Tag: BTC
Important Market and Service Updates: Webinars, Reporting, Time Cycles, Live Room, P&L’s, Promos Etc…
Good afternoon Traders,
As we gear up for another trading week in advance of our larger prep for the fall season I thought it best to provide you a quick update on our plans, scheduling etc.
We see a significant opportunity (time cycles) from now and in to the late fall 2019 season in Equities, Commodities, Bitcoin etc. The reporting schedule and webinars we are hosting should do well to prepare our members to take full advantage of it.
Reporting Schedule This Week (estimated release dates for premium member reporting, dates are evening of in to next morning).
Aug 18 – VIX (including time cycles)
Aug 18 – SPY (including time cycles)
Aug 18 – Swing Trading (swing trade members will also receive various other time cycle reporting as it comes available).
Aug 18 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article
Aug 19 – Crude Oil (EPIC Algorithm regular report)
Aug 19 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article
Aug 20 – Bitcoin (including time cycles)
Aug 20 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article
Aug 21 – Gold (including time cycles)
Aug 21 – Silver (including time cycles)
Aug 21 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article
Aug 22 – DXY US Dollar (including time cycles)
Aug 22 – Feature Oil Trading Strategy Article
The week of Aug 18 and in to fall will also bring various other various swing trade and time cycle reporting to the various services.
Upcoming General Public Free Webinars.
Crude Oil Webinar – Machine Trade Informational. Topics Include; YTD Machine Trade Profit and Loss Performance, Development Process and What Is Planned Going Forward. 7:00 – 7:45 PM EST Sunday August 25. Register by emailing [email protected].
Crude Oil Webinar – How to Use Our Platform. Oil Trade Alerts, Live Trading Room, Private Discord Server Oil Trade Set Up Guidance, Algorithm Models & Conventional Charting. 8:00 – 8:45 PM EST Sunday August 25. Register by emailing [email protected].
Upcoming Premium Member Only Webinars.
Crude Oil Trade Strategy Webinar – A Review of Oil Trade Set Ups for The Week. 9:00 – 9:45 PM EST Sunday August 25. Register by emailing [email protected]. No cost to and access only to premium Crude Oil service members.
Swing Trading Set-Ups Webinar – A Review of Swing Trading Setups for The Upcoming Week (including time cycles). 10:00 – 10:45 PM EST Sunday August 25. Register by emailing [email protected]. No cost to and access only to premium Swing Trading service members.
Members that cannot attend live will receive a video copy and featured report of the webinar.
Trading Profit and Loss Updates.
2019 Swing Trading Status: Our swing trading platform has had an exceptional year, we’re running our regular 100%+ annual returns (over last 3 years) varied depending on the type/ category of swing trade, Jen has a full report in the works for members to review. As mentioned above, with the large time cycle peaks coming in to the fall we expect a bang up fall swing trade season.
V3 EPIC Oil Algorithm Machine Trade P&L Status: We couldn’t be more pleased with the v3 oil machine trade software. It has been running for about 5 weeks and it is exceeding our expectations. The most encouraging part is that its code is still in its early stages of real-world testing – the projected ROI trajectory is expected to continue to turn-up with no additional downside risk – v3 is an extremely stable machine trading architecture. As we near the 8 week real-world running time-line the mathematical probability of it having any notable issues are near zero (at 5 weeks we’re near there now). It took some time, grit and investment, but we’re there now.
“For Aug 15, 2019 Profit & Loss: Daily +$355 YTD+$9,185 Projected $85,958 or 86% Per Annum. v3 Oil Machine Trade 100k Test Account (v4 period excluded) #OOTT $CL_F $WTI $USO #machinetrading #oiltradealerts”
For Aug 15, 2019 Profit & Loss: Daily +$355 YTD+$9,185 Projected $85,958 or 86% Per Annum. v3 Oil Machine Trade 100k Test Account (v4 period excluded) #OOTT $CL_F $WTI $USO #machinetrading #oiltradealerts pic.twitter.com/WlVVCbOlqZ
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) August 15, 2019
Password Access to Trading Rooms, Private Alerts, Discord Servers.
