“Tell me about your algorithms for trading stocks and how you are achieving these winning results?”

September 23, 2019 Update: White Paper: How EPIC v3 Crude Oil Machine Trading Outperforms Conventional Trading Methods

Feb 20, 2019 algorithm development article here:

That was a recent question posed by a reporter during a telephone call in preparation for an upcoming show I am booked to appear on. The reporter’s question caused me serious pause… the “how and w hy” started to consume my thought process. And, there have been many, from friends and family to our subscribers that have asked similar questions. I get it; what causes someone to dive deep enough to actually do that?

The answer is really quite simple, “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

So here is a bit about my journey so far, how the algorithms were developed, and how they may or may not help you with your trading.

I Needed to Win – The Market Changed.

I trade. I have been trading since I was twenty-one years old (so almost thirty years). But recently, the stock market has changed in three distinct ways that make it more difficult for a trader to always operate in the ultimate position, being “the trader’s edge”.

  1. Computer algorithms (Jim Cramer commented on this topic recently on Mad Money on CNBC).
  2. The Federal Reserve monetary policy, this point being the most important as far as I’m concerned.
  3. The sideways markets the last few years.

So I set out to solve the problem for myself: how do I get back my trader’s edge? And if I can’t, then I shouldn’t trade.

Most Stock Market Algorithms Do Not Work or Are Too Expensive.

Yes, it is true. Similar to how 90% or more of day trader’s fail, at least 90% of stock market algorithms either do not work or are outright scams preying on people that are failing. Maybe they had good intentions when they set out to develop their algorithms, but most do not work.

The majority of these algorithms are high frequency or FX market-type automated tools (“bots”) that represent some form of winning percentages to the public. However, the truth of it is that the successful algorithms, the real good ones that actually do perform well, are simply out of reach to the retail public. A bottom of the barrel algorithm costs minimum 4,000.00 per month and I have looked into some (available at a retail level) upward 200,000.00 per month or more. If any of these “out of reach” algorithms are even made available at all, you will pay dearly. And why not, I suppose? If they work they’re worth it, especially algorithms that can hit 80%, 90% or more.

The problem for me was, I couldn’t afford upwards 200,000.00 per month for a decent algorithm. I am a doubter by nature, and price tags within these ranges put my hard-earned money at risk. So, I set out to figure the mechanics out on my own.

My Mission: Develop the Math and Start Making Public Calls.

While I was in the Caribbean with my family last winter, I started to work on the math. When I felt I was getting close, I started to publish calls on Twitter for the six algorithms I was working on (in the quietest way possible, but still making calls so it was public and undeniable if the math actually worked – which I doubted by the way, so I was really extending myself there). The six algos I started to work on are Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI, $SPY (S&P 500), $GLD (Gold), $SLV (Silver), $DXY (US Dollar Index), and the $VIX (volatility index). I have also worked on natural gas – but the math is “off” so I don’t know that I will ever publish it.

Over time, the calls I was making (based on the algorithms and not my personal trader bias) started to hit. I was working on different time frames from intra-day, to swing, and months out… and they’ve all been hitting at better than 90% (the tighter the time cycle the higher the probability of a win hit). When my own trader/human bias was involved, I was lucky to still be hitting 60%. This was the most difficult and humbling part of it for me, the realization that my mind as a trader couldn’t outperform the math.

“How can simple math beat me, the ultra, omnipotent trader?”

Seven months later, and I still struggle with trusting the algo calls (the simple math), but as time moves on, I’m having less difficulty with this.

So What Are These Algorithms?

Simply put, these algorithms are based on:

  1. Traditional math (simple logic), which involves considerable weight toward simple average.
  2. Traditional algorithm modeling disciplines.
  3. Traditional stock market charting and indicators.

It is a mixture of these three components that constitute what the algorithms we use are based on.

The most important thing to understand is these algorithms are not high frequency/bot or “automated-type” algorithms. And they are not cryptic balls using a “crystal ball”; they are scientific and represent simple math. There is no crystal ball, no “top-secret” artificial intelligence, and no geopolitical reasoning.

Visit this link for a list of the most common algorithms found/used on the stock market.

My algorithms are different, in that they are probability algorithms based on the most absolute logic available, designed with the goal in mind to provide the trader (whether it be for intra-day, swings, or investing) an edge in a specific stock, currency or commodity by representing the conclusions of the math on a traditional 2D stock chart. In other words,

Keep it Simple Stupid! If you can’t represent the conclusions of the algorithm on a chart that a trader can use to trigger their own trades, then it is useless as far as I am concerned.

The more these algorithms can be used in traditional charting and on similar platforms, the better. They are, after all, developed by taking traditional charting indicators (that are represented on a chart) to start with. So why not? I suppose there is an argument for the high frequency bots and other tools in my category – but for my purpose, that wasn’t my goal or intended use and purpose.

So think of it like this: when you learn how to use the Fibonacci retracement indicator, for example, it is represented on a chart in a specific way. That is, in its simplest form, what we are doing. We are representing our algorithmic indicators in a specific way on a chart for the trader to use. Fibonacci is an algorithm in itself, as are the other indicators traders use everyday (most traders don’t think of them that way – but they are). Its just that we are taking what we discover to be the best indicators for specific instruments and extracting the best probabilities from a group of indicators and representing that as a probability to the trader – on a chart, in a specific way. It turns out, based on conversations with software developers I’ve had, that this is a very technical process called “reduction”: representing one problem as something “just as difficult” or “easier” than a complex one.

Here is an interesting Ted Talk video that puts a perspective on it that is more similar to what our work objectives and methodology involves:

More Specifically, How Is Each Algorithm Processed?

The easy part is the math, but representing the mathematical conclusions on a 2D chart in such a way that is easily usable by a trader is the hard part. The math is simple (in that the math and charting is standard and nothing crystal ball like – it is, a scientific process) but once you have the results it then becomes how the heck you get that on a chart – and for all the different time frames. The real challenge is how to project the results of these mathematical processes onto a chart, for all the different time frames, that is also human-readable and “intuitive.”

In its most basic form, the development process can be detailed as follows:

  1. Simple Averages: Stock charts present endless opportunities to run averages. What is the average price annually? Last 4 years? Last month? What is the average price of crude at 10:30 Wednesday morning? What is the average drop in crude at EIA report time? Average spike? What is the average spike in the S&P at 2:30 PM? And on and on and on and on. So for each algorithm there are hundreds of averages or patterns as a result of averages – or better described as probabilities.
  2. Indicators: Take the traditional charting for the equity, currency or commodity you are working with and use each time frame you want to work with and determine which traditional indicators work better than others. Then weigh each indicator in accordance to its “win rate”. Then take that data and relate it to step 1 above. Simple right? Simple logic if you ask me. Different equities, currencies and commodities trade different in relation to various traditional indicators. So it’s just charting on steroids. But – using simple logic.
  3. Modeling: This gets a little more complex. Then you take the various traditional algorithmic disciplines that you understand can be applied to stocks and begin to run simple models (patterns, averages, timing, price in relation to time, etc). One very important part in this is removing the anomalies. In other words, every stock, currency or commodity will have anomalies, which take it out of (remove it from) its natural trading pattern. For example, Fed talk affects the S&P 500, or currency is affected by currency wars and oil is affected by rig counts and inventories. So you remove the anomalies and you work with your modelling. This is where you get your quadrants from by the way.

Then, you need to take this data and represent it on a traditional chart so that a trader can use the information to gain an advantage in specific scenarios (in different time frames for swing, daytrading and investing) – the trader’s edge.

This is the hard part – representing all that data in an easy to understand way for the trader on a chart.

So How Do I Use The Algorithm?

Each algorithm is charted as I mentioned, so it becomes a process of understanding how to use the algorithmic chart indicators (that we develop and provide) to your advantage. A quick visit to an EPIC the Oil Algo blog post may help understanding (keep in mind one post won’t show all the indicators because they are a running story – but you will get the point). It really comes down to time frames of trade for swings, investing or day trading and the specific indicators. The primary indicators we provide our subscribers are (and they are growing):

  1. Time/Price Cycle: This indicator is proving to be very helpful. You will find on my personal feed, or for example on Epic’s Twitter feed, how absolutely and incredibly accurate these have been. Time/price cycles are important because they signal a change in trend – and knowing when a trend is going to change is the best edge a trader can have. This has been my number one edge because I scale into trades. I day trade when a currency, commodity or index stock is at an inflection point with the objective being to get on the right side of the trade. Once I am on the right side of the trend it is hammer down time for me – and truth be told it is vital because you only get so many chances in that over a five year period for each commodity, index or currency. We provide these as written times of the week (day and hour) for our traders.
  2. Alpha Algo Targets: Targets are great. Having targets that hit with regularity are even better. Our algos are hitting targets at 80-95% depending on the algorithm and time frame you are looking at. Calls days out we are hitting between 80 – 90%, calls months out we are hitting in that range too (but our algos are only seven months old so data is difficult to brag about) and intra-day we are hitting well over 90% with most of the algos. If you review an EPIC member blog post you will see these as red circles on the chart.
  3. Alpha Algo Trend-Lines: These are trend lines just like traditional trend-lines that are established primarily as a result of averages (taking into consideration time/price cycles) and how the price of the equity interacts with price. In other words, algorithms out there are using averages to such a degree that we can actually determine where the lines are because price is affected when the price is traded across the line upward or down. These anomalies in price action are a result of machine trading. Why is this important to know? Because the trend-lines act like traditional trend-lines in that they represent support and resistance. If you review an EPIC member blog post you will see these as red dotted lines on the chart.
  4. Algorithmic Trading Quadrants (or trading ranges): Quadrants are more complicated to explain in short, but like described in the Ted Talk video above, we have discovered quadrants or geometric shapes in which stocks will trade, most specifically within large liquidity environments such as with currencies, commodities or indices. The quadrants are represented on our charting for our traders only when they are predictable and provide an edge. When they are in play they are precise to say the least and provide a trader with pin-point sniper intra-day trading (because you are in essence trading along with the machines). These quadrants can be intra-day or even represented on up to 5 year charts we have discovered. Great examples of these wider time frame calls would be our calls with the US Dollar, Silver and Gold – nobody believed the calls we started making months ago and all of our price targets have recently hit – it blew people away.

Here is an example algorithm represented on a 2D chart:

Target Called Days in Advance! On Fire! $USOIL by curtmelonopoly on TradingView.com

Why Liquidity is Critical and Why I Use Instruments like $UWTI (now called $UWT)

Specific to day trading with these algorithms, liquidity is important because you are taking advantage of (exploiting) not only that you know (better than most) what the machines are doing (which provides a distinct edge), but you are more importantly exploiting what other traders are going to do as a result of what the machines have done intra-day (so the goal is to know in advance what the machines will do at various decisions).

In other words, if I know that crude is going to spike because it is near an algo line and I know that when it crosses that line to the upside it will either spike or drop and I know that $REN, for example, is squeezing, then I can exploit that because oil will spike as it crosses the trendline, as will $REN or $UWT.

So my advance knowledge in relation to the probability of that spike enables me to exploit that spike in an equity or ETN that returns unusual short time frame returns.

This page link on our website will show you real life examples of how EPIC the Oil Algo allows me to exploit the algorithmic knowledge I have.

Liquidity gets me predictability for spikes that I need for entries and it also allows me to chip out of large entries when needed in a predictable way.

Where and How Are The Algorithms Available?

