Review of Compound Trading Chat Room Stock Trading, Algorithm Charting Calls and Live Stock Alerts for Tuesday March 14, 2017; $MGI, $DRWI, $ETRM, $DRYS, $TGTX, $OAKS, $JNUG, $DUST, $GOOGL, $COKE – $NE, $XOM, $BSTG, $ONTX, $DUST, $MGTI, $TRCH, $LGCY, $DRYS, $SSH, $ASM etc …
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Trade Room attendance – I will be traveling Wednesday so in trading room for an hour in the morning and then intermittently as I have service through the day.
Posts to Members sent direct vs. posting to blog – One of the most common DM questions I am getting is from folks asking questions surrounding member algo our post unlocks (the one’s members get and we unlock after some time)…. We do not post all member updates to the blog, in other words many of the posts are direct email updates that never get to the blog. Theses can be daily updates or intra-day updates of various types. The only reason we post to the blog at all is for transparency and a public historical record of our work (if it’s good work it should show and if not we should go do something else). So if you are a member to a specific algo charting service or our swing trading service you will receive intra updates and memos etc relating to that service that nonpaying public will never see. Hope that helps.
Gotta say thanks to the traders in the community coming out to share your insights in the room – really appreciate it! And the kind notes!
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 14, 2017
Per recent;
Trading Room Open House: We continue running open house – which will end soon (we just want to get this new platform settled first).
Trading Room Attendance: With our commercial multi-user algorithm chart modeling client platform launch, upcoming 24 hour oil trading room and coding for our algorithm models for our trader’s cockpit (you’d have to read our story on our website to understand our build-out plans)… I won’t be in the trading room as much starting Tuesday March 14, 2017. I expect to be in the room most days the first hour or two and then I have to turn my attention to the platform development daily and assistance our software developers require of me. I will still have my monitors on and will likely comment and/or run intra-day review broadcasts etc – I just won’t be in the room minute by minute.
We’re in middle of creating and editing a swath of educational videos – out soon.
The ability for members to access transcripts on demand we are working on – should have that done soon.
The Compound Trading YouTube Channel now has the daily trading chat room full length video uploaded daily with all stock trades for the day.
Members are reporting that they like the mobile service ability of YouTube Live better than Webinato but members need to know that they need to have a Google+ / Gmail account and sign in to YouTube and activate a channel to use the service. We have had many not understand that so if you aren’t sure about procedure let us know and we will assist.
The live charts we share, to make them live you need to open the chart and click on the share button at bottom right of any of the charts and then click “make it mine”. This will enable the live chart in your browser in TradingView whether a member or or not of TradingView.
Overview Perspective & Review of Markets, Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:
In play today in chat room; $DRWI, $ETRM, $DRYS, $TGTX, $OAKS, $JNUG, $DUST, $GOOGL, $COKE
$ETRM was traded by Market Maven in morning momo for a small loss, I got out of last 25% of $DRYS position and that was a nice swing that started last Thursday with adds along the way, Flash got out of a nice $COKE swing and a big $OAKS swing exit (which was his largest play from our January swings), Mathew and Flash continued in $JNUG I believe, I held on $DUST, my $GOOGL swing is rocking and the $TGTX play was big – that was alerted in the premarket chatroom newsletter as one of my watches. Also watching $NKE $X among others you can find on premarket newsletter or swing newsletters (depending on your sub).
The premarket trading plan from Tuesday;
Protected: PreMarket Trading Plan Tues Mar 14 $MGI, $ETRM, $TNXP, $ONCS, $ISIG, $UGAZ
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 14, 2017
Premarket was all about watching; $DRWI $MGI $ETRM $GALT $RT $BIOC $EDIT $RLJE

Twitter post that included some of the daily trading action (click on);
Open House Today – Live Broadcast Trading 9:30 AM $MGI $ETM $TNXP $ONCS $DWT $UGAZ #chatroom #stocks #premarket
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 14, 2017
Swing Trading:
Here’s the latest public edition of keep it simple swing charting – this one has a MACD focus;
The Swing Trading Twitter feed can be found here:
Algorithmic Chart Models:
I see that @EpictheAlgo nailed the bottom trading range of the current downdraft in oil trade. Nice to see the math works in that scenario. Our $SPY algo has been hitting extensions for weeks so that’s awesome and our Gold and Silver algos have big updates on deck (big in terms of maybe two or three of that significance would go out a year).
