Oil sell-off today, EPIC Oil Algorithm buy side oil trade alerts 64.50 buy side at day lows for members. #oil #trade #alerts FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO #OOTT #Algorithm

How did we know in a heavy intra-day sell-off where oil would bottom and turn? Learning to trade crude oil is not easy if you try and trade it with conventional trading strategy, you need to know how oil trades and why.

Below are the details to help you with your crude oil trading strategy.

Let’s look at what happened and then I will explain how I knew where the reversal intra-day in crude oil trade would be.

Below you will find the intra-day sell-off in crude oil, the member trade alerts, member chat room guidance and charts – and then I’ll explain how we knew in advance with high probability where the bottom would be.

Crude oil chart (FX USOIL WTI). The sell off in crude oil trade today was extreme.

Crude Oil Chart – Crude oil sell-off today, EPIC Oil Algorithm called buy side for 64.50 at day lows (on way down). 

On the way down we alerted our members on the EPIC Twitter crude oil trade alerts member service of where the possible bottoms were. There was an initial possible area and then the buy side area a touch down. The chart below shows the sell-off (with red arrow) and the buy side long entries alerted to members (green arrow).

Crude, oil, selloff, chart, buy side, alert

Oil sell-off today, EPIC Oil Algorithm called buy side for 64.50 at day lows (on way down). #oil #trade #alerts FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO #OOTT #Algorithm

Alert – Oil trade alerts on the EPIC Oil Trading Alerts Feed – Starting buys in here careful will cut fast 64.50 – 58, hit low in sell off perfect. 

Below is a screen shot of the private member trade alert feed on Twitter showing the member alert that our buys were starting in the 64.50 – .58 area (after we had provided the oil trade strategy in the private discord oil chat room server). Buy side alerts started at 64.50 and the low of day in crude oil was 64.44 (FX USOIL WTI).

oil, trade, alerts, long buys

Oil trade alerts – Starting buys in here careful will cut fast 64.50 – 58, hit low in sell off perfect. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #Oil #trading #alerts

Chat Room Strategy – Oil chat room member guidance for buy side at bottom of sell-off today.

Below is a screen shot of the private member oil trading chat room.

“if it dumps i’ll look for 64.52 area ish”

This comment was after significant guidance by myself (lead trader at Compound Trading Group). I was looking for confirmation of a bottom trade strategy for a reversal in oil trade intra-day.

“hoping in to 1130 candle expiry i get entry”

Trade had been in sell-of prior to the Wednesday 10:30 AM EST EIA Petroleum Status Report and after the report was released trade in crude oil continued. Prior to this alert to watch the start of the 11:30 AM EST candle on the oil chart I had given significant member guidance in the chat room. If you look at the chart posted above you will see that the reversal turn in oil was in fact at the 11:30 candle on the chart.

“looking for volatility in to 64.52 and turn of 30 and long tail and volume buys”

As with the prior comment above, I’m explaining in the quote specifically what I am looking for to confirm my trade execution long for the reversal. By the way, we use a 30 minute chart for EPIC Oil algorithmic charting purposes.

“starting buys in here careful will cut fast 64.58 area”

This is the alert in the chat room that my buys started at 64.58 (this was the first alert) then on Twitter I had alerted buys 64.50 – 64.58 because price came off a bit and I was buying in to 64.50 so the Twitter alert reflected that also.

“trimmed 64.72 looking for another entry”

Then as I was trimming longs I had alerted the chat room. At this time I was also in the main trading room on voice broadcast alerting my trades to the chat room (we have the member discord chat room and a main chat room that has live oil charting for the algorithm and also voice broadcast – members can choose to be in either / or as they need).

So in a nutshell I called the bottom for members in an aggressive intra-day sell-off and provided strategy for the trade on its way down. There is many more comments prior to these from the chat room.

oil, trade, chat, room, strategy, crude

Oil chat room member guidance for buy side at bottom of sell-off today. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO #Oil #chat #room #alerts

So the questions is, how did I know where to execute the long side trade in crude oil? How was the reversal confirmed? How can you learn to trade oil with the correct market and charting signals?

Reason Number 1 –  The US Dollar.

“resistance on USD should provide moderate support for oil prices
but thats a moderate consideration”

“you could consider this area divergent right now for USD – there’s a special report out tonight, but this is resistance on DXY now on main wide structure it should calm down very soon
on intra day short time frame who knows
intra day resistance white arrow on DXY”

The correlation between the US Dollar and the trade of commodities is not always correlated. I tend to check in on our US Dollar Algorithm whenever executing oil trades. Today the dollar was trading near a critical resistance area, so I took that information in to consideration.

Oil trading strategy in chat room started with resistance approaching on US Dollar trade intra-day explained to members with charts.

oil, trading, strategy, chat, room, USD

Oil trading strategy in chat room started with resistance approaching on US Dollar trade intra-day explained to members with charts.

“wider structured resistance on DXY at orange line”

Screen shot of US Dollar Algorithm charting showing members in chat room where main resistance in DXY is.

US Dollar, resistance, oil, prices

Screen shot of US Dollar Algorithm charting showing members in chat room where main resistance in DXY is.

How the Dollar Impacts Commodity Prices

“The vast majority of these materials use the dollar as a pricing mechanism for global trade because the U.S. is the strongest and most stable economy in the world. When the dollar strengthens, it means that commodities become more expensive in other, nondollar currencies. This tends to have a negative influence on demand. Conversely, when the dollar weakens, commodity prices in other currencies move lower, which increases demand.”


Reason Number 2 – Support for Oil Trade on the Weekly Chart (moving averages).

“62.30 50 MA on weekly”

The second reason is more a consideration for downside risk than it was a reason for trade.

I was reviewing the weekly chart our algorithm reporting service provides members – taking a mental note of my downside risk. I was also weighing the upside resistance on the weekly chart. Because of the weekly downside risk being considerably lower than the price of intra-day trade my risk tolerance to more sell-off was very low. I alerted that to members and would have closed a losing trade very quickly had that happened.

The 50 day moving average in this chart example shows a considerable down-side risk to a long trade. The 50 MA is the purple line on the chart in the screen shot below. More about moving averages here.

Screen shot of weekly oil chart support for trading strategy consideration – 62.30 50 MA on weekly chart.

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Screen shot of weekly oil chart support for trading strategy consideration – 62.30 50 MA on weekly

Reason Number 3 – EIA confirmed the build in crude oil inventory.

Crude: 6.805M
Cushing: 1.643M
Gasoline: -0.740M
Distillates: 3.566M

And then the EIA Petroleum figures were available online at 10:30 AM and this confirmed a large build in crude oil inventories. This is bearish but at 4:30 the day before the initial forecast provided a surprise build (hence the sell-off that started in trade prior). This isn’t a reason for a long side trade at first glance until you consider the trader’s mentality.

The sell-off that continued after EIA was announced was obviously an over committed intra-day scenario because everyone already knew that a large build was expected, so I didn’t expect it to sell off much more intra-day. My longer term bias is considerably different, but specifically intra-day in the trade of crude I didn’t expect much more sell-off.

Then the EIA Petroleum Report figures were available and the build in crude was higher than expected (screen shot of chat room).

Also note in the screen shot below of the chat room the coding tech updating the algorithm charting for members on the intra-day time frame and posting it to the room. He did this because he knew a trade was setting up so he provided the most recent machine trading data for myself and our trading community members to use when executing the trades.

EIA, crude, oil, inventory, build

Then the EIA Petroleum Report figures were available and the build in crude was higher than expected.

Reason Number 4 – Crude Oil Algorithmic Charting Support Areas to Watch.

64.60 FX USOIL buy target intra day – we’ll see how it looks trading 64.88 intra

Then I provided the members the first area of trade to watch (at 64.60) for on the charting that could have been the support area intra-day for the reversal long trade (see the member chat room screen shot above).

And sure enough, intra-day trade stalled at the 64.60 market and below is the charting we were watching. The green arrow on the charting below shows the area of trade.

Chat room screen shot – shows two EPIC Oil Algorithm charts and price target area where trade stalled for a test.

crude, oil, algorithm, trading

Chat room screen shot – shows two EPIC Oil Algorithm charts and price target area where trade stalled for a test.

Gray arrow shows diagonal trendline support area that has acted as support historically many times. EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm.

The gray arrow shows an area on the oil algorithm that has been used by the machines to buy intra-day sell-offs over and over again.

One of the benefits of our work is that we look at historical charts and process that big data for our clients. This work provides insight to what specific signals to use at various intervals of trade intra-day and for swing trading that the human trader simply can’t discern because the data involved is too much for the brain to process. This would take a book of 500 pages to explain. In short, this specific area in the algorithmic oil charting model has been used consistently by the machines. I include some recent examples below for demonstration purposes.

Also note the green arrows on the chart. The first being the first area of support I was watching and the second being the second area. The first area of support did see a bounce in trade intra-day but failed the pull-back back test so we didn’t execute. The second area we did execute trades on and did alert to our members. This was so close to the ideal buy trigger that we nailed it. Our members will tell you that we alert the buy zones in sell-offs near perfect nearly 100% of the time. Our feed tells the story for us – it is time stamped and transparent so there is no way to trick anyone with false signals of record.

support, algorithm, oil, trading, historical

Gray arrow show diagonal trendline support area that has acted as support historically many times. EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm.

The chart below has recent examples of trade where the machines have bought the sell-off in crude oil with significant liquidity. The sell-off and subsequent area of reversal today was exactly the same area of the algorithm model.

Oil trade algorithm and the recent areas of trade machines have taken long positions in oil during sell-offs.

Oil, trading, algorithm, historical, examples

Oil trade algorithm and the recent areas of trade machines have taken long positions in oil during sell-offs.

Reason Number 5 – Confirmation in Intra-Day Trade of Oil to Confirm Signal to Enter Long Side Trade.

Chat room screen shot – explaining to members indicators I was watching on charting for back-test confirmation in oil trade.

Crude oil trade hit 64.74 within 14 cents of the price target I was wanting to see to possibly confirm the trade (see above the 64.60 area I was watching for).

Then the price target of 64.60 was hit and I explained to chat room members to wait and see how the bounce in trade handled the upside 20 MA resistance area and to watch the expected back test (pull back in trade) to previous support before executing a trade. This is a process of watching intra-day trade for various confirmations in trade to be sure as you can be that your entry execution is not too early (or late for that matter).

Chart, indicators, trade, oil

Chat room screen shot – explaining to members indicators I was watching on chartng for back-test confirmation in oil trade


We knew well in advance of the oil sell-off today the area of trade that was most probable to be the right buy signal.

We alerted the buy side trade for our members on the private member oil trading alerts feed.

We provided trading strategy in the oil chat room well in advance of trade achieving the price target for the long side trade alert.

I provided live charting and voice broadcast to members in our main trading room as I executed trades.

Our algorithm charting provided us the buy area well in advance as part of a rules based trading process as a result of big data processing by our team of experts in this field.

In large part, this is why I haven’t been on the losing side of an oil trade alert in many months. Every trade alert is documented in real time, recorded, live alerted and time stamped for evidence of our claims.

Are You Learning to Trade Oil?

My best advice is to join our service on a trial and view real-time how we analyse our trades.

We have a clear trading process that is rules based and has proven to win.

I am far from the best trader I know, in fact I would rate myself about a 5 or 6 out of 10 – I am an expert technician but not top shelf trader. But I am one of the highest winning percentage oil trade alerting services available simply because our algorithm models are that good – and it takes more than that, it takes a team of committed individuals to provide clear winning trading signals to the members.

Interpretation of the algorithm models as a result of experience and historical big data processing is why we win and win often. And when we loose, it is small because we know when a trade has failed. In our work we know before the crowd where to buy and why and where to close and why. We know where to add to your trades and where to trim you trades.

And finally, if you need more help getting on the winning side of your trades then I would seriously consider 3 hours of private coaching. Even the best traders in the world have a coach because a trading coach will keep your psychological game in check as it relates to following the trading of a rules based process. A trading coach is critical to success as a winning trader.

Best with it and let me know if you need anything.


To Learn More About Trading Oil:

Learning to Trade Links on our Site and/or YouTube.

Crude Oil Trading Face-Off Results “Pro Trader” (Man) vs. EPIC Oil Algorithm (Machine Trading Tech)

Oil Trading Alerts Live Video w EPIC Oil Algorithm #EIA Report #Oil #Trading #Algorithm #Alerts $USOIL $WTI $CL_F

“The Nut Hand” Today’s Huge Oil Trade Win. Exactly How It Was Done. How I Knew & How You Can Too.

CRITICAL Oil Trade. Weekly Timing. EPIC Oil Algorithm Channel $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO #OilTrading #EIA

Overnight Oil Trade | Trading Plan in Detail | EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL $USO #Alerts

No Crystal Ball? Watch this… EPIC Oil Algorithm #EIA $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Oil Trading Room – How to Use EPIC the Oil Algorithm June 21, 2017 (video).

Oil Trading Room – How to Use Oil Algorithm Chart & Recent Trades June 29, 2017 (video).

Here we unlock historical member reports at intervals after time cycles have expired for traders that are learning to trade oil. When you clock on link scroll down at landing page on blog section you will be transferred to so that you can get to reports that are unlocked over time: https://compoundtrading.com/category/epic-the-oil-algo-chart-report/

Subscribe Here:

Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (member charting sent out weekly).

Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed).

Oil Trading Room / Algorithm Newsletter / Alert Bundle (includes weekly newsletter, trading room, charting and real-time trading alerts on Twitter).

Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).

Click here to find all information and pricing on Oil Newsletter, Trading Chat Room, Oil Alerts and more.


Register to free email list for trade set-ups, webinars, special events: https://compoundtrading.com/contact/

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Free chat room: https://discord.gg/2HRTk6n

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Lead Trader: https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly

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Email: https://[email protected]

Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States


Article Topics: Crude, Oil, Trade, Alerts, Chat Room, Reversal, Strategy, Algorithm, Learn to Trade

Crude Oil Trading Algorithm Chart Report (EPIC) Sunday Aug 12, 2018.


Welcome to the oil trading algorithm report. My name is EPIC the Oil Algorithm and I am one of seven primary Algorithmic Chart Models in development at Compound Trading Group (there are near 300 in total in development at various stages for all markets).


New members to our oil algorithm charting model are encouraged to on-board in a way that equips you as an oil trader for profit.

Visit my Twitter feed EPIC Oil Algorithm Twitter (@EPICtheAlgo) and review tweets over the last few months, visit our blog and review the recent oil algorithm blog posts, our You Tube channel “how my oil algorithm works”, “how to use my charting”, weekly EIA oil report videos and our website (it explains how the oil algorithm was developed). Reviewing those important points of reference will increase your probability of success considerably. This report includes links to some recent example “how-to” videos.

Oil Trade Coaching – Users of this algorithmic oil charting model may opt for private one-on-one coaching with our lead trader and / or an experienced trader that has worked under our lead trader. On our website standard one-on-one online coaching packages are made available (coaching via Skype) or you can request a customized package (reflecting the time you wish to invest in learning). To request a custom package suited to your needs email [email protected] or click here for standard private trade coaching packages. Other options for coaching include online webinars and private on location (in person) coaching sessions. 

Oil Trading – How to Use the Oil Algorithm

Oil Trading – How to Trade Intra-day with my Algorithmic Charting

Oil Trading Alerts. Live Lead Trader Video Trading w EPIC Oil Algorithm

Recent articles from our blog about how to trade crude oil with our oil trading algorithm; 

Crude Oil Trading Face-Off Results “Pro Trader” (Man) vs. EPIC Oil Algorithm (Machine Trading Tech).

“The Nut Hand” Today’s Huge Oil Trade Win. Exactly How It Was Done. How I Knew & How You Can Too.

MULTI-USERS: Institutional / commercial platform now available.

SOFTWARE: My algorithmic charting is planned to go to developer coding phase for our trader’s dashboard program. Please review my algorithm development process, about my oil algorithm story on our website www.compoundtrading.com and my oil algo charting posts on my Twitter feed and/or this blog.

HOW MY ALGORITHM WORKS: I am an oil algorithm model in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (up to fifty at any given time each weighted on win ratio merit – all not shown on chart at any given time) – such as simple math calculations relating to price and volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots, moving averages, Gann, Schiff and various other charting, geometric and mathematical factors. I do not yet have AI integration – only math as it relates to traditional indicators with the primary goal being probabilities. I am not a high frequency robot type algorithm – I am presented on (and used on) a traditional trading chart as one would normally use as a probability indicator. The goal is to provide our trader’s with an edge when triggering entries and exits on trades with instruments that rely on the price of crude oil.

Below you will find simplified levels represented on a traditional chart (both intra-day and as a swing trader or investor). This work (and associated trade) should be considered one decision at a time, “if this happens then this or this are my targets”… price – trigger – trade and so on. Questions to; [email protected], message our lead trader on Twitter, or message a lead trader in the private Discord oil trade room server.

Visit this link for more information about my oil algorithm development, this link explains how our algorithmic charting is done, this YouTube video explains in summary how my algorithm works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUNyxFoXJp8 this link for more information about our algorithmic stock charting models and what makes them different than most.


Oil Algorithm Observations:

Below is a link for the live chart version of EPIC the Oil Algorithm. The charting is a real-time trading chart represented on FX $USOIL $WTI published Aug 12, 2018.

Click on share button (bottom right beside flag) and when that screen opens click on “make it mine” to view real-time, make edits etc:

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Current trade. Aug 12 909 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


EPIC, Oil, Algorithm, trading, current

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Current trade. Aug 12 909 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Aug 12, 2018

New: The new trade signals are the machine trading lower / tighter day-trading time frames (overlay charting versions we are beginning to share).

The first most predictable trade are the resistance and support cluster areas formed by long term chart trend lines (see charts that have trend-lines represented in red as made available below).

The second most predictable trade (wide trading range primary resistance and support that become predictable buy and sell triggers). Current algorithmic model wide trading range resistance (grey arrow – grey horizontal line) at approximately 68.92 in the current trading range. Current algorithmic model wide trading range support (grey arrow – grey horizontal line) at approximately 65.32 in the current trading range – these areas are general range support and resistance areas (our algorithm uses a .15 – .20 cent buffer on either side for these trades). Trading between the resistance / support horizontal grey lines is extremely profitable risk – reward if one is disciplined to the patience required and follows the trend of trade.

The lower trading range is 61.71 to 65.31. The upper trading range 68.93 to 72.54.

Trading Bias / Forward Guidance: As with previous report, range bound. Slightly bearish to range support at 65.32 for the week.

Current (as of Aug 12, 2018) MACD is down on the daily oil chart.

Third most predictable trade (support and resistance of uptrend or down trend channels). On the chart an upward trending trade channel is presented and a downward option (channel support and resistance / trading range is represented as diagonal dotted orange lines and purple arrows – as made available, assist in displaying directional trade decision areas).

Fourth most predictable trade (support and resistance of 30 min quadrants). The diagonal lines make up quadrants (in this instance on a 30 min chart) and are represented as orange diagonal lines that make up geometric diamond shapes. These lines also assist in intra-day trade.

Fifth most predictable trade (support and resistance of most applicable Fibonacci) the Fib support and resistance lines are the horizontal lines in various colors with the exception of purple and yellow (see below). These horizontal lines become support and resistance for intra-day trade.

Sixth most predictable trade (support and resistance of historical support and resistance) Natural / historical support and resistance lines shown in purple or yellow – they represent historical support and resistance. The strongest of the historical support and resistance lines are shown in yellow horizontal and are typically accompanied by a yellow arrow marker.

Seventh most predictable trade signal we use are the time and price targets (red circles). When trade is in a significant uptrend or downtrend the targets become very precise and move up the indicator priority list quick.

Tues, Wed and Fri targets are most predictable in extended multi week uptrends or downtrends. In recent time, trade could be described as range-bound in recent downtrend.

The Eighth most predictable trade is intra-day. You will notice on some of the charting geometric shapes in green on some of my charting (at times). They are charted live in the trading room and at times the lead trader will highlight these areas intra with white outlines (typically geometric shapes such as diamonds or triangles).

Intra-day Trading Bias

Intra day bias is short – based on wide range resistance at top of quad.

Wide Trading Range – Buy and Sell Triggers for Swing Trading Crude Oil:

Trade the ranges noted above between the thick grey lines (grey arrows) for the most predictable swing trades between 58.13 to 61.72, 61.72 to 65.32, 65.32 to 68.92, 68.93 to 72.54 and 72.54 to 76.15. This is a highly profitable risk-reward way to trade oil if you can be patient to trigger at only the break of the wide range charting areas and are disciplined to cut a losing trade that does not prove in your anticipated trend.

Or trade the range between the channel diagonal lines at support and resistance in up or down channel (orange dotted diagonals).

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Up trend channel chart. Aug 12 920 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, up, channel, algorithm, trading

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Up trend channel chart. Aug 12 920 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Down trend channel chart. Aug 12 922 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

oil, trading, algorithm, down, channel

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Down trend channel chart. Aug 12 922 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Machine Trading Algorithm Charting Overlay.

Below is the first of many time-frames we will be sharing with our members that our algorithm software coding team is using to develop our intelligent assisted oil trader platform.

Please note: It is not advisable to trade these chart overlays until you have had some experience with them. How to trade the machine trading day trade chart videos will be forthcoming. The shorter time fram overlays on the chart below also cause the chart to be considerably more “noisy” so please use caution.

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Machine trading daytrade time-frame. Aug 12 929 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #MachineTrading


machine, trading, oil, algorithm

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Machine trading daytrade time-frame. Aug 12 929 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #MachineTrading

Oil Swing Trade Charting.