We have a main trading room that is like any other trading room where I perform trades during regular market hours. Our algorithmic charting is represented at times in that room but never in whole and only as they are in their initial development phase. Once the algorithm is at a point of proven predictability we then will move it to its own trading room (like EPIC the Oil algo is getting his own 24 hour trading room for crude oil futures).

Also, subscribers to algorithm newsletters get regular updates on that specific algorithm (most are daily but can be intermittent depending on indicators changing). So the subscribers to the specific algorithms are receiving all the algorithmic indicators, trading levels, targets, algo lines etc on a regular basis – subscribers to the main trading room are receiving the benefit (or bonus) of algorithmic charting at various times while an algorithm is in its infancy and being tested or represent in different ways for various reasons.

Algorithm Performance

The performance of the algorithms has completely surprised me – I seriously thought I would be doing great if they achieved a 60% win rate – 90% plus I never fathomed. But what is more interesting (and keep in mind they are only seven months old and each is at a different level of development) is that they are getting more refined and more predictable (with higher win rates) as time goes on. So this is, at least so far, very encouraging.

Plans Going Forward

Right now we are in what we consider a beta phase. We have a main trading room and we have started the process of publishing the six different algo newsletters that represent the algorithmic and traditional charting. Subscribers can use just the room, our swing trading newsletter service or the algo newsletters independent of each other.

This Monday, we publish the remaining charting for all the algos – they are all in a development process at different stages and some of them we haven’t published the charting yet.

Early 2017 we expect EPIC to have his own 24 hour room for oil futures trading and we expect the other five algorithms to be completely proven within a few months. Our oil algo is farthest along in terms of development/proof-of-concept, and our Gold, Silver and US Dollar algos are not far behind oil and are further along in the process than our S&P 500 and VIX algos. Gold, Silver and US Dollar algos should be completely proven out by March 1, and the S&P 500 and VIX by May 1. We are also working on a natural gas algo (as mentioned above), but it isn’t as predictable.

We have others traders coming on in early 2017 to run rooms that focus on trading options, swing trades and momentum plays, as well.

Our future forward plans include a multi-room platform wherein our vision for a democratized environment is developed for Wall Street (as it applies to algorithms being available to the common man – ones that actually work), and we have plans for big data and artificial intelligence (with the goal of increasing our win rates).

Our Guarantees & Pricing Structures

Recently, I had a few traders ask me about our price increases, so I thought I would comment a bit here on that with our reasoning and a Christmas guarantee.

Our trading room is within the typical range at 199.00 a month (for a room that runs charting, screen sharing, algo development, detailed trade broadcasting, a detailed daily premarket newsletter with charting, etc) and with the initial discount code of 38.2% on an annual membership of 990.00/with discount just over 600.00 (or about 50.00) a month – that’s a steal in my thinking.

Our algos currently range in price from 30.00 a month to 500.00 per month depending on how far along they are in development. And even the most expensive, at 500.00 per month, is available at 1,999.00 per year and with a 38.2% discount on the first order is just over 1,200.00, or 100.00 per month for a high performance algorithm.

If a trader can’t return that 100.00 per month or more with EPIC or the 50.00 with the trading room, then they are doing something wrong with the information provided or the information is faulty and we shouldn’t be in this to begin with (the trader’s edge is the whole purpose for doing this). And even at the monthly rates without the one time discount, there should be no reason a trader can’t get a fantastic return on investment. My point? The algorithm or service you are subscribing to and its related cost should be in accordance to the return on investment – I believe without a shadow of a doubt that our pricing achieves that.

The first guarantee we will give you is that the algorithm prices are going up as the algorithms are developed (and they need to as more staff are hired, more office space is needed and more equipment is needed to run the calculations) – but we will guarantee our early adopters the original price paid as long as they continue to subscribe – we don’t care if that is for years – early adopters get the bonus. Late adopters will have to pay fair market value and that’s totally fair and equitable in our thinking. See the terms and conditions on this before subscribing please.

And to our second guarantee, to be absolutely sure we have done everything we can to be sure we stand on this we are prepared to guarantee your investment in our service. In other words, if you sign on we’ll guarantee your first subscription cost 100% – more specifically that you will at least return that amount of profit within the duration of the subscription to cover the cost. There are some conditions, specific to your sharing your trades live and providing documentation (terms and conditions on this guarantee you will be able to find on our website before Dec 24, 2016). So if you agree to the terms we will guarantee that for you. So we’re taking the risk out – that’s the confidence we have in our service.

And finally, if you are a full-time student paying your own way or underprivileged in an extreme manner and don’t mind sharing your story with us and you need a leg up, then send a private DM to me personally on my Twitter and I will consider anything to give back to the community that has been good to me (we may also have some traders that would consider sponsoring you). Either way, we can look at that on a case-by-case basis and I’m not guaranteeing anything because we each only get so many of these “credit codes” to distribute annually. My Twitter handle is @curtmelonopoly. Do me a favor and try and do it before our media interviews start at the end of December 2016.

The link to our subscription shop page is here.

So that’s my post on why our algorithms are different, how we came along to launch a service like this, how I use the algorithms for my trading. pricing structure and our plans going forward.

Any questions at all email us anytime at [email protected].

Best to you and yours!


Our algo Twitter feeds:

$WTI (@EPICtheAlgo), $VIX (@VexatiousVIX), $SPY (@FREEDOMtheAlgo), $GLD (@ROSIEtheAlgo), $SLV (@SuperNovaAlgo), $DXY (@DXYUSD_Index).

Article Topics: Compound Trading, Algorithms, Trading, What Makes Our Algos Different, Stocks, Trading, Oil, S&P 500, Silver, US Dollar, $VIX, Volatility, Gold


My Stock Trading Plan for Friday Dec 9, 2016 in Chatroom. Small cap oil, Casino stocks, Tech, Retail, $IDXG, $AEM, $TBIO, $GOLD, $GLD, Miners, $GDX, $SILVER, $SLV, $USOIL, $WTI, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $VIX, $NATGAS … more.

Welcome to the Thursday Wall Street trading short day session!

Important Notices:

$UWTI $DWTI have been resurrected as $UWT and $DWT – this is a massive thing for my trading to say the least. http://uk.reuters.com/article/usa-investment-etn-idUKL1N1E31ZB 

Oil meetings are this weekend so everything oil related is on high watch!

Current Holds:


Market Outlook:

Casino stocks on watch!!! Wash-out snap backs! $WYNN $MPEL $MGM $LVS

Dips on $GOLD are NOT being bought now vs.selling the rips (so this by default plays in to $SILVER). The Trump train / reflation train.

$NATGAS has come off some from important resistance I alerted.

$USOIL $WTI is dialed in with EPIC the Oil Algo perfect and price is on its way to EPICs new targets! so machines have been on since mid November break-out (so this makes trading oil related easier for me).

$SPY has continued its upward trend. Watching markets for a pull back (as noted previous) sometime near or just after Christmas (it seems we have a Santa Claus rally).

And that brings me to momo stocks and rotation therein, looks like a fun two weeks setting up here. So these remain on high watch.

I am also watching Tech and Retail.

Crude oil, chart

Crude algo intra work sheet 743 AM Dec 9 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

These algorithmic charts will not be shared in the room or in this morning newsletter indefinetly (and without the algo newsletter they don’t do you a lot of good). While in beta for each they will be shared at times in the general room and in general watchlists etc but not indefinitely and not completely.

Momentum Stocks (Market Open and Intra-Day):

I do trade morning momo stocks (at times), but I do avoid risk – so often I avoid the first 30 minutes (gap and go) and trade momentum stocks later in the day after the wash-out looking for a snap-back. Just prior to open and shortly after open I post momentum stocks to the trade chat room (and Twitter if I have time).

Some of my Favorite Set-Ups:

(1) Momentum Stock Wash-Outs for Snap Back, (2) Bad News Wash-outs on Stocks with High Institutional Ownership, (3) Getting on the Right Side of a Trend Change and scaling in my position and (4) Our Algorithm Set-Ups.

The momentum stocks (from previous days and morning trade) I continue to watch through the day for indicators that allow a trade.

Morning Stock Watch-Lists for my Favorite Set-Ups:

(1) Pre-Market Gainers Watch-List: $IDXG 63%, $AEM 46%, $TBIO 38%, $SWC 21%, $FGP 13%, $LVS $MBLX $FNSR $MPEL $WYNN $JCOM $AVGO $CCJ $SSH $BIIB $MGM I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

(2) Pre-market Decliners Watch-List: I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

(3) Other Watch-List: $WYNN, $MPEL, $MGM, $LVS, $AGIO (recent wash-out), $SGY (recent swing), $CBMX (current swing), $JUNO (current swing), $ANF (previous wash-out on news), $SKLN (previous wash-out on news), $URBN (previous wash-out on news).

(4) Regular Algo Charting Watch-List: Gold $GLD, Miners $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG), Silver $SLV ($USLV, $DSLV), Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT), Natural Gas ($UGAZ, $DGAZ), S & P 500 $SPY ($SPXL, $SPXS), US Dollar Index $DXY ($UUP), Volatility $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)

(5) Upgrades: I will update before market open of refer to chat room notices.

(6) Downgrades: I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

Stay tuned in Stock Chat Room for more pre-market stocks on watch.

Regular Trades:

S & P 500: $SPY ($SPXL, $SPXS)

Outlook: I was looking at a possible pull-back between now and Tuesday but that may not happen. As pre previous and our algorithm call before election…. My bias is still to new highs but I am looking at a pull-back Christmas / Early 2017.

My Trading Plan: Right now I am trading $XIV instead of $SPXL or $SPXS. I do this because we are in a trend of crushed volatility. Now, when that changes and volatility starts to rise again (even if $SPY is rising at the same time) then I’ll flip over to trading $SPXL and $SPXS instead of $XIV.

Volatility: $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)

Outlook: Looking for possible record lows before Christmas.

Watch for volatility to rise on a trend – even if $SPY is still rising – volatility is a great indicator for what’s around the corner.

My Trading Plan for Volatility: I will likely follow that trend with $TVIX $UVXY $XIV buys at range pivots / pending price action, volume and other geo events.

Currencies and Other Global Markets: $DXY US Dollar Index ($UUP US Dollar Bull, $UDN British Pound, $USD/JPY, $FXY Japanese Yen Trust, $CNY China, $TZA, $SMK / $EWW Mexico Capped ETF)

$USDJPY Did warn em. Break out. $GLD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG $DXY


$USDJPY Did warn em. Break out. $GLD $GDX $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG $DXY

US Dollar may come off in to downtrend soonish though – seeing some areas of global markets that are becoming interesting here.

Pre previous: Inflection point. No clear direction. $USD/JPY not backing off yet. Our $DXY algo had 100.50 as a PT so I’m watching. Lots of fundamentals at work here and geo.

My Trading Plan for Currencies / Global Markets: Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Gold: $GLD ($UGLD, $DGLD). Miners: $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG)

$USD/JPY Per previous – Caution Gold bulls.

My Trading Plan for Gold:

Waiting for a long trade confirmation in Gold.

I haven’t started to take trades yet because I am waiting for “price – trigger – trade” set-ups. I will start chewing around the edges of stocks like $NUGT and $GLD likely – very possibly today. The idea is to get on the right side of the trade and trend.

Other equities I like for Gold Trade: $AUMN (penny stock)

Silver $SL_F: $SLV ($USLV, $DSLV)

Same as Gold – we’re waiting for a decision from market so we can get algo targets.