The Charting Algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Stocks, ETN’s, ETF’s I am Holding:
I am holding (in order of sizing – all moderate small size to micro sizing) – $DUST, $ONTX, $XOM, $NE, $BLKG, $DRYS, $USRM, $ASM, $SSH, $LGCY, $TRCH, $ESEA, $MGTI (this is the daytrading portfolio and does not represent swing trading service portfolio): Looking at moving out of all these small positions over the next month or so.
Note-able Stocks Today (via FinViz):
Ticker | Last | Change | Volume | ![]() |
Signal |
DRWI | 1.90 | 65.22% | 10326717 | Top Gainers | |
NVCN | 1.78 | 27.14% | 7103877 | Top Gainers | |
MGI | 15.77 | 24.57% | 10304400 | Top Gainers | |
RT | 2.16 | 24.14% | 8120500 | Top Gainers | |
NAKD | 2.60 | 21.50% | 2929700 | Top Gainers | |
CVRS | 1.41 | 19.49% | 6952605 | Top Gainers | |
MGI | 15.77 | 24.57% | 10304400 | New High | |
KMG | 43.88 | 14.06% | 214900 | New High | |
GDOT | 33.18 | 10.01% | 900100 | New High | |
TGTX | 13.15 | 7.79% | 4865959 | New High | |
MGI | 15.77 | 24.57% | 10304400 | Overbought | |
FIZZ | 73.79 | 1.47% | 276104 | Overbought | |
ICVT | 51.05 | 0.03% | 1001600 | Unusual Volume | |
DRWI | 1.90 | 65.22% | 10326717 | Unusual Volume | |
HYLB | 50.11 | -0.23% | 376771 | Unusual Volume | |
GMAN | 0.09 | 12.50% | 12126700 | Unusual Volume | |
ARRS | 26.11 | 4.52% | 2785700 | Upgrades | |
ADES | 10.77 | -1.37% | 127091 | Earnings Before | |
CWT | 34.45 | -0.29% | 129200 | Insider Buying |
The Markets Looking Forward:
It’s FOMC day Wednesday so everything’s a tad stalled. If I had to guess, and this is completely a guess, Gold and Silver will tank a but more, the dollar will get a lift, $SPY will get a lift, Oil will get lift and things will go back to normal. Could be wrong of course but I’m wondering. Banks may come off too. But that’s all a wild guess. That’s not what the algos say necessarily and not what the charts say necessarily either.
#FOMC cometh
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 15, 2017
Terrified talk in US national security circles that WikiLeaks is going to publish many CIA or NSA intercepts of Merkel tonight or tomorrow.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) March 13, 2017
Per previous;
The markets are looking a little toppy – we’ll see. As you will see below, with our new Swing Trading KISS post – I am paying close attention to the MACD on main charting I follow – at time of possible turn I find it simple.
Per recent, “Our swing trading side continues to outperform all my expectations for 2017 (you can find the most recent unlocked swing trading newsletter on our blog) – I had a feeling it was going to do well, just didn’t quite expect a grandslam. We’re in the middle of compiling our next set of stock picks for the swing trading members and will have them out over next few days – hopefully that batch will bring the same type of returns as the new year batch did and continue to in most instances.
