Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algorithm Charting Calls and Alerts for Monday Feb 6, 2017; $DRYS, $GALT, $AMD, $VRX, $GLDBS, $TOPS, $OPXA, $JUNO, $CBMX, $TRCH, $LGCY, $DUST etc …
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Public Webinar Schedule:
Webinars are scheduled for this Saturday afternoon. For general public interested in understanding our services and algorithmic chart modeling. Also for existing members that wish to ask more detailed questions about the charting and trading our algorithmic charts.
Date: Saturday Feb 11, 2107
Location: Visit our website and click link to enter trading room and sign in as guest.
2:00 Epic the Oil Algorithm
2:30 Rosie the Gold Algorithm
3:00 SuperNova Silver Algorithm
3:30 US Dollar $DXY Algorithm
4:00 S&P and VIX (in development) models.
4:30 Swing Trading – What our service includes and success to date.
5:00 Trading Room – Introduction to our Trading Room
New article post on our blog:
My Newest Article: "The Only Stock Market Indicator That Matters Anymore | Chapter 1" #stocks #trading #investing
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) February 5, 2017
Per previous;
Trading Room News Memo – There is a new member memo out that updates our members on trading room news and upcoming events. It also discusses our upcoming announcement of weekly webinars for existing members that wish to use our work in a more in depth manner and prospective members that would like to understand more about what we do. These webinars will be weekly for all six algorithmic charting models, our swing trading service and our trade room – each being 30 minutes in length. You will find the memo here:
Compound Trading Stock Trading Room Member Memo Feb 3, 2017
Also, for those that have been asking about our systems… starting weekly webinar schedule to explain how our algorithmic modeling works.
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) February 3, 2017
Overview Perspective & Review of Markets, Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:
Traded out of my $OPXA weekend for small gain, scalped $DRYS seven times, scalped $VRX, and flat on a few others. Eleven trades with an average 300.00 profit – a day in the office to say the least. All of which I couldn’t alert outside of room because they were all minutes / scalps.
The real story of the day was Mathew killing with our members (being on the right side of the metals trade and others) and a visit from Hedge Hog trader in our room – he spent the day as a guest and served up some insight to our members about stocks he’s watching. If you aren’t following our associate trader Mathew and Nicholas (HedgeHog Trader) on Twitter you should be. They’re both masters of the game.
Speaking of master peeps in the game, Quarry who was gracious enough to give me a respectable shout out on the weekend – give him a follow! He’s an exciting trader, a good man and tapped in folks.
Also (per previous), I’m still on the wrong side of that Gold / Miners / Silver trade and I have absolutely no excuse because I knew months in advance the bottom call from Rosie the Gold Algo and SuperNova Silver Algo – and I even doubled down on $DUST the other day. HOWEVER, Gold does have two very significant hurdles coming overhead that have low probabilities of price action clearing (with-out a pull back) – unless of course geopolitical reasons change that.

Momentum / Noteable Stocks Today (via FinViz):
Ticker | Last | Change | Volume | ![]() |
Signal |
RENN | 8.16 | 403.70% | 374364 | Top Gainers | |
DRYS | 5.61 | 34.21% | 48012495 | Top Gainers | |
PSIX | 3.70 | 32.14% | 1832509 | Top Gainers | |
GLBS | 9.70 | 29.85% | 1461455 | Top Gainers | |
PULM | 4.98 | 29.02% | 18969351 | Top Gainers | |
NAKD | 2.89 | 18.93% | 6225248 | Top Gainers | |
RENN | 8.16 | 403.70% | 374364 | New High | |
SEV | 15.69 | 16.14% | 514509 | New High | |
ACFN | 0.51 | 30.85% | 834593 | New High | |
NEOT | 1.70 | -2.86% | 415852 | New High | |
RENN | 8.16 | 403.70% | 374364 | Overbought | |
WOOF | 90.69 | 0.04% | 2049174 | Overbought | |
SEV | 15.69 | 16.14% | 514509 | Unusual Volume | |
NINI | 17.52 | 1.39% | 10756 | Unusual Volume | |
OSTK | 16.10 | -4.17% | 3003355 | Unusual Volume | |
PIP | 1.01 | -69.39% | 41324546 | Unusual Volume | |
AAL | 45.30 | 2.49% | 6455878 | Upgrades | |
ACAT | 18.54 | -0.38% | 461889 | Earnings Before | |
CMG | 395.59 | -2.10% | 1497576 | Insider Buying |
I am holding $JUNO, $CBMX, $TRCH, $LGCY, $DUST
Looking Forward:
I am of course watching our standards that apply to our algorithmic charting.
