MACD and SQZMOM to turn up for long.
Mar 27 – 863.99 Closed position 200 shares Mar 21 when previous high was lost. On watch for MACD turn.
Mar 19 – Trading at 872.37 holding – looking for dips to possibly add. MACD flat so this is a concern.

Mar 12, 2017 – $GOOGL Swing trade going well. In at 848.91 – holding and adding on dips (will advise). MACD on buy.

Mar 12, 2017 – $GOOGL Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 22 848.91 200 Shares. Unrealized gain 2570.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long per Feb 22, 2017. Trading at 847.27.
Feb 22, 2017 – We entered a long position starter at 848.91 200 shares. Stops will be managed manually and will be held tight until trade is to upside of current range. Pensive about short term market range.
Feb 21, 2017 – Price is to the topside of the break-out and I will likely enter a long position over the next day or two. Bullish on this stock.
Feb 12, 2017 – We still like the $GOOGL stock / chart. Price recently broke to the upside of the triangle and didn’t hold but is threatening to trade above again at Friday close. We’re watching for an upside break that holds for an entry or a visit to the 200 MA (pink line) for an entry.
Feb 7, 2017 Member Update: We expect a signal from the Trump camp soon (late this week), and if positive, this will be a very strong play – watch close! This needs to be high on your radar going forward!
We like this chart. Watch for an upside break out of the triangle. The principles apply the same to $GOOG and $GOOGL charts fyi. Also, watch the MACD close, it looks primed for a move. Earnings are Thursday. If price breaks to downside I will update with levels to watch. Also, the is a chart below that shows upside target.

Link to live $GOOGL chart in TradingView.
1003.17 Price Target in 2017 with upside break-out. Alphabet (Google) $GOOGL
Technically, the price target (should price break to upside) is 1003.17 before Jan 29 2018.

Amazon $AMZN
May 19 – Trading 962.50 may add when Stoch RSI on daily turns back up.
May 10 – $AMZN Swing trade going well. Trading 952.45 in 822.74. May add at next pull back. #swingtrading

April 26 – $AMZN Premarket trading 907.04. Swing trade going well. In at 822.74. Stoch RSI revved, MACD mid flat, SQZMOM green. #swingtrading

April 20 – Trading 900.29. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 909.40 holding 100 shares from 822.72. When MACD and SQZMOM return to bottom and turn up I will likely add 100 long. Missed an execution on last dip.
Mar 27 – Hold trading at 845.39. Mar 21 lost 20 MA and almost sold but did not. Loss of 20 MA is a concern. Watching for 50 MA failure.
Mar 19 – Trading 852.31 holding. MACD pinching to downside so this is a concern.
Mar 12, 2017 – $AMZN Amazon Swing Trade going well. In at 822.72 trading 852.46. MACD on sell will add when MACD bottoms and turns (will advise).

Mar 12, 2017 – $AMZN Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 10 822.72 100 Shares. Unrealized gain 2930.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long and may add on dips now. Trading at 846.46.
Feb 21, 2017 – Trading at 839.48 in premarket we’re on the right side of this swing so far. Depending on price action I will look to add at pull backs. Very bullish this stock.
Feb 12, 2017 – Trade Alert! We entered a trade long at a cost average 822.72 for 100 shares as soon as price was upside the 20 MA. This is an aggressive trade (being that we didn’t wait for a pull-back to 50, 100 or 200). We have a tight stop on the trade at 804.00 (just below its recent low (this would be a broken trade in our opinion at that point). So we are hoping this week is a strong week for Amazon. If not our aggressive move will cost us.
Amazon Swing Trading Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMZN/ZQt7CJMs-AMZN-Amazon-Swing-Trading-Member-Chart/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! We haven’t got a pull back to the 200 day and depending on how tech does with Trump we may or may not, however, in overnight trade (premarket) price is close to the 100 day and I may take a test long position. This is one of our favorite picks so we will be quite aggressive with our attempts to get in at an inflection – so we are thinking sometime in the next few days looks decent.
My fourth priority is Amazon. I don’t want to over simplify this trade – but the bottom line is I’m looking for a pull-back and an entry as close to that 200 day (pink line with green arrow) as possible. I don’t think this stock will stop anytime soon. DD to follow soon.

Juno $JUNO
May 19 – Price is above 200 and 20 MA. Waiting for 20 to cross 200 MA with price above. ON WATCH
May 11 – Trading 22.89. Closed 25.04 from 23.22 entry long. on May 6 when MACD crossed down. Now waiting on indicators to turn up – they’re all turned down so it will likely be a while.
April 26 – Trading 25.32 Premarket. Swing trade going well from 23.22 entry. Will be fireworks if price above 20 MA crosses up 200 MA. KAPOW time if that sets up!
Live chart set-up link for that possible follow-through on $JUNO #freedomtrade https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JUNO/zvsFtKho-JUNO-Trade-25-32-Premarket-Swing-trade-going-well-23-22-entry/

April 20 – Trading 24.61. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 24.89. April 6 23.22 Long 500 start as SQZMOM turned green and MACD crossed up. Testing. Tight stop. 200 Day test on deck.
Mar 27 – No Change.
Mar 19 – No change.
Mar 12 – Member Alert! We will look at a re-entry on this when MACD turns back up!
Mar 12 – $JUNO Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 22 18.32. Closed Feb 15 23.88. 1000 Shares. + 5,560.00 P/L 31% gain.

Feb 21, 2017 – On Feb 16 we closed our position at 23.88.
Feb 12, 2017 – We have been long since late December at 18.32 (1000 shares) and it trades at 21.95 now – will be ratcheting up stops soon, the trade has done well but in the short term we don’t see a lot of upside for entries now, unless trade returns to the 50 day MA.
$JUNO Another Swing Trade Winner. Swing Trade Member Stock Pick is up 20%.

Feb 7, 2017 Member Update: $JUNO since my first entry mid December 2016 has consistently moved in an upward trend, and from that perspective has been a good stock pick. But it hasn’t been excellent like many of my other picks. It does have a gap fill coming soon so if you are long I would ratchet up your stops as you near 22.70 area.
$JUNO Live Chart Link: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JUNO/W0WEYDQJ-JUNO-Swing-Trade-Member-Stock-Pick/

CombiMatrix Corp $CBMX
May 11 – $CBMX Swing trade going well. Trading 6.05. Long 5.20 3000 May 5 when MACD crossed up. Will add after Stoch RSI comes down and curls back up as long as MA’s stay on rights side. Will close if MACD crosses down. New live alert service this weekend will be soon enough for members to catch this add.

April 26 – Watching. Trading 5.05. Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Perfect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups
Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Pefect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups pic.twitter.com/WnOhLiG336
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
April 20 – Trading 4.90. Waiting on SQZMOM to turn green and MACD to turn up.
April 11 – Trading 5.30. There was a trade there when MACD and SQZMOM recently turned up. We didn’t take it. Watching.
Mar 27 – No Change
Mar 19 – No Change
Mar 12 – Member Alert! We will look at a re-entry on this when MACD turns back up!
Mar 12, 2017 – $CBMX Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 6 2.59. Closed Feb 22 5.01. 10000 Shares. + 24,200.00 P/L 93% gain.

Feb 22, 2017 – We closed our long positions in late trade and extended hours at 5.01 average.
Feb 21, 2017 – It is trading at 3.90 in premarket and recently as high as 4.23. Holding.
Feb 12, 2017 – This stock hasn’t slowed down since our entry at 2.59 (10000 shares) and doesn’t seem to want to return to the trendline support so our swing trade members can get in. It is trading perfectly in our prescribed range (albeit at the top) and closed at 3.90 on Friday – we have a 5.57 PT on it so I don’t if it is best to enter now – I wouldn’t unless it returns to the support line but some of the more aggressive swing trading members may want to consider it. Also, we will be ratcheting stops before earnings and even though earnings are expected to be strong we likely will not hold through earnings (or if we do it will be with tight stops).
$CBMX news – http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cbmx-expect-record-revenue-profit-140000918.html
$CBMX Swing Trade Stock Pick Doing Well up 50% Now.

My second priority is $CBMX. I am already in this swing and plan to enter in dips at the diagonal trend line (blue). Initial target area is around 5.57 with much greater potential upside. The Trump factor may cause this to come off a bit so my bias is toward late spring for first price target.

OakTree Capital $OAK
May 11 – Trading 44.95. All indicators trending down. Watching for turn.
April 26 – Trading 46.55. Closed position yesterday 47.34 200 shares for small win. Earnings on deck and will watch.
April 20 – Trading 46.70. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 46.35. 45.59 Long small starter 200 shares when SQZMOM and MACD turned up – not really crazy positive about this trade so we have a tight stop on it. Earnings conference call on April 27th.
Mar 27 – No change.
Mar 19 – On high watch for MACD to turn up again.
Mar 12, 2017 – $OAK on swing trade high watch now. 200 MA may cross 50 MA. Watch MACD for turn up.

Mar 12, 2017 – $OAK Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Jan 3 37.80. Closed Feb 15 46.04. 1000 Shares. + 8240.00 P/L 21.8% gain. #swingtrading

Feb 21, 2017 – We closed our position last week at 46.04 because sentiment in this sector started to turn. We may look at a re-entry, however, we are waiting for the crude oil resistance test to play out and would like to monitor sentiment.
Feb 12, 2017 – This has been a fantastic swing trade and many of our members have profited from it. We are holding and have moved up stops to a 5% drop.
It is currently trading at 45.70 and is up considerably for our members – our 2017 price target was 49.58 and our short term price targets were easily met.
It is also currently trading just above its 200 MA so we are watching close – if it loses the 200 MA we will exit likely. So if you are thinking of adding or a long trade here you want to watch the 200 MA.
$OAK OakTree Capital Group Swing Trading Alert for Members has done well with 25% gains in 2017

Oaktree Capital Group, LLC (OAK) today announced that it will report fourth quarter and full year 2016 financial results prior to the opening of the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, February 7, 2017.
Was trading at 37.57 – 38.00 when we originally started to look at it, currently trades at 41.65.
42.71 – 43.50 is our short term swing target (less than 3 months).
Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! $OAK has met this swing trade target for our members – caution forward please!
49.58 is our 2017 target. No target date.
Our traders will be watching earnings (much like we did with Google last week and we will be doing with Amazon this week). Pending earnings and price action this will be when we enter a trade. Some of our swing traders have obviously seen decent gains since we first put this on our swing trading list a number of weeks back (good timing actually), but our traders have not taken a position yet.

Oaktree Capital Trading View Live Charting:
VanEck Vectors Russia ETF $RSX
May 11 – Very, very slowly trending up on the 200 MA – watching for indicators to turn up (they are all mid flat no action).
April 26 – Trading 20.80. Watching. SQZMOM still red but almost ready and MACD just turning up now.
April 20 – Trading 19.79. Watching.
April 11 – Closed April 7 20.76. Syria issues more than anything caused us to close it. Will watch.
March 27 – Hold. Trading 20.95. Watching for 50 MA test. SQZMOM green. MACD turned up.
March 19 – The MACD did turn up and we opened a starter position long 19.94 1000 shares March 15, 2017.
March 12, 2017 – $RSX On high watch now. Price testing 200 MA, increasing volume, MACD may turn, 20 MA to cross 200 MA.

Feb 21, 2017 – Still monitoring – no position.
Feb 12, 2017 – Decided considering geo political sentiment that I will consider a long at 50 MA or a break to upside now.
Feb 7, 2017 Alert! Although this has done exceptionally well since my first entry late 2016 I am now out of my position and am awaiting a pull back to 100 day at minimum.
$RSX Swing Trade Stock Pick – Waiting for Test of 50 MA or break to upside.
$RSX Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/RSX/rjR7GATQ-RSX-Swing-Trade-Stock-Pick-Waiting-for-Test-of-50-MA-or-break/

BOFI Holdings $BOFI
May 11 – Trading 23.79. Under 200 MA and all indicators are indecisive / bearish. Watching.
April 26 – Trading 26.35. Watching close now.
April 20 – Trading 25.03. Bounced off 200 MA, about to test 20 MA. Waiting for SQZMOM to turn green. Earnings on deck also so likely wait for that to pass first.
April 11 – Trading 24.12. TESTING 200 Day! On high watch here for MACD and SQZMOM to turn up.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – $BOFI Waiting for MACD to turn up for another long entry.

Mar 12, 2017 – $BOFI Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 19 27.84. Closed Mar 10 29.90. 1000 Shares. + 2060.00 PL 7.4% gain.

Feb 21, 2017 – Watching.
Feb 12, 2017 – $BOFI Swing Trading Stock Pick After Dec Entry – Now Waiting for 200 MA PB test on 60 minute chart below or break out.
$BOFI Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BOFI/krBzI22u-BOFI-Swing-Trading-Stock-Pick-After-26-18-Dec-Entry-Waiting-for/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Update! Here is another I have done well since my first entry late 2016 and I am now waiting for another pullback to at least the 50 day if not 100 day to add. Holding full position and expect a return of 6% approximately (from today’s price) in 2017. If I can get a pullback I will be very happy.

Sunoco Logistics Partners $SXL
May 11 – Chart is down for maintenance on Trading View.
April 26 – Trading 24.09. MACD looks to almost be there. Watching very close now.
April 20 – Trading 23.53. Watching.
April 11 – Trading 24.12. SQZMOM and MACD just turned up. 20 MA just below. Waiting – on on high watch here now!
Mar 27 – MACD starting to pinch. On watch for regaining 20 MA etc. Trading 24.10.
Mar 12, 2017 – $SXL Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 16 23.25. Closed Mar 8 25.10. 1000 Shares. + 1850.00 P/L 7.95% gain.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding Long.
Feb 21, 2017 – Watching the 200 MA – may add pending crude oil price action.
Feb 12, 2017 – $SXL Sunoco Swing Trading Stock Pick is Performing Excellent Since Late Dec Long Position and Jan addition to this list. We are currently waiting for a test of the 200 MA on the 60 day for an add to 1000 shares or a sell. Excellent trade so far.
$SXL Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SXL/Zxq4BCtJ-SXL-Sunoco-Swing-Trading-Stock-Pick-is-Performing-Excellent-Sin/
$SXL Sunoco Swing Trading Stock Pick is Performing Excellent Since Late Dec Long Position

US Silica Holdings $SLCA
May 11 – Trading 39.08. Well below 200 MA but MACD is about to cross up. May take a trade through the MAs clutter above if MACD turns up.
April 26 – Trading 43.00 premarket. Watching for indicators and MA’s to start to line up.
April 20 – Trading 42.76. Closed flat 47.38 April 13. Watching. 200 MA lost.
April 11 – 47.38 Long April 6 200 share tester when MACD and SQZMOM turned up and it bounced off 200 MA. Always take a bounce off 200 MA with indicators that turn up unless there is some very compelling reason not to! Trading 50.07.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – $SLCA On long position high alert watchlist for 200 MA to hold and MACD to turn up (will advise).

Mar 12, 2017 – $SLCA Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 8 55.77. Closed Feb 23 55.77. 500 Shares. +0.00 P/L 0% gain.

Mar 7, 2017 – We stopped out flat and are keeping it on watch list for now.
Feb 21, 2017 – Hold, managing stop. We like it, but it may stop out flat.
Feb 12, 2017 – We have our first entry in $SLCA at the 50 day 55.77 500 shares. We are going to watch how it handles the 20 MA. If it returns to our buy at 55.77 area we may cut bait.
$SCLA Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SLCA/kYwi9RAO-SLCA-Swing-Trade-Member-Stock-Pick-Entry-at-50-MA-long-for-a-t/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! We never did get that pull back, and I appreciate the notes from members that have done well with this swing nonetheless! However, caution is warranted entering this play with-out a pull-back.
My fifth priority is $SLCA. Again, another simple chart and it will require some patience. I see a pull-back coming and huge upside under the Trump inertia in to summer. I am looking for a pull-back to the 50 day (yellow arrow) or the 100 day preferably (blue arrow). If it gets away on me I’ll likely chase it and scale in 1/5th at a time.

$EOG EOG Resources
May 11 – ON WATCH. $EOG Testing 200 MA resistance. If price gets above 200 MA when 20 MA breaches 50 MA I will be long if MACD curled up.

April 26 – Trading 95.27. Watching.
April 20 – Trading 93.29. Watching.
April 11 – Trading 98.22. March 29 had solid bounce off 200 MA and MACD and SQZMOM turned up. We didn’t take trade but it was a solid set-up.
Mar 27 – Regained 200 MA )per previous) waiting for MACD, Stoch RSI, SQZMOM to turn up. High alert!
Mar 19 – MACD is pinching at bottom and about to turn up! On high alert!
Mar 12, 2017 – $EOG On high alert watchlist for swing trade. 200 MA test has held. Waiting for MACD to turn up.

Mar 12, 2017 – $EOG Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 12 98.77. Closed Feb 17 98.77. 300 Shares. +0.00 P/L 0% gain. #swingtrading

Feb 21, 2017 – Stopped flat. Keeping on watch.
Feb 12, 2017 – New Entry! $EOG Resources Long entry 98.77 at 100 MA 300 shares starter. Swing Trade Stock Pick. If it fails at our entry price we will exit and re-evaluate.
$EOG Resources Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EOG/5pnQP44r-EOG-Resources-Long-entry-98-77-at-100-MA-Swing-Trade-Stock-Pic/

$GREK Global Greece ETF
May 11 – Per below, it did break out and we did not take a piece of it. Now waiting for indicators to cool and then turn back up for a long. What a great break out.
April 26 – Trading 8.47. All indicators up and ready and price got a pop. But I want to wait on confirmation. Maybe some back tests to MA’s. Unless a true break out continues here.
April 20 – Trading 7.98. Closed 8.14 1500 shares April 12 when Stoch RSI turned down. Waiting on indicators MACD and Stoch RSI now.
April 11 – March 27 Long 7.91 1500 share long when MACD turned up. Trading 8.15 and tight stop. Watching close. May close on next downturn and re-enter. Interesting.
March 27 – Same. Watching.
March 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
March 12, 2017 – On high alert watchlist now – MACD about to pinch. Watching for MACD turn up.
Feb 21, 2017 – Watching.
$TRCH Torchlight Energy
May 11 – Trading 1.36 still holding from 1.50 2000 shares. MACD looks like it may turn up here and it is holding 200 MA.
April 26 – Trading 1.53 Holding.
April 20 – Trading 1.54 Holding.
April 11 – $TRCH Interesting premarket here also. Holding from 1.50 so not underwater now but #oil is getting really close to a YUGE wall Setting stop at entry likely.
March 27 – Same. Hold. Will add at bottom of MACD turn and other indicators turn.
March 19 – Trading 1.41 holding.
Mar 12, 2017 – Holding position. MACD turned down and will add when MACD turns up. Holding 2000 at 1.50 trading at 1.36. Near the stop loss area but for myself this is a conviction trade based on Trump and this specific company. It is also a relatively small position.