Monthly Oil Chart:

Oil Monthly Chart. Price above 200 MA below pivot MACD trend up, Stoch RSI down. Aug 12 936 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

Monthly, oil, chart

Oil Monthly Chart. Price above 200 MA below pivot MACD trend up, Stoch RSI down. Aug 12 936 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

Oil Monthly Chart. Price above 200 MA at pivot under 100 MA MACD trending up. Aug 7 523 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

Monthly, oil, chart, pivot

Oil Monthly Chart. Price above 200 MA at pivot under 200 MA MACD trending up. Aug 7 523 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

Weekly Oil Chart:

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Highlighted trend structure seems bearish on this weekly chart. Aug 12 942 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, weekly, chart, algorithm, model

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Highlighted trend structure seems bearish on this weekly chart. Aug 12 942 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil Continues bullish structure on weekly chart. Aug 7 536 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, algorithm, weekly, trading, chart

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil Continues bullish structure on weekly chart. Aug 7 536 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

May 21 – A feature post was published this week to review time cycles, retrace possibilities on the other side of time cycles on the weekly charts. Below is the post link:

Feature Post: 12 of Last 13 Oil Chart Time-Cycles Have Trend Reversal. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UCO $UWT $DWT #OIL #OOTT

Daily Oil Chart:

Oil Daily Chart. MACD cross up failed, trade under 50 MA. Bearish trend continues. Aug 12 947 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart


oil, daily, chart, 50MA, MACD

Oil Daily Chart. MACD cross up failed, trade under 50 MA. Bearish trend continues. Aug 12 947 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

Oil Monthly Chart. Oil has a bounce at 50 MA with MACD pinch possible cross up . Aug 7 551 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart


oil, chart, daily, MACD, 50 MA

Oil Monthly Chart. Oil has a bounce at 50 MA with MACD pinch possible cross up . Aug 7 551 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

Diagonal Trend Lines:

Diagonal trend-lines are critical inflection points (currently represented in red below on our conventional charting).

Please review many of my recent posts so you can learn about how important these diagonal trend-lines are. If one is breached you can look to pull-back to next diagonal trend line about 90% of the time. Also pay attention to how thick the lines are – the thicker the line the more important because they represent extensions from previous time / price cycles.

Remember you can come in to the chat room to message the trader and REMEMBER I have posted a live chart link in this post so if you can’t see the lines well on this chart above you can go to the live chart link and watch for member live algo chart links through-out the day in your email inbox!

The diagonal trend-lines are marked on chart below:

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. Aug 12 951 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

oil, trend lines, chart

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. Aug 12 951 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. Aug 7 605 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, trend line, chart

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. Aug 7 605 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Previous posts for perspective;

Oil has now cleared every trendline resistance provided on conventional charting I’ve posted last year. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OOTT #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT 233 PM Jan 1

Oil, trendline, resistance, chart

Oil has now cleared every trendline resistance provided on conventional charting I’ve posted last year. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OOTT #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT 233 PM Jan 1

$USOIL, $WTI, Chart, Trendlines

Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 201 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Notice when the daily chart is opened, the simple lines extend to current day trade.

Daily chart view. Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 213 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Daily, $USOIL $WTI, Chart, Trendlines

Daily chart view. Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 213 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Fibonacci Levels:

Watch the lines for support and resistance. Careful using them as traditional retracement levels with crude because the algo lines etc are more dominant / predictable. But the Fib lines are excellent indicators for intra-day trade support and resistance.

The Fibonacci lines are marked on main chart above.

Horizontal Trend-Lines (purple):

Horizontal trend-lines are not as important as the other indicators reviewed above, however, they do serve as important resistance and support intra-day for tight trading and they are important if thick (in other words they come from previous time / price cycles). WE STARTED TO REPRESENT THE REALLY IMPORTANT LINES IN YELLOW FYI FOR EASE. Refer to chart for current applicable horizontal trend-lines.

Horizontal trend-lines are marked on charts above.

Oil Time / Price Cycles:

Watch your email and / or my Twitter feed for time price cycles they may start to terminate.

Time / price cycles are the single most important indicator and my record calling them is near 100% – since inception seven months ago. The reason they are so important is that a trader does not want to be holding a crude oil instrument at termination of a time cycle if not absolutely sure if price will go up or down. A trade may choose to enter a large position in advance of a time price cycle termination IF THERE IS A HIGH PROBABILITY OF A DIRECTION IN PRICE and if the market is trading at a really important pivot area. In other words, if the market is trading at the bottom of the upward trending channel at a support (yellow lines) and we knew there was a significant probability of a time cycle about to terminate a trader may enter with a long position. The price really spikes or drops significantly when these important time cycles terminate.

The problem with time / price cycle terminations is they change from minute to minute (depending on where price is on the chart) so you have to be in the trade room to get the alert. Our lead traders will do everything they can in future to send these on SMS but we have to be careful because it can be difficult with so much going on in the room. The reason they (time cycles) change is because they are actually represented by or are geometric shapes in the chart – I know it sounds odd but I have (as I mentioned) hit these calls just shy of 100%. The oil political people know the same algorithmic modeling principles and they ALWAYS TIME THEIR BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS AROUND THE TIME PRICE CYCLE TERMINATIONS.

So if you can picture a triangle on the chart – and price is trading in the triangle – and price is going to come to the edge of the triangle and there is a significant support or resistance or an algo line terminating there too or a target (those type of indications)… then we know there is a high probability of a time and price change. In other words, it is where there are clusters of algorithm points that cross and when price is going to cross over that cluster is where they are. And these are represented on all the different time frames – the larger the time frame – the larger the time price cycle termination – the larger the spike or downdraft. This is where we establish our intra-day quadrants from for sniping trades (which we will put in to the room soon because it looks like the geo political rhetoric is over for a while making them more predictable). Difficult to explain in short. So we will do our best to SMS alert these in future.

Also, the real large or important time / price cycle terminations we know far in advance and they can be put in these newsletters.

If you review my Epic the Oil Algo Twitter feed, my blog posts and my story on our website you will get a feel for how accurate these calls are.

Alpha Algo Trading Trend-Lines (Primary – Red dotted lines. Secondary – White dotted lines):

To determine which algo line is most alpha (or probable) intra day, it is the nearest line to price action. This can also help you determine the trend of trade. If the algo line is trending up the price will follow it up until price is tested at an algorithm indicator (the main tests are diagonal trendlines, horizontal trendlines, time / price cycles etc – as I have shared with you). This is why it is important to watch all the lines because they are all support and resistance. To keep it simple trade the range (yellow lines) as I’ve mentioned but keep an eye on these indicators.

Current Alpha Algo Targets (Red circles):

Your closest target that crude is trending toward is always the most probable.Then, your second most probable is the one that is up or down trend depending on whether general price is in an upward or downtrend for the most recent week or so and what your other indicators look like (such as the MA’s I explained above).

The other way to determine which targets are in play is actually quite simple, you will notice that crude trades between the channel lines up and down and up and down and there are various support and resistance along the way. If it hits a target at the top of the channel you can bet most times (unless the next day like today) that the next target hit will be at the bottom of the channel.

Wait for the price to trend toward a target and take your position and watch as price gets closer and closer to the target. Remember, that the machines trade from decision to decision – or in other words from support to next resistance or resistance to next support or when the times come each week on Tuesday Wednesday and Friday they will trend toward the target that market price action determines they go to.

Our lead trader will explain more in the room and do not hesitate to ask our lead trader in the room by private message or on twitter to explain intra day decisions.

Recent Live Crude Oil Trade Alerts (samples):

The most recent trades are found in this recent report:

Crude Oil Trading Face-Off Results “Pro Trader” (Man) vs. EPIC Oil Algorithm (Machine Trading Tech)

Click on feature post for recent crude oil trading alerts blog post; Oil Trading Alerts Live Video w EPIC Oil Algorithm #EIA Report #Oil #Trading #Algorithm #Alerts $USOIL $WTI $CL_F

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed. Win rate high 90% – ask for a tour. Time stamped, recorded, live alerts. 

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed. 

oil, trading, alert

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OilTradeAlerts $UWT $DWT

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed (Part 2). 

Crude, oil, trade alert, PT2

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed (Part 2). EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OilTradeAlerts $UWT $DWT

Machine trading 🙂 

A scalp to start the day. Multi-month winning streak continues. Ask for a tour of the feed if you need proof. 

100% personal alerted oil trade win rate documented, recorded, alerted real time to feed continues for months (we did have one loss alert by a tech a few weeks back). 

Live oil trade alert. Long 69.06 US OIL WTI 1 5th sizing EPIC Oil Algorithm.

oil, trade, alerts, WTI

Live oil trade alert. Long 69.06 US OIL WTI 1 5th sizing EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

Live oil trade alert. Trim 50 percent 69.30. EPIC Oil Algorithm.

oil, trading, alerts, crude

Live oil trade alert. Trim 50 percent 69.30. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Live oil trade alert. Long 68.93 add 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm. 

oil, trading, alert, long

Live oil trade alert. Long 68.93 add 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Live oil trade alert. Trim other 50 percent 69.26 50 percent.

Live, oil, trade, alert, trim

Live oil trade alert. Trim other 50 percent 69.26 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Overnight oil trade: short 72.79 add 72.71 cover 72.27s-72.35s. Not cleanest trade but HUGE win. 100% win rate continues (for months). Guidance detail in oil trading room (to expect heat). Live alerts, time stamped, recorded.

Overnight oil trade short 72.79 add 72.71 cover 72.27s to 72.35s. Not cleanest trade but HUGE win. 100% win rate continues 

Oil, trade, alert, short

Overnight oil trade short 72.79 add 72.71 cover 72.27s to 72.35s. Not cleanest trade but HUGE win. 100% win rate continues $USOIL $WTI $USO #OIL #Trading #Alerts

Member guidance in oil chat room this morning “i’ll be selling spikes in to resistance until it doesn’t work – the larger more obvious i’ll alert against downtrend upper channel orange dotted etc” 

Member guidance this morning i’ll be selling spikes in to resistance until it doesn’t work 

Oil, chat, trading, room, guidance

Member guidance this morning i’ll be selling spikes in to resistance until it doesn’t work $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT EPIC Oil Algorithm #oil #trading #alerts

Scalp day. 100 percent win rate for months continues. Time stamped, live alerted, recorded. 

100 percent win rate for months continues. Time stamped, live alerted, recorded. 

oil, trade, alerts, winning, rate, ,best

100 percent win rate for months continues. Time stamped, live alerted, recorded. $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT EPIC Oil Algorithm #oil #trading #alerts

Oil trading chat room member guidance and intra day daytrading charting example ‘70.02 would be the swing retrace. So the thesis is sound but you may have pain before potential drop”.

oil, trading, chat, room, guidance

70.02 would be the swing retrace. So the thesis is sound but you may have pain before potential drop.

Oil trading chat room member guidance and intra day daytrading charting example “Target is in 70.70 area so I will likely give this lots of room swing if I have to. We’ll see”.

oil, trade, alert, price, targets

Target is in 70.70 area so I will likely give this lots of room swing if I have to. We’ll see. FX $USOIL $WTI #OilTrading

Oil trading chat room member guidance and intra day daytrading charting example “Machines defending the retrace intra day”.

oil, machine, trading, WTI

Machines defending the retrace intra day FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL #Algorithm

Trims / close longs 71.39 to 71.71 oil trade alert. 

Long 71.21 oil trade alert with the one add. 

Today’s #EIA oil trade with Oil Algorithm (EPIC) Live alert entries (green) exits (red).

Screen shot member oil chat room first oil trade alert of day – Long 71.21 hoping we squeeze in to EIA

EIA, oil, trading, chat, room

Screen shot member oil chat room first oil trade alert of day – Long 71.21 hoping we squeeze in to EIA

One minute algorithmic on the fly chart trade came off after initial long side oil trade alert- see green arrow. 

oil, trade, alert, chart, trades

One minute algorithmic on the fly chart trade came off after initial long side oil trade alert- see green arrow. #oiltradealert #oil

Screen shot of alert to trim half at 71.39 place stop 71.26 on remaining half and resistance guidance. 

oil, trade, alert, trim, position

Screen shot of alert to trim half at 71.39 place stop 71.26 on remaining half and resistance guidance. #oil #trading #chat

Oil chat room screen shot of next trade alert to trim long at 71.52 25 percent and hold 25 percent.

oil, trading, alert, chat, room

Oil chat room screen shot of next trade alert to trim long at 71.52 25 percent and hold 25 percent.

Final crude oil trade alert to close final 12.5 percent at 71.74 and hold 0 percent at chart resistance.

oil, crude, oil, trading, alert

Final crude oil trade alert to close final 12.5 percent at 71.74 and hold 0 percent at chart resistance.

And then the post EIA 1030 Wed trade alert with trading plan price targets were posted – usually wait 2nd 5 min candle

oil, trade, alerts, EIA, report

And then the post EIA 1030 Wed trade alert with trading plan price targets were posted – usually wait 2nd 5 min candle

And then this happened, oil shot up right through the price targets from the alert.

oi, trade, alert, price, targets, reached

And then this happened, oil shot up right through the price targets from the alert.

Winning streak continues. 100% live oil trade alert win rate for many weeks now. Time stamped real time. 

EPIC Oil Algorithm trade alert wins continue for many weeks now. Time stamped real time. 

oil, trade, alerts, winning, streak

EPIC Oil Algorithm trade alert wins continue for many weeks now. Time stamped real time. FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO #OIL #OOTT #Oiltradealerts #algorithm

Boom “3rd target hit. Trade thesis complete for #EIA. Next levels to follow. 

First 3 targets intra if long side trade alert holds. Trim in add above or on pull back and turns up.

oil, trading, plan, chart, price, targets

First 3 targets intra if long side trade alert holds. Trim in add above or on pull back and turns up. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1046 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Trade is using our 50% retrace on daytrade coding level intra as pivot.

oil, trade, alert, member, guidance, charting

Trade is using our 50% retrace on daytrade coding level intra as pivot Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1058 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Close up of intra day trading battle.

oil, trading, plan, chart, alert

Close up of intra day trading battle #daytrading Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1105 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

1st of 3 targets hit. Curt didn’t get it but coding team did.

oil, algorithm, trading, alert

1st of 3 targets hit. Curt didn’t get it but coding team did. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1121 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Up over 1st target longs want to trim in to 2nd target level.

live, oil, trade, in progress

Up over 1st target longs want to trim in to 2nd target level. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1141 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

3rd target hit. Trade thesis complete for #EIA. Next levels to follow.

oil, trade, alerts, targets, complete

3rd target hit. Trade thesis complete for #EIA. Next levels to follow. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1148 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Daytrading support and resistance fractals (white arrows key).

daytrade, oil, alert, guidance, chart

Daytrading support and resistance fractals (white arrows key) Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1209 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Recent Oil Algorithm Price Target Hits:

Wed 1030 EIA report lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTThttps://twitter.com/EPICtheAlgo/status/1024665109338222592

Wed 1030 EIA report lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report.

Oil, algorithm, price, target, hit, EIA

Wed 1030 EIA report lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Tues 430 lower price target a perfect hit, as published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Tues 430 lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, algorithm, price, target, hit

Tues 430 lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Intra-Day Algo Trading Quadrants (white dotted lines):

Trading quadrants are simply support and resistance lines that can assist your intra-day trading – they are not alpha or primary support and resistance by any measure. Price action does however typically move more assertively when leaving a trading quadrant.

Indicator Methods:

As explained above, my algorithm is a consideration of up to fifty traditional indicators at any one time – each one given its own weight in accordance to its accuracy (win rate). This is how we establish the probability of specific targets hitting (we call them alpha algo targets).

Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing, Quadrants for Intra Snipes

Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. In the absence of market direction the machines take price to the next algo line and/or target. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and how they move price from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading crude oil and associated instruments.

You will notice that price action of crude will use these algo trend-lines and act as support and resistance, and that price also often violently moves when an alpha algo line is breached either upward or downward.

We cover this in much more detail in the member updates, trading room. A review of my Twitter feed and previous blog posts will help you understand the relation of these indicators. We will start posting video blogs (for my subscribers) on YouTube (in addition to my daily blog posts) for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.

Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).


See you in the live trade room! And again, if you struggle to know how to use these indicators as a trader’s edge, it is recommended (if you have earnestly reviewed all of our documentation first) that you obtain private coaching prior to trading a real account with real money – we recommend you use a paper trading account at first.

You can also send specific questions to our email inbox at [email protected] – if you do this be sure to ask a specific question so it can be answered specifically. When the 24 hour oil trading room opens you will have ample opportunity in that 24 hour room to ask questions also.

Watch my EPIC the Oil Algo Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Oil Algo

Subscribe to my Service here:

Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (member charting sent out weekly).

Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed).

Oil Trading Room Bundle (includes weekly newsletter charting and real-time trading alerts on Twitter).

Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).

Temporary Discount Offers (New members only):

30% Off Oil Newsletter: Use Promo Coupon Code “epic30” When Subscribing to our Weekly Oil Newsletter Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/standalone-epic-newsletter/ (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

30% Off Oil Alerts: Use Promo Coupon Code “oilalerts30” for Real-Time Oil Trade Alerts via Private Twitter Feed @OilAlerts_CT Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/live-oil-trading-alerts/?attribute_plan=One+Month (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

Click here to find all information and pricing on Oil Newsletter, Trading Chat Room, Oil Alerts and more.


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Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States


Article topics: EPIC, Oil, Algorithm, Trading, Alerts, Crude, $USOIL, $WTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT, Chart

Last week I was involved in a friendly oil trading challenge. The live alert trading challenge was between myself and our coding team (the team coding our oil algorithm charting models to a machine trading software platform).

The results are mind-boggling – learn to trade oil with the one or two set-ups explained below and you will realize returns so significant that you will likely never turn back.

This (and the follow-up) are the most significant trade reviews and analysis we have done since our inception. Take the time you need to study this report if you want to be profitable trading crude oil.

In this challenge we both used exactly the same charting – conventional crude oil charts and algorithm oil charts (courtesy of EPIC Oil Algorithm).

The coding team realized oil trading profit was hundreds of percent greater than mine. We both won – but they won big.

The coding team won big – with less time invested, less stress and they used a simple, absolute, rigid rules based oil trading system.

How they did it is explained in detail below.

This report could easily have been titled, “How to Trade Crude Oil in Today’s Market – With Intelligent Assisted Technology (EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm).” However, it was a friendly competition between myself (lead trader) and our coding team, hence the title I used.

As you will see below, the results are absolutely astounding.

Allow me to explain who this article is suitable for, what data is reviewed in this report, the charting used and what trading rules were used.

This report is suitable for the following reader(s);

  • If you want to learn to trade crude oil,
  • If you already trade oil, are struggling to be profitable, and in need of a proper rules based trading process to be sure you win,
  • If you are a pro oil trader exploring other profitable oil trading systems that may assist your ROI / ROE objectives,
  • If you are researching what the future of the best oil trading systems will look like, 
  • And of course this report is a great study guide for current EPIC the Oil Algorithm clients.

Below I review in detail the following (with real chart examples, copies of our trading alerts and more);

  • The surprising final results of our oil trading challenge between man and machine algorithm (both using the same information),
  • The rules based trading process used,
  • My personal learning experience after last week’s trading challenge.

How Trades Were Executed and the Information Used by The Traders (charts, algorithms).

As I explained above, this was a competition between our algorithm coding technicians trading crude oil with EPIC the Oil Algorithm chart models (algorithmic oil charting) vs. myself (lead trader at Compound Trading Group) using the exact same algorithmic charting and conventional charts. We both had access to the identical charting – algorithmic oil charting and conventional charting on various time frames.

In fact, the coding team executed their trades manually (as did I, of course). They were not executing their trades automatically (machine trading).

The massive difference in the trading results (the profit achieved) after the week of trading is directly a result of

  • How the charts were used (interpretation),
  • What charts were used and why (which charts were given more or less weight in decisions), and
  • How trades were executed within the charting time-frames and structure.

In other words, we both had exactly the same information at our disposal, we both executed our trades manually, but we executed our trades on a slightly different rule-set within the same structured rules based trading system.

I was executing trades manually and intuitively (as a pro trader- in my mind) using EPIC the Oil Algorithm Charting Models (even on different time frames) and I also used conventional crude oil charting.

The coding team used the exact same oil charts, but the difference was that they executed their crude oil trades under a very strict system – using only the rules as prescribed by and under the reporting that is distributed to our clients in the weekly EPIC Oil Algorithm newsletter reports (the reports for those unaware include a rules based system along with various charting for the week).

The system of trading oil the coding team implemented was rigid to the rules of our algorithm model and my system was more pro trader intuitive – I flexed the rules as I felt I needed to. That was the simple and only difference.

Learning to trade crude oil successfully is not an easy task because conventional charting rules do not apply in many instances. Crude oil trading can be very volatile and as a result oil trading can be very profitable if you are on the winning side in most trades. If you loose as an oil trader it can be very punishing. 

To trade oil successfully you need to know the structure of oil trade – the rules book and the playing field. Understanding the structure of oil trading charts, how to execute trades properly within that structure and when to cut losses and trim gains is critical to your return on investment (ROI) or return on equity (ROE).

Specifically how the coding team beat me so bad last week.

Lets review real life examples of the price of crude oil over the last week, how we each traded it, the conventional charting we used, the intelligent assisted algorithm charting we used, the trade alerts sent out, when and how each of us executed crude oil trades for excellent winning side returns, but with significantly different results.

The week prior to this challenge something interesting happened, our coding team foreman was allowed to start alerting oil trade alerts to our Twitter alert feed and wouldn’t you know it, in his first two alerts he lost big (I think he had a few small wins also). I on the other hand have been on the winning side of my trade alerts for months now. Of course our members enjoy that predictability… but there is a much bigger story here.

When our coding foreman lost, he was on the losing side of his first two alerts of his career because he didn’t follow one simple rule:

He did not close the trade when it went against him and as a result he lost big.

He alerted the trade entry properly, but when the trade of oil went against him he didn’t alert to close the losing trade.

This caused significant stress, challenged our team and much discussion ensued. We rolled around our work, the charting, the algorithm models, machine trading software scenarios, alerts, trading rules and more – over and over and over.

On my side of the story, I am alerting winning oil trades for months now with-out fail, but my trades are quick and only on the winning side of 10 cents to approximately 40 cents… about 20 cents on average. Now in oil futures a 20 cent or 30 cent win consistently is a fantastic living and in my thinking that’s great because I near always win and if you near always win that’s just fine…

but it doesn’t nearly take advantage of the power of the trading algorithm model charting I have at my disposal.

So before our challenge last week we both had a problem, I was leaving the majority of the obvious profit on the table even though my trade alerts were winners every time and he was not following the rule of closing a losing trade side alert that goes against you, and closing it fast.

We were both breaking the rules and we both would have much higher ROE if we adjusted some very simple things… our coding foreman adjusted perfectly – me, not so perfect – but this week is a new week so watch out!

Anyway, so we agreed to a challenge, he would not alert to the client oil alert feed for now and he would show me that he could trade explicitly to the rules as set out in the EPIC Oil Algorithm reports. And I would also do the same, but alert my trades and with a caveat that I could use my pro trader bias to over-rule the algorithm charting rules at will (my error).