US Dollar $DXY and $USDJPY failed support and tanked Monday – will be interesting to see what BOJ does next.
$GOLD, Miners and $SILVER blew through resistance but have a series of very significant algorithmic chart modeling and classic charting decisions on deck soon.
$OIL was near / at decision resistance and backed off Monday.
$VIX is still near dead.
$SPY came off a bit Monday but nothing to consider.
Still playing morning momos and expect it to be active Tuesday.
Also watching some new plays talked about in room below today, and $ZAIS, $FNMA (Trump play – not currently in but have been trading them), $OPXA (out Monday morning as noted but I like the chart), $ASM (great story referred by HedgeHog Trader, watching very close), $DUST (looking for intermin Gold reversal as I am in 2/5 size so I may hammer other 3/5 and play a turn for a flat goal), $JUNO and $CBMX (will hold in to late spring if needed and may add), $TRCH and $LGCY (oil and Trump play).
Earnings on deck:
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) February 4, 2017
And Epic the Oil Algo nailed the Friday target area – so the machines are still in it – that’s good – looking for a hit on target for Tuesday 10:30 AM now.
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Announcements in Compound Trading Chat Room:
09:00 am Curtis M : Momo: $GALE, $NAKD, $PULM, $MYOS, $HAS
Compound Trading Stock Chat-room Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter may be removed.
09:02 am Sandra Q : $GALE all out now
09:08 am Sammy T : $KIN Halt
09:18 am darnel t : Wwatching $OPXA and $RCON here now
09:19 am Carol B : $RCCON looks decent for open
09:21 am Carol B : $FNMA from Curts list consistent too lately
09:22 am Carol B : $ZAIS up from Curts lst too on Fri
09:27 am OILK K : $OPXA can go today
09:29 am OILK K : $MYOS
09:32 am Sammy T : $MYOS
09:33 am Frank R : $OPTT short
09:35 am Flash G : $HEAR HOD
09:36 am John M : $SEV strong
09:39 am Frank R : Getting some $GS here
09:42 am Trent P : $DRYS going to fly
09:44 am Jack D : $SDRL on the move
09:46 am Trent P : Long some $TSLA
09:47 am Trent P : Nice price
09:47 am Mathew Waterfall : Better late than never back in action now that the power came back on
09:47 am Trent P : haha
09:47 am Curtis M : morning
09:57 am Greg L : Curt your $CBMX looks great
10:04 am Curtis M : Sold $OPXA 1.11 avg tiny profit – from Friday weekend hold.
10:06 am Trent P : $WYNN
10:08 am Curtis M : Franks short on $OPTT play of the morning lol nice
10:11 am MarketMaven M : $TTPH HOD
10:12 am Sammy T : $WYNN long here for ull back try
10:15 am Sammy T : $PETX downgrade
10:16 am Mathew Waterfall : Power just cut out on me again. Just for the heads up I likely won’t be trading this morning in fear of another outage
10:16 am Curtis M : Looks like thats t for morning momo – I’ll keep a watch on other screens and scanners
10:16 am Curtis M : Loading standard issue charting now to take a look at oil Gold etc
10:41 am Curtis M : Quiet open
10:42 am Curtis M : Anything your watching Mathew?
10:42 am Mathew Waterfall : can you hear me?
10:45 am Curtis M : My quick recap for those that can’t listen to audio – Gold Silver Miners near interim resistance watching, watching oil for a god pull back for a long, $SPY concerned about MACD but watching for afternon run, not much else on my end.
10:46 am Rick M : Looks like a study morning and then maybe afternoon plays
10:47 am Curtis M : Oil coming off hard
10:48 am Mathew Waterfall : Yea not much really mving too hard outside of the metals and oil here. QUiet mornig overall with low volume on most everything that I’m looking at. I do expect to see the dollar come off and bonds to get with it though that may be a day or two away. I also am keeping an eye on some of the material stocks as $X and $AKS are fiving up their early gains which would be an indicator we may be going south
10:49 am Curtis M : I see a lot of GURUS got chopped up at open also Mathew – very choppy open
10:49 am Rick M : no doubt lol
10:49 am Curtis M : sorry left mic on
10:50 am Mathew Waterfall : Yepp head fakes and false breakouts across the baord pretty much. Like you always say number one thing is preserve capital
10:50 am Slim L : $EBIO decent
10:51 am David Z : $OPTT sss was bank for me – thanks Frank!
