Tag: $GDXJ
Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algorithm Charting Calls and Alerts for Thursday Dec 15 – $UWT, $CBIO, $PIR, $SPY, $VIX, $GLD, $GDX, $USDJPY, $DXY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $NG_F, $UGAZ and more.
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Notice: There is a new feature blog post at this link, “Why our Stock Algorithms are Different than Most“. If you are using our algorithms or charting it is a must read.
Notice: We are testing fault settings for multiple trading rooms in 2017 (main room, momentum, options, swing, commodities, etc). We can have groups in different rooms all seeing same screen and announcements / broadcast – if you’re moved don’t sweat it – it won’t affect your experience.
Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algo Calls, Trades and Alerts:
From my post market report Monday and follow-ups since,
Well, we have Fed talk Wednesday so yes the market may oompff a bit – but I expect it to run again until near Christmas or even closer to Preident Elect Donald Trump’s power transition.
I followed up with a warning in the member’s premarket with specific area of challenge in $SPY chart at 227.80.
Price action on $SPY struggled with that area all day and remained a challenge overnight, Wed Fed day challenged price action and overnght it is still struggling BUT THE CHART IS NOT BROKE and until otherwise our algo predicts are in play (new reports processing and available within a day or three).
$SPY Struggling with resistance overnight our algo alerted as resistance prior to Fed meeting. $ES_F $SPXS $SPXL S&P 500

SILVER. Well here we go🔥 Target Hit! @SuperNovaAlgo called 15.80 – 16.25 price target months ago! $SLV $SI_V $USLV $DSLV Algos on fire! pic.twitter.com/qQyynuchnS
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
Hit my PT from July call but not lower quad. Gold algo intra work sheet 558 AM Dec 5 $GOLD $GLD $UGLD $DGLD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG pic.twitter.com/Uqoxwu4fCt
— Rosie the Gold Algo (@ROSIEtheAlgo) December 5, 2016
$USDJPY Did warn em. Break out. $GLD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG $DXY pic.twitter.com/BdhnHDIIKy
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 9, 2016
Target Hit! Gold collapse in to our 1133.00 price target to bottom of algo quadrant. $GOLD $GLD $UGLD $DGLD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG #algo

So that again leaves our inaugural algo EPIC!
From yesterday:
Epic the Oil Algo calls price and time for every Tuesday at 4:30, Wednesday at 10:30 and Friday at 1:00 (and much more than those calls) the week prior in his newsletter oil reports the week prior so that traders can plan their trades etc. Anyway… the Tuesday at 4:30 price and time target zone was hit yet once again! He’s firing at 93.3% call win rate (all published in advance like all over our algos).
So were weren’t sure which target was going to hit – funny thing is primary target hit right to the cent at the second of the call and the secondary target hit about 2 seconds later right to the exact cent also. What a day for EPIC. Below is a shot of when price was on its way to targets and above is price of crude hitting both called targets within seconds of each other.
Targets for next week Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday 1:00 PM will be calculated by EPIC the Oil Algo and sent to members this weekend!
Friday 1:00 target for this week on deck!
My Personal Trades:
I only added to my long position in my swing account on $UWT and held overnight. There was an awesome set up (our code word for it in the lab is “right ear sidewinder” AND WOW DID IT PLAY OUT EXACTLY AS WE SAID IT WOULD to the second all the way through the trade. I will try and find time to a do a detailed video in this set-up this weekend – we hit that trade set-up at least 95% of the time and the price spike is violent so it is an awesome crude oil instrument related trade. Normally I would have sold right at the top of the spike (because of course knowing where that is in advance is key). But I am loading crude oil related plays in my swing account right now. Mid term play. Anyway, it was recorded live in detail in the trading room so I hope to get a video done on it.
Here’s generally what the oil related trade looked like on a chart along with some tweets and you will see in the log below of me alerting of the set-up and when it was complete (the details are more important and that is why I need to do the video, that set-up can be used over and over with oil related trade on intra-day trading with near 100% accuracy).
Right ear sidewinder oil play called right to the second in trading room. Entry – exit Crude algo intra work sheet 418 AM Dec 16 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DET #OOTT #algo – Green arrow entry alert, Red arrow exit alert – very detailed advance trade set-up explanation in the trading room and walked the traders through the whole process live second by second. The white line is the bottom of a time / price triangle trading quadrant the members were alerted to days ago that played out also – no traditional charting on earth provides that charting.

