Platform Expansion This Week – Nominal Intermittent Down Time Expected: 1. We are integrating web mail servers with machine trading api’s for our clients, this may cause intermittent downtime for email [email protected] – use [email protected] if you experience issues. 2. We are moving our main fiber line – expect full trading room platform downtime for up to 30 mins.
Category: Office Memorandum
Thursday / Friday Trading Schedule
Thursday / Friday Trading Schedule
Pushing all reporting out Thursday – Sunday as our focus (everything listed on our to-do list as listed on any premarket report).
Will be in live trading room for 11:00 EIA Petroleum report ONLY today (as it applies to live trading room). No premarket / market open or mid-day review.
No premarket report.
Trade alerts per usual.
Trade coaching appointments etc per usual.
Will advise prior to Friday premarket for Friday schedule.
Schedule Updates
Taking Thurs and Fri for lab work with our team to push out all new algorithm reports, swing reporting, videos, P/Ls and various other important updates to the platform.
Planning for a massive Q4 2018 & Q1 2019 – so all the updates have to be out this week (I have to approve everything prior to distribution to members – so it takes time).
Live trading room will recommence Sun night futures / Monday morning, key day and swing trade alerts will still go out as normal, premarket report and mid day reviews recommence Monday.
Have a good day traders!
September Live Trading Room Challenge, Coaching, News, Events, Q & A and More.
September Live Trading Room Challenge, News, Events, Q & A and More information below will be of value to existing members, those asking about our services and new on-boarding members.
Good morning!
I responded to existing member questions and emailed a number of welcome letters to new members over the last 24 hours and as I’ve went along sending the email responses I’ve added and edited information.
To be sure you all have the information included in various emails to new trader members on-boarding to our services and various other questions, I have included a master new member on-boarding letter example below that you can review (it’s more efficient in these busy times at Compound Trading).
This letter also serves as important service updates to existing members to Compound Trading.
I will also publish this to our public facing blog and include a link to this document from our question and answer and home pages on our website (it has been some time since it has been updated).
Below is the new member on-boarding information example (actual new member email that was emailed – excluding private information):
Welcome to Compound Trading Group!
Your subscription for the main trading room (main trading room in this new member example) starts Sept __ and expires Oct __ – it does not automatically renew. If you wish to continue in future simply re-visit the shop page, you can cancel anytime.
Be sure to read our Disclosure and Terms and Conditions. There are a number of trading / alert platforms executed to and by our lead trader and/or trading team.
September Trading Challenge
Our lead trader (link to third-party Agilience Authority Index: “Curtis Melonopoly is rated Top 250 in world for stock exchanges, covering also Economy of the United States and Mathematical Finance“) will be in attendance to the main trading room the month of September, 2018 from Thurs Sept 6 pre-market through to Sept 31 recording his attempt for personal best. The video recordings of his September trading challenge will be available thereafter at our online trading academy link – many trading highlight / review videos and feature blog posts will also come from his attendance. You can find the Compound Trading You Tube channel here and our trading information blog is here (unlocked and member locked posts – many article posts are unlocked to public for study reasons over time also).
About Our Lead Trader / Trading Team at Compound Trading
Our lead trader is a thirty year veteran that services a wide swath of clients from beginning learning traders (in private trade coaching and trade boot camps) to significant institutional funds (conventional technical data services through to algorithmic structured data).
You will find the technical skill-set of our staff to be above average and at times perhaps even challenging. Keep in mind however, that we present trading set-ups in such a way that even the early learning trader to the world’s most sophisticated managed money firms have the data they need to execute trading plans.
We have many new traders that have on-boarded to our trading methodologies that have learned to trade from scratch that are now trading in the top 10% on the market (our minimum goal for our members).
Read the first post in the Freedom Traders series for an idea of where our lead trader started, his story that includes a painful learning process and how this may help you as a trader that needs to learn how to trade in the green.
When You Learn It You Are Free. My Personal Stock Trading Story. Part 1 of “Freedom Traders” Series.