A detailed account of our recent oil trades / alerts;

New traders should know that EPIC the Oil Algorithm chart models are charted on FX $USOIL $WTI but can be used to trade oil futures contracts $CL_F or leveraged oil derivative market products such as $USO, $UCO, $UWT, $DWT, $UWTI, $DWTI and more. I typically use CL contracts and will daytrade at times $UWT or $DWT if I am confident that I won’t be holding over-night.

Okay, first lets look at my trades / alerts (this is almost embarrassing to review – humility engaged).

In the examples below and the follow up report you will see actual screen shots of the live twitter oil trade alert feed (time stamped, real-time), screen shots of the private oil chat room and screen shots of EPIC the Oil Algorithm charting we were using (with notes).

Also it is important that the profit / loss represented are approximate as our team is trading various environments (read our disclosure) – we are testing and trading many platform scenarios, instruments (oil contracts, market derivatives, etc), with various traders, various accounts (real world and/or model platforms for testing purposes) in the team (as our work is toward achieving a machine trading environment and intelligent assisted trader platform – read about our mandates on our website) that it would take days to explain. Additionally, there are trades executed for win or loss that are never alerted to our members.

So for the purpose of this exercise I keep the analysis below simple and to what applies specifically to this exercise ensuring that we cover what the public (our member clients) would have had opportunity to act on in their own trading environment (actionable trading alerts) and if one did in fact act on the alerts what the expected returns may be vs. trading what the rules-based trading system of EPIC the Oil Algorithm reports prescribe to our members in the weekly reporting they receive from Compound Trading Group.

There will be a member only follow-up to this report published within 7 days that will show the 1 minute conventional charting used with exact entry and exit areas detailed on the charting with the thought process by the trader in each trade and this report will also include the machine trading charting that influenced our trade. 

Oil Trade Alert # 1

The first trade that was marked as a tech trade was, but it was alerted internally by me and authorized to the tech to alert. So for the purpose of our competition it was my trade by origin (we’ve decided this in team discussion). So I’ll take it as I need all the help I can get here.

The first trade was 24 cent win at 2 oil contracts (avg) so it was a gain of about 510.00.  

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed (the initial alert).

oil, trade, alert

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OilTradeAlerts $UWT $DWT

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed (the closing alert on #1 for the week). 

oil, trade, alert

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed (Part 2). EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OilTradeAlerts $UWT $DWT

Oil Trade Alert # 2

The second trade of the week was a timing cycle issue, price didn’t react soon enough so I closed the trade for a small profit.

A 5 cent win with two contracts for 100.00 win (approx).

Long 69.19 lead trader test size.

oil, trade, alerts

Long 69.19 lead trader test size. #oiltradealerts

Closed 69.24 not holding in to time cycle when it is this soft.

closed, trade, alert, oil

Closed 69.24 not holding in to time cycle when it is this soft #oil #trading #alert #crude

Oil Trade Alert #3

The third trade alert has a type o that was obvious, but more important than that is that this is where the difference in the fine details put the coding team way ahead of me. At this point the trading was so intense that I had to generalize the tweet alerts, but you will get the point with what was alerted. There is more explanation below that clarifies the calculations here;

66.49 to 55.57 with contract sizing average of 3 contracts on about 3 times = 800.00 profit approx.

Long test 66.49 lead trader will cut fast as needed and trade chop.

oil, trade alert, 3

long test 66.49 lead trader will cut fast as needed and trade chop #oil #trade #alerts

This was obviously 66.57 and there were various type o’s, it should have read something like this…

Chipping out some 55.57 and waiting for next leg to go again.

oi, trading, alert, closing

chipping out some 55.57 and waiting for next leg to go again #oil #trading #alerts

At this point I alerted the member private Twitter feed that we would for the time alert in the live trading room (where I can speak on live mic broadcast to our oil traders) – this is specifically in a Click Meeting conference room (it is our main trading room that our EPIC Oil Algorithm bundle members can access as they like). We also have a private oil chat room in Discord and a public side on Discord.

At this point there were a number of trades, I will only include screen shots in this report specifically of what was alerted to only the Twitter feed (there isn’t time to get the audio from live trading room right now for the various occasions I was in that room last week – that will all be in a reconciled report from Jen in our offices). It won’t make a difference to the main point of this report – I was beat by the coding team so badly it doesn’t matter.

The real point of this exercise (this report) is to help oil traders with a rules based system to win and win with the highest return. 

We’re trading possible turn in live oil trading room isn’t time to alert on feed.

oil, trade, alert, trading, room

We’re trading possible turn in live oil trading room isn’t time to alert on feed. #oil #trade #alerts

Oil Trade Alert #4

The fourth oil trade of the week was a win. Short from 67.17 and cover at 66.80 for a 37 cent win at 3 contracts.

Win side 1100.00 approx.

Short test lead trader.

short, oil, alert

Short test lead trader.

Short oil trade alert at 67.17.

short, oil, trade, alert

Short oil trade alert at 67.17

Covered 66.80 lead trader – nice quick win on that alert.

oil, trade alert, covered, short, win

covered 66.80 lead trader – nice quick win on that alert #oil

Oil Trade Alert #5.

Oil trade number five was a decent trade from 67.13 (average) to 67.29 with trims starting at 67.27.

8 contracts at approx 14 cent profit =  1200.00 gain (approx).

Long lead trader break out test 67.09 – 67.18 4/10 sizing.

long, alert, oil

Long lead trader break out test 67.09 – 67.18 4 10ths sizing.

Trimming long positions 67.27.

trim, long, trade

Trimming long positions 67.27

Oil Trade Alert #6

There we many trades here and the range was .30 cents to the win side on the original alert. For simplicity it was 5 trades at an average size of 2 contracts at an average win of .10 cents.

Oil trade number six approx. profit = 1200.00

Long oil trade again here.

oil, trade

long oil trade again here

Trimming long oil positions here.

trimming, longs

Trimming long oil positions here. #trade #alerts

Too busy to alert all legs in and trims but we got a nice break up there 67.20s to 67.50s.

oil, trade, alert, closing, wins

too busy to alert all legs in and trims but we got a nice break up there 67.20s to 67.50s #oil #trading #alerts #algorithm

Summary of Lead Trader Alerted Trades to Live Twitter Feed P/L

So specific to only what was alerted as trade alerts on the live feed and the contract sizing for those trade alerts the total gains for the week = approximately 4900.00 for this account scenario.

Now lets look at what our coding team foreman was able to do with the exact same charting information (that I and our members can use).

In his instance he traded specifically to the rule-based system as prescribed to our members in the weekly EPIC Oil Algorithm reporting.

There were many trades in each leg. He started trades at 2/10 sizing then as the trade progressed he trimmed 1/10 size at resistance and if it failed would exit the other 1/10 at about have the trade range. As trade got above the key resistance he would add above key resistance 1 size and continue. And if the trade went against him right away he would cut fast. So he had a number of losses, but his losses were small and the wins far outweighed the gains.

The week started with an uptrend so he traded the key range support and resistance as prescribed in EPIC the Algorithm reports (gray horizontal line you see on chart below). As trade failed or at key resistance he would trim as noted above.

The key to his trading process was using the key range support and resistance as the launch area for longs, the short area for shorting oil and if the trade went against him he closed the trade for a loss.

The EPIC Algorithm Chart he was using (the gray horizontal line is the main support and resistance pivot prescribed to members and the other indications on the charting). How to trade crude oil applying the rules based process in this report can be reviewed in detail on our web site blog under EPIC Oil Algorithm and scroll down to unlocked historical charting – the more recent reports are locked to the general public. The EPIC reports explain specifically the rules based process in point form.

The first chart is the initial trading range for the week that our tech was using. The day and time is noted at the bottom of the chart. You can see how is bias for trade direction was specific to the main pivot area as provided on the algorithm charting.

Charting used by technician (EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm Charting). Bias for trades is noted with green and red arrows.

You can see in the charting below that each time trade breached the main pivot on the charting model that his trading was to the long side bias until trade hit a significant resistance in the model (at which point he trimmed). 

The first two on the chart are green arrow long side trades were off the main pivot and trimmed at the quad wall resistance area.

The the third is a red arrow on the chart as a short side trade bias because trade was already at the marked target price for the Tuesday 430 algorithmic target. In other words, there was a low probability of further upside gain prior to Tuesday at 430 so his short term bias was short.

Then the fourth arrow (green) and fifth (red) were a rinse and repeat of the bias explained above.

The sixth arrow (or trading bias area) was long in to the Wednesday 10:30 AM EPIC Oil Algorithm price target (for the up channel scenario) but trade turned and when it turned and lost the main pivot (gray) and the trading quadrant (orange dotted) he turned short bias in a significant way. There were many failures to the long side in the algorithmic model at this time in the trading week.

The short side bias was solidified with the expiry of the main time cycle in trade (purple arrows that separate the up channel scenario or lower channel scenario in the oil algorithm weekly reports).

oil, trading, algorithm, trades

Charting used by technician (EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm Charting). Bias for trades is noted with green and red arrows. #oil #trading

The next time frame of the week (second) charting used by technician in his trading system with noted areas of trading bias with red and green arrows.

As trade moved to either side of the main pivot his bias is represented (per the process prescibed in the EPIC Oil Algorithm weekly reports) and then in to the bottom of a trading quadrant (he used the rules for trading quadrants) after oil selling off to extreme levels on the week. 

As oil sold off the tech simply trimmed at support areas on the algorithm charting and added to short side bias as trade lost each support.

On the way down oil trade hit the Wednesday 10:30 AM EIA price target as published in the previous weekend EPIC report for the lower channel scenario.

oil, charting, trading, system

The next (second) charting used by technician in his trading system for the week (EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm Charting). #oil #trading #system

The final chart time cycle used by technician in his trading system for week. 

The last time frame was text book how to trade crude oil class. For this the tech moved to the prescribed trading process rules in the trading quadrant (the orange dotted lines that form a diamond). He simply took long side positions at the support of the quadrant and trimmed at the main resistance areas. Trade got in to the Friday 1:00 PM target but did not perfectly hit the center.

Trade ended the week at the top of the trading quadrant – near the quadrant basket where he assumed with trade direction and historical algorithmic chart from EPIC that trade was most likely to complete the week.

oil, trading, system, chart

The final chart time cycle used by technician in his trading system for week (EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm). #oil #trading #system

It’s obvious the technician using the rules based system prescribed to our members had significantly higher returns last week than I did. Our members will be receiving the full report.

As explained above;

There will be a member only follow-up to this report published soon that will show / explain the 1 minute conventional charting used with exact entry and exit areas detailed on the charting with the thought process by each trader in each trade and this report will also include the machine trading charting that influenced each trade. 

The follow-up report will provide our members and our team staff opportunity to learn in great detail how to time the entries and exits of the trades. It will hopefully bring members in to the mind of each trader. This is a member only report because proprietary machine coding charting and various other proprietary information will be shared.

Also, please note that over the coming weeks in to the fall season that our techs will be alerting more and more to the live alert feed under and will be doing such exclusively under the rules based system as prescribed in the EPIC Oil Algorithm weekly reports to members.

Some Important Final Thoughts.

It is easy to look back and criticize your trades – especially when the trade direction is so obviously apparent on an algorithmic charting model such as EPIC’s as in this report.

I personally won’t be hard on myself (as you should not also) because it is impossible to be a machine and if I am on the winning side more than losing and my accounts are consistently green that is what matters most.

However, in my continuing quest to learn how to trade crude oil to my best ability I will be adjusting my oil trading style this week to more reflect the prescribed rules based system as prescribed in the EPIC Oil Algorithm weekly reporting. It obviously works and the science proves that – so I need to adjust to continue to get better as an oil trader and coach that teaches others how to trade oil.

I look forward to the follow-up report that Jen is writing now for our members that will provide in detail how last week trades were decided. She just finished interviewing me about each of my trades and is interviewing our tech team later today for the report.

Best with your trading and if there is anything you need from me reach out anytime on any of my personal social feeds or by email [email protected].


Curtis (Lead Trader at Compound Trading Group).

To Learn More About Trading Oil:

Learning to Trade Links on our Site and/or YouTube.

Oil Trading Alerts Live Video w EPIC Oil Algorithm #EIA Report #Oil #Trading #Algorithm #Alerts $USOIL $WTI $CL_F

“The Nut Hand” Today’s Huge Oil Trade Win. Exactly How It Was Done. How I Knew & How You Can Too.

CRITICAL Oil Trade. Weekly Timing. EPIC Oil Algorithm Channel $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO #OilTrading #EIA

Overnight Oil Trade | Trading Plan in Detail | EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL $USO #Alerts

No Crystal Ball? Watch this… EPIC Oil Algorithm #EIA $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Oil Trading Room – How to Use EPIC the Oil Algorithm June 21, 2017 (video).

Oil Trading Room – How to Use Oil Algorithm Chart & Recent Trades June 29, 2017 (video).

Here we unlock historical member reports at intervals after time cycles have expired for traders that are learning to trade oil. When you clock on link scroll down at landing page on blog section you will be transferred to so that you can get to reports that are unlocked over time: https://compoundtrading.com/category/epic-the-oil-algo-chart-report/

Off-site Learning Site Links:

Learn how to trade crude oil in 5 steps https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/100515/learn-how-trade-crude-oil-5-steps.asp

How to Trade Oil on Stock Exchange https://finance.zacks.com/trade-oil-stock-exchange-4532.html

How to trade oil. Learn everything you need to know about speculating on oil and gas markets. We explain how oil trading works, with a step-by-step guide to trading oil. https://www.ig.com/au/commodities/oil/how-to-trade-oil

Subscribe Here:

Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (member charting sent out weekly).

Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed).

Oil Trading Room / Algorithm Newsletter / Alert Bundle (includes weekly newsletter, trading room, charting and real-time trading alerts on Twitter).

Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).

Temporary Discount Offers (New members only – ending Aug 14, 2018):

30% Off Oil Newsletter: Use Promo Coupon Code “epic30” When Subscribing to our Weekly Oil Newsletter Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/standalone-epic-newsletter/ (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

30% Off Oil Alerts: Use Promo Coupon Code “oilalerts30” for Real-Time Oil Trade Alerts via Private Twitter Feed @OilAlerts_CT Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/live-oil-trading-alerts/?attribute_plan=One+Month (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

Click here to find all information and pricing on Oil Newsletter, Trading Chat Room, Oil Alerts and more.


Register to free email list for trade set-ups, webinars, special events: https://compoundtrading.com/contact/

Website: https://compoundtrading.com

Blog: https://compoundtrading.com/blog/

Free chat room: https://discord.gg/2HRTk6n

Subscribe: https://compoundtrading.com/overview-…

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CompoundTrading

Lead Trader: https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly

Tradingview: https://www.tradingview.com/u/curtmel…

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/compoundtrad…

StockTwits: https://stocktwits.com/compoundtrading

Email: https://[email protected]

Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States




Swing Trading Report. In this Special Earnings Season (Member Edition) Tuesday Aug 7, 2018: $DIS, $AMD, $AAPL, $WMT, $FB, $JKS, $EXP, $LTBR, $SPY, $DXY and more.

What’s New!

Mid Day Trade Set-Ups Webinar Video:

IMPORTANT: This video gets in to detailed trading levels to watch in your swing trades and also had a number of how to use our charting explanations. Very important to review the video and not just the summary below.

Mid Day Member Webinar – Swing Trading Set-ups Summary (from Aug 6 mid day review, published August 7, 2018):


Swing Trading Special Earnings Season Report to cover trading the chart set-ups. Mid day review sessions will become the premise for our next major Q3 and Q4 positioning in the stock market.

We are reviewing all one hundred equities we have in coverage on our swing trading platform – all over the next ten days or so for earnings trading season.

Trade alerts are reviewed in this video that triggered today.

Be sure to actually watch this video as the summary below is only for reference and doesn’t give a whole picture for any of the trade set-ups listed.

All quoted support and resistance are approximate.

June 12 Swing Trading Regular Report is referenced in this special earnings report. Members can reference that report for charts you may need (or review the video) as some charting is not included in the report below due to weekly reporting time constraints. Also, please be sure to check date on the chart as the date may not reflect publish date depending on the scenario.

Earnings Season Stocks Covered in This Report; $DIS, $AMD, $AAPL, $WMT, $FB, $JKS, $EXP, $LTBR, $SPY, $DXY

Report published Aug 7 and recorded Aug 6, 2018 Mid Day Swing Trading Review.

July 12 Swing Trading Regular Member Report is referenced in this special earnings report. Members can reference those two reports for charts you may need.


SP500 $SPY – 283.74 by trigger hit, 284.93 resistance, bullish price target 299.00 on same day.

US Dollar $DXY – Watching the range resistance / support test area now for possible long trade. On a sell-off will not short.

Eagle Materials $EXP – Post earnings, positive earnings, trading 100.00, quad wall (Fibonacci trend line) support bounce 98.87. 179.92 resistance. Looking for a long side trade over upside resistance on chart.


DISNEY $DIS – Earnings Tuesday, price target 124.19 in a post earnings squeeze, downside 110.50 (yet to be seen),

$DIS, swing, trading, chart, earnings

DISNEY (DIS) Earnings Tuesday, price target 124.19 in a post earnings squeeze, downside 110.50. $DIS #trading #Earnings

FACEBOOK $FB – Facebook has been paying the bills this year. Traded last wash-out snap-back and now trading this one. Trading intra-day at quad wall resistance (down trending Fibonacci trend-line). Has 50 MA coming down over hear on 4 HR chart with 200 MA above that. Resistance 195.71, trading intra-day 183.69, support 181.70. Trading range reviewed on video. 195.71 price target Aug 9 in bullish trade scenario.


$FB, FaceBook, swing, trading, chart

FACEBOOK (FB) Trading intra day Tuesday under pressure under 50 MA resistance. $FB #swingtrade #washout

APPLE $AAPL – Chart structure clean, resistance 205.30 and launched upside 209.80 next resistance 212.63. The buy sell triggers are explained on video for our charts (the white arrows). Main 200.58 support, 212.61 resistance, intraday resistance 209.80, intraday sup 205.77. Trading intraday 208.78 on other side of earnings. Trade alert sent out to members to trim longs in to the upside resistance area on chart. #swingtrading #earrnings


APPLE, $AAPL, swing, trading, chart, earnings

APPLE (APPL) Trading bullish in chart structure post earnings, trade alert sent out to trim in advance of resistance.#swingtrading #earrnings

Advanced Micro $AMD – Against main pivot resistance 19.35 trading intra day, hit target July 20, trending for upside if over resistance the target is 21.75 Aug 15 with 24.50 most bullish, 17.04 in a sell-off is price target intra-day.

$AMD, Advanced Micro, swing, trading

ADVANCED MICRO (AMD) Trading intra-day 19.43 just a bit over resistance, on watch here for adds. #swingtrading #chart

WALLMART $WMT has earnings in ten days and is still struggling with 200 MA. Looks like a 200 MA upside resistance test in play. 91.10 main pivot resistance, 82.83 structural support. Intra day 87.17 support / resistance.

LightBridge Corp $LTBR – still under 200 MA running along support .896. Can’t trade it until over 200 MA for a long and short I’m not interested in for risk / reward.

Jinko Solar $JKS – Earnings in 7 days, 50 MA has made its way down with 20 MA and price, this is a good area to watch for a possible pop.

Not on video, included in editing below:

EDITAS MEDICINE (EDIT) Hit downside channel support #, over 27.96 adds for longs under channel support broken trade. $EDIT #swingtrade


$EDIT, EDITAS, swing, trading, alerts

EDITAS MEDICINE (EDIT) Hit downside channel support #, over 27.96 adds for longs under channel support broken trade. $EDIT #swingtrade

#swingtrading #earnings #tradealerts

Charts and Chart Links re: Member Version.

(Mailing list versions that may be made available from time to time may not include charting or chart links and may or may not be published in a timely rotation).

If you have any questions about this special earnings trading report message me anytime. If you do not know how to take advantage of algorithmic structured trading charts please consider basic trade coaching of at least 3 hours to get on the winning side of your trading – you will find details here.



I get a lot of Questions about How to Trade our models, this vid has 5 min explanation at 1:00 min-6:00 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrXbE7lojAg&t=3s … – Fib Trendlines, Trading structure/quads, Price targets, Main support resistance (buy sell triggers), Time cycles, Moving averages, Trading trims/adds.

Promo Discounts End Aug 14!

Temporary Promo Discounts (for new members only).

Subscribe to Weekly Swing Trading Newsletter service here Reg 119.00. Promo Price 83.30 (30% off). Promo Code “30P”. 

Or Real-Time Swing Trading Alerts Reg 99.00. Promo Price 69.37 (30% off). Promo Code “Deal30”.

I personally guarantee our swing trading service is one of the best in the business and it’s very reasonably priced considering the technical expertise invested in the platform (Lead Trader).

Subscribe to Swing Trading Service:

Swing Trading Bundle (Swing Trading Newsletter and Live Swing Trading Alerts).

Swing Trading Newsletter (Weekly Newsletter Published for Traders).

Real-Time Swing Trading Alerts (Private Member only Twitter Feed).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or In-Person).

Free Mailing List(s):

Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.

Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)

Public Chat:https://twitter.com/swingtrading_ct

Visit our Free Public Chat Room on Discord.

#swingtrading #tradealerts #trading #earnings

Follow Me:

Crude Oil Trading Algorithm Chart Report (EPIC) Tuesday Aug 7, 2018.


Welcome to the oil trading algorithm report. My name is EPIC the Oil Algorithm and I am one of seven primary Algorithmic Chart Models in development at Compound Trading Group (there are near 300 in total in development at various stages for all markets).


New members to our oil algorithm charting model are encouraged to on-board in a way that equips you as an oil trader for profit.

Visit my Twitter feed EPIC Oil Algorithm Twitter (@EPICtheAlgo) and review tweets over the last few months, visit our blog and review the recent oil algorithm blog posts, our You Tube channel “how my oil algorithm works”, “how to use my charting”, weekly EIA oil report videos and our website (it explains how the oil algorithm was developed). Reviewing those important points of reference will increase your probability of success considerably. This report includes links to some recent example “how-to” videos.

Oil Trade Coaching – Users of this algorithmic oil charting model may opt for private one-on-one coaching with our lead trader and / or an experienced trader that has worked under our lead trader. On our website standard one-on-one online coaching packages are made available (coaching via Skype) or you can request a customized package (reflecting the time you wish to invest in learning). To request a custom package suited to your needs email [email protected] or click here for standard private trade coaching packages. Other options for coaching include online webinars and private on location (in person) coaching sessions. 