The alert process on Twitter (room transcript below and video coming from live trading session)
$UWT is a long crude ETN day trading instrument that allows you to get magnified gains if you are on right side of the trade. Not for beginners.
Got $UWT ?
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
I was confident because I had confirmation in the trading action that I was now again trading with the machines – makes it REALLY PREDICTABLE – to the second – watch the video – literally to the second. And that $USD/JPY from today – same thing – exactly to the cent to the second knowing in advance because when the machines are in they are in, in a way humans are not.
Happy to report they're back #machines
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
I alerted that there were large blocks trading in $USO – further confirmation.
$USO blocks
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
Right ear sidewinder in $USOIL watch out bears thank me later
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
I alerted prior to spike that I did accept tips (you never know a guy might get some love) – THEN IT SPIKED HARD! And of course I was broadcasting every step for our crew in the room.
I accept Silver tips
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
I have a big hat fyi
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
Alerted to exit the trade.
sidewinder completion
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
I'll do a step by step video this weekend on that sidewinder
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 15, 2016
A kind man thanked me.
very good call man
— JoeBuccamasa (@LuisitoRamone) December 15, 2016
Primary Lessons That May Help You With Your Trades:
Watch the two videos we’ll do on the oil trade and the USDJPY trade when ready.
Again, Mathew would have a book full of lessons with his trades lately (lots for folks to learn there) so it will be nice to have him on audio broadcasting in the room and I look forward to his watch lists and blog posts.
Looking Forward:
Now we are waiting for price action for our six algos to confirm targets etc and we’ll trade the other side of this inflection. IT IS GOING TO BE NUTS! Watch the algos on this inflection trade!
Announcements in Trading Room:
09:31 am Curtis M : Watching momos $CBIO $BOSC $ATHN $PIR $DRYS $DSLV $DUST $JDST $ARWR $MVIX $DGAZ $DWT $ONVO $LLY Then on to Gold Oil SPY etc
11:37 am Curtis M : On Lunch until 12:15 EST
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter is removed.
09:06 am Curtis M : $CBIO mania
09:15 am Carol B : premarket looks decent
09:26 am Mathew Waterfall : Made it in. I’m having some weird issues apparently with my computer this AM so if things are laggy sorry about that
09:26 am Curtis M : modern life:)
09:27 am Curtis M : Watching open plays and then I will move over to standard when open settles down
09:33 am Tyler H : $CBIO went wrong direction
09:33 am Tyler H : Sorry $BOSC
09:34 am Mathew Waterfall : $AAPL pushing in to the gap. Watching to close out some of those calls
09:35 am OILQ K : I am staying long $AAPL in to Jan 1 in that time frame
09:36 am Curtis M : $CBIO and others not getting a great open yet
09:38 am MarketMaven M : $PIR bull
09:39 am Curtis M : $PIR squeeze is strong
09:45 am Joel O : Looking at $AMZN today on long bias
09:46 am Mathew Waterfall : $AAPL new highs. Losings the 10 on the 1′ and I’m cutting. Will let it run until 117 and get out around there
09:47 am Tyler H : Large spec on bid $ES_F we’re going hgher folks
09:49 am OILKING K : $VRX ss
09:50 am Mathew Waterfall : Out half of the $AAPL Dec16 118’s at .2 from .25. Will keep the other as a lotto play that will either double or go to zero, either way I’m fine. Didn’t buy enough time, looking at next weeks 118s
09:52 am Curtis M : This could it be it soon here on the sell side of $SPY
09:53 am Mathew Waterfall : On the mic, let me know if you can hear me
09:53 am OILKING K : Nice!
09:54 am Carol B : Thanks Matt
09:55 am Tyler H : $ES_F blasat off time
09:57 am Curtis M : Good quality head gear there Matt – clear
09:57 am Mathew Waterfall : Seeing a lot of IWM call buying and some large put sellers here. Should be in good shape for at least a pop into the end of the week. $ON calls working, $MPEL has some work to do
09:58 am Mathew Waterfall : Cool, glad that was easy lol
09:59 am Curtis M : The last time Iwent long and held ON and didnt check a stock was like 2 years ago – I did that with UWT – not sure if good or bad lol
09:59 am Mathew Waterfall : And right on time $IWM going vert. Looking for a hgher high over yesterday as first stop
10:01 am Curtis M : $SBPH halt
10:05 am Mathew Waterfall : Out half $IWM Dec23 138.5’s at .5 from .32. Keeping it tight. Will let the other half run
10:06 am Mathew Waterfall : And if you’re late it’s now even further north which is always nice
10:06 am Curtis M : snap back gonna be mean
10:07 am Mathew Waterfall : Yea /ES looks angry right now. Stop run to the north for the Santa rally
10:10 am Mathew Waterfall : $ON consolidating over yesterdays HOD. Like the steam in this one
10:11 am Curtis M : Shippers running
10:17 am Michael P : Back in 3 mins
10:22 am Mathew Waterfall : $XOM in a fed Dec23 92.5c’s @.3. Small position to start. Looking to see if this can retain some strength today and get back into the 92/93 range. Wanted it lower but it held up well
10:26 am OILKING K : Oil looks good yet IMO Mat
10:26 am Mathew Waterfall : Agreed. I don’t expect a downdraft in OIL but $XOM is always a bit of a proxy for OIL so you have to take that into consideration
10:27 am Curtis M : true that
10:36 am Mathew Waterfall : Out rest of my dec23 $IWM 138.5c’s. .62 from .32. Think it goes higher but looking for a breather and will reload. If not $XOM will have to carry me home
10:40 am Curtis M : $OPKA great chart
10:40 am Curtis M : $OPK
10:42 am Tyler H : Shippers dropped
10:43 am Mathew Waterfall : $AAPL bouncing off of gap support. Slow melt in last hour concerning but should be good for a pop north
10:43 am Mathew Waterfall : $ON 13’s. Booyah. Final target is 4’s on this one
10:43 am Dani M : excellent
10:45 am DaytradeX X : $NFLX stalking here
10:45 am Mathew Waterfall : If you’re in the trade and want to play tight can set a stop right above entry. It shouldn’t slip back below 12.73. If it does I would consider cutting
10:48 am Curtis M : $NFLX – I dont see how that biz gonna stay afloat – just me
10:50 am Curtis M : Gold in a dangerous place – next quadrant right below – algos will rape it down there -they have been in control
11:02 am Curtis M : I wonder if the 200 on the 1 min matters lol funny
11:03 am Curtis M : here we go
11:07 am Curtis M : Scaling 6000 $UWT picking my places tho short leash at fib crooss
11:12 am MarketMaven M : With ya Curt and tight stops too
11:12 am MarketMaven M : Nice fn timing
11:12 am OILKING K : That was interesting
11:13 am OILKING K : Right ear sidewinder?
11:13 am Curtis M : Its an oil trading term from way back lol – maybe they dont use it anymore
11:21 am Mathew Waterfall : Coffee break. Back in 20 or so
11:22 am Curtis M : Running scans enjoy
11:22 am Curtis M : me too
11:32 am Curtis M : Well that sucked
11:32 am Curtis M : But Im holding
11:32 am MarketMaven M : I am too but small positoin
11:34 am Curtis M : Where’s sandeep?
11:34 am Curtis M : u must b away from your computer
11:34 am John M : oil looks risky but I see your method
11:34 am John M : Im long TSLA
11:36 am Curtis M : One more round of deval and $USDJPY takes flight and Gold wlil be in bot hell
11:56 am Curtis M : Huge technical resistance on $USDJPY
12:02 pm John M : Curt USDJPY should take a breather here i think u ar right
12:04 pm Curtis M : Crude on top of a number of micro technical challenges now
12:07 pm John M : Yahoo a dog
12:07 pm David Z : Oil looking good now haha
12:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : Little lunchtime melt going on here. Expecting some more strength to come back into the market as bear haven’t been able to do much as of yet
12:08 pm DaytradeX X : Christmas rally will continue and trump train and gains tax train
12:09 pm Mathew Waterfall : USD is the thorn in our sides currently. Thanks Yellen
12:10 pm Dani M : Yellen seems out of touch
12:11 pm Curtis M : lol I will delete Yellen comments before publishing trading log bahahahah
12:11 pm Curtis M : She looks like she’d send the dogs of war
12:12 pm OILQ K : Long Spy or QQQ my think maybe
12:12 pm Mathew Waterfall : hahaha she will sick her horrible policy dogs on us
12:13 pm Curtis M : something yes she spooks me
12:13 pm Curtis M : its those collars
12:13 pm Mathew Waterfall : lol her outfits are like modern day chinese regime
12:14 pm Curtis M : haha
12:15 pm Mathew Waterfall : Just hit $NUGT for a bounc. 10 cent trailing stop, likely won’t net me much but it does like to bounce if the dollar yen can cooperate
12:15 pm Curtis M : Tempting trade with ths resistance
12:15 pm Curtis M : lol same time
12:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : Small add to $XOM position. Again nice strength on the day and looks like a cup and handle formation in progress
12:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : Only currently playing next weeks 92.5’s which are cheap
12:25 pm Michael P : what kinda magic was that wtf?
12:26 pm Curtis M : lilttle technical trick