Mar 7 2017 – Holding.
Feb 21, 2017 – Holding, watching for possible add.

$NG Nova Gold
May 11 – Trading 4.10 MACD just crossed up and considering a trade with MAs above.
April 20 – Same.
April 11 – Trading 4.88 watching indicators for life.
March 12, 2017 – $NG Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Jan 12 5.14. Closed Feb 27 5.81. 2000 Shares. +1340.00 PL 13% gain.

March 7, 2017 – We figured in our last report we may close. Feb 27, 2017 we closed for 5.81.
Feb 21, 2017 – Hold, watching, may close position.
Feb 7, 2017 – $NG Nova Gold Swing trade members are pleased with stock pick 5.14 buy alert trade up to 6.21 (22% gain) at 5.98 now.
$NG NovaGold Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/NG/7sroM8Ai-NG-Nova-Gold-Swing-trade-members-are-pleased-with-stock-pick-5/

The first swing of 2017 I will be entering (likely today) is NovaGold. First target is 6.46 area and second target is 7.30 area. It is currently trading at 5.10. It’s full extension is over 8.50.

Email or DM me on Twitter anytime with thoughts or questions!
Article Topics; Compound Trading, Swing, Trading, Stock, Picks, $AMBA, $EOG, $COTY, $FSLR, $AAOI, $HIIQ, $CELG, $LITE, $CALA, $SBUX, $XRT, $EXP, $FIT, $NE, $VFC, $ASM, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $JUNO, $CBMX, $OAK, $RSX, $BOFI, $SXL, $SLCS, $EOG, $NG, $TRCH, $GREK
Swing Trading Fri May 19 $GOOGL, $AMZN, $CALA, $LITE, $JUNO, $HIIQ, $AMBA, $EOG, $COTY, $FSLR, $AAOI, $GREK ….
Good Morning Swing Traders and Welcome to the Compound Trading Weekly Swing Trading Report (3 of 3) for Week of May 15, 2017. $GOOGL, $AMZN, $CALA, $LITE, $JUNO, $HIIQ, $AMBA, $EOG, $COTY, $FSLR, $AAOI, $GREK ……..
Email us at [email protected] anytime with any questions about any of the swing trades listed below. Or, if we get bogged down private message Curtis in trade room or direct message him on Twitter. Market hours are tough but we endeavor to get back to everyone after market each day.
With the significant sell-off on Wednesday, this report is not built out like we would want – at issue is many charts on the market will go through a repair period over the coming days or the broad market will correct (we are expecting the repair option). Anyway, as we get in to next week we expect our trading to return to normal on the swing trading side also.
This specific report continues where we left off yesterday at $LITE and includes basic notes and most are noted with updates – we left off at $JUNO – there are some good setups developing for sure. Complete report will be this weekend.
Important Service Upgrade Notice: This week we commence the live alert function of our platform for those registered. PLEASE BE AWARE that this will take a few days to fully integrate. Even when fully integrated we cannot guarantee every trade to be alerted (trading can be a busy endeavor and at times it just won’t be possible). To receive alerts be sure we have your email and you have followed our Twitter alert service at @SwingAlerts_CT. I know many have expressed interest in the email only, but the Twitter option is available going forward for those that prefer that. Please bear with us for a few days as we integrate and orientate ourselves to this new function in our daily routines.
This report is part 3 of 3 reports weekly.
We will categorize our coverage soon because we are following more than we expected when we first started the service..
When managing your trades with the weekly reports keep in mind that you will have to invest an hour or two a week to check the indicators mentioned for buy and sell triggers. I was asked recently why we do not usually (although we do sometimes) include precise entry and exit points. The reason is simple, they don’t work – those services have terrible results.
Swing trading success, even with a service, does require “some” maintenance on the part of the user, although the new live alert service will take much of that burden off the user as we know many of our users have busy lives. It is the indicators lining up that signal a trade long entry or an exit. In our case rely heavily on MACD on daily or weekly (or Stoch RSI and Moving averages) but indicators we are basing our trade entry and exits on are listed with each trade so any user that does even moderate trade management will know when the indicator(s) have turn with or against the trade.
Intra-week you can always DM myself on Twitter or email with specific questions regarding trades you are considering for assistance. But it is critical that you attend to the maintenance of your signals at least once a week if not twice and set stops and preferably alarms so that intra-week you can enter or exit. If nothing else you can always book some coaching time and I’ll assist also (although we are at a point of waiting list for the coaching, at minimum you can get on list or for immediate help as I said please DM or email).
IF WE DON’T GET BACK TO YOU RIGHT AWAY it is usually because we are pressured with deadlines or are trading.
A note toward the alerts! Please be aware the sell triggers will regularly not be alerted live because they are triggered as stops. And on days like Wednesday so much happens so quickly there is no way to alert the closing of trades. Every member should have stops on their own trades anyway so it isn’t the closing of a trade that is critically alerted anyway, it is the netry – the stop is your own comfort level of risk.
Also, as live charts are made available below, click on link and open viewer. Then to use chart yourself click on share button at bottom right (near thumbs up) and then click “make it mine”.
Newer updates below in red for ease.
May 18 – $AMBA The 20 MA and price are racing to the 200 MA. And then….
Price will either pop or drop…. watching with keen eyes on this.

May 11 – $AMBA Price above 200MA with 20 MA about to breach 50 MA. Long today likely. There’s a chance I’ll let it retest 200 MA but I doubt it.

May 18 – Watching. The 200 MA is coming down on price soon.
May 11 – $COTY On Watch. MACD SQZMOM Stoch RSI Vol all up. 200 MA at 21.08 as res and 20 MA may breach 50MA. If 20 MA breaches 50 MA ad price is above I will go long. This is a whisper brought to us by TraderGirl.

$FSLR – First Solar
May 18 – Same thing. 20 MA coming up underside of 200 MA so we will wait for that to see what happens. The 20 did breach the 50 MA per last report but with market downdraft that ruined that quick.
May 10 – $FSLR 20 MA about to breach 50 MA going long there. Also has price above 200 MA extremely bullish. MACD and SQZMOM trending up.
This one comes to us from our daytrading room from a member by the name of Spiegel. Great find.

$AAOI – Applied Opto Electornics Inc
May 18 – Trading 60.01. Possible support at 59.44 – we will watch how it handles that level first.
May 11 – $AAOI Extremely bullish but could be a bit extended. Waiting for 20 MA (light blue) to breach 50 MA and be sure indicators confirm for long.
This one was also referred by Spiegel I do believe.

$HIIQ – Health Ins Innovations
May 18 – This is moving to positive in premarket and chart is very bullish. May trade this long today.
May 11 – $HIIQ Watching for 20 MA to cross 100 MA for possible long. A tad overbought but will see how indicators look at that time.

May 18 – Trading 117.69. Just above 200 MA. Going to watch the 200 MA test play out.
May 10 – Trading 120.03. Watching. Same as below (just above 200 MA now)
May 4 – Trading 123.10. Watching. Waiting on indicators to turn up and then assess.
April 25 – Trading 123.15. Earnings in two days. Watching close.
April 20 – Trading 123.01. Testing 50 MA. Watching for MACD, Stoch RSI and SQZMOM to turn up. High watch now.
April 11 – Trading 125.92. MACD pinch and SQZMOM about to turn green – continue on high watch!
Mar 27 – Indicators have now started to cool and waiting for bottom turn. On high watch!
Mar 19 – status remains same as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – The Stoch RSI hasn’t cooled, in fact it has heated since last report. Also below is the MACD, it’s near pinching so it may be best to take a short position soon and flip to long when MACD turns to buy signal.
$CELG MACD Swing Trade Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/KS53j1IE-CELG-MACD-almost-on-sell-Short-at-cross-and-long-at-turn-up/

Mar 7, 2017 – Looking for Stoch RSI to cool to bottom range for swing trade.
$CELG Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/u99gKSpz-CELG-looking-for-Stoch-RSI-to-cool-to-bottom-for-swing-trade/

May 19 – MACD continues up, SQZMOM continues green, Stoch RSI turned down on daily, 20MA about to breach 50 MA with price over. Considering a long today.
May 10 – $LITE MACD turned up after earnings with a pop and off 200 MA, SQZMOM green, vol, waiting for 20 MA breach 50 MA w price above. #swingtrade Great earnings trade there however. I just didn’t trade it.
May 4 – Trading 43.00. Watching for a possible bounce off 200 MA and MACD to turn up – then assess.
$LITE Earnings day. Holding 200 MA, MACD at bottom, SQZMOM trending up, decent vol. #watchlist #premarket
$LITE Live chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/2YbQ7s87-LITE-Earnings-day-Holding-200-MA-MACD-at-bottom-SQZMOM-trend/

April 25 – Trading 47.45. $LITE Earnings 9 days, Daily. MACD turn up? Price needs over 20MA and 50 MA and further confirmation. #earnings #watch #swingtrading

April 30 – Trading 42.61. Testing 100 MA support. Waiting for MACD, SQZMOM, Stoch RSI to turn.
Mar 30 – Closed 700 shares 54.48 as indicators turned negative. Watching now for indicators to turn again for long.
Mar 27 – Mar 22 Entered long position at 50.11 of 700 shares trading 53.65 in premarket, watching test of previous high.
Mar 19 – MACD is pinching and threatening to turn up now! On High watch!
Mar 12, 2017 – 20 MA did not hold and MACD on a sell. Wait for MACD to signal buy and review then.
$LITE MACD Chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/6mOiMa4Z-20-MA-did-not-hold-MACD-on-sell-Wait-for-MACD-to-signal-buy/

Mar 7, 2017 – $LITE I’m looking for 20 MA to hold for entry long swing trade.
$LITE Live Swing Trading Chart : https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/nU0igzAu-LITE-I-m-looking-for-20-MA-to-hold-for-entry-long-swing-trade/

May 19 – See notes below. Weekly and daily look good. May take a trade today.
$CALA live chart with indicators mentioned
$CALA Earnings surprise. Weekly 50 MA about to breach 100 MA, Stoch RSI crossed up, SQZMOM Green, MACD peaked. I #powertrade #swingtrades

May 10 – Trading 11.30. Indicators are flat though, even on an earnings surprise to the positive. Waiting on MA’s and indicators.
May 4 – Trading 11.05. Earnings in 5 days. Will watch how earnings goes.
April 25 – Trading 11.10. On watch per below.
April 20 – Trading 11.60. Bounce off 50 MA Stoch RSI crossed up, MACD pinch, SQZMOM may turn green, increasing volume. ON HIGH ALERT. May take an entry TODAY.
April 11 – Waiting on SQZMOM and MACD to turn up – getting closer now. Trading 10.75.
Mar 27 – Same
Mar 19 – Good call on Mar 12 MACD turning down.
Mar 12, 2017 – $CALA Declining volume, MACD likely turn down, 9 MA just holding. No resolution. Caution.
$CALA chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CALA/ma6v15V7-CALA-Declining-vol-MACD-likely-turn-down-9-MA-just-holding/

Mar 7, 2017 – $CALA Waiting for Stoch RSI to cool for a swing trade.
$CALA Live trading chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CALA/8q5LxIls-CALA-Waiting-for-Stoch-RSI-to-cool-for-a-swing-trade/

$XRT – SPDR S&P Retail ETF
May 19 – Trading 40.97.Closed 43.30 May 11 when MACD turned down per below. Currently testing support so we are watching for a reversal.
May 10 – $XRT swing trade going well. Trading 43.79 holding from 41.67.April 10. 200 MA test. 20 MA breach 100 MA w price over 200 MA I will add. #swingtrading This is an example of taking the swing trade early. By early I mean before price is confirmed over 200 MA. If you do this you have to typically manage the trade tighter than otherwise. And watch it at each test of ma’s, especially at the 200 MA test.
Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/XRT/up9npBct-XRT-swing-trade-going-well-Holding-from-41-67-April-10-200-MA/

May 4 – $XRT SPDR S&P Retail ETF Trading 43.02. Holding from 41.67 but MACD may turn down any second, and if so I will likely close. #swingtrade

April 25 – Trading 43.15. Holding from 41.67
$XRT Trade going well. Long 41.67 Apr 10. Holding on MACD trend & SQZMOM trend. Short term Stoch RSI may come off. 200 MA test #swingtrading

.April 20 – Trading 42.43. Hold. Indicators still positive.
April 11 – Long 41.67 April 10 for a test. 300 shares. Trading 42.11.
Mar 27 – Double bottom test in progress on high watch now.
Mar 19 – Sames status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – The Stoch RSI is starting to pinch at bottom of range (see Mar 7 chart), MACD is still on sell however. On close watch here.

Mar 7, 2017 – Watching close for a bounce. Stoch RSI on chart is near bottom so on high watch here.
Feb 27, 2017 – Trading at 43.72 this beat up sector seems to be ripe for a bounce. If we execute a trade on Monday it will be to test the waters and watch the market sentiment day to day – this and price action will determine how long we are in it. An interim target however would be 46.80 and would likely change as the trade progresses.
$XRT Retail Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/0oELdpX1/

$EXP Building Materials
May 19 – Trading 100.88 post earnings. We missed the add after the small tester long at 95.90. Watching MACD for turn down to complete tester swing.
$EXP Holding from 95.90 trading 100.88 MACD could cross up and boom time. We’ll see. #swingtrading

May 10 – Trading 99.76. Same status. Earnings in eight days.
May 4 – Trading 98.42. $EXP SQZMOM green, MACD turned up good vol, 50 MA support test. #watchlist #swingtrading #premarket
When the MACD turned up recently that was reason enough for an add to our long trade. We did not take the entry and now that we haven’t we are waiting for the price to be above the MA’s (still has to clear 100 MA – blue) and for he 20 MA (light blue) to cross up through the 50 MA (purple – with price above) and then likely a long position.
$EXP live chart link : https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EXP/6SW59pgo-EXP-SQZMOM-green-MACD-turned-up-good-vol-50-MA-support-test/

April 25 – Trading 97.63. $EXP Small test long at MACD turn up 95.90 April 21. Above 200 MA, SQZMOM may turn green 50 and 20 above price. #swingtrading

April 20 – Trading 94.45. Failed 20 MA test. Near 200 MA now. Waiting on indicators to turn up.
April 11 – Trading 96.37. Waiting on MACD and SQZMOM to turn up. Testing 20 MA now.
March 27 – 100 MA failed. Watching.
March 19 – Same status but on high watch for MACD because 100 MA held.
March 12, 2017 – $EXP Eagle Building Materials MACD still on sell, but expanding volume in play with 100 MA test. On watch for bounce.

Mar 7, 2017 – $EXP Building Materials watching close for a bounce.
Feb 27, 2017 – “Eagles Materials Posted Record Revenues, Record Net Earnings and Record Net Earnings per Diluted Share. Its stock grew 60% in 2016 and still looks cheap.”
Eagle Materials is a riskier play than most we will add to our swing portfolio, but our DD on this one has us excited and we likely will take a long position early this week with a target of minimum 10% upside in next 90 days. We will however keep our stop tight.
$EXP Live Trading Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EXP/TpeK4yNK-EXP-Building-Materials-Watching-close-for-bounce-swing-trading/

May 19 – Trading 5.41 Same.
May 10 – Trading 6.25 Same as below.
May 4 – Trading 6.16 + 8% premarket. We are going to let this firm up a bit and see how it trades.

April 25 – Trading 5.86 premarket. On Watch.
April 20 – Same
April 11 – Same. Trading 5.77.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12. This one may never come back.
Mar 12, 2017 – $FIT FitBit Under 9 MA, MACD pinch, no volume expansion yet. On high watch.

Mar 7, 2017 – It hasn’t got its bounce yet – still watching. Trading at 6.00.
Feb 27, 2017 – We find the $FIT trade interesting. Although we would never otherwise consider it and if we do enter today a long position it will be looked at as short term, we think there may be opportunity to swing trade it because it should be much lower considering its recent quarter… lower in that we expected a panic that did not occur. This seems bullish, or at minimum a likely “bargain” in our opinion.
$FIT Swing Trade Target 6.99. Trading at 6.15.

May 19 – $VFC not near ready.
May 10 – $VFC On high watch now. Waiting for price to breach 200 MA and 20 MA to breach 200 MA for long.

May 4 – $VFC This swing trade went well, now we watch. Closed 57.84 April 27 before earnings. 500 shares.from 53.50 entry. Never hold through earnings. #swingtrading

April 25 – Trading 55.92. Testing 200 MA with earnings in 3 days.
April 20 – Trading 55.52. Hold. About to test 200 MA – caution.
April 11 – Hold from long 53.50 500 shares trading 54.70.
Mar 27 – Hold. Trading at 54.06
Mar 19 – Trading at 53.95 holding position long. Next test 100 MA crossing 20 MA. No adds yet.
Mar 12, 2017 – $VFC Holding but trade tentative as MACD pinching and declining volume.

Mar 12, 2017 – $VFC Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 23 53.50 500 Shares. Unrealized loss 785.00. #SwingTrading

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long per Feb 23, 2017.
Feb 23, 2017 – $VFC Swing long 53.50 average with 58.10 as first upside target. More targets in upcoming reports.

$NE – Noble Corp
May 19 – $NE Bottom bottom bottom bounce?
May 10 – Trading 4.75. Same as below. On watch. Under 20 MA so chart has a way to go before its a long swing trade.
May 4 – Trading 4.60. Earnings today. On close watch.
April 25 – Trading 4.92. Watching for a possible double bottom?
April 20 – Closed 2000 shares 5.52 for loss when it broke recent low.
April 11 – Holding from 6.95 2000 shares. Trading 6.31 and may have to cut at loss if oil resistance on deck holds.
Mar 27 – Hold. Trading 5.38
Mar 19 – It’s a bad trade but the MACD is so close to the bottom that we are holding for a bounce. One of our few bad swings in 2017.
Mar 12, 2017 – $NE Trade has turned against us with a sell signal on MACD. Holding on conviction. We believe it is near over-sold and this sector of the industry is near a turn in profit divergence.
Mar 12, 2017 – $NE Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 22 6.95 2000 Shares. Unrealized loss 1920.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long. Trading at 6.46.
Feb 23, 2017 – $NE Swing long opened 6.95 average for a 9.00 upside target.