10:52 am Mathew Waterfall : Love it to see members suggesting winners in here. Well done guys
10:54 am Slim L : EPIC saved my ass this morning – just saying Curt thanks
10:54 am Curtis M : ha
10:55 am OILK K : $ZGNX nhod
10:56 am Curtis M : Watching oil indicators close
10:57 am Curtis M : I think the buy zone is lkely 52.65 – .70 on $USOL we’ll see
11:03 am MarketMaven M : $DRYS VWAP
11:08 am Mathew Waterfall : market feels a bit weak here. TICKs are middling but closing on the downside of 0 and $SPY looks to be struggling tohold 229
11:10 am Rick M : Morning after Superbowl
11:11 am Mathew Waterfall : Traders are hung over I guess lol
11:11 am Rick M : I am
11:13 am Nicholas Winton : morning everyone! Hedgehog Trader here 🙂
11:13 am Mathew Waterfall : haha Rick. Pats or ATL fan?
11:14 am Mathew Waterfall : Nice to see you Hedgehog
11:14 am Rick M : ATL
11:15 am Mathew Waterfall : Damn. I was pulling for you guys. I’m from Seattle area. Not a huge Hawks fan but you alsways root for the team that kicks you out of the playoffs
11:16 am OILQ K : My $EBIO from Fri decent
11:17 am OILQ K : Think Curts rght on wating on oil here
11:17 am Curtis M : 50 50
11:17 am Mathew Waterfall : Back in some $NGD here long rope swing trade
11:17 am Mathew Waterfall : 2.6 stop
11:18 am Curtis M : $GDX intra res not far away
11:19 am Nicholas Winton : small cap gold miner Primero $PPP closing on 50 dma
11:20 am Nicholas Winton : after basing for 3 months
11:21 am Trent P : $MCD nHOD
11:25 am Mathew Waterfall : $PPP looks like a nice play. Quick stop right below at the .7 low as well
11:28 am Nicholas Winton : another slow boil i like is $FNMA
11:31 am Mathew Waterfall : I’ve heard that name recently a few differnet places. Not sure I will jump in but a lot of people seem to be
11:31 am Sammy T : $AMD hod
11:35 am Curtis M : Gonna go make coffee – back in 15
11:35 am David Z : $AMD complete beast
11:36 am Mathew Waterfall : $AKS swing against todays LOD. Add over 8.5
11:37 am Eddie D : Like it
11:37 am Nicholas Winton : nice
11:39 am Stephen T : I’ll have to ask Curt when he’s back but I think he’s looking for a break out over that diagonal trendline in Silver
11:39 am Mathew Waterfall : Thats just the fib trendline. A break would be great or it can just keep riding it up as well
11:40 am Stephen T : ok thanks
11:42 am Slim L : Likely quiet next hour $STUDY lunch for me
11:49 am CrazzzyCam R : Santelli drawing his puctures again on CNBC:)
11:50 am Mathew Waterfall : while I don’t hate his levles, those carts are rediculous
11:50 am CrazzzyCam R : yup
11:50 am CrazzzyCam R : I dont think he has Twitter or anything like that either haha
11:50 am CrazzzyCam R : Good rants though
11:53 am David Z : $FNMA hasn’t stopped is slow grind up
12:02 pm Eddie D : Looks like you may get your buy zone met in oil Curt
12:02 pm Curtis M : ya
12:04 pm Curtis M : Its quiet out there
12:04 pm Mathew Waterfall : My volume scanner has one ticker on it currently lol
12:06 pm Nicholas Winton : a nanocap I’m watching is $MJTK
12:07 pm Nicholas Winton : looks like a flag
12:10 pm Mathew Waterfall : DO you trade mostly the pennies and micros Nicholas?
12:13 pm Nicholas Winton : mostly stocks under $10
12:13 pm Nicholas Winton : but follow commodities and some larger stocks like Cameco
12:14 pm Nicholas Winton : i think we’re at the start of a big markt bubble
12:14 pm Curtis M : Loks like hes not with us
12:14 pm Mathew Waterfall : I agree. I need to take a look at those smaller names more often
12:15 pm Curtis M : Sorry that was supposed to be a prvate message lol
12:15 pm Mathew Waterfall : Turned into just a message apparently lol
12:20 pm Mathew Waterfall : Option flow is light today. Heavy $AAPL calls being bought righ off of the open but those have lightened up. Some metals/miners plays but nothing too huge. $GOGO also seeing a ton of put flow. Not much to remark in the indeces either way
12:20 pm Stephen T : Curts pulling a Tim S***** on his Twitter lolol
12:20 pm Curtis M : hey shhh
12:20 pm Curtis M : jeez
12:20 pm Curtis M : edit!