12:26 pm Curtis M : did you watch how I did that?
12:26 pm Carol B : I DID
12:27 pm Drew M : That was sick
12:27 pm Curtis M : sick meaning good lol haha
12:27 pm Curtis M : mght still fail
12:29 pm Drew M : crazzy
12:41 pm Mathew Waterfall : $NUGT trying here, with a trailer I’m not really actively managing this trade but let’s see some bounce in the step please
12:45 pm Mathew Waterfall : $CHK Dec23 7.5 lotto trade. in @ .1. If oil holds this should get a pop. # bagger or doughnut on this no other option really so play at your own risk
12:47 pm OILKING K : I was looking at chk too
12:50 pm Mathew Waterfall : I’ll explain my thoughts on these lottos later today post market if you guys want some background in my thinking on these
12:51 pm Curtis M : Curt – remember 12:24 $USDJPY video and Sidewinder play on oil noon (note to self)
12:52 pm Curtis M : Matt u should do a blog post on it I’ll get Sartaj to get you set up
12:52 pm Mathew Waterfall : Sounds good
12:52 pm MarketMaven M : great ideas boyz like
12:53 pm Mathew Waterfall : $NUGT trying for 6. thought this was dead in the water 15′ ago lol
12:55 pm Mathew Waterfall : stopped at 5.95. Good enough for 20 cents a share on no real trade management. I’ll take the small win
12:55 pm Curtis M : yes nice profit is proft
01:01 pm Dani M : SPY gonna go
01:01 pm Curtis M : You are likely right
01:07 pm Curtis M : so glad I hammerd down so hard
01:07 pm Mathew Waterfall : Nice call Curt!
01:07 pm Curtis M : hey thanks Mat – truth is it was 50 50 but happy needed a hit
01:08 pm MarketMaven M : School today with you two guys. THANK YOU
01:08 pm Curtis M : 🙂
01:08 pm Mathew Waterfall : 50/50 with proper risk management can still pay the bills
01:09 pm Curtis M : Thats the secret right there
01:14 pm OILQ K : Anything look good Mathew?
01:15 pm Mathew Waterfall : No new positions for me, baybsitting what I have on the books
01:16 pm Curtis M : Not my skill
01:35 pm David Z : Pit close will be good or bad guys?
01:36 pm Curtis M : Tough call 50 50 with a little slant to good because of momo
01:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : I could see some profit taking here but I’m not playing it outside of my oil stock plays so YMMV
01:38 pm Curtis M : Ya you never go wrong taking profit
01:39 pm David Z : Good point
01:39 pm DaytradeX X : great day – lots of ed
02:09 pm OILKING K : what a cool play exactly like you said it would play too crazy neet
02:10 pm Dani M : Watching netflox again $NFLX
02:13 pm Darni P : Serious Mathew and Curtis best learning day and I have trade for 11 years. Looking forward to tomorrow. And Matts blog. I was thinking %DRYS for close thooughts?
02:20 pm OILKING K : Long $DRYS small
02:20 pm Mathew Waterfall : Glad you learned a few things today. Never stop learning
02:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : $drys looks ok. It couldnm’t get above 4.75 and has a recent low at 4.4 to play against so not a great r/r set up IMO
02:23 pm Curtis M : pure momo play
02:34 pm Curtis M : $KALV on scan
02:37 pm Curtis M : Just ran all the background on $KALV decent outfit guys
02:40 pm Mathew Waterfall : $DFIN working on a breakout for a swing
02:43 pm Curtis M : $CBIO blocks
02:48 pm Curtis M : $DRYS looking jiggy
02:55 pm Curtis M : $DCIX pop
03:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : $QHC HOD into the close here
03:03 pm Mathew Waterfall : Volume is lackluster but the daily candle will be a beauty. I’ll watch for continuation tomorrow
03:03 pm Curtis M : yup
03:04 pm Mathew Waterfall : And firmly into a gap that closes around 9.75 so a good candle to play against. Long over stop at LOD or around $7
03:14 pm Curtis M : So with this snap back $DRYS NHOD sqeeze I would ratchet stops at 5
03:16 pm Curtis M : If you get thru 5 your next res is 5.30 – 5.40
03:22 pm Curtis M : $CBIO 110% is a bit much but the way ths market is 300% may happen tomorrow
03:23 pm Mathew Waterfall : $AKAO says it can keep going lol
03:23 pm Curtis M : $DRYS just entered warp
03:26 pm Tyler H : I am out on $DRYS 40 cent winner
03:27 pm Darni P : ME TOO! thanks curt
03:27 pm Curtis M : I just alerted I didn’t play wish I did
03:27 pm Curtis M : risky stuff
03:35 pm MarketMaven M : $DRYS surprises me all the time. I wouldn’t hold it.
03:35 pm Mathew Waterfall : Debating $ORCL next week lottos for earnings. One of my favorite plays. recent strength with a sell off into the close right before earnings. ~1.50 move expected. Eyeing next week 43s but will likely just watch
03:37 pm Michael P : need to learn your moves mathew
03:37 pm Michael P : i will read your post
03:38 pm Dani M : see you tomorrow gyz!
03:39 pm Mathew Waterfall : I’ll work on it this weekend. It will have some technical stuff in there but be a decent primer for options with a slant towards lottos
03:39 pm Mathew Waterfall : $DFIN and $QHC looking strong into close. close eye on both$ON rallying to finish the day as well
03:40 pm Curtis M : All look good on that list
03:44 pm Mathew Waterfall : Rolling half of my $ON jan 13’s to 14’s for .36 credit. Great way to take some profits and keep the trade on. This will move the effective cost of those 14’s to .16 a piece. Keeping the other half of the 13’s and will outright sell those in coming days
03:45 pm Mathew Waterfall : You could also sell against the 13’s to creat a spread if you wanted or straight sell to lock gains but I think this goes higher as my previously mentioned target is 14 if the market cooperates
03:46 pm Mathew Waterfall : I promise, on of these days I will also learn to type. Editing my blog post this weekend will take longer than writing it I’m sure
03:46 pm Mathew Waterfall : *one see lol
03:47 pm Curtis M : lol
03:50 pm Mathew Waterfall : $AKS and $CLF pushing to close at HOD as well. in $XOM could join that would be very constructive
03:50 pm John M : Like $CLF
03:53 pm Mathew Waterfall : Same here John. 9.62 is an important level. Now that we’re over that I’m looking for a move back to the highs
03:53 pm Curtis M : $CLF makes sense
03:53 pm DaytradeX X : Im out good nite!!!
03:54 pm Joel O : in the morning peeps bye
03:54 pm Mathew Waterfall : $CLF was 121 in 08. Crazy
03:55 pm Darni P : YES TO $CLF – Catchya tmrw
03:57 pm Curtis M : Great day guys and gals thanks for the support!
03:57 pm Mathew Waterfall : See ya in the AM guys and gals
03:58 pm Carol B : see ya mat
03:58 pm Jack D : peace
04:01 pm Curtis M : out
You can follow along with public calls our algorithms post on Twitter here:
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Article Topics: Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD $GDX $USOIL $WTIC $SPY $DXY $VIX $GDXJ $NUGT $DUST $JNUG $JDST $GC_F $USO $UCO $SCO $CL_F $UWT $DWT $ERX $ERY $GUSH $DRIP $SPY S&P 500
Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algorithm Charting Calls and Alerts for Wednesday Dec 14 – $UWT, $SPY, $VIX, $GLD, $GDX, $USDJPY, $DXY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $NG_F, $UGAZ and more.
Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.
In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.
Notice: There is a new feature blog post at this link, “Why our Stock Algorithms are Different than Most“. If you are using our algorithms or charting it is a must read.
Notice: We are testing fault settings for multiple trading rooms in 2017 (main room, momentum, options, swing, commodities, etc). We can have groups in different rooms all seeing same screen and announcements / broadcast – if you’re moved don’t sweat it – it won’t affect your experience.
$SPY: The S&P 500 Algorithm is starting to fire on all cylinders too (which is good – its 5th in development process so its newer than others).
From my post market report Monday,
Well, we have Fed talk Wednesday so yes the market may oompff a bit – but I expect it to run again until near Christmas or even closer to Preident Elect Donald Trump’s power transition.
I followed up with a warning in the member’s premarket with specific area of challenge in $SPY chart at 227.80.
Price action on $SPY struggled with that area all day and remained a challenge overnight, Wed Fed day challenged price action and overnght it is still struggling BUT THE CHART IS NOT BROKE and until otherwise our algo predicts are in play (new reports processing and available within a day or three).
And our $VIX algo been hitting it on intra calls too which is awesome to see.
Per yesterday:
Our Gold and Silver algorithms have said wait on a buy because of the 90% chance of Gold going to lower quadrant (you’d have to see our Gold algo Twitter to get the whole story – but the calls have been in place for months while many were bullish on Gold prior to election in Summer and Fall 2016)… anyway so Gold did deflate more as called – so yes, Gold and Silver algos hitting perfect too. These are exact price calls BTW. And the $DXY algo has been nailing it.
So our Gold price target of 1163 from months back has hit and overnight it got down to 1151 which puts Gold very close to the 90% probability of a hit to bottom of quadrant from @RosietheAlgo with posts going way back.
Hit my PT from July call but not lower quad. Gold algo intra work sheet 558 AM Dec 5 $GOLD $GLD $UGLD $DGLD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG pic.twitter.com/Uqoxwu4fCt
— Rosie the Gold Algo (@ROSIEtheAlgo) December 5, 2016

