Trading Crude Oil Live Alerts with EPIC Oil Algorithm #EIA Report #Oil #Trading #Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #CL
Want to learn how to trade crude oil or need to learn how to trade with our crude oil algorithmic charting? This video shows our lead trader in a trade alerting our members live during the weekly EIA report.
Feature Post:
10:28 AM July 25, 2018: Oil trading room live trading coverage with lead trader.
Trade almost right in between the upper and lower channel price targets 68.84. First five minutes after #EIA weekly oil report I tend to not trade – I usually watch.
Long side oil trade alert triggered 69.06 at 7:00 on video FX $USOIL $WTI. Price had breached the upside main resistance on EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm charting so I took the long trade (which also put trade in th upper channel). Price spiked significantly right after the entry.
In addition to the algorithm charting I am using a 1 minute standard oil chart.
Trimmed the long oil trade position at 69.32 at 8:49 on video as price was nearing a hidden pivot resistance on the algorithm model. Oil chart pivot / resistance shown at 10:16 on video (first quarter of quadrant). I highlighted the pivot with the orange horizontal line on the algorithm.
Video shows the various indicators I am watching (algorithmic oil trading and conventional charting) when trading oil. Some decent lessons for those that are wanting to learn how to trade oil.
View the video here:
Screen Images of EPIC Trade Alert Feed on Twitter
Live oil trade alert. Long 69.06 US OIL WTI 1 5th sizing EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

Live oil trade alert. Trim 50 percent 69.30. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Live oil trade alert. Long 68.93 add 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Live oil trade alert. Trim other 50 percent 69.26 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Chart link to Algorithmic Crude Oil Charting used on video here:
Below is a Screen Shot (magnified) of EPIC Oil Algorithm.

An article from CNBC about crude oil algorithmic trading:
Oil trading ‘god’ Andy Hall says he’s met his match in robots
The rise of machine-based algorithmic trading is injecting so much volatility into oil markets, it’s now difficult to produce returns by doing the type of fundamental analysis for which Hall is known, he told investors in a letter obtained by Bloomberg News. Hall confirmed in the letter he was shuttering his main hedge fund at Astenbeck after it reportedly tanked nearly 30 percent, Bloomberg reported.
“Algorithmic trading systems have increasingly come to dominate,” Hall wrote. “Investing in oil under current market conditions using an approach based primarily on fundamentals has therefore become increasingly challenging. It seems quite likely this will continue to be the case for some time to come.”
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Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States
Article topics: EPIC, Oil, Algorithm, Trading, Alerts, Crude, $USOIL, $WTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT, Chart, Video