In short, you will have access to very conventional charting through to advance structured algorithmic structured charting (including black box) – traders at all levels of growth find it advantageous.
The Trading Focus of Our Lead Trader / Trading Team
Our lead trader and/or trading team alerts trades in the following instrument categories; regular equity markets, futures and crypto currencies. His trading focus encompasses; the seven primary algorithm models in development at Compound Trading, day-trading momentum stocks (usually premarket and/or early in regular market hours) and swing trading conventional equities (as swing trades are triggering buy/sell areas of the charting models he will execute trade alerts at various levels). There are over one hundred equities that we are developing algorithm models for on our swing trading platform.
The financial instruments we trade and/or alert to our members include; regular equities and derivatives (day-trading and swing trading), commodity futures, commodity ETNs and ETFs, Crypto futures and swaps (mainly Bitcoin $BTC $XBT swaps). We also have an options platform add-on currently in development and is being used by our team now.
The seven Algorithmic Models and accompanied Newsletters are as follows; Crude Oil $WTI $CL_F $USO, Crypto $BTC $XBT, SP500 $SPY, Volatility $VIX, Gold $GLD $GC_F, Silver $SLV and the US Dollar $DXY. Each newsletter option provides (as available during development); announcements, video training, algorithm models, conventional charting, day-trade and swing-trade set-ups, buy-sell triggers, trade-alert & price-target re-caps, news and trading plans.
We also publish a morning pre-market report as time allows by our lead trader (subscription, but included with live trading room subscription) and after-market reports on occasion (free).
In summary, the algorithmic trading models developed at Compound Trading Group are conventional charts built out to include algorithmic charting (structured charting for deeper insight and knowledge of the instrument trade), through to coding for our near term digital trader platforms and machine trading).
You will witness in the trading room and on reports sent to members conventional charting on various time-frames to various forms of algorithmic charting models for the various trading instruments we trade in the markets. The structured algorithmic trade charting models are advantageous to traders learning, advanced traders, technical and fundamental traders, option traders and more.
September Trading Challenge
You may have seen this Tweet on the lead trader’s feed with respect to the September Live Trading Room Challenge;
Trading for my personal best for 1 month in September. Live in main trading room daily. Recording the whole month. 3 ways to watch live.
– Live Trading Room 999.00
– EPIC Oil Algorithm Bundle 399.00
– Trading Students 399.00
– Video set after 1499.00
There are a number of ways to become involved and learn from the September Trading Challenge, they are as follows:
Live Trading Room 999.00.
- The link to subscribe to Main Trading Room is here.
- Main Trading Room subscription includes Premarket Newsletter, Real Time Twitter Alerts, Main Trading Room with broadcast and charting, Private Discord Daytrading Chat Server) *Requires application to acceptance and non disclosure execution prior to attendance.
EPIC Crude Oil Algorithm Trading Room Bundle 399.00.
- The link to subscribe to the bundle that includes the Crude Oil Trading Room, Crude Oil Trade Alerts and Oil Algorithm Reporting is here.
- EPIC is our first and as such most built out algorithmic model to date. Included in the EPIC oil trading bundle is access to the main trading room as needed because often our traders share (specific to crude oil trading) charting data and trading set-ups specific to the trade of crude oil.
Trading Students 399.00.
- Trading students can take advantage of the one month trading challenge for a special one time fee of 399.00. We want the new traders to learn and as such our existing students have been given a bit of a break here. Email Jen direct at [email protected] for an invoice to be sent to you as there is no option for this special on our website store.
Videos: Learning to Trade Video Set (when Trading Challenge is complete) 1499.00.
- Email us to get on the list or simply download the series from our online store at the trading academy section of our website when the video set is posted for sale. Current members will receive 30% off.
- This video series will be advantageous for the beginning trader, intermediate and advanced.
Legacy Trading Membership 1499.00.
- The legacy membership is for serious full-time traders that want access to all of our services (some exclusions below) and direct 24 hour video feed access (web cam) to our lead trader’s trading desk.