12:21 pm Larry A : funny
12:22 pm Curtis M : thought picture of money would get me followers was all
12:22 pm Nicholas Winton : ha 🙂
12:23 pm Curtis M : hes going to file a lawsuit i know it bahahaha
12:24 pm David Z : curts bored
12:24 pm Curtis M : look at that gold
12:25 pm Mathew Waterfall : Gold/silver in honey badger mode today
12:25 pm David Z : ya wow
12:25 pm Curtis M : ill say
12:25 pm Mathew Waterfall : Bought some $SLW down here. It will play catch up to the others shortly
12:25 pm Mathew Waterfall : $Ag and $SSRI similar names Im in and killing it today
12:26 pm Curtis M : Way to go Mat
12:26 pm Curtis M : If I listened to my own algos Id be banking with you
12:27 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yea those algos were on point. nice confirmation for the move most of the way
12:27 pm Curtis M : Silver looks mean I gotta say
12:27 pm Curtis M : I like that $MJTK chart
12:29 pm Curtis M : nobody like my money pc ;lol
12:29 pm Mathew Waterfall : haha to get the real attention it’s got to be money on top of a ferrari or lambo with a half naked girl
12:30 pm Curtis M : have to kill somethng here this afternoon just one stupd lowsy penny runner please something plz
12:30 pm Nicholas Winton : SIL:SLV ratio very bullish looking
12:30 pm Nicholas Winton : for silver stocks
12:31 pm Curtis M : My wife has a load of candidates from poker world for that pic like Liv B***** or whatever her name is and a list as long as my arm they’re always over here
12:31 pm Curtis M : Great idea Mat
12:31 pm Curtis M : lol joke not doing it
12:31 pm Mathew Waterfall : hahaha
12:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : $AVXL VWAP test. Chart looks so-so
12:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : indicators turning on the 1′
12:33 pm Mathew Waterfall : Had volume then poof. So goes the market today
12:34 pm Curtis M : decent chart
12:34 pm Nicholas Winton : for silver watching small cap silver miners AXU ASM
12:35 pm Mathew Waterfall : I like $ASM. Opened a small position Friday in that name
12:35 pm Curtis M : ya is hedgehog around?
12:35 pm Curtis M : he was in here earlier?
12:36 pm Curtis M : jig on $NAKD
12:36 pm Mathew Waterfall : I thought Nicholas was hedgehog?
12:36 pm Curtis M : oh lol
12:37 pm Curtis M : thought nich was another nich
12:37 pm Curtis M : sorry nich and nich
12:41 pm Nicholas Winton : next time I’ll sign in as Hedgehog Trader
12:41 pm Nicholas Winton : no worries
12:42 pm Nicholas Winton : or add a Hedgehog avatar
12:42 pm David Z : ha
12:43 pm Nicholas Winton : i’m now wondering if we’re being lulled and everything rallies at day end
12:43 pm David Z : hope
12:43 pm Curtis M : better lol
12:43 pm Nicholas Winton : ha
12:43 pm Eddie D : coming
12:45 pm Nicholas Winton : i posted a cobalt play this morning for cdn traders CPO.V
12:45 pm Nicholas Winton : those are doing so well- and CPO is tiny and saw a lot of volume last week
12:46 pm Nicholas Winton : these niche sectors are doing well with the bubble environment
12:46 pm Nicholas Winton : worth watching
12:46 pm Eddie D : nice
12:47 pm Eddie D : those micros can double in a blonk
12:47 pm Eddie D : blink lol
12:47 pm Eddie D : blink blonk
12:48 pm Mathew Waterfall : $AVXL buys finally thoguh volume still light
12:48 pm Nicholas Winton : cobalt is up 70% this year because the Congo has been cut off as a supplier
12:48 pm Nicholas Winton : for using child slaves to mine.
12:48 pm Nicholas Winton : so suddenly a cobalt rush
12:48 pm Mathew Waterfall : Interesting. Macros swings there
12:49 pm Eddie D : looks like peeps getting back from lunch scanner perking up
12:49 pm Eddie D : get curt one of his double ups yet
12:50 pm Curtis M : YES
12:50 pm Nicholas Winton : another interesting metal is platinum
12:51 pm Curtis M : watching it close
12:51 pm Nicholas Winton : 2 producers have slashed production
12:51 pm Nicholas Winton : and plat usually trades at 20% prem to gold
12:51 pm Nicholas Winton : but right now gold is trading at 20% premium
12:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : I like and have a small position in $PLG there though looking for others
12:51 pm Nicholas Winton : yes PLG- going into commercial production in 3 months or less
12:52 pm Mathew Waterfall : That’s the word and should rocket
12:52 pm Nicholas Winton : so good catalyst
12:52 pm Nicholas Winton : last Feb iirc $PLG went up huge
12:52 pm Nicholas Winton : not sure on the seasonality of it but interesting
12:54 pm Eddie D : sound of my ears listening very closely
12:54 pm Mathew Waterfall : All of the metals/miners were mving large last spring but it seems like it was just a bit late to the party which is what Im looking for this year
12:55 pm Mathew Waterfall : usd/jpy getting slammed here
12:56 pm Nicholas Winton : last Feb $PLG went from $1.15 or so to $2
12:58 pm Mathew Waterfall : Im shooting for 2.4 as the first target from here
12:58 pm Mathew Waterfall : $4 would be after that with a couple resistance areas in between
12:59 pm Larry A : Which equity Mathew?
01:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : $plg
01:00 pm David Z : I was just thinking of those Lambo pics with Liv B***** hmmm
01:00 pm David Z : sorry buut true
01:01 pm Curtis M : edit!
01:01 pm Mathew Waterfall : TICKs starting to try to make some much lower lows here
01:01 pm Stephen T : Gold up and over it seems
01:02 pm Curtis M : that yellow line is a serious double down extension point but yu should be good to go until then stephen – should
01:02 pm Curtis M : even after who knows but its a serious symmetry crossroads
01:03 pm Curtis M : Mat you researched $ASM?
01:05 pm Nicholas Winton : my note: $ASM 1.6M oz silver production this year and 1.7-2.1 next year plus gold production starting late 2017
01:05 pm Stephen T : Mat likes it
01:06 pm Curtis M : best Silver play?
01:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : $AVXL getting it
01:07 pm Nicholas Winton : $ASM it’s my silver fav- 50M shares and great CEO
01:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yea I like $ASM and $NGD in gold should get some nice rebound as well
01:07 pm Nicholas Winton : small stocks should do v well in this bubble
01:08 pm Curtis M : i might hit one really hard
01:09 pm Mathew Waterfall : Let me know so I can front run you lol but chances are Im already in it I’m in a few names across the baord
01:11 pm Curtis M : Mat – Gold over res on your charts?
01:13 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yepp
01:14 pm Mathew Waterfall : Aiming for 1250.9 fib at this point
01:14 pm Mathew Waterfall : 1227.5 swing high was my last breka out point
01:15 pm CrazzzyCam R : sounds right
01:16 pm Mathew Waterfall : I have some heavy reisstance with that fib and some other support/res lines from 1250.9-1253ish
01:19 pm Curtis M : Sorry I hit $AMD at 13.47 long … distracted with Silver
01:19 pm Curtis M : Small order 2000
01:22 pm darnel t : $DRYS NHOD break out
01:22 pm darnel t : $DRYS
01:24 pm Larry A : $CBMX add
01:26 pm Slim L : $DRYS ER tomorrow lol
01:28 pm Mathew Waterfall : O lord holding into $DRYS earnings? That takes some fortitude right there
01:28 pm David Z : Its at a new hi too
01:29 pm David Z : In $SINA for strength test
01:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : I have no clue. That thing has split and reverse split so many times. I know it’s like a million below where it was 10 years ago
01:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : 2007 high 1516947.8 lolol
01:30 pm Mathew Waterfall : Worse than $VXX!
01:31 pm CrazzzyCam R : Its a short interest play – only thing that makes sense
01:31 pm Mathew Waterfall : yea
01:31 pm darnel t : Stopped on $AMD flat
01:32 pm Curtis M : My stop a cent below yours then
01:33 pm Curtis M : Maybe I should have left w ya
01:34 pm Larry A : No traction yet stalled out here scans quiet
01:35 pm Mathew Waterfall : Out a portion of this week $TLT 121c’s at .29 form .14
01:35 pm Mathew Waterfall : Still holing some for amore higher but trade is greem even if left over finsh as doughnuts
01:36 pm Rick M : Double top $DRYS indicators up vol coming
01:38 pm Curtis M : Out $AMD flat
01:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : usd/jpy getting monkey hammered hard ehre holy ish
01:39 pm Rick M : monkey time 🙂
01:40 pm Curtis M : Oil almost in buy zone
01:43 pm Curtis M : In the $DRYS casino at 4.88
01:44 pm Mathew Waterfall : Out some of the next week $NUGT 12.5c’s at .89 from .5. Only a few left wanted to roll but none of the rolls made sense so will readd on any dips
01:45 pm Mathew Waterfall : Out some more of those $TLT calls at .34 from .14
01:45 pm Mathew Waterfall : Will set a stop in the .20’s and let them cruise
01:47 pm Sammy T : $SCIX long
01:48 pm Mathew Waterfall : Looking at $FCX here
01:49 pm Mathew Waterfall : Weekly 16c’s at .29
01:49 pm MarketMaven M : Why is $DRYS running lol?