We have been slowly changing / updating passwords and access to various services. If you are a premium member and you are locked out of any service you are subscribed to (trading room, alert feed, private server, etc) or do not receive a report that you see posted to main Compound Trading Twitter feed (that you should be receiving), please let us know so we can rectify.
There is a current promotion running for new member trials, receive 50% off first month of any service list price. Use promo code “TRIAL50” when checking out (if you have issue with the promo code email us and we’ll send you another by email). If you have registered recently at full price and did not take advantage of this email Jen [email protected] and she will invoice your next month renewal at 50% off. This is only available to first time subscribers and cannot be used with other discounts.
If you need some trade coaching go to our website and register for a minimum 3 hours – it usually books out for the fall so register soon if you’ve been throwing the idea around.
Email me as needed [email protected] and remember, the webinars listed above require you to register in advance by sending us an email of your interest in attending.
Click Here for Subscription Service Price Tables.
Master Trading Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):
Recent Daily Trading Profit & Loss Reports:
Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 8 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $CL_F, $USO
Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 3 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Daily Trading Profit & Loss (Alerts) Report: July 2, 2019 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Crude Oil Trading Academy: A Selection of Unlocked Oil Trade Strategy Articles from Our Traders:
Recent Swing Trade and Day Trading Reports (charts can be brought down to Day Trading time frame):
Recent Premarket Notes (published as time allows):
Premarket Notes July 31, 2019: FOMC, EIA, #OOTT, $USO, $NOV, $TREX, $CHEGG, $TSLA, $AMD …
Company News:
Oil Machine Trade Software Development Update – v4 vs v3.
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Article Topics; Compound Trading, Machine Trade, Alerts, Swing Trading, Live Trading Room, Oil, BTC, SPY, VIX, DXY, GOLD, SILVER, Webinars, Promos, Reporting, ROI, Profit & Loss, Time Cycles, Trade Coaching
Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) July 10 “MY ANGRY RANT – WHY MOST TRADERS LOSE”, $AMD, $CL_F, $USO, $BTC, $BTC.X, $XBT_F #OOTT
Wednesday July 10 Trading Profit and Loss Report.
- Day Trade and Swing Trading.
- Equities, Commodity and Bitcoin Trading.
- Personal Trades and Machine Software Trades.
- Includes Live Trading Room Raw Video Feed Recording.
- Includes Trade Alert Links / Screen Shots.
Note: I am just getting back in to the routine of posting daily trade profit and loss reports. For now the reports will include basic information and over time we will provide more information for traders that are using this information for their study and /or trading plans. Near future we will include more formal P&L spreadsheets also.
Section 1: Trading Day Summary.
Good morning, I am writing this in premarket on Thursday, I’m doing July 10 trade results now and if time I will do July 9 (July 9 was only oil trades, all wins), but July 10 was more involved so I’m doing it first to be our traders are up to date.
Caution, there is quite an angry rant below about me not being surprised most people fail trading.
Wednesday was #EIA day for oil traders and Fed testimony day. I took a 1/3 off my $AMD long swing (going great), closed the final 25% of my Bitcoin $BTC short (final execution was not near as good as the first 75% of the trade), nailed a crude oil long trade along with our software machine trade (which is doing great).
Per recent note below in italics, reports are coming we were in it all last night and they will start going out this evening, we want all our new entries to be in place for all swing trades between today and Tuesday for this important time cycle.
Don’t go to sleep, we have a flurry of equity, commodity and indices trades coming very soon. It’s all about time cycles and the current reporting in process getting released.
Our focus #timecycles and how they fit with #Powell #Trump war plan. It's been clear since day one, only question is timing along the way. Report blast of the century in the works. Biggest opportunity in trading history next 5 years. $SPY $VIX $DXY $CL_F $SLV $GLD $BTC #premarket
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 10, 2019
Per above our machine software nailed an oil trade continuing its march to considerable gains if its trajectory continues since most recent version launched. For more information on the machine trading platform contact Rich at Sovoron direct www.sovoron.com.
