Tag: US Dollar
Premarket Trading Notes: $APDN, $CL_F, $USO, $DXY, US DOLLAR, CAD, Stocks on Watch, #DayTrading, #SwingTrading, #TradeAlerts, #Premarket
Good morning traders!
RE: Premarket Trading Notes
Good times, things are setting up exactly as we thought for the time cycles in to 2025. This time cycle in to end of August 2020 be safe at inflections, working on a time cycle within time cycle model for you now.
If you missed the beach side video last night I discussed the US Dollar / CAD and this morning on Swing Trade alert feed I sent out some thoughts on Gold trade.
What a day⚠️🗡️🎯🏹🐋💙🌴 https://t.co/jx9JUjXRVc
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) May 13, 2020
Day trades are setting up here, I may start a few today (I will alert to day trade alerts feed) and possibly transition them to the Swing Trading Alert platform if I can get on the right side.
A few day trades on watch: $APDN $BPMX $AIM $NVUS $IMUX $ALLO $TLSA $NBY $RIOT $CODX $WISA $ALT
Below is a list from Benzinga fyi
32 Stocks Moving in Thursday’s Pre-Market Session $APDN $BIOC $BPMX https://benzinga.com/z/16029951#.Xr04YFcqZvt.twitter #premarket #daytrading
32 Stocks Moving in Thursday's Pre-Market Session $APDN $BIOC $BPMX https://t.co/d6pNSUczeC #premarket #daytrading
— Day Trading Alerts (@DayTrade_Alert) May 14, 2020
The intense oil daytrading yesterday that continued in to the night and premarket today ended up on our side – a really nice trade for our oil trade alerts feed.
Since the black swan updates I don’t think EPIC has lost a trade, very little if any.
EPIC V3.1.1 was in deep at support at 24/30 size, that is deep for the software, anyway it worked out well for the oil trade alerts members (I got a number of Whatsapp messages and we were intensely working through member trades live on Whatsapp messaging).
I also got a nice win there too so that helped. If you’re a member and not connected to me on Whatsapp do so by emailing cmpoundtradingofficial.com so we can connect.
Power of trend line price breakouts from a trading structure support, crude oil intraday near 200 points from oil trade alert buys earlier #OOTT $CL_F $USO #oiltradealerts EPIC V3.1.1 software was in deep at 24/30 size in position trading, very large size. Lead trader was also.
The swing trade service got a big win this morning in $APDN on the news, really nice trade from lows, another multi bagger. I may do some daytrading in $APDN yet today also.
Another beauty of a trade on our swing trading alert platform $APDN #swingtradealerts
Applied DNA Receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 Diagnostic Assay Kit
Another beauty of a trade on our swing trading alert platform $APDN #swingtradealerts
Applied DNA Receives FDA Emergency Use Authorization for COVID-19 Diagnostic Assay Kithttps://t.co/iyKCYoNjbQ pic.twitter.com/viyfI7Rpvl
— Swing Trading (@swingtrading_ct) May 14, 2020
Trump train trading will be awesome here forward, what an opportunity!
This is a strong signal imo. Inflection time. Looks like a man preoccupied with off-screen furback rats scurrying… no point for this public education – they've hit max opportunity of those that will get it, have it now and those that don't, oh well. Fireworks here fwd likely. https://t.co/490KOejSS5
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) May 11, 2020
I did say something about the tone represented the other day at the WH briefing – that I wouldn't want to be on the opposing team considering, here we go kids🪓⛓️🪝 https://t.co/YeVboLTSnj
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) May 14, 2020
While CNBC has been flashing
We been raising the dead and banking the living.
Couldn't have been a better time cycle and the next will be better than the last and the next and the next. Historic opportunity for traders.#premarket pic.twitter.com/QYgi57w5VX
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) May 14, 2020
Any questions let me know!
Previous Premarket Trading Notes for review on set-ups etc.
Article Topics; $APDN, $CL_F, $USO, $DXY, US DOLLAR, CAD, Stocks on Watch, #DayTrading, #SwingTrading, #TradeAlerts, #Premarket
How to Swing Trade Time-Cycles (Unlocked PT #3): Theme Trading Strategies – How the US Dollar Should Bias Trade Positioning. $USDCAD $DXY #FX
How to Swing Trade Time-Cycles (Unlocked PT #3)
Theme Swing Trading Strategies – How US Dollar Should Bias Trades in Indices, Commodities, Currencies, Crypto and Stocks.