- Includes all access to all Newsletters, Alerts, Trading Rooms, Algorithm Models, Online Coaching Events, Webinars and 24 hour live access to the Lead Traders personal trading desk (via webcam as available).
- Some services are excluded (that have limited space for example), such as Trading BootCamp in person attendance (virtual attendance is included) and one-on-one trade coaching is not included but all virtual coaching class events are included. Commercial licensing is not included.
- As more services are launched they are included. For example the machine trading platform (coding of algorithms) launching 2018 and all access to lead trader trading platform via webcam are included.
- Follow this link to register as an All Access Legacy Member.
Attendance of Lead Trader in September in the Main Trading Room is structured as follows (the trading in September will be open 24 hours a day):
Live Trading Room Schedule.
Sunday Futures Trading starting at 6 PM Eastern – Usually action does not start until later around 2 -3 AM Monday morning and in to premarket on regular markets. But he is typically in attendance at futures open Sunday around 6 PM. He usually alerts to his Twitter and/or in Discord when he is in session for futures.
He typically notifies clients in the premarket report and copied to his Twitter feed and / or Discord main channel lounge of his schedule for each trading day.
Premarket 9:15 – 9:30 (at times he does trade premarket also and will engage the room earlier than 9:15, he usually alerts members on email, Discord and or Twitter that he is in room in premarket trading when this occirs)
Market Open 9:30 – 11:30
Mid Day Review 12:00 – 12:30
Futures Markets 6:00 PM and through the night session.
Various other Attendance – he alerts to members as needed.
After the end of September he and the trading team will continue in the trading room, at intervals typically as noted above and perhaps not at as high of frequency at times (specific schedule pending travel and other professional obligations).
Trade Alerts
Trading set-ups / trades are alerted to various platforms (depending on the trade) as follows; regular reporting newsletters, special reports sent to members, various Twitter alert feeds, in the live trading room and to the trading chat rooms on Discord (there are private member servers and a public facing side of our Discord trading chat room channel). Click the link to attend to the public facing side of the channel and as / if you subscribe to specific services for specific instruments there are private side chat rooms and associated invite link(s) that will be made available to you (the private side servers are specific to the algorithmic models in development for oil, crypt etc and swing trading.
As a main day-trading room member your access is to the main trading room and public side Discord Server Chat Room (there is no private Discord server for the main trading room).
The Twitter alert feeds for the swing trading / day-trading are included in your membership for the main trading room (follow the Twitter account feed links below). The oil and crypto trade alerts are add-ons you may or may not wish to subscribe to in future.
As a member to the live trading room will provide you access to our team’s trades anyway but some members just find the alert feeds on Twitter to be additionally convenient. Many trades are discussed and/or alerted to main trading room that are not otherwise alerted to Twitter feeds.
Trade alert feeds are found here (please return an email to us so we know your Twitter feed and can open the trading alerts feed to you);
Swing Trading Alerts – Swing trade alerts are also now alerted by way of email to members (in addition to Twitter).
Crypto (Bitcoin, BTC, XBT) Trade Alerts
Newsletters Currently in Update (processing rotation flow).
We are updating our algorithmic and charting models on all of our services to be released to members prior to the September 14 -16 Cabarete Trade Coaching Event. The goal is to use the event as a time to have all services upgraded for members and bring our models another step forward.
At times you will find the newsletter rotations and / or lead trader attendance to the main trading room to be intermittent.
In other words, depending on our development mode in modeling and/or software coding and development, timing in markets, seasonality and various other factors the newsletters may be daily, weekly or more intermittent. This is an important consideration as a member. For example, recently during earnings we published five weeks of swing trading newsletters in a ten day period for our swing trading members. Normally there would be approximately one newsletter per week in that specific service. The swing trading newsletter regular rotation is recommencing this week, but that is an example.
Also note that at times we publish updates to models, charting, trade set-ups etc to members by direct email, in the private side discord channels specific to the instrument and subscription, to You Tube and in various other ways.
