Premarket Trader Market Note: Order Flow, Swing Trading Levels to Watch, P&L’s, $RCUS, $TSCO, Crude Oil, Machine Trading, Reporting and more.
Morning Traders,
RE: Order Flow, Swing Trading Levels to Watch, P&L’s, $RCUS, $TSCO, Crude Oil, Machine Trading, Reporting and more.
After fighting through Sunday night Study download issues with Click Meeting server capacity and WordPress Black Listing me keeping me from updating it looks like we’re good to go to get Swing Set Ups and the new Oil Report out tonight. Wow, technology makes your life easier.
Yesterday seen negative order flow in crude oil and in equities later in the day, it sure looked like de risking, not so much large machine sweeper programs – YET.
As I thought from yesterday we did get the negative side yesterday, we’ll see if they can run up in to EOD Tuesday (API) and then we have EIA Wed 10:30.
Watch these two crude oil chart levels for directional trading in crude oil and as a signal for the broader market swings:
**** private member link sent to your email
**** private member link sent to your email
EPIC V3.1.1 continues to win, post Black Swan updates:

Simple Oil Swing Trading Signals – Part 2 and 3 Schedule for Release Tonight:
April Swing Trade Alert P&L is published. May & June to be published soon.
Swing Trade Alerts Profit Loss. Win 90%. ROI 131.26%. April 1-30, 2020. 200,000-462,520.00 $AAPL, $OSTK, $LUV, $BTC, $SPY, $TSLA, $BABA, $VIX, $IBB, $MA, $AXP, $LVS, $INO, $TLRY, $INTC … #swingtradealerts
— Swing Trading (@swingtrading_ct) July 12, 2020
ROKU, my miss of the week, don’t miss these TL break out set-ups when they’re alerted, this is a prime set-up for your swing trading returns.
ROKU, the one I missed. Had it lined up, alerted, alarmed and missed it.
No excuse, nice gains on that beauty TL break set-up.
Congrats longs!
#swingtrading $ROKU #tradingsetups
ROKU, the one I missed. Had it lined up, alerted, alarmed and missed it.
No excuse, nice gains on that beauty TL break set-up.
Congrats longs! #swingtrading $ROKU #tradingsetups
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 13, 2020
For students of market instrument time cycles, this is a great starter $STUDY.
Previously alerted this Time Cycle trade set up in $FUV as a possible 3x hit and it got that and more!
Time cycles are powerful set-ups🎯🏹🔥#swingtrading #timecycles
— Swing Trading (@swingtrading_ct) July 12, 2020
Here’s a rundown of your top economic news today
Articles this morning on our $RCUS and $TSCO swing trades:
$TSCO – Smashing quarter expected out of Tractor Supply
— Swing Trading (@swingtrading_ct) July 14, 2020
$RCUS – Arcus Biosciences, Inc.: An Oncology Stock With Newfound Prominence.
— Swing Trading (@swingtrading_ct) July 14, 2020
More as the day unfolds and look to alert feeds for set-ups.
Have a great day!
Article Topics: premarket, traders, trading, crude oil, swing trading, oil trading room, Order Flow, Swing Trading Levels to Watch, P&L’s, $RCUS, $TSCO, Crude Oil, Machine Trading, Reporting
Keep It Simple (KISS) Crude Oil Swing Trading Part 1 – Using Moving Averages, Gap Fills, MACD for Directional Bias, Size and Position.
PART 1 – K.I.S.S. Swing Trading Crude Oil – Gap filled, now time to watch 200 MA on 4 hour, last time price tested it twice and sold off. #swingtrading #crudeoil
In this short public facing unlocked oil swing trading article, we look at simple indicators oil traders can use to position swing trade bias and trade sizing.
If price gets under 200 MA on 4 Hr and 20 MA crosses 200 MA with price under, this is a fairly decent signal a trend change is setting in for a considerable pull back. You can run this basic indication on each time frame to get a feel for your swing trade positioning and sizing.
A simple but effective way to gauge bias, sizing, risk, positioning strategy etc for oil swing traders.

Another great strategy for swing trading crude oil, specifically for directional bias is watching the MACD on the daily, currently crossed down.

If oil does sell off, the trading support levels noted on the chart would be preferred areas to take profits along the way in a swing trade.

In Part 2, we will go in to some Premium Swing Trade Member charting for structured oil swing trading models including time cycles, price targets and more.
In Part 3 for our Oil Trading Premium Members we will build out our oil trading strategy further with Algorithmic Trading Models.
Look for those later this evening.
If you need anything email me at [email protected].
Further Learning:
If you would like to learn more, click here and visit our Crude Oil Trading Academy page for complimentary oil trading knowledge – posts from our top crude oil traders that includes learning systems, blog posts and videos.
Welcome to NYMEX WTI Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures.
Subscribe to Oil Trading Platform:
Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (Member Charting Reports sent out weekly at times in report form or updated on email regularly).
Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed and Discord Private Server Chat Room).
Oil Trading Room Bundle (includes Weekly Newsletter, Trading Room, Charting and real-time Trading Alerts on Twitter and private Discord Chat Room Server).
Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).
One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).
Article Topics; Swing Trading, Crude Oil, Trading, Oil, MACD, Moving Averages, Gap Fill, Support Levels, Sizing, Bias.
What’s On Tap for Our Traders for the Week of July 12, 2020: Reporting, Trade Set-Ups, Webinars, P&L’s Etc.
On The Topic of Trade Platform Reporting This Week – P&Ls, Webinars, Trading Set-Ups Etc.
2020 has been a record year for us (as expected) and we only expect trading returns to get better and better in to the election (and beyond).
Below is what’s on tap for this week:
Our reporting plan is to start sending new EPIC crude oil chart models out today with a complete revamped EPIC Oil Report out within 48 hours.
The newest coded version of EPIC V3.1.1 has seen excellent success and regular trading returns are being posted to the EPIC Algorithm Twitter Feed.
Black Swan Update, June 1-July 9 Profit & Loss YTD +$16,7860 or $206,097 69% ROI Per Annum. EPIC V3.1.1 Oil Machine Trade 300k Account (time stamped alerts, audited P&L) #OOTT $CL_F $USOIL $USO #oiltradealerts #oiltradingroom
The Swing Trading $STUDY Webinar will run this evening, the videos will be sent out this evening.
We want to however also detail a written report this week with charting of the webinar set ups – scheduled to be out within 48 hours.
We have a core list of equities we want to work with in to the election so tonight our goal will be to get them started (the structured set ups) and weekly cover their status in to election (there will be others, but we have a core list to be published in a written report I reference).
Join Us Sunday – Prepare for Your Trading Week.
Sunday Swing Trading $STUDY Webinars 7-11 PM.
10 Weeks (40 hrs study) 100.00 Members 50.00.
Can’t make it live? You get videos after ea session.
Join Us Sunday – Prepare for Your Trading Week.
Sunday Swing Trading $STUDY Webinars 7-11 PM.
10 Weeks (40 hrs study) 100.00 Members 50.00.
Can't make it live? You get videos after ea session.