Profit & Loss: Daily +$136 YTD+$4,643 Projected $80,694 or 81% Oil Machine Trade 100k Account. #OOTT #Oil #MachineTrading $CL_F $USOIL $WTI $USO
Profit & Loss: Daily +$136 YTD+$4,643 Projected $80,694 or 81% Oil Machine Trade 100k Account. #OOTT #Oil #MachineTrading $CL_F $USOIL $WTI $USO pic.twitter.com/DuWKl8fgDf
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 10, 2019
New version of software 1 red day 0.2% draw down since launched over 2 weeks ago. Current rate of return (annual ROI compound) 82% but we know when #AI gets in to its groove 150% will be the mark. Verifiable P&Ls. #OOTT #machinetrade #oilalerts $CL_F $USO $USOIL $WTI
New version of software 1 red day 0.2% draw down since launched over 2 weeks ago. Current rate of return (annual ROI compound) 82% but we know when #AI gets in to its groove 150% will be the mark. Verifiable P&Ls. #OOTT #machinetrade #oilalerts $CL_F $USO $USOIL $WTI pic.twitter.com/bMP3Ods5TU
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 8, 2019
Top performing funds of 2018:
1. Odey European
Performance in 2018: 53%
Strategy: Macro
Top Performing Hedge Funds of 2018 https://t.co/INqmmzBTLn via @investopedia
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 10, 2019
Section 2: Specifics on Trades for the Day.
If you cannot see a chart below, a link is not available or not showing to the alert and/or chart or parts of the data is blocked with ******, this is because it is a premium member chart or alert. As time allows I provide in the section below copies of charts, guidance from private member Discord server chat room, live trade room screen shots and screen shots of alerts.
Oil Trades / Alerts.
Below is a screen shot of the trade alert short side snipe technical trade 60.17 to 60.10. The earlier trade in futures is the one below this image.

Below, a screen capture from oil trading alert feed on Twitter, the first trade (early futures) both I and machine software traded long for a win. Entries from 58.40s & .50s and we closed the trade 58.72 area and alerted it.

Bitcoin Trades.
Note: We continue to alert Bitcoin on the swing alert feed for now (and by email), this will change soon however when our new Bitcoin trading chat Discord server opens and the new Bitcoin alert feed on Twitter is available to members.
I did get stopped out on the final 25% of this BTC trade when I was out in the evening at meetings Wed night, the first 75% was great and the last not so good. My BTC trading will get very regular in to next week as we’re launching our coding of the BTC algorithm now that we’re done the Oil trading algorithm. We have big plans for this area of trade / machine trading, alerts etc. The returns in our Bitcoin trading will be the largest returns we achieve, easily hands down. More on that very soon.

Swing Trades.
Note: Our swing trade chart models can be used for daytrading (converting them on the fly is easy – bringing the time-frame down to 30, 15, 5 and 1 minute time frames).
As mentioned above, I closed 1/3 of my AMD swing trade. This trade is an excellent example of the power behind algorithm models. We took the entry at the support of the channel (marked with arrow on chart in screen shot below of trade alert). The point is, there was no channel there as conventional charting would see it. That channel support is part of the model. Conventional charting provides a channel on the chart after the fact. If you look at any of the experts that were trading this (and I won’t mention names), they were talking up their AMD trade with entries long after ours, because they couldn’t see what we could see.
This is a critical lesson that 99% will over-look. It not only provide better returns for your swing trades, but more confidence in your trades and precise areas to exit.
Our new swing trade report due out soon has many of these excellent set ups. And our members can access many models from the 3 years we have been building models in equity markets, it is a significant advantage and the primary reason we post incredible swing trade returns (see our profit and loss master document).