Results are in for Gold trading vote:
Will the next leg in #Gold trading be up or down? Round 3. Tie breaker! $GC_F $GLD $XAUUSD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JUNG
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 13, 2017
Silver $SLV:
Crude Oil $USOIL $WTI:
Good read 👌 $CL_F $WTI $USOIL #OIL
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) March 15, 2017
Volatility $VIX:
Pre previous’ $VIX has been flat for some time, however, our algorithmic modeling suggests a possible time / price cycle coming due soon. It is possible the oil sell off was the time-price cycle of note. Here again will await weekend algo charting updates before I do much.
Live Trading Chat Room Transcript: (on YouTube Live):
Compound Trading Stock Chat-room Transcript:
Please note: Miscellaneous chatter removed from transcript and some discussions I will add notes with information I’ve gleaned in discussions online with traders on DM etc also for further explanation (noted with *). Also, times are Central Mountain below (we’re working on the fix now), so for New York ET time add two hours to all times. Also, most days at 9:30 ET market open there is moderator live broadcast explaining trades and at times during the day there is also live broadcast market updates and trade set-up explanations (so you have to scroll through video feed to market open etc to catch live broadcast portions – in future we will note in in transcript when we are on the mic so viewers can correlate time with transcript with video feed when reviewing trades).
6:52 AM Flash G Curt’s on mic at 9:30 correct?
6:53 AM MarketMaven MY epp. Morning @Flash G
6:53 AM MarketMaven M $ETRM is up +21.5% in premarket
6:58 AM MarketMaven M Upgrades
6:59 AM MarketMaven M Premarket Leaderboard: $DRWI $MGI $ETRM $GALT $RT $BIOC $EDIT $RLJE $GOGL $BCEI $DWT $ONCS
7:05 AM MarketMaven M So $RNN and $RXII have been FANTASTIC Flash! Babies.
7:05 AM Flash G yeah thanks for the poke on em
7:06 AM Curtis Melonopoly Grabbing a coffee… back for open broadcast ?
7:06 AM MarketMaven M kk
7:08 AM MarketMaven M congrats on $GOOGL Curt!
7:09 AM Curtis Melonopoly thanks catcha in 15
7:10 AM MarketMaven M Ouch! #Oil plunges as Saudis tell #OPEC Kingdom reverses one-third of cuts made at outset of OPEC deal.
7:14 AM Curtis Melonopoly quite the storm rolling in to NY
7:14 AM Curtis Melonopoly?
7:25 AM Flash G $CBR gonna get run today
7:26 AM MarketMaven M In Play: $AUPH, $MGI, $LNTH, $VRX, $DWT, $DSW, $UWT, $SCO
7:26 AM MarketMaven M $CALA on close watch again for me
7:27 AM Mathew w Morning all. Likely in wait and see mode today but I don’t hate the action so far in CAT lol
7:27 AM MarketMaven M $LIGA on news also
7:27 AM MarketMaven M Hey Mathew!
7:27 AM Flash G hey mat mornin
7:28 AM Curtis Melonopoly on mic
7:29 AM Curtis Melonopoly $DRWI $ETRM $MGI
7:30 AM MarketMaven M Long $MGI small
7:31 AM Flash G oil lol wow
7:31 AM MarketMaven M nice
7:32 AM MarketMaven M Nibbling on $VRX too very small
7:34 AM Curtis Melonopoly $DRYS stop 1.69 on 26% held was a good play
7:34 AM MarketMaven M argh shit stupid open
7:34 AM MarketMaven M sorry
7:35 AM Flash G haha sassy
7:35 AM Mathew w GLA mentioned yesterday nice open. Still long and strong that guy.