So that leaves our inaugural algo EPIC!
From yesterday:
Epic the Oil Algo calls price and time for every Tuesday at 4:30, Wednesday at 10:30 and Friday at 1:00 (and much more than those calls) the week prior in his newsletter oil reports the week prior so that traders can plan their trades etc. Anyway… the Tuesday at 4:30 price and time target zone was hit yet once again! He’s firing at 93.3% call win rate (all published in advance like all over our algos).
So were weren’t sure which target was going to hit – funny thing is primary target hit right to the cent at the second of the call and the secondary target hit about 2 seconds later right to the exact cent also. What a day for EPIC. Below is a shot of when price was on its way to targets and above is price of crude hitting both called targets within seconds of each other.

Our Trades:
I only took a couple long positions in my swing account on $UWT and held overnight.
So the room was really quiet because of the Fed speak.
Mathew has BEEN NAILING his trades and his alerts in the room have been awesome. He’ll be in the broadcasting daily here soon with me alerting his trades too and posting results and a pre market watch list on blog soon also.
Primary Lessons That May Help You With Your Trades:
Nothing new here from me.
Again, Mathew would have a book full of lessons with his trades lately (lots for folks to learn there) so it will be nice to have him on audio broadcasting in the room and I look forward to his watch lists and blog posts.
Looking Forward:
Now we are waiting for price action for our six algos to confirm targets etc and we’ll trade the other side of this inflection. IT IS GOING TO BE NUTS! Watch the algos on this inflection trade!
Announcements in Trading Room:
09:02 am Curtis M : Notice: We are testing fault settings for multiple trading rooms in 2017 (main room, momentum, options, swing, commodities, etc). We can have groups in different rooms all seeing same screen and announcements / broadcast – if you’re moved don’t sweat it – it won’t affect your experience.
09:11 am Curtis M : Notice: We are testing fault settings for multiple trading rooms in 2017 (main room, momentum, options, swing, commodities, etc). We can have groups in different rooms all seeing same screen and announcements / broadcast – if you’re moved don’t sweat it – it won’t affect your experience.
01:51 pm Curtis M : We are experiencing intermittent internet outages in our area – if we stop broadcasting we will re-enter after each outage.
Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:
Miscellaneous chatter is removed.
09:11 am Curtis M : On Watch: $VCEL $BCLI $NSR $IDXG $ADHD $GOL $RCON
09:27 am Mathew Waterfall : Wouldn’t be too surprised to see a bit of a shake and bake into the fed as we are all pretty nervous overall. I’ll be sitting on my hands unless something crazy happens
09:27 am Curtis M : Watching $VCEL over 4 and dont see a lot of action this side of Fed FYI likely sit
09:31 am Curtis M : 52 week highs $NSR $RACE
09:32 am John M : Short $AKAO
09:32 am Mathew Waterfall : $CRBP pop off open. I am putting a trailer on this
09:33 am MarketMaven M : $VRX long 14.75
09:34 am Sammy T : Was going to short $VCEl glad I didn’t POP
09:35 am Mathew Waterfall : Out of $CRBP at 8.2. Didn’t get much out of that, want to lighten up before the fed. Small win
09:35 am Curtis M : $ADMP vol on scan
09:43 am Curtis M : 53 Week New highs $CDZI $DF $HOV $LIOX $MC $RICK
09:44 am MarketMaven M : Long $NWBO small
09:45 am Curtis M : Looking at oil related long near support post Fed and Natural Gas – likely sit on hands
09:46 am Mathew Waterfall : Couple $AAPL weekly 118’s @.25. Looking for some continuation afer breaking out of the bull flag pattern
09:46 am Mathew Waterfall : Fill at .23 it looks like
09:47 am Mathew Waterfall : And $CRBP taking off after I’m out lol love that
09:50 am Ronny D : $AKAM looks decent long now.
09:52 am Curtis M : Crude support test here.
09:53 am Curtis M : If crude doesn’t hold this support and hits downdraft check your algo target below. Lots of air.
09:54 am Mathew Waterfall : $ON Jan 13c’s. Bought a few at .55. If this slips I’m out, but just broke above resistance and saw soe good buying action this AM
09:59 am Mathew Waterfall : FANG on th move. $AAPL and $FB moving north with $NFLX lagging
10:01 am Ronny D : Short $JPM
10:02 am Curtis M : Crude bulls have it over support
10:12 am MarketMaven M : Nice buys in CL
10:14 am Mathew Waterfall : Whoever had the $VRX long be careful. It looks pretty weak here and from now until the end of the year it’s a prime tax loss sell candidate
10:16 am Mathew Waterfall : $JPM and $GC trying to go green. $BAC already there. Rate hike already baked in but these might get an extra little pop off of the hike news
10:18 am Curtis M : $BAC Im sure I got wacked on Fed day last year too – cant recall who else brought that up
10:21 am Curtis M : EPIC target looking good for price and time predict for 10:30 AM today – in target zone
10:31 am Mathew Waterfall : $AKS and $CLF ripping. If you followed me in you can take small gains here, I’m holding but will consider dumping half of my position if they double to cover costs and let the rest ride free
10:54 am Curtis M : Sorry guys was just doing some high fives in the lab there
10:55 am Curtis M : So oil is bullish
10:56 am Curtis M : As long as oil holds the support lines (yellow) the next targets are up
10:57 am Curtis M : Keeop in mind Friday targets are less predictive than Tues and Wed but they are good too like 85%
11:02 am Carol B : Unbelievable EPIC call guys
11:03 am Curtis M : Epic the Oil Algo is my buddy lfor sure. Called that target to the penny and second.
11:23 am Mathew Waterfall : $FANG getting beat on here a bit. Still holding the $AAPL calls small position high R/R if it can fill that gap to the 118’s. $TSLA also looks interesting but calls are a little high with only 2 day sleft in the week here
11:24 am Curtis M : Sorry guys back – quick call there
11:25 am Mathew Waterfall : Casinos also looking lively here. They should get some mojo back shortly IMO
11:26 am Sammy T : I like the casinos but waiting until Fed too – we should all go on early lunch soon n come back for Fed
11:26 am Curtis M : Not a bad idea lol
11:27 am Mathew Waterfall : I debated sleeping in today thinking the morning would be slow. I was right but didn’t sleep in. I think you’re on to something Sammy
11:28 am Curtis M : Ya u guys arre prob right Ill be in lab anyway so Ill be 10 feet from monitors f anything shakes