Oil Trading – How to Use the Oil Algorithm

Oil Trading – How to Trade Intra-day with my Algorithmic Charting

Oil Trading Alerts. Live Lead Trader Video Trading w EPIC Oil Algorithm

A recent article from our blog about how to trade crude oil with our oil trading algorithm, “The Nut Hand” Today’s Huge Oil Trade Win. Exactly How It Was Done. How I Knew & How You Can Too.

MULTI-USERS: Institutional / commercial platform now available.

SOFTWARE: My algorithmic charting is planned to go to developer coding phase for our trader’s dashboard program. Please review my algorithm development process, about my oil algorithm story on our website www.compoundtrading.com and my oil algo charting posts on my Twitter feed and/or this blog.

HOW MY ALGORITHM WORKS: I am an oil algorithm model in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (up to fifty at any given time each weighted on win ratio merit – all not shown on chart at any given time) – such as simple math calculations relating to price and volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots, moving averages, Gann, Schiff and various other charting, geometric and mathematical factors. I do not yet have AI integration – only math as it relates to traditional indicators with the primary goal being probabilities. I am not a high frequency robot type algorithm – I am presented on (and used on) a traditional trading chart as one would normally use as a probability indicator. The goal is to provide our trader’s with an edge when triggering entries and exits on trades with instruments that rely on the price of crude oil.

Below you will find simplified levels represented on a traditional chart (both intra-day and as a swing trader or investor). This work (and associated trade) should be considered one decision at a time, “if this happens then this or this are my targets”… price – trigger – trade and so on. Questions to; [email protected], message our lead trader on Twitter, or message a lead trader in the private Discord oil trade room server.

Visit this link for more information about my oil algorithm development, this link explains how our algorithmic charting is done, this YouTube video explains in summary how my algorithm works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUNyxFoXJp8 this link for more information about our algorithmic stock charting models and what makes them different than most.


Oil Algorithm Observations:

Below is a link for the live chart version of EPIC the Oil Algorithm. The charting is a real-time trading chart represented on FX $USOIL $WTI published Aug 7, 2018.

Click on share button (bottom right beside flag) and when that screen opens click on “make it mine” to view real-time, make edits etc:

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Current trade. Aug 7 430 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, algorithm, trading

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Current trade. Aug 7 430 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Aug 7, 2018

The first most predictable trade are the resistance and support cluster areas formed by long term chart trend lines (see charts that have trend-lines represented in red as made available below).

The second most predictable trade (wide trading range primary resistance and support that become predictable buy and sell triggers). Current algorithmic model wide trading range resistance (grey arrow – grey horizontal line) at approximately 72.54 in the current trading range. Current algorithmic model wide trading range support (grey arrow – grey horizontal line) at approximately 68.93 in the current trading range – these areas are general range support and resistance areas (our algorithm uses a .15 – .20 cent buffer on either side for these trades). Trading between the resistance / support horizontal grey lines is extremely profitable risk – reward if one is disciplined to the patience required and follows the trend of trade.

The lower trading range is 65.32 to 68.92. The upper trading range 72.54 to 76.15.

Trading Bias / Forward Guidance: As with previous report, range bound. Slightly bullish based on MACD pinch and cross up possible on daily, but very slight.

Current (as of Aug 7, 2018) MACD is starting to pinch up on the daily oil chart.

Third most predictable trade (support and resistance of uptrend or down trend channels). On the chart an upward trending trade channel is presented and a downward option (channel support and resistance / trading range is represented as diagonal dotted orange lines and purple arrows – as made available, assist in displaying directional trade decision areas).

Fourth most predictable trade (support and resistance of 30 min quadrants). The diagonal lines make up quadrants (in this instance on a 30 min chart) and are represented as orange diagonal lines that make up geometric diamond shapes. These lines also assist in intra-day trade.

Fifth most predictable trade (support and resistance of most applicable Fibonacci) the Fib support and resistance lines are the horizontal lines in various colors with the exception of purple and yellow (see below). These horizontal lines become support and resistance for intra-day trade.

Sixth most predictable trade (support and resistance of historical support and resistance) Natural / historical support and resistance lines shown in purple or yellow – they represent historical support and resistance. The strongest of the historical support and resistance lines are shown in yellow horizontal and are typically accompanied by a yellow arrow marker.

Seventh most predictable trade signal we use are the time and price targets (red circles). When trade is in a significant uptrend or downtrend the targets become very precise and move up the indicator priority list quick.

Tues, Wed and Fri targets are most predictable in extended multi week uptrends or downtrends. In recent time, trade could be described as range-bound with moderate uptrend.

The Eighth most predictable trade is intra-day. You will notice on some of the charting geometric shapes in green on some of my charting (at times). They are charted live in the trading room and at times the lead trader will highlight these areas intra with white outlines (typically geometric shapes such as diamonds or triangles).

Intra-day Trading Bias

Intra day bias is long based on wide range support.

Wide Trading Range – Buy and Sell Triggers for Swing Trading Crude Oil:

Trade the ranges noted above between the thick grey lines (grey arrows) for the most predictable swing trades between 58.13 to 61.72, 61.72 to 65.32, 65.32 to 68.92, 68.93 to 72.54 and 72.54 to 76.15. This is a highly profitable risk-reward way to trade oil if you can be patient to trigger at only the break of the wide range charting areas and are disciplined to cut a losing trade that does not prove in your anticipated trend.

Or trade the range between the channel diagonal lines at support and resistance in up or down channel (orange dotted diagonals).

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Up trend channel chart. Aug 7 435 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, trading, algorithm, uptrend

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Up trend channel chart. Aug 7 435 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Down trend channel chart. Aug 7 436 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, algorithm, trading, down channel

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Down trend channel chart. Aug 7 436 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Swing Trade Charting.

Monthly Oil Chart:

Oil Monthly Chart. Price above 200 MA at pivot under 200 MA MACD trending up. Aug 7 523 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

Monthly, oil, chart, pivot

Oil Monthly Chart. Price above 200 MA at pivot under 200 MA MACD trending up. Aug 7 523 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade still working range between 100 MA and 200 MA. July 30 334 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


oil, monthly, chart

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade still working the range between 100 MA and 200 MA on monthly. July 23 1219 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Weekly Oil Chart:

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil Continues bullish structure on weekly chart. Aug 7 536 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, algorithm, weekly, trading, chart

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil Continues bullish structure on weekly chart. Aug 7 536 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil still in bullish structure on the weekly chart. July 30 346 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, Algorithm, Weekly, chart


Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil still in bullish structure on the weekly chart. July 23 1224 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, Weekly, Algorithm, chart

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil stil in bullish structure on the weekly chart. July 23 1224 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

May 21 – A feature post was published this week to review time cycles, retrace possibilities on the other side of time cycles on the weekly charts. Below is the post link:

Feature Post: 12 of Last 13 Oil Chart Time-Cycles Have Trend Reversal. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UCO $UWT $DWT #OIL #OOTT

Daily Oil Chart:

Oil Monthly Chart. Oil has a bounce at 50 MA with MACD pinch possible cross up . Aug 7 551 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart


oil, chart, daily, MACD, 50 MA

Oil Monthly Chart. Oil has a bounce at 50 MA with MACD pinch possible cross up . Aug 7 551 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #chart

MACD trend down on daily oil chart with price above 100 MA under 20 and 50. #OIL $USOIL $WTI


MACD, oil, daily chart

MACD trend down on daily oil chart with price above 100 MA under 20 and 50. #OIL $USOIL $WTI

Diagonal Trend Lines:

Diagonal trend-lines are critical inflection points (currently represented in red below on our conventional charting).

Please review many of my recent posts so you can learn about how important these diagonal trend-lines are. If one is breached you can look to pull-back to next diagonal trend line about 90% of the time. Also pay attention to how thick the lines are – the thicker the line the more important because they represent extensions from previous time / price cycles.

Remember you can come in to the chat room to message the trader and REMEMBER I have posted a live chart link in this post so if you can’t see the lines well on this chart above you can go to the live chart link and watch for member live algo chart links through-out the day in your email inbox!

The diagonal trend-lines are marked on chart below:

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. Aug 7 605 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, trend line, chart

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. Aug 7 605 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

July 30 – No significant change to chart below.

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. July 2 212 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, weekly, chart, trendlines

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. July 2 212 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Previous posts for perspective;

Oil has now cleared every trendline resistance provided on conventional charting I’ve posted last year. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OOTT #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT 233 PM Jan 1

Oil, trendline, resistance, chart

Oil has now cleared every trendline resistance provided on conventional charting I’ve posted last year. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OOTT #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT 233 PM Jan 1

$USOIL, $WTI, Chart, Trendlines

Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 201 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Notice when the daily chart is opened, the simple lines extend to current day trade.

Daily chart view. Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 213 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Daily, $USOIL $WTI, Chart, Trendlines

Daily chart view. Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 213 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Fibonacci Levels:

Watch the lines for support and resistance. Careful using them as traditional retracement levels with crude because the algo lines etc are more dominant / predictable. But the Fib lines are excellent indicators for intra-day trade support and resistance.

The Fibonacci lines are marked on main chart above.

Horizontal Trend-Lines (purple):

Horizontal trend-lines are not as important as the other indicators reviewed above, however, they do serve as important resistance and support intra-day for tight trading and they are important if thick (in other words they come from previous time / price cycles). WE STARTED TO REPRESENT THE REALLY IMPORTANT LINES IN YELLOW FYI FOR EASE. Refer to chart for current applicable horizontal trend-lines.

Horizontal trend-lines are marked on charts above.

Oil Time / Price Cycles:

Watch your email and / or my Twitter feed for time price cycles they may start to terminate.

Time / price cycles are the single most important indicator and my record calling them is near 100% – since inception seven months ago. The reason they are so important is that a trader does not want to be holding a crude oil instrument at termination of a time cycle if not absolutely sure if price will go up or down. A trade may choose to enter a large position in advance of a time price cycle termination IF THERE IS A HIGH PROBABILITY OF A DIRECTION IN PRICE and if the market is trading at a really important pivot area. In other words, if the market is trading at the bottom of the upward trending channel at a support (yellow lines) and we knew there was a significant probability of a time cycle about to terminate a trader may enter with a long position. The price really spikes or drops significantly when these important time cycles terminate.

The problem with time / price cycle terminations is they change from minute to minute (depending on where price is on the chart) so you have to be in the trade room to get the alert. Our lead traders will do everything they can in future to send these on SMS but we have to be careful because it can be difficult with so much going on in the room. The reason they (time cycles) change is because they are actually represented by or are geometric shapes in the chart – I know it sounds odd but I have (as I mentioned) hit these calls just shy of 100%. The oil political people know the same algorithmic modeling principles and they ALWAYS TIME THEIR BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS AROUND THE TIME PRICE CYCLE TERMINATIONS.

So if you can picture a triangle on the chart – and price is trading in the triangle – and price is going to come to the edge of the triangle and there is a significant support or resistance or an algo line terminating there too or a target (those type of indications)… then we know there is a high probability of a time and price change. In other words, it is where there are clusters of algorithm points that cross and when price is going to cross over that cluster is where they are. And these are represented on all the different time frames – the larger the time frame – the larger the time price cycle termination – the larger the spike or downdraft. This is where we establish our intra-day quadrants from for sniping trades (which we will put in to the room soon because it looks like the geo political rhetoric is over for a while making them more predictable). Difficult to explain in short. So we will do our best to SMS alert these in future.

Also, the real large or important time / price cycle terminations we know far in advance and they can be put in these newsletters.

If you review my Epic the Oil Algo Twitter feed, my blog posts and my story on our website you will get a feel for how accurate these calls are.

Alpha Algo Trading Trend-Lines (Primary – Red dotted lines. Secondary – White dotted lines):

To determine which algo line is most alpha (or probable) intra day, it is the nearest line to price action. This can also help you determine the trend of trade. If the algo line is trending up the price will follow it up until price is tested at an algorithm indicator (the main tests are diagonal trendlines, horizontal trendlines, time / price cycles etc – as I have shared with you). This is why it is important to watch all the lines because they are all support and resistance. To keep it simple trade the range (yellow lines) as I’ve mentioned but keep an eye on these indicators.

Current Alpha Algo Targets (Red circles):

Your closest target that crude is trending toward is always the most probable.Then, your second most probable is the one that is up or down trend depending on whether general price is in an upward or downtrend for the most recent week or so and what your other indicators look like (such as the MA’s I explained above).

The other way to determine which targets are in play is actually quite simple, you will notice that crude trades between the channel lines up and down and up and down and there are various support and resistance along the way. If it hits a target at the top of the channel you can bet most times (unless the next day like today) that the next target hit will be at the bottom of the channel.

Wait for the price to trend toward a target and take your position and watch as price gets closer and closer to the target. Remember, that the machines trade from decision to decision – or in other words from support to next resistance or resistance to next support or when the times come each week on Tuesday Wednesday and Friday they will trend toward the target that market price action determines they go to.

Our lead trader will explain more in the room and do not hesitate to ask our lead trader in the room by private message or on twitter to explain intra day decisions.

Recent Live Crude Oil Trade Alerts (samples):

Click on feature post for recent crude oil trading alerts blog post; Oil Trading Alerts Live Video w EPIC Oil Algorithm #EIA Report #Oil #Trading #Algorithm #Alerts $USOIL $WTI $CL_F

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed. Win rate high 90% – ask for a tour. Time stamped, recorded, live alerts. 

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed. 

oil, trading, alert

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OilTradeAlerts $UWT $DWT

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed (Part 2). 

Crude, oil, trade alert, PT2

Oil trade alert to start the week 68.61 long, 68.85 closed (Part 2). EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OilTradeAlerts $UWT $DWT

Machine trading 🙂 

A scalp to start the day. Multi-month winning streak continues. Ask for a tour of the feed if you need proof. 

100% personal alerted oil trade win rate documented, recorded, alerted real time to feed continues for months (we did have one loss alert by a tech a few weeks back). 

Live oil trade alert. Long 69.06 US OIL WTI 1 5th sizing EPIC Oil Algorithm.

oil, trade, alerts, WTI

Live oil trade alert. Long 69.06 US OIL WTI 1 5th sizing EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

Live oil trade alert. Trim 50 percent 69.30. EPIC Oil Algorithm.

oil, trading, alerts, crude

Live oil trade alert. Trim 50 percent 69.30. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Live oil trade alert. Long 68.93 add 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm. 

oil, trading, alert, long

Live oil trade alert. Long 68.93 add 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Live oil trade alert. Trim other 50 percent 69.26 50 percent.

Live, oil, trade, alert, trim

Live oil trade alert. Trim other 50 percent 69.26 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Overnight oil trade: short 72.79 add 72.71 cover 72.27s-72.35s. Not cleanest trade but HUGE win. 100% win rate continues (for months). Guidance detail in oil trading room (to expect heat). Live alerts, time stamped, recorded.

Overnight oil trade short 72.79 add 72.71 cover 72.27s to 72.35s. Not cleanest trade but HUGE win. 100% win rate continues 

Oil, trade, alert, short

Overnight oil trade short 72.79 add 72.71 cover 72.27s to 72.35s. Not cleanest trade but HUGE win. 100% win rate continues $USOIL $WTI $USO #OIL #Trading #Alerts

Member guidance in oil chat room this morning “i’ll be selling spikes in to resistance until it doesn’t work – the larger more obvious i’ll alert against downtrend upper channel orange dotted etc” 

Member guidance this morning i’ll be selling spikes in to resistance until it doesn’t work 

Oil, chat, trading, room, guidance

Member guidance this morning i’ll be selling spikes in to resistance until it doesn’t work $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT EPIC Oil Algorithm #oil #trading #alerts

Scalp day. 100 percent win rate for months continues. Time stamped, live alerted, recorded. 

100 percent win rate for months continues. Time stamped, live alerted, recorded. 

oil, trade, alerts, winning, rate, ,best

100 percent win rate for months continues. Time stamped, live alerted, recorded. $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT EPIC Oil Algorithm #oil #trading #alerts

Oil trading chat room member guidance and intra day daytrading charting example ‘70.02 would be the swing retrace. So the thesis is sound but you may have pain before potential drop”.

oil, trading, chat, room, guidance

70.02 would be the swing retrace. So the thesis is sound but you may have pain before potential drop.

Oil trading chat room member guidance and intra day daytrading charting example “Target is in 70.70 area so I will likely give this lots of room swing if I have to. We’ll see”.

oil, trade, alert, price, targets

Target is in 70.70 area so I will likely give this lots of room swing if I have to. We’ll see. FX $USOIL $WTI #OilTrading

Oil trading chat room member guidance and intra day daytrading charting example “Machines defending the retrace intra day”.

oil, machine, trading, WTI

Machines defending the retrace intra day FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL #Algorithm

Trims / close longs 71.39 to 71.71 oil trade alert. 

Long 71.21 oil trade alert with the one add. 

Today’s #EIA oil trade with Oil Algorithm (EPIC) Live alert entries (green) exits (red).

Screen shot member oil chat room first oil trade alert of day – Long 71.21 hoping we squeeze in to EIA

EIA, oil, trading, chat, room

Screen shot member oil chat room first oil trade alert of day – Long 71.21 hoping we squeeze in to EIA

One minute algorithmic on the fly chart trade came off after initial long side oil trade alert- see green arrow. 

oil, trade, alert, chart, trades

One minute algorithmic on the fly chart trade came off after initial long side oil trade alert- see green arrow. #oiltradealert #oil

Screen shot of alert to trim half at 71.39 place stop 71.26 on remaining half and resistance guidance. 

oil, trade, alert, trim, position

Screen shot of alert to trim half at 71.39 place stop 71.26 on remaining half and resistance guidance. #oil #trading #chat

Oil chat room screen shot of next trade alert to trim long at 71.52 25 percent and hold 25 percent.

oil, trading, alert, chat, room

Oil chat room screen shot of next trade alert to trim long at 71.52 25 percent and hold 25 percent.

Final crude oil trade alert to close final 12.5 percent at 71.74 and hold 0 percent at chart resistance.

oil, crude, oil, trading, alert

Final crude oil trade alert to close final 12.5 percent at 71.74 and hold 0 percent at chart resistance.

And then the post EIA 1030 Wed trade alert with trading plan price targets were posted – usually wait 2nd 5 min candle

oil, trade, alerts, EIA, report

And then the post EIA 1030 Wed trade alert with trading plan price targets were posted – usually wait 2nd 5 min candle

And then this happened, oil shot up right through the price targets from the alert.

oi, trade, alert, price, targets, reached

And then this happened, oil shot up right through the price targets from the alert.

Winning streak continues. 100% live oil trade alert win rate for many weeks now. Time stamped real time. 

EPIC Oil Algorithm trade alert wins continue for many weeks now. Time stamped real time. 

oil, trade, alerts, winning, streak

EPIC Oil Algorithm trade alert wins continue for many weeks now. Time stamped real time. FX $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO #OIL #OOTT #Oiltradealerts #algorithm

Boom “3rd target hit. Trade thesis complete for #EIA. Next levels to follow. 

First 3 targets intra if long side trade alert holds. Trim in add above or on pull back and turns up.

oil, trading, plan, chart, price, targets

First 3 targets intra if long side trade alert holds. Trim in add above or on pull back and turns up. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1046 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Trade is using our 50% retrace on daytrade coding level intra as pivot.

oil, trade, alert, member, guidance, charting

Trade is using our 50% retrace on daytrade coding level intra as pivot Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1058 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Close up of intra day trading battle.

oil, trading, plan, chart, alert

Close up of intra day trading battle #daytrading Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1105 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

1st of 3 targets hit. Curt didn’t get it but coding team did.

oil, algorithm, trading, alert

1st of 3 targets hit. Curt didn’t get it but coding team did. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1121 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Up over 1st target longs want to trim in to 2nd target level.

live, oil, trade, in progress

Up over 1st target longs want to trim in to 2nd target level. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1141 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

3rd target hit. Trade thesis complete for #EIA. Next levels to follow.

oil, trade, alerts, targets, complete

3rd target hit. Trade thesis complete for #EIA. Next levels to follow. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1148 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Daytrading support and resistance fractals (white arrows key).

daytrade, oil, alert, guidance, chart

Daytrading support and resistance fractals (white arrows key) Oil Algorithm (EPIC). June 20 1209 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Recent Oil Algorithm Price Target Hits:

Wed 1030 EIA report lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTThttps://twitter.com/EPICtheAlgo/status/1024665109338222592

Wed 1030 EIA report lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report.

Oil, algorithm, price, target, hit, EIA

Wed 1030 EIA report lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Tues 430 lower price target a perfect hit, as published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Tues 430 lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, algorithm, price, target, hit

Tues 430 lower price target a perfect hit published on weekend report. Oil Algorithm (EPIC). FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Intra-Day Algo Trading Quadrants (white dotted lines):

Trading quadrants are simply support and resistance lines that can assist your intra-day trading – they are not alpha or primary support and resistance by any measure. Price action does however typically move more assertively when leaving a trading quadrant.

Indicator Methods:

As explained above, my algorithm is a consideration of up to fifty traditional indicators at any one time – each one given its own weight in accordance to its accuracy (win rate). This is how we establish the probability of specific targets hitting (we call them alpha algo targets).

Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing, Quadrants for Intra Snipes

Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. In the absence of market direction the machines take price to the next algo line and/or target. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and how they move price from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading crude oil and associated instruments.

You will notice that price action of crude will use these algo trend-lines and act as support and resistance, and that price also often violently moves when an alpha algo line is breached either upward or downward.

We cover this in much more detail in the member updates, trading room. A review of my Twitter feed and previous blog posts will help you understand the relation of these indicators. We will start posting video blogs (for my subscribers) on YouTube (in addition to my daily blog posts) for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.

Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).


See you in the live trade room! And again, if you struggle to know how to use these indicators as a trader’s edge, it is recommended (if you have earnestly reviewed all of our documentation first) that you obtain private coaching prior to trading a real account with real money – we recommend you use a paper trading account at first.

You can also send specific questions to our email inbox at [email protected] – if you do this be sure to ask a specific question so it can be answered specifically. When the 24 hour oil trading room opens you will have ample opportunity in that 24 hour room to ask questions also.

Watch my EPIC the Oil Algo Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Oil Algo

Subscribe to my Service here:

Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (member charting sent out weekly).

Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed).

Oil Trading Room Bundle (includes weekly newsletter charting and real-time trading alerts on Twitter).

Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).

Temporary Discount Offers (New members only):

30% Off Oil Newsletter: Use Promo Coupon Code “epic30” When Subscribing to our Weekly Oil Newsletter Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/standalone-epic-newsletter/ (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

30% Off Oil Alerts: Use Promo Coupon Code “oilalerts30” for Real-Time Oil Trade Alerts via Private Twitter Feed @OilAlerts_CT Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/live-oil-trading-alerts/?attribute_plan=One+Month (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

Click here to find all information and pricing on Oil Newsletter, Trading Chat Room, Oil Alerts and more.


Register to free email list for trade set-ups, webinars, special events: https://compoundtrading.com/contact/

Website: https://compoundtrading.com

Blog: https://compoundtrading.com/blog/

Free chat room: https://discord.gg/2HRTk6n

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Lead Trader: https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly

Tradingview: https://www.tradingview.com/u/curtmel…

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Email: https://[email protected]

Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States


Article topics: EPIC, Oil, Algorithm, Trading, Alerts, Crude, $USOIL, $WTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT, Chart

Swing Trading Report. In this detailed Special Earnings Season (Member Edition) Aug 3, 2018: $TSLA, $FB, $HIIQ, $GTHX, $PSTG, $FIT, $ATHM, $FEYE, $RCL, $SPY, OIL and more.

What’s New!

Mid Day Trade Set-Ups Webinar Video:

IMPORTANT: This video gets in to detailed trading levels to watch in your swing trades and also had a number of how to use our charting explanations. Very important to review the video and not just the summary below.

Mid Day Member Webinar – Swing Trading Set-ups Summary (from Aug 2 mid day, published August 3, 2018):


Swing Trading Special Earnings Season Report to cover trading the chart set-ups. Mid day review session from August 2, 2018 that will become the premise for our next major entries for Q3 and Q4 positioning in the stock market.

We are reviewing all one hundred equities we have in coverage on our swing trading platform – all over the next ten days or so for earnings trading season.

Trade alerts are reviewed in this video that triggered today.

Be sure to actually watch this video as the summary below is only for reference and doesn’t give a whole picture for any of the trade set-ups listed.

Notices are reviewed in the first 5 mins of video FYI.

All quoted support and resistance are approximate.

Swing trades reviewed on this video: $TSLA, $FB, $HIIQ, OIL, $GTHX, $PSTG, $SPY, $FIT, $ATHM, $FEYE …

TESLA $TSLA – A review of the Tesla chart structure on video. Elon Musk fired up bulls on earnings conference call.

384.00 resistance and 435.38. Sell-off support 280.00 and 176.23 (main structural supports). But now at important resistance test area.

Nov 20 price target, upside trajectory 383.40. Trading range structure for trading TESLA with trims and adds is drawn by lead trader highlighted on video.

Significant resistance is shown on video at various points (Fibonacci quad walls – trendlines etc).

Recent Special TESLA Report is here: How to Trade the Tesla Move | Price Targets | Buy Sell Triggers | Time Cycles. https://compoundtrading.com/how-to-trade-the-tesla-move-price-targets-buy-sell-triggers-time-cycles-tsla-swingtrading-daytrading/

TESLA (TSLA) Closed 349.54 in regular trading Aug 2 in bullish formation here now. $TSLA #swingtrading

Live chart link for Tesla (shows all buy sell triggers and various other levels to watch for trade):


$TSLA, swingtrading, chart, earnings

TESLA (TSLA) Closed 349,54 in regular trading Aug 2 in bullish formation here now. $TSLA #swingtrading

An example of our trading alerts feed on Twitter:

TESLA (TSLA) trading 351.55 on quad TL diagonal support, near key range resistance 383.42 today, over 354.91 targets 383.42 Nov 14 $TSLA #tradealerts

TESLA, trade, alerts, $TSLA

TESLA (TSLA) trading 351.55 on quad TL diagonal support, near key range resistance 383.42 today, over 354.91 targets 383.42 Nov 14 $TSLA #tradealerts

TESLA (TSLA) Tesla shares surge as investors embrace cash comments, Musk apology $TSLA #swingtrading https://finance.yahoo.com/news/tesla-shares-jump-cash-burn-144334101.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw

Health Insurance Innovations $HIIQ – Trading 42.75 price target 44.50 trade alert to trim went out today, next target 49.10 then 54.80 (divergent above channel), 40.20 support. Careful with trajectory noted on video.

Predictable charting trade structure. Channel is outlined. Symmetry shown in price targets hit. Trade alert entry long discussed. Trade trajectory is also discussed.

Health Innovations (HIIQ) Trade has hit our bullish price target early, trim longs here $HIIQ chart. #swingtrade #earnings

Live chart link for $HIIQ trade:https://www.tradingview.com/chart/HIIQ/zHy7T51l-Health-Innovations-HIIQ-Trade-has-hit-our-bullish-price-target/

$HIIQ, swingtrade, chart

Health Innovations (HIIQ) Trade has hit our bullish price target early, trim longs here $HIIQ chart. #swingtrade #earnings

Health Innovations (HIIQ) Health Insurers Fly As Trump Takes New Ax To ObamaCare $HIIQ #swingtrading https://www.investors.com/news/health-insurers-stocks-earnings-trump-rule-health-plans/

FITBIT $FIT – Buy sell triggers on our swing trading charts reviewed here. Recent special FITBIT swing trading report reviewed here on video.

FITBIT INC CLASS A (NYSE: FIT). How to Trade FitBit for 40% Gain (Member Exclusive) $FIT https://compoundtrading.com/fitbit-inc-class-a-nyse-fit-how-to-trade-fitbit-for-40-gain-member-exclusive-fit-swingtrading-daytrading-chart/

50 MA used as resistance on last sell off. Trading 5.48 down 7.5% today on other side of earnings. Likely over sold soon. Next time cycle completes Aug 14, 2018. Upside 5.60 6.67 7.72 are upside targets. Get ready for a turn. On watch here.

FITBIT (FIT) On close watch for an oversold bounce and trend reversal post earnings. $FIT

Live chart link with buy sell price targets and trade triggers for FITBIT https://www.tradingview.com/chart/FIT/Ni1fxuz4-FITBIT-FIT-On-close-watch-for-an-oversold-bounce-and-trend-rev/

FITBIT, $FIT, swingtrading, chart, on watch

FITBIT (FIT) On close watch for an oversold bounce and trend reversal post earnings. $FIT #swingtrading

FITBIT (FIT) The Versa Is Driving Fitbit’s Turnaround $FIT #swingtrading https://finance.yahoo.com/news/versa-driving-fitbit-apos-turnaround-213400971.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw

FIREEYE Inc. $FEYE – trading 15.09 on other side of earnings, downside 13.14 Sept 17 target, upside 16.24 19.29 Sept 17. Likely oversold soon also. Probability is for a turn. On watch closely for a trade. Main resistance 16.26.

Time cycles, machine trading liquidity, rule-set coding machine trading strategies and financial instrument chart trading structures on our algorithmic charting is discussed in detail here on the video. This explains how our win rate is so high.

FIREEYE (FEYE) Fireeye likely oversold soon also. Probability is for a turn. On watch closely for a trade. #swingtrade $FEYE


$FEYE, Fireeye, swingtrading, chart

FIREEYE (FEYE) Fireeye likely oversold soon also. Probability is for a turn. On watch closely for a trade. #swingtrade $FEYE

FIREYE (FEYE) FireEye Beats on New Customer Additions, Subscription Growth $FEYE #swingtrading https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fireeye-beats-customer-additions-subscription-000200148.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw

AutoHome $ATHM – Weekly chart, price target hit, mid quad support, earnings in 6 days, on high watch, 127.75 Apr 1 2019, large chart structure, Upside move target scenarios 110.87 , 128.70, 146.00.

AUTOHOME (ATHM) Weekly chart, price target hit, mid quad support, earnings in 6 days, on high watch $ATHM #swingtrading


$ATHM, AutoHome, swingtrading, earnings

AUTOHOME (ATHM) Weekly chart, price target hit, mid quad support, earnings in 6 days, on high watch $ATHM #swingtrading

Also discussed on the video is how to visualize the algorithmic charting horizontal instead of vertical and algorithmic charting channels.

Autohome (ATHM) Autohome Inc. to Announce Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results on August 8, 2018 $ATHM #swingtrading #earnings https://finance.yahoo.com/news/autohome-inc-announce-second-quarter-110000348.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw

Facebook $FB – FaceBook has been an awesome trading instrument for our trading team and members this year.

How to check Wall Street calls is discussed.

While Facebook was in sell-off panic I was posting live on my Twitter feed where price would stop and rebuild in the chart structure.

Earlier in the year our Facebook trade in that sell-ff washout trade was one of our largest wins this year.

Review these recent special reports on swing trading Facebook (it will put the current trade set up in to perspective):

Protected: Trading Facebook (FB) Earnings Part 2 – Opportunity Knocks (Member Edition) $FB #trading #earnings

Protected: Trading Facebook (FB) Earnings Wash-out on Revenue Growth Warning (Member Edition) $FB #trading

$FB Facebook Long Set-Up Testing Buy Sell Trigger #swingtrading (Public Edition)

Buy sell triggers are discussed. Chart shows our structure that we have known for months.

Now trade in Facebook is following the trajectory in the charting send to members.

181.68 167.53 174.76 are buy sell triggers. 181.50 Sept 8 target and more above.

Review other recent reports for the larger view of chart structure in Facebook.

160.60 and 153.58 in a sell-off. The previous time we traded this in the year it did go one more floor down before it took off bullish.

FACEBOOK (FB) trade following trajectory in chart sent to members 181.68 167.53 174.76 buy sell triggers. $FB #swingtrade #chart


Facebook, swing, trade, chart

FACEBOOK (FB) trade following trajectory in chart sent to members 181.68 167.53 174.76 buy sell triggers. $FB #swingtrade #chart

Example of what our trade alerts look like on our trading alert Twitter feed:

Facebook, trade, alerts, $FB

FACEBOOK (FB) Trim longs in to 174.50 main resistance add above trading 174.01 intra 167.50 support 181.50 next resistance. $FB #tradealerts

FACEBOOK (FB) Facebook’s Faceplant a Buying Opportunity $FB #swingtrading https://www.barrons.com/articles/facebooks-faceplant-a-buying-opportunity-1533240359

G1 Therapeutics $GTHX – Earnings in 6 days, wonderful swing trade in progress here, 58.14 upside price target (most bullish), this trades with large intra-day swings, also a good daytrading instrument, 58.21 resistance. Trims today at quad wall resistance.

A review of our trade alerts feed on Twitter is at this point in the video.

G1 THERAPEUTICS (GTHX) Trims today at quad wall resistance worked well. 


$GTHX, swingtrade, chart

G1 THERAPEUTICS (GTHX) Trims today at quad wall resistance worked well. $GTHX #swingtrade

Pure Storage $PSTG – trade alert triggered while doing video, closed just above key support last Friday – important time of week for a stock to trade just above key support level. Trading 22.53 earnings in 24 days, trading right at decision, price target Oct 1 25.78 29.20 (bullish). Downside 19.19 15.90 in event of sell-off.


$PSTG, swing, trade, chart

PURE STORAGE (PSTG) closed just above key support last Friday – important time of week for a stock to trade just above key support level $PSTG #swingtrading

A recent special report we published on trading Pure Storage:

How to Trade Pure Storage (PSTG) Earnings in Six Days (Member Edition) $PSTG

Royal Caribbean $RCL – up over its mid quad resistance, 200 MA is right above and up against a quad wall, not a buy until over 188.70 because it has a number of decisions.

Price increases going in to the fall are discussed.

$SPY SP500 – Trading 281.74, followed quad wall down, 200 MA under price where price bounced, 283.68 resistance, price target 299 Aug 2 (not happening), Aug 13 time cycle price targets 283.82 and bullish 294.20 support for a sell-off 278.56, 273.67 in sell off 267.88 and 262.00.

SP500 (SPY) Chart – Closed at intra resistance with mid quad resistance next. $SPY

$SPY, SP500, Swing Trading, Chart

SP500 (SPY) Chart – Closed at intra resistance with mid quad resistance next. $SPY $ES_F $SPXL $SPXS #SPY #SwingTrading #Chart

OIL FX $USOIL $WTI – Price hit the Tues 4:30 target and Wed 10:30 AM EIA price target on the EPIC Algorithm model. Got a a serious bull side move off bottom channel support earlier today (the team was traveling so we missed it). Various levels discussed on video.

Charts and Chart Links for Member Version Only

(Mailing list versions that may be made available from time to time may not include charting or chart links and may or may not be published in a timely rotation).

If you have any questions about this special earnings trading report message me anytime. If you do not know how to take advantage of algorithmic structured trading charts please consider basic trade coaching of at least 3 hours to get on the winning side of your trading – you will find details here.

If you have any questions about this special earnings trading report message me anytime.



I get a lot of Questions about How to Trade our models, this vid has 5 min explanation at 1:00 min-6:00 min. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrXbE7lojAg&t=3s … – Fib Trendlines, Trading structure/quads, Price targets, Main support resistance (buy sell triggers), Time cycles, Moving averages, Trading trims/adds.

Promo Discounts End Aug 14!

Temporary Promo Discounts (for new members only).

Subscribe to Weekly Swing Trading Newsletter service here Reg 119.00. Promo Price 83.30 (30% off). Promo Code “30P”. 

Or Real-Time Swing Trading Alerts Reg 99.00. Promo Price 69.37 (30% off). Promo Code “Deal30”.

I personally guarantee our swing trading service is one of the best in the business and it’s very reasonably priced considering the technical expertise invested in the platform (Lead Trader).

Subscribe to Swing Trading Service:

Swing Trading Bundle (Swing Trading Newsletter and Live Swing Trading Alerts).

Swing Trading Newsletter (Weekly Newsletter Published for Traders).

Real-Time Swing Trading Alerts (Private Member only Twitter Feed).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or In-Person).

Free Mailing List(s):

Join Email List for Free Trade Charting Trade Set-ups, Deals, Podcasts and Public Webinars.

Free Swing Trading Periodical Contact Form (Complimentary Swing Trade Set-Ups to Email)

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Trading Crude Oil Live Alerts with EPIC Oil Algorithm #EIA Report #Oil #Trading #Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #CL

Want to learn how to trade crude oil or need to learn how to trade with our crude oil algorithmic charting? This video shows our lead trader in a trade alerting our members live during the weekly EIA report.

Feature Post:

10:28 AM July 25, 2018: Oil trading room live trading coverage with lead trader.

Trade almost right in between the upper and lower channel price targets 68.84. First five minutes after #EIA weekly oil report I tend to not trade – I usually watch.

Long side oil trade alert triggered 69.06 at 7:00 on video FX $USOIL $WTI. Price had breached the upside main resistance on EPIC Oil Trading Algorithm charting so I took the long trade (which also put trade in th upper channel). Price spiked significantly right after the entry.

In addition to the algorithm charting I am using a 1 minute standard oil chart.

Trimmed the long oil trade position at 69.32 at 8:49 on video as price was nearing a hidden pivot resistance on the algorithm model. Oil chart pivot / resistance shown at 10:16 on video (first quarter of quadrant). I highlighted the pivot with the orange horizontal line on the algorithm.

Video shows the various indicators I am watching (algorithmic oil trading and conventional charting) when trading oil. Some decent lessons for those that are wanting to learn how to trade oil.

View the video here:

Screen Images of EPIC Trade Alert Feed on Twitter

Live oil trade alert. Long 69.06 US OIL WTI 1 5th sizing EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

EPIC, oil, trading, alerts

Live oil trade alert. Long 69.06 US OIL WTI 1 5th sizing EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

Live oil trade alert. Trim 50 percent 69.30. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

live, oil, alerts, trade

Live oil trade alert. Trim 50 percent 69.30. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Live oil trade alert. Long 68.93 add 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

crude, oil, trading, alerts

Live oil trade alert. Long 68.93 add 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Live oil trade alert. Trim other 50 percent 69.26 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Oil, trading, alert, algorithm

Live oil trade alert. Trim other 50 percent 69.26 50 percent. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO #trading #alerts

Chart link to Algorithmic Crude Oil Charting used on video here:


Below is a Screen Shot (magnified) of EPIC Oil Algorithm.

EPIC, Oil, Algorithm, Chart, Trading

Perfect touch to quad wall on intra sell-off in oil, bounce. EPIC the Oil Algorithm #OIL #Trading $USOIL $WTI #CL #OOTT

An article from CNBC about crude oil algorithmic trading:

Oil trading ‘god’ Andy Hall says he’s met his match in robots https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/14/oil-trading-god-andy-hall-says-hes-met-his-match-robots.html

The rise of machine-based algorithmic trading is injecting so much volatility into oil markets, it’s now difficult to produce returns by doing the type of fundamental analysis for which Hall is known, he told investors in a letter obtained by Bloomberg News. Hall confirmed in the letter he was shuttering his main hedge fund at Astenbeck after it reportedly tanked nearly 30 percent, Bloomberg reported.

“Algorithmic trading systems have increasingly come to dominate,” Hall wrote. “Investing in oil under current market conditions using an approach based primarily on fundamentals has therefore become increasingly challenging. It seems quite likely this will continue to be the case for some time to come.”

Watch my EPIC the Oil Algo Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Oil Algo

Subscribe to my Service here:

Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (member charting sent out weekly).

Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed).

Oil Trading Room Bundle (includes weekly newsletter charting and real-time trading alerts on Twitter).

Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).

Temporary Discount Offers (New members only – ending soon):

30% Off Oil Newsletter: Use Promo Coupon Code “epic30” When Subscribing to our Weekly Oil Newsletter Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/standalone-epic-newsletter/ (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

30% Off Oil Alerts: Use Promo Coupon Code “oilalerts30” for Real-Time Oil Trade Alerts via Private Twitter Feed @OilAlerts_CT Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/live-oil-trading-alerts/?attribute_plan=One+Month (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

Click here to find all information and pricing on Oil Newsletter, Trading Chat Room, Oil Alerts and more.


Register to free email list for trade set-ups, webinars, special events: https://compoundtrading.com/contact/

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Lead Trader: https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly

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Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States


Article topics: EPIC, Oil, Algorithm, Trading, Alerts, Crude, $USOIL, $WTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT, Chart, Video

Crude Oil Algorithm Trading Report (EPIC) Sunday July 15, 2018.


Welcome to the crude oil trading report. My name is EPIC the Oil Algorithm and I am one of seven primary Algorithmic Chart Models in development at Compound Trading Group (there are over one hundred in development at various stages for all markets).

In this report I review recent crude oil trade, oil algorithm models, oil trading room and associated crude oil trading alerts from recent activity on our platform.


New members to our crude oil algorithm charting model are encouraged to on-board in a way that will best equip you as an oil trader for profit.

Visit my Twitter feed EPIC Oil Algorithm Twitter (@EPICtheAlgo) and review tweets over the last few months, visit our blog and review the recent oil algorithm blog posts, our You Tube channel “how my oil algorithm works”, “how to use my charting”, weekly EIA oil report videos and our website (it explains how the oil algorithm was developed). Reviewing those important points of reference will increase your probability of success considerably. This report includes links to some recent example “how-to” videos.

Oil Trade Coaching – Users of this algorithmic oil charting model may opt for private one-on-one coaching with our lead trader and / or an experienced trader that has worked under our lead trader. On our website standard one-on-one online coaching packages are made available (coaching via Skype) or you can request a customized package (reflecting the time you wish to invest in learning). To request a custom package suited to your needs email [email protected] or click here for standard private trade coaching packages. Other options for coaching include online webinars and private on location (in person) coaching sessions. 

Oil Trading – How to Use the Oil Algorithm

Oil Trading – How to Trade Intra-day with my Algorithmic Charting

MULTI-USERS: Institutional / commercial platform now available.

SOFTWARE: My algorithmic charting is planned to go to developer coding phase for our trader’s dashboard program. Please review my algorithm development process, about my oil algorithm story on our website www.compoundtrading.com and my oil algo charting posts on my Twitter feed and/or this blog.

HOW MY ALGORITHM WORKS: I am an oil algorithm model in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (up to fifty at any given time each weighted on win ratio merit – all not shown on chart at any given time) – such as simple math calculations relating to price and volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots, moving averages, Gann, Schiff and various other charting, geometric and mathematical factors. I do not yet have AI integration – only math as it relates to traditional indicators with the primary goal being probabilities. I am not a high frequency robot type algorithm – I am presented on (and used on) a traditional trading chart as one would normally use as a probability indicator. The goal is to provide our trader’s with an edge when triggering entries and exits on trades with instruments that rely on the price of crude oil.

Below you will find simplified levels represented on a traditional chart (both intra-day and as a swing trader or investor). This work (and associated trade) should be considered one decision at a time, “if this happens then this or this are my targets”… price – trigger – trade and so on. Questions to; [email protected], message our lead trader on Twitter, or message a lead trader in the private Discord oil trade room server.

Visit this link for more information about my oil algorithm development, this link explains how our algorithmic charting is done, this YouTube video explains in summary how my algorithm works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUNyxFoXJp8 this link for more information about our algorithmic stock charting models and what makes them different than most.


Oil Algorithm Observations:

Below is a link for the live chart version of EPIC the Oil Algorithm. The charting is a real-time trading chart represented on FX $USOIL $WTI published July 15, 2018.

Click on share button (bottom right beside flag) and when that screen opens click on “make it mine” to view real-time, make edits etc:

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Current trade. July 15 653 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


OIL, Algorithm, Current, Trade

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Current trade. July 15 653 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

July 15, 2018

The first most predictable trade are the resistance and support cluster areas formed by long term chart trend lines (see charts that have trend-lines represented in red as made available below).

The second most predictable trade (wide trading range primary resistance and support that become predictable buy and sell triggers). Current algorithmic model wide trading range resistance (grey arrow – grey horizontal line) at approximately 72.53 in the current trading range. Current algorithmic model wide trading range support (grey arrow – grey horizontal line) at approximately  68.93 in the current trading range – these areas are general range support and resistance areas (our algorithm uses a .15 – .20 cent buffer on either side for these trades). Trading between the resistance / support horizontal grey lines is extremely profitable risk – reward if one is disciplined to the patience required and follows the trend of trade.

The lower trading range is 65.32 to 68.93. The upper trading range 72.54 to 76.15.

