Monday July 8 Trading Profit and Loss Report.
- Day Trade and Swing Trading.
- Equities, Commodity and Bitcoin Trading.
- Personal Trades and Machine Software Trades.
- Includes Live Trading Room Raw Video Feed Recording.
- Includes Trade Alert Links / Screen Shots.
Note: I am just getting back in to the routine of posting daily trade profit and loss reports. For now the reports will include basic information and over time we will provide more information for traders that are using this information for their study and /or trading plans. Near future we will include more formal P&L spreadsheets also.
Section 1: Trading Day Summary.
Monday was moderately calm trading day.
Don’t go to sleep, we have a flurry of equity, commodity and indices trades coming very soon. It’s all about time cycles and the current reporting in process getting released.
Our machine software nailed an oil trade continuing its march to considerable gains if its trajectory continues since most recent version launched.
New version of software 1 red day 0.2% draw down since launched over 2 weeks ago. Current rate of return (annual ROI compound) 82% but we know when #AI gets in to its groove 150% will be the mark. Verifiable P&Ls. #OOTT #machinetrade #oilalerts $CL_F $USO $USOIL $WTI
New version of software 1 red day 0.2% draw down since launched over 2 weeks ago. Current rate of return (annual ROI compound) 82% but we know when #AI gets in to its groove 150% will be the mark. Verifiable P&Ls. #OOTT #machinetrade #oilalerts $CL_F $USO $USOIL $WTI
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 8, 2019
On the stock (equity) trading front it was quiet for Day Trades and Swing Trades (as said previous, when new swing trade report is launched this will change, we expect it at latest Wed night this week). I am watching $AMD close as I am in 3/10 size, the other swing trades / updates will be on the report (I have a number of open trades that I will report on).
Still in the Bitcoin short 1/4 of the size of initial short, first 3/4 went well and final 1/4 a tad under water. Over all a decent trade.
Section 2: Specifics on Trades for the Day.
If you cannot see a chart below, a link is not available or not showing to the alert and/or chart or parts of the data is blocked with ******, this is because it is a premium member chart or alert. As time allows I provide in the section below copies of charts, guidance from private member Discord server chat room, live trade room screen shots and screen shots of alerts.
Oil Machine Trades / Alerts.
Since the new version of software was launched a few weeks ago it has a decent P&L rolling along (as noted above), here’s a quote from the machine P&L report I was reviewing this morning (soon you will get daily copies);
“Profit & Loss: Daily +$389 YTD+$4,500 Projected $82,120 or 82% Oil Machine Trade 100k Account.”
Below are the oil trade alert screen shots of the machine software alerting our members to the opening and closing of the trade.

Personal Oil Trades.
- I traded with the machine software as it traded only.
Machine Bitcoin Trades.
- N/A in development.
Personal Bitcoin Trades.
- None, watching current action to either re-short at resistance (see member report) or cover the final 25%. Decent trade so far but would like to see price targets 2 and 3 of 3 hit. Price target 1 hit.
Personal Swing Trades.
- No new positions, adds or trims (other than Bitcoin). This will get very active as soon as the new swing trade report is released.
Personal Day Trades.
- None on day. There were a few set-ups per the premarket report I was ready to trigger on but the equity markets slumped so I didn’t trigger a day trade in equities.
- As above, once the new swing report comes out my day trading will get much more active. Our swing trade chart models can be used for daytrading (converting them on the fly is easy – bringing the time-frame down to 30, 15, 5 and 1 minute time frames).
Section 3: Trading Room Raw Video Footage for the Day.
#OilTrading #BitcoinTrading #DayTrading #SwingTrading #MachineTrading #TradeAlerts
The video below is a raw feed only, to find live trading and trade alerts voice broadcast when lead trader is trading in the room reference the time of day on the alerts. I make this available for authenticity / documentation and also some learning traders use the raw feeds for study purpose. Also, as time allows I publish separate trade set-up reports with video snippets to our blog and YouTube.
Live Trading Room Raw Feed
If you have any questions about my trading or need help with yours send me an email anytime [email protected] and I’ll do my best to help.
Recent Swing Trading and Day Trading Reports (all charts can be brought down to Day Trading time frame):
Master Trading Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):
Recent Daily Trading Profit & Loss Reports:
Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 3 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Daily Trading Profit & Loss (Alerts) Report: July 2, 2019 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Recent Premarket Notes (for more about what we’re up to with our trading):
Company News:
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
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Article Topics: Profit and Loss, Trade Alerts, Trading, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Oil, Bitcoin, USO, CL_F, BTC, BTC.X, XBT_F, AMD