Alphabet (Google) $GOOGL, $GOOG
May 19 – Trading 955.00 Holding. May add when Stoch RSI crosses back up on daily.
May 10 – Trading 956.71 holding at 859.01. Indicators not saying sell yet.
May 4 – $GOOGL Long since 859.01 Trading 948.45 with SQZMOM green MACD ramped and decent vol. #holding #swingtrade Kings Queens and Castles.
Swing trade members published forecast for $GOOGL “Feb 3 – 1003.17 Price Target in 2017”
$GOOGL Live Chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GOOGL/gGpTTSi7-GOOGL-Long-since-859-01-Trading-948-45-with-SQZMOM-green-MACD-r/

April 25 – $GOOGL 879.00. Long 859.01 when MACD turn up SQZMOM turn green 20 MA punch thru 50 MA w price above? Wow what a champ move. #swingtrading. April 21 200 shares.

April 20 – Trading 857.20. MACD turned up, Stoch RSI turned up. SQZMOM just turned green. Waiting on 20 MA to cross up 50 MA for long.
April 11 – Watching MACD and SQZMOM to turn up for long.
Mar 27 – 863.99 Closed position 200 shares Mar 21 when previous high was lost. On watch for MACD turn.
Mar 19 – Trading at 872.37 holding – looking for dips to possibly add. MACD flat so this is a concern.

Mar 12, 2017 – $GOOGL Swing trade going well. In at 848.91 – holding and adding on dips (will advise). MACD on buy.

Mar 12, 2017 – $GOOGL Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 22 848.91 200 Shares. Unrealized gain 2570.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long per Feb 22, 2017. Trading at 847.27.
Feb 22, 2017 – We entered a long position starter at 848.91 200 shares. Stops will be managed manually and will be held tight until trade is to upside of current range. Pensive about short term market range.
Feb 21, 2017 – Price is to the topside of the break-out and I will likely enter a long position over the next day or two. Bullish on this stock.
Feb 12, 2017 – We still like the $GOOGL stock / chart. Price recently broke to the upside of the triangle and didn’t hold but is threatening to trade above again at Friday close. We’re watching for an upside break that holds for an entry or a visit to the 200 MA (pink line) for an entry.
Feb 7, 2017 Member Update: We expect a signal from the Trump camp soon (late this week), and if positive, this will be a very strong play – watch close! This needs to be high on your radar going forward!
We like this chart. Watch for an upside break out of the triangle. The principles apply the same to $GOOG and $GOOGL charts fyi. Also, watch the MACD close, it looks primed for a move. Earnings are Thursday. If price breaks to downside I will update with levels to watch. Also, the is a chart below that shows upside target.

Link to live $GOOGL chart in TradingView.
1003.17 Price Target in 2017 with upside break-out. Alphabet (Google) $GOOGL
Technically, the price target (should price break to upside) is 1003.17 before Jan 29 2018.

Amazon $AMZN
May 19 – Trading 962.50 may add when Stoch RSI on daily turns back up.
May 10 – $AMZN Swing trade going well. Trading 952.45 in 822.74. May add at next pull back. #swingtrading

April 26 – $AMZN Premarket trading 907.04. Swing trade going well. In at 822.74. Stoch RSI revved, MACD mid flat, SQZMOM green. #swingtrading

April 20 – Trading 900.29. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 909.40 holding 100 shares from 822.72. When MACD and SQZMOM return to bottom and turn up I will likely add 100 long. Missed an execution on last dip.
Mar 27 – Hold trading at 845.39. Mar 21 lost 20 MA and almost sold but did not. Loss of 20 MA is a concern. Watching for 50 MA failure.
Mar 19 – Trading 852.31 holding. MACD pinching to downside so this is a concern.
Mar 12, 2017 – $AMZN Amazon Swing Trade going well. In at 822.72 trading 852.46. MACD on sell will add when MACD bottoms and turns (will advise).

Mar 12, 2017 – $AMZN Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 10 822.72 100 Shares. Unrealized gain 2930.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long and may add on dips now. Trading at 846.46.
Feb 21, 2017 – Trading at 839.48 in premarket we’re on the right side of this swing so far. Depending on price action I will look to add at pull backs. Very bullish this stock.
Feb 12, 2017 – Trade Alert! We entered a trade long at a cost average 822.72 for 100 shares as soon as price was upside the 20 MA. This is an aggressive trade (being that we didn’t wait for a pull-back to 50, 100 or 200). We have a tight stop on the trade at 804.00 (just below its recent low (this would be a broken trade in our opinion at that point). So we are hoping this week is a strong week for Amazon. If not our aggressive move will cost us.
Amazon Swing Trading Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMZN/ZQt7CJMs-AMZN-Amazon-Swing-Trading-Member-Chart/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! We haven’t got a pull back to the 200 day and depending on how tech does with Trump we may or may not, however, in overnight trade (premarket) price is close to the 100 day and I may take a test long position. This is one of our favorite picks so we will be quite aggressive with our attempts to get in at an inflection – so we are thinking sometime in the next few days looks decent.
My fourth priority is Amazon. I don’t want to over simplify this trade – but the bottom line is I’m looking for a pull-back and an entry as close to that 200 day (pink line with green arrow) as possible. I don’t think this stock will stop anytime soon. DD to follow soon.

Juno $JUNO
May 19 – Price is above 200 and 20 MA. Waiting for 20 to cross 200 MA with price above. ON WATCH
May 11 – Trading 22.89. Closed 25.04 from 23.22 entry long. on May 6 when MACD crossed down. Now waiting on indicators to turn up – they’re all turned down so it will likely be a while.
April 26 – Trading 25.32 Premarket. Swing trade going well from 23.22 entry. Will be fireworks if price above 20 MA crosses up 200 MA. KAPOW time if that sets up!
Live chart set-up link for that possible follow-through on $JUNO #freedomtrade https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JUNO/zvsFtKho-JUNO-Trade-25-32-Premarket-Swing-trade-going-well-23-22-entry/

April 20 – Trading 24.61. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 24.89. April 6 23.22 Long 500 start as SQZMOM turned green and MACD crossed up. Testing. Tight stop. 200 Day test on deck.
Mar 27 – No Change.
Mar 19 – No change.
Mar 12 – Member Alert! We will look at a re-entry on this when MACD turns back up!
Mar 12 – $JUNO Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 22 18.32. Closed Feb 15 23.88. 1000 Shares. + 5,560.00 P/L 31% gain.

Feb 21, 2017 – On Feb 16 we closed our position at 23.88.
Feb 12, 2017 – We have been long since late December at 18.32 (1000 shares) and it trades at 21.95 now – will be ratcheting up stops soon, the trade has done well but in the short term we don’t see a lot of upside for entries now, unless trade returns to the 50 day MA.
$JUNO Another Swing Trade Winner. Swing Trade Member Stock Pick is up 20%.

Feb 7, 2017 Member Update: $JUNO since my first entry mid December 2016 has consistently moved in an upward trend, and from that perspective has been a good stock pick. But it hasn’t been excellent like many of my other picks. It does have a gap fill coming soon so if you are long I would ratchet up your stops as you near 22.70 area.
$JUNO Live Chart Link: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JUNO/W0WEYDQJ-JUNO-Swing-Trade-Member-Stock-Pick/

CombiMatrix Corp $CBMX
May 11 – $CBMX Swing trade going well. Trading 6.05. Long 5.20 3000 May 5 when MACD crossed up. Will add after Stoch RSI comes down and curls back up as long as MA’s stay on rights side. Will close if MACD crosses down. New live alert service this weekend will be soon enough for members to catch this add.

April 26 – Watching. Trading 5.05. Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Perfect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups
Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Pefect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups pic.twitter.com/WnOhLiG336
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
April 20 – Trading 4.90. Waiting on SQZMOM to turn green and MACD to turn up.
April 11 – Trading 5.30. There was a trade there when MACD and SQZMOM recently turned up. We didn’t take it. Watching.
Mar 27 – No Change
Mar 19 – No Change
Mar 12 – Member Alert! We will look at a re-entry on this when MACD turns back up!
Mar 12, 2017 – $CBMX Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 6 2.59. Closed Feb 22 5.01. 10000 Shares. + 24,200.00 P/L 93% gain.

Feb 22, 2017 – We closed our long positions in late trade and extended hours at 5.01 average.
Feb 21, 2017 – It is trading at 3.90 in premarket and recently as high as 4.23. Holding.
Feb 12, 2017 – This stock hasn’t slowed down since our entry at 2.59 (10000 shares) and doesn’t seem to want to return to the trendline support so our swing trade members can get in. It is trading perfectly in our prescribed range (albeit at the top) and closed at 3.90 on Friday – we have a 5.57 PT on it so I don’t if it is best to enter now – I wouldn’t unless it returns to the support line but some of the more aggressive swing trading members may want to consider it. Also, we will be ratcheting stops before earnings and even though earnings are expected to be strong we likely will not hold through earnings (or if we do it will be with tight stops).
$CBMX news – http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cbmx-expect-record-revenue-profit-140000918.html
$CBMX Swing Trade Stock Pick Doing Well up 50% Now.

My second priority is $CBMX. I am already in this swing and plan to enter in dips at the diagonal trend line (blue). Initial target area is around 5.57 with much greater potential upside. The Trump factor may cause this to come off a bit so my bias is toward late spring for first price target.

OakTree Capital $OAK
May 11 – Trading 44.95. All indicators trending down. Watching for turn.
April 26 – Trading 46.55. Closed position yesterday 47.34 200 shares for small win. Earnings on deck and will watch.
April 20 – Trading 46.70. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 46.35. 45.59 Long small starter 200 shares when SQZMOM and MACD turned up – not really crazy positive about this trade so we have a tight stop on it. Earnings conference call on April 27th.
Mar 27 – No change.
Mar 19 – On high watch for MACD to turn up again.
Mar 12, 2017 – $OAK on swing trade high watch now. 200 MA may cross 50 MA. Watch MACD for turn up.

Mar 12, 2017 – $OAK Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Jan 3 37.80. Closed Feb 15 46.04. 1000 Shares. + 8240.00 P/L 21.8% gain. #swingtrading

Feb 21, 2017 – We closed our position last week at 46.04 because sentiment in this sector started to turn. We may look at a re-entry, however, we are waiting for the crude oil resistance test to play out and would like to monitor sentiment.
Feb 12, 2017 – This has been a fantastic swing trade and many of our members have profited from it. We are holding and have moved up stops to a 5% drop.
It is currently trading at 45.70 and is up considerably for our members – our 2017 price target was 49.58 and our short term price targets were easily met.
It is also currently trading just above its 200 MA so we are watching close – if it loses the 200 MA we will exit likely. So if you are thinking of adding or a long trade here you want to watch the 200 MA.
$OAK OakTree Capital Group Swing Trading Alert for Members has done well with 25% gains in 2017

Oaktree Capital Group, LLC (OAK) today announced that it will report fourth quarter and full year 2016 financial results prior to the opening of the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, February 7, 2017.
Was trading at 37.57 – 38.00 when we originally started to look at it, currently trades at 41.65.
42.71 – 43.50 is our short term swing target (less than 3 months).
Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! $OAK has met this swing trade target for our members – caution forward please!
49.58 is our 2017 target. No target date.
Our traders will be watching earnings (much like we did with Google last week and we will be doing with Amazon this week). Pending earnings and price action this will be when we enter a trade. Some of our swing traders have obviously seen decent gains since we first put this on our swing trading list a number of weeks back (good timing actually), but our traders have not taken a position yet.

Oaktree Capital Trading View Live Charting:
VanEck Vectors Russia ETF $RSX
May 11 – Very, very slowly trending up on the 200 MA – watching for indicators to turn up (they are all mid flat no action).
April 26 – Trading 20.80. Watching. SQZMOM still red but almost ready and MACD just turning up now.
April 20 – Trading 19.79. Watching.
April 11 – Closed April 7 20.76. Syria issues more than anything caused us to close it. Will watch.
March 27 – Hold. Trading 20.95. Watching for 50 MA test. SQZMOM green. MACD turned up.
March 19 – The MACD did turn up and we opened a starter position long 19.94 1000 shares March 15, 2017.
March 12, 2017 – $RSX On high watch now. Price testing 200 MA, increasing volume, MACD may turn, 20 MA to cross 200 MA.

Feb 21, 2017 – Still monitoring – no position.
Feb 12, 2017 – Decided considering geo political sentiment that I will consider a long at 50 MA or a break to upside now.
Feb 7, 2017 Alert! Although this has done exceptionally well since my first entry late 2016 I am now out of my position and am awaiting a pull back to 100 day at minimum.
$RSX Swing Trade Stock Pick – Waiting for Test of 50 MA or break to upside.
$RSX Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/RSX/rjR7GATQ-RSX-Swing-Trade-Stock-Pick-Waiting-for-Test-of-50-MA-or-break/

BOFI Holdings $BOFI
May 11 – Trading 23.79. Under 200 MA and all indicators are indecisive / bearish. Watching.
April 26 – Trading 26.35. Watching close now.
April 20 – Trading 25.03. Bounced off 200 MA, about to test 20 MA. Waiting for SQZMOM to turn green. Earnings on deck also so likely wait for that to pass first.
April 11 – Trading 24.12. TESTING 200 Day! On high watch here for MACD and SQZMOM to turn up.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – $BOFI Waiting for MACD to turn up for another long entry.

Mar 12, 2017 – $BOFI Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 19 27.84. Closed Mar 10 29.90. 1000 Shares. + 2060.00 PL 7.4% gain.

Feb 21, 2017 – Watching.
Feb 12, 2017 – $BOFI Swing Trading Stock Pick After Dec Entry – Now Waiting for 200 MA PB test on 60 minute chart below or break out.
$BOFI Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BOFI/krBzI22u-BOFI-Swing-Trading-Stock-Pick-After-26-18-Dec-Entry-Waiting-for/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Update! Here is another I have done well since my first entry late 2016 and I am now waiting for another pullback to at least the 50 day if not 100 day to add. Holding full position and expect a return of 6% approximately (from today’s price) in 2017. If I can get a pullback I will be very happy.

Sunoco Logistics Partners $SXL
May 11 – Chart is down for maintenance on Trading View.
April 26 – Trading 24.09. MACD looks to almost be there. Watching very close now.
April 20 – Trading 23.53. Watching.
April 11 – Trading 24.12. SQZMOM and MACD just turned up. 20 MA just below. Waiting – on on high watch here now!
Mar 27 – MACD starting to pinch. On watch for regaining 20 MA etc. Trading 24.10.
Mar 12, 2017 – $SXL Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 16 23.25. Closed Mar 8 25.10. 1000 Shares. + 1850.00 P/L 7.95% gain.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding Long.
Feb 21, 2017 – Watching the 200 MA – may add pending crude oil price action.
Feb 12, 2017 – $SXL Sunoco Swing Trading Stock Pick is Performing Excellent Since Late Dec Long Position and Jan addition to this list. We are currently waiting for a test of the 200 MA on the 60 day for an add to 1000 shares or a sell. Excellent trade so far.
$SXL Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SXL/Zxq4BCtJ-SXL-Sunoco-Swing-Trading-Stock-Pick-is-Performing-Excellent-Sin/
$SXL Sunoco Swing Trading Stock Pick is Performing Excellent Since Late Dec Long Position

US Silica Holdings $SLCA
May 11 – Trading 39.08. Well below 200 MA but MACD is about to cross up. May take a trade through the MAs clutter above if MACD turns up.
April 26 – Trading 43.00 premarket. Watching for indicators and MA’s to start to line up.
April 20 – Trading 42.76. Closed flat 47.38 April 13. Watching. 200 MA lost.
April 11 – 47.38 Long April 6 200 share tester when MACD and SQZMOM turned up and it bounced off 200 MA. Always take a bounce off 200 MA with indicators that turn up unless there is some very compelling reason not to! Trading 50.07.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – $SLCA On long position high alert watchlist for 200 MA to hold and MACD to turn up (will advise).

Mar 12, 2017 – $SLCA Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 8 55.77. Closed Feb 23 55.77. 500 Shares. +0.00 P/L 0% gain.

Mar 7, 2017 – We stopped out flat and are keeping it on watch list for now.
Feb 21, 2017 – Hold, managing stop. We like it, but it may stop out flat.
Feb 12, 2017 – We have our first entry in $SLCA at the 50 day 55.77 500 shares. We are going to watch how it handles the 20 MA. If it returns to our buy at 55.77 area we may cut bait.
$SCLA Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SLCA/kYwi9RAO-SLCA-Swing-Trade-Member-Stock-Pick-Entry-at-50-MA-long-for-a-t/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! We never did get that pull back, and I appreciate the notes from members that have done well with this swing nonetheless! However, caution is warranted entering this play with-out a pull-back.
My fifth priority is $SLCA. Again, another simple chart and it will require some patience. I see a pull-back coming and huge upside under the Trump inertia in to summer. I am looking for a pull-back to the 50 day (yellow arrow) or the 100 day preferably (blue arrow). If it gets away on me I’ll likely chase it and scale in 1/5th at a time.

$EOG EOG Resources
May 11 – ON WATCH. $EOG Testing 200 MA resistance. If price gets above 200 MA when 20 MA breaches 50 MA I will be long if MACD curled up.

April 26 – Trading 95.27. Watching.
April 20 – Trading 93.29. Watching.
April 11 – Trading 98.22. March 29 had solid bounce off 200 MA and MACD and SQZMOM turned up. We didn’t take trade but it was a solid set-up.
Mar 27 – Regained 200 MA )per previous) waiting for MACD, Stoch RSI, SQZMOM to turn up. High alert!
Mar 19 – MACD is pinching at bottom and about to turn up! On high alert!
Mar 12, 2017 – $EOG On high alert watchlist for swing trade. 200 MA test has held. Waiting for MACD to turn up.