— Swing Trading (@swingtrading_ct) July 12, 2020
Trade review articles of recent trades I’m hoping to get more out this week, detailing specific set ups that are working on our trading in Swing Trades and Oil Trading – see list of articles at links below:
Swing Trading Academy: Learn to Swing Trade Stocks, Commodities and Cryptocurrencies.
Crude Oil Trading Academy : Learn to Trade Oil.
The Swing Trade Alert P&L is out for April 2020 and May 2020 will be released soon.
The P&L spreadsheets will assist with review of current trades, referencing chart set ups and more for our traders.
You can also refer to the alert feed, but the spreadsheet in the alert P&L reporting is a more efficient reference point for traders because the links to the specific trade alerts are there and this gives you immediate access to charting for the trade etc.
My best advice is to review each trade on the P&L’s and work through what your trade account size is, your risk threshold and preferred sizing and determine how to best use the many set ups we’ve been alerting for your own trading style and preferred returns vs. risk.
And if you have questions as one of our traders (subs) you can connect with me on Whatsapp and ask for a second set of eyes prior to engaging a trade or as the trade progresses.
Swing Trade Alerts Profit Loss. Win 90%. ROI 131.26%. April 1-30, 2020. 200,000-462,520.00 $AAPL, $OSTK, $LUV, $BTC, $SPY, $TSLA, $BABA, $VIX, $IBB, $MA, $AXP, $LVS, $INO, $TLRY, $INTC …
Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss. Win 90%. ROI 131.26%. April 1-30, 2020. 200,000-462,520.00 as Alerted to Member Private Feed, Trading Room and/or Newsletter Reporting. #swingtrading #tradealerts
Tickers Alerted on Swing Trade Feeds: $AAPL, $OSTK, $LUV, $BTC, $SPY, $TSLA, $BABA, $VIX, $IBB, $MA, $AXP, $LVS, $INO, $TLRY, $INTC, $APDN, $PD, $KBE, $RCUS, $GC_F, $SI_F, $CL_F, $APO, $CCJ, $CAE, $TECK, $TACO, $VXX, $BIIB, $CLVS,
- Important Summary Detail:
- Period Swing Trade Alert Return (ROI) = 131.26% (based on this reporting period only)
- ROI Calculator Link Here:
- Our goal is to provide the best swing trading alert and newsletter service available. The highest winning percentage with the most consistent returns.
- The objective of providing a Swing Trade Alert Summary P&L is for the purpose of trader’s investigating whether our alert service is appropriate for their personal trading and also for our existing members to have a reference point of trade alert history.
- Swing trades as applicable are announced on mic live, recorded live in live trading room, alerted to private time stamped Twitter feed and emailed. Some trades are detailed further in the regular swing trade report newsletters (as part of the bundle package), in Sunday Swing Trade $STUDY Webinars or by other methods for guidance that may be sent to subscribers.
- Links are provided in the Trade Alert P&L spreadsheet below to each alert as they occurred on the member trade alert feed for member reference (must be a subscriber to alert feed service to view the links). Most of the alerts on the private member Twitter feed include charting and chart links. Over time we will also include links below in spreadsheet to other trade alert guidance provided to our traders, such as; video recordings to live trades as they occurred in the trading room (our YouTube channel), various commentary on social networks, email trade set up guidance, trading room chat guidance, newsletters, swing trade $STUDY webinars, etc..
- The Trade Alert P&L results in this series are specific only to actionable “alerted” trade set-ups to members and not all trades otherwise executed (non alerted) by our traders. It is impossible to alert every ebb and flow add and trim, the major parts of swing trade set ups are alerted and that is what is represented in the P&L reporting – the actionable parts only, that which a trader using our service can action easily and clearly.
- A historical time stamped spreadsheet of alerts is available (by request and by order from Twitter archive service),
- Results in the swing trade P&L series does not represents machine or futures trading but may reference instruments of trade on equity markets surrounding our futures trading activity when parallel trading is occurring by our traders. More detail here:
- Study guides outlining each trade set-up, (how the trade was identified and traded with charting) are being made available to applicable members as time allows. For the study guide only subscription click here. As each study guide is released you will receive a copy via email. Bundle members receive the study guides as part of the bundle package.
- Our swing trade platform is available as subscription (monthly, quarterly, annually): One time 50% discount code available for a trial month for new subscribers, use code: “trial50” for a limited time at check-out.
- 1. Swing Trade Alerts. Swing Trade Alerts to Private Twitter Feed and via Email,
- 2. Swing Trade Newsletter Reports: Ongoing swing trading report articles emailed to members detailing trade set-ups and trade in play,
- 3. Swing Trade Study Guides: Swing Trade Study Guide for in-depth review of select swing trade set-ups and how we traded each set-up.
- 4. Swing Trade Bundled Package: Swing Trading Packaged Bundle Including; Alerts, Study Guides & Reporting.
- 5. Swing Trading Webinar: The next Swing Trading Webinar is Sunday July 12, 2020 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM EST. All registrants receive a video copy after the event if you cannot be in attendance live. The webinars review trade set ups for each upcoming week and as time allows each key swing trade from our P&L statements explaining how the trade set-up was identified and executed. Attendees will receive a copy of the charting used to structure the trade. Time is also allotted for attendee question and answer and trade set-up strategies attendees may need assistance with. Cost for Ten Weeks of $STUDY Webinars (40 hours of trade set-up $STUDY prep): Non members 100.00, current members 50.00. There is a 25 person room limit. To register for the live swing trade webinar event click here or to receive a video copy of the live event afterward click here.
- 6. Trade coaching is also available one on one with our lead trader via Skype, for trade coaching click here.
- We regularly reconcile trading alert profit & loss statements for review (as time allows). Check our Twitter feeds or blog for regular updates as we publish consolidated reports.
- Current Swing Trade Alert P&L List is here (more recent dates are in progress to be released soon):
- Swing Trade Profit Loss. Win 90%. ROI 131.26%. April 1-30, 2020. 200,000-462,520.00 $AAPL, $OSTK, $LUV, $BTC, $SPY, $TSLA, $BABA, $VIX, $IBB, $MA, $AXP, $LVS, $INO, $TLRY, $INTC …
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Win 100% . ROI 127.34%. Mar 1 – Mar 31, 2020. $200,000.00-$454,676.00. $SQ, $BA, $VIX, $WYNN, $NKE, $BABA, $INTC, $COST, $NET, $GLD, $SLV, $BTC …
- Swing Trading Alert Profit & Loss: Feb 1-28, 2020. Monthly Gain +$54,129.00. ROI 27.06%.$SQ, $MA, $NIO, $TWTR, $NFLX, $INTC, $OSTK, $HD, $IBB, $UBER, $YEXT, $FVRR…
- Swing Trading Performance Summary (Q4 2019, Q1 2020 Interim): Return %, Gain/Loss, Win/Loss Rate, Number of Trade Alerts.