11:28 am OILKING K : Will be quiet until after Fed for sure
11:48 am Mathew Waterfall : $ON continued call sweeps into this weakness. Interesting as it broke my chart levels, retraced, and is still getting big buys all morning
11:49 am Carol B : CL looks strong
11:52 am Mathew Waterfall : $CLF $AKS strong. Also looks like I should have taken those $TSLA calls
11:53 am Curtis M : Fed might decide $TSLA direction
11:54 am Mathew Waterfall : I just hate trading that stock, so manipulated it’s not even funny
11:55 am Mathew Waterfall : Because I am scared I am putting a stop on the rest of my $LVS Dec30 60c’s. Currently trading.8, stop at my buy which was .53
11:55 am Mathew Waterfall : Already rolled the $MGM to take profit and sold against the $WYNN for those keeping track so not as worried about those positions
12:09 pm Mathew Waterfall : More $CLF sweepers coming through. Also seeing some $IWM play betting on a strong bounce post fed
12:13 pm Curtis M : Long $UWT
12:13 pm Mathew Waterfall : Not sure if or when we will get there but orders in on $AKS and $CLF calls. Selling half of both at the double mark to keep the other half of each for a longer term play
12:25 pm Mathew Waterfall : $LVS stopped raised a dime to .63. Will let this play out, but want to make sure I get some profits so likely last raise until stock hits 59.5-60
12:41 pm darni t : I’d like to follow you on that UWT long but I am going to wait for Fed
12:41 pm Curtis M : Ya I get it. Im in small. Waiting too.
01:00 pm Mathew Waterfall : $LVS approaching 2 bagger. 1.015 flasshing from .53 entry. Not a horrible time to step off the ride but I am greedy and let my winners run
01:01 pm Mathew Waterfall : What I’m watching in $AKS http://tos.mx/cqcKoF
01:14 pm Mathew Waterfall : $LVS stop raise again. If we can hit the 59.5 monday premarkey high today, I’ll likely lock and sell. If not I’ll let it keep working as I think all of the casinos will see their Friday highs here before too long
01:17 pm OILKING K : I think market going to fly high soon. Very soon.
01:22 pm Mathew Waterfall : I hope you’re right OKK. Also, if you guys are looking at set ups post them up. Or if you think we can help break down a chart or something we can work on that as well
01:23 pm Sammy T : Thanks Matt!
01:23 pm Mathew Waterfall : Shoot me a PM if you don’t want to post it here for some reason
01:23 pm Michael P : i will prepare some stuff this week for you to look at Matt
01:23 pm Mathew Waterfall : Sounds good
01:36 pm Mathew Waterfall : Out half $AKS Dec23 11’s. .41 from .23. Sold a bit earlier than planned but IV just cranked on these guys so I took to opportunity. Will hold the other half. Sticking to plan on $CLF as I have more time there with the Jan17 12c’s
01:39 pm Mathew Waterfall : Have an open order to sell half of those $CLF calls for .45 for anyone wondering. Again, not saying we get there but some of these fed decisions envoke a kneejerk reaction
01:42 pm Curtis M : Huge internet outages in our area right now – its fibre too
01:44 pm OILKING K : Ya it seemed to freeze on my end here
01:46 pm Carol B : Yellen show time soon.
01:46 pm stockman H : Looking long $SMRT right after Yellen
01:54 pm Curtis M : Yellen might just try and throw Trump under bus:)
01:58 pm Mathew Waterfall : I love the fed frontrunning. LEt’s see how excited the boys are today
01:58 pm Curtis M : lol
01:58 pm Mathew Waterfall : $VIX smash
02:04 pm Edward Johansson : why is the market going the opposite of the rake hike?
02:05 pm Edward Johansson : or is that just normal bouncing around?
02:05 pm Curtis M : Offside money
02:06 pm Curtis M : Institutions have to hold in to 2017 retail can cause some downdraft but not for long IMO
02:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : Yepp plus you always see big swings as people bet both sides
02:06 pm Curtis M : yup
02:06 pm Mathew Waterfall : 3 projected in 2017. Stupid if they do, they projected 4 last year though and we got 1 so who knows
02:08 pm Curtis M : Matt – u have chart on your screen? Were getting hammered by internet outages
02:08 pm Mathew Waterfall : $MPEL Dec 23 18.5’s. Sweepers all over this earlier with nice price action. Filled at .3 small position to start will add if it gets some juice
02:09 pm Mathew Waterfall : I can share mine hold on
02:12 pm Curtis M : Wierd – oh well it may go in and out all afternoon
02:13 pm Mathew Waterfall : Let me know if you want to switch to my front screen. I had to install the screen sharing program but it looks like Im set up
02:14 pm stockman H : I will be buying this dip – not sure when but I am buying it
02:14 pm Curtis M : not much of a dp yet
02:15 pm Mathew Waterfall : Covered those $WYNN Dec23 102c’s that I sold against my 100’s. Covered at .25 from .49. Will resell another set if $wynn gets a pop as I expect
02:32 pm Mathew Waterfall : $AAPL handling this well. $IWM taking it on the chin here pretty hard
02:35 pm Carol B : I will be on long side of this soon I think
02:41 pm Mathew Waterfall : Added $AKS Dec30 11c’s at .42 for a bounce to preFOMC levels. Will watch this and cut if it doesn’t get going
02:42 pm Curtis M : Long $UWT scaling another 1000
02:42 pm Curtis M : 300 prior – small entries yet
03:11 pm Mathew Waterfall : Out of second $AKS position. Will revisit after this flush. Think the maket keeps grinding higher from here but I don’t want to sit through the pain. Still holding half of original position after selling half this AM preFOMC
03:14 pm Curtis M : I thought $WYNN would do better
03:18 pm Mathew Waterfall : Same here. I don’t think it’s over for the casinos but if the market is selling off they will go along as well
03:19 pm Curtis M : I still dont think the market or oil going far – rubber band coming next 3 trading days at most IMO
03:19 pm Mathew Waterfall : Agreed. Everything still looks mostly constructive
03:20 pm Curtis M : This aint last year totally different
03:20 pm Mathew Waterfall : Most were looking for a reason to sell off. Should snap back and I would bet on another all time high before xmas
03:21 pm Curtis M : yup
03:21 pm Mathew Waterfall : $IWM Dec23 138.5c’s at .32 for the snap. Putting my money where my mouth is after it just got kicked
03:38 pm Mathew Waterfall : Big $TICK’s coming through here and $VIX slam.
03:51 pm Mathew Waterfall : And now huge $TICKs to the downside. I’m sleeping on all of my positions. Snapback still in play IMO
03:51 pm Curtis M : yup
03:56 pm Curtis M : Well I am in $UWT hold overnight if more downdraft over nnight I wll hit it again soon – Have a great night guys and gals!
03:56 pm Carol B : you too curt