Mar 12, 2017 – $EOG Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 12 98.77. Closed Feb 17 98.77. 300 Shares. +0.00 P/L 0% gain. #swingtrading

Feb 21, 2017 – Stopped flat. Keeping on watch.
Feb 12, 2017 – New Entry! $EOG Resources Long entry 98.77 at 100 MA 300 shares starter. Swing Trade Stock Pick. If it fails at our entry price we will exit and re-evaluate.
$EOG Resources Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EOG/5pnQP44r-EOG-Resources-Long-entry-98-77-at-100-MA-Swing-Trade-Stock-Pic/

$GREK Global Greece ETF
May 11 – Per below, it did break out and we did not take a piece of it. Now waiting for indicators to cool and then turn back up for a long. What a great break out.
April 26 – Trading 8.47. All indicators up and ready and price got a pop. But I want to wait on confirmation. Maybe some back tests to MA’s. Unless a true break out continues here.
April 20 – Trading 7.98. Closed 8.14 1500 shares April 12 when Stoch RSI turned down. Waiting on indicators MACD and Stoch RSI now.
April 11 – March 27 Long 7.91 1500 share long when MACD turned up. Trading 8.15 and tight stop. Watching close. May close on next downturn and re-enter. Interesting.
March 27 – Same. Watching.
March 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
March 12, 2017 – On high alert watchlist now – MACD about to pinch. Watching for MACD turn up.
Feb 21, 2017 – Watching.
$TRCH Torchlight Energy
May 11 – Trading 1.36 still holding from 1.50 2000 shares. MACD looks like it may turn up here and it is holding 200 MA.
April 26 – Trading 1.53 Holding.
April 20 – Trading 1.54 Holding.
April 11 – $TRCH Interesting premarket here also. Holding from 1.50 so not underwater now but #oil is getting really close to a YUGE wall Setting stop at entry likely.
March 27 – Same. Hold. Will add at bottom of MACD turn and other indicators turn.
March 19 – Trading 1.41 holding.
Mar 12, 2017 – Holding position. MACD turned down and will add when MACD turns up. Holding 2000 at 1.50 trading at 1.36. Near the stop loss area but for myself this is a conviction trade based on Trump and this specific company. It is also a relatively small position.

Mar 7 2017 – Holding.
Feb 21, 2017 – Holding, watching for possible add.

$NG Nova Gold
May 11 – Trading 4.10 MACD just crossed up and considering a trade with MAs above.
April 20 – Same.
April 11 – Trading 4.88 watching indicators for life.
March 12, 2017 – $NG Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Jan 12 5.14. Closed Feb 27 5.81. 2000 Shares. +1340.00 PL 13% gain.

March 7, 2017 – We figured in our last report we may close. Feb 27, 2017 we closed for 5.81.
Feb 21, 2017 – Hold, watching, may close position.
Feb 7, 2017 – $NG Nova Gold Swing trade members are pleased with stock pick 5.14 buy alert trade up to 6.21 (22% gain) at 5.98 now.
$NG NovaGold Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/NG/7sroM8Ai-NG-Nova-Gold-Swing-trade-members-are-pleased-with-stock-pick-5/

The first swing of 2017 I will be entering (likely today) is NovaGold. First target is 6.46 area and second target is 7.30 area. It is currently trading at 5.10. It’s full extension is over 8.50.

Email or DM me on Twitter anytime with thoughts or questions!
Article Topics; Compound Trading, Swing, Trading, Stock, Picks, $AMBA, $EOG, $COTY, $FSLR, $AAOI, $HIIQ, $CELG, $LITE, $CALA, $SBUX, $XRT, $EXP, $FIT, $NE, $VFC, $ASM, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $JUNO, $CBMX, $OAK, $RSX, $BOFI, $SXL, $SLCS, $EOG, $NG, $TRCH, $GREK
Swing Trading Thurs May 4 $XRT, $VFC, $CALA, $CELG, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $JUNO, $OAK, $GREK, $BOFI ….
Good Morning Swing Traders and Welcome to the Compound Trading Weekly Swing Trading Report (1 of 3) for Week of April 30, 2017. $XRT, $VFC, $CALA, $CELG, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $JUNO, $OAK, $BOFI, $TRCH ….
Email us at [email protected] anytime with any questions about any of the swing trades listed below. Or, if we get bogged down private message Curtis in trade room or direct message him on Twitter. Market hours are tough but we endeavor to get back to everyone after market each day.
Good morning!
This report is one of three reports we are processing weekly of stocks we cover. This report is not complete and the rest will be completed this evening and sent out!
Also going forward (in case you missed it or are new) we will be stepping up the rotation cycle with more frequent updates going forward, we are going to categorize our coverage (very soon) because we are following more than we expected when we first started the service, and our swing trading alert service will launch soon for real-time alerts (sometime June 2017).
When managing your trades with the weekly reports keep in mind that you will have to invest an hour or two a week to check the indicators mentioned for buy and sell triggers. I was asked recently why we do not usually (although we do sometimes) include precise entry and exit points. The reason is simple, they don’t work – those services have disasterous results.
Swing trading success, even with a service, does require “some” maintenance on the part of the user. It is the indicators lining up that signal a trade long entry or an exit. In our case rely heavily on MACD on daily or weekly (or Stoch RSI and Moving averages) but indicators we are basing our trade entry and exits on are listed with each trade so any user that does even moderate trade management will know when the indicator(s) have turn with or against the trade.
Intra-week you can always DM myself on Twitter or email with specific questions regarding trades you are considering for assistance. But it is critical that you attend to the maintenance of your signals at least once a week if not twice and set stops and preferably alarms so that intra-week you can enter or exit. If nothing else you can always book some coaching time and I’ll assist also (although we are at a point of waiting list for the coaching, at minimum you can get on list or for immediate help as I said please DM or email).
Also, our lead trader has been taking on four hour coaching classes (online) with swing trading students that want to lock in the indicators we use and trade swings with more confidence. The package is 495.00 for four hours and currently has a waiting list but the list is moving along. If interested email [email protected] to get on the list.
Also, as live charts are made available below, click on link and open viewer. Then to use chart yourself click on share button at bottom right (new thumbs up) and then click “make it mine”.
Newer updates below in red for ease.
Most recent Simple Swing Trading Simple Charts are found here:
May 4 – Trading 123.10. Watching. Waiting on indicators to turn up and then assess.
April 25 – Trading 123.15. Earnings in two days. Watching close.
April 20 – Trading 123.01. Testing 50 MA. Watching for MACD, Stoch RSI and SQZMOM to turn up. High watch now.
April 11 – Trading 125.92. MACD pinch and SQZMOM about to turn green – continue on high watch!
Mar 27 – Indicators have now started to cool and waiting for bottom turn. On high watch!
Mar 19 – status remains same as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – The Stoch RSI hasn’t cooled, in fact it has heated since last report. Also below is the MACD, it’s near pinching so it may be best to take a short position soon and flip to long when MACD turns to buy signal.
$CELG MACD Swing Trade Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/KS53j1IE-CELG-MACD-almost-on-sell-Short-at-cross-and-long-at-turn-up/

Mar 7, 2017 – Looking for Stoch RSI to cool to bottom range for swing trade.
$CELG Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/u99gKSpz-CELG-looking-for-Stoch-RSI-to-cool-to-bottom-for-swing-trade/

May 4 – Trading 43.00. Watching for a possible bounce off 200 MA and MACD to turn up – then assess.
$LITE Earnings day. Holding 200 MA, MACD at bottom, SQZMOM trending up, decent vol. #watchlist #premarket
$LITE Live chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/2YbQ7s87-LITE-Earnings-day-Holding-200-MA-MACD-at-bottom-SQZMOM-trend/

April 25 – Trading 47.45. $LITE Earnings 9 days, Daily. MACD turn up? Price needs over 20MA and 50 MA and further confirmation. #earnings #watch #swingtrading

April 30 – Trading 42.61. Testing 100 MA support. Waiting for MACD, SQZMOM, Stoch RSI to turn.
Mar 30 – Closed 700 shares 54.48 as indicators turned negative. Watching now for indicators to turn again for long.
Mar 27 – Mar 22 Entered long position at 50.11 of 700 shares trading 53.65 in premarket, watching test of previous high.
Mar 19 – MACD is pinching and threatening to turn up now! On High watch!
Mar 12, 2017 – 20 MA did not hold and MACD on a sell. Wait for MACD to signal buy and review then.
$LITE MACD Chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/6mOiMa4Z-20-MA-did-not-hold-MACD-on-sell-Wait-for-MACD-to-signal-buy/

Mar 7, 2017 – $LITE I’m looking for 20 MA to hold for entry long swing trade.
$LITE Live Swing Trading Chart : https://www.tradingview.com/chart/LITE/nU0igzAu-LITE-I-m-looking-for-20-MA-to-hold-for-entry-long-swing-trade/

May 4 – Trading 11.05. Earnings in 5 days. Will watch how earnings goes.
April 25 – Trading 11.10. On watch per below.
April 20 – Trading 11.60. Bounce off 50 MA Stoch RSI crossed up, MACD pinch, SQZMOM may turn green, increasing volume. ON HIGH ALERT. May take an entry TODAY.
April 11 – Waiting on SQZMOM and MACD to turn up – getting closer now. Trading 10.75.
Mar 27 – Same
Mar 19 – Good call on Mar 12 MACD turning down.
Mar 12, 2017 – $CALA Declining volume, MACD likely turn down, 9 MA just holding. No resolution. Caution.
$CALA chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CALA/ma6v15V7-CALA-Declining-vol-MACD-likely-turn-down-9-MA-just-holding/

Mar 7, 2017 – $CALA Waiting for Stoch RSI to cool for a swing trade.
$CALA Live trading chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CALA/8q5LxIls-CALA-Waiting-for-Stoch-RSI-to-cool-for-a-swing-trade/

$XRT – SPDR S&P Retail ETF
May 4 – $XRT SPDR S&P Retail ETF Trading 43.02. Holding from 41.67 but MACD may turn down any second, and if so I will likely close. #swingtrade

April 25 – Trading 43.15. Holding from 41.67
$XRT Trade going well. Long 41.67 Apr 10. Holding on MACD trend & SQZMOM trend. Short term Stoch RSI may come off. 200 MA test #swingtrading

.April 20 – Trading 42.43. Hold. Indicators still positive.
April 11 – Long 41.67 April 10 for a test. 300 shares. Trading 42.11.
Mar 27 – Double bottom test in progress on high watch now.
Mar 19 – Sames status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – The Stoch RSI is starting to pinch at bottom of range (see Mar 7 chart), MACD is still on sell however. On close watch here.

Mar 7, 2017 – Watching close for a bounce. Stoch RSI on chart is near bottom so on high watch here.
Feb 27, 2017 – Trading at 43.72 this beat up sector seems to be ripe for a bounce. If we execute a trade on Monday it will be to test the waters and watch the market sentiment day to day – this and price action will determine how long we are in it. An interim target however would be 46.80 and would likely change as the trade progresses.
$XRT Retail Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/0oELdpX1/

$EXP Building Materials
May 4 – Trading 98.42. $EXP SQZMOM green, MACD turned up good vol, 50 MA support test. #watchlist #swingtrading #premarket
When the MACD turned up recently that was reason enough for a trade. We did not take the entry and now that we haven’t we are waiting for the price to be above the MA’s (still has to clear 100 MA – blue) and for he 20 MA (light blue) to cross up through the 50 MA (purple – with price above) and then likely a long position.
$EXP live chart link : https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EXP/6SW59pgo-EXP-SQZMOM-green-MACD-turned-up-good-vol-50-MA-support-test/

April 25 – Trading 97.63. $EXP Small test long at MACD turn up 95.90 April 21. Above 200 MA, SQZMOM may turn green 50 and 20 above price. #swingtrading

April 20 – Trading 94.45. Failed 20 MA test. Near 200 MA now. Waiting on indicators to turn up.
April 11 – Trading 96.37. Waiting on MACD and SQZMOM to turn up. Testing 20 MA now.
March 27 – 100 MA failed. Watching.
March 19 – Same status but on high watch for MACD because 100 MA held.
March 12, 2017 – $EXP Eagle Building Materials MACD still on sell, but expanding volume in play with 100 MA test. On watch for bounce.

Mar 7, 2017 – $EXP Building Materials watching close for a bounce.
Feb 27, 2017 – “Eagles Materials Posted Record Revenues, Record Net Earnings and Record Net Earnings per Diluted Share. Its stock grew 60% in 2016 and still looks cheap.”
Eagle Materials is a riskier play than most we will add to our swing portfolio, but our DD on this one has us excited and we likely will take a long position early this week with a target of minimum 10% upside in next 90 days. We will however keep our stop tight.
$EXP Live Trading Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EXP/TpeK4yNK-EXP-Building-Materials-Watching-close-for-bounce-swing-trading/

May 4 – Trading 6.16 + 8% premarket. We are going to let this firm up a bit and see how it trades.

April 25 – Trading 5.86 premarket. On Watch.
April 20 – Same
April 11 – Same. Trading 5.77.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12. This one may never come back.
Mar 12, 2017 – $FIT FitBit Under 9 MA, MACD pinch, no volume expansion yet. On high watch.

Mar 7, 2017 – It hasn’t got its bounce yet – still watching. Trading at 6.00.
Feb 27, 2017 – We find the $FIT trade interesting. Although we would never otherwise consider it and if we do enter today a long position it will be looked at as short term, we think there may be opportunity to swing trade it because it should be much lower considering its recent quarter… lower in that we expected a panic that did not occur. This seems bullish, or at minimum a likely “bargain” in our opinion.
$FIT Swing Trade Target 6.99. Trading at 6.15.

May 4 – $VFC This swing trade went well, now we watch. Closed 57.84 April 27 before earnings. 500 shares.from 53.50 entry. Never hold through earnings. #swingtrading

April 25 – Trading 55.92. Testing 200 MA with earnings in 3 days.
April 20 – Trading 55.52. Hold. About to test 200 MA – caution.
April 11 – Hold from long 53.50 500 shares trading 54.70.
Mar 27 – Hold. Trading at 54.06
Mar 19 – Trading at 53.95 holding position long. Next test 100 MA crossing 20 MA. No adds yet.
Mar 12, 2017 – $VFC Holding but trade tentative as MACD pinching and declining volume.

Mar 12, 2017 – $VFC Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 23 53.50 500 Shares. Unrealized loss 785.00. #SwingTrading

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long per Feb 23, 2017.
Feb 23, 2017 – $VFC Swing long 53.50 average with 58.10 as first upside target. More targets in upcoming reports.

$NE – Noble Corp
May 4 – Trading 4.60. Earnings today. On close watch.
April 25 – Trading 4.92. Watching for a possible double bottom?
April 20 – Closed 2000 shares 5.52 for loss when it broke recent low.
April 11 – Holding from 6.95 2000 shares. Trading 6.31 and may have to cut at loss if oil resistance on deck holds.
Mar 27 – Hold. Trading 5.38
Mar 19 – It’s a bad trade but the MACD is so close to the bottom that we are holding for a bounce. One of our few bad swings in 2017.
Mar 12, 2017 – $NE Trade has turned against us with a sell signal on MACD. Holding on conviction. We believe it is near over-sold and this sector of the industry is near a turn in profit divergence.
Mar 12, 2017 – $NE Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 22 6.95 2000 Shares. Unrealized loss 1920.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long. Trading at 6.46.
Feb 23, 2017 – $NE Swing long opened 6.95 average for a 9.00 upside target.

Alphabet (Google) $GOOGL, $GOOG
May 4 – $GOOGL Long since 859.01 Trading 948.45 with SQZMOM green MACD ramped and decent vol. #holding #swingtrade Kings Queens and Castles.
Swing trade members published forecast for $GOOGL “Feb 3 – 1003.17 Price Target in 2017”
$GOOGL Live Chart https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GOOGL/gGpTTSi7-GOOGL-Long-since-859-01-Trading-948-45-with-SQZMOM-green-MACD-r/

April 25 – $GOOGL 879.00. Long 859.01 when MACD turn up SQZMOM turn green 20 MA punch thru 50 MA w price above? Wow what a champ move. #swingtrading. April 21 200 shares.

April 20 – Trading 857.20. MACD turned up, Stoch RSI turned up. SQZMOM just turned green. Waiting on 20 MA to cross up 50 MA for long.
April 11 – Watching MACD and SQZMOM to turn up for long.
Mar 27 – 863.99 Closed position 200 shares Mar 21 when previous high was lost. On watch for MACD turn.
Mar 19 – Trading at 872.37 holding – looking for dips to possibly add. MACD flat so this is a concern.

Mar 12, 2017 – $GOOGL Swing trade going well. In at 848.91 – holding and adding on dips (will advise). MACD on buy.

Mar 12, 2017 – $GOOGL Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 22 848.91 200 Shares. Unrealized gain 2570.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long per Feb 22, 2017. Trading at 847.27.
Feb 22, 2017 – We entered a long position starter at 848.91 200 shares. Stops will be managed manually and will be held tight until trade is to upside of current range. Pensive about short term market range.
Feb 21, 2017 – Price is to the topside of the break-out and I will likely enter a long position over the next day or two. Bullish on this stock.
Feb 12, 2017 – We still like the $GOOGL stock / chart. Price recently broke to the upside of the triangle and didn’t hold but is threatening to trade above again at Friday close. We’re watching for an upside break that holds for an entry or a visit to the 200 MA (pink line) for an entry.
Feb 7, 2017 Member Update: We expect a signal from the Trump camp soon (late this week), and if positive, this will be a very strong play – watch close! This needs to be high on your radar going forward!
We like this chart. Watch for an upside break out of the triangle. The principles apply the same to $GOOG and $GOOGL charts fyi. Also, watch the MACD close, it looks primed for a move. Earnings are Thursday. If price breaks to downside I will update with levels to watch. Also, the is a chart below that shows upside target.

Link to live $GOOGL chart in TradingView.
1003.17 Price Target in 2017 with upside break-out. Alphabet (Google) $GOOGL
Technically, the price target (should price break to upside) is 1003.17 before Jan 29 2018.

Amazon $AMZN
April 26 – $AMZN Premarket trading 907.04. Swing trade going well. In at 822.74. Stoch RSI revved, MACD mid flat, SQZMOM green. #swingtrading

April 20 – Trading 900.29. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 909.40 holding 100 shares from 822.72. When MACD and SQZMOM return to bottom and turn up I will likely add 100 long. Missed an execution on last dip.
Mar 27 – Hold trading at 845.39. Mar 21 lost 20 MA and almost sold but did not. Loss of 20 MA is a concern. Watching for 50 MA failure.
Mar 19 – Trading 852.31 holding. MACD pinching to downside so this is a concern.
Mar 12, 2017 – $AMZN Amazon Swing Trade going well. In at 822.72 trading 852.46. MACD on sell will add when MACD bottoms and turns (will advise).