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss: Feb 1-21, 2020 3 Week Interim Gain +$30,051.00. ROI 15.03%. $SQ, $TEVA, $NIO, $TWTR, $NFLX, $INTC, $OSTK, $HD, $SRPT, $UBER, $YEXT, $FVRR…
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 64.45% Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2020. $200,000.00 – $208119.00. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 246.31% Dec 1 – Dec 31, 2019. $200,000.00 – $220,898.50. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 315.32% Nov 1 – Nov 30, 2019. $200,000.00 – $224,130.16. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 62.69% October 2019. $100,000.00 – $103,970.20. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss Annualized 355.22%. March 26 – June 28, 2017. $204,616.60 – $303,443.60. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert (Short Term Trades) Profit Loss Annualized 2,437.96%. April 3 – June 28, 2017. $17,354.69 – $37,713.16 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing and Day Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized 957.90% Dec 26, 2016 – March 26, 2017. $100,000.00 – $180,347.88 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
Swing Trading Profit Loss – Win 90% . ROI 131.26%. April 1 – 30, 2020. $200,000.00-$454,676.00 #swingtrading #tradealerts
Google Drive Document Link:
Date | Entry (EST) | Exit (EST) | Long, Short, Close, Trim, Add | Symbol | Size | Buying Price | Selling Price | Profit/Loss | Running P/L | Alert Link | ||||||
* Note: there are a series of oil trades that have to yet be moved to this ledger from lead trader.
4/30/2020 | 12.05 PM | Long | $LUV | 500 | 30.78 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/30/2020 | PRE | Trim 50%: 25 hold 25 | $OSTK | 25 | 8.73 | 14.83 | 152.5 | 462520 | ||||||||
4/30/2020 | 8:05 AM | Trim 10% | $BTC | 70 | 5900 | 8878 | 20846 | 462368 | ||||||||
4/30/2020 | POST | Trim 25 hold 25 | $AAPL | 25 | 268.1 | 294 | 647.5 | 441522 | ||||||||
4/29/2020 | 12:49 PM | Trim 90 hold 370 | $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) | 90 | 33.7 | 37.15 | 310.5 | 440875 | ||||||||
4/29/2020 | 12:17 PM | Trim 90 hold 460 | $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) | 90 | 33.7 | 36.98 | 295 | 449565 | ||||||||
4/29/2020 | Trim 30% 30 of 150 hold 20 | $KBE | 30 | 28.23 | 35.21 | 209 | 440270 | |||||||||
4/29/2020 | 10:26 AM | Trim 90 hold 550 of 640 | $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) | 90 | 33.7 | 36.8 | 279 | 440061 | ||||||||
4/29/2020 | PRE | Trim 10% hold 320 | $CAE | 80 | 14.1 | 17.22 | 249.6 | 439782 | ||||||||
4/29/2020 | PRE | Take profit to 90% sell 180 hold 30 | $MA | 180 | 247 | 273.2 | 4716 | 438533 | ||||||||
4/28/2020 | 11:23 | Add 1/10 size long | $TECK | 300 | 7.71 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/28/2020 | PRE | Trim 10% | $IBB | 30 | 123 | 128.7 | 157 | 434817 | ||||||||
4/28/2020 | PRE | Trim 10% | $TACO | 240 | 4.4 | 5 | 144 | 434660 | ||||||||
4/28/2020 | 7:01 AM | Trim 10% | $AXP | 20 | 84.5 | 86.25 | 35 | 434516 | ||||||||
4/28/2020 | 6:57 AM | Trim 10% 20 of 140 hold 120 | $LVS | 20 | 44.5 | 47.8 | 66 | 434481 | ||||||||
4/28/2020 | 6:54 AM | Trim 10% 90 of 730 hold 640 | $MA | 90 | 247 | 269.5 | 2025 | 434415 | ||||||||
4/28/2020 | PRE | Trim 50% | $CAE | 400 | 14.1 | 17.2 | 1240 | 432390 | ||||||||
4/28/2020 | PRE | Trim 50% $KBE | $KBE | 150 | 28.23 | 31.5 | 490.5 | 421150 | ||||||||
4/28/2020 | 10:27 AM | Trim 270 of 900 hold 730 | $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) | 270 | 33.7 | 36.3 | 648 | 430660 | ||||||||
4/27/2020 | 3:00 PM | Trim 90 of 300, hold 210 | $MA | 90 | 247 | 264.9 | 1611 | 430012 | ||||||||
4/27/2020 | 10:25 AM | Trim 30% 60 of 200 hold 140 | $LVS | 60 | 44.55 | 47.7 | 187 | 428401 | ||||||||
4/27/2020 | 9:56 AM | Close $INO | $INO | 20 | 11.03 | 15.22 | 88 | 428214 | ||||||||
4/27/2020 | 9:55 AM | Trim 10% 60 of 600 hold 540 | $TLRY | 60 | 8.04 | 9.26 | 70.8 | 428126 | ||||||||
4/27/2020 | PRE | Trim 40 hold 50 | $AAPL | 40 | 268.1 | 284.9 | 672 | 428055 | ||||||||
4/25/2020 | POST | Close 50 | $RCUS | 50 | 15.5 | 30 | 725 | 427383 | ||||||||
4/24/2020 | 3:40 PM | Starter long | $TLRY | 600 | 8.04 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/24/2020 | 3:03 PM | Starter long | $LVS | 200 | 44.55 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/24/2020 | PRE | Starter long | $CCJ | 600 | 9.83 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/24/2020 | PRE | Long | $AXP | 200 | 84.5 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/23/2020 | PRE | Trim to 90%, hold 20 | $INO | 130 | 11.03 | 12.49 | 189.8 | 426658 | | |||||||
4/22/2020 | Trim 25% | $INO | 50 | 11.03 | 11.46 | 21.5 | 426469 | | ||||||||
4/21/2020 | 11:54 AM | Short starter | $TSLA | 20 | 694.5 | | ||||||||||
4/21/2020 | 10:00 | Add $APPL 268s per alert hold 90 | $APPL | 85 | 268.1 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/21/2020 | 11:00 | Trim $VXX 300 hold 100 | $VXX | 300 | 43 | 47.8 | 1440 | 426448 | ||||||||
4/21/2020 | PRE | Trim 50% of position | $OSTK | 50 | 8.73 | 11.89 | 158 | 425008 | | | | |||||
4/20/2020 | 11:18 AM | Long Starter | $CLVS | 300 | 11.18 | 0 | | |||||||||
4/20/2020 | 12:00 | Close | $BIIB | 30 | 335 | 350 | 450 | 424850 | ||||||||
4/20/2020 | 10:48 | Long starter | $ACB | 1200 | 0.71 | 0 | | |||||||||
4/17/2020 | 4:03 PM | Sell 25% | $MA | 100 | 247 | 260 | 1300 | 424400 | ||||||||
4/17/2020 | Sell 25% | $TACO | 600 | 4.4 | 4.67 | 162 | 423100 | |||||||||
4/17/2020 | PRE | Long | $TACO | 2400 | 4.4 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/16/2020 | PRE | Long | $CAE | 800 | 14.1 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/16/2020 | POST | Long | $SPXL (SPY Bull ETF) | 900 | 33.7 | 0 | | |||||||||