01:49 pm Mathew Waterfall : Why is water wet?
01:49 pm Carol B : hahaha
01:50 pm Carol B : $DCIX
01:50 pm Mathew Waterfall : Other shippers might see some play here. $ESEA, $SALT etc
01:50 pm Mathew Waterfall : Not my plays though
01:55 pm Curtis M : $DRYS out 4.99
01:55 pm Nicholas Winton : ESEA is nice 19M mkt cap can move
01:56 pm John M : $TSLA nice play
01:56 pm John M : $DRYS u nailed that exit haha
01:57 pm Curtis M : mised top
01:58 pm Mathew Waterfall : $GDXJ lotto’s for friday. 42.5c’s at .19
02:04 pm Flash G : don’t do it curt
02:05 pm Curtis M : Good call on $TSLA guys
02:05 pm John M : ss $PULM
02:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : $PUL looks ready for a rollover
02:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : $PULM
02:07 pm Curtis M : Long $DRYS
02:09 pm Curtis M : Long $VRX
Didn’t alert in room I entered and exited within 10 mins for a small .20 win – it was a very, very busy day with 11 trades.
02:10 pm Curtis M : nice
02:10 pm Curtis M : lol
02:12 pm Mathew Waterfall : $HL swing against 6.4. Will add another rung over 7.25
02:12 pm Curtis M : Out $DRYS in $GLBS
02:16 pm Curtis M : Out $GLBS nice little win
02:17 pm Curtis M : in $TOPS
02:17 pm Curtis M : Got $TOPS at pull back so hoping it pops
02:17 pm Curtis M : wack a mole
02:19 pm Eddie D : $GLNS squeeze time
02:20 pm Curtis M : Out $TOPS flat
02:21 pm Curtis M : Those were too quick to alert
02:21 pm Flash G : I’ll say
02:22 pm Flash G : $CXRX squeezing last 20 mins
02:24 pm Curtis M : Oil getting close
02:24 pm Curtis M : Pit in 5
02:24 pm Mathew Waterfall : Is there even a pit anymore? I knolw they mark commodities at 2:30 but didn’t they close the NYMEX pit?
02:26 pm Curtis M : $GALT vol
02:27 pm Curtis M : Long $GALT
02:27 pm Curtis M : Yes two months ago
02:27 pm Nicholas Winton : micro mj $NWGFF
02:27 pm Curtis M : Still action – I call it pit I shouldn;t
02:27 pm Curtis M : its like a mgic time I’ll call it that
02:28 pm Mathew Waterfall : I still call it pit close as well
02:28 pm Mathew Waterfall : What I saw abou it closing was barely a footnote
02:29 pm Curtis M : Man I thought $GALT might go at that pull back
02:30 pm Curtis M : The Nymex xlosed end of Dec but crude still settles at 230
02:30 pm Nicholas Winton : Novagold $NG popped above 200dma
02:31 pm Nicholas Winton : hasnt been there since Sept
02:31 pm Curtis M : Out $GALT flat
02:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : scanners fers. $GORO, $NG, $GPL
02:32 pm Curtis M : No oil trade for me
02:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : $PVG, $FSM, $AGI
02:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : all seeing expanding colume chasing this move
02:34 pm Rick M : Well I like Pit its bas azz
02:34 pm Curtis M : What a day for miners and gold
02:35 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yepp they are all seeing a ton of call buying here all day as well
02:36 pm Curtis M : Way to go longs
02:36 pm Curtis M : I don’t think I;ve ever sat through the wrong side of a turn for this long my whole life
02:37 pm Curtis M : Daily reminded lolol
02:37 pm Curtis M : Literally missed a new house
02:37 pm Larry A : whoa
02:37 pm Mathew Waterfall : Good thing about this game is there are alway smore opportunities
02:37 pm Curtis M : cards never end
02:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : exactly
02:40 pm Curtis M : Long $DRYS
02:42 pm Curtis M : scalp scalp scalp
02:43 pm Mathew Waterfall : Ultimate lotto $GPL Mar 2.5c’s at .05. This will need the 2.25 level in the next week or so to pay well on these
02:45 pm Curtis M : Sweet play on metals wow
02:47 pm Mathew Waterfall : Crazy statement: Some of these smaller miners have some catching up to do and will blast off if gold keeps going. Like the small cap oil plays some of them have a bit of lag built in at times
02:47 pm Curtis M : BOJ void
02:47 pm Curtis M : ok ready
02:48 pm Curtis M : u throw the ball and Ill hit it lol
02:48 pm Mathew Waterfall : $NGD, $TRQ, and $PLG a couple I scopped up more shares in today
02:49 pm Mathew Waterfall : If new entries waiting to see what gold does tomorrow isn’t a horrible idea. We got a similar move albeit to lower hioghs 2 weeks ago only to sell off pretty hard. That move peaked on a tuesday or wednesday I believe and sold off after
02:50 pm Curtis M : DO NOT SHORT DRYS YET
02:51 pm Curtis M : Something going on with that earnings – something odd
02:52 pm Mathew Waterfall : $GDXJ calls at .31 from .19 already. Im holding into tomorrow but not a bad place to trim a bit Im thinking
02:53 pm Curtis M : great plays Mat
02:53 pm Mathew Waterfall : Thanks!