Mar 12, 2017 – $AMZN Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 10 822.72 100 Shares. Unrealized gain 2930.00. Hold.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding long and may add on dips now. Trading at 846.46.
Feb 21, 2017 – Trading at 839.48 in premarket we’re on the right side of this swing so far. Depending on price action I will look to add at pull backs. Very bullish this stock.
Feb 12, 2017 – Trade Alert! We entered a trade long at a cost average 822.72 for 100 shares as soon as price was upside the 20 MA. This is an aggressive trade (being that we didn’t wait for a pull-back to 50, 100 or 200). We have a tight stop on the trade at 804.00 (just below its recent low (this would be a broken trade in our opinion at that point). So we are hoping this week is a strong week for Amazon. If not our aggressive move will cost us.
Amazon Swing Trading Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/AMZN/ZQt7CJMs-AMZN-Amazon-Swing-Trading-Member-Chart/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! We haven’t got a pull back to the 200 day and depending on how tech does with Trump we may or may not, however, in overnight trade (premarket) price is close to the 100 day and I may take a test long position. This is one of our favorite picks so we will be quite aggressive with our attempts to get in at an inflection – so we are thinking sometime in the next few days looks decent.
My fourth priority is Amazon. I don’t want to over simplify this trade – but the bottom line is I’m looking for a pull-back and an entry as close to that 200 day (pink line with green arrow) as possible. I don’t think this stock will stop anytime soon. DD to follow soon.

Juno $JUNO
April 26 – Trading 25.32 Premarket. Swing trade going well from 23.22 entry. Will be fireworks if price above 20 MA crosses up 200 MA. KAPOW time if that sets up!
Live chart set-up link for that possible follow-through on $JUNO #freedomtrade https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JUNO/zvsFtKho-JUNO-Trade-25-32-Premarket-Swing-trade-going-well-23-22-entry/

April 20 – Trading 24.61. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 24.89. April 6 23.22 Long 500 start as SQZMOM turned green and MACD crossed up. Testing. Tight stop. 200 Day test on deck.
Mar 27 – No Change.
Mar 19 – No change.
Mar 12 – Member Alert! We will look at a re-entry on this when MACD turns back up!
Mar 12 – $JUNO Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 22 18.32. Closed Feb 15 23.88. 1000 Shares. + 5,560.00 P/L 31% gain.

Feb 21, 2017 – On Feb 16 we closed our position at 23.88.
Feb 12, 2017 – We have been long since late December at 18.32 (1000 shares) and it trades at 21.95 now – will be ratcheting up stops soon, the trade has done well but in the short term we don’t see a lot of upside for entries now, unless trade returns to the 50 day MA.
$JUNO Another Swing Trade Winner. Swing Trade Member Stock Pick is up 20%.

Feb 7, 2017 Member Update: $JUNO since my first entry mid December 2016 has consistently moved in an upward trend, and from that perspective has been a good stock pick. But it hasn’t been excellent like many of my other picks. It does have a gap fill coming soon so if you are long I would ratchet up your stops as you near 22.70 area.
$JUNO Live Chart Link: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/JUNO/W0WEYDQJ-JUNO-Swing-Trade-Member-Stock-Pick/

CombiMatrix Corp $CBMX
April 26 – Watching. Trading 5.05. Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Perfect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups
Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Pefect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups pic.twitter.com/WnOhLiG336
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
April 20 – Trading 4.90. Waiting on SQZMOM to turn green and MACD to turn up.
April 11 – Trading 5.30. There was a trade there when MACD and SQZMOM recently turned up. We didn’t take it. Watching.
Mar 27 – No Change
Mar 19 – No Change
Mar 12 – Member Alert! We will look at a re-entry on this when MACD turns back up!
Mar 12, 2017 – $CBMX Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 6 2.59. Closed Feb 22 5.01. 10000 Shares. + 24,200.00 P/L 93% gain.

Feb 22, 2017 – We closed our long positions in late trade and extended hours at 5.01 average.
Feb 21, 2017 – It is trading at 3.90 in premarket and recently as high as 4.23. Holding.
Feb 12, 2017 – This stock hasn’t slowed down since our entry at 2.59 (10000 shares) and doesn’t seem to want to return to the trendline support so our swing trade members can get in. It is trading perfectly in our prescribed range (albeit at the top) and closed at 3.90 on Friday – we have a 5.57 PT on it so I don’t if it is best to enter now – I wouldn’t unless it returns to the support line but some of the more aggressive swing trading members may want to consider it. Also, we will be ratcheting stops before earnings and even though earnings are expected to be strong we likely will not hold through earnings (or if we do it will be with tight stops).
$CBMX news – http://finance.yahoo.com/news/cbmx-expect-record-revenue-profit-140000918.html
$CBMX Swing Trade Stock Pick Doing Well up 50% Now.

My second priority is $CBMX. I am already in this swing and plan to enter in dips at the diagonal trend line (blue). Initial target area is around 5.57 with much greater potential upside. The Trump factor may cause this to come off a bit so my bias is toward late spring for first price target.

OakTree Capital $OAK
April 26 – Trading 46.55. Closed position yesterday 47.34 200 shares for small win. Earnings on deck and will watch.
April 20 – Trading 46.70. Hold per below.
April 11 – Trading 46.35. 45.59 Long small starter 200 shares when SQZMOM and MACD turned up – not really crazy positive about this trade so we have a tight stop on it. Earnings conference call on April 27th.
Mar 27 – No change.
Mar 19 – On high watch for MACD to turn up again.
Mar 12, 2017 – $OAK on swing trade high watch now. 200 MA may cross 50 MA. Watch MACD for turn up.

Mar 12, 2017 – $OAK Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Jan 3 37.80. Closed Feb 15 46.04. 1000 Shares. + 8240.00 P/L 21.8% gain. #swingtrading

Feb 21, 2017 – We closed our position last week at 46.04 because sentiment in this sector started to turn. We may look at a re-entry, however, we are waiting for the crude oil resistance test to play out and would like to monitor sentiment.
Feb 12, 2017 – This has been a fantastic swing trade and many of our members have profited from it. We are holding and have moved up stops to a 5% drop.
It is currently trading at 45.70 and is up considerably for our members – our 2017 price target was 49.58 and our short term price targets were easily met.
It is also currently trading just above its 200 MA so we are watching close – if it loses the 200 MA we will exit likely. So if you are thinking of adding or a long trade here you want to watch the 200 MA.
$OAK OakTree Capital Group Swing Trading Alert for Members has done well with 25% gains in 2017

Oaktree Capital Group, LLC (OAK) today announced that it will report fourth quarter and full year 2016 financial results prior to the opening of the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, February 7, 2017.
Was trading at 37.57 – 38.00 when we originally started to look at it, currently trades at 41.65.
42.71 – 43.50 is our short term swing target (less than 3 months).
Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! $OAK has met this swing trade target for our members – caution forward please!
49.58 is our 2017 target. No target date.
Our traders will be watching earnings (much like we did with Google last week and we will be doing with Amazon this week). Pending earnings and price action this will be when we enter a trade. Some of our swing traders have obviously seen decent gains since we first put this on our swing trading list a number of weeks back (good timing actually), but our traders have not taken a position yet.

Oaktree Capital Trading View Live Charting:
VanEck Vectors Russia ETF $RSX
April 26 – Trading 20.80. Watching. SQZMOM still red but almost ready and MACD just turning up now.
April 20 – Trading 19.79. Watching.
April 11 – Closed April 7 20.76. Syria issues more than anything caused us to close it. Will watch.
March 27 – Hold. Trading 20.95. Watching for 50 MA test. SQZMOM green. MACD turned up.
March 19 – The MACD did turn up and we opened a starter position long 19.94 1000 shares March 15, 2017.
March 12, 2017 – $RSX On high watch now. Price testing 200 MA, increasing volume, MACD may turn, 20 MA to cross 200 MA.

Feb 21, 2017 – Still monitoring – no position.
Feb 12, 2017 – Decided considering geo political sentiment that I will consider a long at 50 MA or a break to upside now.
Feb 7, 2017 Alert! Although this has done exceptionally well since my first entry late 2016 I am now out of my position and am awaiting a pull back to 100 day at minimum.
$RSX Swing Trade Stock Pick – Waiting for Test of 50 MA or break to upside.
$RSX Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/RSX/rjR7GATQ-RSX-Swing-Trade-Stock-Pick-Waiting-for-Test-of-50-MA-or-break/

BOFI Holdings $BOFI
April 26 – Trading 26.35. Watching close now.
April 20 – Trading 25.03. Bounced off 200 MA, about to test 20 MA. Waiting for SQZMOM to turn green. Earnings on deck also so likely wait for that to pass first.
April 11 – Trading 24.12. TESTING 200 Day! On high watch here for MACD and SQZMOM to turn up.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – $BOFI Waiting for MACD to turn up for another long entry.

Mar 12, 2017 – $BOFI Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 19 27.84. Closed Mar 10 29.90. 1000 Shares. + 2060.00 PL 7.4% gain.

Feb 21, 2017 – Watching.
Feb 12, 2017 – $BOFI Swing Trading Stock Pick After Dec Entry – Now Waiting for 200 MA PB test on 60 minute chart below or break out.
$BOFI Live Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/BOFI/krBzI22u-BOFI-Swing-Trading-Stock-Pick-After-26-18-Dec-Entry-Waiting-for/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Update! Here is another I have done well since my first entry late 2016 and I am now waiting for another pullback to at least the 50 day if not 100 day to add. Holding full position and expect a return of 6% approximately (from today’s price) in 2017. If I can get a pullback I will be very happy.

Sunoco Logistics Partners $SXL
April 26 – Trading 24.09. MACD looks to almost be there. Watching very close now.
April 20 – Trading 23.53. Watching.
April 11 – Trading 24.12. SQZMOM and MACD just turned up. 20 MA just below. Waiting – on on high watch here now!
Mar 27 – MACD starting to pinch. On watch for regaining 20 MA etc. Trading 24.10.
Mar 12, 2017 – $SXL Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Dec 16 23.25. Closed Mar 8 25.10. 1000 Shares. + 1850.00 P/L 7.95% gain.

Mar 7, 2017 – Holding Long.
Feb 21, 2017 – Watching the 200 MA – may add pending crude oil price action.
Feb 12, 2017 – $SXL Sunoco Swing Trading Stock Pick is Performing Excellent Since Late Dec Long Position and Jan addition to this list. We are currently waiting for a test of the 200 MA on the 60 day for an add to 1000 shares or a sell. Excellent trade so far.
$SXL Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SXL/Zxq4BCtJ-SXL-Sunoco-Swing-Trading-Stock-Pick-is-Performing-Excellent-Sin/
$SXL Sunoco Swing Trading Stock Pick is Performing Excellent Since Late Dec Long Position

US Silica Holdings $SLCA
April 26 – Trading 43.00 premarket. Watching for indicators and MA’s to start to line up.
April 20 – Trading 42.76. Closed flat 47.38 April 13. Watching. 200 MA lost.
April 11 – 47.38 Long April 6 200 share tester when MACD and SQZMOM turned up and it bounced off 200 MA. Always take a bounce off 200 MA with indicators that turn up unless there is some very compelling reason not to! Trading 50.07.
Mar 27 – Same.
Mar 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
Mar 12, 2017 – $SLCA On long position high alert watchlist for 200 MA to hold and MACD to turn up (will advise).

Mar 12, 2017 – $SLCA Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 8 55.77. Closed Feb 23 55.77. 500 Shares. +0.00 P/L 0% gain.

Mar 7, 2017 – We stopped out flat and are keeping it on watch list for now.
Feb 21, 2017 – Hold, managing stop. We like it, but it may stop out flat.
Feb 12, 2017 – We have our first entry in $SLCA at the 50 day 55.77 500 shares. We are going to watch how it handles the 20 MA. If it returns to our buy at 55.77 area we may cut bait.
$SCLA Live Trading Chart: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SLCA/kYwi9RAO-SLCA-Swing-Trade-Member-Stock-Pick-Entry-at-50-MA-long-for-a-t/

Feb 7, 2017 Member Alert! We never did get that pull back, and I appreciate the notes from members that have done well with this swing nonetheless! However, caution is warranted entering this play with-out a pull-back.
My fifth priority is $SLCA. Again, another simple chart and it will require some patience. I see a pull-back coming and huge upside under the Trump inertia in to summer. I am looking for a pull-back to the 50 day (yellow arrow) or the 100 day preferably (blue arrow). If it gets away on me I’ll likely chase it and scale in 1/5th at a time.

$EOG EOG Resources
April 26 – Trading 95.27. Watching.
April 20 – Trading 93.29. Watching.
April 11 – Trading 98.22. March 29 had solid bounce off 200 MA and MACD and SQZMOM turned up. We didn’t take trade but it was a solid set-up.
Mar 27 – Regained 200 MA )per previous) waiting for MACD, Stoch RSI, SQZMOM to turn up. High alert!
Mar 19 – MACD is pinching at bottom and about to turn up! On high alert!
Mar 12, 2017 – $EOG On high alert watchlist for swing trade. 200 MA test has held. Waiting for MACD to turn up.

Mar 12, 2017 – $EOG Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Feb 12 98.77. Closed Feb 17 98.77. 300 Shares. +0.00 P/L 0% gain. #swingtrading

Feb 21, 2017 – Stopped flat. Keeping on watch.
Feb 12, 2017 – New Entry! $EOG Resources Long entry 98.77 at 100 MA 300 shares starter. Swing Trade Stock Pick. If it fails at our entry price we will exit and re-evaluate.
$EOG Resources Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/EOG/5pnQP44r-EOG-Resources-Long-entry-98-77-at-100-MA-Swing-Trade-Stock-Pic/

$GREK Global Greece ETF
April 26 – Trading 8.47. All indicators up and ready and price got a pop. But I want to wait on confirmation. Maybe some back tests to MA’s. Unless a true break out continues here.
April 20 – Trading 7.98. Closed 8.14 1500 shares April 12 when Stoch RSI turned down. Waiting on indicators MACD and Stoch RSI now.
April 11 – March 27 Long 7.91 1500 share long when MACD turned up. Trading 8.15 and tight stop. Watching close. May close on next downturn and re-enter. Interesting.
March 27 – Same. Watching.
March 19 – Same status as Mar 12.
March 12, 2017 – On high alert watchlist now – MACD about to pinch. Watching for MACD turn up.
Feb 21, 2017 – Watching.
$TRCH Torchlight Energy
April 26 – Trading 1.53 Holding.
April 20 – Trading 1.54 Holding.
April 11 – $TRCH Interesting premarket here also. Holding from 1.50 so not underwater now but #oil is getting really close to a YUGE wall Setting stop at entry likely.
March 27 – Same. Hold. Will add at bottom of MACD turn and other indicators turn.
March 19 – Trading 1.41 holding.
Mar 12, 2017 – Holding position. MACD turned down and will add when MACD turns up. Holding 2000 at 1.50 trading at 1.36. Near the stop loss area but for myself this is a conviction trade based on Trump and this specific company. It is also a relatively small position.

Mar 7 2017 – Holding.
Feb 21, 2017 – Holding, watching for possible add.

$NG Nova Gold
April 20 – Same.
April 11 – Trading 4.88 watching indicators for life.
March 12, 2017 – $NG Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review. Long Jan 12 5.14. Closed Feb 27 5.81. 2000 Shares. +1340.00 PL 13% gain.

March 7, 2017 – We figured in our last report we may close. Feb 27, 2017 we closed for 5.81.
Feb 21, 2017 – Hold, watching, may close position.
Feb 7, 2017 – $NG Nova Gold Swing trade members are pleased with stock pick 5.14 buy alert trade up to 6.21 (22% gain) at 5.98 now.
$NG NovaGold Live Chart – https://www.tradingview.com/chart/NG/7sroM8Ai-NG-Nova-Gold-Swing-trade-members-are-pleased-with-stock-pick-5/

The first swing of 2017 I will be entering (likely today) is NovaGold. First target is 6.46 area and second target is 7.30 area. It is currently trading at 5.10. It’s full extension is over 8.50.