4/16/2020 | 1:39 PM | Trim profit to 90% 450 of 500 | $RCUS | 450 | 15.5 | 29.2 | 6165 | 422938 | ||||||||
4/16/2020 | 16:42 | Long in Size | $MA | 400 | 247 | 0 | | | | | ||||||
4/16/2020 | POST | Trim to 90% – 35 of 40 hold 5 | $AAPL | 35 | 261.9 | 296 | 1193.5 | 416773 | ||||||||
4/15/2020 | PRE | Trim 100 of 200 | $APDN | 100 | 3.01 | 8.51 | 550 | 415580 | ||||||||
4/14/2020 | PRE | Trim profit 25% 75 of 150 | $INTC | 75 | 48.42 | 58.7 | 771 | 415030 | ||||||||
4/14/2020 | PRE | Trim 25% profit | $PD | 150 | 17.2 | 19.12 | 288 | 414259 | | |||||||
4/14/2020 | PRE | Trim 2 hold 2 | $GC_F | 2 | 1516.01 | 1725.77 | 41952 | 413971 | ||||||||
4/14/2020 | POST | Trim 90%, trim 180 old 20 | $BABA | 180 | 180.75 | 205 | 4365 | 372019 | | |||||||
4/13/2020 | 4:14 PM | Trim 10% Long hold 40% | $AAPL | 10 | 261.9 | 272.9 | 110 | 367644 | ||||||||
4/9/2020 | Settlement | Close stop at entry | $CL_F | 1 | 24.07 | 24.07 | 0 | |||||||||
4/9/2020 | 9:31 AM | Cover short | $TSLA | 20 | 544,33 | 558.2 | -277.4 | 367544 | ||||||||
4/9/2020 | 7:14 AM | Trim 45% oil swing profit hold 5% | $CL_F | 5 | 24.07 | 27.3 | 16150 | 367822 | ||||||||
4/9/2020 | PRE | $VIX wknd ins adds to 30% $VXX | $VXX | 300 | 43 | 0 | | |||||||||
4/9/2020 | 9:15 AM | Trim 50% Long hold 50% | $AAPL | 50 | 261.9 | 270 | 405 | 351672 | | |||||||
4/8/2020 | 11:34 | Long | $KBE | 300 | 28.23 | 0 | | | ||||||||
4/8/2020 | 10:04 | Short (small) | $TSLA | 20 | 544.33 | 0 | | | ||||||||
4/8/2020 | PRE | Long | $AAPL | 100 | 261.9 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/7/2020 | 8:07 AM | Trim oil 50% swing profit | $CL_F | 6 | 24.07 | 24.97 | 5400 | 351267 | ||||||||
4/7/2020 | 15:06 | Long swing trade oil | $CL_F | 12 | 24.07 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/6/2020 | 1:14 PM | Trim profit on swaps 25% | $BTC | 75 | 5900 | 7147 | 1247 | 345867 | ||||||||
4/6/2020 | 1:14 PM | Trim Gold Long (2 @ 100) hold 4 | $GC_F | 2 | 1516.01 | 1654 | 27598 | 344620 | ||||||||
4/6/2020 | 1:14 PM | Trim Silver Long (2 @ 5000) hold 1 | $SI_F | 2 | 12.7 | 14.82 | 21200 | 317022 | ||||||||
4/6/2020 | PRE | Long | $ZM | 100 | 128.2 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/6/2020 | PRE | Long | $TWTR | 500 | 23.09 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/6/2020 | PRE | Long adds 100 hold 200 | $BABA | 100 | 187.11 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/6/2020 | PRE | Long adds | $STNE | 200 | 16 | 0 | ||||||||||
4/3/2020 | 2:23 PM | Close | $CL_F | 1 | 20.44 | 27.99 | 7550 | 295822 | ||||||||
4/3/2020 | 4:00 AM | Trim oil | $CL_F | 1 | 20.44 | 25.63 | 5190 | 288272 | ||||||||
4/2/2020 | 10:45 AM | Trim oil | $CL_F | 2 | 20.44 | 26.6 | 12320 | 283082 | ||||||||
4/2/2020 | 10:40 AM | Trim oil 50% of 50% approx | $CL_F | 4 | 20.44 | 26.4 | 23840 | 270762 | ||||||||
4/2/2020 | 1:43 AM | Trim oil trade 50% of total | $CL_F | 8 | 20.44 | 21.81 | 10960 | 246922 | ||||||||
4/2/2020 | 10:29 AM | Trim Silver Long (2 @ 5000) | $SI_F | 2 | 12.7 | 14.41 | 17100 | 235962 | | | | |||||
4/2/2020 | 10:29 AM | Trim Gold Long (2 @ 100) hold 6 | $GC_F | 2 | 1516.01 | 1609 | 18598 | 218862 | | | | |||||
4/2/2020 | 4:27 AM | Cover 25% | $APO | 75 | 34.4 | 30.87 | 264.75 | 200264 | ||||||||
3/31/2020 | 12:10 | Long oil swing in size | $CL_F | 16 | 20.44 | 200000 | ||||||||||
200000 | ||||||||||||||||
*The goal has been to keep the alert feed simple to allow traders (subs) to structure their own trades, sizing, instruments etc, however, we will be transitioning to a more specific detailed alerting process in 2020 (digital auto platform).
*Run the trades, win rate avg return range you see alerted on the spreadsheet with your preferred sizing, risk tolerance, instrument type and see what your returns would be based on the swing alerts of our platform.
*The trade alert links in spreadsheet will only open for premium subscribers (for use of reference) if you would like a tour of the feed to view the time stamped alerts contact us – the P&L represents alert feed as it was alerted.
*Subscribers can click on alert link for details of alert and also see charting and links to live Trading View charting, structured models, etc for each set up.
*See addendum documentation for; Volatility derivative options trading structures/strategies used for $OVX $VIX $USO $SPY $SPX Gold Silver Crude Oil Bitcoin.
*Many trades in Volatility, Indices, Commodities, Crypto etc are structured as futures or ETF options or lev swaps that take time to detail at intraday alert level – soon trade alerts will include more detail with digital traders platform launch.
*For these P&Ls (until strategy structures include more detail n alerts) we have kept the entries as simple as possible so traders can execute on the actionable set-up.
*Crude oil: lead trader primarily uses a 10 bet position trading strategy on day trades and a 30+ bet system on swings (max size can vary) and EPIC V3.1.1 machine trading a fixed 30 bet system on either.
*Swing clients know in 9/10 trade set ups when lead trade executes a position a profit trim is taken if on right side of trade and then if price returns to buy lead trader has stops there (unless otherwise noted).
*For specific or itemized trade set-up strategies or instrument stuctures as needed for any of the trades in progress email Jen & Curt at [email protected] or clients can Whatsapp Curt direct.
If you need some trade coaching go to our website and register for a minimum 3 hours.
Email me as needed [email protected].
Subscribe to Swing Trading Service:
Swing Trading Bundle (Swing Trading Newsletter, Live Swing Trade Alerts, Study Guides).
Swing Trading Newsletter (Weekly Newsletter Published for Traders – Trade Set-Ups / Watch List).
Real-Time Swing Trading Alerts (Private Member Twitter Feed and by way of Email).