7:35 AM MarketMaven M in $ETRM heavy dyty
7:35 AM MarketMaven M 7.04 3000
7:36 AM Curtis Melonopoly careful
7:36 AM Flash G in with ya hre small $ETRM
7:36 AM MarketMaven M $VRX 52 week lows so a good place to try too
7:37 AM Curtis Melonopoly good calls
7:38 AM Curtis Melonopoly watching 5 min candle $ETRM
7:38 AM MarketMaven M it will go Curt
7:39 AM MarketMaven M In $DIS on the break
7:39 AM Flash G ya my swing has been great gong back weeks now
7:40 AM Flash G $WYNN off your watchlist CUrt jig
7:40 AM MarketMaven M Stop on $ETRM at 200 MA 3 min just south
7:41 AM MarketMaven M will add there for a snap
7:41 AM MarketMaven M love $WYNN here but too much to early to manage
7:42 AM Curtis Melonopoly long $DRWI 1.62
7:45 AM Curtis Melonopoly stop 1.54
7:47 AM MarketMaven Madd $ETRM 6.77 tight now
7:48 AM Curtis Melonopoly add $DRWI 2.01 another 5000
7:49 AM Eric Lunianga Good morning to all, what a time to be alive!
7:49 AM Curtis Melonopoly expiring 5 min candle test on deck
7:49 AM MarketMaven M hey eric!
7:49 AM Flash G peace eic
7:49 AM Flash G eric
7:50 AM Curtis Melonopoly stop 2.01
7:52 AM MarketMaven M nice trade curt
7:53 AM Curtis Melonopoly trailing out 10000 shares $DRWI
7:54 AM wintonresearch hey all
7:54 AM MarketMaven M fantastic trade
7:54 AM MarketMaven M hey nich
7:54 AM MarketMaven M school in session with curt’s $DRWI trade wow
7:54 AM Curtis Melonopoly out $DRWI 2.14 average decent win
7:55 AM Flash G ?
7:55 AM Curtis Melonopoly ugh too early
7:55 AM Curtis Melonopoly hey Nicholas
7:56 AM MarketMaven M $ETRM riding 200MA 3 min
7:57 AM wintonresearch fyi- FNMA moving up
7:57 AM wintonresearch great swing fanny imo
7:58 AM Flash G profit is profit
7:58 AM wintonresearch amen Flash
7:58 AM MarketMaven M stopped on $ETRM btw
7:59 AM Flash G holding small $ETRM will play wash out snap with 3x
7:59 AM MarketMaven M not a bad exit point curt
7:59 AM Curtis Melonopoly ya
8:00 AM Curtis Melonopol y✌
8:00 AM wintonresearch $MJTK chart continues to look like it will rip
8:00 AM wintonresearch quietly setting up for weeks
8:01 AM Curtis Melonopolystopped $DRYS 1.69 last 25%
8:01 AM MarketMaven M luv $MJTK chart
8:02 AM wintonresearch agree MM
8:02 AM wintonresearch i think it could multibag given chart and mkt cap of 1M
8:02 AM MarketMaven M $VRTU jiggy
8:03 AM MarketMaven M Out $MGI loss
8:03 AM Curtis Melonopoly unusual for u maven
8:03 AM Curtis Melonopoly usually watching your school session
8:04 AM MarketMaven M ya smaller losses
8:04 AM MarketMaven M happy way up this month
8:05 AM MarketMaven M really glad I followed Curt in to $GOOGL and $AMZN when I did they have helped muchly
8:05 AM MarketMaven M $AMDA I thought they would run today
8:06 AM Flash G $NKE on watch with me also here – was there any news? cant find it
8:06 AM MarketMaven M $WAC popping
8:08 AM MarketMaven M Mathew…. what do you think of $UGAZ entry today long?