Email or DM me on Twitter anytime with thoughts or questions!
Article Topics; Compound Trading, Swing, Trading, Stock, Picks, $CELG, $LITE, $CALA, $SBUX, $XRT, $EXP, $FIT, $NE, $VFC, $ASM, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $JUNO, $CBMX, $OAK, $RSX, $BOFI, $SXL, $SLCS, $EOG, $NG, $TRCH, $GREK
PreMarket Trading Plan Fri Apr 28 $SLV, $USLV, $AMLH, $RTIX, $BLMN, $SNAP, $JUNO, $GREK, $UAA
Compound Trading Chat Room Stock Trading Plan and Watchlist for Friday April 28, 2017; $SLV, $USLV, $AMLH, $RTIX, $BLMN, $SNAP, $JUNO, $GREK, $UAA – $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI, $LIGA – Gold $GLD, Gold Miners $GDX, Silver $SLV, Oil $USOIL $WTI, Natural Gas, US Dollar Index $USD/JPY $DXY, S&P 500 $SPY, Volatility $VIX… more.
Welcome to the morning Wall Street trading day session at Compound Trading!
Notes in red text below are new comments entered specifically today.
Last week Thursday, Friday and Monday post market reports will be out soon (we’re a little behind with processing reports).
Today’s Live Trading Room Link: https://compoundtrading.clickmeeting.com/livetrading
I just might take another crack at 2 week double my account trading challenge ?Live in room recorded ? Slay that dragon finally?? #trading
I just might take another crack at 2 week double my account trading challenge 🎯Live in room recorded 🎥 Slay that dragon finally🔥😲 #trading
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Most recent lead trader blog posts:
Now I’m Inspired! My Guarantee to Struggling Traders (and Yours). Part 3 “Freedom Traders” Series.
The Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review P/L. The Algorithms Quarterly Performance Reports are being compiled as I write and will be posted soon.
Most recent Keep it Simple Swing trade Charting (MACD, MA, Stoch RSI, SQZMOM focus):
Most recent Market Open Momentum Stock Trades Video (most recent available to public – there may be others in member’s newsletters):
Most recent Mid Day Chart Set-Up Review Video (most recent available to public – there may be others in member’s newsletters):
Midday Chart Setup Review: $USOIL $WTI $SPY #GOLD $GDX $DXY $MSL $CVI
Trading Plan (Buy, Hold, Sell) and Watchlists:
Morning momentum stocks on watch so far: End of month flows today…watch your stops!
Markets: $SPY $ES_F $SPX mid range floating, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV are getting a bump in overnight trade. $USOIL, $WTIC is getting a bit of a bump like I expected in yesterday’s report but it is still under significant pressure and continues in a downward channel. $DXY under continued pressure as is $VIX.
Our futures
Our futures pic.twitter.com/0W8N7jaULQ
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Commodities pic.twitter.com/qPSFpAx7R1
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Active OTC on watch: $PVCT and $LIGA (I hold),$AMLH vol picking back up and EOD action Thursday was awesome and it has filings on top of that near close could get explosive again. and $BLDV $UPZS $OPMZ $MMEX $AMLH $ACOL $BVTK $USRM $ORRV $JAMN $PFSD
$AMLH Premarket. Closed strong yesterday and recent filings. OTC #trading
$AMLH Premarket. Closed strong yesterday and recent filings. OTC #trading pic.twitter.com/fo1Jjhtddj
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Gaps to Watch: $UAA – major down pressure with upside gap to fill.
Stocks with News: $BMRN
SEC Filings to Watch: NASDAQ | SEC Filing $RXII “not less than 1-for-2 and not greater than 1-for-40,” http://secfilings.nasdaq.com/filingFrameset.asp?FilingID=12019637&RcvdDate=4/27/2017&CoName=RXI%20PHARMACEUTICALS%20CORP&FormType=DEFA14A&View=html …
Short Term Trader’s Edge: #SILVER $SLV $USLV Silver I am thinking runs in to early next week.
Holds: Most holds are small to mid size holds in this order according to sizing: $ONTX, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI, $LIGA, $PVCT
Various Chart Set-ups on Watch: $UNP, $LL, $MACK, $AGN, $CRM, $BRE, $RARE
Break-out Chart Set-Ups: $YNDX Buy on dips, $SSW has a resistance break-out, $HF, $CRY, $NOK.
Moving Averages Chart Set-Ups: $RTIX, $BLMN, $SNAP, $JUNO, $GREK, $UAA (20 MA about to cross up 50 MA)
$UAA Interesting Chart Set-up. #premarket #trading pic.twitter.com/dol8A90z4w
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Midday Chart Setups – Basic Algorithmic Modeling (a sneak peak of our lab work): $AKBA $JUNO $GREK https://t.co/rzvoZaUobZ #fintech #models
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$JUNO 200 MA swoooping down and 20 MA may punch thru with price above and it's beach time. #freedomtraders #swingtrading #charts pic.twitter.com/il41bnGac0
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$RTIX 20 MA thru 200 MA on daily bullish SQZMOM green MACD cross. From member homework. @CampingHiking1 #FreedoTraders Great Work! #trading pic.twitter.com/HEaUXBjena
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
Market Outlook :
S&P 500 – Failure at the swing (RSI), if they go after 2400 today – 401K distribution Monday, Apple buy backs on Tues and Wed. Fed decision.
Per recent reports:
There are significant resistance clusters above recent highs in oil and the S&P so I will be very cautious to upside going forward until recent highs are taken out and confirmed. I see significant upside challenges in Oil and SPY with most recent highs being taken out.
Market News and Social Bits From Around the Internet:
Chicago PMI
Consumer Sentiment
BHI Rig #
Fed Brainard Speaks
Fed Harker Speaks
Royal Caribbean’s stock climbs 1% premarket after Q1 results
Ford’s stock gains premarket as recalls ding earnings that still beat fo.. Related Articles: http://bit.ly/2pFUCqW
ExxonMobil shares up 1.1% premarket
Exxon Mobil beats by $0.08, misses on revenue https://seekingalpha.com/news/3261234-exxon-mobil-beats-0_08-misses-revenue?source=twitter_sa_factset … #premarket $XOM
$WDC – Wells Fargo downgrades Western Digital (NASDAQ:WDC) from Outperform to Market Perform.
$BMRN receives FDA approval,
Qualcomm -4% on Apple-related profit warning https://seekingalpha.com/news/3261214-qualcomm-minus-4-percent-apple-related-profit-warning?source=feed_f … #premarket $QCOM
$SBUX down 5% #premarket
Oof. Time Inc. says it isn’t for sale. Many thought it would be bought. $TIME plunges 20% #premarket.
Ouch! Qualcomm cuts Q3 fiscal guidance as Apple holds back royalties – http://cnbc.com/id/104427517
Ouch! Qualcomm cuts Q3 fiscal guidance as Apple holds back royalties – https://t.co/L98mlAopN1
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
$GM ?? +2.35% 41.2B vs 40.752B Est. 1.72 adj vs. 1.48 #premarket #earnings
$GM 🔥🎯 +2.35% 41.2B vs 40.752B Est. 1.72 adj vs. 1.48 #premarket #earnings
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Premarket: Global stocks pause near record highs on Trump policies http://trib.al/omB6HJj From @GlobeInvestor
Premarket: Global stocks pause near record highs on Trump policies https://t.co/zMstY9LRcI From @GlobeInvestor
— The Globe and Mail (@globeandmail) April 28, 2017
-GDP day
-Trump’s North Korea warning
-Britain unites EU
-Markets flat
-Oil earnings due
-GDP day
-Trump's North Korea warning
-Britain unites EU
-Markets flat
-Oil earnings duehttps://t.co/NzWHJNsPQG pic.twitter.com/BExJMjWYc4— Bloomberg Markets (@markets) April 28, 2017
If you are new to our trading service you should review recent blog posts, the Compound Trading YouTube Channel and at minimum our algorithm Twitter feeds because they do tell a story in terms of the market and how the inflections of the market determine our day to day trading. You will notice the algorithmic modelling has been undeniably accurate with many time-frames (intra-day, weeks and months out) so I myself have learned to respect their math (they have taken me from a 60% hit rate to 80% in my trading – all publicly posted live trades).
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here:$WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index). Our Swing Trading Twitter feed is found here: https://twitter.com/swingtrading_ct. Our lead trader Twitter feed is here @curtmelonopoly and lead tech developer @hundalSHS.
Momentum Stocks (Market Open and Intra-Day):
I do trade morning momo stocks, but I do avoid risk – so often I avoid the first 30 minutes (gap and go) and trade momentum stocks later in the day after the wash-out looking for a snap-back. Just prior to open and shortly after open I post momentum stocks to the trade chat room (and Twitter and Stocktwits if I have time).
Some of my Favorite Intra-day Trading Set-Ups:
(1) Momentum Stock Wash-Outs for Snap Back, (2) Bad News Wash-outs on Stocks with High Institutional Ownership, (3) Getting on the Right Side of a Trend Change and scaling in my position and (4) Our Algorithm Set-Ups.
The momentum stocks (from previous days and morning trade) I continue to watch through the day for indicators that allow a trade.
Morning Stock Watch-Lists for my Favorite Set-Ups:
(1) Pre-Market Gainers Watch-List : $WDC, $SWN, $GOOGL, $MTL $GOOG $SPH $UBS $AMZN $RBS $CNHI $JNUG $MT $GM $SAN $NUGT $VALE $MU $RIO $RIG I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(2) Pre-market Decliners Watch-List: $BIDU $ATHN $GIMO $SBUX $JDST $QCOM $SYF $FCEL $TIME $STAY $DUST $SNCR $SWKS $EXPE $DWT I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(3) Other Watch-List:
(4) Regular Algo Charting Watch-List: Gold $GC_F $GLD, Miners $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG), Silver $SLV $SI_F ($USLV, $DSLV), Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT), Natural Gas $NG_F ($UGAZ, $DGAZ), S & P 500 $SPY $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS), US Dollar Index $DXY ($UUP), Volatility $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)
(5) Upgrades: $CHKP $IVC $BOKF $LPLA $ALGN $WDC $URI $SAM as time allows I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(6) Downgrades: $GWB $AOS $AAWW $BMS $AMZN $EFX $GIMO $MMLP $ALLE $CHDN $ZBH $TEX $COLM $EXPE $AVT $ENTG $X as time allows I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
Stay tuned in Stock Chat Room for more pre-market stocks on watch.
For new readers, a review of our unlocked posts on our blog would help you get in to the story we are following with the securities listed in this newsletter.
Free scanners to find momentum stocks that you can easily review charts of for indicators that bring probability of your trade being successful up considerably. These are not useful for first 30 minute market open gap and go type plays (you need a good momentum scanner, level 2, and best to have hot-keys for the first 30 mins of gap and go trading)… but are very useful for intra day scalping and swing trading (start with trending stocks and then look at indicators intra for simple set-ups – study scan study scan study scan).
Article Topics: $SLV, $USLV, $AMLH, $RTIX, $BLMN, $SNAP, $JUNO, $GREK, $UAA – $PVCT, $LIGA, $MGTI, $ONTX, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Stockmarket, Pre-Market, Trading Plan, Wall Street, Stocks, Day-trading, Watchlist, Chatroom, $GLD, $GOLD, $SILVER, $USD/JPY, $USOIL, $WTI, $VIX, $SPY, $NATGASUSD
Post-Market Thurs Apr 27 $MTBC, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $SNAP, $JUNO, $GREK
Compound Trading Thursday April 27, 2017 Review of; Chat Room Stock Day Trading, Swing Trading, Algorithm Chart Trading and Live Stock Alerts. $MTBC, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $SNAP, $JUNO, $GREK – $PVCT, $LIGA, $ONTX, $ASM, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI etc …
Compound Trading is a trading group active in day trading, swing trading and algorithmic model charting (black box).
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat not applicable is deleted from transcript below but raw video footage is as it occurred – uncut). Chat trade room is recorded daily for trade archive (embedded below and available on our YouTube channel).
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators we are looking for in and out off each trade. Typically at market open and for chart review during lunch hour at minimum) and has live chart screen sharing right from our monitors. At times guest traders and associate traders will screen share charting and/or voice broadcast.
Most recent lead trader blog posts:
I just might take another crack at 2 week double my account trading challenge ?Live in room recorded ? Slay that dragon finally?? #trading
I just might take another crack at 2 week double my account trading challenge 🎯Live in room recorded 🎥 Slay that dragon finally🔥😲 #trading
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Now I’m Inspired! My Guarantee to Struggling Traders (and Yours). Part 3 “Freedom Traders” Series.
Last market trading session Post Market Stock Trading Results can be found here: (Last Thurs, Fri, and Mon are coming – likely won’t have them caught up and published until this weekend when time allows).
Premarket Trading Plan Watch-list for this session can be found here (locked to respect members and unlocked to public about a week later for transparency):
Most recent Premarket Chart Set-Up Video (most recent available to public – there may be other exclusive’s in member newsletters):
#Premarket Chart Setup Review: $BLMN $SNAP $RTW $JUNO $GREK $CLWT $SSKN
Most recent Market Open Momentum Stock Trades Video (most recent available to public – there may be others in member’s newsletters):
Most recent Mid Day Chart Set-Up Review Video (most recent available to public – there may be others in member’s newsletters):
Midday Chart Setup Review: $USOIL $WTI $SPY #GOLD $GDX $DXY $MSL $CVI
Most Recent Public Swing Trading Simple Charting can be found here: Swing Trading Simple Charts (Public) Apr 16 $SPY, $VIX, $USOIL $WTIC, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV, $DXY, $USDJPY, #GOLD, #SILVER
Premarket Session:
Strap in! Premarket chart set-up member review in trading room 9:00! Charts. Live voice broadcast. https://compoundtrading.com #freedomtraders
Strap in! Premarket chart set-up member review in trading room 9:00! Charts. Live voice broadcast. https://t.co/d1TrWCgBiP #freedomtraders
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
Premarket Leader Board: $CLWT $SSKN $MDGS $EXAS $NAKD $UCTT $CLRB $WTW
Premarket Leader Board: $CLWT $SSKN $MDGS $EXAS $NAKD $UCTT $CLRB $WTW
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
Market Day, Chat Room Trades and Personal Trades:
Large play underway in $MTBC here – in it to win it. Rounding 2nd base now.
Large play underway in $MTBC here – in it to win it. Rounding 2nd base now.
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
Took a few papercuts in $MTBC day trades today. #riskmanagement #sizing #trading
Took a few papercuts in $MTBC day trades today. #riskmanagement #sizing #trading
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
Next two quarters I’ll be shorting $SBIX in to earnings heavy.
$SBUX -4.44% after hours #earnings
$SBUX -4.44% after hours #earnings https://t.co/qEnx0H5XMm
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
Winner winner chicken dinner!
$AMZN Up 3.77% after hours ?
$AMZN Up 3.77% after hours 🔥 https://t.co/K6BsbZ5jau
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
$GOOGL up 4.44% after hours #earnings #swingtrading
$GOOGL up 4.44% after hours #earnings #swingtrading https://t.co/PLt3Wi3yjA
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017

