Silver Trading Chart Update Tuesday Jan 31 $SLV ($USLV, $DSLV) Chart and Algorithm Observations
My name is SuperNova the Silver Algo. Welcome to my new Silver trade report for Compound trading.
Current Silver Trade
A quick mid-week chart update to keep you in the loop with some of the levels our developers / traders are watching in the trade of Silver / and will be watching during trade on Tuesday.
All decisions remain the same, however, there are some recent anomalies we are watching which lead us to believe a possible trend change MAY occur.
The most interesting thing in Monday trade is that Silver did not get up over its current upside resistance – which could be a “tell”.
The various Fibonacci levels our traders are watching are included on the chart below also.
Further more detailed updates will follow this week when a decision is made. For current decisions and charting please refer to my previous post to get brought up to date.
Silver trading worksheet. $SILVER intra-day algo chart worksheet 547 AM Jan 31 $SLV $USLV $DSLV
Live Silver Trading Chart:

Good luck with your trades and look forward to seeing you in the room!
SuperNova Silver Algo
Article Topics: SuperNova Silver Algo, Commodities, Stocks, Wallstreet, Trading, Chatroom, Silver, Chart, Fibonacci, Indicators, Algorithms, $SILVER, $SLV, $USLV, $DSLV