A review of my daytrades Friday October 28, 2016.
Friday for me (actually all week)… was a tad distracting, which is not what a technical daytrader wants obviously (travelling and trade room set-up etc).
Nonetheless, there was one trade executed (should have been three or four) – and the one was moderately green. BUT! I’m looking forward to next week and I’ve promised myself to keep lazer focused.
The in-depth daily chart / algo reporting with each instrument I’m trading will not only assist the trader’s in the trade room this week – but myself also…. it’s nice to have super lazer focused preparation work to trade from (instead of on the fly – on the fly is not where I personally function best.
Ok, on to what happened today – hopefully my errors will help you avoid the same mistakes or lost opportunities.
The FX: $USOIL $WTI long trade using $UWTI
So we started the day off with the #OPEC shenanigan continuance in Vienna (the birth place of my grandfather BTW), which ended in a no oil deal Saturday and a promise to return to discussions Nov 25, 26 2017.
This I was considering as a possible catalyst for a long trade in crude oil, especially considering that the price of oil was below 50.00 and the oil producers have an amazing knack of timing their announcements right at critical points in the oil chart – even down to the termination of time / price cycles in oil. I’m convinced they are no slouches because they’re releasing announcements or chatter at points EPIC the oil algo has even identified as critical – time and time again. So knowing that EPIC had identified time / price cycle terminations and the fact that critical support was being tested AND that the price of oil was sub 50.00 was opportune timing for an announcement – but we didn’t get one – which was WAY OUT OF PATTERN for the oil producers.
OPEC officials debate thorny issue of how to implement supply cut https://t.co/HPG7KXCCQV via @Reuters
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 28, 2016
$DXY was testing support… but crude was at a support that I wanted to take a trade from (it wasn’t preferable to take a crude trade when $DXY was testing support – you want $DXY to fail resistance preferably and crude to bounce and confirm off support ideally)… but I took the trade anyway because the chances of a bounce were considerable (probabilities were on my side with support bounce for sure). The other consideration was EPIC the oil Algo’s primary alpha algo targets. THE MISTAKE I MADE was that I was dealing with phone calls and various service people for the set-up of our trade room and I set a stop – and it triggered. I hate stops and usually don’t use them. Anyway, there was a small gain. Crude did take off for a nice trade after my stop was triggered but tanked to EPIC’s primary alpha algo target zone when news hit about Anthony Wiener. Which blew my mind because that was EPIC’s primary target – funny in my thinking. Epic is Epic and I should just surrender to it.
Anyway, here is that time period on Friday…
$DXY US Dollar testing support (not ideal for a long crude oil trade – I use $UWTI specifically)
$DXY just tested support pic.twitter.com/mEKJMRr4H5
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 28, 2016
My $UWTI long execution.
Long $UWTI
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 28, 2016
$DXY now at low of day… not the best scenario (I didn’t know at the time that the dollar was going to tank and breach shortly thereafter).
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 28, 2016
My distracted stop for small gain – ugh… especially when you consider what happened next…
So to throw fuel on my wounded supertrader spirit $DXY then breached a diagonal support… and I was awe man seriously? Weak dollar… strong oil (in a normal world).
$DXY hmmm pic.twitter.com/m96L7UxhXs
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 28, 2016
So here’s the spike in oil after my stop exit… (BTW – the lower alpha algo target on this chart was actually misplace in accordance to EPIC’s call – EPIC’s target was much lower – which funny enough got a hit in the target zone – not perfect but in the zone).
So crude $USOIL $WTI got a really decent bounce before it tanked and would have been a fantastic trade (likely 4% on $UWTI – I didn’t actually look yet lol – painful) and then the price tanked right in to the target zone (not a perfect hit) but holy price tank thanks to Anthony Weiner news. If you look through EPIC the oil algo’s history on our website and on Epic the Oil Algo’s Twitter Feed you will see time and time again how right before the alpha target call the price of oil magically spikes or drops (and many times dramatically) right in to the target zone or very very close. It’s really interesting if you look at it over time.
The price of crude oil tanking right in to the primary alpha algo target zone EPIC had identified.
Below is EPIC’s call on it earlier in the week… the percentage represents how many times out of 100 EPIC has calculated that exact target will hit – and yup… the primary target zone hit – crazy IMO… I’m his inventor and I still struggle to understand how pure math can determine primary targets days in advance 92% or so of the time… and that’s not even the best way to use EPIC – the best way is intraday (which we will be doing lots of in the room). The intraday quadrants aren’t even represented on these recent charts – you can go back in to EPIC’s story to see the intra-day quadrant work sheet (which doesn’t do anyone any good now for trading because the time/price cycle has changed since, but it will show you what I mean – they look like diamonds – they’re pink)… anyway those quadrants allow for precise intra-day trading success easily over 90% scalping all day long (we had to remove them from the current charts because we’re in the process of patent applications).
Then on to the $VIX trade I missed lol – what a day…
So at this point $VIX was at resistance (if you can really say it has support and resistance)… but anyway – it is an indicator of sorts… so I was watching close for it to take off.. and then yup – you guessed it – I got distracted with other details in my business life lol and then WIENER presented the BEST TRADE OPPORTUNITY OF THE WEEK!!! Ugh… anyway I would have been all over $TVIX trade but nope… SO STAY FOCUSED! That’s Lesson #2 so far in this post (Lesson #1 was follow your trade plan unlike I did with oil above).
$VIX 311 PM Oct 28 pic.twitter.com/L8K3283qgc
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 28, 2016
Here’s the Anthony Weiner announcement…
BREAKING: New Clinton-related emails were discovered during an investigation into Anthony Weiner – The New York Times
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) October 28, 2016
So the $TVIX trade was worth an easy 10% gain…

I guess the only other main daytrade miss I had was $JNUG, and my trade-plan with it was simply based on the fact that the day before $JDST got a serious lift (at one point it was +8.18%)… so I was watching for a natural pull-back and a bounce in $JNUG. SO the opportunity came just before lunch and at the double-bottom that would have been an excellent place to enter.

There were other miscellaneous things… but that’s the bulk of lessons from my errors of the day as I see it.
BE SURE TO READ THE PRE-MARKET REPORT BEFORE MONDAY OPEN!!! Oil and metals are VERY LIKELY going to have a big week. Not to mention the market in general considering the election turmoil.
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!