Year: 2021
May Trading Schedule
RE: May Trading Schedule
Good afternoon traders,
In the month of May it will be hyper critical to follow our alerts and videos from Mid Day Trade Set-Up Reviews and Sunday $STUDY Sessions.
I fully expect global markets to shift considerably, the crypto opportunities to increase in regularity (similar to our BTC and ARRR calls) and VIX, SPY, GOLD, SILVER, DOLLAR trading to be very active.
As the global markets begin to shift in to next two time cycles the day to day stock set-ups we use should become significant opportunities also.
During the last weekend of May we will run the second part of the Trader’s Boot Camp and then in June sometime a formal consolidated Trader’s Boot Camp tying it all together.
If you missed Part 1 of the Trader’s Boot Camp series there are two spots open online and two in person available. Jen will be offering those to the public sometime soon so this is your notice.
Note: Traders that register to Part 2 of the Boot Camp series will receive videos from Part 1. All attendees for all sessions receive all session videos. Register here for the Trader’s Boot Camp series.