Our swing trade returns (alerted) are top of class, you can’t get better, you just have to stop for more than a minute and look at the P&Ls and the alert feed. It’s quality over quantity, not casino mind trading. If you’re sensing emotion to this there is, check the alerts and try and find better. Those returns beat the best hedge fund returns in the world. Time stamped, alerted live, recorded in live trading room – the evidence is there and couldn’t be more clearly laid out, for near 3 years! The only thing I could do more is serve it McDonalds style with a nice cover image, drive thru style 2 min videos so that most would eat the sh*t that the market serves out, oh and put two lines on the chart. World class swing trading, best you can get. We know how many people open the charts, watch the videos, do their homework, its no wonder the majority fail. Totally disappointing.
And now we’re developing machine trade for oil that will (if I get my way) beat the best funds in the world with-out trying (in fact we’re targeting 3 x their best results and currently on track for 2 x) and soon Bitcoin machine trades. I mean really. Jeez. Do your homework and stop telling me everything is against you when I talk to you on DM or whatever. It’s your fault it ain’t the markets fault. VERY FEW do what it takes. All the videos are there, raw trading room feeds yes, that is what you need. You can look at the time stamp on the alerts and go to the raw trading room feed and hear everything I was thinking about the trade set-up and more.

Section 3: Trading Room Raw Video Footage for the Day.
#OilTrading #BitcoinTrading #DayTrading #SwingTrading #MachineTrading #TradeAlerts
The video below is a raw feed only, to find live trading and trade alerts voice broadcast when lead trader is trading in the room reference the time of day on the alerts. I make this available for authenticity / documentation and also some learning traders use the raw feeds for study purpose. Also, as time allows I publish separate trade set-up reports with video snippets to our blog and YouTube.
Live Trading Room Raw Feed
The video below at time of posting is still uploading at YouTube so it may not be available yet when you try.
If you have any questions about my trading or need help with yours send me an email anytime [email protected] and I’ll do my best to help.
Recent Swing Trading and Day Trading Reports (all charts can be brought down to Day Trading time frame):
Master Trading Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):
Recent Daily Trading Profit & Loss Reports:
Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 8 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $CL_F, $USO
Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 3 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Daily Trading Profit & Loss (Alerts) Report: July 2, 2019 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Recent Premarket Notes (for more about what we’re up to with our trading):
Company News:
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
Subscribe to Learn and Profit:
Click Here for Subscription Service Price Tables.
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Article Topics: Profit and Loss, Trade Alerts, Trading, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Oil, Bitcoin, USO, CL_F, BTC, BTC.X, XBT_F, AMD
Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 8 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $CL_F, $USO
Monday July 8 Trading Profit and Loss Report.
- Day Trade and Swing Trading.
- Equities, Commodity and Bitcoin Trading.
- Personal Trades and Machine Software Trades.
- Includes Live Trading Room Raw Video Feed Recording.
- Includes Trade Alert Links / Screen Shots.
Note: I am just getting back in to the routine of posting daily trade profit and loss reports. For now the reports will include basic information and over time we will provide more information for traders that are using this information for their study and /or trading plans. Near future we will include more formal P&L spreadsheets also.
Section 1: Trading Day Summary.
Monday was moderately calm trading day.
Don’t go to sleep, we have a flurry of equity, commodity and indices trades coming very soon. It’s all about time cycles and the current reporting in process getting released.
Our machine software nailed an oil trade continuing its march to considerable gains if its trajectory continues since most recent version launched.
New version of software 1 red day 0.2% draw down since launched over 2 weeks ago. Current rate of return (annual ROI compound) 82% but we know when #AI gets in to its groove 150% will be the mark. Verifiable P&Ls. #OOTT #machinetrade #oilalerts $CL_F $USO $USOIL $WTI
New version of software 1 red day 0.2% draw down since launched over 2 weeks ago. Current rate of return (annual ROI compound) 82% but we know when #AI gets in to its groove 150% will be the mark. Verifiable P&Ls. #OOTT #machinetrade #oilalerts $CL_F $USO $USOIL $WTI pic.twitter.com/bMP3Ods5TU
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 8, 2019
On the stock (equity) trading front it was quiet for Day Trades and Swing Trades (as said previous, when new swing trade report is launched this will change, we expect it at latest Wed night this week). I am watching $AMD close as I am in 3/10 size, the other swing trades / updates will be on the report (I have a number of open trades that I will report on).
