Oil Trading Room Live Trade Alerts Video.
Monday crude oil trade sequence. Short in to settlement at 2:30 EST.
This oil day trading strategy is one of the best. In to settlement at 2:30 watch trade for over bought or over sold conditions on the day (VWAP helps for this as does having crude oil charting models, you will see examples in the video below).
In the example below crude oil had sold off early in the day and then a rally occurred. The day rally in crude oil had intra day trade sitting well over VWAP in to settlement at 2:30 EST.
When the order flow shifted just prior to settlement EPIC V3.1.1 kicked in to a short trade sequence intra day 6/30 size and the trade was caught live in the oil trading room on video.
The video below is a live broadcast as the trades are executed and the charting we use is also shown.
The chart below from the oil trading room shows the oil trade executed short for a win.

The next two images are from the oil trading alerts live feed on Twitter that show each trade alert as is it occurred.

Live oil trade alerts sequence image.

Oil trading room on Discord of discussion and alerts as they occurred for the short win in to settlement at 2:30 on Monday.

Black Swan Update, June 1-July 27 Profit & Loss YTD +$26,507 or $220,947 74% ROI Per Annum. #oiltradealerts #oiltradingroom

Black Swan Update, June 1-July 27 Profit & Loss YTD +$26,507 or $220,947 74% ROI Per Annum. EPIC V3.1.1 Oil Machine Trade 300k Account (time stamped alerts, audited P&L) #OOTT $CL_F $USOIL $USO #oiltradealerts #oiltradingroom
The bottom line is that having a solid repeatable trading strategy is important for any trader.
The EPIC V3.1.1 software is coded with our best oil trading strategies and the video in this report shows the results of trading with a plan.
We have published a number of oil trading strategy articles to assist our subscribers with how to trade crude oil and win. You will find in the articles at this link “Crude Oil Trading Academy” videos from the live oil trading room, profit and loss of our trading, various trade alert examples and more.
If you are not progressing in such a way that your win rate is going up and your returns are steadily increasing you may want to consider some short term trade coaching. Even the best traders in the world have trade coaches for times they are struggling.
Below is a recent video from a webinar we recorded in our Oil Trading Room, “How to Use Our Oil Trading Services. Oil Trade Alerts, Oil Trading Room, Oil Reports, Trade Coaching” and for more specific trading strategies there are more specific video links below.
The recently released white paper about EPIC V3 performance explains also its method of execution of trades, see the report here;
White Paper: How EPIC v3 Crude Oil Machine Trading Outperforms Conventional Trading Methods
Anything else we can do to assist you in your trading journey please email us at compoundtradingofficial@gmail.
Thank you.
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Article Topics: Oil trade alerts, Oil Trading Room, Crude Oil, Trading