03:56 pm Mathew Waterfall : See ya in the AM guys
03:57 pm darni t : thanks for the good work Matt and Curtis
You can follow along with public calls our algorithms post on Twitter here:
The algorithm Twitter feeds can be found here: $WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).
Article Topics: Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Investing, Chat Room, Trading Results, $GLD $GDX $USOIL $WTIC $SPY $DXY $VIX $GLD $GDX $GDXJ $NUGT $DUST $JNUG $JDST $GC_F $USOIL $WTIC $USO $UCO $SCO $CL_F $UWT $DWT $ERX $ERY $GUSH $DRIP $SPY S&P 500
Pre-Market Newsletter Nov 7, 2016 ($USOIL Oil, $DXY US Dollar, $VIX Volatility, $GLD Gold and more.)
My Stock Trading Plan for Monday November 7, 2016.
Election Trading
Premarket reports will not be detailed until after elextion.
I’m sitting tight and will trade scalps until after election. After election we will start on algorithmic trading main targets and trendlines and work with traditional indicators that I use for my trades. So for now I’m not going to get to detailed with pre-market trade plans but after election you will see very detailed trading plans for each algorithm we have in development.
Momentum Stocks
I will at times take first 30 min momo plays if and only if I think I can secure a stop that is tight and get immediate momentum on my side… I know a lot of rooms will take these plays regularly… but they aren’t normally my style because I want clear risk reward on my side and a predictable exit on my side. Compound trading works well if disciplined (and it mitigates unnecessary risk). Nonetheless, I watch morning momo plays not only for the first 30 mins but also, and more importantly, they are often the stocks I trade later in the day when they snap back after a downdraft or they continue to trend (I am looking for technical indicators such as a trending moving average, increased volume, continued trend, and more). 1 snap back or continued trend per day at 1% (or .20 cents on a 20.00 stock) over 26 months is 10k to 1.14 MM or it can be done in 6 months with 4 of these trades a day…. but it has to be low risk so you can execute stops or manual exits with-out stress and undo risk.
So just prior to open and shortly after open I post momentum stocks to the trade chat room (and Twitter if I have time). These I continue to watch through the day for indicators that allow a trade.
Markets Today – Volatility $VIX ($XIV, $UVXY, $TVIX, $VXX etc)
Well…. Hillary isn’t guilty they say… so everyone is happy… so we have a $VIX GAP DOWN of 12.5% at time of writing… which in my thinking is awesome… A $VIX in the 19’s is closer to the 13’s or 14’s I’d like to get an entry at and is much better than reaching for 22’s and 23’s… had I only held $XIV over weekend…. but I wasn’t prepared to take the risk… I want 1% a day for 10k to 1MM in 2 years… that’s it… simple… focus.
So the snap back I was all about last week is obviously here…. but I’d be careful with holds Monday and Tuesday night… you never know… things a fucky to say the least.
I’m looking for entries on either side of the range for scalps.. for me that’s it for now with $VIX.
$DXY US Dollar Index ($UUP US Dollar Bull, $UDN British Pound, $FXY Japanese Yen Trust, $CNY China, $TZA, $SMK / $EWW Mexico Capped ETF)
From last Thursday’s trading plan…
The US Dollar was close to a Fib at 97.07 earlier so this is an interesting watch for possible long in $UUP (long) and watching $UDN close (short a basket of currencies including British Pound).
Well… it got a little better downdraft than 97.07 and snap – back happened – overnight as I write it has snapped back from 96.89 – 97.70… I trade I should not have missed – I had it set-up.
$TZA – 3x Small Cap Bear. Watch $DXY US Dollar Index – when it gets flight so does the small cap bear $TZA typically.
I will be watching other currency relationships also for Fib and Pivots and will post as opportunities / time arise.
$SPY ($ES_F, $SPX etc)
I don’t have much to say other than… there’s the snap back and remember to watch the pivots… same here… buy the blood in the streets and buy the over extended pivots and Fib levels (for those that don’t understand pivots and Fib levels – we will be getting in to those indicators after election in detail in the room).
There was a recent time / price cycle change. @EPICtheAlgo is expected to have updates on his Twitter prior to open. Generally speaking it was in a downdraft near some support but at significant risk… but likely a tad over-sold.. and I see at time of writing it is up in over-night trading. I’d be very cautious though – but that’s just an opinion. We’ll see what EPIC’s calculations look like.
Gold / Gold Miners – $DUST $JDST (Bear) / $NUGT $JNUG $GDX $GDXJ (Bull) / #Gold $GLD
Gold, Miners, Silver I was looking for on floor down over last month per my posts and this now may do it. We will watch to election and then start putting out our algorithmic charting and traditional charting and trade it.
Silver – $SLV, $USLV, $DSLV
As above.
Natural Gas – $UGAZ, $DGAZ
I continue to watch per previous.
So it’s really all about our current rally, staying nimble through election and then on to charting and trading thereafter with detailed set-ups.
Good luck!
Free Scanners to find momentum stocks that you can easily review charts of for indicators that bring probability of your trade being successful up considerably. These are not useful for first 30 minute super-nova type plays… but are very useful for intra day scalping (start with trending stocks and then look at indicators intra for simple set-ups).
http://finviz.com/, https://finance.yahoo.com/screener/predefined/ec5bebb9-b7b2-4474-9e5c-3e258b61cbe6
Pre-Market Newsletter ($SPY, $VIX, Oil, $DXY, $JNUG, Gold, Silver, $UGAZ…more)
My Stock Trading Plan for November 1, 2016.
Good morning Wall Street traders! Trade them well!
On Watch: Momentum Follow-Through Stocks:
Looking for potential follow-through on $BRCO, $INTX, $HMNY, $NTP, $TWTR, $CETX, $NVCN, $ATOS, $AUY
I won’t explain in detail what I’m looking for in this forum (I’ll do that in that trade room for each that are considered as / if they are considered).
Monday’s momo:
$BRCO + 22%
$INTX +25%
$HMNY +7.14%
$NTP + 7.86%
$TWTR +1.64%
$CETX +5.26%
$NVCN +29.96%
$ATOS +21.05%
$AUY +4.09%
On Watch: Morning Momentum stocks TBD.
$SPY Set-up / Volatility $XIV $TVIX $UVXY $VXX
I think there is a set-up with $SPY… wait for volatility and play it – beyond that I’m not trading $SPY or related instruments because I believe the Fed is in there and has it pinned – period. Not enough width IMO.