My Plan for Trading Silver:

Per previous;

Same as Gold, I’m waiting for the “price – trigger – trade” set-ups… I am going to start chewing around the edges of stocks when set-up confirms like $USLV and $SLV attempting to get on right side of trend trade.

Other equities I like for Silver trade: $AUMN (penny stock).

Crude Oil FX : $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $GUSH, $ERX, $DRIP, $ERY, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $UWT, $DWT, $CL_F)

Per previous:

Crude is trading within its range. Until it breaks its recent highs it isn’t bullish and until it breaks its recent lows – same thing. So I will trade the range if at all.

Outlook: Per previous – trading range. There are oil meetings this weekend again so watch close. I will be watching small cap oil very close Friday and Monday!!!

Trading Plan: Oil equities:

Other Equities I like for Oil or Energy Trade: Tape / Chart – $ETE, $RIG. High Short Interest – $CRC, $EPE, $WLL, $RES, $JONE, $AREX, $REN, $CLR, $HP, $ATW, $SGY. Fundamentals: $EOG, Pipelines – $XLE: $HEP, $SXE, $KMI, $DPM, $TGS, $ENB, $EEP, $PTRC, $HGT

Natural Gas $NG_F : $NATGAS (, $UGAZ, $DGAZ):

Hit resistance as I thought and alerted. We’ll see what happens.


Watch that $SKLN wash out snap back trade on YouTube I posted if you want to learn your indicators!

Free scanners to find momentum stocks that you can easily review charts of for indicators that bring probability of your trade being successful up considerably. These are not useful for first 30 minute market open gap and go type plays (you need a good momentum scanner, level 2, and best to have hot-keys for the first 30 mins of gap and go trading)… but are very useful for intra day scalping (start with trending stocks and then look at indicators intra for simple set-ups – study scan study scan study scan).









Article Topics: Stockmarket, Pre-Market, Trading Plan, Wall Street, Stocks, Day-trading, Watchlist, Chatroom, $IDXG, $AEM, Casino stocks, Small Cap Oil, $CBMX, $JUNO, $GOLD, $SILVER, $USD/JPY, $USOIL $WTI, $VIX, $SPY, $NATGAS, $DWT, $UWT, $SLV, $GLD, $DXY

Friday Dec 9, 2016 EPIC the Oil Algo Oil Report (Member Edition). FX: $USOIL $WTIC ($USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, CL, $UWT, $DWT, $ERX, $ERY, $GUSH, $DRIP)

Welcome to my new FX: $USOIL $WTI oil trade report.


NEW ETNS: $UWTI and $DWTI have been resurected by CitiGroup! $UWT and $DWT http://uk.reuters.com/article/usa-investment-etn-idUKL1N1E31ZB 

LOCKED POSTS: Starting mid December the Member Editions will become available (be unlocked to general public) within days of original publication. Portions that include algorithmic calls and charting that are still in play will not be published until they expire.

MULTI-USERS: Institutional / commercial platform now available for multi-users – pricing and product information will be posted to website soon.

LIVE CHARTS: Live charting for members of my algorithmic modelling is now available on Trading View. Links are now emailed to members regularly.

PATENT PHASE: As I mentioned in my last report this week is a big week for me – I am going to go to patent phase. I have six months of proven predictability of over 90%. My process is proprietary and qualifies for patent. The charting for members will become much more involved over the coming weeks (specific to proprietary details). Stay tuned for agreements concerning disclosure and use coming to members.

24 HOUR TRADE ROOM: My charting transitions from FX $USOIL $WTI to 24hr crude oil futures early 2017. My sub service w incl 24hr crude oil trade room.

PRICING: My proprietary services transitioned recently from free inaugural to subscriber only access. All rates for existing members for all service prices will be grandfathered in perpetuity (view website products page for conditions). Early 2017 when my 24 hour futures trading room opens along with 24 hour live charting I will have a rate increase but as with recent roll-over existing members wll be grandfathered at locked-in current rates.

SOFTWARE: My algorithmic charting is going to developer coding phase early 2017 for our trader’s dashboard program. Please review my algorithm development process and about my oil algorithm story on our website www.compoundtrading.com and my oil algo charting posts on my Twitter feed.

How My Algorithm Works and Availability:

I am an algorithm in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (up to fifty at any given time each weighted on win ratio merit) – such as simple math calculations relating to price and volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots, moving averages, Gann, Schiff and various other charting, geometric and mathematical factors. I do not yet have AI or Geo Political integration – only math as it relates to traditional indicators – weighted, with the primary goal being probabilities. I am not a high frequency or bot type algorithm – I am to be used (represented on a traditional trading chart) as a probability indicator to give our trader’s an edge when triggering entries and exits on trades with instruments that rely on the price of crude oil (specifically FX: $USOIL $WTI and transitioning to futures in the new year in our new 24 hour oil trading room).

Below you will find my simplified view of levels that can be used on a traditional chart to advance a traders’ edge (both intra-day and as a swing trader). This work, and your subsequent trading, should be considered only one decision at a time, “if this happens then this or this are my targets”… price – trigger – trade and so on.

FX: $USOIL $WTI Observations:

Link to the Trading View Live Charting (Member locked version):


$USOIL Member Chart by curtmelonopoly on TradingView.com

Intra-day Crude Oil Trading Range: At time of writing FX $USOIL $WTI is trading at 51.31 (634 ET Dec 9, 2016). Some thoughts with respect to traditional charting that may help advance you trading edge (advance algorithmic modeling in member edition);

Crude Oil, Intraday, Chart
Trading intra-day 51.31. Crude algo intra work sheet 632 AM Dec 8 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Crude is trading above mid range in its upward channel – AS I HAVE BEEN REPORTING DAILY don’t listen to anyone that says this bearish – it is not – trade the margin widths of the channel if unsure. This report (exactly 24 hours after the one yesterday) and oil is up 1.00.

Crude Oil, Chart

Crude oil moving toward algo targets. Crude algo intra work sheet 639 AM Dec 9 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Multi Week Trading Range / Swings:

Please refer to yesterday’s report for specific trading range triggers. They are specific to the yellow lines on the chart above (for those that need to be adjusted intra day).

Diagonal Trend Lines:

Diagonal trend-lines (blue). Diagonal trend-lines are critical inflection points. Please review many of my recent posts so you can learn about how important these diagonal trend-lines are. If one is breached you can look to pull-back to next diagonal blue trend line about 90% of the time. Also pay attention to how thick the lines are – the thicker the line the more important because they represent extensions from previous time / price cycles.

Price Action with 20, 50, 100, 200 MA

Crude is trading above the 200 MA on the 30 min… watch this close today and Monday.

Crude, Oil, Trade, 200 MA, 30 MIN

Crude oil trading above 200 MA on 30 Min. Crude algo intra work sheet 700 AM Dec 9 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo


Fibonacci Levels:

Watch the fib level overhead at 51.90 really close – it corresponds with heavy resistance (yellow line)

Fibonacci, crude, oil, chart

Fibonacci levels to watch in crude oil. Crude algo intra work sheet 706 AM Dec 9 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Horizontal Trend-Lines (purple):

Horizontal trend-lines are not as important as the other indicators reviewed above, however, they do serve as important resistance and support intra-day for tight trading and they are important if thick (in other words they come from previous time / price cycles). WE STARTED TO REPRESENT THE REALLY IMPORTANT LINES IN YELLOW FYI FOR EASE. Refer to chart for current applicable horizontal trend-lines.

Advanced Charting:

Respect support and resistance lines:

If you can be patient and take your long and short positions against these yellow lines for now that is your highest probability trading. With the recent geo political mess it makes the algo targets difficult because crude is not trading in its “natural” state that occurs when the geo political banter stops.

Crude oil is still bullish – don’t listen to the noise – this is a consolidation period in the upward trend in a channel against resistance. If this changes I will let you know. In the meantime trade the range or snipe knowing your lines and targets.

Oil Time / Price Cycles:

IF $USOIL IS TRADING ABOVE 51.38 THERE IS A REALLY IMPORTANT TIME / PRICE CYLE EXPIRING AT LATEST DEC 13 at 4:00 AM. AT LATEST. This means 98.5% of the time there will be a significant uptrend or downward trend establshed. WATCH VERY CLOSE. If you review my Twitter feed you will see that I AM ALWAYS RIGHT ABOUT THESE and the price normally drastically moves well before the termination of the time price cycle. IF PRICE IS TRADING UNDER 51.38 YOU CAN DISREGARD THIS NOTICE.

Alpha Algo Trading Trend-Lines (Red dotted lines):

To determine which algo line is most alpha (or probable) intra day, it is the nearest line to price action. This can also help you determine the trend of trade. If the algo line is trending up the price will follow it up until price is tested at an algorithm indicator (the main tests are diagonal trendlines, horizontal trendlines, time / price cycles etc – as I have shared with you). This is why it is important to watch all the lines because they are all support and resistance. To keep it simple trade the range as I’ve mentioned but keep an eye on these indicators.

The algo lines and targets have been adjusted since last report and there is a new line and targets on this chart!!!

I can report that the price action since Nov 30 break-out has been respecting the alpha algo trend-lines calculated and published over a week ago with precision.

Current Alpha Algo Targets (Red circles):

I can report that the alpha algo primary probability target prediction from last week for Wednesday December 7 at 10:30 as a direct hit for that time / price cycle. Very trade-able call – excellent.

So what is your most probable algo target for Friday at 1:00 PM EST? Your closest target is always the most probable. Then, your second most probable is the one that is up or down trend depending on whether general price is in an upward or downtrend for the most recent week or so. FRIDAY targets do not hit as often as TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY TARGETS FYI.

Wait for the price to trend toward a target and take your position and watch as price gets closer and closer to the target. Remember, that the machines trade from decision to decision – or in other words from support to next resistance or resistance to next support or when the times come each week on Tuesday Wednesday and Friday they will trend toward the target that market price action determines they go to.

Our lead trader will explain more in the room and do not hesitate to ask our lead trader in the room by private message or on twitter to explain intra day decisions.

Also, please be sure to refer to the most recent post for your algo targets (there is an additional target as mentioned on the chart above now of course also).

Oil Intra-Day Algo Trading Quadrants:

Now that Wednesday target is complete and it hit we are calculating quadrants for intr day trading and will post as soon as done.

Indicator Methods:

As explained above, my algorithm is a consideration of up to fifty traditional indicators at any one time – each one given its own weight in accordance to its accuracy (win rate). This is how we establish the probability of specific targets hitting (we call them alpha algo targets).

Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing, Quadrants for Intra Snipes:

Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. In the absence of market direction the machines take price to the next algo line and/or target. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and how they move price from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading crude oil and associated instruments.

You will notice that price action of crude will use these algo trend-lines and act as support and resistance, and that price also often violently moves when an alpha algo line is breached either upward or downward.

We cover this in much more detail in the member updates, trading room. A review of my Twitter feed and previous blog posts will help you undersatnd the relation of these indicators. We will start posting video blogs (for my subscribers) on YouTube (in addition to my daily blog posts) for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.

Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).


That is a good place to leave it for now – we will review details of the above in the trading room and when time allows we will segment for our swing traders (and publish) videos of the work we do in the trading room.