8:08 AM Flash G i thnk ur late MM
8:09 AM Mathew w I was actually just thinking of adding a bit after trimming some yesterday. I like it if it can reclaim 3 in short order
8:09 AM Curtis Melonopoly $SINO interesting
8:11 AM Curtis Melonopoly I think Nicholas u were alerting $SINO
8:11 AM MarketMaven M ummm $UGAZ on watch I will wait
8:11 AM MarketMaven M thanks guys for opinions
8:12 AM Mathew w /NG 9 day down a 2.921 FYI and 200 at 2.959
8:13 AM Flash G $HYG phew
8:13 AM Flash G Trailing out my $COKE swing for decent roi
8:14 AM Flash G Trailing out of $OAKS – THANKS CURT! Fantastic win on that one! Swing
8:14 AM MarketMaven M $OAKS such a great swing holy congrats guys really nice
8:15 AM Curtis Melonopoly np flash welcome
8:15 AM MarketMaven M thanks Mathew
8:17 AM MarketMaven M u know curt… i should have taken all your January swings haha
8:17 AM Curtis Melonopoly hindsight
8:17 AM Flash Gs oooo GoldCorp… wathcing very close now $GC
8:26 AM MarketMaven M got quiet quick
8:26 AM Curtis Melonopoly watching $CATB over 2
8:27 AM MarketMaven M $GENE action
8:28 AM Flash G $CATB clears that 200 day there and it could be gone for a while
8:28 AM wintonresearch yes Curt, SINO is interesting- all the shippers going forward
8:28 AM Curtis Melonopoly $SINO chart especially IMO
8:28 AM wintonresearch but SINO has a nice curl on MACD and has that look- plus it had that crazy move months ago
8:29 AM wintonresearch i think we are going back to the glory days
8:29 AM Curtis Melonopoly yup
8:29 AM wintonresearch i love me some Springsteen
8:29 AM Curtis Melonopoly yup
8:30 AM Flash G I guess Natty may be decent MM I just looked through it again
8:31 AM wintonresearch Curt what do you think of MJTK
8:31 AM wintonresearch fwiw- my signals are suggesting a really powerful move is coming over the next month in that one
8:32 AM Mathew w JNUG small starter after quick scalp off of the open lows. Will give this one more leash
8:32 AM Curtis Melonopoly I don’t know neigh about it
8:33 AM Curtis Melonopoly I’ll research tonight but my guess if you’re catching the right energy it’s a watch!
8:33 AM Flash G $JNUG is my main play right now Mathew
8:38 AM wintonresearch also I’m getting – do not forget about $DRYS
8:39 AM wintonresearch i still think it’s going to turn up and run
8:39 AM wintonresearch over the next few weeks
8:40 AM wintonresearch most of this is from some proprietary forecasts i’ve completed in the last day or two
8:41 AM Curtis Melonopoly looking at $TGTX for swing here
8:41 AM MarketMaven M $DRYS can be really aggressive lol
8:43 AM Curtis Melonopoly would like to see OA at bottom there turn green on 15 min and stich RSI turn up and chart bot buy signal all on 15 min $TGTX for a large swing play
8:44 AM Curtis Melonopol yso I’ll watch it
8:45 AM MarketMaven M $CATB likely rocket yet today
8:46 AM Flash G $WLL blocks
8:46 AM Flash G $WG pops
8:51 AM MarketMaven MBTD on $SPY?
8:52 AM Flash G yolo
8:53 AM Curtis Melonopoly going on early lunch catchya in a bit
8:53 AM Flash G k
8:55 AM Flash G $NYMO crush
8:57 AMMarketMaven M$NYMO suggests your $JNUG might be offside?
8:57 AM Flash G iffy
9:02 AM Mathew w JNUG is a swing for me from here off of GDX levels. GDX needs to clear and close above 22.2 to let me know that we should be moving up from here
9:02 AM Mathew w I went super small and gave it a wide margin but won’t be afraid to close it if things look crappy
9:02 AM MarketMaven M Starting to $BTD here
9:03 AM MarketMaven M Thanks Mat I may follow you guys soon
9:04 AM Mathew w I really don’t want to take any new large positions right before FOMC tomorrow so if you’re on the fence keep that in mind
9:04 AM MarketMaven M Thats my thoughts too and the markets I think
9:10 AM MarketMaven M $AVGO serious pressure here – watching wash-out now for a possible play
9:13 AM MarketMaven M $CLRB jiggy
9:19 AM Curtis Melonopoly. crude on watch
9:20 AM Curtis Melonopoly3 0 min candle bullish
9:20 AM Curtis Melonopoly serious volume
9:22 AM Curtis Melonopoly FX $USOIL $WTI Needs to hold 47.70 market though and if it loses 47.30 then down another leg. 47.30 to 47.70 the test for this leg.