Swing Trading Study Guide Newsletters (After Trade In-Depth Reviews Including Set-Up Identification, Trading Plan, Sizing, Risk Management, ROI and more).
Weekly Sunday Swing Trading $STUDY Webinars 7-11 PM (10 Week block 100.00, if you can’t make it to webinar videos sent to you before market open Monday).
One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or In-Person).
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Article Topics; Swing Trading, Profit Loss, Trade, Alerts, Newsletter, Stocks, Commodities, Crypto, .$AAPL, $OSTK, $LUV, $BTC, $SPY, $TSLA, $BABA, $VIX, $IBB, $MA, $AXP, $LVS, $INO, $TLRY, $INTC, $APDN, $PD, $KBE, $RCUS, $GC_F, $SI_F, $CL_F, $APO, $CCJ, $CAE, $TECK, $TACO, $VXX, $BIIB, $CLVS
Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Win 100% . ROI 127.34%. Mar 1 – Mar 31, 2020. $200,000.00-$454,676.00. $SQ, $BA, $VIX, $WYNN, $NKE, $BABA, $INTC, $COST, $NET, $GLD, $SLV, $BTC …
Swing Trading Profit Loss – Win 100% . ROI 127.34%. Mar 1 – Mar 31, 2020. $200,000.00-$454,676.00 as Alerted to Member Private Feed, Trading Room and/or Reporting. #swingtrading #tradealerts
Tickers Alerted: $SQ, $MA, $APDN, $PD, $BA, $WYNN, $NKE, $BABA, $INTC, $COST, $NET, $VXX, $VIX, $OVX, $INO, $GLD, $GC_F, $SLV, $SI_F, $BTC, $STNE, $JETS, $APO, $HIIQ, $GBTC, $RCUS.
- Important Summary Detail:
- Period Swing Trade Alert Return (ROI) = 127.34% (based on this reporting period only)
- ROI Calculator Link Here:
- The objective of providing a Swing Trade Alert Summary P&L is for the purpose of trader’s investigating whether our alert service is appropriate for their personal trading and also for our existing members to have a reference point of trade alert history.
- Swing trades as applicable are announced on mic live, recorded live in live trading room, alerted to private time stamped Twitter feed and emailed. Some trades are detailed further in the regular swing trade report newsletters (as part of the bundle package), in Sunday Swing Trade $STUDY Webinars or by other methods for guidance that may be sent to subscribers.
- Links are provided in the Trade Alert P&L spreadsheet below to each alert as they occurred on the member trade alert feed for member reference (must be a subscriber to alert feed service to view the links). Most of the alerts on the private member Twitter feed include charting and chart links. Over time we will also include links below in spreadsheet to other trade alert guidance provided to our traders, such as; video recordings to live trades as they occurred in the trading room (our YouTube channel), various commentary on social networks, email trade set up guidance, trading room chat guidance, newsletters, swing trade $STUDY webinars, etc..
- The Trade Alert P&L results in this series are specific only to actionable “alerted” trade set-ups to members and not all trades otherwise executed (non alerted) by our traders. It is impossible to alert every ebb and flow add and trim, the major parts of swing trade set ups are alerted and that is what is represented in the P&L reporting – the actionable parts only, that which a trader using our service can action easily and clearly.
- A historical time stamped spreadsheet of alerts is available (by request and by order from Twitter archive service),
- Results in the swing trade P&L series does not represents machine or futures trading but may reference instruments of trade on equity markets surrounding our futures trading activity when parallel trading is occurring by our traders. More detail here:
- Study guides outlining each trade set-up, (how the trade was identified and traded with charting) are being made available to applicable members as time allows. For the study guide only subscription click here. As each study guide is released you will receive a copy via email. Bundle members receive the study guides as part of the bundle package.
- Our swing trade platform is available as subscription (monthly, quarterly, annually): One time 50% discount code available for a trial month for new subscribers, use code: “trial50” for a limited time at check-out.
- 1. Swing Trade Alerts. Swing Trade Alerts to Private Twitter Feed and via Email,
- 2. Swing Trade Newsletter Reports: Ongoing swing trading report articles emailed to members detailing trade set-ups and trade in play,
- 3. Swing Trade Study Guides: Swing Trade Study Guide for in-depth review of select swing trade set-ups and how we traded each set-up.
- 4. Swing Trade Bundled Package: Swing Trading Packaged Bundle Including; Alerts, Study Guides & Reporting.
- 5. Swing Trading Webinar: The next Swing Trading Webinar is Sunday July 5, 2020 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM EST. All registrants receive a video copy after the event if you cannot be in attendance live. The webinars review trade set ups for each upcoming week and as time allows each key swing trade from our P&L statements explaining how the trade set-up was identified and executed. Attendees will receive a copy of the charting used to structure the trade. Time is also allotted for attendee question and answer and trade set-up strategies attendees may need assistance with. Cost for Ten Weeks of $STUDY Webinars (40 hours of trade set-up $STUDY prep): Non members 100.00, current members 50.00. There is a 25 person room limit. To register for the live swing trade webinar event click here or to receive a video copy of the live event afterward click here.
- 6. Trade coaching is also available one on one with our lead trader via Skype, for trade coaching click here.
- We regularly reconcile trading alert profit & loss statements for review (as time allows). Check our Twitter feeds or blog for regular updates as we publish consolidated reports.
- Current Swing Trade Alert P&L List is here (more recent dates are in progress to be released soon):
- Swing Trade Profit Loss. Win 90%. ROI 131.26%. April 1-30, 2020. 200,000-462,520.00 $AAPL, $OSTK, $LUV, $BTC, $SPY, $TSLA, $BABA, $VIX, $IBB, $MA, $AXP, $LVS, $INO, $TLRY, $INTC …
- Swing Trading Profit Loss – Win 100% . ROI 127.34%. Mar 1 – Mar 31, 2020. $200,000.00-$454,676.00. $SQ, $BA, $VIX, $WYNN, $NKE, $BABA, $INTC, $COST, $NET, $GLD, $SLV, $BTC …
- Swing Trading Alert Profit & Loss: Feb 1-28, 2020. Monthly Gain +$54,129.00. ROI 27.06%.$SQ, $MA, $NIO, $TWTR, $NFLX, $INTC, $OSTK, $HD, $IBB, $UBER, $YEXT, $FVRR…
- Swing Trading Performance Summary (Q4 2019, Q1 2020 Interim): Return %, Gain/Loss, Win/Loss Rate, Number of Trade Alerts.