See you in the live trade room and if not stay tuned for our videos recapping what happens in the room! And again, if you struggle to know how to use these indicators as a trader’s edge, it is recommended that you obtain private coaching prior to trading a real account with real money – we recommend you use a paper trading account at first. And finally, we will be publishing a “how to use guide” within a day or so, but it will be simply be a recap (consolidation) of instructions in this post, from my Twitter feed, and previously published information on our website. You can also send specific questions to our email inbox at [email protected] – if you do this be sure to ask a specific question so it can be answered specifically. When the 24 hour oil trading room opens you will have ample opportunity in that 24 hour room to ask questions also.

Watch my Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Oil Algo


Article topics: EPIC the Oil Algo, Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI, $UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, DWT, $ERX, $ERY, $GUSH, $DRIP, Chart, Algorithm, Indicators, Trading Room, Trading Edge, Fibonacci, Indicators, Algo, Targets

Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algo Calls and Alerts for Thursday Dec 8 $COOL, $IDXG, $XIV, $GOLD, $USDJPY, $USOIL, $SPY, $WTIC, $NATGAS, $VIX, $SILVER, and more.


Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.

In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.

Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algos, Trades and Alerts:

We’re going to publish the remaining between now and next week in preparaton for all their whte papers before the meda programs air. So this of course helps my trading and the set-ups in my opinion (some continued trends and some are trend changes) – so on the other side of the inflection with some of the algos it should be a decent opportunity to scalle in on mid term trades early 2017 and with the other algos like $SPY and $USOIL we’re able to snip intra etc.

Also, generally in the market it was the Trump Train / reflation trade continued and the small cap super novas were firing on all cylinders.

Primary Lessons That May Help Your Trades:

For those that do follow my trades…. I would the main point right now is that continued patience with the reflective trade portion will pay huge dividends (such as with the US Dollar, Gold, and Silver). I took a lot of heat back in summer and early fall with our calls from folks like Gold bugs when we called the down and they were calling the uptrend. So now it’s a matter of just waiting for that turn…. and it may take a while but scaling in to the turn properly can return huge dividends.

$COOL I got out a bit early and $XIV I may have also executed my exit too early. I was thinking maybe a downdraft in $SPY between Friday and Tuesday morning sometime so I was trying to avoid a continued press on volatility.

 Looking Forward:

There are a tonne of set-ups in the market right now. Still on my watch are emerging markets and Friday / Monday could be smoking hot trading with small cap oil considering the upcoming meetings. Dips on $GOLD are not now being bought vs.selling the rips (so this by default plays in to $SILVER) $NATGAS hit resistance and it showed so watching $DGAZ and $UGAZ on the break-out side. $USOIL $WTI is dialed in with EPIC the Oil Algo perfect so machines have been on since mid November break-out. Looks like there is a replacement for $UWTI and $DWTI on deck $UWT and $DWT so I’m pumped for that – of course with having EPIC around lol.

Crude Oil, Algo

Crude oil moving toward algo targets. Crude algo intra work sheet 613 AM Dec 9 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Announcements in Trading Room:

08:41 am Curtis Melonopoly : Hey guys and gals… if you aren’t signed on as a member we have to hit the switch if you\’ve already been in our room previous for trial. 🙂 Thank you.

08:43 am Curtis Melonopoly : Room member newsletter passwords and links sent. Algo live charting and newsletters with password and link sent. If you don\’t have it in your email inbox let us know.

09:20 am Curtis M : Gainers: VYGR +38%25. TLRD +25%25. LULU +17%25. CTRV +13%25. AVXL +10%25.

Losers: SHIP -43%25. OHRP -27%25. HTBX -18%25. HZNP -18%25. IPI -12%25. PBYI -11%25. VRNT -11%25. NVCN -9%25. JCAP -7%25. ANTH -6%25. CODI -6%25.

09:53 am Curtis M : MEMBER NOTICE: Thursday Trade Room – lead trader and moderator will be intermittently unavailable due to media interviews.

11:37 am Curtis M : Back after lunch 12:45 EST

MEMBER NOTICE: Thursday Trade Room – lead trader and moderator will be intermittently unavailable due to media interviews.


Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:

Miscellaneous chatter is removed.

09:18 am Curtis M : S&P +0.12%.10-yr -0.28%.Euro -0.76% vs. dollar.Crude +0.92% to $50.22.Gold -0.24% to $1,174.75.
09:19 am Curtis M : Gainers: VYGR +38%. TLRD +25%. LULU +17%. CTRV +13%. AVXL +10%.Losers: SHIP -43%. OHRP -27%. HTBX -18%. HZNP -18%. IPI -12%. PBYI -11%. VRNT -11%. NVCN -9%. JCAP -7%. ANTH -6%. CODI -6%.
09:35 am Curtis M : $IDXG 76%
09:36 am Curtis M : $COOL 57%
09:37 am Curtis M : $COOL Long 5.08 1000 shares for fun
09:39 am Curtis M : $COOL out 5.44
09:42 am Idiyah G : I held out $COOL 5.72
09:43 am Curtis M : nice
09:49 am Curtis M : $COOL May washout snap back here
09:54 am carol b : super cool
10:12 am Curtis M : 196% Halt $IDXG
10:22 am Curtis M : $IDXG 157%, $COOL 57%, $TLRD 39%, $MJPI 28%, $DRAM 25%, $VYGR 20%, $LULU 17%, $PHMD 16%, $CIEN $FGP $CVI $BPMC $VNR $LITE $EW
10:36 am Curtis M : $IDXG 227% wow
10:37 am Rocky D : I played it for profit – looking at VIX
10:47 am Sandy S : $NVAX strong action
11:26 am Curtis M : $PTIE 8% jiggy
11:36 am Curtis M : $RNVA
11:36 am Curtis M : Taking lunch back at 12:45 EST
02:15 pm Curtis M : sBack from lunch and media interviews sorry guys and gals
02:22 pm Curtis M : $WYNN -7.3%, $MPEL -6.1%, $LVS -5.5%
02:26 pm Mathew Waterfall : Friendly reminder to use stops. Out the rest of my MGM Dec16 30c’s at .77. Currently trading .205
02:26 pm Mathew Waterfall : Had a trailing stop set and got hit on the way down with that massive flush
02:33 pm Mathew Waterfall : SDLP great strength today. Picked up a bit at 3.76. Wish I had more
02:36 pm Mathew Waterfall : You will appreciate this. Copied from another group
02:36 pm Mathew Waterfall : basically “new rules could open the gold market to 1.6 billion muslims”apparently they can’t buy goldhttp://www.marketwatch.com/story/new-rules-for-gold-investing-may-open-the-market-to-16-billion-muslims-2016-12-07
02:56 pm Curtis M : long $XIV 45.56 2000
02:56 pm Curtis M : thx mathew
03:44 pm Curtis M : 46.048 out $XIV 2000 prob early
03:58 pm Curtis M : thanks guys and gals!!! talk tomorow
03:58 pm Sandy S : cya!
03:59 pm Sammy T : peace! out tomorrow all
04:00 pm Curtis M : they bought that dip lol

Article Topics: Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Chat Room, Trading Results, $COOL, $IDXG, $XIV, $GOLD, $USDJPY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $NATGAS, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $VIX, $IMNP, $ANTH

Friday Dec 9, 2016 EPIC the Oil Algo Oil Report (Member Edition). FX: $USOIL $WTIC ($USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, CL, $UWT, $DWT, $ERX, $ERY, $GUSH, $DRIP)

Welcome to my new FX: $USOIL $WTI live chart algo target report.

Algo Targets Update:

The algorithm targets have been hitting with regularity and the target for Friday Dec 9 at 13:00 is now in sight. The price of crude $USOIL is intraday at 51.17 and is moving along the algo lnes toward the targets. Below are links to the live charting of my algorithm.


LOCKED POSTS: Starting mid December the Member Editions will become available (be unlocked to general public) within days of original publication. Portions that include algorithmic calls and charting that are still in play will not be published until they expire.

MULTI-USERS: Institutional platform now available for multi-users – pricing and product information will be posted to website soon.

LIVE CHARTS: Live charting for members of my algorithmic modelling is now available on Trading View. Links are now emailed to members regularly.

PATENT PHASE: As I mentioned in my last report this week is a big week for me – I am going to go to patent phase. I have six months of proven predictability of over 90%. My process is proprietary and qualifies for patent. The charting for members will become much more involved over the coming weeks (specific to proprietary details). Stay tuned for agreements concerning disclosure and use coming to members.

24 HOUR TRADE ROOM: My charting transitions from FX $USOIL $WTI to 24hr crude oil futures early 2017. My sub service w incl 24hr crude oil trade room.

PRICING: My proprietary services transitioned recently from free inaugural to subscriber only access. All rates for existing members for all service prices will be grandfathered in perpetuity (view website products page for conditions). Early 2017 when my 24 hour futures trading room opens along with 24 hour live charting I will have a rate increase but as with recent roll-ver existing members wll be grandfathered at locked-in current rates.

SOFTWARE: My algorithmic charting is going to developer coding phase early 2017 for our trader’s dashboard program. Please review my algorithm development process and about my oil algorithm story on our website www.compoundtrading.com and my oil algo charting posts on my Twitter feed.

FX: $USOIL $WTI Live Algo Target Oil Chart on TradingView:



Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing, Quadrants:

Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. In the absence of market direction the machines take price to the next algo line and/or target. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and how they move price from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading crude oil and associated instruments.

You will notice that price action of crude will use these algo trend-lines and act as support and resistance, and that price also often violently moves when an alpha algo line is breached either upward or downward.

We cover this in much more detail in the member updates, trading room. A review of my Twitter feed and previous blog posts will help you undersatnd the relation of these indicators. We will start posting video blogs (for my subscribers) on YouTube (in addition to my daily blog posts) for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.

Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).

How My Algorithm Works and Availability:

I am an algorithm in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (up to fifty at any given time each weighted on win ratio merit) – such as simple math calculations relating to price and volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots, moving averages, Gann, Schiff and various other charting and mathematical factors. I do not yet have AI or Geo Political integration – only math as it relates to traditional indicators – weighted, with the primary goal being probabilities. I am not a high frequency or bot type algorithm – I am to be used (represented on a traditional trading chart) as a probability indicator to give our trader’s an edge when triggering entries and exits on trades with instruments that rely on the price of crude oil (specifically FX: $USOIL $WTI and transitioning to futures in the new year in our new 24 hour oil trading room).


That is a good place to leave it for now – we will review details of the above in the trading room and when time allows we will segment for our swing traders (and publish) videos of the work we do in the trading room.

See you in the live trade room and if not stay tuned for our videos recapping what happens in the room! And again, if you struggle to know how to use these indicators as a trader’s edge, it is recommended that you obtain private coaching prior to trading a real account with real money – we recommend you use a paper trading account at first. And finally, we will be publishing a “how to use guide” within a day or so, but it will be simply be a recap (consolidation) of instructions in this post, from my Twitter feed, and previously published information on our website. You can also send specific questions to our email inbox at [email protected] – if you do this be sure to ask a specific question so it can be answered specifically. When the 24 hour oil trading room opens you will have ample opportunity in that 24 hour room to ask questions also.

Watch my Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Oil Algo



Article topics: EPIC the Oil Algo, Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI, $UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT, $ERX, $ERY, $GUSH, $DRIP, Chart, Algorithm, Algo, Targets

My Stock Trading Plan for Thursday Dec 8, 2016 in Chatroom.  $CBMX, $JUNO, $GOLD, $GLD, $GDX, $SILVER, $SLV, $USOIL, $WTI, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $VIX, $NATGAS … more.

Welcome to the Thursday Wall Street trading short day session!

