Trading Boot Camp Expansion and Scheduling

The world is changing fast. Part of that change is our challenges when brining our trading community together for the Trader’s BootCamp sessions.

For some time I have wanted to complete our Trader’s Boot Camp series with a final formal event that could be recorded and used as an educational system for traders after I retire. I was going to include the formal training sessions, a selection of other sessions and a book.

This is still the plan, however, there are some changes.

  1. Due to the world changes occurring right now live, we are rescheduling the November 27, 28 Trader’s Boot Camp session to January 15, 16 2022. The reason is that many travel deadlines have been imposed by various countries around the world and this has caused a significant challenge to our trading community and attendees. So much so that many of our lives have been altered in a way that significant changes to our lives are in play. For example, in our instance, we are bring forward our timeline for many projects, including our machine trading for crude oil and also for Swing Trading and Day Trading. We’re also moving up our schedule for crypto projects and we’re brining forward to our trading community a live podcast to cover the events of change in the world (we’re tying this in to our trading community and Boot Camp attendee community). These are just some examples (we are experiencing) and our Trading Boot Camp attendees are also experiencing there own significant life and business changes.
  2. I am going to expand the Trading Boot Camps and not finish and retire. Why? This is war time as far as I’m concerned so I can’t retire, we have to stand and fight and there’s a lot of work to do. Part of that work to do (I feel obligated to) is; a. train up traders fast, b. get our machine trading in everything we trade for our team, c. connect our team on podcasts or by any other method d. launch crypto related projects for solutions for what is coming and e. bring forward parallel society solutions as fast as possible. I would have liked more than you can imagine to retire and just go sit on a beach, but this is not the time to do that. This is real, and it’s war. So the expansion will include regularly schedule Boot Camps, 4 times a year on a predetermined basis (a regular schedule) surrounding holidays; Martin Luther King Jr Day (Jan 15,16 2022), Good Friday (April 16, 17 2022), Labor Day (September 3, 4 2022), Thanksgiving (November 26, 27 2022) and this will be the schedule every year. Attendees can be involved either online or in person. The goal will be to have attendees at every session recurring. To encourage re-attendance we will ask only that attendees re-attending online or in person pay 500.00 USD to cover the basic costs of the Boot Camp (and not the initial fee for first attendance). The Podcasts will be included in the price and the videos for all sessions and the book when I finally get it done (Jen is estimating now Mar 2f022 release), she’s compiling as fast as she can. 

In the meantime, I will continue as time allows to do Trading Boot Camp Study sessions when I’m doing mid day market reviews in the live trading room and distributing those videos regularly. Jen is compiling those live trading market examples and the historical Boot Camp sessions for the formal Curriculum.

If you are registered for the November 27, 28 2021 sessions that are now rescheduled, be sure that you are receiving all the videos from the mid day sessions (crypto, swing etc). If you are not please let Jen know so that she can be sure you’re getting them on a regular basis – these videos are an important part of the Trading Boot Camp series.

Soon there will be promotional material and marketing released reflecting the information above. For now, because of the timely nature of this I wanted to get the basic details out to our traders.

In speaking with some of the traders that were scheduled for the November 27, 28 2021 session, some have expressed the desire to still attend to our location. If you would like to do that I feel that it would be great to do. We can spend all kinds of time outside market hours discussing trading and planning our moves for this event. After all, we’re all in together and those real conversations and life altering realities are best handled in person. 

Click here for more information about our Trading Boot Camp sessions.

Any questions please send me an email at [email protected].