Trading Bias / Forward Guidance: Range bound. Slightly bearish based on MACD on daily, but very slight.

Current (as of July 15, 2018) MACD is turned down on the daily oil chart BUT near historic highs.

Third most predictable trade (support and resistance of uptrend or down trend channels). On the chart an upward trending trade channel is presented and a downward option (channel support and resistance / trading range is represented as diagonal dotted orange lines and purple arrows – as made available, assist in displaying directional trade decision areas).

Fourth most predictable trade (support and resistance of 30 min quadrants). The diagonal lines make up quadrants (in this instance on a 30 min chart) and are represented as orange diagonal lines that make up geometric diamond shapes. These lines also assist in intra-day trade.

Fifth most predictable trade (support and resistance of most applicable Fibonacci) the Fib support and resistance lines are the horizontal lines in various colors with the exception of purple and yellow (see below). These horizontal lines become support and resistance for intra-day trade.

Sixth most predictable trade (support and resistance of historical support and resistance) Natural / historical support and resistance lines shown in purple or yellow – they represent historical support and resistance. The strongest of the historical support and resistance lines are shown in yellow horizontal and are typically accompanied by a yellow arrow marker.

Seventh most predictable trade signal we use are the time and price targets (red circles). When trade is in a significant uptrend or downtrend the targets become very precise and move up the indicator priority list quick.

Tues, Wed and Fri targets are most predictable in extended multi week uptrends or downtrends. In recent time trade could be described as range-bound with moderate uptrend.

The Eighth most predictable trade is intra-day. You will notice on some of the charting geometric shapes in green on some of my charting (at times). They are charted live in the trading room and at times the lead trader will highlight these areas intra with white outlines (typically geometric shapes such as diamonds or triangles).

Intra-day Oil Trading Bias

Currently there is a slight bullish based primarily on the MACD. Will watch for a confirmation on model for downtrend or uptrend channel.

Wide Trading Range – Buy and Sell Triggers for Swing Trading Oil:

Trade the ranges noted above between the thick grey lines (grey arrows) for the most predictable swing trades between 58.13 to 61.72, 61.72 to 65.32, 65.32 to 68.92, 68.93 to 72.54 and 72.54 to 76.15. This is a highly profitable risk-reward way to trade oil if you can be patient to trigger at only the break of the wide range charting areas and are disciplined to cut a losing trade that does not prove in your anticipated trend.

Or trade the range between the channel diagonal lines at support and resistance in up or down channel (orange dotted diagonals).

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Down channel scenario. July 15 656 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, algorithm, down channel

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Down channel scenario. July 15 656 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Up channel scenario. July 15 655 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, trading, algorithm, up channel

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Up channel scenario. July 15 655 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Swing Trade Considerations.

Monthly Oil Chart:

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade above pivot with MACD has room yet under 100 MA – range. July 15 720 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, Monthly, chart, pivot

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade above pivot with MACD has room yet under 100 MA – range. July 15 720 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade above pivot working 100 MA resistance but not through yet July 352 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, monthly, chart, 100 MA

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade above pivot working 100 MA resistance but not through yet July 352 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Weekly Oil Chart:

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil has been working resistance 4 weeks now. July 15 723 FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, Generation, 1, Algorithm, Weekly

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil has been working resistance 4 weeks now. July 15 723 FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil has been working resistance 3 weeks now. July 10 414 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, trading, algorithm, Gen 1, weekly

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil has been working resistance 3 weeks now. July 10 414 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Per recent:

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Trade near upside resistance. Bull bear scenarios on chart. July 2 204 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, Weekly, Algorithm

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Trade near upside resistance. Bull bear scenarios on chart. July 2 204 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

May 21 – A feature post was published this week to review time cycles, retrace possibilities on the other side of time cycles on the weekly charts. Below is the post link:

Feature Post: 12 of Last 13 Oil Chart Time-Cycles Have Trend Reversal. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UCO $UWT $DWT #OIL #OOTT

Daily Oil Chart:

July 15 – MACD has turned down on the Daily Oil Chart. Bearish indicator to consider. Needs to stay above 20 MA. #OIL $USOIL $WTI


MACD, USOIL, Daily Chart

MACD has turned down on the Daily Oil Chart. Bearish indicator to consider. Needs to stay above 20 MA. #OIL $USOIL $WTI

July 10 – No significant change to chart below, however, MACD is getting near historical highs.

Oil Chart (Daily). K.I.S.S. chart MACD turned up and price above 50 MA (bullish). July 2 153 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

Oil, Daily, Chart

Oil Chart (Daily). K.I.S.S. chart MACD turned up and price above 50 MA (bullish). July 2 153 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

Diagonal Trend Lines:

Diagonal trend-lines are critical inflection points (currently represented in red below on our conventional charting).

Please review many of my recent posts so you can learn about how important these diagonal trend-lines are. If one is breached you can look to pull-back to next diagonal trend line about 90% of the time. Also pay attention to how thick the lines are – the thicker the line the more important because they represent extensions from previous time / price cycles.

Remember you can come in to the chat room to message the trader and REMEMBER I have posted a live chart link in this post so if you can’t see the lines well on this chart above you can go to the live chart link and watch for member live algo chart links through-out the day in your email inbox!

The diagonal trend-lines are marked on chart below:

July 15 – No significant change to chart below.

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. July 2 212 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, weekly, chart, trendlines

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. July 2 212 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Previous posts for perspective;

Oil has now cleared every trendline resistance provided on conventional charting I’ve posted last year. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OOTT #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT 233 PM Jan 1

Oil, trendline, resistance, chart

Oil has now cleared every trendline resistance provided on conventional charting I’ve posted last year. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OOTT #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT 233 PM Jan 1

$USOIL, $WTI, Chart, Trendlines

Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 201 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Notice how when the daily chart is opened, the simple lines extend to current day trade.

Daily chart view. Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 213 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Daily, $USOIL $WTI, Chart, Trendlines

Daily chart view. Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 213 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Fibonacci Levels:

Watch the lines for support and resistance. Careful using them as traditional retracement levels with crude because the algo lines etc are more dominant / predictable. But the Fib lines are excellent indicators for intra-day trade support and resistance.

The Fibonacci lines are marked on main chart above.

Horizontal Trend-Lines (purple):

Horizontal trend-lines are not as important as the other indicators reviewed above, however, they do serve as important resistance and support intra-day for tight trading and they are important if thick (in other words they come from previous time / price cycles). WE STARTED TO REPRESENT THE REALLY IMPORTANT LINES IN YELLOW FYI FOR EASE. Refer to chart for current applicable horizontal trend-lines.

Horizontal trend-lines are marked on charts above.

Oil Time / Price Cycles:

Watch your email and / or my Twitter feed for time price cycles they may start to terminate.

Time / price cycles are the single most important indicator and my record calling them is near 100% – since inception seven months ago. The reason they are so important is that a trader does not want to be holding a crude oil instrument at termination of a time cycle if not absolutely sure if price will go up or down. A trade may choose to enter a large position in advance of a time price cycle termination IF THERE IS A HIGH PROBABILITY OF A DIRECTION IN PRICE and if the market is trading at a really important pivot area. In other words, if the market is trading at the bottom of the upward trending channel at a support (yellow lines) and we knew there was a significant probability of a time cycle about to terminate a trader may enter with a long position. The price really spikes or drops significantly when these important time cycles terminate.

The problem with time / price cycle terminations is they change from minute to minute (depending on where price is on the chart) so you have to be in the trade room to get the alert. Our lead traders will do everything they can in future to send these on SMS but we have to be careful because it can be difficult with so much going on in the room. The reason they (time cycles) change is because they are actually represented by or are geometric shapes in the chart – I know it sounds odd but I have (as I mentioned) hit these calls just shy of 100%. The oil political people know the same algorithmic modeling principles and they ALWAYS TIME THEIR BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS AROUND THE TIME PRICE CYCLE TERMINATIONS.

So if you can picture a triangle on the chart – and price is trading in the triangle – and price is going to come to the edge of the triangle and there is a significant support or resistance or an algo line terminating there too or a target (those type of indications)… then we know there is a high probability of a time and price change. In other words, it is where there are clusters of algorithm points that cross and when price is going to cross over that cluster is where they are. And these are represented on all the different time frames – the larger the time frame – the larger the time price cycle termination – the larger the spike or downdraft. This is where we establish our intra-day quadrants from for sniping trades (which we will put in to the room soon because it looks like the geo political rhetoric is over for a while making them more predictable). Difficult to explain in short. So we will do our best to SMS alert these in future.

Also, the real large or important time / price cycle terminations we know far in advance and they can be put in these newsletters.

If you review my Epic the Oil Algo Twitter feed, my blog posts and my story on our website you will get a feel for how accurate these calls are.

Alpha Algo Trading Trend-Lines (Primary – Red dotted lines. Secondary – White dotted lines):

To determine which algo line is most alpha (or probable) intra day, it is the nearest line to price action. This can also help you determine the trend of trade. If the algo line is trending up the price will follow it up until price is tested at an algorithm indicator (the main tests are diagonal trendlines, horizontal trendlines, time / price cycles etc – as I have shared with you). This is why it is important to watch all the lines because they are all support and resistance. To keep it simple trade the range (yellow lines) as I’ve mentioned but keep an eye on these indicators.

Current Alpha Algo Targets (Red circles):

Your closest target that crude is trending toward is always the most probable.Then, your second most probable is the one that is up or down trend depending on whether general price is in an upward or downtrend for the most recent week or so and what your other indicators look like (such as the MA’s I explained above).

The other way to determine which targets are in play is actually quite simple, you will notice that crude trades between the channel lines up and down and up and down and there are various support and resistance along the way. If it hits a target at the top of the channel you can bet most times (unless the next day like today) that the next target hit will be at the bottom of the channel.

Wait for the price to trend toward a target and take your position and watch as price gets closer and closer to the target. Remember, that the machines trade from decision to decision – or in other words from support to next resistance or resistance to next support or when the times come each week on Tuesday Wednesday and Friday they will trend toward the target that market price action determines they go to.

Our lead trader will explain more in the room and do not hesitate to ask our lead trader in the room by private message or on twitter to explain intra day decisions.

Recent Live Crude Oil Trade Alerts:

July 15 – Alerts section will be updated soon.

Anyone remember this tweet from last September. Last time oil had 200 MA w 20 MA breach, price ripped 39.80s to 51.50s fast (6 weeks). $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT


Oil, daily chart, moving averages, alert

Anyone remember this tweet from last September. Last time oil had 200 MA w 20 MA breach, price ripped 39.80s to 51.50s fast (6 weeks). $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT

Oil Chart (Daily) Price took a double upside rip extension since. FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

Oil, alert, results

Oil Chart (Daily) Price took a double upside rip extension since. FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

May 29 – Will update the alerts section soon.

May 21 – Will update the alerts section soon.

May 13 – Will update the alerts section soon.

April 29 – I will update the trade alerts on the next report when there is more time. The bottom line is that since last report the trades have been fantastic winners.

EPIC on fire, not quite 100% win rate, but close. Oil hit all 5 price targets from Friday alert. I left early so only got a piece of it. Alert- Long 67.73 scalp intra on FX $USOIL $WTI with 67.43 stop. PT 68.49. Trim at and add over res 67.85 68.07 68.14 @OilAlerts_CT

Oil hit all 5 price targets from Friday alert. I left early so only got a piece of it.

Oil, alert

Oil hit all 5 price targets from Friday alert. I left early so only got a piece of it.

Just noticed I accidentally put the short side trade alert on my personal twitter feed https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly/status/986147196658647040 … “Oil short side bias trade setup intra trading 66.47 with 66.20 target expiring btwn 230 and 630 AM ET. Tight stop SS initial alert. Unclear at this point.”

Trading 66.30 from 66.47 entry nearing 66.20 SS target – trim short bias

Trading 66.24 cover trim on way to target

There it is – 66.20 intra day short target reached – bias to all or near all cover here from 66.47 intra scalp alert.

Oil, trade, set-up, alert

Oil short side trade intra set-up on watch at top of quad.

Per recent;

“Oil is very near a quad trading range support area (gray) and lower quad time cycle peak. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT”

Fantastic #EIA trade near quad support, buy side steps in, first resistance hits, boom. Near perfect. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

EIA, oil, report, trade

Fantastic #EIA trade near quad support, buy side steps in, first resistance hits, boom. Near perfect. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Oil is very near a quad trading range support area (gray) and lower quad time cycle peak. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

oil, live, trade, alerts

Oil is very near a quad trading range support area (gray) and lower quad time cycle peak. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

The alert detail as it was posted on feed. Short side trade alert. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart Model FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Summary of short side trade alert. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart Model FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo https://www.tradingview.com/chart/USOIL/yi9JI683-Summary-of-short-side-trade-alert-EPIC-Oil-Algorithm-Chart-Model/ …

Recent Oil Algorithm Price Target Hits:

July 15 – Target hits section will be updated soon.

Perfect price target hit Wed 1030 as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo #EIA

Perfect price target hit Wed 1030 as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo #EIA

Trade moving in to Wed 1030 PT as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Trade moving in to Wed 1030 PT as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Trade fell in to Tues 430 price target (early) and on track to Wed 1030 PT as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Trade fell in to Tues 430 price target (early) and on track to Wed 1030 PT as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Keep in mind that there are three price targets per week for down channel and up channel scenarios. Below are examples of targets hit to upside channel or down channel.

Price target hit for Tues 1030 #EIA as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

EPIC, oil, algorithm, price, targets

Price target hit for Tues 1030 #EIA as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Tues 430 price target hit as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

Price target, hit, EPIC, oil, Algorithm

Tues 430 price target hit as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

Tues Mar 13 430 #OIL perfect hit to price predict target as provided on prior wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

OIL, Algorithm, EPIC, price target

Tues Mar 13 430 #OIL perfect hit to price predict target as provided on prior wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Wed 1030 Mar 14 #EIA #OIL perfect hit to price predict target as provided on prior wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Oil, Algorithm, price, target, $WTI, USOIL

Wed 1030 Mar 14 #EIA #OIL perfect hit to price predict target as provided on prior wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Per recent;

Tues Mar 6 price target perfect hit to minute and penny as provided on prior weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Private Member Server Screen shot of #EIA #OIL targets in play from wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Private Member Server Screen shot of #EIA #OIL targets in play from wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL price target in play as provided on wknd report (Tues hit perfect). EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL price target in play as provided on wknd report (Tues hit perfect). EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL upper price target touch only and dumped in to lower target as provided on prior wknd report . EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL upper price target touch only and dumped in to lower target as provided on prior wknd report . EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL in to lower target as provided on prior wknd report . EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL in to lower target as provided on prior wknd report . EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Screen shot of price and time target hit as provided on report 5 days prior. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

oil, algorithm, price, target, EPIC

Screen shot of price and time target hit as provided on report 5 days prior. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Wed #EIA 1030 Feb 28 perfect hit to target at exact cent and minute as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

oil, algorithm, EIA, price, target

Wed #EIA 1030 Feb 28 perfect hit to target at exact cent and minute as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Tues 430 Feb 27 price time target perfect hit as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

$WTI, $USOIL, Algorithm, target

Tues 430 Feb 27 price time target perfect hit as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Fri Feb 23 price time target perfect hit as provided on report 5 days prior. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

oil, algorithm

Fri Feb 23 price time target perfect hit as provided on report 5 days prior. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Per recent;

Oil Wed 1030 AM EIA report price target perfect hit, as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Wed, Algorithm, Price, Target, USOIL, WTI

Oil Wed 1030 AM EIA report price target perfect hit, as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Oil Intra-Day Algo Trading Quadrants (white dotted lines):

Trading quadrants are simply support and resistance lines that can assist your intra-day trading – they are not alpha or primary support and resistance by any measure. Price action does however typically move more assertively when leaving a trading quadrant.

Indicator Methods:

As explained above, my algorithm is a consideration of up to fifty traditional indicators at any one time – each one given its own weight in accordance to its accuracy (win rate). This is how we establish the probability of specific targets hitting (we call them alpha algo targets).

Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing, Quadrants for Intra Snipes

Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. In the absence of market direction the machines take price to the next algo line and/or target. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and how they move price from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading crude oil and associated instruments.

You will notice that price action of crude will use these algo trend-lines and act as support and resistance, and that price also often violently moves when an alpha algo line is breached either upward or downward.

We cover this in much more detail in the member updates, trading room. A review of my Twitter feed and previous blog posts will help you understand the relation of these indicators. We will start posting video blogs (for my subscribers) on YouTube (in addition to my daily blog posts) for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.

Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).


See you in the live trade room! And again, if you struggle to know how to use these indicators as a trader’s edge, it is recommended (if you have earnestly reviewed all of our documentation first) that you obtain private coaching prior to trading a real account with real money – we recommend you use a paper trading account at first.

You can also send specific questions to our email inbox at [email protected] – if you do this be sure to ask a specific question so it can be answered specifically. When the 24 hour oil trading room opens you will have ample opportunity in that 24 hour room to ask questions also.

Watch my EPIC the Crude Oil Trading Algorithm Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Crude Oil Algo

Subscribe to my Service here:

Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (member charting sent out weekly).

Real-Time Crude Oil Trade Alerts (Private Twitter feed).

Oil Trading Room Bundle (includes weekly newsletter charting and real-time trading alerts on Twitter).

Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).

Temporary Discount Offers:

30% Off Crude Oil Newsletter: Use Promo Coupon Code “epic30” When Subscribing to our Weekly Oil Newsletter Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/standalone-epic-newsletter/ (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

30% Off Crude Oil Alerts: Use Promo Coupon Code “oilalerts30” for Real-Time Oil Trade Alerts via Private Twitter Feed @OilAlerts_CT Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/live-oil-trading-alerts/?attribute_plan=One+Month (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

Click here to find all information and pricing on Oil Newsletter, Trading Chat Room, Oil Alerts and more.


Register to free email list for trade set-ups, webinars, special events: https://compoundtrading.com/contact/

Website: https://compoundtrading.com

Blog: https://compoundtrading.com/blog/

Free chat room: https://discord.gg/2HRTk6n

Subscribe: https://compoundtrading.com/overview-…

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CompoundTrading

Lead Trader: https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly

Tradingview: https://www.tradingview.com/u/curtmel…

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/compoundtrad…

StockTwits: https://stocktwits.com/compoundtrading

Email: https://[email protected]

Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States


Article topics: EPIC, Oil, Algorithm, Trading, Crude, Alerts, $USOIL, $WTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT, Chart

Welcome to the Compound Trading Swing Trade Report Tuesday July 10, 2018 (Part B).

In this edition: Swing, Trading, Stock, Picks, Alerts, $XLE, $X, $SLX, $RIG, $NFLX, $AXP, $TAN, $TWLO, $WYNN, $VRX, $ABX, $XME, $GSIT


Good day!

This swing trading report is Part B of one of five in rotation. 

The five reports include approximately one hundred equities that we cover. The equities covered in the reports are divided in to five publications (that may be partitioned in to Part A and Part B) and the reports are then rotated on cycle approximately every five weeks to members of our service. In addition to the regular reports our members receive feature set-up and educational reports as available.

The reports are in the process of upgrades to include buy and sell triggers identified on charting of select instruments that are nearing trade set-ups. The triggers (price and / or other indicators) will also be set to alarm on our charting for attendees to the live trading room and alerts will flash on screen during live trading room broadcast. Additionally, the triggers will be buy / sell points for our traders to use as part of the alerts members may receive.

If you need help with a specific trade and the specific trading plan for your swing trade set-up let me know and as I have time I can help you formulate.

When managing your trades with the reports keep in mind that you will have to invest an hour or two a week to check the indicators mentioned for buy and sell triggers.

Swing trading success, even with a service, does require “some” maintenance on the part of the user, although the new live alert service will take much of that burden off the user as we know many of our users have busy lives. It is the indicators lining up that signal a trade long entry or an exit. In our case rely heavily on MACD on daily or weekly (or Stoch RSI and Moving averages) but indicators we are basing our trade entry and exits on are listed with each trade so any user that does even moderate trade management will know when the indicator(s) have turn with or against the trade.

Intra-week you can always DM myself on Twitter or email with specific questions regarding trades you are considering for assistance. But it is critical that you attend to the maintenance of your signals at least once a week if not twice and set stops and preferably alarms so that intra-week you can enter or exit. If nothing else you can always book some coaching time and I’ll assist also (although we are at a point of waiting list for the coaching, at minimum you can get on list or for immediate help as I said please DM or email).

IF WE DON’T GET BACK TO YOU RIGHT AWAY it is usually because we are pressured with deadlines or are trading.

As live charts are made available below, click on link and open viewer. Then to use chart yourself click on share button at bottom right (near thumbs up) and then click “make it mine”.

To remove the indicators at bottom of chart screen (MACD, Stochastic RSI, Squeeze Momentum) double click on chart body to remove indicators from chart – and same to return the indicators.

If you receive a report and you are not subscribed to the specific service it is a complimentary issue provided to you.

Our apologies if you receive more than one copy – it means you are on more than one subscription list. We are working to resolve this issue.

Newer updates below in red for ease.

Recent Compound Trading Videos and/ or Feature Blog Posts for Swing Traders / Charting Set-Ups:

See You Tube for other recent video posts. 

“The Nut Hand” Today’s Huge Oil Trade Win. Exactly How It Was Done. How I Knew & How You Can Too.

How to Swing Trade Like the Pros and Win Most Trades. #swingtrading #freedomtraders

Password: IC Protected: How to Trade Allergan (AGN) Stock Move (Exclusive) $AGN #swingtrading #daytrading #chart

FITBIT INC CLASS A (NYSE: FIT). How to Trade FitBit for 40% Gain (Member Exclusive) $FIT #swingtrading #daytrading #chart

Password: TRADEAAPL Protected: Trading Apple’s Stock Move (Member Exclusive) $AAPL #swingtrading

Password: SWINGDXY, Protected: Trading US Dollar Index (Part 2 – Member Exclusive) $DXY $UUP #USD #SwingTrading #Daytrading

Password: swing Protected: Trade Set-Ups w/ Video #EIA, Oil, $TSLA, $NFLX, $ESPR, $PG, $AAPL, $SPY, $CARA, $EGY, $GERN, $BPT more. #swingtrading

CRITICAL Oil Trade. Weekly Timing. EPIC Oil Algorithm Channel $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO #OilTrading #EIA

Feature Post with Charting: How to Trade the US Dollar Index Move (Part 1) $DXY $UUP #USD #trading #chart #algorithm https://compoundtrading.com/feature-post-with-charting-how-to-trade-the-us-dollar-index-move-part-1-dxy-uup-usd-trading-chart-algorithm/

Charts, Video and Summary of Swing Trade Set-ups May 21, 2018 $PSTG, $ITCI, $AAPL, $SPY, $NFLX, $PG, $BOXL, $TRXC more.