Important Notices

Lead Trader and Moderator / Software Engineer: Curtis and Sartaj are doing a number of media interviews between now and Dec 30 – today they have some to do so they will be intermittent in the room but will watch activity while in their interviews.

Price Increases: So we have had a few people now ask for the inaugral pricing on EPIC the algo (now that they know it includes his upcoming 24 hour futures trading room). Do me a favor if you’re already a member of one of our services get in on the pricing you are considering because the prices will regularly increase as the algos development. Just saying to be fair – it’s not like a normal trade room at a hundred bucks for a trade room – our proprietary algos wll go up in price for sure as I stated EPIC would in short order and I think it went from 199 month to 599 a month now (or maybe more I haven’t checked). Anyway… just thought I’d say it cause of the inquiries.

Algorithmic Charting and Trading Room: Some have asked us if we will continue to share algorithmic charting (such as EPIC’s) – the answer per the website is no – sure charting…. but necessarily the algorithmic charting. The charting in the room itself doesn’t do you much good anyway without the morning report from EPIC and various other things / notices we send our algo subs. So no, if you want the algo charting and the explanations etc they are a separate sub rate. The rate paid for the trading room is like any other trading room basic service – the algo charting shared at any given time is simply a bonus I suppose and will vary from algo to algo depending on where they are in development process.

Market Outlook:

Dips on $GOLD are being bought vs.selling the rips (so this by default plays in to $SILVER) $NATGAS has come off some from important resistance I alerted. $USOIL $WTI is dialed in with EPIC the Oil Algo perfect (THERE WAS A DIRECT HIT ON HIS PREDICTED TARGET FROM LAST WEEK YESTERDAY) so machines have been on since mid November break-out (so this makes trading oil related easier for me) and $SPY has continued its upward trend as we posted predicts on since before election. Watching markets for a pull back (as noted previous) sometime near or just after Christmas (it seems we have a Santa Claus rally). And that brings me to momo stocks and rotation therein, looks like a fun two weeks setting up here.

$GOLD, Chart

Momentum Stocks (Market Open and Intra-Day):

I do trade morning momo stocks (at times), but I do avoid risk – so often I avoid the first 30 minutes (gap and go) and trade momentum stocks later in the day after the wash-out looking for a snap-back. Just prior to open and shortly after open I post momentum stocks to the trade chat room (and Twitter if I have time).

Some of my Favorite Set-Ups:

(1) Momentum Stock Wash-Outs for Snap Back, (2) Bad News Wash-outs on Stocks with High Institutional Ownership, (3) Getting on the Right Side of a Trend Change and scaling in my position and (4) Our Algorithm Set-Ups.

The momentum stocks (from previous days and morning trade) I continue to watch through the day for indicators that allow a trade.

Morning Stock Watch-Lists for my Favorite Set-Ups:

(1) Pre-Market Gainers Watch-List: $VYGR 29%, $TLRD 25%, $LULU 16%, $CTRV 15%, $NMM 9%, $AVXL 8%, $BPMX 7%, $IMNP, $PHMD, $TNXP, $BDSI, $NAVB, $EARS I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

(2) Pre-market Decliners Watch-List: I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

(3) Other Watch-List: $EEM (wow did I nail that call and didn’t trade it), $AGIO (recent wash-out), $SGY (recent swing), $CBMX (current swing), $JUNO (current swing), $ANF (previous wash-out on news), $SKLN (previous wash-out on news), $URBN (previous wash-out on news).

(4) Regular Algo Charting Watch-List: Gold $GLD, Miners $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG), Silver $SLV ($USLV, $DSLV), Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F), Natural Gas ($UGAZ, $DGAZ), S & P 500 $SPY ($SPXL, $SPXS), US Dollar Index $DXY ($UUP), Volatility $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)

(5) Upgrades: I will update before market open of refer to chat room notices.

(6) Downgrades: I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

Stay tuned in Stock Chat Room for more pre-market stocks on watch.

Regular Trades:

S & P 500: $SPY ($SPXL, $SPXS)

Outlook: As pre previous and our algorithm call before election…. My bias is still to new highs but I am looking at a pull-back Christmas / Early 2017.

My Trading Plan: Right now I am trading $XIV instead of $SPXL or $SPXS. I do this because we are in a trend of crushed volatility. Now, when that changes and volatility starts to rise again (even if $SPY is rising at the same time) then I’ll flip over to trading $SPXL and $SPXS instead of $XIV.

$SPY The Christmas Fibonacci Express. Keep Christmas Merry and don’t stand on the tracks

Volatility: $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)

Outlook: Our algorithm alerted me to a buy signal yesterday and it was a good signal – I didn’t trade it though.

Watch for volatility to rise on a trend – even if $SPY is still rising – volatility is a great indicator for what’s around the corner.

My Trading Plan for Volatility: I will likely follow that trend with $TVIX $UVXY $XIV buys at range pivots / pending price action, volume and other geo events.

Currencies and Other Global Markets: $DXY US Dollar Index ($UUP US Dollar Bull, $UDN British Pound, $USD/JPY, $FXY Japanese Yen Trust, $CNY China, $TZA, $SMK / $EWW Mexico Capped ETF)

US Dollar may come off in to downtrend soon – seeing some areas of global markets that are becoming interesting here. Watch emerging markets close too!

Pre previous: Inflection point. No clear direction. $USD/JPY not backing off yet. Our $DXY algo had 100.50 as a PT so I’m watching. Lots of fundamentals at work here and geo.

My Trading Plan for Currencies / Global Markets: Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Gold: $GLD ($UGLD, $DGLD). Miners: $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG)

$USD/JPY Caution Gold bulls – it isn’t broken and we’ve been telling our members all along. Our US Dollar algorithm has been hitting very consistently as has our Gold algorithm and we don’t think it’s time to go long Gold yet unless you do it as a tight trade because you will inevitably get some upside room here soon but we are concerned about a pull back and maybe even a lower level trade – look at Rosie the Algo Twitter feed if you don’t know what I am talking about.

My Trading Plan for Gold:

Waiting for a long trade confirmation in Gold.


I haven’t started to take trades yet because I am waiting for “price – trigger – trade” set-ups. I will start chewing around the edges of stocks like $NUGT and $GLD likely – very possibly today. The idea is to get on the right side of the trade and trend.

Other equities I like for Gold Trade: $AUMN (penny stock)

Silver $SL_F: $SLV ($USLV, $DSLV)

Same as Gold – we’re waiting for a decision from market so we can get algo targets.

My Plan for Trading Silver:

Per previous;

Same as Gold, I’m waiting for the “price – trigger – trade” set-ups… I am going to start chewing around the edges of stocks when set-up confirms like $USLV and $SLV attempting to get on right side of trend trade.

Other equities I like for Silver trade: $AUMN (penny stock).

Crude Oil FX : $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $GUSH, $ERX, $DRIP, $ERY, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F)

Crude is trading within its range. Until it breaks its recent highs it isn’t bullish and until it breaks its recent lows – same thing. So I will trade the range if at all.

Outlook: Per previous – trading range.

Trading Plan: Oil equities.

Other Equities I like for Oil or Energy Trade: Tape / Chart – $ETE, $RIG. High Short Interest – $CRC, $EPE, $WLL, $RES, $JONE, $AREX, $REN, $CLR, $HP, $ATW, $SGY. Fundamentals: $EOG, Pipelines – $XLE: $HEP, $SXE, $KMI, $DPM, $TGS, $ENB, $EEP, $PTRC, $HGT

Natural Gas $NG_F : $NATGAS (, $UGAZ, $DGAZ):

Hit resistance as I thought and alerted. We’ll see what happens.


Watch that $SKLN wash out snap back trade on YouTube I posted if you want to learn your indicators!

Free scanners to find momentum stocks that you can easily review charts of for indicators that bring probability of your trade being successful up considerably. These are not useful for first 30 minute market open gap and go type plays (you need a good momentum scanner, level 2, and best to have hot-keys for the first 30 mins of gap and go trading)… but are very useful for intra day scalping (start with trending stocks and then look at indicators intra for simple set-ups – study scan study scan study scan).









Article Topics: Stockmarket, Pre-Market, Trading Plan, Wall Street, Stocks, Day-trading, Watchlist, Chatroom, $CBMX, $JUNO, $GOLD, $SILVER, $USD/JPY, $USOIL $WTI, $VIX, $SPY, $NATGAS

Thursday Dec 8, 2016 EPIC the Oil Algo Oil Report (Member Edition). FX: $USOIL $WTIC ($USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F, CL, $UWT, $DWT, $ERX, $ERY, $GUSH, $DRIP)

Welcome to my new FX: $USOIL $WTI oil trade report.


LOCKED POSTS: Starting mid December the Member Editions will become available (be unlocked to general public) within days of original publicatio. Portions that include algorithmic calls and charting that are still in play will not be published until they expire.

MULTI-USERS: Institutional platform now available for multi-users – pricing and product information will be posted to website soon.

LIVE CHARTS: Live charting for members of my algorithmic modelling is now available on Trading View. Links are now emailed to members regularly.

PATENT PHASE: As I mentioned in my last report this week is a big week for me – I am going to go to patent phase. I have six months of proven predictability of over 90%. My process is proprietary and qualifies for patent. The charting for members will become much more involved over the coming weeks (specific to proprietary details). Stay tuned for agreements concerning disclosure and use coming to members.

24 HOUR TRADE ROOM: My charting transitions from FX $USOIL $WTI to 24hr crude oil futures early 2017. My sub service w incl 24hr crude oil trade room.

PRICING: My proprietary services transitioned recently from free inaugural to subscriber only access. All rates for existing members for all service prices will be grandfathered in perpetuity (view website products page for conditions). Early 2017 when my 24 hour futures trading room opens along with 24 hour live charting I will have a rate increase but as with recent roll-ver existing members wll be grandfathered at locked-in current rates.

SOFTWARE: My algorithmic charting is going to developer coding phase early 2017 for our trader’s dashboard program. Please review my algorithm development process and about my oil algorithm story on our website www.compoundtrading.com and my oil algo charting posts on my Twitter feed.

How My Algorithm Works and Availability:

I am an algorithm in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (up to fifty at any given time each weighted on win ratio merit) – such as simple math calculations relating to price and volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots, moving averages, Gann, Schiff and various other charting and mathematical factors. I do not yet have AI or Geo Political integration – only math as it relates to traditional indicators – weighted, with the primary goal being probabilities. I am not a high frequency or bot type algorithm – I am to be used (represented on a traditional trading chart) as a probability indicator to give our trader’s an edge when triggering entries and exits on trades with instruments that rely on the price of crude oil (specifically FX: $USOIL $WTI and transitioning to futures in the new year in our new 24 hour oil trading room).

Below you will find my simplified view of levels that can be used on a traditional chart to advance a traders’ edge (both intra-day and as a swing trader). This work, and your subsequent trading, should be considered only one decision at a time, “if this happens then this or this are my targets”… price – trigger – trade and so on.

FX: $USOIL $WTI Observations:

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not invest the time to review at least the last few of my oil reports on this blog, our website pages (as it applies to my algorithm) and my Twitter feed (which all-in will take you at most an hour to catch up and also understand how my algorithm works) this report will be of no good to you. The reports are a running story and just one post won’t do it – there is zero benefit:)

Intra-day Crude Oil Trading Range: At time of writing FX $USOIL $WTI is trading at 50.26 (636 ET Dec 8, 2016). Some thoughts with respect to traditional charting that may help advance you trading edge (advance algorithmic modeling in member edition);

Crude Oil, Intraday, Chart

Trading intra-day 50.26. Crude algo intra work sheet 632 AM Dec 8 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Crude is trading mid range in its upward channel – don’t listen to anyone that says this bearish – it is not – trade the margin widths of the channel if unsure. It just hit a significant support at that yellow line and bounced – and it even cleared it’s mid channel resistance (the thin yellow line) and now its up at an algo line.