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss: Feb 1-21, 2020 3 Week Interim Gain +$30,051.00. ROI 15.03%. $SQ, $TEVA, $NIO, $TWTR, $NFLX, $INTC, $OSTK, $HD, $SRPT, $UBER, $YEXT, $FVRR…
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 64.45% Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2020. $200,000.00 – $208119.00. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 246.31% Dec 1 – Dec 31, 2019. $200,000.00 – $220,898.50. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 315.32% Nov 1 – Nov 30, 2019. $200,000.00 – $224,130.16. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 62.69% October 2019. $100,000.00 – $103,970.20. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss Annualized 355.22%. March 26 – June 28, 2017. $204,616.60 – $303,443.60. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert (Short Term Trades) Profit Loss Annualized 2,437.96%. April 3 – June 28, 2017. $17,354.69 – $37,713.16 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing and Day Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized 957.90% Dec 26, 2016 – March 26, 2017. $100,000.00 – $180,347.88 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
Swing Trading Profit Loss – Win 100% . ROI 127.34%. Mar 1 – Mar 31, 2020. $200,000.00-$454,676.00 #swingtrading #tradealerts
Google Drive Document Link:
Date | Entry (EST) | Exit (EST) | Long, Short, Close, Trim, Add | Symbol | Size | Buying Price | Selling Price | Profit/Loss | Running P/L | Alert Link | ||||||
3/31/2020 | 12:19 | Long | $STNE | 400 | 22.96 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/31/2020 | 11:08 AM | Trim to 75% hold 25% | $NET | 400 | 17.75 | 26.2 | 3380 | 454676 | | |||||||
3/31/2020 | 10:46 AM | Trim | $NET | 200 | 17.75 | 25.7 | 1600 | 451286 | ||||||||
3/31/2020 | 8:07 AM | Trim 25% | $HAS | 100 | 67.69 | 73.55 | 586 | 448696 | ||||||||
3/30/2020 | 2;47 PM | Trim 25% | $HAS | 100 | 67.69 | 70 | 231 | 449110 | ||||||||
3/30/2020 | 11:04 | Long | $HAS | 400 | 67.69 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/30/2020 | 9:43 | Short | $APO | 300 | 34.4 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/27/2020 | 12:51 | Long | $JETS | 800 | 15.8 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/26/2020 | 10:09 AM | Trim 100 of 400 | $SQ | 100 | 43.62 | 59 | 1530 | 448879 | ||||||||
3/25/2020 | 12:26 PM | Trim 50% 100 hold 100 | $BABA | 100 | 174.05 | 194.05 | 2000 | 447349 | ||||||||
3/25/2020 | 11:35 AM | Trim 12.5% hold 12.5% | $BA | 25 | 107.7 | 166.8 | 1477.5 | 445349 | ||||||||
3/24/2020 | 6:35 PM | Trim 25% hold 25% | $BA | 50 | 107.7 | 139.75 | 1602.5 | 443862 | ||||||||
3/24/2020 | 12:26 PM | Trim 50% | $INTC | 150 | 48.42 | 53.32 | 735 | 442260 | ||||||||
3/24/2020 | 12:25 PM | Trim 50% | $BA | 100 | 107.7 | 123.17 | 1547 | 441525 | ||||||||
3/24/2020 | 12:15 PM | Trim 50% swaps | $BTC | 150 | 5900 | 6557 | 9855 | 4399778 | ||||||||
3/24/2020 | 12:15 PM | Trim 50% (5 x 5000 ounce contracts) | SI_V | *5 | 12.7 | 13.94 | 31000 | 430123 | ||||||||
3/24/2020 | 12:15 PM | Trim 50% (8 x 100 ounce contracts) | GC_F | 8 | 1516.01 | 1619.27 | 82608 | 399123 | ||||||||
3/23/2020 | 10:11 | Long | $INTC | 300 | 48.42 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/23/2020 | 9:59 | Long | $BABA | 200 | 174.05 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/23/2020 | 9:23 | Long BTC adds swaps | $BTC | 200 | 6200 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/23/2020 | 9:23 | Long Silver | SI_F | 10 | 12.7 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/23/2020 | 9:21 | Long Gold | $GC_F | 16 | 1516.01 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/20/2020 | PRE | Long | $SQ | 400 | 43.62 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/20/2020 | PRE | Long 200 | $BA | 200 | 107.7 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/19/2020 | Trim 200 for 400 held | $APDN | 200 | 3.01 | 9.48 | 12940 | 316515 | |||||||||
3/15/2020 | 5:13 PM | Adds swaps | $BTC | 100 | 5409 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/13/2020 | PRE | Cover 60, hold 40 | $NKE | 60 | 86.2 | 76 | 612 | 303575 | ||||||||
3/13/2020 | PRE | Cover 150 hold 50 | $WYNN | 150 | 100.52 | 71.08 | 4416 | 302973 | ||||||||
3/13/2020 | PRE | Long 100 | $COST | 100 | 277.6 | 0 | | |||||||||
3/13/2020 | 14:30 | Add 400 for 600 held | $APDN | 400 | 2.3 | 0 | | |||||||||
3/12/2020 | 10:26 | Long | $PD | 600 | 17.2 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/12/2020 | 9:54 AM | Cover 25% | $MA | 150 | 322.3 | 246 | 11445 | 298557 | ||||||||
3/12/2020 | 9:51 AM | Cover 25% | $WYNN | 150 | 100.52 | 69.78 | 4611 | 287112 | ||||||||
3/12/2020 | 8:51 AM | Cover 25% 100, hold 100 | $NKE | 100 | 86.2 | 76.9 | 9700 | 282501 | ||||||||
3/12/2020 | 10:32 AM | Trim 150 of 450 held | $VXX | 150 | 18.2 | 48.2 | 4500 | 272801 | ||||||||
3/11/2020 | 11:31 AM | Cover 50% 200 of 400 | $NKE | 200 | 86.2 | 82.17 | 860 | 268301 | ||||||||
3/11/2020 | PRE | Short 400 | $NKE | 400 | 86.2 | 0 | | |||||||||
3/10/2020 | 3:44 PM | Trim 150 of 600 held | $VXX | 150 | 18.2 | 34.64 | 2466 | 267441 | ||||||||
3/9/2020 | 2:04 PM | Long 200 | $INO | 200 | 11.03 | 0 | | |||||||||
3/9/2020 | 9:30 AM | Trim 150 of 500 | $WYNN | 150 | 100.52 | 84 | 2478 | 264975 | ||||||||
3/9/2020 | 10:19 AM | Sell 11/12 approx | $OVX | *11 / 12 | 35.8 | 139 | 55728 | 262497 | | | | | | |||
3/5/2020 | 10:45 | Short 500 | $WYNN | 500 | 100.52 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/5/2020 | 10:31 | Long 200 | $GBTC | 200 | 10.72 | 0 | ||||||||||
3/3/2020 | 3:51 PM | Sell 200 of 200 | $HIIQ | 200 | 18.6 | 31 | 2480 | 206769 | ||||||||
3/3/2020 | PRE | Trim 100 of 600 | $RCUS | 100 | 15.5 | 17.59 | 209 | 204289 | | | | |||||
3/2/2020 | PRE | Trim 100 of 300 | $APDN | 100 | 4.44 | 8.52 | 4080 | 204080 | ||||||||
200000 | ||||||||||||||||
*The goal has been to keep the alert feed simple to allow traders (subs) to structure their own trades, sizing, instruments etc, however, we will be transitioning to a more specific detailed alerting process in 2020 (digital auto platform).
*Run the trades, win rate avg return range you see alerted on the spreadsheet with your preferred sizing, risk tolerance, instrument type and see what your returns would be based on the swing alerts of our platform.