Feature Post: 12 of Last 13 Oil Chart Time-Cycles Have Trend Reversal. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UCO $UWT $DWT #OIL #OOTT

Password: SET Protected: Swing Trade Set-Ups (May 15/16 Member Edition) $WTI, #OIL, $BTC, Bitcoin, $AMBA, $AMD, $BLNK, $ITCI,, $SPY, $DIS, $LAC, $BOX, $AAOI more.

Password: AI Protected: How to Trade Pure Storage Earnings in Six Days (Member Edition) $PSTG

Password ITCI: Protected: Trade Set-Ups (May 14 /15 Member Edition) $BOX, $ITCI, $SPY, $EEM, $PFE, $BTC, Bitcoin, SILVER, $SLV, $ETH, Ethereum, $EOG, $EDIT, $EXP more.

Password: WOW Protected: How to Trade Box Earnings Move (Swing Trade Member Exclusive)

Protected: Trade Set-Ups (May 8 Member Edition) $AAPL, $DIS, $AMD, $ITCI, $AAOI, $SNAP, $FB, $TSLA, $EDIT, $ESPR, $LITE, $LPSN, $SPY.

May 7 – Trade Set-Ups, Consolidated Review $SPY, $AAPL, $TSLA, $SNAP, OIL, $DXY, $VIX, GOLD, $DIS, Silver more.

Trading Set-ups $FB, $AMBA, $SDTY, $TSLA, $GDX, $SLV, $BTC, $JD, $VIX, $LITE, $CELG, $FSLR more.

Do Not Ignore This Trade Set-Up | $AMBA Swing Trade | 40% ROE 3 Mos (Part 1 of 2)

Password: ELON Protected: How to Trade the Tesla Move | Price Targets | Buy Sell Triggers | Time Cycles $TSLA #swingtrading #daytrading

Password: LONG Protected: Overnight Oil Trade | Trading Plan in Detail | EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL $USO #Alerts

Email us at [email protected] anytime with any questions about any of the swing trades listed below. Or, if we get bogged down private message Curtis in trade room or direct message him on Twitter. Market hours are tough but we endeavor to get back to everyone after market each day.

Stock Pick Coverage:

$NFLX – Netflix.

July 3, 2018 – NETFLIX (NFLX) Triggering long in premarket over 400.00 targets 412.00 then 422.00 a key range pivot resistance. $NFLX #swingtrading


NFLX, swing, trade, premarket

NETFLIX (NFLX) Triggering long in premarket over 400.00 targets 412.00 then 422.00 a key range pivot resistance. $NFLX #swingtrading

May 25 – Netflix swing trade going well. Stochastic RSI is high watch that, more importantly watch MACD and resistance levels charted. $NFLX #swingtrade


Netflix, trade, swing, $NFLX

Netflix swing trade going well. Stochastic RSI is high watch that, more importantly watch MACD and resistance levels charted. $NFLX #swingtrade

$NFLX in to resistance 348.00 area. Trim in to add above to 360.00 area resistance. #swingtrading

Netflix Is Now Worth More Than Comcast And Is Almost Beating Disney


Per previous;

April 9 – $NFLX testing 50 MA support, upside quad wall resistance and trading near main chart pivot decision.


Below is an updated and blown up version of the previous chart posted.

With earnings in seven days… the Netflix chart is on the top of my personal watchlist now, and here’s why;

The really interesting thing here is the bull bear fight in play. If you look close you will see the top of the candles the last 3 days hitting the quad wall resistance (gray dotted) and sitting on 50 MA support on this daily chart (50 MA is an important indicator in swing trading) and most interesting is that trade is near the mid quad main pivot area of the chart (gray horizontal line with gray arrow).

What does this mean?

My Netflix trading plan in bull scenario…. Trade above 300.00 and 20 MA (blue) is a long to 313.92 then 315.92 then 328 area.

And for bearish trade scenario… Trade below 285.00 / 290.00 and 50 MA targets 278.33 then 275.50 then 263.29.

More notes on this trade set-up at next chart below also.

$NFLX, chart, decisions

$NFLX testing 50 MA support, upside quad wall resistance and trading near main chart pivot decision.

Further to my Netflix swing trading plan… it would be ideal to time a turn up in the MACD. The chart below shows that the Stochastic RSI has already curled up and was near bottom (leading indicator typically and the fact it got so close to the bottom is perfect) and the MACD is near the bottom and so is the Squeeze Momentum Indicator (I would expect this to turn next and then the MACD)

I really like this set-up for a long side trade. Hoping price actions proves this trade set-up out here.

$NFLX Stochastic RSI has turned (leading indicator) with MACD near bottom and SQZMOM near bottom.

$NFLX, indicators, swing trade, setup

$NFLX Stochastic RSI has turned (leading indicator) with MACD near bottom and SQZMOM near bottom.

Netflix News: Tech Stocks Shine As Nasdaq Jumps 2%; Netflix, Alphabet Lead FANG Stocks


$GSIT – GSI Technology.

July 3 – GSI TECH (GSIT) All indicators have gone silent, trading in range of historical gap – indecisive. $GSIT #chart

GSIT, chart

GSI TECH (GSIT) All indicators have gone silent, trading in range of historical gap – indecisive. $GSIT #chart

May 25 – $GSIT trading 7.43 with all indicators and price indecisive. Watching.

GSI Technology Announces Participation in 8th Annual LD Micro Invitational


$GSIT, daily, chart

$GSIT trading 7.43 with all indicators and price indecisive. Watching.

Per recent;

April 9 – $GSIT at this point is screaming indecisive on all charting indicators reviewed. Wait.

$GSIT, chart

$GSIT at this point is screaming indecisive on all charting indicators reviewed. Wait.

$AXP – American Express

Jul 3 – AMERICAN EXPRESS (AXP) With the 50 MA coming to meet price on the weekly stock chart, will price retrace like it did previous or break out. $AXP. We’re watching.

AXP, chart, stock

AMERICAN EXPRESS (AXP) With the 50 MA coming to meet price, will price retrace like it did previous or break out. $AXP

May 25 – $AXP working on a break of all time highs. I will likely daytrade over 104.00 and wait for a retrace to swing it. MACD is turned up on weekly chart but price is extended above MA’s. It will likely run but how far before a retrace now is at issue in a swing.

How Mastercard’s Second Quarter Could Shake Out



$AXP, daytrading, swing, trading, chart

$AXP working on a break of all time highs. I will likely daytrade over 104.00 and wait for a retrace to swing it.

April 9 – $AXP riding 200 MA with indecisive indicators and earnings in nine days. Wait.

$AXP, 200 MA

$AXP riding 200 MA with indecisive indicators and earnings in nine days. Wait.

$ABX – Barrick Gold

July 2 – BARRICK GOLD (ABX) Looks like it will coil under the key pivot until a decision is made. Watching. $ABX #stock #chart

ABX, stock, chart

BARRICK GOLD (ABX) Looks like it will coil under the key pivot until a decision is made. Watching. $ABX #stock #chart

May 25 – Barrick looks like it could turn here with MACD starting to turn and Stoch RSI curled up. On watch over pivot and 50 MA. $ABX #swingtrading


Barrick (ABX) Up 2.2% Since Earnings Report: Can It Continue?


$ABX, Barrick, Gold, stock, chart

Barrick looks like it could turn here with MACD starting to turn and Stoch RSI curled up. On watch over pivot and 50 MA. $ABX #swingtrading


July 3 – INVESCO SOLAR ETF (TAN) Could turn here for at least a bounce. All indicators turning after sell off. $TAN #trade


TAN, ETF, Swing, trade, chart

INVESCO SOLAR ETF (TAN) Could turn here for at least a bounce. All indicators turning after sell off. $TAN #trade

May 25 – $TAN over pivot but on a turn down, watch pivot if it fails the 200 MA test is in play. MACD about to turn down. Stoch RSI turned.


Solar-company ETFs gain after California requires new homes to have solar panels


$TAN, stock, chart

$TAN over pivot but on a turn down, watch pivot if it fails the 200 MA test is in play. MACD about to turn down. Stoch RSI turned.

$TAN News: Top 5 Alternative Energy ETFs for 2018 https://www.investopedia.com/etfs/top-alternative-energy-etfs/?partner=YahooSA&yptr=yahoo



July 3 – VALEANT (VRX) Time cycle concludes July 9, time to have next trajectory on watch and trade it. $VRX #swingtrading #daytrading

Will trade the new time cycle levels as / when the trajectory takes shape. On high watch now.


Valeant, VRX, chart

VALEANT (VRX) Time cycle concludes July 9, time to have next trajectory on watch and trade it. $VRX #swingtrading #daytrading

May 25 – $VRX trade over 23.17 targets 24.30 and over targets 28.00 July 6 as bullish scenario. But a retrace likely first if up plays out.

I like this one a lot now so it is on high watch. Most probable scenario is a test of mid quad fib at 23.17 and possibly 24.30 and a retrace to near diagonal trendline (quad wall) below and then bounce. But I will be watching close for the mid quad fib resistance test around 23.17.

Cantor Fitzgerald: 18 Drug Companies With Catalysts Worth Watching https://finance.yahoo.com/news/cantor-fitzgerald-18-drug-companies-201029170.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw via @YahooFinance


$VRX, swing, trade, set up, chart

$VRX trade over 23.17 targets 24.30 and over targets 28.00 July 6 as bullish scenario. But a retrace likely first if up plays out.

April 9 – $VRX is very indecisive here. No trade alert here.

$VRX, chart

$VRX is very indecisive here. No trade alert here.


July 3 – TWILIO (TWLO) Pinched between 20 and 50 MA on daily. Will wait for conclusion before forming a trade. $TWLO #chart

TWLO, TWILIO, stock, chart

TWILIO (TWLO) Pinched between 20 and 50 MA on daily. Will wait for conclusion before forming a trade. $TWLO #chart

May 25  – $TWLO weekly chart structure very aggressive to bull side with Stochastic RSI turn down but it looks like there’s upside yet. Daily chart below the weekly.

$TWLO, stock, chart, weekly

$TWLO weekly chart structure very aggresive to bull side with Stochastic RSI turn down but it looks like there’s upside yet.

When the Stoch RSI and MACD turn back up on daily it is likely a decent long. On watch. #swingtrading $TWLO


Twilio to Present at the 2018 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Technology Conference


$TWLO, stock, chart, swing, trading



July 3 – WYNN RESORTS (WYNN) MACD still turned down on daily chart, waiting for a turn at this point. $WYNN #chart

WYNN, chart

WYNN RESORTS (WYNN) MACD still turned down on daily chart, waiting for a turn at this point. $WYNN #chart

May 25 – $WYNN weekly chart says a retrace is soon, this is an opinion however, as there are no clear indications. On watch.

On the daily chart (not show) I will be watching for a pull back to 50 MA and 100 MA for a possible bounce.

Trump, China Trade, Target and Las Vegas Casinos – 5 Things You Must Know


$WYNN, stock, chart, weekly

$WYNN weekly chart says a retrace is soon, this is an opinion however, as there are no clear indications. On watch.

Per recent;

April 9 – $WYNN trade action has turned indecisive also with earnings in sixteen days I will be watching close.

$WYNN, chart

$WYNN trade action has turned indecisive also with earnings in sixteen days I will be watching close.

$XME – SPDR S&P Metals and Mining ETF

July 3 – XME is still coiling under that pivot in chart below. Watching.

May 25 – $XME over 38.41 with built up structure is an interesting long possible swing trade. On watch.


$XME over 38.41 with built up structure is an interesting long possible swing trade. On watch.

$WWR – Westwater Resources (Previously known as $URRE)

Jul 10 – Trading .40 in downtrend. No action. Likely to remove from our coverage in near term.

May 29 – Trading .40 in downtrend. No action.

April 12 – Trading down trend long term. No action.

Mar 5 – $WWR Trading .79 with indecisive trade action and indicators. Caution.


$WWR Trading .79 with indecisive trade action and indicators. Caution.


July 10 – TRANSOCEAN (RIG) Trading 13.74 with upside targets 15.63 19.54 with earnings in 27 days. $RIG #swingtrading #chart

Stochastic RSI, MACD, SQZMOM all turned up on the daily chart for RIG. High probability the first target of 15.63 is hit early and depending on earnings action the upper 19.54 target could be in play. On watch now for earnings play.

Energy: Marathon Oil and Transocean Look Like Buys
ByTeresa Rivas July 9, 2018 10:23 a.m. ET



RIG, Transocean, swing trading, chart

TRANSOCEAN (RIG) Trading 13.74 with upside targets 15.63 19.54 with earnings in 27 days. $RIG #swingtrading #chart

May 29 – $RIG has been selling off on daily and MACD trending down. Will consider on a MACD turn.

RIG, daily, chart

$RIG has been selling off on daily and MACD trending down. Will consider on a MACD turn.

Earnings : Transocean Ltd. Announces First Quarter 2018 Earnings Release Date
GlobeNewswire https://finance.yahoo.com/news/transocean-ltd-announces-first-quarter-210053348.html?.tsrc=rss


July 10 – SPDR SELECT SECTOR FUND – ENERGY SECTOR (XLE) On watch close in to earnings season. $XLE #energy #swingtrading

$XLE Energy ETFs May Strike it Big This Earnings Season https://finance.yahoo.com/news/energy-etfs-may-strike-big-190937451.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw via @YahooFinance

XLE, chart

SPDR SELECT SECTOR FUND – ENERGY SECTOR (XLE) On watch close in to earnings season. $XLE #energy #swingtrading

May 25 – $XLE has been selling off on daily and MACD trending down. Will consider on a MACD turn.

$XLE has been selling off on daily and MACD trending down. Will consider on a MACD turn.

Energy ETFs Plunge as OPEC Looks to Higher Production


Per recent;

April 12 – $XLE a very tough trade because it has been range bound. Weekly chart about to test 200 MA.

Over the 200 MA on weekly chart with indicators set up right – with also the daily chart set-up and a trade may trigger.

Related news: These energy stocks stand to benefit from U.S. shale’s best—and worst—days. Occidental, EOG, Andeavor among the Goldman picks helped by improved returns and free cash flow https://www.marketwatch.com/Story/these-energy-stocks-stand-to-benefit-from-us-shales-bestand-worstdays-2018-04-12?&siteid=yhoof2&yptr=yahoo

$XLE, range bound, weekly, chart

$XLE a very tough trade because it has been range bound. Weekly chart about to test 200 MA.

$SLX – Vaneck Vectors Steel

July 10 – VANECK VECTORS STEEL ETF (SLX) MACD on daily has turned up with price over 200 MA. Bullish. $SLX #swingtrading #chart

Looking good going in to earnings. Hope to get a long side win here. On watch.

SLX, chart, daily, MACD

VANECK VECTORS STEEL ETF (SLX) MACD on daily has turned up with price over 200 MA. Bullish. $SLX #swingtrading #chart

May 25 – $SLX also has been selling off on daily and MACD trending down. Will consider on a MACD turn.

$SLX also has been selling off on daily and MACD trending down. Will consider on a MACD turn.

Related News: Why It’s Time to Be Cautious on Steel, Steel ETFs https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-time-cautious-steel-steel-160723425.html?.tsrc=rss

$X – United States Steel Corp.

July 10 – UNITED STATES STEEL CORP (X) MACD is turning up and on high watch in to earnings. $X #swingtrading

X, chart, swing, MACD

UNITED STATES STEEL CORP (X) MACD is turning up and on high watch in to earnings. $X #swingtrading

May 29 – $X on a MACD turn up looks interesting as possible long. On watch for a turn.

US Steel Companies Keep Fingers Crossed, Key Deadline Looms


$X, MACD, swtup

$X on a MACD turn up looks interesting as possible long. On watch for a turn.

Recent Trade Alerts / Chart Set-Up Posts:

July 10 – I will update this section soon.

$GDX Gold Miners (public alert, not on private Swing Trading Twitter Feed)

1:08 PM – 1 Apr 2018

This, one of the cleanest easiest trades in market. Chart notes. – #GDX chart

11:51 AM – 8 Apr 2018

$GDX 50 MA Test, Structure in Play – One of the Cleanest, Easiest Trades on the Market. See Chart Notes. $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG $GLD #GOLD https://www.tradingview.com/chart/GDX/xqvoPTby-50-MA-Test-Structure-in-Play-Top-10-Easiest-Trades-See-Notes/ …

$GDX, swing, trading, alert

$GDX 50 MA test, structure in play – one of the cleanest, easiest trades on the market $NUGT $DUST $JDST $JNUG $GLD

$C Citi

2:33 PM – 4 Apr 2018

Citi quad wall & historical support near. 74.46 PT Chart notes. – #C chart

http://www.tradingview.com/chart/C/qRDWOlvu-Citi-quad-wall-historical-support-near-74-46-PT-Chart-notes/ … …

$C Citi at a quad wall and historical support test here. 74.46 June 15 time cycle price target in play. #swingtrading


11:31 AM – 5 Apr 2018

$C Citi 70.75 HOD puts it up on day 2% from yesterday alert. Watch the 200 MA resistance overhead.


$C, Citi, swing, trading, alert

$C Citi 70.75 HOD puts it up on day 2% from yesterday alert. Watch the 200 MA resistance overhead.

$SPY SP500

9:40 AM – 28 Mar 2018 (originally on daytrading alert feed copied to Swing Trading alert feed also)

Trading 260.41 intra. $SPY Time cycle peak on this simple model is now. If its going to follow channel up it will be soon that it starts. If not, it could be another channel down yet. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/SPY/IDiDMAVs-SPY-Time-cycle-peak-on-this-simple-model-is-now-If-its-going-t/ …


11:28 AM – 5 Apr 2018

$SPY strong trade set-up from recent alerts intra 266.42 with 268.00 resistance on deck.


$SPY, swing, trading, alert

$SPY strong trade set-up from recent alerts intra 266.42 with 268.00 resistance on deck..png

$TSLA Tesla

3:11 PM – 4 Apr 2018

$TSLA long confirming here over 280.55 with 304.17 next resistance 382 Nov 15 price target. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/TSLA/dn8THUSe-TSLA-long-confirming-here-over-280-55-with-304-17-next-resistan/ …


11:23 AM – 5 Apr 2018

$TSLA also blasting here from yesterday’s alert trade hit intra resistance at 299.84 area. Strong set-up.


$TSLA, swing, trading, alert

$TSLA also blasting here from yesterday’s alert trade hit res at 299.84 area. Strong set-up.

$DIS Disney

3:24 PM – 4 Apr 2018

$DIS trading 100.57 has MACD on daily targeting 103.89 110.64 May 30. #swingtrading Other targets noted. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/DIS/241M4TSO-DIS-trading-100-57-has-MACD-on-daily-targeting-103-89-110-64-Ma/ …


11:22 AM – 5 Apr 2018

$DIS swing trade set-up from swing trading report yesterday blasting here. Nice set-up. Trading 101.81 intra-day.


$DIS, swing, trading, alert

$DIS swing trade set-up from swing trading report yesterday blasting here. Nice set-up..png

$CELG Celgene

5:56 PM – 26 Mar 2018

$CELG hit last price target – targets 95.90 Apr 3. Chart notes. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/RwZItPb8-CELG-hit-last-price-target-targets-95-90-Apr-3-Chart-notes/ …


1:21 PM – 8 Apr 2018

$CELG 86s to 91s off alert, buy sell trigger now. Waiting for trade direction triggers. Chart Notes. https://www.tradingview.com/chart/CELG/gdKoFxEq-CELG-86s-to-91s-off-alert-buy-sell-trigger-now-Chart-Notes/


$CELG, swing, trading, alert

$CELG 86s to 91s off real-time alert, buy sell trigger now. Looking for next price target in time cycle. #swingtrading

$FB Facebook

Buy side of $FB has started again in 164 range now… in a snap back long watch 167.50 mid quad resistance very closely.

12:17 PM – 20 Mar 2018


4:43 PM – 20 Mar 2018

$FB bounced off buy side alert earlier in 164s now trading 168.15 above mid quad support. #snapback #trading #alert


$FB, trading, alert, swing

$FB bounced off buy side alert earlier in 164s now trading 168.15 above mid quad support. #snapback #trading #alert

Email or DM me on Twitter anytime with thoughts or questions!



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Article Topics; Compound Trading, Swing, Trading, Stock, Picks, Alerts, $XLE, $X, $SLX, $RIG, $NFLX, $AXP, $TAN, $TWLO, $WYNN, $VRX, $ABX, $XME, $GSIT

Crude Oil Trading Algorithm Chart Report (EPIC) Tuesday July 10, 2018.


Welcome to the oil trading algorithm report. My name is EPIC the Oil Algorithm and I am one of seven primary Algorithmic Chart Models in development at Compound Trading Group (there are over one hundred in development at various stages for all markets).


New members to our oil algorithm charting model are encouraged to on-board in a way that will best equip you as an oil trader for profit.

Visit my Twitter feed EPIC Oil Algorithm Twitter (@EPICtheAlgo) and review tweets over the last few months, visit our blog and review the recent oil algorithm blog posts, our You Tube channel “how my oil algorithm works”, “how to use my charting”, weekly EIA oil report videos and our website (it explains how the oil algorithm was developed). Reviewing those important points of reference will increase your probability of success considerably. This report includes links to some recent example “how-to” videos.

Oil Trade Coaching – Users of this algorithmic oil charting model may opt for private one-on-one coaching with our lead trader and / or an experienced trader that has worked under our lead trader. On our website standard one-on-one online coaching packages are made available (coaching via Skype) or you can request a customized package (reflecting the time you wish to invest in learning). To request a custom package suited to your needs email [email protected] or click here for standard private trade coaching packages. Other options for coaching include online webinars and private on location (in person) coaching sessions. 

Oil Trading – How to Use the Oil Algorithm

Oil Trading – How to Trade Intra-day with my Algorithmic Charting

MULTI-USERS: Institutional / commercial platform now available.

SOFTWARE: My algorithmic charting is planned to go to developer coding phase for our trader’s dashboard program. Please review my algorithm development process, about my oil algorithm story on our website www.compoundtrading.com and my oil algo charting posts on my Twitter feed and/or this blog.