02:53 pm Rick M : agree
02:59 pm Mathew Waterfall : Whoa. $SHLD not looking so hot
02:59 pm Mathew Waterfall : Sorry article link
03:01 pm Curtis M : Out $DRYS another scalp
03:01 pm Nicholas Winton : dry scalp
03:01 pm Nicholas Winton : use a moisturizer
03:02 pm Nicholas Winton : *crickets*
03:02 pm Mathew Waterfall : badum tiss
03:02 pm Mathew Waterfall : More than just trade ideas in here today folks
03:03 pm Nicholas Winton : good folks, bad jokes?
03:03 pm CrazzzyCam R : lol nicholas theyre just fine
03:05 pm Nicholas Winton : watch smallcap miner $THM
03:05 pm Larry A : $GLBS turning up
03:05 pm Nicholas Winton : closing in on 200dma and it does tend to run when there’s room
03:05 pm Nicholas Winton : $THM that is
03:05 pm Nicholas Winton : look at all the Alaska gold plays all benefit from Trump
03:06 pm Nicholas Winton : $THM $NAK $NG
03:06 pm Nicholas Winton : i think they are all going to soar this year
03:06 pm Sammy T : $TOPS crapped out
03:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : I was in $NG and sold to move to another position. Should have stayed in. I like $THM
03:07 pm Nicholas Winton : THM mkt cap 100M and has 12M oz gold
03:08 pm Nicholas Winton : and a wide following
03:08 pm Mathew Waterfall : wow. In the ground but damn that’s impressive
03:08 pm Mathew Waterfall : Looks like over .75 it shold have some legs
03:08 pm OILK K : looks good
03:09 pm Mathew Waterfall : possibly inverse H&S look as well
03:09 pm Greg L : Just noticed the Dry scalp funny:)
03:10 pm Nicholas Winton : lots of puns available for rent
03:12 pm Greg L : tough action today except metals and a few others i gues
03:12 pm Nicholas Winton : my tiny cobalt explorer seeing volume again today CPO.V
03:13 pm Cara R : nice chart too Nich
03:13 pm Nicholas Winton : one of the last few cobalt stocks to be discovered
03:14 pm Nicholas Winton : CUZ.V is another nice one but CPO much smaller and i like that
03:15 pm Cara R : Study time on that one for me thanks Nich!
03:16 pm Nicholas Winton : you’re welcome, i like it
03:16 pm Mathew Waterfall : $TLT holding up into the close is a good sign there. Still want to nail that move round two outside of thse small call plays. Over 120.4 and Im back in
03:17 pm Curtis M : Nicholas has lots of ideas you would like Cara
03:18 pm Curtis M : I’m long that $DRYS break in case you didn’t gues lol
03:19 pm Nicholas Winton : this month should be interesting- shippers often move with miners
03:20 pm Curtis M : 5 or 6 scalps at 300 paid for my ass sitting here all day
03:20 pm Mathew Waterfall : Had to do it. Sold some of those $GDXJ calls at .35 from .19. Too easy to pass up on a weekly exp
03:20 pm Stephen T : go one
03:20 pm Stephen T : good
03:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : Still have about half left for the continuation but that sell basically paid for the originall entry
03:21 pm Curtis M : bank nice
03:21 pm Nicholas Winton : anyone else think NUGT is headed to 17+?
03:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : Now stop at originak entry and let it do its thing
03:21 pm Curtis M : sleeping with his green
03:22 pm Mathew Waterfall : In a box that says Fragile on it. I think it’s pronounced fra-G-lay. Must be italian
03:23 pm Curtis M : I sold flat
03:23 pm CrazzzyCam R : ha
03:26 pm Curtis M : hard to say Nicholas – I think Gold in for a few bumps soon but who knows – you thinking yes?