Below is a copy of a $USDCAD Trading View chart idea I just posted open to the public (unlocked) that shows the time cycle peak for USDCAD in to Jan/Feb of 2021 warning shorts of the potential for significant volatility in to that time period, it is advantage bulls in USDCAD.
Any other investing or swing trading a trader does should take this time cycle and strength of the US Dollar in to consideration.
Time cycle peaks can go either way so it is important to be flexible in your trading bias, however, this particular set-up is unusually strong and it is a LARGE TIME-CYCLE, this is charted on a Weekly Time-Frame which should be given great consideration by a trader in strategic theme trade planning.
The second part to this public facing unlocked post will be part 3B at which time I will unlock the theme swing plays our members will want to consider for swing trading various financial instruments (as listed above in sub title) in to this time cycle peak.
I will also expand on the US Dollar charting and various algorithmic models to consider in the US Dollar (DXY) for trading it and themes surrounding the US Dollar.
For now, a copy of my Trading View Post on USDCAD chart structure is below with some comment.
Very Dangerous for Shorts – USDCAD Time Cycle Peak Jan-Feb 2021 – #USDCAD chart

Time Cycle Peaks and Inflections
Time cycle inflections can go either way, they are an area of great volatility , but for now this is significantly weighted to advantage bulls as it relates to the time cycle in currency trade for USDCAD #USDCAD $USDCAD.
What makes this potentially even more volatile is the work we do in volatility $VIX timecycles and Oil volatility ( OVX ) etc. They are all signalling this time period as extreme.
How to Swing Trade Volatility $VIX Time-Cycles (UNLOCKED PT 1): Achieve Higher Gains in Stocks, Commodities , Indices, Crypto, Currencies and Theme Trades.
Protected: How to Swing Trade Volatility Time-Cycles (PREMIUM PT 2): Entering Eye of The Storm – Indices, Commodities , Currencies, Crypto and Stock Theme Trades.
And coming in this series of Swing Trading $STUDY GUIDES (after we review current trade alerts and profit loss statement updates) you will see a series of articles from me to prepare our swing trades that will slowly focus us down deeper and deeper in the rabbit hole of the cycle.
You’ll see review of current trade positions, swing trade alert reviews and on to indices, sectors, commodities, currencies and then themes will start to show themselves in stocks etc.
So now it is all about $STUDY of trade set-ups and watching for inflections, themes, sentiment, trajectory of trade and much more.
This is why the Sunday $STUDY sessions are so important. THEY ARE CRITICAL.
Just following along with our swing trade alerts is fine – we have many traders that do very well with simply just that, but it doesn’t help teach you to learn to fish on your own.
If you are in the Swing Trade $STUDY sessions you can bring set-ups forward, you can then plan your sizing and ebb and flow of trade in advance. This is key to trading success. A plan in advance.
We charge 100.00 for non-members and 50.00 for members for 10 session blocks at 4 hours each held once a week and if you can’t be in session online we email a video copy to you.
You can register online here to the Swing Trade Sunday $STUDY Sessions.
Stay awake, we’re entering the cycle now, it reminds me of being in the two hurricanes on the north shore of the Dominican Republic a few years back, it is an amazing experience.
If you need help with a trade set-up email me at [email protected].
Current List of Available P&Ls (remaining dates are in progress now to be released soon):
- Swing Trading Performance Summary (Q4 2019, Q1 2020 Interim): Return %, Gain/Loss, Win/Loss Rate, Number of Trades.
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 1543.93% Feb 1-Feb 21, 2020. $200,000.00 – $230,051.00 #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 64.45% Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2020. $200,000.00 – $208119.00. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 246.31% Dec 1 – Dec 31, 2019. $200,000.00 – $220,898.50. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 315.32% Nov 1 – Nov 30, 2019. $200,000.00 – $224,130.16. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 62.69% October 2019. $100,000.00 – $103,970.20. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss Annualized 355.22%. March 26 – June 28, 2017. $204,616.60 – $303,443.60. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading (Short Term Trades) Profit Loss Annualized 2,437.96%. April 3 – June 28, 2017. $17,354.69 – $37,713.16 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing and Day Trading Profit Loss – Annualized 957.90% Dec 26, 2016 – March 26, 2017. $100,000.00 – $180,347.88 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
Subscribe to Swing Trading Service:
Swing Trading Bundle (Swing Trading Newsletter, Live Swing Trading Alerts, Study Guides).