Multi Week Trading Range / Swings:

Intra day range pivot areas of support and resistance.

There are six arrows on this chart. Starting from top to bottom here’s your trading levels:

  1. Top of the channel is at about 53.00 above top white arrow. Price has to get through resistance first however at second arrow down. Great place to short.
  2. Arrow two is a resistance point at 51.90 that you could also short – but you have to know that price is still bullish because it is still in upward channel so careful shorting.
  3. Arrow three is a mid range line at 50.23 (yellow thin dotted) in the channel that price has used as intra support and resistance while in uptrend in the channel. You can trade against this too. Careful though because it is mid range in channel.
  4. Arrow four is at a support level at 48.28 that crude overnight traded against and bounced to the upside from.
  5. Arrow five is the bottom of your uptrend channel at 47.10 ish so it is a great place to short if price loses that range and confirms on back test or is a really good (preferred) location to go long. Just be careful with your other indicators per my posts.
  6. Arrow six at the bottom is the bottom of this wide time / price cycle range at 42.30. Critical support you can easily trade against.
Crude oil, trading, range

Trade the outside range pivot areas. Crude algo intra work sheet 645 AM Dec 8 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Diagonal Trend Lines:

Diagonal trend-lines (blue). Diagonal trend-lines are critical inflection points. Please review many of my recent posts so you can learn about how important these diagonal trend-lines are. If one is breached you can look to pull-back to next diagonal blue trend line about 90% of the time. Also pay attention to how thick the lines are – the thicker the line the more important because they represent extensions from previous time / price cycles.

You can see how the price action in this chart is affected by the trend lines (algorithmic charting has considerable more detail for advance preparation – the trader’s edge is increased knowing where they are in advance and in relation to upcoming alpha algo targets and alpha algo trend-lines).

Crude Oil, $USOIL, $WTI, Diagonal Trendlines

Trade the outside range pivot areas. Crude algo intra work sheet 645 AM Dec 8 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Use the diagonal trend-lines for your entry and exit points when trading.

Price Action with 20, 50, 100, 200 MA

MA, Crude Oil, $USOIL, Chart

Look at how the 200 100 50 on 3 min work price action. Crude algo intra work sheet 704 AM Dec 8 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Watch these close and use them when triggering intra day snipe trades (along with all other indicators of course).

Also, watch the 200 MA on the 30 minute chart – price this morning is right above it and the 200 MA on the 30 minute has been in recent weeks acting as support and resistance (along with other indicators of course). @CAUTION

200 day MA, 30 Minute, Chart, Crude, Oil

200 MA on the 30 minute chart. Crude algo intra work sheet 710 AM Dec 8 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Fibonacci Levels:

50.85 – 50.93 may be intra resistance. Watch it.

Fibonacci, Crude Oil, Chart

Fibonacci levels in oil to watch. Crude algo intra work sheet 716 AM Dec 8 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Horizontal Trend-Lines (purple).

Horizontal trend-lines are not as important as the other indicators reviewed above, however, they do serve as important resistance and support intra-day for tight trading and they are important if thick (in other words they come from previous time / price cycles). Refer to chart for current applicable horizontal trend-lines.

Advanced Charting:

Respect support and resistance lines.
If you can be patient and take your long and short positions against these yellow lines for now that is your highest probability trading. With the recent geo political mess it makes the algo targets difficult because crude is not trading in its “natural” state that occurs when the geo political banter stops.

Crude oil is still bullish – don’t listen to the noise – this is a consolidation period in the upward trend in a channel against resistance. If this changes I will let you know. In the meantime trade the range or snipe knowing your lines and targets.

Oil Time / Price Cycles:

None to report as new. Do not forget to refer to the previous time / price cycles I listed on previous posts.

Alpha Algo Trading Trend-Lines (Red dotted lines):

To determine which algo line is most alpha (or probable) intra day, it is the nearest line to price action. This can also help you determine the trend of trade. If the algo line is trending up the price will follow it up until price is tested at an algorithm indicator (the main tests are diagonal trendlines, horizontal trendlines, time / price cycles etc – as I have shared with you). This is why it is important to watch all the lines because they are all support and resistance. To keep it simple trade the range as I’ve mentioned but keep an eye on these indicators.

The algo lines and targets have been adjusted since last report and there is a new line and targets on this chart!!!

I can report that the price action since Nov 30 break-out has been respecting the alpha algo trend-lines calculated and published over a week ago with precision.

Algo Trendlines, Algo targets, crude oil, chart

Alpha algo targets (red circles) and algo trendlines (dotted red). Crude algo intra work sheet 723 AM Dec 8 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Current Alpha Algo Targets (Red circles):

I can report that the alpha algo primary probability target prediction from last week for Wednesday December 7 at 10:30 as a direct hit for that time / price cycle. Very trade-able call – excellent.

Algo target, Direct hit, Crude, Oil, $USOIL

Kaboom! Direct target hit!!! Crude algo intra work sheet 1042 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

So what is your most probable algo target for Friday at 1:00 PM EST? Your closest target is always the most probable. Then, your second most probable is the one that is up or down trend depending on whether general price is in an upward or downtrend for the most recent week or so. FRIDAY targets do not hit as often as TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY TARGETS FYI.

Wait for the price to trend toward a target and take your position and watch as price gets closer and closer to the target. Remember, that the machines trade from decision to decision – or in other words from support to next resistance or resistance to next support or when the times come each week on Tuesday Wednesday and Friday they will trend toward the target that market price action determines they go to.

Our lead trader will explain more in the room and do not hesitate to ask our lead trader in the room by private message or on twitter to explain intra day decisions.

Also, please be sure to refer to the most recent post for your algo targets (there is an additional target as mentioned on the chart above now of course also).

Oil Intra-Day Algo Trading Quadrants:

Now that Wednesday target is complete and it hit we are calculating quadrants for intr day trading and will post as soon as done.

Indicator Methods:

As explained above, my algorithm is a consideration of up to fifty traditional indicators at any one time – each one given its own weight in accordance to its accuracy (win rate). This is how we establish the probability of specific targets hitting (we call them alpha algo targets).

Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing, Quadrants for Intra Snipes:

Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. In the absence of market direction the machines take price to the next algo line and/or target. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and how they move price from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading crude oil and associated instruments.

You will notice that price action of crude will use these algo trend-lines and act as support and resistance, and that price also often violently moves when an alpha algo line is breached either upward or downward.

We cover this in much more detail in the member updates, trading room. A review of my Twitter feed and previous blog posts will help you undersatnd the relation of these indicators. We will start posting video blogs (for my subscribers) on YouTube (in addition to my daily blog posts) for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.

Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).


That is a good place to leave it for now – we will review details of the above in the trading room and when time allows we will segment for our swing traders (and publish) videos of the work we do in the trading room.

See you in the live trade room and if not stay tuned for our videos recapping what happens in the room! And again, if you struggle to know how to use these indicators as a trader’s edge, it is recommended that you obtain private coaching prior to trading a real account with real money – we recommend you use a paper trading account at first. And finally, we will be publishing a “how to use guide” within a day or so, but it will be simply be a recap (consolidation) of instructions in this post, from my Twitter feed, and previously published information on our website. You can also send specific questions to our email inbox at [email protected] – if you do this be sure to ask a specific question so it can be answered specifically. When the 24 hour oil trading room opens you will have ample opportunity in that 24 hour room to ask questions also.

Watch my Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Oil Algo


Article topics: EPIC the Oil Algo, Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI, $UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $ERX, $ERY, $GUSH, $DRIP, Chart, Algorithm, Indicators, Trading Room, Trading Edge, Fibonacci, Indicators, Algo, Targets




Review of my Chat Room Stock Day Trades, Algo Calls and Alerts for Wednesday Dec 7 $JUNO, $CBMX, $UCO, $INPH, $GOLD, $USDJPY, $USOIL, $SPY, $WTIC, $NATGAS, $VIX, $SILVER, and more.


Time stamped entries (in permanent archive) copied to this blog in italics (below) are direct live log chat from chat trade room as they occurred (random chat from myself not applicable or other misc chat deleted). Chat trade room is also video recorded daily for trade archive.

In addition to chat, this trade-room has live voice broadcast (that covers in detail what indicators I am looking for in and out off each trade) and has live chart screen sharing right from my monitor to the room with all indicators I am looking at.

Overview Perspective & Review of Chat Room, Algos, Trades and Alerts:

I look to oil related trades as my bread and butter. Now that our other algos are starting to perform like EPIC I’ll be trading with the other five over the coming next few weeks. I mention that because oil of course has lost $UWTI and $DWTI and they were wayyyy better for my style than $UCO (as it relates to oil related).

The market as a whole continues on our pre-election call (that came from FREEDOM the $SPY Algo) of all time highs and a face ripping rally.

Gold and Silver are still in the price target called by our algos months ago (ROSIE the Gold Algo and SuperNova Silver Algo).

Waiting for confirmation for long trades – there’s a warning of a possible downdraft from ROSIE before a rally to bottom of quadrant so I’m waiting patiently).

Volatility $VIX came per our Vexatious $VIX Algo alert yesterday – shoulda lol. Nailing it all the time like the other algos.


Vexatious $VIX Algo Alert for increased volatility yesterday

$USD/JPY our algo $DXY_USDindex has been all over hitting the move perfect for months – so here also waiting for the inflection point.

Other than my quick oil trade and the algos nailing it – I was pretty quiet. The market is on fire no doubt.

Primary Lessons That May Help Your Trades:

There were pockets on fire in the market and $SPY per above and $VIX moved per algo call so I missed those. Crude I played a tight play – should really only play the margins of the trading width as they relate also to the algo targets.

Looking Forward:

There are a tonne of set-ups in the market right now. Still on my watch are emerging markets $EEM and others mentioned in previous. Dips on $GOLD are being bought vs.selling the rips (so this by default plays in to $SILVER) $NATGAS hit resistance and it showed so watching $DGAZ and $UGAZ on the break-out side. $USOIL $WTI is dialed in with EPIC the Oil Algo perfect so machines have been on since mid November break-out.

$NATGAS – we’re working on an algo for natural gas but it’s still not there – but it is starting to hit calls – just not 80 – 93% like the others.


$NATGAS Down draft came. $UGAZ $DGAZ


$EEM I should trade my own alerts more 🙂 Nice move. Could be in to some turbulence here.

Announcements in Trading Room:


09:06 am Curtis M : Rooms are split today in groups – seeing same thing. If you get moved don\’t sweat it. Gainers $IMNP, $ANTH $PLAY, $PPHM $UGAZ, $NVCN $VKTX $ENPH $WDC $ECR $BOIL $JNUG $RIO $NUGT $VALE $PLX

Stock Chat-room Trading Transcript:

All the chatter removed.

