Our Live Documented Journey to Compound Day Trading Crude Oil Futures for Gains That 99% Would Only Dream Possible…
And one of the best parts of our mad journey; we’re now beyond Concept and Theory…
and we’re proving it LIVE (well on our way to… Fact).
We are now Trading Crude Oil to Over 1% Per Day Returns, Live.
We have many other trades that are not live also because we are testing many models).
It’s been a bit of a petri dish. So far.
But as of late we’ve stopped the petri. It was unavoidable (the petri part).
Side thought – In all fairness, only we know what the petri part is (well not completely true because members do know the rules for the most part). The important point being… we’re done petri.
We are now trading crude oil in our process with consistency and ease, real-time live and we’re recording it, we are alerting the crude oil trades on a private Twitter member feed and sharing our work process (including all rules sets, thoughts, charts and more) in chat, and we’re even trading crude oil live in our oil trading room with screen share of our charts and voice broadcast from myself alerting the trades.
The probabilities that our rule-set fails now after hundreds of trades, especially now that we are in minimal discovery and quickly moving to refinement and consolidation phases is… well, near 0.
Oh, and even more reason … our software runs trades near 24 hours a day now (non-alerted at this point), and nearly never loses. When it does, it’s for pennies. Soon we’ll unleash him/her (it) live.
For all intents and purpose, we don’t lose when manually executing trades either. Sure, we do lose sometimes, but very small if we do – very small. And even our manual executions are getting better all the time. And we (I) suck as traders.
Here’s an even better part; 3%, not 1% sees 10,000.00 to 2 Million Dollars in 180 days. And we’re going to do it.
Nobody knows the future! I know, I know.
1 – 3 Hours a Day.
A cool part… we do 1% or more with 1 – 3 hours a day of trade focus. Usually closer to an hour or so. We’re kind of busy with something I never thought I’d be doing…. code, machine learning, science, quantum thingys and other mind places.
Anybody Does Do It.
And better yet; anybody can do it. Why? Because we’re refining the process to its most simplest form. Quantum mind things to simple.
But there’s too many lines! I know, I know.
We have non traders (on staff) starting to use the rule-set and even starting to alert their trades. And the coolest part, they may be better at executing the trading rule-set than the experienced oil traders (initial indications are this could be very plausible).
We Like Tents… Almost as Much as We Love Beaches.
And the near best part (in my little world)… the money ain’t the motivator – I’d be equally happy living in a tent on a beach. Oh wait, I almost do. The shiny floors at the Hard Rock in Punta Cana were never my thing anyway.
And the best part; freedom is near (unless the world ends or something). Not only is freedom near for our staff (that have worked tirelessly day and night) but for our clients and members and their families and their families. Get the drift? This is why I’m so excited.
The Dream Realized. Next!
And we’re near done the first of many (instrument trading processes) we are developing. We’re in the final phases with our oil trading platform, soon it will simply be maintenance updates to the manual trading and machine trading parts of our oil trading services.
Yes, the other algorithm models and swing trading are next.
The Point?
Sharing our journey. I did promise when we started all this. That I would share.
Selling you on it. So you can join the movement to freedom. So you can help. So maybe you can be a part of it. Maybe you’ll take the next steps? Maybe anything is possible.
Maybe you will be our next donor when our software development needs a few million for the app.
Or maybe we’ll just boot strap that too.
Maybe I’ll inspire you. That would be novel.
I also promised our sharing will end soon. It will be this year.
We’ll still be around to chat.
We’ll still have our enterprise.
We just won’t share.
It’s tiring. I just made a promise to share, to a point:)
How is it Done? … the trading up 1% gains or better in crude oil a day.
Members stay tuned for Part 2 of this post. Until then study the most recent report here:
Protected: Oil Trade Strategy | Day Trading Crude Oil Futures | Premium Weekly Guidance.
Non members can visit our unlocked posts here:
Crude Oil Trading Academy : Learn to Trade Oil.
Non members could also get off their ass and subscribe and learn live. Just sayin.
How Does 10,000.00 turn in to over 1 Million at a Compound Rate in Less than Two Years?
When we first started this crazy venture I posted the post, it has a link to the calculator,
Come to think of it, I wrote it around the time that everyone told me I was nuts.
How $10,000 Turns in to 1 Million in 24 Mths @ 1% Per Day Compound Stock Trading.
Is There a Process in the Madness?
We have tried to explain it in the few moments of rest between days of no sleep and falling asleep in very strange places randomly the last two years.
We Weren’t Smart Enough to Think This Up.
We suspect we’re using similar ideas…
The mathematician who cracked Wall Street.
There’s my share of the month.
Now go spin it up.
And give EPIC Crude Oil Algorithm a follow.

Best and peace.
Members stay tuned for Part 2 of this post.
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