*The trade alert links in spreadsheet will only open for premium subscribers (for use of reference) if you would like a tour of the feed to view the time stamped alerts contact us – the P&L represents alert feed as it was alerted.
*Subscribers can click on alert link for details of alert and also see charting and links to live Trading View charting, structured models, etc for each set up.
*See addendum documentation for; Volatility derivative options trading structures/strategies used for $OVX $VIX $USO $SPY $SPX Gold Silver Crude Oil Bitcoin.
*Many trades in Volatility, Indices, Commodities, Crypto etc are structured as futures or ETF options or lev swaps that take time to detail at intraday alert level – soon trade alerts will include more detail with digital traders platform launch.
*For these P&Ls (until strategy structures include more detail n alerts) we have kept the entries as simple as possible so traders can execute on the actionable set-up.
*Crude oil: lead trader primarily uses a 10 bet position trading strategy on day trades and a 30+ bet system on swings (max size can vary) and EPIC V3.1.1 machine trading a fixed 30 bet system on either.
*Swing clients know in 9/10 trade set ups when lead trade executes a position a profit trim is taken if on right side of trade and then if price returns to buy lead trader has stops there (unless otherwise noted).
*For specific or itemized trade set-up strategies or instrument stuctures as needed for any of the trades in progress email Jen & Curt at [email protected] or clients can Whatsapp Curt direct.
If you need some trade coaching go to our website and register for a minimum 3 hours.
Email me as needed [email protected].
Subscribe to Swing Trading Service:
Swing Trading Bundle (Swing Trading Newsletter, Live Swing Trade Alerts, Study Guides).
Swing Trading Newsletter (Weekly Newsletter Published for Traders – Trade Set-Ups / Watch List).
Real-Time Swing Trading Alerts (Private Member Twitter Feed and by way of Email).
Swing Trading Study Guide Newsletters (After Trade In-Depth Reviews Including Set-Up Identification, Trading Plan, Sizing, Risk Management, ROI and more).
Weekly Sunday Swing Trading $STUDY Webinars 7-11 PM (10 Week block 100.00, if you can’t make it to webinar videos sent to you before market open Monday).
One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or In-Person).
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Article Topics; Swing Trading, Profit Loss, Trade, Alerts, Stocks, Commodities, Crypto, $SQ, $MA, $APDN, $PD, $BA, $WYNN, $NKE, $BABA, $INTC, $COST, $NET, $VXX, $VIX, $OVX, $INO, $GLD, $GC_F, $SLV, $SI_F, $BTC, $STNE, $JETS, $APO, $HIIQ, $GBTC, $RCUS.
Swing Trading Alert Profit & Loss: Feb 1-28, 2020. Monthly Gain +$54,129.00. ROI 27.06%. $SQ, $MA, $NIO, $TWTR, $NFLX, $INTC, $OSTK, $HD, $IBB, $UBER, $YEXT, $FVRR…
Swing Trade Alert Profit & Loss ROI 27.06% Feb 1 – Feb 28, 2020. $200,000.00-$254,129.00 as Alerted to Member Private Feed, Trading Room and/or Reporting. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Period Swing Trade Alert Return (ROI) = 27.06% (based on this reporting period only)
- Annualized Return (ROI) = 2962.39% (based on this reporting period only)
- ROI Calculator Link Here:
- The objective of providing a Swing Trade Alert Summary P&L is for the purpose of trader’s investigating whether our alert service is appropriate for their personal trading and also for our existing members to have a reference point of trade alert history.
- Swing trades as applicable are announced on mic live, recorded live in live trading room, alerted to private time stamped Twitter feed and emailed. Some trades are detailed further in the regular swing trade report newsletters (as part of the bundle package), in Sunday Swing Trade $STUDY Webinars or by other methods for guidance that may be sent to subscribers.
- Links are provided in the Trade Alert P&L spreadsheet below to each alert as they occurred on the member trade alert feed for member reference (must be a subscriber to alert feed service to view the links). Most of the alerts on the private member Twitter feed include charting and chart links. Over time we will also include links below in spreadsheet to other trade alert guidance provided to our traders, such as; video recordings to live trades as they occurred in the trading room (our YouTube channel), various commentary on social networks, email trade set up guidance, trading room chat guidance, newsletters, swing trade $STUDY webinars, etc..
- The Trade Alert P&L results in this series are specific only to actionable “alerted” trade set-ups to members and not all trades otherwise executed (non alerted) by our traders. It is impossible to alert every ebb and flow add and trim, the major parts of swing trade set ups are alerted and that is what is represented in the P&L reporting – the actionable parts only, that which a trader using our service can action easily and clearly.
- A historical time stamped spreadsheet of alerts is available (by request and by order from Twitter archive service),
- Results in the swing trade P&L series does not represents machine or futures trading but may reference instruments of trade on equity markets surrounding our futures trading activity when parallel trading is occurring by our traders. More detail here:
- Study guides outlining each trade set-up, (how the trade was identified and traded with charting) are being made available to applicable members as time allows. For the study guide only subscription click here. As each study guide is released you will receive a copy via email. Bundle members receive the study guides as part of the bundle package.
- Our swing trade platform is available as subscription (monthly, quarterly, annually): One time 50% discount code available for a trial month for new subscribers, use code: “trial50” for a limited time at check-out.
- 1. Swing Trade Alerts. Swing Trade Alerts to Private Twitter Feed and via Email,
- 2. Swing Trade Newsletter Reports: Ongoing swing trading report articles emailed to members detailing trade set-ups and trade in play,
- 3. Swing Trade Study Guides: Swing Trade Study Guide for in-depth review of select swing trade set-ups and how we traded each set-up.
- 4. Swing Trade Bundled Package: Swing Trading Packaged Bundle Including; Alerts, Study Guides & Reporting.
- 5. Swing Trading Webinar: The next Swing Trading Webinar is Sunday July 5, 2020 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM EST. All registrants receive a video copy after the event if you cannot be in attendance live. The webinars review trade set ups for each upcoming week and as time allows each key swing trade from our P&L statements explaining how the trade set-up was identified and executed. Attendees will receive a copy of the charting used to structure the trade. Time is also allotted for attendee question and answer and trade set-up strategies attendees may need assistance with. Cost for Ten Weeks of $STUDY Webinars (40 hours of trade set-up $STUDY prep): Non members 100.00, current members 50.00. There is a 25 person room limit. To register for the live swing trade webinar event click here or to receive a video copy of the live event afterward click here.
- 6. Trade coaching is also available one on one with our lead trader via Skype, for trade coaching click here.
- We regularly reconcile trading alert profit & loss statements for review (as time allows). Check our Twitter feeds or blog for regular updates as we publish consolidated reports.