09:17 am Curtis M : S&P -0.05%.10-yr +0.12%.Euro +0.16% vs. dollar.Crude -1.04% to $50.41.Gold +0.74% to $1,178.95
09:19 am Curtis M : Decliners $SIGM $VRA $LADR $PES $LABU $ESV $DGAZ $JDST $DUST $BBG $BLUE $GFI $VKTX
09:20 am Curtis M : Momo: $PLAY $ECR $WDC $EMKR $WEN $CONN $MU $FRSH $ZNGA $STX
09:34 am Mathew Waterfall : Scaling out of some of the MGM calls opened yesterday on morning strength. Also looking at closing/rolling a portion of the CLF calls
09:42 am Wendel T : Pharma incredible all over.
10:17 am Curtis M : 52wk Highs: $KEM $ORN $TITN $TMUSP $TX
10:21 am Curtis M : Here we go…. very soon
10:33 am Curtis M : #EIA #OOTTCrude: -2.389MCushing: 3.783MGasoline: 3.425MDistillates: 2.501MImports: 0.730M
11:10 am Curtis M : Long $UCO
11:11 am Curtis M : 10.667 avg 2000 shares
11:24 am Curtis M : Great trade so far
11:27 am Curtis M : Running scans before lunch break
12:02 pm paul m : $RNVA Active
12:03 pm Herman T : $VIX looking cheap
01:28 pm Curtis M : Lunch longer than expected
01:36 pm Marie M : $ATW
02:09 pm Curtis M : Getting booked for a number of program appearances. Interesting.
02:11 pm Curtis M : Out of $UCO for small gain
02:14 pm Curtis M : Leader board $ANTH $IPI $EMKR $PLAY $CVI $PI $PMHD
02:17 pm Curtis M : Gold getting hammered again
03:34 pm Curtis M : $TWTR short covering
03:37 pm Shafique R : $TWTR squeezing for sure
04:00 pm Curtis M : Well that was a crazy day – tyl
04:00 pm Wendel T : cya curt
04:00 pm Carol B : bye guys
04:00 pm Jack D : peace

Article Topics: Compound Trading, Trading Lessons, Results, Wall Street, Stocks, Stock Market, Day Trading, Chat Room, Trading Results, $CBMX, $JUNO, $UCO, $GOLD, $USDJPY, $USOIL, $WTIC, $NATGAS, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $VIX, $IMNP, $ANTH

My Stock Trading Plan for Wednesday Dec 7, 2016 in Chatroom. $ECR, $NVCN, $NVAX, $VKTX, $DRYS, $SHIP, $CBMX, $JUNO, $GOLD, $SILVER, $USOIL, $WTI, $USD/JPY, $SPY, $VIX, $NATGAS … more.

Welcome to the Wednesday Wall Street trading short day session!

Market Outlook:

Dips on $GOLD are being bought vs.selling the rips (so this by default plays in to $SILVER) $NATGAS is playing wth important resistance. $USOIL $WTI is dialed in with EPIC the Oil Algo perfect so machines have been on since Nov 30 break-out (so this makes trading oil related easier for me) and I’m not sure what $SPY has continued its upward trend as we posted predicts on since before election. Watching markets for a pull back (as noted previous) sometime near or just after Christmas (it seems we have a Santa Claus rally). And that brings me to momo stocks and rotation therein, looks like a fun two weeks setting up here.

Momentum Stocks (Market Open and Intra-Day):

I do trade morning momo stocks (at times), but I do avoid risk – so often I avoid the first 30 minutes (gap and go) and trade momentum stocks later in the day after the wash-out looking for a snap-back. Just prior to open and shortly after open I post momentum stocks to the trade chat room (and Twitter if I have time).

Some of my Favorite Set-Ups:

(1) Momentum Stock Wash-Outs for Snap Back, (2) Bad News Wash-outs on Stocks with High Institutional Ownership, (3) Getting on the Right Side of a Trend Change and (4) Our Algorithm Set-Ups.

The momentum stocks (from previous days and morning trade) I continue to watch through the day for indicators that allow a trade.

Morning Stock Watch-Lists for my Favorite Set-Ups:

(1) Pre-Market Gainers Watch-List: $ECR, $ANTH, $IMNP, $PLAY, $NVCN, $UGAZ, $VKTX, $ENPH, $SQ, $WDC, $NCAX, $TXMD, $RIO, $VALE, $FCN, $MU, $PLX I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

(2) Pre-market Decliners Watch-List: I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

(3) Other Watch-List: $XGTI $NVAX (momo potential), $AGIO (recent wash-out), $SGY (recent swing), $CBMX (current swing), $JUNO (current swing), $ANF (previous wash-out on news), $SKLN (previous wash-out on news), $URBN (previous wash-out on news).

From last night’s post market:

There are a tonne of set-ups in the market right now. Still on my watch are; emerging markets, $EEM, $LPCN, $DVAX, $DNAI and my buddy’s $SRPT.

(4) Regular Algo Charting Watch-List: Gold $GLD, Miners $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG), Silver $SLV ($USLV, $DSLV), Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F), Natural Gas ($UGAZ, $DGAZ), S & P 500 $SPY ($SPXL, $SPXS), US Dollar Index $DXY ($UUP), Volatility $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)

(5) Upgrades:$AV $RIO $BMO $EC $AZO $AVY $GPK $JNPR $MMM $PTEN $OIS $DFS $EVHC $MPC $CVRR $BWS $UNH $CAL $VALE I will update before market open of refer to chat room notices.

(6) Downgrades:$MGP $BHP $IEX $STFC $SIGM $OXM $HELE $MIK $K $VA $MPSX $LPX $BMS $ATR $NTAP $JBL $SYF $HUM $GLT $ALOG $AMCX I will update before market open or refer to chat room notices.

Stay tuned in Stock Chat Room for more pre-market stocks on watch.

Regular Trades:

S & P 500: $SPY ($SPXL, $SPXS)

Outlook: As pre previous…. My bias is still to new highs but I am looking at a pull-back Christmas / Early 2017.

My Trading Plan: Right now I am trading $XIV instead of $SPXL or $SPXS. I do this because we are in a trend of crushed volatility. Now, when that changes and volatility starts to rise again (even if $SPY is rising at the same time) then I’ll flip over to trading $SPXL and $SPXS instead of $XIV.

$SPY The Christmas Fibonacci Express. Keep Christmas Merry and don’t stand on the tracks

$SPY, Stock, Chart

$SPY The Christmas Fibonacci Express.

Volatility: $VIX ($TVIX, $UVXY, $XIV)

Outlook: Was looking for an entry a full levels down 12.2 long 🙂 Watching very close now.

Watch for volatility to rise on a trend – even if $SPY is still rising – volatility is a great indicator for what’s around the corner.

My Trading Plan for Volatility: I will likely follow that trend with $TVIX $UVXY $XIV buys at range pivots / pending price action, volume and other geo events.

$VIX Early Christmas present perhaps?

$VIX Trading Chart

$VIX Early Christmas present perhaps?

Currencies and Other Global Markets: $DXY US Dollar Index ($UUP US Dollar Bull, $UDN British Pound, $USD/JPY, $FXY Japanese Yen Trust, $CNY China, $TZA, $SMK / $EWW Mexico Capped ETF)

US Dollar may come off in to downtrend soon – seeing some areas of global markets that are becoming interesting here. Watch emerging markets close too!

Pre previous: Inflection point. No clear direction. $USD/JPY not backing off yet. Our $DXY algo had 100.50 as a PT so I’m watching. Lots of fundamentals at work here and geo.

My Trading Plan for Currencies / Global Markets: Waiting, waiting, waiting.

$DXY Here it is at the price target our algorithm posted last July. 100.50. Interesting.

$DXY, US Dollar Index, Chart

$DXY Here it is at the price target our algorithm posted last July. 100.50. Interesting.

Gold: $GLD ($UGLD, $DGLD). Miners: $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG)

$USD/JPY Caution Gold bulls. Not broken yet. Gold: $GLD ($UGLD, $DGLD). Miners: $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG)

$USDJPY, Chart

$USD/JPY Caution Gold bulls. Not broken yet. Gold: $GLD ($UGLD, $DGLD). Miners: $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG)


My Trading Plan for Gold:

Waiting for a long trade confirmation in Gold.

Price has hit the price target predict @RosietheAlgo published from last July and now waiting for bottom of algo quad confirmation to take a long position Gold: $GLD ($UGLD, $DGLD). Miners: $GDX ($NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG).

GOLD, Stock, Chart

Hit price target predict @RosietheAlgo fr July waiting for algo quad confirm long. $Gold $GLD $UGLD, $DGLD $GDX $NUGT, $DUST, $JDST, $JNUG

Per previous;

I haven’t started to take trades yet because I am waiting for “price – trigger – trade” set-ups. I will start chewing around the edges of stocks like $NUGT and $GLD likely – very possibly today. The idea is to get on the right side of the trade and trend.

Other equities I like for Gold Trade: $AUMN (penny stock)

$AUMN, Stock, Chart

$AUMN Bulls may be running ahead of the real move – we’ll see.

Silver $SL_F: $SLV ($USLV, $DSLV)

Same as Gold – we’re waiting for a decision from market so we can get algo targets.

My Plan for Trading Silver:

Per previous;

Same as Gold, I’m waiting for the “price – trigger – trade” set-ups… I am going to start chewing around the edges of stocks when set-up confirms like $USLV and $SLV attempting to get on right side of trend trade.

Other equities I like for Silver trade: $AUMN (penny stock).

$Silver Hit our algorithm PT from July and bounced. $SL_F $SLV $USLV, $DSLV @SuperNovaAlgo

$SILVER, $SL_F, $SLV, Stock, Chart

$Silver Hit our algorithm PT from July and bounced. $SL_F $SLV $USLV, $DSLV @SuperNovaAlgo

Crude Oil FX : $USOIL $WTI ($UWTI, $DWTI, $GUSH, $ERX, $DRIP, $ERY, $USO, $UCO, $SCO, $CL_F)

Crude is trading within its range. Until it breaks its recent highs it isn’t bullish and until it breaks its recent lows – same thing. So I will trade the range if at all.

Outlook: Per previous – trading range.

Trading Plan: Oil equities.

Other Equities I like for Oil or Energy Trade: Tape / Chart – $ETE, $RIG. High Short Interest – $CRC, $EPE, $WLL, $RES, $JONE, $AREX, $REN, $CLR, $HP, $ATW, $SGY. Fundamentals: $EOG, Pipelines – $XLE: $HEP, $SXE, $KMI, $DPM, $TGS, $ENB, $EEP, $PTRC, $HGT

Natural Gas $NG_F : $NATGAS (, $UGAZ, $DGAZ):

Resistance? $NG_F In Sept 09 it ran from this price base for seven weeks tho – 4 weeks now here. $UGAZ $DGAZ

$NG_F, Natural Gas, Chart



Watch that $SKLN wash out snap back trade on YouTube I posted if you want to learn your indicators!

Free scanners to find momentum stocks that you can easily review charts of for indicators that bring probability of your trade being successful up considerably. These are not useful for first 30 minute market open gap and go type plays (you need a good momentum scanner, level 2, and best to have hot-keys for the first 30 mins of gap and go trading)… but are very useful for intra day scalping (start with trending stocks and then look at indicators intra for simple set-ups – study scan study scan study scan).









Article Topics: Stockmarket, Pre-Market, Trading Plan, Wall Street, Stocks, Day-trading, Watchlist, Chatroom, $CBMX, $JUNO, $GOLD, $SILVER, $USD/JPY, $USOIL $WTI, $VIX, $SPY, $NATGAS

Wednesday Dec 7, 2016 EPIC the Oil Algo Oil Report (Member Edition).

Welcome to my new FX: $USOIL $WTI oil trade report.