$VIX – Volatility ($XIV, $TVIX, $UVXY, $VXX, etc)
My problem with $VIX is that I can’t take a trade this high in $UVXY etc. because I would want $VIX closer to 13 (but it may get away on me) and I can’t take a trade in $XIV etc because I don’t expect volatility to settle down before the election. So I’m watching very close between now and the election. I believe there will be daily opportunity here starting Wednesday at latest – there was lots of “insurance” buys Monday… so Tuesday may even open an opportunity.

$DXY US Dollar Index ($UUP) – $FXY Japanese Yen Trust, $CNY, $TZA, $SMK / $EWW
There is nothing broken in the US Dollar Index chart IMO. The continued targets I’ve previously posted stand unless conditions change.

$DXY US Dollar Index upside res 98.61, 98.78 (short term PT), 98.91, 99.17, 99.28, 99.64, 99.80
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 21, 2016
$FXY Japanese Yen Trust – Gold / Gold Miners – $DUST $JDST (Bear) / $NUGT $JNUG $GDX $GDXJ (Bull) / #Gold $GLD
If you’re thinking of taking a position in Gold Miner’s this is good to follow. Last night it started to turn around and miner’s ran Monday (so no surprise and should have been an easy trade – distracted lol) so watch it if it continues to rise 9/10 times miner’s will follow… I even watch it with Gold plays and even before I take a small cap Gold company or miner position.

$TZA – 3x Small Cap Bear
Watch $DXY US Dollar Index – when it gets flight so does the small cap bear $TZA typically – it can be a great daytrade.

$SMK / $EWW (Mexico Capped ETF)
If you think Trump is going to win you want to short $EWW or play $SMK (however thinly traded).

So crude had a significant downdraft Monday (OPEC / non OPEC couldn’t get it together I guess)… and ended up trading down to a diagonal trend-line (blue) from a previous time / price cycle and very near a horizontal price support (purple) and it appears that it will be heading for the nearest target EPIC the Oil Algo called. And to make matters worse (if you review a simple chart) the neckline support with oil has been breached (not that I give that much consideration).
I was going to take a long position in $UWTI at end of day but didn’t and will strongly consider one in the morning.
Gold / Gold Miners – $DUST $JDST (Bear) / $NUGT $JNUG $GDX $GDXJ (Bull) / #Gold $GLD
Looking for entry $GLD at 114.00 / 115.00 area – but I don’t think I will get that before the election.
Gold at 1266.65 is still one level up from my target closer to 1177.00.
On Friday I wrote that I expected Gold Miner’s to run Monday and that occurred – I will be watching them close. There again wanted a pull-back I don’t think I’m going to get.
Going in to election I am very bullish most commodities. I am currently running charts on miner companies too.
$JNUG +7.42% Monday

Silver – $SLV, $USLV, $DSLV
My position with Silver ($SLV) is similar as that with Gold ($GLD) in that I am waiting for one more downdraft – here again I may not get that.

Natural Gas – $UGAZ $DGAZ
Here also, with natural gas I am looking for one level lower for an entry. It’s at 2.99 overnight and an ideal entry would be 2.86 (or at least a review there).
$UGAZ was off 9.42% on Monday so I will watch close Tuesday.