Swing Trading Newsletter (Weekly Newsletter Published for Traders).
Real-Time Swing Trading Alerts (Private Member on Twitter Feed and more recently by way of Email).
Swing Trading Study Guide Newsletters (After Trade In-Depth Reviews Including Set-Up Identification, Trading Plan, Sizing, Risk Management, ROI and more).
One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or In-Person).
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Article Topics; US Dollar, USD/CAD, DXY, swing trading, time cycles, trading, currencies, study, charting, setups, FX
More Active Intra-Day Trading is Near (Time Cycle Inflection) RE: Live Trading Room, Oil & Swing Trade Alerts. Stocks, $SPY, OIL, $CL_F, $USO, GOLD, $GLD, SILVER, $SLV, $BTC, $VIX, $DXY)
IMPORTANT: Trading Team Note
This is likely one of the more important notes you will ever receive from me, the upcoming time-cycles are going to be historically important, the biggest in history past, present and future.
RE: More Intra-Day Trading Near (Time Cycle Inflections)
Applies to: Live Trading Room, Oil Trade Alerts, Swing Trade Alerts. Stocks, SP500, $SPY, OIL, $CL_F, $USO, GOLD, $GLD, $GC_F, SILVER, $SLV, BITCOIN, $BTC, Volatility, $VIX, US Dollar, $DXY
Good evening team,
The recent time cycle that peaked last week was spot on, we nailed the run up (many plays in equities were 2-6x hits) and then the down (OVX 20s to 340s, VIX we nailed, shorting MasterCard, Nike and WYNN with size and many more) and then the recent bounce has been good to us and we sold the day before and early morning of the pull back in Wednesday trade.
The time cycles we follow were spot on and have been now for near 5 years – this is a considerable advantage in our overall bias with trade positioning and themes (more on this in another note).
For those that are not aware, our swing trading platform easily returns triple digits per year and this year we expect 4 digit returns+ and the win rate is high – easily 80%+ sometimes better. You are welcome to inspect our alert feed anytime to confirm for yourself.
Why do I point this out?
Because we are now entering another turn (we’re in the turn now). Time cycle inflections are important.
This particular time cycle inflection from the first week of April 2020 (peak) to the last week of August 2020 peak is going to be aggressive and we expect the next after that in to the US election to be even more so.
In fact, we expect the volatility or better described as range of markets to increase for at least the next 4 time cycles and even likely in to mid 2022 and possibly in to 2025.
We have been spot on so far with our forecasts and don’t expect different anytime soon, it is simply math and natural order.
So why am I sending this notice to our trading team?
In this inflection (turn) in to and running to the last week of August it is important we are really on top of the inflections in stocks (equities), oil trading and commodities, volatility, indices and the Dollar.
We make the majority of our profit in inflections. There are periods we are quiet and then boom it’s time to go, it is in the “GO” where the money is made.
The next “GO” should be at latest this time next week, by then we should start to see inflections in the markets to really size in to themes of trade. If you study our swing trading alert feed you will see the quiet times and then BOOM it’s GO TIME and then quiet and so on.
In this particular turn and in the other time cycle inflections over the next few years I will be doing a lot more intra day and intra week swing trading (really it is better described as inflection theme trading).
More specifically, I will be more active, higher frequency, working the edges of the ranges to get sizing in to the inflection trades. This means a very active trading room and the alert feeds too of course. Click here for oil trade alerts and here for swing trade alerts.
We have a new internet line being run sometime between now and then that will allow for considerably better stability for the machine trading and the simple live voice broadcasting in the room, until then, if you cannot hear something because of internet or click meeting server issues (COVID life internet issues with everyone working from home) let me know, email me and I’ll send you a note on the set-up.
Between now and then (early to mid next week) I will be in deep $STUDY preparing all of our set-ups. We have 200 stocks (equities) modeled on our trading platform that in large part need to be updated and then also the models for SPY, OIL, GOLD, SILVER, DXY, VIX and Bitcoin. The chart models take a lot of work to update, so if you don’t hear from me that is why haha.
If there are any trade set-ups you want me to review be sure to send them on email.