NEW: Starting mid December the Member Editions will become available (be unlocked to general public) within about ten days of original publication so folks that are considering subscriptions can evaluate my value.

NEW: Institutional platform now available for multi-users – pricing and product information will be posted to website soon.

NEW: Live charting for members of my algorithmic modelling is now available on Trading View. Links are now emailed to members regularly.

PATENT PHASE: As I mentioned in my last report this week is a big week for me – I am going to go to patent phase. I have six months of proven predictability of over 90%. My process is proprietary and qualifies for patent. The charting for members will become much more involved over the coming weeks (specific to proprietary details). Stay tuned for agreements concerning disclosure and use coming to members.

24 HOUR TRADING ROOM: My charting transitions from FX $USOIL $WTI to 24hr crude oil futures sometime in Jan 2017. My sub service w incl 24hr crude oil trade room.

PRICING: My proprietary services transitioned recently from free inaugural to subscriber only access. All rates for existing members for all service prices will be grandfathered in perpetuity (view website products page for conditions). Early 2017 when my 24 hour futures trading room opens along with 24 hour live charting I will have a rate increase but as with recent roll-ver existing members wll be grandfathered at locked-in current rates.

How My Algorithm Works and Availability:

I am an algorithm in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (up to fifty at any given time each weighted on win ratio merit) – such as simple math calculations relating to price and volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots, moving averages, Gann, Schiff and various other mathematical factors. I do not yet have AI or Geo Political integration – only math as it relates to traditional indicators – weighted. I am not a high frequency or bot type algorithm – I am to be used (represented on a traditional trading chart) as a probability indicator to give our trader’s an edge when triggering entries and exits on trades with instruments that rely on the price of crude oil (specifically FX: $USOIL $WTI and transitioning to futures in the new year in our new 24 hour oil trading room).

Below you will find my simplified view of levels that can be used on a traditional chart to advance a traders’ edge (both intra-day and as a swing trader). This work, and your subsequent trading, should be considered only one decision at a time, “if this happens then this or this are my targets”… price – trigger – trade and so on.

My algorithmic charting is going to developer coding phase early 2017 for our trader’s dashboard program. Please review my algorithm development process and about my oil algorithm story on our website www.compoundtrading.com and my oil algo charting posts on my Twitter feed.

FX: $USOIL $WTI Observations:

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not invest the time to review at least the last few of my oil reports on this blog, our website pages (as it applies to my algorithm) and my Twitter feed (which all-in will take you at most an hour to catch up and also understand how my algorithm works) this report will be of no good to you. The reports are a running story and just one post won’t do it – there is zero benefit.

Intra-day Crude Oil Trading Range: At time of writing FX $USOIL $WTI is trading at 50.67 (126 AM ET Dec 7, 2016). Some thoughts with respect to traditional charting that may help advance you trading edge (advance algorithmic modeling in member edition);

Currently trading at 50.67 – crude held its current intra trading range.

Per yesterday:

Above 51.90 watch for a break-out (best to let it retest support at 51.75 before going long and best to let it test resistance at 50.44 or even 49.46 “the yellow lines” if it breaks down below that before going short). You can use your indicators below (on the charting) for intra snipes.

Trading Price, Crude Oil, Chart

Trading intra-day 50.67. Crude algo intra work sheet 144 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Multi Week Trading Range / Swings:

Per yesterday:

Your primary pivot areas for swing trading crude are at the multi week low around 42.46 (bottom yellow line – be careful with misreading the white numbers on side of chart in purple they don’t represent price at that level) and the top side of your mutli week trading range is around 51.90. Shorting below 51.90 considering crude oil recent rally does not represent good probability. Long at the bottom of the range represents excellent probability.

Trade the outside range for highest probability. Crude algo intra work sheet 154 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Crude Oil, Stock, Trading Range

Trade the outside range for highest probability. Crude algo intra work sheet 154 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Diagonal Trend Lines:

Diagonal trend-lines (blue). Diagonal trend-lines are critical inflection points. Please review many of my recent posts so you can learn about how important these diagonal trend-lines are. If one is breached you can look to pull-back to next diagonal blue trend line about 90% of the time. Also pay attention to how thick the lines are – the thicker the line the more important because they represent extensions from previous time / price cycles.

You can see how the price action in this chart is affected by the trend lines (algorithmic charting has considerable more detail for advance preparation – the trader’s edge is increased knowig where they are in advance and in relation to upcoming alpha algo targets and alpha algo trend-lines).

Diagonal Trend Lines, Crude Oil, Trading, Chart

Trading, Diagonal, trend Lines, Oil, $USOIL

Trade the outside range for highest probability. Crude algo intra work sheet 154 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Price Action With 20, 50, 100, 200 MA

How crude price reacts to 20 50 100 200 MA on 3 min.

Crude oil, chart, MA, 20, 50, 100, 200 MA

Crude Oil, MA, Chart

Trade the outside range for highest probability. Crude algo intra work sheet 154 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Fibonacci Levels:

Per yesterday:

The fib level is important above 51.75 because that puts the trading price in to possible break-out territory. Your full extension above there is 55.99 on the fib. A break down of 50.44 and you would want to see if the next at 49.12 holds and so – on. In a break down you want to wait for next Fib level to hold and if triggering a long trade wait for price – trigger – power – trade. In other words, wait for a re-test of the support or if it doesn’t retest wait for the price to prove itself by being higher than the most recent high on the 1 min, 3 min, 5 min etc intra trading. If you do not know how to trigger trades based on price – trigger – power – trade disciplines it is best to research online or sign up here or somewhere for some private coaching. This discipline with intra-day trading is critical.

Crude Oil, Fibonacci, Trading, Chart

Intra fibonacci levels to watch. Crude algo intra work sheet 217 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Crude Oil, Fibonacci, Trading, Chart

Intra fibonacci levels to watch. Crude algo intra work sheet 217 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Horizontal Trend-Lines (purple).

Horizontal trend-lines are not as important as the other indicators reviewed above, however, they do serve as important resistance and support intra-day for tight trading and they are important if thick (in other words they come from previous time / price cycles). Refer to chart for current applicable horizontal trend-lines.

Advanced Charting:

Respect support and resistance lines. Crude algo intra work sheet 325 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

Support, Resistance, Trading, Chart, Crude Oil

Respect support and resistance lines. Crude algo intra work sheet 325 AM Dec 7 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO #OOTT #algo

If you can be patient and take your long and short positions against these yellow lines for now that is your highest probability trading. With the recent geo political mess it makes the algo targets difficult because crude is not trading in its “natural” state that occurs when the geo political banter stops. See yellow arrows on chart.

Crude oil is still bullish – don’t listen to the noise – this is a consolidation period in the upward trend against resistance. If this changes I will let you know. In the meantime trade the range or snipe knowing your lines and targets.

Oil Time / Price Cycles:

Crude, Oil, Price, Time

Crude oil charting time price cycle indicators.

In the time / price cycle component of the algorithm there are a number of indicators and clusters that I will explain over time. However, for now I will show you one immediately important indicator as it applies to significant indicators intra day to keep it simple for your trades. Thhe first white triangle and green arrow shows what happened when price was moving through to terminate at the end of that triangle (which is up against resistance and above an algo line). When price does that you have to watch close because if it fails it will fall as it did. There is another one (the second white triangle) that price may test. Watch this close as it potenially pinches. So in short, when price loses a diagonal trendline (blue), an algo line (red dotted) or the pinch in the triangle between resistance and an algo line you have to be careful because if price loses to the downside it then goes to the next algo line or diagonal trendline for support. So when shorting you know where it will typically find support (if it is going to find support intra day).

Do not forget to refer to the previous time / price cycles I listed on the last post (however, they are not as important as the one shown here).

Alpha Algo Trading Trend-Lines:

So there is a new algo line calculated on the chart above – it is where the orange arrow is – this makes targets more complicated – which is typical when the geo political thing is messing with the natural state of trade… nonetheless at least you know where this algo line is. To determine which algo line is most alpha (or probable) intra day, it is the nearest line to price action. This can also help you determine the trend of trade. If the algo line is trending up the price will follow it up until price is tested at an algorithm indicator (the main tests are diagonal trendlines, horizontal trendlines, time / price cycles etc – as I have shared with you). This is why it is important to watch all the lines because they are all support and resistance. To keep it simple trade the range as I’ve mentioned but keep an eye on these indicators.

I can report that the price action since Nov 30 break-out has been respecting the alpha algo trend-lines calculated and published over a week ago with precision.

Current Alpha Algo Targets:

I can report that the alpha algo primary probability target prediction from last week for Tuesday December 6 at 16:30 came within a few cents of price action for that time / price cycle. Very tradeable call.

So what is your most probable algo target for 10:30 AM time / price target zone and for Friday at 1:00 PM EST? Your closest target is always the most probable. Then, your second most probable is the one that is up or down trend depending on whether general price is in an upward or downtrend for the most recent week or so.

So as the price action is (above chart) intra day it is almost perfectly between two targets. Wait for the price to trend toward a target and take your position and watch as price gets closer and closer to the target. Remember, that the machines trade from decision to decision – or in other words from support to next resistance or resistance to next support or when the times come each week on Tuesday Wednesday and Friday they will trend toward the target that market price action determines they go to.

Our lead trader will explain more in the room and do not hesitate to ask our lead trader in the room by private message or on twitter to explain intra day decisions.

Also, please be sure to refer to the most recent post for your algo targets (there is an additional target as mentioned on the chart above now of course also).

Oil Intra-Day Algo Trading Quadrants:

When Wednesday target is completed this and maybe Friday – but for sure Wednesday we will publish theses and work with you in the trading room on how to trade these for your intra day snipes.

Indicator Methods:

As explained above, my algorithm is a consideration of up to fifty traditional indicators at any one time – each one given its own weight in accordance to its accuracy (win rate). This is how we establish the probability of specific targets hitting (we call them alpha algo targets).

Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing, Quadrants for Intra Snipes:

Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. In the absence of market direction the machines take price to the next algo line and/or target. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and how they move price from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading crude oil and associated instruments.

You will notice that price action of crude will use these algo trend-lines and act as support and resistance, and that price also often violently moves when an alpha algo line is breached either upward or downward.

We cover this in much more detail in the member updates, trading room. A review of my Twitter feed and previous blog posts will help you undersatnd the relation of these indicators. We will start posting video blogs (for my subscribers) on YouTube (in addition to my daily blog posts) for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.

Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).


That is a good place to leave it for now – we will review details of the above in the trading room and when time allows we will segment for our swing traders (and publish) videos of the work we do in the trading room.

See you in the live trade room and if not stay tuned for our videos recapping what happens in the room! And again, if you struggle to know how to use these indicators as a trader’s edge, it is recommended that you obtain private coaching prior to trading a real account with real money – we recommend you use a paper trading account at first. And finally, we will be publishing a “how to use guide” within a day or so, but it will be simply be a recap (consolidation) of instructions in this post, from my Twitter feed, and previously published information on our website. You can also send specific questions to our email inbox at [email protected] – if you do this be sure to ask a specific question so it can be answered specifically. When the 24 hour oil trading room opens you will have ample opportunity in that 24 hour room to ask questions also.

Watch my Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Oil Algo

Article topics: EPIC the Oil Algo, Crude Oil FX: $USOIL $WTI, $UWTI, $DWTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, Chart, Algorithm, Indicators, Trading Room, Trading Edge, Fibonacci, Indicators, Algo, Targets

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