Didn’t swing trade Intel into earnings $INTC -3.95% on #earnings. Didn’t swing trade Microsoft either $MSFT -1.59% after hours.
Didn't swing trade Intel into earnings $INTC -3.95% on #earnings. Didn't swing trade Microsoft either $MSFT -1.59% after hours.
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
Solid swing machine calls pre-earnings by @curtmelonopoly on $GOOGL & $AMZN #Forecasting #Traders #playmakers
Solid swing machine calls pre-earnings by @curtmelonopoly on $GOOGL & $AMZN #Forecasting #Traders #playmakers
— ETrader (@WallStreeTopGun) April 28, 2017
Learning How-to Trade Stocks, Chart Set-Ups, Lessons and Educational:
Chart set ups reviewed. Midday Chart Setup Review: $USOIL $WTI $SPY #GOLD $GDX $DXY $MSL $CVI $PVCT $BLMN $SNAP $JUNO $GREK: #swingtrade
Chart set ups reviewed. Midday Chart Setup Review: $USOIL $WTI $SPY #GOLD $GDX $DXY $MSL $CVI $PVCT $BLMN $SNAP $JUNO $GREK: #swingtrade https://t.co/N6i78RbMFF
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Pefect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups
Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Pefect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups pic.twitter.com/WnOhLiG336
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
Looking for a trading home? What you can expect from our lead trader. https://compoundtrading.com/lead-trader/ #trading #mentoring #freedomtraders
A winner was once a dreamer who never gave up
A winner was once a dreamer who never gave up
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
Solid piece $STUDY Moving averages. #trading ?⤵
Solid piece $STUDY Moving averages. #trading 💯⤵ https://t.co/Yw3fUYiEqC
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Members: You can’t get to the beach and drink those cocktails if you don’t have a plan. Lets see those charts and trading plans! $STUDY
Members: You can't get to the beach and drink those cocktails if you don't have a plan. Lets see those charts and trading plans! $STUDY
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 28, 2017
Stocks, ETN’s, ETF’s I am holding:
I am holding (in order of sizing – all moderately small size) – $ONTX, $ASM, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI, $LIGA (this is the daytrading portfolio and does not represent swing trading service portfolio): Looking at moving out of all these small positions over the next month or so.
Note-able Momentum Stocks Today (via FinViz):
Ticker | Last | Change | Volume | ![]() |
Signal |
MTBC | 1.55 | 27.05% | 27392313 | Top Gainers | |
EXAS | 30.14 | 26.64% | 15949835 | Top Gainers | |
GRUB | 42.92 | 22.56% | 13353100 | Top Gainers | |
OPHC | 2.80 | 21.21% | 35600 | Top Gainers | |
LMAT | 31.86 | 20.77% | 572184 | Top Gainers | |
CDXC | 2.96 | 18.40% | 3020200 | Top Gainers | |
EXAS | 30.14 | 26.64% | 15949835 | New High | |
LMAT | 31.86 | 20.77% | 572184 | New High | |
CHE | 204.99 | 7.86% | 249300 | New High | |
UCTT | 19.80 | 13.08% | 3062600 | New High | |
PPC | 26.07 | 0.66% | 861700 | Overbought | |
HNR | 6.96 | -0.43% | 69000 | Overbought | |
MTBC | 1.55 | 27.05% | 27392313 | Unusual Volume | |
IFON | 0.63 | 34.04% | 6519133 | Unusual Volume | |
CLWT | 3.13 | -13.52% | 371826 | Unusual Volume | |
SNCR | 13.29 | -46.02% | 27208900 | Unusual Volume | |
AXP | 80.33 | -0.24% | 2891900 | Upgrades | |
AAL | 43.98 | -5.22% | 18971300 | Earnings Before | |
PLSE | 24.47 | 0.12% | 314100 | Insider Buying |
Algorithm Charting News:
Don’t miss this video. #algorithms #fibonacci
The Charting Algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Swing Trading Notes / News:
$JUNO Trade 25.32 Premarket. Swing trade going well 23.22 entry. Fireworks if price above 20 MA cross up 200 MA. KAPOW! #freedomtrade #setup
$JUNO Trade 25.32 Premarket. Swing trade going well 23.22 entry. Fireworks if price above 20 MA cross up 200 MA. KAPOW! #freedomtrade #setup pic.twitter.com/vJSqCA9hej
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$AMZN Premarket trading 907.04. Swing trade going well. In at 822.74. Stoch RSI revved, MACD mid flat, SQZMOM green. #swingtrading
$AMZN Premarket trading 907.04. Swing trade going well. In at 822.74. Stoch RSI revved, MACD mid flat, SQZMOM green. #swingtrading pic.twitter.com/bizEktrmDX
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$GOOGL 879.00. Long 859.01 when MACD turn up SQZMOM turn green 20 MA punch thru 50 MA w price above? Wow what a champ move. #swingtrading
$GOOGL 879.00. Long 859.01 when MACD turn up SQZMOM turn green 20 MA punch thru 50 MA w price above? Wow what a champ move. #swingtrading pic.twitter.com/ln2HGJutt0
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 25, 2017
$EXP Small test long at MACD turn up 95.90 April 21. Above 200 MA, SQZMOM may turn green 50 and 20 above price. #swingtrading
$EXP Small test long at MACD turn up 95.90 April 21. Above 200 MA, SQZMOM may turn green 50 and 20 above price. #swingtrading pic.twitter.com/u4WR0ivWNf
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 25, 2017
$XRT Trade going well. Long 41.67 Apr 10. Holding on MACD trend & SQZMOM trend. Short term Stoch RSI may come off. 200 MA test #swingtrading
$XRT Trade going well. Long 41.67 Apr 10. Holding on MACD trend & SQZMOM trend. Short term Stoch RSI may come off. 200 MA test #swingtrading pic.twitter.com/OHoGDqgEIX
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 25, 2017
The Swing Trading Twitter feed is here: https://twitter.com/swingtrading_ct.
US Dollar $DXY $USDJPY $UUP & Currencies of Note:
Gold $GLD, $XAUUSD, $GC_F :
Gold Miner’s $GDX:
Silver $SLV:
Crude Oil $USOIL $WTI:
XLE – Death Cross – Oil related stocks – OPEC Liar’s Club??
Seasonality. Crude oil. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #Crude #Oil
Seasonality. Crude oil. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #Crude #Oil https://t.co/ct6jIXfsM6
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 14, 2017
Volatility $VIX:
$SPY S&P 500 / $SPX:
One of the prettier charts is tech relative to #SPX. Perspective on how long tech has based. Plenty of room to run.
One of the prettier charts is tech relative to #SPX. Perspective on how long tech has based. Plenty of room to run. https://t.co/zYGm08ui3c pic.twitter.com/GEtlGoJ9Bw
— Ryan Detrick, CMT (@RyanDetrick) April 27, 2017
$NG_F Natural Gas:
Markets Looking Forward:
Live Trading Chat Room Video Raw Footage and Transcript:
Two Part video (Part 1 embed is below and go to Compound Trading Youtube channel for Part 2 of live feed from day and other charting from the day)
Compound Trading Stock Chat-room Transcript:
Please note: Miscellaneous chatter removed from transcript and some discussions I will add notes with information I’ve gleaned in discussions online with traders on DM etc also for further explanation (noted with *). Most days at 9:30 ET market open there is moderator live broadcast explaining trades and at times during the day there is also live broadcast market updates and trade set-up explanations (so you have to scroll through video feed to market open etc to catch live broadcast portions – in future we will note in in transcript when we are on the mic so viewers can correlate time with transcript with video feed when reviewing trades).
Note: We are testing a new trading room. This particular room does not list a time stamp with each chat entry – we are working on a fix. Also, please note, sometimes pieces of the transcript are missing (also something we are working on). But the video is raw and complete.
Curt M: Protected: PreMarket Trading Plan Thurs Apr 27 $MDGS, $UA, $ONTX, $PVCT, $BLMN, $SNAP, $RTW, $JUNO, $GREK LINK: https://compoundtrading.com/premarket-trading-plan-thurs-apr-27-mdgs-ua-ontx-pvct-blmn-snap-rtw-juno-grek/PASSWORD: 042717PREToday’s Live Trading Room Link: https://compoundtrading.clickmeeting.com/livetrading
Curt M: On mic 9″05 for premarket review >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Hedgehog Trader: morning!
Sartaj: Hi
Curt M: Chart Set-Ups on Watch: $BLMN, $SNAP, $RTW, $JUNO, $GREK
gary y: good morning
Sandra: gm
Sartaj: Greetings, Gary
Spiegel not Speegell: Good morning everyone
Sartaj: Funny name
Spiegel not Speegell: thanks!
Spiegel not Speegell: Hot junky penny stock yesterday and possibly today is AMLH
mat: Ag, silver miner. I like the set up should metals get another leg higher here
mat: The miners have acted so horribly. They play catch up sooner or later IMO. Targets based off of prior moves in 11.5 or 13’s from low 8’s currently
Curt M: Back for open>>>>>>>>>
Curt M: in 1 min sorry sartaj lol
Spiegel not Speegell: can’t wait to see that
Spiegel not Speegell: CYOU 52 week breakout
Spiegel not Speegell: when doing those challenges what % of account do you bet on each trade?
Hedgehog Trader: do you like TWTR? i think it’s a nice contrarian play and chart looking better and better
Hedgehog Trader: 11% short interest on TWTR
mat: PLaying some UWT against the oil lows here. Think we get some lift here
Curt M: Long $CCCR 2.40 2000 test
Spiegel not Speegell: What do I click on in tradingview to get those lists of top gainers?
Spiegel not Speegell: thanks
Leanne: that would be EPIC to watch
Spiegel not Speegell: looking forward to that 2 week challenge
Spiegel not Speegell: will you be offering a service where epic picks the stocks?
Hedgehog Trader: $SINO perky
Spiegel not Speegell: aren’t all those upper wicks a bad sign?
Leanne: $CMO if you get a chance, the 20 crossed the 200, price is above MACD and RSI are up
Spiegel not Speegell: So basically just buy the first retrace of stock that has gone up a lot.
Spiegel not Speegell: mtbc
Curt M: Watching $MTBC VERY CLOSE NOW for 2.00 Break!!!
Curt M: On mic>>>>>>>
Curt M: 2.20 10000 shares legging in checking fill tight stop
Curt M: 2.018 sorry
Curt M: 10000 add 2.106 $MTBC
Curt M: Stop 1.95 set
Curt M: Stop 2.01 set
Curt M: Off mic stop set 2.01 and alarm at 2.24 cya in 30 mins
Curt M: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Curt M: Stopped 2.01 – will re look after lunch $MTBC
Curt M: Sartaj you tell Spiegel about yesterday mid day video?
Sartaj: Totally forgot, I’ll send him the link now
Curt M: Thanks
Curt M: Ya I forgot till now too
Curt M: On mic in 3 mins for mid day review>>>>>>>>>>
Curt M: Sartaj text me if that fellow from yesterday comes in for review if you woudn’t mind pls thx
Sartaj: Sure thing
Curt M: On mic for chart set up review >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
mat: looked to me like saudi/yellen buying down in the low 48’s earlier
Spiegel not Speegell: There’s a program you can download at download.com called Advanced System Care. When you download it at the top right of your screen there’s a RAM cleaner that releases all the excess RAM so your system and the chart lag can be cleared up.
Spiegel not Speegell: So will gold have it’s own 24 hour EPIC trade room and maybe forex too?
Sartaj: So keep in mind, since you mentioned it a bit earlier, each equity has its own algorithm. EPIC is specific to oil, and ROSIE is the one specific to gold. Right now, we don’t have plans for 24-hour gold trading room until oik’s is rolled out
Spiegel not Speegell: thanks Sartaj
Sartaj: No problem. Likewise, we don’t use EPIC or any of the other algorithms to target stock picks (e.g. low float, OTC, etc.)
Sartaj: But that video I sent does give you an idea of the disciplines that are used to generate those models
Spiegel not Speegell: Will you guys be selling wheelbarrows to hold all the money we’ll make trading oil?
Sartaj: so while we don’t focus so much on writing scanner scripts and such at the moment, the basis for the modeling is the same
Sartaj: Haha
Spiegel not Speegell: When the market eventually starts a downtrend, since you don’t short would you be looking to trade the bearish 2X or 3X ETF’s or is there always something to buy?
Leanne: what! no hot cars and trading on the beach with half naked women around you
Sartaj: $36 for the month, Spiegel haha
Spiegel not Speegell: Of course that return assumes no war with North Korea
Leanne: Thanks Curtis
Spiegel not Speegell: see ya!
Curt M: Off mic – tomorrow we’ll run thru list of this chart set up and then next week on to next (likely a trading challenge to double account in 2 weeks)>>>>>>
Curt M: you bet
lenny: thanks
Curt M: Back in 20 mins for afternoon session>>>>>>>>>>>
Leanne: I’ll be back tmr. Off to a fiedltrip to see honey bees with a big group of 5 year olds
Sartaj: The senator has left the building
Sartaj: Won’t say which one it was
Sartaj: Comes in here like clockwork for the midday reviews
Curt M: interesting
Hedgehog Trader: Curt one to watch – fwiw my signals show we could see ESEA bump up tomorrow
Curt M: That would be nice – I hold a small position.
David: $wstc POPPIN
Hedgehog Trader: Curtis just let me know his internet went down
Hedgehog Trader: the room will be online when the backup kicks in
If this post was of benefit to you, be kind and share on social media!
No matter what knocks you down in life, get back up and keep going. Never give up. Great blessings are a result of great perseverance
Follow our lead trader on Twitter:
Article Topics: $MTBC, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $SNAP, $JUNO, $GREK – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Compound Trading, Learning, How To, Trade, Trading, Educational, Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD, $GDX, $USOIL, $WTIC, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $DXY, $VIX, $GC_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, S&P 500
PreMarket Trading Plan Thurs Apr 27 $MDGS, $UA, $ONTX, $PVCT, $BLMN, $SNAP, $RTW, $JUNO, $GREK
Compound Trading Chat Room Stock Trading Plan for Thursday April 27, 2017; $MDGS, $UA. $ONTX, $PVCT, $BLMN, $SNAP, $RTW, $JUNO, $GREK – $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI – Gold $GLD, Gold Miners $GDX, Silver $SLV, Oil $USOIL $WTI, Natural Gas, US Dollar Index $USD/JPY $DXY, S&P 500 $SPY, Volatility $VIX… more.
Welcome to the morning Wall Street trading day session at Compound Trading!
Notes in red text below are new comments entered specifically today.
Thursday, Friday and Monday post market reports will be out soon (we’re a little behind with processing reports).
Today’s Live Trading Room Link: https://compoundtrading.clickmeeting.com/livetrading
Most recent lead trader blog posts:
Now I’m Inspired! My Guarantee to Struggling Traders (and Yours). Part 3 “Freedom Traders” Series.
The Quarterly Swing Trading Performance Review P/L. The Algorithms Quarterly Performance Reports are being compiled as I write and will be posted soon.
Most recent Keep it Simple Swing trade Charting (MACD, MA, Stoch RSI, SQZMOM focus):
Most recent Premarket Chart Set-Up Video (most recent available to public – there may be other exclusive’s in member newsletters):
#Premarket Chart Setups and Watchlist: $TWTR $AKBA $EW $LOGI:
Most recent Market Open Momentum Stock Trades Video (most recent available to public – there may be others in member’s newsletters):
Morning Momentum Setups: $ESSI $ETBI $AKBA $TWTR $LOGI $CETV:
Market Opening: $AKBA $TWTR $ESSI $EW $X:
Trading Plan (Buy, Hold, Sell):
Morning momentum stocks on watch so far: $CLWT, $UA, $DRYS, $UCTT, $APTO
Markets: $SPY $ES_F $SPX testing significant support, $GLD, $GDX are both under continued pressure BUT the Trump tax plan announcement and some other geo scenarios have given them some life. And of course Silver isn’t in the best of shape but will trade somewhat different than Gold. $USOIL, $WTIC tanked like EPIC said it would so we’ll see what range it gets next here – could get a short term pop but it is trending in a downward channel. $DXY under continued pressure as is $VIX.
OTC on watch: $PVCT and $LIGA (I hold) and $BLDV $UPZS $OPMZ $MMEX $AMLH $ACOL $BVTK $USRM
News on these plays: $MDGS, $SSKN
Holds: Most holds are small to mid size holds in this order according to sizing: $ONTX, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI, $LIGA, $PVCT
Chart Set-Ups on Watch: $BLMN, $SNAP, $RTW, $JUNO, $GREK
Midday Chart Setups – Basic Algorithmic Modeling (a sneak peak of our lab work): $AKBA $JUNO $GREK https://t.co/rzvoZaUobZ #fintech #models
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$JUNO 200 MA swoooping down and 20 MA may punch thru with price above and it's beach time. #freedomtraders #swingtrading #charts pic.twitter.com/il41bnGac0
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$RTIX 20 MA thru 200 MA on daily bullish SQZMOM green MACD cross. From member homework. @CampingHiking1 #FreedoTraders Great Work! #trading pic.twitter.com/HEaUXBjena
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
Market Outlook :
S&P +0.12%.
10-yr -0.04%.
Euro -0.16% vs. dollar.
Crude -2.22% to $48.52.
Gold +0.11% to $1,265.53.
-Durable Goods
-Int Trade in Goods
-Jobless Claims
Home Sales
NatGas #’s
KC Fed Mftg Index
Farm Prices
Per recent reports:
There are significant resistance clusters above recent highs in oil and the S&P so I will be very cautious to upside going forward until recent highs are taken out and confirmed. I see significant upside challenges in Oil and SPY with most recent highs being taken out.
Market News and Social Bits From Around the Internet:
$SSKN – STRATA Skin Sciences Sees FY17 Sales of Nordlys Hybrid System, Accessories $4M-$4.5M, Contributing $500K-$600K in Adj. EBITDA
$MDGS – First Ten MUSE(TM) Procedures for GERD Performed in China as Part of CFDA Multi-Center Clinical Study
$ONTX Laidlaw starts at Buy $10pt
Under Armour shares surge some 10% premarket after upbeat earnings
If you are new to our trading service you should review recent blog posts, our YouTube Channel and at minimum our algorithm Twitter feeds because they do tell a story in terms of the market and how the inflections of the market determine our day to day trading. You will notice the algorithmic modelling has been undeniably accurate with many time-frames (intra-day, weeks and months out) so I myself have learned to respect their math (they have taken me from a 60% hit rate to 80% in my trading – all publicly posted live trades).
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here:$WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index). Our Swing Trading Twitter feed is found here: https://twitter.com/swingtrading_ct. Our lead trader Twitter feed is here @curtmelonopoly and lead tech developer @hundalSHS.
Momentum Stocks (Market Open and Intra-Day):
I do trade morning momo stocks, but I do avoid risk – so often I avoid the first 30 minutes (gap and go) and trade momentum stocks later in the day after the wash-out looking for a snap-back. Just prior to open and shortly after open I post momentum stocks to the trade chat room (and Twitter and Stocktwits if I have time).
Some of my Favorite Intra-day Trading Set-Ups:
(1) Momentum Stock Wash-Outs for Snap Back, (2) Bad News Wash-outs on Stocks with High Institutional Ownership, (3) Getting on the Right Side of a Trend Change and scaling in my position and (4) Our Algorithm Set-Ups.
The momentum stocks (from previous days and morning trade) I continue to watch through the day for indicators that allow a trade.
Morning Stock Watch-Lists for my Favorite Set-Ups:
(1) Pre-Market Gainers Watch-List : $CLWT, $DRYS, $UCTT, $MDGS $EXAS $UA $UAA $MTL $NOK $PYPL $ALXN $YNDX $CMCSA $BMY $LYG $F $FSLR $TAL I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(2) Pre-market Decliners Watch-List: $OPTT $MLNX $ISLE $CTXS $UWT $UGAZ $MT $LUV $FFIV $AMGN $CLF $DB $NUGT $JNUG $DAL $UVXY $TVIX $AA $X $LLY $RIO $FTI I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(3) Other Watch-List:
(4) Regular Algo Charting Watch-List: Gold $GC_F $GLD, Miners $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG), Silver $SLV $SI_F ($USLV, $DSLV), Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT), Natural Gas $NG_F ($UGAZ, $DGAZ), S & P 500 $SPY $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS), US Dollar Index $DXY ($UUP), Volatility $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)
(5) Upgrades: $PYPL $CHU $DISH $CSCO $CTXS $AXP $FSLR $AAL $AF $SC $ANTM $MCD as time allows I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
(6) Downgrades: $MLNX $KS $BWLD $X $ANET $BRKL $PB $NTRI $AKAM $SHOP $NORD $LLY $WIX as time allows I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.
Stay tuned in Stock Chat Room for more pre-market stocks on watch.
For new readers, a review of our unlocked posts on our blog would help you get in to the story we are following with the securities listed in this newsletter.
Free scanners to find momentum stocks that you can easily review charts of for indicators that bring probability of your trade being successful up considerably. These are not useful for first 30 minute market open gap and go type plays (you need a good momentum scanner, level 2, and best to have hot-keys for the first 30 mins of gap and go trading)… but are very useful for intra day scalping and swing trading (start with trending stocks and then look at indicators intra for simple set-ups – study scan study scan study scan).
Article Topics: $MDGS, $UA. $ONTX, $PVCT, $BLMN, $SNAP, $RTW, $JUNO, $GREK – $PVCT, $LIGA, $MGTI, $ONTX, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Stockmarket, Pre-Market, Trading Plan, Wall Street, Stocks, Day-trading, Watchlist, Chatroom, $GLD, $GOLD, $SILVER, $USD/JPY, $USOIL, $WTI, $VIX, $SPY, $NATGASUSD
Post-Market Wed Apr 26 $AKBA, $PVCT, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $JUNO, $EXP, $XRT
Compound Trading Wednesday April 26, 2017 Review of; Chat Room Stock Day Trading, Swing Trading, Algorithm Chart Trading and Live Stock Alerts. $AKBA, $PVCT, $GOOGL, $AMZN, $JUNO, $EXP, $XRT – $LIGA, $ONTX, $ASM, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI etc …
Compound Trading is a trading group active in day trading, swing trading and algorithmic model charting (black box).
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat not applicable is deleted from transcript below but raw video footage is as it occurred – uncut). Chat trade room is recorded daily for trade archive (embedded below and available on our YouTube channel).
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators we are looking for in and out off each trade. Typically at market open and for chart review during lunch hour at minimum) and has live chart screen sharing right from our monitors. At times guest traders and associate traders will screen share charting and/or voice broadcast.
Most recent lead trader blog posts:
Now I’m Inspired! My Guarantee to Struggling Traders (and Yours). Part 3 “Freedom Traders” Series.
Last market trading session Post Market Stock Trading Results can be found here: (Last Thurs, Fri, and Mon are coming – likely won’t have them caught up and published until this weekend when time allows).
Premarket Trading Plan Watch-list for this session can be found here (locked to respect members and unlocked to public about a week later for transparency):
There was no premarket published – it was only handled Wednesday on mic in the room.
Most recent Premarket Chart Set-Up Video (most recent available to public – there may be other exclusive’s in member newsletters):
#Premarket Chart Setups and Watchlist: $TWTR $AKBA $EW $LOGI:
Most recent Market Open Momentum Stock Trades Video (most recent available to public – there may be others in member’s newsletters):
Morning Momentum Setups: $ESSI $ETBI $AKBA $TWTR $LOGI $CETV:
Market Opening: $AKBA $TWTR $ESSI $EW $X:
Most recent Mid Day Chart Set-Up Review Video (most recent available to public – there may be others in member’s newsletters):
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/CtpSmvYka1A?a Midday Chart Setups – Basic Algorithmic Modeling: $AKBA $JUNO $GREK
Most Recent Public Swing Trading Simple Charting can be found here: Swing Trading Simple Charts (Public) Apr 16 $SPY, $VIX, $USOIL $WTIC, $GLD, $GDX, $SLV, $DXY, $USDJPY, #GOLD, #SILVER
Premarket Session:
Twitter earnings: 11 cents a share, vs 1 cent EPS expected $TWTR
Twitter earnings: 11 cents a share, vs 1 cent EPS expected $TWTR
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
Market Day, Chat Room Trades and Personal Trades:
All out $AKBA hit it long at 13 13.25 and 13.50 and exit when it approached 13.75 3000 shares look at it again later. #daytrading

