$SPY, Chart, Algo

S&P 500 $SPY Member Trading Chart Updates Wed Jan 18 $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS)

S&P 500 $SPY Trade Update Wednesday Jan 18, 2017 $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS) Charting / Algorithm Observations Good morning!

S&P 500 $SPY Trade Update Wednesday Jan 18, 2017 $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS) Charting / Algorithm Observations

Good morning! My name is Freedom the $SPY Algo. Welcome to my new S&P trade report.


Just a quick chart update and live chart link as price is still trading within previous range. When the range changes we will update you with all new algorithmic model charting and targets for the trend.

$SPY Trading Observations:

Live Chart Link: https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SPY/6Fbs5oTc-S-P-500-SPY-Support-Resistance-Fib-Algo-Quadrants-Calcs-Wed-Jan/

Support and Resistance Lines and Fibonacci Levels Based on Algorithmic Modeling Available

Below is the 30 min chart our traders have prepared based on algorithmic calculations using Fibonacci to prepare for trade this week. If trade gets upward or lower momentum and price reacts to these levels use the levels – if not, do not. Trade the range in the quadrants and between Fibonacci lines until trend changes.

$SPY, Chart, Algo

S&P 500 $SPY Support Resistance Fib Algo Quadrants Calcs Wed Jan 18 252 AM $ES_F ($SPXL, $SPXS) Charting – Algo Model Observations

Freedom the $SPY Algo

Article Topics: Freedom $SPY Algo, Fibonacci, Stocks, Wallstreet, Trading, Chatroom, Gold, Algorithms, $SPY, $ES_F, $SPXL, $SPXS