The bottom line to this topic is that all updates have to be out to members prior to the September 14, 2018 trade coaching event and following the event we expect to be on a fairly predictable rotation until the next surge in updates (usually every 3 months or so).
Main Services Menu and Locking in Member Fees
Follow this link to the main trader services pricing and features menu page for clarification and / or a simple one page menu board to our trading services structure as needed.
Our members fees for the most part steadily increase in price, this applies only to new registering members as long as you do not allow your existing subscription to expire. Most subscriptions are not automatically renewed and as such you need to revisit the online store and / or reach out to us at renewal or provide payment on time to invoices emailed to you.
The next price increases are expected mid September.
Contacting Us
As needed you can contact our lead trader direct on his personal Twitter feed, in Discord on private message or on email at [email protected]. You can contact myself at info@compoundtrading or in Discord.
The Main Trading Room
To log in to the main trading room follow this link (as of Thursday premarket – he will not be in attendance today, Wednesday);
The password is “_____” and you will be updated to password changes as they occur by way of email.
The trading room is not a chat room in the typical sense (as with less advanced trading rooms). Try and keep chat to private messages – you will find our clients to be serious (many are professional / institutional money managers, run commercial trading enterprises or are monitoring the trading room as they attend to their regular professions) – the need for trader chat is as such limited in the main trading room (unless of course you are wanting to share a trade set-up and thesis for the trade and/or trade alerts of some form).
The focus is on the broadcasts by our lead trader and or trading team specific to the schedule and instruments I’ve noted above.
Reach Out
Anything at anytime you need please reach out to us.
Welcome aboard and lets get you trading.
Warm regards,
Premarket Notes: Trade Alerts, Algorithm Updates & Swing Reports, Trade Coaching, Trading Rooms…
It’s Friday so we thought in lieu of a regular premarket report we would use the slower day to provide important updates to our members (and mailing list) to be sure everyone is in the loop about our development of trade alerts, algorithm updates, algorithm development process, swing trading reports, special reporting, upcoming trade coaching, the trading rooms (chat rooms) and more.
Members that have been with us some time have a good understanding of the development and roll-out process (so this is not new but provides our current status nonetheless) and newer members will be kept aware of our process.
In short, our firm is a science driven process that is developing algorithms from charting phase to software and eventually a digital intelligent assisted traders dashboard that may eventually be AI and big data equipped.
As we develop the algorithmic charting (that our members use along with conventional charting) we real world test the charting models with our team (various members of our team trade the market action for the instrument using the algorithmic chart model) and our members also test drive the models and report back to us. In short, we model (chart) the natural trading range of the instrument on 12 or more time frames (1 min, 5 min etc), we back test the predictability of the model up to 60 months and find out which time frames under which circumstances test the best – providing a trading edge in specific time frames, in specific areas of the models, under the right conditions.
See the Algorithm Development Process here.
At times the markets provide opportunity for laser focused team development, such as when the swing trading environment was most clear to the modeling post election and early 2018 (the machine liquidity in the markets provides for development clarity because trade is very precise to the charting models). Anyway, this week this occurred in oil trade. The surprise EIA crude stock pile report Wednesday at 10:30 AM (large draw) had machine liquidity kick in to gear and we haven’t stopped processing data since (it’s now Friday morning). So this week (after I took a few short days Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with my daughters visiting) when the Wednesday EIA crude oil report was released that took our team focus for the week and now here we are on Friday.
Point being, in specific market inflection moments it becomes all hands on deck because in those moments there are specific machine liquidity “tells” that change everything we do. It provides us further edge (critically important trader edge data) because we witness the trading action live. This live trading action when the machine liquidity is engaged in the movement of the instrument (in this case this week it was crude oil trade) is key to our profit side trading (it has a lot to do with why I have alerted 100% wins to the oil trade alert feed for many months). Trading “in the pocket” of the machine engaged liquidity provides us at least 90% of our total returns (team wide).