Still in the Bitcoin short 1/4 of the size of initial short, first 3/4 went well and final 1/4 a tad under water. Over all a decent trade.
Section 2: Specifics on Trades for the Day.
If you cannot see a chart below, a link is not available or not showing to the alert and/or chart or parts of the data is blocked with ******, this is because it is a premium member chart or alert. As time allows I provide in the section below copies of charts, guidance from private member Discord server chat room, live trade room screen shots and screen shots of alerts.
Oil Machine Trades / Alerts.
Since the new version of software was launched a few weeks ago it has a decent P&L rolling along (as noted above), here’s a quote from the machine P&L report I was reviewing this morning (soon you will get daily copies);
“Profit & Loss: Daily +$389 YTD+$4,500 Projected $82,120 or 82% Oil Machine Trade 100k Account.”
Below are the oil trade alert screen shots of the machine software alerting our members to the opening and closing of the trade.

Personal Oil Trades.
- I traded with the machine software as it traded only.
Machine Bitcoin Trades.
- N/A in development.
Personal Bitcoin Trades.
- None, watching current action to either re-short at resistance (see member report) or cover the final 25%. Decent trade so far but would like to see price targets 2 and 3 of 3 hit. Price target 1 hit.
Personal Swing Trades.
- No new positions, adds or trims (other than Bitcoin). This will get very active as soon as the new swing trade report is released.
Personal Day Trades.
- None on day. There were a few set-ups per the premarket report I was ready to trigger on but the equity markets slumped so I didn’t trigger a day trade in equities.
- As above, once the new swing report comes out my day trading will get much more active. Our swing trade chart models can be used for daytrading (converting them on the fly is easy – bringing the time-frame down to 30, 15, 5 and 1 minute time frames).
Section 3: Trading Room Raw Video Footage for the Day.
#OilTrading #BitcoinTrading #DayTrading #SwingTrading #MachineTrading #TradeAlerts
The video below is a raw feed only, to find live trading and trade alerts voice broadcast when lead trader is trading in the room reference the time of day on the alerts. I make this available for authenticity / documentation and also some learning traders use the raw feeds for study purpose. Also, as time allows I publish separate trade set-up reports with video snippets to our blog and YouTube.
Live Trading Room Raw Feed
If you have any questions about my trading or need help with yours send me an email anytime [email protected] and I’ll do my best to help.
Recent Swing Trading and Day Trading Reports (all charts can be brought down to Day Trading time frame):
Master Trading Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):
Recent Daily Trading Profit & Loss Reports:
Trading Profit & Loss Report (Trades, Alerts) for July 3 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Daily Trading Profit & Loss (Alerts) Report: July 2, 2019 $AMD, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Recent Premarket Notes (for more about what we’re up to with our trading):
Company News:
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
Subscribe to Learn and Profit:
Click Here for Subscription Service Price Tables.
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Article Topics: Profit and Loss, Trade Alerts, Trading, Day Trading, Swing Trading, Oil, Bitcoin, USO, CL_F, BTC, BTC.X, XBT_F, AMD
Daily Trading Profit & Loss (Alerts) Report: July 1, 2019 $AMD, $KOOL, $BTC, $XBT_F, $WTI, $CL_F, $USO
Daily Profit and Loss Summary for Personal Day and Swing Trades, Oil and Bitcoin Trades, Machine Trades and Alerts. Includes Live Trading Room Video and Alert Feed Screen Shots.