If you are not a member of the trading room because of the cost send me a note (I get it, it’s not cheap, the alerts are much more affordable I know) but I will find a way to get you a long term subscription and that brings the monthly cost way way down and reasonable for anyone to access (if you are wanting to attend the trading room, it works out to 3,000.00 year or about 9.00 a day with the 50% discount and there are ways to finance that).
If nothing else, get in to those Sunday Swing Trading $STUDY sessions, they’re cheap, literally the cost of coffee, 10 session blocks at 100.00 at 4 hours a session = 40 hours of intense trade set-up study for 100.00 and 50% less for current members of Compound Trading Group. Cheap. Non member price 100.00. Current member price 50.00 (use code “webinar50”). If you can’t attend we send a video report out to everyone anyway.
Yes, I am pushing you, for good reason.
I intentionally brought the swing $STUDY session pricing down to next to zero so everyone has an opportunity in these time cycles. There are no excuses. I cannot stress enough how much your future self will thank you for being in it to win it between now and the global financial reset coming.
Oh and we’re running another trader’s conference (10 in person, 20 online) as soon as the borders open again and everyone can fly – current clients get first pick on the 10 seats in person (see tweet thread and video).
Hola🌴✌️💙 Pull back soon?🔥Man what a rally🎯🍿 https://t.co/kcSbr1b1zX
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 15, 2020
And if there’s anything else I can assist with please do not hesitate to reach out because the next few time cycles will be life changing for traders that are ready for them. I mean that in a very literal way. Our returns could easily spike to 5 digit returns, I’m not exaggerating – these are HUGE time cycle coming.
Other items of note are that 1. our crude oil machine trading is introducing CFD’s in the next few weeks, so this is huge because then smaller accounts will be able to increase the win rate considerably (more on this in a near term article) and 2. yes I am going to give in and do some mainstream articles, they’ve been asking for years and more recently more (our time cycle work has them wondering haha) and I think some people need to know about the opportunity right in front of them – I do have a sense of obligation to that (see tweet thread).
So… I'm going official and will write the articles for these "news" sources.
May even put on suit for my profile pic🤣uh no…
But do actually have some article thoughts of inspiration.
This time next week wisdom from the peak of the pyramid shall flow.
Hide you kids.
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) April 15, 2020
Peace and best,
Reminder to existing clients! If you are on Whatsapp and want to have the fastest direct access to my trading desk send your whatsapp number to [email protected] and I’ll connect to you there also.
Current List of Available P&Ls (remaining dates are in progress now to be released soon):
- Swing Trading Performance Summary (Q4 2019, Q1 2020 Interim): Return %, Gain/Loss, Win/Loss Rate, Number of Trades.
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 1543.93% Feb 1-Feb 21, 2020. $200,000.00 – $230,051.00 #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 64.45% Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2020. $200,000.00 – $208119.00. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 246.31% Dec 1 – Dec 31, 2019. $200,000.00 – $220,898.50. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 315.32% Nov 1 – Nov 30, 2019. $200,000.00 – $224,130.16. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 62.69% October 2019. $100,000.00 – $103,970.20. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Profit Loss Annualized 355.22%. March 26 – June 28, 2017. $204,616.60 – $303,443.60. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading (Short Term Trades) Profit Loss Annualized 2,437.96%. April 3 – June 28, 2017. $17,354.69 – $37,713.16 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing and Day Trading Profit Loss – Annualized 957.90% Dec 26, 2016 – March 26, 2017. $100,000.00 – $180,347.88 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
Subscribe to Swing Trading Service:
Swing Trading Bundle (Swing Trading Newsletter, Live Swing Trading Alerts, Study Guides).
Swing Trading Newsletter (Weekly Newsletter Published for Traders).
Real-Time Swing Trading Alerts (Private Member on Twitter Feed and more recently by way of Email).
Swing Trading Study Guide Newsletters (After Trade In-Depth Reviews Including Set-Up Identification, Trading Plan, Sizing, Risk Management, ROI and more).
One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or In-Person).
Subscribe to Oil Trading Platform:
Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (Member Charting Reports sent out weekly at times in report form or updated on email regularly).
Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed and Discord Private Server Chat Room).
Oil Trading Room Bundle (includes Weekly Newsletter, Trading Room, Charting and real-time Trading Alerts on Twitter and private Discord Chat Room Server).
Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.