For those that haven’t reviewed our disclosure and member agreement now would be a good time. Our team trades many scenarios from model accounts for testing our algorithm models to real cash accounts to derivatives, regular equities, currencies, futures and much more and in many different scenarios and platforms. It is a science based process constantly testing.
Specific to this week’s reporting, the regular weekly reporting did not get distributed to members and this will happen in these scenarios at various junctures of our growth. Our oil trading room members can reflect that the amount of reporting live in the room this week was likely more than we’ve reported all year – but a weekly report didn’t get out. Just as with our swing trading members they will know that when the swing trading machine trading liquidity is strong there are many reports (recently in earnings we processed five weeks of reports for our swing trading members in ten days as example).
When the market inflections occur and reporting is delayed we also do our best to update any chart models during the week that are possibly expiring with a refresh.
As our weekly reporting is concerned, we see that normalizing this week starting Sunday running through the week. Going forward members can expect the weekly reporting to flow from Sunday to Saturday on weekly rotation instead of the majority being on Sunday’s. It will easier on our staff.
Also of note toward our regular algorithmic chart reporting is the topic of new updates – specifically toward the machine trading overlays / time frames we are testing. We have started to roll out the oil trading machine time frames (this will become much more specific in reports over the coming weeks and has more recently in the Discord private oil trading room). Soon we will roll out the Bitcoin and the SPY models and then the others in Gold, Silver, VIX, the US Dollar etc. We are also rolling out machine trading time frames for our Swing Trading platform. We had originally wanted the key / most important machine trading models out early Aug but at this point we a doing our best to get the key / most important models out before our Trade Coaching event in Cabarete Dominican Republic mid September 2018.
The Cabarete event (that you can attend online vs. in person) will be key to our members in that we will be using this trade coaching event to document on video and teach our members how to use the machine trading time line charting. Of course we will also be using much of the coaching time for conventional trading methods and charting.
Specific to special reporting, this last week has provided a significant opportunity to refine our trading models. We did a large amount of oil trading of which some was done without alerting, some was on our model accounts and much real world tested and alerted to our oil trade alerts feed on Twitter and in our private oil trading chat room in Discord. I even did a special session on Wednesday during EIA and in to the afternoon that I recorded in the main trading room, we traded a number of times while oil was spiking, tested some new oil charting models and since then we have been alerting winning trades and posting to the private chat room. All of that activity is being reconciled now and special reports will start flowing to members between now and Saturday.
And I will state for those that don’t know, when we are testing trades and models for one instrument (such as oil this week), this isn’t lost time to our members in other areas such as Gold, Silver or Swing Trading members (for example). The knowledge we gain is transferred to all of our member services. Much of what we learned and developed this week in oil trade will be used for the other areas of our platform.
In closing I am confident that you will see the regular reporting flow this coming week, you will also see some very important special reporting that you do not want to miss because we are winning a very high percentage of trades now (my personally alerted oil trades have not lost in many months, our lead tech has had 2 or 3 losses and I have had a couple of personal non alerted losses – that’s over many months). These trade alerts are all live alerted, time-stamped, on the trade alert feed and recorded.
Do your best to get out to our trade coaching event or at minimum register for the online version of it (I think there’s 3 spots left). And if you can’t get to it or be online with us live then consider getting the material by online download at a later date. The 30 hours of training will shorten your learning curve months to years as it is a condensed version of what took us decades to learn.
Anything we can do for you please let us know. Jen email [email protected], our main is [email protected] or message us in the Discord trading room (there are free public areas and private member areas). Also please remember that if you message us during market hours (including premarket) there is a good chance you won’t receive a reply until after market.
If you’re not a member you can find our services grid and pricing tables here.
Peace and best.
Register to free email list for trade set-ups, webinars, special events:
Free chat room:
Lead Trader:
Email: https://[email protected]
Compound Trading Platform: Algorithm model charting for $SPY, $VIX, #OIL, #GOLD, #SILVER, #Crypto ($BTC Bitcoin, $ETH, $LTC, $XRP,) $DXY US Dollar and Swing Trading Newsletter. Live trading rooms for daytrading and oil traders. Private coaching and live alerts.