I recently posted to my Twitter feed that I would start providing daily trade profit and loss summaries and also posted some info on our goals for our machine trading / alert compound gains. Thread is below.
Compound Trading
100k at 0.6% gain day compound 23 mos= 1,000,000.00
Mon July 1, 19 100,000.00
Sun May 16, 21 1,000,737.00
Trading Days Yr 252
Annual ROI 151%
Monthly ROI 13.2%
Daily Target 0.6%#MachineTrade #Oil #Bitcoin #OOTT #Crypto $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $BTC $XBT_F $XBTUSD— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) June 30, 2019
This is the first profit and loss post, this will for now be basic and over time we’ll get more info and more formal (with proper P&L spreadsheets). Below is what time allows for today.
Oil Machine Trades / Alerts
There were four oil trades, all winners, the target (goal) for the day was exceeded by the machine trade.
3 of 4 of the trades were alerted. Alerts went to private Discord server, private member oil alert feed, were broadcast (my voice with charting) in the live trading room. 1 of 4 was only alerted live in trading room.
Personal Oil Trades.
None, however, I will be trading along side the machine trade alerts going forward now that our coding is mostly complete for oil.
Machine Bitcoin Trades.
N/A in development.
Personal Bitcoin Trades.
I shorted Bitcoin at 1/10 size, it went well and I covered 50% of the trade holding half at this point. Looking for a bounce to add to the short or if price gets to the price target I will close the short and re short after a bounce. Members can refer to the alert feed and / email sent out explaining the charting and trading plan for this short.
Personal Swing Trades.
The one swing trade was long AMD, which was a 2/10 size intended as an add to the current swing position (initial position at channel) and the other portion of the 2/10 size was to be a day trade, however, the day trade didn’t work so I am 3/10 long AMD.
Members can check to the private member swing trade alert feed on Twitter and recent reports for all current swing trades (there’s a new consolidation report on deck coming also).
Personal Day Trades.
As above the AMD day trade, it went against me and the only reason I held it is because I’m in an AMD swing trade and because my sizing is correct. When you have a swing trading plan and you’re also day trading a stock then this becomes an option for a trader. This is why we first start with the larger structure of the financial instrument and put together a trading plan for the swing trade and then perhaps also day trade the stock. You can take any of the swing trade charting in the reports and bring it down to a day trading time frame. If I day trade a stock that we do not have models for I would never hold the trade whether it goes well or not.
Historical Profit and Loss Trading Statements.
Jen is currently reconciling all the trading profit and loss statements for the purpose of review and study. The most recent working document update is available here:
Protected: Swing Trading Profit & Loss Report | Swing Trade Alerts Nov 2016 – June 26, 2019
Password: 4321 (if asked)
Take a look at recent premarket note for more about what we’re up to with our trading here:
Trading Room Raw Video Footage on Day:
#OilTrading #BitcoinTrading #DayTrading #SwingTrading #MachineTrading #TradeAlerts
The video below is raw feed only, to find live trading and trade alerts voice broadcast when lead trader is trading in the room reference the time of day on the alerts.
Live Trading Room Raw Feed $AMD $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $BTC $XBT_F
Supporting Trade Alerts and Charting on Day:
If you cannot see a chart below, a link is not available or not showing to the alert and/or chart or parts of the data is blocked with ******, this is because it is a premium member chart or alert.
Crude Oil Trade Alerts.
3 for 3 for machine trade alerts today. Exceeding .6% daily 151% per annum goal. #OOTT FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $UWT $DWT #OilTradeAlerts #machinetrading https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly/status/1145164315726684161 …
3 for 3 for machine trade alerts today. Exceeding .6% daily 151% per annum goal. #OOTT FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $UWT $DWT #OilTradeAlerts #machinetrading https://t.co/sjrecbrb1p pic.twitter.com/ofpx0tP5mS
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 1, 2019
Machine trade caught the bottom turn today again. #OOTT FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OilTradeAlerts #MachineTrading
Machine trade caught the bottom turn today again. #OOTT FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OilTradeAlerts #MachineTrading pic.twitter.com/4jgRW2UoXp
— Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) July 1, 2019
Bitcoin Alerts.