HOW MY ALGORITHM WORKS: I am an oil algorithm model in development. My math is based on traditional indicators (up to fifty at any given time each weighted on win ratio merit – all not shown on chart at any given time) – such as simple math calculations relating to price and volume, Fibonacci, simple pivots, moving averages, Gann, Schiff and various other charting, geometric and mathematical factors. I do not yet have AI integration – only math as it relates to traditional indicators with the primary goal being probabilities. I am not a high frequency robot type algorithm – I am presented on (and used on) a traditional trading chart as one would normally use as a probability indicator. The goal is to provide our trader’s with an edge when triggering entries and exits on trades with instruments that rely on the price of crude oil.

Below you will find simplified levels represented on a traditional chart (both intra-day and as a swing trader or investor). This work (and associated trade) should be considered one decision at a time, “if this happens then this or this are my targets”… price – trigger – trade and so on. Questions to; [email protected], message our lead trader on Twitter, or message a lead trader in the private Discord oil trade room server.

Visit this link for more information about my oil algorithm development, this link explains how our algorithmic charting is done, this YouTube video explains in summary how my algorithm works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUNyxFoXJp8 this link for more information about our algorithmic stock charting models and what makes them different than most.


Oil Algorithm Observations:

Below is a link for the live chart version of EPIC the Crude Oil Algorithm. The charting is a real-time trading chart represented on FX $USOIL $WTI published July 10, 2018.

Click on share button (bottom right beside flag) and when that screen opens click on “make it mine” to view real-time, make edits etc:

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Current trade. July 10 325 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, Trading, algorithm, current, trade

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Current trade. July 10 325 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

July 10, 2018

The first most predictable trade are the resistance and support cluster areas formed by long term chart trend lines (see charts that have trend-lines represented in red as made available below).

The second most predictable trade (wide trading range primary resistance and support that become predictable buy and sell triggers). Current algorithmic model wide trading range resistance (grey arrow – grey horizontal line) at approximately 76.13 in the current trading range. Current algorithmic model wide trading range support (grey arrow – grey horizontal line) at approximately 72.53 in the current trading range – these areas are general range support and resistance areas (our algorithm uses a .15 – .20 cent buffer on either side for these trades). Trading between the resistance / support horizontal grey lines is extremely profitable risk – reward if one is disciplined to the patience required and follows the trend of trade.

The lower trading range is 68.93 to 72.53. The upper trading range will be updated mid week if trade exceeds 76.13.

Trading Bias / Forward Guidance: Current bias for the week is range bound trade.

Current (as of July 2, 2018) MACD is now trending up on the daily oil chart BUT near historic highs.

Third most predictable trade (support and resistance of uptrend or down trend channels). On the chart an upward trending trade channel is presented and a downward option (channel support and resistance / trading range is represented as diagonal dotted orange lines and purple arrows – as made available, assist in displaying directional trade decision areas).

Fourth most predictable trade (support and resistance of 30 min quadrants). The diagonal lines make up quadrants (in this instance on a 30 min chart) and are represented as orange diagonal lines that make up geometric diamond shapes. These lines also assist in intra-day trade.

Fifth most predictable trade (support and resistance of most applicable Fibonacci) the Fib support and resistance lines are the horizontal lines in various colors with the exception of purple and yellow (see below). These horizontal lines become support and resistance for intra-day trade.

Sixth most predictable trade (support and resistance of historical support and resistance) Natural / historical support and resistance lines shown in purple or yellow – they represent historical support and resistance. The strongest of the historical support and resistance lines are shown in yellow horizontal and are typically accompanied by a yellow arrow marker.

Seventh most predictable trade signal we use are the time and price targets (red circles). When trade is in a significant uptrend or downtrend the targets become very precise and move up the indicator priority list quick.

Tues, Wed and Fri targets are most predictable in extended multi week uptrends or downtrends. In recent time trade could be described as range-bound with moderate uptrend.

The Eighth most predictable trade is intra-day. You will notice on some of the charting geometric shapes in green on some of my charting (at times). They are charted live in the trading room and at times the lead trader will highlight these areas intra with white outlines (typically geometric shapes such as diamonds or triangles).

Intra-day Trading Bias

Currently there is a slight bullish based primarily on the MACD. Will watch for a confirmation on model for downtrend or uptrend channel.

Wide Trading Range – Buy and Sell Triggers for Swing Trading Oil:

Trade the ranges noted above between the thick grey lines (grey arrows) for the most predictable swing trades between 58.13 to 61.72, 61.72 to 65.32, 65.32 to 68.92, 68.93 to 72.54 and 72.54 to 76.15. This is a highly profitable risk-reward way to trade oil if you can be patient to trigger at only the break of the wide range charting areas and are disciplined to cut a losing trade that does not prove in your anticipated trend.

Or trade the range between the channel diagonal lines at support and resistance in up or down channel (orange dotted diagonals).

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Down trend channel scenario. July 10 325 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, algorithm, chart, downtrend

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Down trend channel scenario. July 10 325 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Up trend channel scenario. July 10 324 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil, algorithm, uptrend, trading

Oil Algorithm (EPIC). Up trend channel scenario. July 10 324 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Oil Swing Trade Considerations.

Monthly Oil Chart:

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade above pivot working 100 MA resistance but not through yet July 352 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, monthly, chart, 100 MA

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade above pivot working 100 MA resistance but not through yet July 352 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Per recent;

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade above pivot near 100 MA resistance July 2 157 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, monthly,chart

Oil Chart (Monthly). Trade above pivot near 100 MA resistance July 2 157 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Weekly Oil Chart:

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil has been working resistance 3 weeks now. July 10 414 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, trading, algorithm, Gen 1, weekly

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Oil has been working resistance 3 weeks now. July 10 414 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Per recent:

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Trade near upside resistance. Bull bear scenarios on chart. July 2 204 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, Weekly, Algorithm

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Trade near upside resistance. Bull bear scenarios on chart. July 2 204 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

Per recent;

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Trade bounced at Fibonacci support test (bullish). June 24 1109 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT


Oil, weekly, algorithm, model

Oil Algorithm Simple Weekly Gen 1 Model. Trade bounced at Fibonacci support test (bullish). June 24 1109 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #Algorithm #OOTT

May 21 – A feature post was published this week to review time cycles, retrace possibilities on the other side of time cycles on the weekly charts. Below is the post link:

Feature Post: 12 of Last 13 Oil Chart Time-Cycles Have Trend Reversal. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UCO $UWT $DWT #OIL #OOTT

Daily Oil Chart:

July 10 – No significant change to chart below, however, MACD is getting near historical highs.

Oil Chart (Daily). K.I.S.S. chart MACD turned up and price above 50 MA (bullish). July 2 153 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

Oil, Daily, Chart

Oil Chart (Daily). K.I.S.S. chart MACD turned up and price above 50 MA (bullish). July 2 153 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

Per recent;

Oil Chart (Daily). K.I.S.S. chart MACD turned up and price above 50 MA (bullish). June 24 1115 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT


Oil, MACD, Daily, Cart, 50MA

Oil Chart (Daily). K.I.S.S. chart MACD turned up and price above 50 MA (bullish). June 24 1115 PM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

Diagonal Trend Lines:

Diagonal trend-lines are critical inflection points (currently represented in red below on our conventional charting).

Please review many of my recent posts so you can learn about how important these diagonal trend-lines are. If one is breached you can look to pull-back to next diagonal trend line about 90% of the time. Also pay attention to how thick the lines are – the thicker the line the more important because they represent extensions from previous time / price cycles.

Remember you can come in to the chat room to message the trader and REMEMBER I have posted a live chart link in this post so if you can’t see the lines well on this chart above you can go to the live chart link and watch for member live algo chart links through-out the day in your email inbox!

The diagonal trend-lines are marked on chart below:

July 10 – No significant change to chart below.

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. July 2 212 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL


Oil, weekly, chart, trendlines

Oil Chart (Weekly). Oil trend lines on weekly time-frame. July 2 212 AM FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL

Previous posts for perspective;

Oil has now cleared every trendline resistance provided on conventional charting I’ve posted last year. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OOTT #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT 233 PM Jan 1

Oil, trendline, resistance, chart

Oil has now cleared every trendline resistance provided on conventional charting I’ve posted last year. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OOTT #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT 233 PM Jan 1

$USOIL, $WTI, Chart, Trendlines

Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 201 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Notice how when the daily chart is opened, the simple lines extend to current day trade.

Daily chart view. Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 213 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Daily, $USOIL $WTI, Chart, Trendlines

Daily chart view. Simple lines show expose clusters of resistance. Crude algo intra work sheet 213 AM Apr 10 FX $USOIL $WTIC #OIL $CL_F CL $USO $UCO $SCO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Fibonacci Levels:

Watch the lines for support and resistance. Careful using them as traditional retracement levels with crude because the algo lines etc are more dominant / predictable. But the Fib lines are excellent indicators for intra-day trade support and resistance.

The Fibonacci lines are marked on main chart above.

Horizontal Trend-Lines (purple):

Horizontal trend-lines are not as important as the other indicators reviewed above, however, they do serve as important resistance and support intra-day for tight trading and they are important if thick (in other words they come from previous time / price cycles). WE STARTED TO REPRESENT THE REALLY IMPORTANT LINES IN YELLOW FYI FOR EASE. Refer to chart for current applicable horizontal trend-lines.

Horizontal trend-lines are marked on charts above.

Oil Time / Price Cycles:

Watch your email and / or my Twitter feed for time price cycles they may start to terminate.

Time / price cycles are the single most important indicator and my record calling them is near 100% – since inception seven months ago. The reason they are so important is that a trader does not want to be holding a crude oil instrument at termination of a time cycle if not absolutely sure if price will go up or down. A trade may choose to enter a large position in advance of a time price cycle termination IF THERE IS A HIGH PROBABILITY OF A DIRECTION IN PRICE and if the market is trading at a really important pivot area. In other words, if the market is trading at the bottom of the upward trending channel at a support (yellow lines) and we knew there was a significant probability of a time cycle about to terminate a trader may enter with a long position. The price really spikes or drops significantly when these important time cycles terminate.

The problem with time / price cycle terminations is they change from minute to minute (depending on where price is on the chart) so you have to be in the trade room to get the alert. Our lead traders will do everything they can in future to send these on SMS but we have to be careful because it can be difficult with so much going on in the room. The reason they (time cycles) change is because they are actually represented by or are geometric shapes in the chart – I know it sounds odd but I have (as I mentioned) hit these calls just shy of 100%. The oil political people know the same algorithmic modeling principles and they ALWAYS TIME THEIR BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS AROUND THE TIME PRICE CYCLE TERMINATIONS.

So if you can picture a triangle on the chart – and price is trading in the triangle – and price is going to come to the edge of the triangle and there is a significant support or resistance or an algo line terminating there too or a target (those type of indications)… then we know there is a high probability of a time and price change. In other words, it is where there are clusters of algorithm points that cross and when price is going to cross over that cluster is where they are. And these are represented on all the different time frames – the larger the time frame – the larger the time price cycle termination – the larger the spike or downdraft. This is where we establish our intra-day quadrants from for sniping trades (which we will put in to the room soon because it looks like the geo political rhetoric is over for a while making them more predictable). Difficult to explain in short. So we will do our best to SMS alert these in future.

Also, the real large or important time / price cycle terminations we know far in advance and they can be put in these newsletters.

If you review my Epic the Oil Algo Twitter feed, my blog posts and my story on our website you will get a feel for how accurate these calls are.

Alpha Algo Trading Trend-Lines (Primary – Red dotted lines. Secondary – White dotted lines):

To determine which algo line is most alpha (or probable) intra day, it is the nearest line to price action. This can also help you determine the trend of trade. If the algo line is trending up the price will follow it up until price is tested at an algorithm indicator (the main tests are diagonal trendlines, horizontal trendlines, time / price cycles etc – as I have shared with you). This is why it is important to watch all the lines because they are all support and resistance. To keep it simple trade the range (yellow lines) as I’ve mentioned but keep an eye on these indicators.

Current Alpha Algo Targets (Red circles):

Your closest target that crude is trending toward is always the most probable.Then, your second most probable is the one that is up or down trend depending on whether general price is in an upward or downtrend for the most recent week or so and what your other indicators look like (such as the MA’s I explained above).

The other way to determine which targets are in play is actually quite simple, you will notice that crude trades between the channel lines up and down and up and down and there are various support and resistance along the way. If it hits a target at the top of the channel you can bet most times (unless the next day like today) that the next target hit will be at the bottom of the channel.

Wait for the price to trend toward a target and take your position and watch as price gets closer and closer to the target. Remember, that the machines trade from decision to decision – or in other words from support to next resistance or resistance to next support or when the times come each week on Tuesday Wednesday and Friday they will trend toward the target that market price action determines they go to.

Our lead trader will explain more in the room and do not hesitate to ask our lead trader in the room by private message or on twitter to explain intra day decisions.

Recent Live Crude Oil Trade Alerts:

July 10 – Alerts section will be updated soon.

Anyone remember this tweet from last September. Last time oil had 200 MA w 20 MA breach, price ripped 39.80s to 51.50s fast (6 weeks). $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT


Oil, daily chart, moving averages, alert

Anyone remember this tweet from last September. Last time oil had 200 MA w 20 MA breach, price ripped 39.80s to 51.50s fast (6 weeks). $USOIL $WTI $CL_F #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT

Oil Chart (Daily) Price took a double upside rip extension since. FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

Oil, alert, results

Oil Chart (Daily) Price took a double upside rip extension since. FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OIL #OOTT

May 29 – Will update the alerts section soon.

May 21 – Will update the alerts section soon.

May 13 – Will update the alerts section soon.

April 29 – I will update the trade alerts on the next report when there is more time. The bottom line is that since last report the trades have been fantastic winners.

EPIC on fire, not quite 100% win rate, but close. Oil hit all 5 price targets from Friday alert. I left early so only got a piece of it. Alert- Long 67.73 scalp intra on FX $USOIL $WTI with 67.43 stop. PT 68.49. Trim at and add over res 67.85 68.07 68.14 @OilAlerts_CT

Oil hit all 5 price targets from Friday alert. I left early so only got a piece of it.

Oil, alert

Oil hit all 5 price targets from Friday alert. I left early so only got a piece of it.

Just noticed I accidentally put the short side trade alert on my personal twitter feed https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly/status/986147196658647040 … “Oil short side bias trade setup intra trading 66.47 with 66.20 target expiring btwn 230 and 630 AM ET. Tight stop SS initial alert. Unclear at this point.”

Trading 66.30 from 66.47 entry nearing 66.20 SS target – trim short bias

Trading 66.24 cover trim on way to target

There it is – 66.20 intra day short target reached – bias to all or near all cover here from 66.47 intra scalp alert.

Oil, trade, set-up, alert

Oil short side trade intra set-up on watch at top of quad.

Per recent;

“Oil is very near a quad trading range support area (gray) and lower quad time cycle peak. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT”

Fantastic #EIA trade near quad support, buy side steps in, first resistance hits, boom. Near perfect. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

EIA, oil, report, trade

Fantastic #EIA trade near quad support, buy side steps in, first resistance hits, boom. Near perfect. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

Oil is very near a quad trading range support area (gray) and lower quad time cycle peak. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

oil, live, trade, alerts

Oil is very near a quad trading range support area (gray) and lower quad time cycle peak. $USOIL $WTI $CL_F $USO $UWT $DWT #OOTT

The alert detail as it was posted on feed. Short side trade alert. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart Model FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Summary of short side trade alert. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart Model FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo https://www.tradingview.com/chart/USOIL/yi9JI683-Summary-of-short-side-trade-alert-EPIC-Oil-Algorithm-Chart-Model/ …

Recent Crude Oil Algorithm Price Target Hits:

July 2 – Target hits section will be updated soon.

Perfect price target hit Wed 1030 as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo #EIA

Perfect price target hit Wed 1030 as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo #EIA

Trade moving in to Wed 1030 PT as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Trade moving in to Wed 1030 PT as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Trade fell in to Tues 430 price target (early) and on track to Wed 1030 PT as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Trade fell in to Tues 430 price target (early) and on track to Wed 1030 PT as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Keep in mind that there are three price targets per week for down channel and up channel scenarios. Below are examples of targets hit to upside channel or down channel.

Price target hit for Tues 1030 #EIA as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

EPIC, oil, algorithm, price, targets

Price target hit for Tues 1030 #EIA as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Tues 430 price target hit as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

Price target, hit, EPIC, oil, Algorithm

Tues 430 price target hit as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm $USOIL $WTI #OIL #OOTT $UWT $DWT $USO

Tues Mar 13 430 #OIL perfect hit to price predict target as provided on prior wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

OIL, Algorithm, EPIC, price target

Tues Mar 13 430 #OIL perfect hit to price predict target as provided on prior wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Wed 1030 Mar 14 #EIA #OIL perfect hit to price predict target as provided on prior wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Oil, Algorithm, price, target, $WTI, USOIL

Wed 1030 Mar 14 #EIA #OIL perfect hit to price predict target as provided on prior wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Per recent;

Tues Mar 6 price target perfect hit to minute and penny as provided on prior weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Private Member Crude Oil Trading Room Server Screen shot of #EIA #OIL targets in play from wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Private Member Server Screen shot of #EIA #OIL targets in play from wknd report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL price target in play as provided on wknd report (Tues hit perfect). EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL price target in play as provided on wknd report (Tues hit perfect). EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL upper price target touch only and dumped in to lower target as provided on prior wknd report . EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL upper price target touch only and dumped in to lower target as provided on prior wknd report . EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL in to lower target as provided on prior wknd report . EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

#EIA #OIL in to lower target as provided on prior wknd report . EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Screen shot of price and time target hit as provided on report 5 days prior. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

oil, algorithm, price, target, EPIC

Screen shot of price and time target hit as provided on report 5 days prior. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Wed #EIA 1030 Feb 28 perfect hit to target at exact cent and minute as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

oil, algorithm, EIA, price, target

Wed #EIA 1030 Feb 28 perfect hit to target at exact cent and minute as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Tues 430 Feb 27 price time target perfect hit as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

$WTI, $USOIL, Algorithm, target

Tues 430 Feb 27 price time target perfect hit as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Fri Feb 23 price time target perfect hit as provided on report 5 days prior. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

oil, algorithm

Fri Feb 23 price time target perfect hit as provided on report 5 days prior. EPIC Oil Algorithm FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Per recent;

Oil Wed 1030 AM EIA report price target perfect hit, as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Wed, Algorithm, Price, Target, USOIL, WTI

Oil Wed 1030 AM EIA report price target perfect hit, as provided on weekend report. EPIC Oil Algorithm Chart FX $USOIL $WTI #OIL $USO $UWT $DWT $CL_F #OOTT #Algo

Oil Intra-Day Algo Trading Quadrants (white dotted lines):

Trading quadrants are simply support and resistance lines that can assist your intra-day trading – they are not alpha or primary support and resistance by any measure. Price action does however typically move more assertively when leaving a trading quadrant.

Indicator Methods:

As explained above, my algorithm is a consideration of up to fifty traditional indicators at any one time – each one given its own weight in accordance to its accuracy (win rate). This is how we establish the probability of specific targets hitting (we call them alpha algo targets).

Alpha Algo Targets, Algo Trend-lines, Algo Timing, Quadrants for Intra Snipes

Algo targets are the red circles – they correspond with important times each week in oil reporting land. Tuesday 4:30 PM, Wednesday 10:30 AM and Friday at 1:00 PM. The red dotted diagonal lines are the algo trend-lines. And the vertical dotted (red or green) are marking the important times each week. You will find that the price of crude will hit one of the alpha algo targets about 90% of the time. In the absence of market direction the machines take price to the next algo line and/or target. Understanding how the price of crude reacts to the algos and how they move price from target to target is critical for intra-day and swing trading crude oil and associated instruments.

You will notice that price action of crude will use these algo trend-lines and act as support and resistance, and that price also often violently moves when an alpha algo line is breached either upward or downward.

We cover this in much more detail in the member updates, trading room. A review of my Twitter feed and previous blog posts will help you understand the relation of these indicators. We will start posting video blogs (for my subscribers) on YouTube (in addition to my daily blog posts) for swing traders that work during regular trading hours.

Also… we will cover how to establish algo trend-lines and price targets future forward (as you have seen me do on my Twitter feed for some time now).


See you in the live trade room! And again, if you struggle to know how to use these indicators as a trader’s edge, it is recommended (if you have earnestly reviewed all of our documentation first) that you obtain private coaching prior to trading a real account with real money – we recommend you use a paper trading account at first.

You can also send specific questions to our email inbox at [email protected] – if you do this be sure to ask a specific question so it can be answered specifically. When the 24 hour oil trading room opens you will have ample opportunity in that 24 hour room to ask questions also.

Watch my EPIC the Oil Algo Twitter feed for intra day notices and your email in box for member only material intra day also.

EPIC the Oil Algo

Subscribe to my Service here:

Standalone Oil Algorithm Newsletter (member charting sent out weekly).

Real-Time Oil Trading Alerts (Private Twitter feed).

Oil Trading Room Bundle (includes weekly newsletter charting and real-time trading alerts on Twitter).

Commercial / Institutional Multi User License (for professional trading groups).

One-on-One Trade Coaching (Via Skype or in person).

Temporary Discount Offers:

30% Off Oil Newsletter: Use Promo Coupon Code “epic30” When Subscribing to our Weekly Oil Newsletter Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/standalone-epic-newsletter/ (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

30% Off Oil Alerts: Use Promo Coupon Code “oilalerts30” for Real-Time Oil Trade Alerts via Private Twitter Feed @OilAlerts_CT Here: https://compoundtrading.com/product/live-oil-trading-alerts/?attribute_plan=One+Month (cancel anytime, for new members only to trial the service).

Click here to find all information and pricing on Oil Newsletter, Trading Chat Room, Oil Alerts and more.


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Lead Trader: https://twitter.com/curtmelonopoly

Tradingview: https://www.tradingview.com/u/curtmel…

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Curtis Melonopoly (@curtmelonopoly) is rated Top 250 Stock exchanges authority, covering also Mathematical finance and Economy of the United States


Article topics: EPIC, Oil, Algorithm, Trading, Crude, Trading Room, Alerts, Signals, Chart, $USOIL, $WTI, $USO, $UCO, $CL_F, $UWT, $DWT