Article topics; trade alerts, algorithm updates, algorithm development process, swing trading, oil trading, reports, special reporting, trade coaching, trading rooms, chat rooms.
Memo: Trade Coaching Boot Camp Prep, Machine Trading, Next Gen Models, Trade Alerts, Reporting, Swing Trading Earnings
Good morning all,
We have been in a hole over the last 5 days onboarding our Gen 1 machine trading models to our trading platforms and over that period there have been a number of questions emailed / messaged to me, I’ve consolidated the questions and answer to them is below.
Detail for those booked to our next bootcamp;
The next trade coaching bootcamp is in Cabarete Dominican Republic Sept 14, 15, 16.
Starting today, as reports are released weekly, registrants to the boot camp will receive the following reporting free in advance of and for the purpose of study / preparation for the training (with a retail value therein obviously greater than the cost of the bootcamp training itself – this is a bonus value add that most registrants do not know about);
Swing Trading
Premarket report
Various other member reporting and video as it is released weekly.
The only regular report released so far this week is oil per below (the others are in process for the week and will be rolling out later today);
Password: OILTRADE
The swing trading platform reports will be considerable over the next 10 days as all equities we follow are being reviewed at mid day and a video and report sent to members and trade coaching registrants daily (a special reporting event with earnings season here) – these will be very important to review for preparation in advance of the boot camp and will obviously assist your personal trading greatly. The first in this series of video reports for swing trading members and booked attendees to the trading bootcamp will be sent out later today.
The next generation algorithm models (Gen 1 machine models) will be released / rolled out to members and trade coaching boot camp registrants between the end of July and Aug 14, 2018 (we are testing them in house starting today for a week or so prior to roll-out).
Bootcamp attendees can follow these Twitter handles for live trading alerts (return an email to me with your Twitter handle if you have not already done so, we will open the feed to you within 48 hours of receipt);
Note: The alerts have been slower the last few weeks with the roll over of models and automated trading platform integration but will be considerably more active commencing within 48 hours now that this has been accomplished internally.
Prior to the training you will receive instructions detailing the specific itinerary for training, log in credentials and any other study material the lead trader deems important for your review prior to training.
In person attendees that require travel planning assistance, I will be reaching out this weekend to assist as you need (email me if you need any help arranging travel or lodging).
For members in general, if you are wondering about reporting and alerts, regular reporting will recommence this evening and be complete within 48 hours. Trade alerts will recommence now as our new automated trading platform has been integrated to the new models for our team. And for those asking about invoicing, they will be out to members over the next few days now that our schedules are less constrictive. Onboarding the gen 1 machine trading models took us a few more days than expected (software dev can often be boggy at best) – but it is complete as of 5 AM EST today.
In summary, we’ve completed the next gen model integration and all reporting and alerting recommences today.
Any other questions please let me know. [email protected]
Warm regards,
Scheduled Events at Compound Trading: Swing Trading, New Gen Algorithms, Machine Trading, Trade Coaching and more.
Scheduled Events:
- Monday July 23 – Lead trader (and/or other team members) will be active in live trading room as follows and as available (as things can change fast in the markets);
- 9:25 Market Open – access limited to live trading room members
- 12:00 Mid Day Trade Review – access limited to live trading room members
- Any other live trading sessions will be notified by email.
- The above listed times are expected live trading time blocks only. Live voice broadcast will only occur if there is a trade set-up to discuss by the lead trader. Screen sharing will be active through-out each time frame.
- Link:
- Password: **** (email for access if you do not have it, password changes will be emailed when changed only)
- For membership access, options here:
- Any questions send me an email [email protected]
- July 23 – July 27 – Swing trading reports to include video chart analysis recaps for the 100 equities we cover (from mid day reviews) and sent to our subscribers in lieu of the weekly swing trading report.
