Good evening,
RE: Markets, Round 3 Defi Project, Trade Set-Up Reporting, Webinars, Time Cycles 2022, EPIC Oil Machine Trading White Paper, The Financial Reset Plays and more.
Market View and Trade Positioning:
My market note from early Friday premarket I expected a near term bounce generally in the markets was possible as order flows were widely improving (with significant caution – being in the middle of the time cycle).ย
Friday Premarket… “Looks like a bit of a relief bounce is in play broadly in the markets as expected from the recent lows alert for order flow improvement, HOWEVER, end of day / week today and Sunday night early Monday order flows will be key. So we’re still in there deep watching the order flows (with Jeremy and our IDENT software) and I will advise. I suspect the bulls will have some footing for now, although pensively so. Be ready for cracks.”
What happened? Decent order flow in premarket translated to decent price action until the regular cash session opened and the market sold to a double bottom in the 449.40s and bounced a bit to end the week 454s.

I’ve been trimming my profits in my short positions in $SPY $NASDAQ $USO $BTC etc and my long dollar has been shaping up well – we’ve definitely had a decent handle on this time cycle turn.
I NOW HAVE STOPS on my primary positions (per above) at the original entry (I’m out between 30-90% profit now).
Below is a public facing note on my Bitcoin short (example of profits being taken):
“Covered 90% of my $BTC short from 55800s in 44300s”
Covered 90% of my $BTC short from 55800s in 44300s๐ฅ๐น๐ฏ #timecycles
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 4, 2021
The reports later tonight will cover my trading plans for $SPY $GLD $SLV $BTC $NASDAQ $USO $NATGAS $VIX Treasuries US Dollar and various other cryptos and equities.
Some of the laggard swing trade positions from the last cycle I would like to either close as dead money or time for the bounce and out – more on this in reporting also.
The next 3 time cycles we have slotted for 2022 will be big, so preparation will be key.
100 X Options Challenge:ย
Over the next days I’ll send out a note to everyone that has sent me a message, basically we’ll start with those trades early January and run regular podcasts on how we’re doing. I will also share my profit and loss statements so that traders can see how we’re doing.
Thanks for all the interest traders!!! We'll reach out to you as we get ready for 2022 100x challenge as we get closer to January. ๐ฐ
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 3, 2021
Per last market note: The 100 x options challenge will be alerted as we go in 2022 to ALL ALERT feeds so there is nothing for you to do unless you wish to participate in communications specifically toward that and become a part of the challenge (we’ll likely interview each person on podcast etc thru the year). Send me a note if you’re going to be involved at that level.
“For first time (in 2022) I’m going to actively trade options. I’ll publish the trades to all our alert feeds as a bonus feature for our traders. My goal… 100 x over 3 time cycle events in 2022. For this challenge I will regularly publish the P&L updates here (verified).”
For first time (in 2022) I'm going to actively trade options. I'll publish the trades to all our alert feeds as a bonus feature for our traders. My goal… 100 x over 3 time cycle events in 2022. For this challenge I will regularly publish the P&L updates here (verified). ๐๐ฅ
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 2, 2021
DeFi Project Round 3 Monday:
I have confirmation the Round 3 of the presale offering will re-start Monday morning at 7 cents. Round 1 sold at 3.5 and Round 2 at 4.5 cents. We hope to see an 11 cent open after Round 4 presale has concluded. If you take a stake in the project be sure to use the URL provided directly from my trading desk so that you are included in communications specifically for our trading team and also be sure to send me a note with your address used at time of purchase so that we can be sure the back end is correlated properly to our team.
Per last market note: “The Defi project status is Round 3 pending the completion of some high level meetings with possible institutional investors, we expect that to conclude soon. One of our key stakeholders left for Europe early week and we expect him back to the island soon and we’ll know much more at that juncture. Fantastic interest developed in the project and Rounds 1 and 2 were a blow out success, so naturally I’m excited for Round 3 and 4 to conclude. More on this soon. We also have other projects coming down the pipeline for 2022.”
Trade Scan $STUDY Webinars Restart Monday and Reporting Flows out Tonight:
Friday I did an end of week market scan (see your email for the video that was sent out) and tonight (Sunday) I intended to start the dive in deep of webinar study sessions (progressively as the week moves forward) for a really solid look at the markets for the time cycle inflection, HOWEVER, I WON’T RESTART WEBINARS UNTIL MONDAY as I’m deep in the reporting now. The reports will be flowing out starting with $SPY $VIX, $BTC, $GLD, $SLV, US DOLLAR, CRUDE OIL, Natural Gas, etc… then crypto and equities as the week moves along.
Market Time Cycles:
As I said in my last market note, we were spot on for this time cycle and the 3 time cycles in 2022 will be in focus because it is likely that by the time we hit the 3rd time cycle in 2022 that the markets will be near or well in the “reset” that “they” have been talking about so it is my intent to culminate my trades in grand style and be prepared for the “other side” of a possible reset. It may not occur, but I wouldn’t be surprised, so everything now is in preparation for that.
What an awesome set up. Just add the 3 time cycles we have for 2022 and you got the opportunity of a lifetime๐ฅ๐๐ฅ
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 2, 2021
The time cycles have been impeccable and a serious help with our trade sizing, timing and planning. I shared some thoughts on Twitter, but I don’t expect many on the public side understand. If you’re interested in our time cycle work, send me a note and I’ll tell you how to get involved with our trading group.
If you’re in our trading group (or not), and you don’t fully understand time cycles and what I’m trying to explain below, simply sign on to 3 hours of trade coaching and I’ll teach you personally over a 3 hour period of time (2 or 3 sessions). After you sign up Jen will contact you and schedule you – it usually takes a month or so to get a time slot arranged. Or another way to learn cycles (in depth so that you can reproduce my work) is to register for the Trader’s Boot Camp Series (see below).
“concerning win rates – i have found symmetrical expressions of time within structured models of trade to be of significant assistance
although, i must say our concept of time isn’t correct, but that’s a different discussion
— all that was, is and will be has always been”
in other words, anyone can tell the future if you understand that one natural law #timecycles
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 4, 2021
And, as promised for weeks, reporting will start to flow this weekend and through-out the week and the next cycle now. Anything you want me to look at closely send me the tickers. Many of you have sent requests so I am on those requests and comments.
EPIC Crude Oil Machine Trading:
As noted previously, “the white paper for EPIC crude oil machine trading software will be out soon, you will receive an invite to review when it is. Obviously the most recent version of the software did extremely well through Sequence 1 and we expect the next sequence to be considerably better and each to sequence 9 to improve even more. Big big news there, but we’ll wait for the white paper to discuss in detail with stake holders. If you have interest in viewing the private side White Paper (in depth analysis of EPIC’s performance) then simply request such when the paper becomes available.”
A thread for those interested in EPIC here;
EPIC's IDENT system (specifically) is without fail since most recent software version early Sept. EPIC software has 1/ Swing Positioning component, 2/ High Frequency intraday protocol, 3/ IDENT system tracking large machine entities. #OOTT $CL_F $USO $USOIL
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) November 11, 2021
Crude oil bulls seem to have lost that lovin' feeling since Oct 26 entity arrival on EPIC's IDENT #OOTT $CL_F $USO $USOIL #machinetrading
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) December 3, 2021
Trading Boot Camp January 15, 16 2022.
Trader’s Boot Camp series webinars will re-start soon also in preparation for the next scheduled January 15, 16 2022. Traderโs Boot Camp Notice โ Expansion and Scheduling Changes.