The Finviz stock screener is available here: http://finviz.com/.
Look forward to seeing you in the chat room. Visit www.compoundtrading.com and click on the link on the main page to enter the chat room.
Pre-Market Newsletter ($SPY, $VIX, $USOIL Oil, $DXY, $GLD Gold, $SLV Silver…more)
Good morning stock traders!
I don’t expect any $SPY related trading until election unless there is some unexpected “width” in trade.
I do expect to be trading $VIX related instruments between now and election… however, with current chart I would like an entry when $VIX closer to 13. It is currently 15.2.
$DXY US Dollar Index ($UUP) – $FXY Japanese Yen Trust, $CNY, $TZA, $SMK / $EWW
$DXY is far from broken – break-out still intact. Upside resistance levels. Currently at 98.84. Look for further run in $DXY ($UUP), $FXY (Japan Yen) continued pressure, $CNY (China Renminbi/USD ETN) continued deval, possible continued run with $TZA (small cap bear), and $SMK / $EWW (Mexico) I am watching for an election play.
$DXY US Dollar Index upside res 98.61, 98.78 (short term PT), 98.91, 99.17, 99.28, 99.64, 99.80
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 21, 2016
Crude is well above its traditional charting diagonal and horizontal trend line supports and within its trading range. EPIC the Oil algorithm published targets for 1:00 today and current price action is almost perfectly between the two main alpha algo targets published. There is a significant time / price cycle terminating no later than Tuesday Nov 1 at 9:00 PM ET and normally price will move in or out of current trading range before the termination. In this case my bet is a movement before 4:30 PM Tuesday but it could be anytime now.
Gold / Gold Miners – $DUST $JDST (Bear) / $NUGT $JNUG $GDX $GDXJ (Bull) / #Gold $GLD
I was looking for an entry in $GLD at the 114.00 / 115.00 area (intra-day price 120.98) – but I don’t think now I will get that before the election (that was the plan so I will watch). Gold at 1266.65 is still one level up from my target.
Even with the pressure on the miner’s yesterday (even though a pull-back is likely short-term), I am looking for that move to continue over next week – again with election things are more difficult to future cast.
Going in to election however, I am very bullish most commodities. WITHIN DAYS I WILL BE HUNTING DOWN company equities specific to a strong move I see coming very very SOON.
Silver – $SLV, $USLV, $DSLV
My position with Silver ($SLV) is similar as that with Gold ($GLD) in that I am waiting for one more downdraft – here again I may not get that.
Natural Gas – $UGAZ $DGAZ
My thesis was the recent run-up (which we got and I miss timed) – but short term as with Gold I expect on level down in the elevator (again, could be wrong) so that is what I will watch for.
With all of the charts relating to the above I will be watching for support and resistance levels that make sense to trade (trying to only take trades on major pivots is important). Next week our charting and algo charting publications will become very detailed (in separate reports) which will make this discussion and trade planning more clear as a result of the detail (and the chat room / broadcasting will be going live – that will help clarity and intra-trading too).
Have a great day! May you bank and bank more! Freedom is calling your name!
PS: Other…
US GDP on deck as I write – looks like a small increase..
Rig count today 13:00 EST
12 Stocks To Watch:
AMGN, AMZN, CVX, Data Processing & Outsourced Services, Earnings, EXPE, GOOGL, Health Care.
Today’s Trading Results – Post Market Report
Today (yesterday really as this is late) was a frustrating day… two triggers and two losses and zero wins – one of the first days like that for a while. Fortunately the entries were not huge.
Hopefully some of my mistakes will help your trading.
I am likely going to stay away from $SPY related trades until the election and $VIX related trades until right before the election.
$DXY US Dollar Index
The day started with the $DXY threatening… and oil initially did respond to it but as the day progressed oil continued to get lift off the diagonal trendline (blue on oil charts). So that was my first miss (lesson # 1) – the trend line was a high probability trigger that I should have pulled on (I would have been long $UWTI).
$DXY threatens pic.twitter.com/Pq6193ZfNe
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
Crude following trendline close. pic.twitter.com/AjIltpbDs5
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
As the US Dollar continued its assault $TZA continued to rise (a reminder of my alert near bottom a number of days ago that I didn’t take full advantage of) – lesson # 2.
Hasn't stopped since alert on 24th – should have stayed longer $TZA Small Cap Bear 3x ….. pic.twitter.com/YjSjwf9Duv
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
$TZA Rocket Mode – forget flight I alerted – full rocket mode pic.twitter.com/HnEQARjtFE
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
Lesson # 3 is in following through with your trade plan. Now, it is important to understand the difference between a intra-day swing trade plan and my normal trade method. My normal method is to “time” an entry so that I pull the trigger literally right before a spike so that I get 1 – 3% room to decide if I want to stay in a trade through the pullback etc… when I entered $UGAZ I wasn’t confident I’d get that 1 – 3%… I got a bit and then it pulled back and it became uncomfortable and I sold AND THEN OF COURSE IT RAN. So the lesson was obviously if I had a plan for it (which I did as I did foresee it running) then I should have been prepared for the pullback. Anyway, in the trade room I’ll be able to explain in advance of pulling trigger which trade is which type in advance of pulling trigger. Bottom line… should have stayed in it because it went in to rippy mode shortly after I sold. I should also note that when I pulled the trigger, part of the reason was I thought I’d get a bounce off the 200 MA on the 1 min as it did bounce in that way earlier a few times.
$UGAZ hmmm pic.twitter.com/Qx0U9PDEVo
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
Long $UGAZ
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
$UGAZ My stop would've hit for sure while having quick dip that will be a 1.5-2 % hit ugh pic.twitter.com/sNXp4hmUC5
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
White arrows are entry and exit – you can see my entry was right above 200 and it didn’t hold. That should have either caused me to exit immediately or hold for the full swing.

Gold Miners – $DUST $JDST (Bear) / $NUGT $JNUG $GDX $GDXJ (Bull) / #Gold $GLD
Lesson #4 for the day was the inverse Gold Miner’s trade… I was all over it the night before and in the morning and got distracted with the $UGAZ trade… $JDST and $DUST were great trade opportunities missed.
$JDST wow +8.18% really decent play today pic.twitter.com/YA9nzgek2n
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
$DUST is having a great day:) pic.twitter.com/x8p4J9Emg6
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
$CVI – CVR Energy
This was actually a good risk reward and when it didn’t spike on a double bottom after a significant downdraft I did exit – so my risk reward was intact and normally I win in this trade. It didn’t turn my way this time… but I wouldn’t do it any different next time. You have to accept the risk with this trade.
Long $CVI
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) October 27, 2016
So those were my lessons for the day! Hopefully the help your trading some!
Stay blessed and see you for Friday session soon!