$PVCT OTC Up 20% on the day – holding overnight.
$PVCT OTC Up 20% on the day – holding overnight.
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
Leaderboard in to the close: $SAJA 42.9%, $AKBA 36.6%, $RELY 18%, $CONN 17%, $FLKS 15%, $SONS 16% Losers: $CATS -49% $X -27% #stocks
Leaderboard in to the close: $SAJA 42.9%, $AKBA 36.6%, $RELY 18%, $CONN 17%, $FLKS 15%, $SONS 16% Losers: $CATS -49% $X -27% #stocks
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$PVCT in to the close. #OTC #Stocks

Learning How-to Trade Stocks, Chart Set-Ups, Lessons and Educational:
Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Pefect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups
Since 20 MA crossed up 200 MA on $CBMX it has almost doubled! Pefect this trade set-up say bye to day job. #freedomtraders #chart #setups pic.twitter.com/WnOhLiG336
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
Members: Get your trading plan and charts over for review if you want my input! Failing to plan is planning to fail. $STUDY #trading
Members: Get your trading plan and charts over for review if you want my input! Failing to plan is planning to fail. $STUDY #trading
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 27, 2017
The moment when you want to quit, is the moment when you need to keep pushing
The moment when you want to quit, is the moment when you need to keep pushing
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
Looking for a trading home? What you can expect from our lead trader. https://compoundtrading.com/lead-trader/ #trading #mentoring #freedomtraders
Stocks, ETN’s, ETF’s I am holding:
I am holding (in order of sizing – all moderately small size) – $ONTX, $ASM, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI, $LIGA (this is the daytrading portfolio and does not represent swing trading service portfolio): Looking at moving out of all these small positions over the next month or so.
Note-able Momentum Stocks Today (via FinViz):
Ticker | Last | Change | Volume | ![]() |
Signal |
SAJA | 5.70 | 42.86% | 838300 | Top Gainers | |
AKBA | 12.50 | 33.40% | 20840200 | Top Gainers | |
CONN | 17.50 | 18.24% | 2930900 | Top Gainers | |
RELY | 2.40 | 17.07% | 539800 | Top Gainers | |
SONS | 7.85 | 16.12% | 2180600 | Top Gainers | |
FLKS | 3.56 | 15.96% | 128200 | Top Gainers | |
AKBA | 12.50 | 33.40% | 20840200 | New High | |
CETV | 3.90 | 6.85% | 1066400 | New High | |
CONN | 17.50 | 18.24% | 2930900 | New High | |
IRBT | 80.02 | 15.74% | 3673500 | New High | |
HNR | 6.99 | 1.90% | 329500 | Overbought | |
PPC | 25.90 | 0.66% | 1005100 | Overbought | |
MTBC | 1.22 | 179.18% | 7340693 | Unusual Volume | |
SAJA | 5.70 | 42.86% | 838300 | Unusual Volume | |
XCEM | 25.91 | 0.72% | 297274 | Unusual Volume | |
AKBA | 12.50 | 33.40% | 20840200 | Unusual Volume | |
ABCB | 49.20 | 3.58% | 390200 | Upgrades | |
ADPT | 1.41 | -4.08% | 3919200 | Earnings Before | |
MDSY | 0.72 | 1.41% | 3800 | Insider Buying |
Algorithm Charting News:
Don’t miss this video. #algorithms #fibonacci
The Charting Algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Swing Trading Notes / News:
$JUNO Trade 25.32 Premarket. Swing trade going well 23.22 entry. Fireworks if price above 20 MA cross up 200 MA. KAPOW! #freedomtrade #setup
$JUNO Trade 25.32 Premarket. Swing trade going well 23.22 entry. Fireworks if price above 20 MA cross up 200 MA. KAPOW! #freedomtrade #setup pic.twitter.com/vJSqCA9hej
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$AMZN Premarket trading 907.04. Swing trade going well. In at 822.74. Stoch RSI revved, MACD mid flat, SQZMOM green. #swingtrading
$AMZN Premarket trading 907.04. Swing trade going well. In at 822.74. Stoch RSI revved, MACD mid flat, SQZMOM green. #swingtrading pic.twitter.com/bizEktrmDX
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 26, 2017
$GOOGL 879.00. Long 859.01 when MACD turn up SQZMOM turn green 20 MA punch thru 50 MA w price above? Wow what a champ move. #swingtrading
$GOOGL 879.00. Long 859.01 when MACD turn up SQZMOM turn green 20 MA punch thru 50 MA w price above? Wow what a champ move. #swingtrading pic.twitter.com/ln2HGJutt0
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 25, 2017
$EXP Small test long at MACD turn up 95.90 April 21. Above 200 MA, SQZMOM may turn green 50 and 20 above price. #swingtrading
$EXP Small test long at MACD turn up 95.90 April 21. Above 200 MA, SQZMOM may turn green 50 and 20 above price. #swingtrading pic.twitter.com/u4WR0ivWNf
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 25, 2017
$XRT Trade going well. Long 41.67 Apr 10. Holding on MACD trend & SQZMOM trend. Short term Stoch RSI may come off. 200 MA test #swingtrading
$XRT Trade going well. Long 41.67 Apr 10. Holding on MACD trend & SQZMOM trend. Short term Stoch RSI may come off. 200 MA test #swingtrading pic.twitter.com/OHoGDqgEIX
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 25, 2017
The Swing Trading Twitter feed is here: https://twitter.com/swingtrading_ct.
US Dollar $DXY $USDJPY $UUP & Currencies of Note:
Gold $GLD, $XAUUSD, $GC_F :
Gold Miner’s $GDX:
Silver $SLV:
Crude Oil $USOIL $WTI:
Seasonality. Crude oil. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #Crude #Oil
Seasonality. Crude oil. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #Crude #Oil https://t.co/ct6jIXfsM6
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 14, 2017
Volatility $VIX:
$SPY S&P 500 / $SPX:
One of the prettier charts is tech relative to #SPX. Perspective on how long tech has based. Plenty of room to run.
One of the prettier charts is tech relative to #SPX. Perspective on how long tech has based. Plenty of room to run. https://t.co/zYGm08ui3c pic.twitter.com/GEtlGoJ9Bw
— Ryan Detrick, CMT (@RyanDetrick) April 27, 2017
$NG_F Natural Gas:
Markets Looking Forward:
Good morning! Asian stocks eased as US tax plan failed to inspire investors. China shares slump as margin debt unwind. Yen lower after BoJ.
Good morning! Asian stocks eased as US tax plan failed to inspire investors. China shares slump as margin debt unwind. Yen lower after BoJ. pic.twitter.com/qQmlNK6o8d
— Holger Zschaepitz (@Schuldensuehner) April 27, 2017
Live Trading Chat Room Video Raw Footage and Transcript:
Two Part video (Part 1 embed is below and go to Compound Trading Youtube channel for Part 2 of live feed from day and other charting from the day)
Compound Trading Stock Chat-room Transcript:
Please note: Miscellaneous chatter removed from transcript and some discussions I will add notes with information I’ve gleaned in discussions online with traders on DM etc also for further explanation (noted with *). Most days at 9:30 ET market open there is moderator live broadcast explaining trades and at times during the day there is also live broadcast market updates and trade set-up explanations (so you have to scroll through video feed to market open etc to catch live broadcast portions – in future we will note in in transcript when we are on the mic so viewers can correlate time with transcript with video feed when reviewing trades).
Note: We are testing a new trading room. This particular room does not list a time stamp with each chat entry – we are working on a fix. Also, please note, sometimes pieces of the transcript are missing (also something we are working on). But the video is raw and complete.
Caide: Good morning
Optionsavvy: gm folks
Optionsavvy: TWTR 11% short and may play well as ER beat was a fundamental change to short thesis. may grind north from here. just going to avoid at open
Dan: gm
Optionsavvy: chart with thoughts https://twitter.com/Optionsavvy/status/857217954945146881
Curt M: On mic in 4 mins for premarket watchlist>>>>>>>>>>
Optionsavvy: started a piece of KDMN yesterday. like this one alot but a few other chats on it so careful with this one also
Curt M: On mic for premarket chart setups and watchlist>>>>>> 9:05
Optionsavvy: agree.. scans ugly
Curt M: Real soft premarket…. giving it 5 mins to let momentum plays possibly set up here – back on mic in 5 min>>>>>
Curt M: yepp
Optionsavvy: like that ADVM I tweeted this mnorning. its been hitting relative volume for a few days now
Curt M: Look at it, setting up well.
Optionsavvy: not quite ready but one to watch for sure
Curt M: $TWTR, $AKBA, $EW, $LOGI and a few otherss on my list…
Curt M: $TWTR has to get a run over 16 or it’s dead again.
Curt M: On mic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Curt M: Off mic for a bit to see hour momos set up back in 5 >>>>>>>
Optionsavvy: FTR behaved well yesterday. personally not a fan of the name but may give a nice trade off this low range. Was on scans this morning but didnt mention it
Optionsavvy: I am actively stalking a trade in BAC via options
lenny: looks rough
Spiegel: Don’t forget about ESSI today. I think it will run some more from my pick of it yesterday
Curt M: Back on mic>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Optionsavvy: ESSI was sponsor for music fest I was at last weekend. material all over. like the story
Optionsavvy: just be careful with ESSI its up HUGE YOY
Optionsavvy: problem is they bought the market right into res yesterday into announcement. priced to perfection so anything less than groundbreaking will be a sell. risk is up
Optionsavvy: imo of course 😉
Curt M: $CETV only other I have to add to list for open
Spiegel: Just a side note – With a lot of these little penny stocks I give, most are garbage companies. Don’t treat them as buy & holds. Just get in, make your money, and get out.
Optionsavvy: DOW is strongest on relative basis which is bullish ( usually ) so mixed signals. I am sitting on hands until I see a clear level to trade from
Curt M: That’s it for my watchlist – back on mic for open 9:29 It’s a soft open!!!
Curt M: Wisdom at work.
Curt M: On mic for open>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Optionsavvy: SPY volume anemic
Spiegel: It sounds to French on the end. Not gell.
Optionsavvy: usually SPY hitting 1.5M by 8:30
Market Maven: Long some $ESSI here
Optionsavvy: QQQ up and out
Spiegel: CYOU
Flash G: nope
Optionsavvy: you say that likes hes been dependable rather than erratic thus far lol
Caide: his twitter feed and wires say nothing substantial
Caide: yeah lumber tariffs on canada lol
Curt M: $FCAU tape alive
Curt M: $IRBT tape
Spiegel: CYOU moving. ESSI bouncing
Curt M: $OPXA tape
Spiegel: CYOU
Curt M: $PHMD
Spiegel: I bought some TWTR
Curt M: $GS tape
Curt M: $WYNN tape
Shafique: $GOPRO red to green
Leanne: swing!!!!! love it
Leanne: can’t wait
Spiegel: I can’t wait either
Curt M: $AKBA close watch
Curt M: $X also for a turn
Spiegel: CYOU at 52 week highs
Spiegel: 3%
Spiegel: frustrating charts
lenny: $FIT is alive! haha
Flash G: $USO spike
Optionsavvy: TWTR on radar for follow thru
Optionsavvy: BRS one of my oil favs is curling up and could make a nice run above 15.25
Optionsavvy: QQQ being artificially dragged down by AAPL #badfruit
Curt M: On Mic re: #EIA Epic the Algo targets
Spiegel: I will be joining the 24 hour trading room to take advantage of that
Shafique: EPIC is EPIC simple
Curt M: Off mic and back at lunch to run the charts review>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 10:39
Optionsavvy: long a slog of BAC via calls thru friday
Curt M: Long 13.01 $AKBA test
Curt M: 1000 share test tight will cut if I have to and re-enter
Curt M: $AKBA long 1000 $AKBA 13.295
Curt M: Long $AKBA 1000 add 13.515
Curt M: Set stop 13.49
Spiegel: very nice!
Curt M: Stop 13.56 executed out 3000 shares $AKBA nice win
Curt M: Thanks Soiegel
Curt M: Off mic>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $AKBA
Curt M: Will add $PVCT ass it goes hopefully.
Curt M: $AKBA watching for either break of 14 the clear dollar or look at it over lunch for an proper entry for afternoon. Got out because of 13.75 on deck – the .75 quarter.
Spiegel: IS PVCT from the swing trade section to or just this room?
Curt M: just going to add as I can and hope $PVCT … its a small play
Curt M: Like total I will be in if fully in is 3000.00 and right now I’m in 20% – so for my account its small
Curt M: It’s a trending play that I just like the trend on it. Think it will continue in trend.
Market Maven: I was in $AKBA with you and now $PVCT small also and I know Len was too – nice and thanks. We’re out $AKBA right now also.
Sartaj: Curt has to take some calls. We are going to begin the midday review at 12:05 PM EST at the latest.
Curt M: Back so if there are any charts you’d like to review put em in here. Start in 5 mins.
Curt M: On mic for review>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Curt M: one min sorry
Sartaj: lol
Leanne: lightbulb going off, but before I try at home I need to learn more about fibs and then how to build this matrix.
Leanne: who knew you could teach an old dog new tricks!
Leanne: OMG Curtis!
Leanne: Can we create the matrix with TV? Have the free version, does that work or we need the paid version?
Sartaj: You can use Fibonacci Retracement, trend lines, and those technicals on the left hand side in TV
Sartaj: So yeah, you can create matrices in the free version
Sartaj: but if you want to layer Squeeze Momentum, MACD, RSI, etc., you need the paid version
Leanne: I have TC2000 so will try on there, never got into fibs yet so big learning curve for me today
Sartaj: Yeah
Sartaj: Most, if not all, modern platforms will let you do what he just did
Sartaj: Too bad Spiegel missed that
Leanne: ok, already paying for TC2000 and I like it, am used to it so will try building a matrix on it
Sartaj: And Bernard, how’s it going?
Leanne: I would like to sign up for a modelling class!
Leanne: he did! Thanks Sartaj
Leanne: thanks Curtis
robert g: i saw where you mentioned your 92% market calling meter, what is that about?
Sartaj: That was something called… a joke. But if you want to check out our P/L ledgers for Q1 2017, check out the website: https://compoundtrading.com
Sartaj: We are also working on algorithm-specific P/L reports
Leanne: OMG you just made me week Curtis
Leanne: you have no idea
Sartaj: That being said, if you follow EPIC’s feeds in any capacity, you’ll realize, and there are live videos you can watch, of our algorithm-generated price/time targets being hit, in real-time
Leanne: I’m like jumping up and down
Sartaj: The latest call was this resistance cluster that was called a week in advance, and we were running our predictions contrary to what the market wanted/was saying. They were anticipating a recovery, and our model showed a crash coming
Sartaj: and both targets were directly hit earlier today in the room
Leanne: OMG Curtis I did one!!!!!
Sartaj: It’s also worth noting that you don’t want to overfit your data model. Make sure that your tops and bottoms are confirmed first… use more than just a couple of points when you’re applying your trend lines on the chart
Sartaj: “Overfitting” is an important study in statistics that’s worth investing some time into. Wikipedia’s article is pretty good
Sartaj: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overfitting
Market Maven: Just publishing charts now to share so if anyone wants the indicators or whatever you can use link. Then I trade.
Curt M: Thanks Maven
Sartaj: Leanne, imo math starts with a trip to the art museum, but all things considered, the trading platform you use should already have trend lines built-in, and then really, the only other thing you might want to check is for retracements
Market Maven: He yells I type
Sartaj: if you can’t find them, DM me on twitter, and I can help you do some research
Curt M: Was Speigel not in room?
Sartaj: He wasn’t, unfortunately
Sartaj: he would have loved that
Sartaj: If anyone has feedback, you can email me at [email protected] I see we have the usual suspects in the room today
Curt M: Just send him a note maybe with the link – he’s all about it you’re right
Sartaj: Sure thing
Sartaj: Should have been #FreedomTraders, Curt. M was missing when you get this msg
Curt M: lol
Sartaj: oh well
Curt M: by the time I do 6000 of them I’ll have the hashtag for all the long tail mispells
Curt M: I’m not stypid
Curt M: i thought that was funny anyway
Sartaj: I just thought, Curt is an octopus
Curt M: Did Robert leave?
Sartaj: He left as soon as you signed off the mic
Curt M: I won”t say it
Shafique: $FUEL popping
Rick: trading view chat is funny sometimes
Sartaj: It’s interesting to see what they talk about when they’re not gambling
Sartaj: Twitter bots are also funny, when they start mass mailing pumps
Sartaj: Or on Monday, there was a slew of conspiracy theories
Curt M: Wow $MTBC 220%
Flash G: $MOMO on its trail non stop chugging along
Shafique: Got a bit on that $MTBC dump – next
Curt M: $RTIX hit the upside resistance I mentioned at luch and backed off.
Leanne: so I watch and stalk
OILK: yes nice chart leanne
Leanne: Curtis, BLMN, the 20 is crossing the 200, the MACD seems to be good, it’s not as swoopy as I’d like but would love your thoughts if you have time.
Leanne: Thank you OILK. I am truly humbled by this amazing group and don’t feel in any way like I’ll be in the same league but trying my best. My beach is back East on the Atlantic Ocean. That’s my goal. My freedom.
OILK: excellent
Curt M: Great set up – main 2 problems are earnings after market so wait for that and make sure over resistance before long
OILK: The reason you don’t see a lot of losng in this group is we trade predictable set ups. Sure Sykes type have set ups but those type of set ups arent easily reproducable – its hard for others to do it without blowing up their accounts in the learning process – we trade predictability
OILK: $BLMN fits the set up
OILK: It looks good
Dan: agree
Leanne: Thanks. Sykes was my intro into the trading world, I paid a HUGE price. This is my home now.
Dan: awesome
OILK: Sykes is good but hard to reproduce very hard
Leanne: So watching BLMN for after earnings and JUNO is where you talked about earlier? Looks like hitting a buy mark?
Leanne: I”m an old cat (same age as Curtis), lots of kids, lots of universities ahead of me to pay for. I’m after long term, consistent, lower risk plays. Compounding wins!
Curt M: $JUNO you have to wait for 20 MA to cross 200 MA and price above
OILK: Same story as our core group
OILK: its a good fit
Leanne: 🙂
Curt M: They are all at resistance lol – but the setups are there. $BLMN $SNAP $JUNO $RTIX
Curt M: So they have to confirm up or cool off and then the trade is when they’ve cooled and go
Curt M: Unfortunately they all have to pop or drop for a trade – but they’re set up thats the important part
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