Short Bitcoin 10640s for price target 1 at ****** area then possibly on to two other targets in trend noted $BTC #tradealerts
50% profit trim 10319.00 $XBTSUSD $BTC #Bitcoin 20 ma support test on Daily #tradealerts
BITCOIN (BTC) Short term trading plan, short or long at each arrow, timing on lower time frames $BTC #tradingplan
BITCOIN (BTC) We have met all targets now since buy alert (green arrow), trajectory early, what’s next on deck in new charting and report due later today. $BTC #Bitcoin
DayTrade & Swing Trade Alerts.
Long $AMD 31.89 (already in swing, so partial is swing add and partial day trade), day trade partial. Resistance / price targets 32.58 trading box, 32.89 trendline diagonal, 33.64 mid quad, 34.29 trend line diagonal, 34.65 trading box final target. #daytrade #swingtrade #alerts
ADVANCED MICRO (AMD) up nice from channel alert, trading 31.89 premarket, watch marked areas for resistance #swingtrade #daytrade $AMD
ADVANCED MICRO (AMD) Nice bounce off channel support and above trading box res, trim in to key resistance add above in trajectory #swingtrade $AMD
If you have any questions about my trading or need help with yours send me an email anytime [email protected] and I’ll do my best to help.
Additional Info:
Master Trade Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
Click Here for Subscription Service Price Tables.
Free Mailing List(s):
Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.
Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)
Public Chat:
Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.
Premarket Notes: Swing Updates, New BTC Platform w/Machine Trade, Oil Machine Trade Completion $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $BTC $BTC_F $XBT_F #premarket
Morning all.
RE: Premarket Note: Swing Updates, New BTC Platform w/Machine Trade, Oil Machine Trade Completion
We’re still in deep with these two reports – BTC and Swing (the BTC report reflects our newer models for the new machine trade development starting in a few weeks and the swing report is a larger than normal consolidation so both are taking longer than expected), they won’t be delivered until later Tuesday night and possibly in to Wednesday.
In the meantime we have the BTC trade in play and you all have that chart / plan.
On the other side of the release of the BTC report my BTC trading will become much more active on various time frames.
We also have the numerous swing trades in play and you all have the charting for those.
If you have any questions about any of the trades send an email and I will help.
Specifically to the new BTC platform (renewed) for the upcoming machine trade development (now that the oil machine trading is mostly compete)…. the new Bitcoin BTC Twitter alert feed, Discord private server and public facing Social channels will be announced with the BTC report coming out later Tuesday night.
As noted, the oil machine trade coding has been complete for a few weeks and this version is doing well. We’re tweaking as it runs through sequences but all in all we’re extremely satisfied.
Previous premarket tells you a little more about our WIP updates (including upcoming Webinars, P&Ls etc):
Thanks again,
Trade Coaching Webinars. This weekend we will announce 3 different How to Trade webinars. All three to be held Sunday July 7. One each for 1:00 PM Oil, 5:00 PM Swing Trading, and 7:00 PM Bitcoin trading. They will be recorded and available for order on website thereafter. Each will have limited attendee availability so that I have time to work with attendee question and answer during the webinar. Existing members get 50% discounted rates: Retail rates Oil 499.99 (4 hrs), Swing Trading 199.00 (2 hrs), Bitcoin 99.00 (1 hr). Legacy members free. If you want to attend or want a copy of the webinar video email Jen [email protected] prior to promo going out this weekend as these particular webinar formats fill up quick.
Master Trade Profit & Loss Statement (Most Recent – Updated Regularly – Check Blog for Updates):
Recent Daily Trading Profit & Loss Reports Here:
Recent Premarket Notes Here (for more about what we’re up to with our trading):
Company News:
SOVORON™ Selects Compound Trading Group Machine Learning Data | Media Release
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