03:26 pm Eddie D : likely more
03:28 pm Curtis M : $DRYS didnt sell off
03:28 pm Curtis M : In on that break again
03:31 pm Curtis M : Ill tell ya $DRYS with right report tomorrow could be super nova time
03:31 pm Mathew Waterfall : Small $THM starter
03:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : Those $GDXJ calls now at .475 lol sold a bit early good thing I held some
03:33 pm David Z : wow
03:37 pm Mathew Waterfall : They’ll see some premium decay here late in the day but I have a order to close at a tripple tomorrow if we get follow through
03:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : More sweeps for $GDX, $GLD, $SLV etc all afternoon. Crazy steam in those names across the board
03:38 pm CrazzzyCam R : what a day
03:43 pm Curtis M : I might hold on lol
03:43 pm Mathew Waterfall : for earnings? I will say a prayer for you
03:46 pm Mathew Waterfall : Out some more $GDXJ calls right here for a cent or 3 shy or a 3 bagger. Just a couple left for a move higher. I’m a sucker for easy money
03:47 pm Lou Ramone : Mathew Curt All
03:47 pm Stephen T : awesome
03:47 pm Lou Ramone : hola
03:48 pm Stephen T : hola
03:48 pm Lou Ramone : I’m long nugt: any suggestion?
03:48 pm Stephen T : i think curts deep in a trade
03:48 pm Lou Ramone : k will wait
03:48 pm Stephen T : Mat knows nugt
03:49 pm Curtis M : out of course
03:49 pm Curtis M : scalp #7
03:49 pm Mathew Waterfall : Where are you long from and what’s your timeline? I think these miners to get some continuation into tomorrow with gold strength
03:49 pm Mathew Waterfall : Gold hasn’t hit my levels yet so I’m still hanging in
03:50 pm Curtis M : gold looks like a long to me too lou
03:50 pm Lou Ramone : since fri … 1usd by 100 . 700 in total
03:50 pm Nicholas Winton : silver looks great
03:50 pm Lou Ramone : will wait then
03:50 pm Mathew Waterfall : If you’re in options like I have been playing intraday it’s a different scenario
03:50 pm Nicholas Winton : $ASM closing in on 200dma
03:50 pm CrazzzyCam R : silver i agree
03:50 pm Nicholas Winton : a lot of small miners could erupt
03:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yepp. Im banking on it
03:51 pm CrazzzyCam R : tomorrow might be curts kind of day
03:51 pm Lou Ramone : swing trade I will say
03:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : $NUGT calls now 1.33 from .5. Im holding the rest if that tells yo anything about my view Lou
03:52 pm Lou Ramone : perfect!!!
03:52 pm Curtis M : lol funny ya true I make all my money in like 20 – 30 days a year thats it lol the rest is scalps
03:52 pm Curtis M : but when i do lol
03:52 pm Curtis M : $ASM nice chart
03:53 pm Mathew Waterfall : $PPP running as well. Nice call Hedgehog. This crew in here today is straight killing it. Scalps, swings, analysis. Well done everyone
03:53 pm Nicholas Winton : sweet
03:54 pm Nicholas Winton : note a couple of weeks ago, we heard $ASM is ramping silver processing capacity 70%
03:55 pm Nicholas Winton : and announced go ahead of a past-producing gold mine
03:55 pm Nicholas Winton : in BC
03:55 pm Curtis M : trpled last time
03:55 pm Nicholas Winton : if you think we’re in a bubble for assets, ASM not a bad little play
03:57 pm OILQ K : $NFLX jiggggy
03:58 pm OILQ K : shippers and maybe small cap metals tomorrow it appears
03:58 pm OILQ K : appears
03:58 pm Lou Ramone : when metals is over I wanted to ask about oil
03:59 pm Mathew Waterfall : $NFLX saw some call action right into the close
03:59 pm Curtis M : we have a webinar this weekend
03:59 pm Curtis M : schedule comes out tonight
03:59 pm Curtis M : perfect opp
04:00 pm CrazzzyCam R : cya tomorrow
04:00 pm Eddie D : cheers all
04:00 pm Slim L : peaca!!!!
04:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : Have a good night all. hope you banked some today. Im off to clear some downed trees and limbs
04:00 pm Curtis M : bye guys
04:00 pm Nicholas Winton : cheers everyone, thanks Curtis
04:00 pm Lou Ramone : bye
04:00 pm Nicholas Winton : great room
04:00 pm Curtis M : 🙂
Be safe out there!
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Article Topics: $DRYS, $GALT, $AMD, $VRX, $GLBS, $TOPS, $OPXA, $DUST, $JUNO, $CBMX, $TRCH, $LGCY – $UGAZ, $DGAZ, $NUGT, $DUST, $USLV, $DSLV, $UWT, $DWT, $JNUG, $JDST, Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD, $GDX, $USOIL, $WTIC, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $DXY, $VIX, $GC_F, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, S&P 500