- End of July – Next generation algorithm models roll out in to August 2018 (machine trading Gen 1).
- July 28 – 29, Santo Domingo – #IA Intelligent Assisted Platform (private, internship & staff training / development).
- Aug 25 – 26, Santo Domingo – Oil Algorithm (EPIC) Multi-User License Trade Execution & Integration (private invitational, institutional).
- Sept 14 – 16, Cabarete – Trade Coaching Event – Learn How to Trade or Take Your Trading to the Next Level (public, retail).
Any questions email me [email protected].
Warm regards,
Article topics; Scheduled Events at Compound Trading: Swing Trading, New Gen Algorithms, Machine Trading, Trade Coaching and more.
Important Changes at Compound Trading – Pricing, Trader Services, Trader Procedure, Invoicing. #IA #AI #Algorithms #Coding
Good evening everyone,
Find below information with reference to price changes, services and procedures for traders and invoicing procedure at Compound Trading Group (effective immediately). Big changes are here as promised and 2018 is going to be a very big year for our traders and team. Many press releases coming soon so keep a watch on what we have coming!
On-Boarding New Members
First, a quick note to our new subscribers – thank you for your support!
I am working diligently to on-board everyone that has taken advantage of our 40% sale ending in just over an hour.
Waiting time is currently less than 24 hours.
Again, thank you and welcome to our trading team!
Important Pricing, Trader Procedure and Service Changes
Main Live Trading Room
A price increase. The new pricing is 999.00 per month, 2999.00 3 months, 5899.00 6 months, 9999.00 1 year.
Price increase is in keeping with our mandate to introduce machine trading and an intelligent assisted trader platform (with an eventual goal toward the #AI environment).
The coding team have started to share proprietary algorithm trading information to the trading room and attendees will commence testing our algorithm models and #IA platform as it is rolled out.
In short, our live trading room is a professional environment directed to and for the purpose of our primary mandates and the pricing and procedure going forward reflect that mandate. Entry level traders will be directed to our private trade coaching prior to consideration for entry.
The primary changes to our live trading room procedures are;
- Each session requires a new password and will be emailed to participants in advance.
- The trading room will not be running consistently. Each session will be emailed to participants in advance.
- A formal non disclosure is required prior to attendance.
- An industry standard “Know Your Customer” (KYC) form execution is required prior to attendance.
- Clients will be required to execute an application for consideration in advance of acceptance.
- Changes will be instituted this week.
EPIC Oil Algorithm Trading Room, Live Alert and Newsletter Bundle
Pricing lowered to coincide with a change to the trading room component. The trading room will include access to the 24 hour private discord trading room (without live broadcast and charting) only. This package includes the weekly newsletter, private discord trading chat room, and live trade alert feed.
New pricing: 399.00 per month, 1099.00 3 months, 2199.00 6 months, 3999.00 1 year.
Legacy All Access Membership
A price increase: New pricing is 1499.00 per month or 9999.00 per year on auto-renewal subscription basis. Cancel anytime. Price increase protection if subscription does not expire.
Entry Level Private Trade Coaching
Prices are lowered: 3 Hours 399.00 Regular, 10 Hours 999.00, 20 Hours 1899.00, 50 Hours 3999.00. There is also a one hour introductory session available for 199.00.
Other Near Term Price Increases
We do foresee other price increases in the near term as the coding team becomes more involved in alerting to the real-time feeds, trading room and adding to the various newsletter offers (swing trading newsletter service and alerts value add as example will greatly change with the new intiatives with the team). At this juncture the pricing above reflects the current status and as the team becomes more involved in the day to day the price increases will be announced.
Existing members (subscribed to specific services / current) now and forward are not affected by price increases under our early adopter program.
Client invoicing updates are in progress and all members can expect up to date invoicing by end of week (it is taking me some time to sort it all) and going forward at regular intervals.
Any questions send me an email as needed [email protected] or [email protected]
Thanks again and have a great evening everyone!
*** The main page for our pricing table grid and trading services summary is here.