- Current Swing Trade Alert P&L List is here (more recent dates are in progress to be released soon):
- Swing Trading Alert Profit & Loss: Mar 1-31, 2020. Monthly Gain +133,653.00. ROI 66.83%. $SQ, $BA, $VIX, $WYNN, $NKE, $BABA, $INTC, $NET, $GLD, $SLV, $BTC …
- Swing Trading Alert Profit & Loss: Feb 1-28, 2020. Monthly Gain +$54,129.00. ROI 27.06%.$SQ, $MA, $NIO, $TWTR, $NFLX, $INTC, $OSTK, $HD, $IBB, $UBER, $YEXT, $FVRR…
- Swing Trading Performance Summary (Q4 2019, Q1 2020 Interim): Return %, Gain/Loss, Win/Loss Rate, Number of Trade Alerts.
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss: Feb 1-21, 2020 3 Week Interim Gain +$30,051.00. ROI 15.03%. $SQ, $TEVA, $NIO, $TWTR, $NFLX, $INTC, $OSTK, $HD, $SRPT, $UBER, $YEXT, $FVRR…
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 64.45% Jan 1 – Jan 31, 2020. $200,000.00 – $208119.00. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 246.31% Dec 1 – Dec 31, 2019. $200,000.00 – $220,898.50. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 315.32% Nov 1 – Nov 30, 2019. $200,000.00 – $224,130.16. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized ROI 62.69% October 2019. $100,000.00 – $103,970.20. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss Annualized 355.22%. March 26 – June 28, 2017. $204,616.60 – $303,443.60. #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing Trading Alert (Short Term Trades) Profit Loss Annualized 2,437.96%. April 3 – June 28, 2017. $17,354.69 – $37,713.16 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
- Swing and Day Trading Alert Profit Loss – Annualized 957.90% Dec 26, 2016 – March 26, 2017. $100,000.00 – $180,347.88 . #swingtrading #tradealerts
Swing Trading Alert Profit Loss – ROI 27.06% Feb 1-Feb 28, 2020. $200,000.00 – $254,129.00 #swingtrading #tradealerts
Google Drive Document Link:
Date | Entry (EST) | Exit (EST) | Long, Short, Close, Trim, Add | Symbol | Shares | Buying Price | Selling Price | Profit/Loss | Running P/L | Alert Link(s) | |||||||
2/27/2020 | POST | Cover | $MA | 200 | 322.3 | 283.34 | 7792 | 254129 | |||||||||
2/26/2020 | PRE | Cover | $MA | 200 | 322.3 | 288.5 | 6760 | 246337 | |||||||||
2/25/2020 | 12:49 PM | Cover | $MA | 50 | 322.3 | 309.23 | 653.5 | 239577 | |||||||||
2/25/2020 | 9:42 AM | Short | $MA | 500 | 322.3 | N/A | 0 | 238923 | | ||||||||
2/25/2020 | PRE | Long | $IBB | 300 | 123 | N/A | 0 | 238923 | | | | ||||||
2/25/2020 | PRE | Trim & Close | $HD | 15 | 225.24 | 245.91 | 310.05 | 238923 | | | | ||||||
2/25/2020 | PRE | Close | $NIO | 400 | 1.71 | 5.1 | 1356 | 238613 | | | | ||||||
2/24/2020 | PRE | Sell | $CHGG | 200 | 32.7 | 40.03 | 1613 | 237257 | | | | | | ||||
2/23/2020 | PRE | Close hold 10% runner | $DVA | 199 | 55.89 | 84 | 5595.89 | 235644 | | ||||||||
2/21/2020 | PRE | Trim to 90% | $TEVA | 1100 | 8.15 | 13.31 | 5676 | 230051 | |||||||||
2/21/2020 | 4:00 | Long | $PAVM | 1000 | 3.02 | NA | 0 | 224375 | |||||||||
2/20/2020 | POST | Trim to 90% | $FVRR | 80 | 26.05 | 35 | 716 | 224375 | |||||||||
2/19/2020 | 8:57 | Trim 50% | $FVRR | 100 | 26.05 | 30.75 | 470 | 223659 | |||||||||
2/19/2020 | PRE | Trim longs | $TWTR | 200 | 32.52 | 38.5 | 1196 | 223189 | |||||||||
2/18/2020 | PM | Adds to long | $TUP | 300 | 5.6 | NA | 0 | 221993 | |||||||||
2/18/2020 | PRE | Trim Longs | $SQ | 100 | 70.4 | 84 | 1360 | 221993 | | ||||||||
2/15/2020 | 11:40 AM | TRIM LONG CHANNEL RES | $XBTUSD, $BTC | 10 | 10174 | 10380 | 2150 | 220633 | | | | ||||||
2/13/2020 | 2:15 PM | CLOSE LONG LAST 10% | $BTAI | 100 | 7.05 | 24.3 | 1725 | 218483 | |||||||||
2/12/2020 | 10:12 AM | TRIM LONG RESISTANCE | $HIIQ | 200 | 18.8 | 28.8 | 2000 | 216758 | | | |||||||
2/13/2020 | PRE | CLOSE LONG LAST 10% | $NFLX | 50 | 292.05 | 380.01 | 4398 | 214758 | |||||||||
1/27/2020 | PRE | CLOSE SHORT PT | $SRPT | 50 | 127 | 113 | 700 | 210360 | | | |||||||
2/12/2020 | PRE | TRIM LONG RESISTANCE | $INTC | 100 | 64.03 | 67.5 | 347 | 209660 | | | |||||||
2/12/2020 | 1:00 PM | TRIM LONG RESISTANCE | $YEXT | 300 | 17.18, 15.07 | 16.3 | 51 | 209313 | | | | ||||||
2/12/2020 | PRE | TRIM LONG 50% 1st PT | $CVM | 600 | 9.26 | 14.55 | 3174 | 209262 | | ||||||||
2/12/2020 | PRE | TRIM 90% LONG PT HIT | $UBER | 450 | 36.02 | 41.2 | 2331 | 206088 | |||||||||
2/11/2020 | 4:30 PM | LONG STARTER | $ADVM | 300 | 14.3 | NA | 0 | 203757 | |||||||||
2/11/2020 | PRE | LONG STARTER | $OSTK | 100 | 8.73 | NA | 0 | 203757 | |||||||||
2/10/2020 | PRE | TRIM LONG 90% | $NUAN | 300 | 17.75 | 22.5 | 1425 | 203757 | |||||||||
2/10/2020 | PRE | LONG STARTER | $BIIB | 30 | 335 | NA | 0 | 202332 | |||||||||
2/10/2020 | PRE | TRIM 90% LONG PT NEAR | $HD | 100 | 225.24 | 239 | 1376 | 202332 | |||||||||
2/7/2020 | PRE | TRIM LONG | $TWTR | 200 | 32.52 | 37.3 | 956 | 200956 | | ||||||||
2/7/2020 | PRE | LONG STARTER | $MOD | 100 | 8.21 | NA | 0 | 200000 | |||||||||
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Article Topics; Swing Trading, Profit Loss, Trade, Alerts, Stocks, Commodities, Crypto, $SQ, $MA, $NIO, $TWTR, $NFLX, $INTC, $OSTK, $HD, $IBB, $UBER, $ADVM, $CVM, $YEXT, $FVRR, $CHGG, $HIIQ, $BTC, $SRPT, $BIIB, $NUAN, $DVA, $TEVA, $BTAI, $PAVM, $TUP, $MOD