9:29 AM Curtis Melonopoly last 4 1 min candles sitting right on 47.70 lol
9:44 AM MarketMaven M that grey line is the magic line curt?
9:44 AM Curtis Melonopoly lol yup
9:45 AM Curtis Melonopoly math
9:45 AM MarketMaven M magic math
9:45 AM Curtis Melonopoly ok
9:53 AM MarketMaven M Looks like crude chart may repair at least intra
9:54 AM Curtis Melonopoly so much pressure on it but that’s the mark as you say at least intra
9:55 AM Flash G wactching $FATE $CUR $GOOGL here
9:57 AM MarketMaven M zzz
10:37 AM Mathew w Bumping stops on UEC and HL swings. Fairly tight on both.
10:41 AM Curtis Melonopoly $SBUX down again today?
10:47 AM Curtis Melonopoly $MGM NHOD $WYNN watching resistance for break or fail
10:48 AM wintonresearch watch $TGB here
10:48 AM wintonresearch at 50 dma
10:56 AM Mathew w APVO making a nice move here
11:01 AM Mathew w $PLG a mathew most hated pain trade showing up on the scanners. Im back in from the 1.4’s, this thing can run then kick you in the face all in the same day so careful if diving in
11:01 AM Mathew w that said, I like it for a run into the 2’s
11:12 AM Curtis Melonopoly a number of plays waking up here let’s hope for some follow through
11:21 AM Curtis Melonopoly Gold may start popping soon here
11:24 AM Mathew w Im really expecting some dollar weakness tomorrow after the fed releases their statement. I expect a hike with language that they will raise when appropriate but delayed and not in June
11:35 AM MarketMaven M ?
11:36 AM Curtis Melonopoly $TGXT at its extension ratchet if long
11:39 AMCurtis Melonopoly wow $TGXT may go for a double extension ??
11:42 AM Mathew w Nice play on that
11:44 AM MarketMaven M how’d you call that one?
11:45 AM Curtis Melonopoly just a feeling
11:47 AM MarketMaven M ?
11:52 AM MarketMaven M $RAD popping on rumours
12:05 PM MarketMaven M $TSLA bullish signals
12:13 PM MarketMaven M $XGTI
12:16 PM Flash G quiet
12:24 PM Mathew w fed lock up in progress I guess.
12:29 PM MarketMaven M yepp
12:33 PM Curtis Melonopoly watching $X $TGXT and the others from watch list on premarket report
12:33 PM MarketMaven M $NVCN on scanner
12:41 PM MarketMaven M $TSRO kicked hard
12:48 PM Curtis Melonopoly $MGTI up
1:18 PM MarketMaven M?
1:19 PM Curtis Melonopoly.bear is getting emotional in twitter ????
1:23 PM Curtis Melonopoly they might run crude up tonight for a gap fill
1:24 PM Curtis Melonopoly If Gild failed I will add to $DUST swing
1:24 PM Curtis Melonopoly If $GOOGL holds may add to swing.
1:26 PM Curtis Melonopoly $X divergent to bull side… over 200 on 15 min is a long
1:30 PM Mathew w gold looks horrible here with rest of the metals
1:35 PM MarketMaven M $RTK bounce
1:58 PM Curtis Melonopoly WELL THAT’S ALL. have a great night!
1:59 PM MarketMaven M see ya curt n all
1:59 PM Flash G,bye guys
Be safe out there!
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Article Topics: $DRWI, $ETRM, $DRYS, $TGTX, $OAKS, $JNUG, $DUST, $GOOGL, $COKE – $XOM, $NE, $ONTX, $DUST, $TRCH, $LGCY, $SSH, $ASM, $DRYS, $BLTG – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD, $GDX, $USOIL, $WTIC, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $DXY, $VIX, $GC_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, S&P 500