$CRM All-Time Highs After #Earnings Call

All-Time Highs After #Earnings Call by curtmelonopoly on TradingView.com Price has established new all-time highs at 121.15 during

All-Time Highs After #Earnings Call by curtmelonopoly on TradingView.com Price has established new all-time highs at 121.15 during premarket after an earnings call. Look out for a possible breakout continuation.

1. Trading 120.90 in premarket as of writing, up 4%
2. Price has gradually corrected onto its 200, 100, and 20 MA’s, re-testing each point as it has consolidated into a new up-channel
3. MACD: After completing out its previous bull run (red arrow signifies completion point), the MACD has been in a pocket of indecision


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